The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 16, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus A.KT13 id-a-iXj~sr Ai* Enquirer. . CALHOUN, {pSomRetob!} COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1874. YOL. XVI—NO. 140. terms OP THE LY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY BlfQUXXillli. ye months in wIymmw $8 00 month*, ** * 00 months, '* 2 00 month, u rr,o. -LT Eh<juibbb, one ye»r 2 00 ay Enquisib, one ye.r 2 A0 ay end Wxxklt Enquibeb to- thor, one year 8 00 AdYMlItte, Mm. «k, D.uj,.......;. • * l “ • « I!*.*.!!.*!*.*.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.’ c50 nth, “ 8 (K) •• “ la 00 •* “ 17 00 « “ ‘JO 00 •• “ 22 50 *« “ 26 00 rare 1 year 42 00 a above fa with tho privilege of a change ry tliroo moutha. Foi yearly card* a liboral (hi nt will be made. ho Weekly rate* will Invariably be one-third p Dully. jen an advertiaoment la chadged more than a in throe montha th* advertiser will l>e charg- with the coat of composition. Foreign advor- a uinat pav aa do those at home. GEOBGKA NEWS. —Atlanta has reoaived 55,187 bales of tton this season. —The first new wheat has been sold in -me at $1.50 por bushel. —Liberty oounty has organized a Coun ty Oonrt. Hon. John L. Harden is Judge by Executive appointment. —Three ladies were divorced from their htubinds by decrees of the Superior 3ourt of Fulton oounty on Friday. —Two little children—a boy and a girl . f Mr. P. Kraus* were drowned at e jyl inland, a few days ago, while a league putty were enjoying themselves i the island. —A man named Deaton was badly cut th a knifo by another named Bennett, a difficulty betweeu them at Flowery neb, on the Air-Line Railroad, on ursday. —Thomas county has up to this time ipped over forty thousand bushels of rn to Middle and South Georgia and orida, and fifteen thousand -bushels of “Is, mostly for seed -The Supremo Court in the case of -cry Jackson (colored), convicted of order in Lee county, bus granted a writ maudaum*, compelling the Judge of ) Superior Oonrt to certify to the bill of exceptions. —A horse driven with a buggy by Lieut. Walton, near Augusta, becomiug sulky, reared and felPbaokwards, breaking off one of the shafts, which entered his side to the depth of about a foot, killing him in a few micutes. -The Houston Home Journal report crops in its county very much improved by the late raius, corn and cotton both doing woll and promising good crops. The Journal only regrets that more small grain was not plunted. -Mr. Houser, the defaulting Tax Col lector of Houston county, has been bound over on a charge of larceny after trust. The Journal Rays that his securities are good for the deficit; also, that people do not believe that Housdr was iutentiou&lly ‘ honest. —The Telegraph says that the Macon anufaoturiug Company are making ar- ngements to materially increase the oduots of their cotton mill. They have rdered machinery for the manufacture of ~po, twine, and the coarser warps. -The Guthbert Appeal is authority for e statement that a toad weighing nine ounds, and measuring nearly a foot roHs the back, was released from a long prisonment by the upturning of an old ump in a field in Randolph county, last eek. —A gentleman late from Summerville, O., informs the Cuthbert Appeal that oster Blodgett is living there in^seulu- iou, coutemmed by all good men ; also * at he is in straightened oironmstances, used by his having loaned Gov. Moses me $40,000. —Governor Smith has declined to order •n encampment of the volunteer compa nies of the State at Atlanta, or elsewhere, bat says that should all or auy portion of them wish to have suoh an enoampment, it would give him pleasure to consent aud to do all iu his power to make the occa sion a pleasant one. —The Atlanta Constitution of Sunday says: “Executive orders have been is- ; sued in the last thirty days for the elec tion of officers for twenty-fonr volunteer [companies. The Union Blues (oolored), at Thomasvillo were yesterday authorized |to elect officers.” -The dam of BeeU's Mill, on Cabin creek iu Spauldiug county, broke on | Wednesday last, and the waters overflowed large extent of battun lands, badly damagiog the crops. The loss iu crops (find fences u estimated at at least $10,000. »loss of life. —A man named John Angle has been irreste 1 and uomuaitted to jail at Rome on i charge of attfetapting a rape on his own daughter! Iu his oaso, it is very dertaio, the exolAmation drawn from the invading Roman soldiers by the fairness of the old .English people—“Non Angli, sed Angeli fuerunt — cannot be repeated. —The Atlanta Constitution says Gov ernor Smith “has ordered an election At Macon for Major of the Seoond Georgia battalion, which is to be composed of the Maoon Volunteers, the Floyd Uifies, the Macon Volunteers Company B, aud such other companies as mAy hereafter be thereto assigned.” —The Quitman Reporter says tin ne groes of that place have a secret organi zation that “positively prohibits its mem bers from aiding, either directly or indi rectly, the while people in extinguishing firo in case of a conflagration, and direc:s that they shall stand aloof aud lend uo assistance whatever to save the property of a white man from destruction !” -r-The Atlanta Herald says a little boy named Branch, whose father is a mail agent on the State road, foil from a mail car on that road on Wednesday, while the train was ruouing at the rate of sixteen miles an hour, und was only slightly braised. ALABAMA NEWS* —Daring a thunder storm near Opo- lika, on Thursday last, three calves were killed and two others injured by light ning, on Captain Jeter’s place. —Some of the energetio men of Mobile have taken measures to establish a cotton factory of large proportions, and propose to do it by fixing the stock at twenty-five dollars a share. —Three little ohildren of Mr. William Cook, of Blount county, feU into an old well in bin yard, on the 11th instant, and were all drowned. They were all girla, the eldest six yean old. The Montgomery State Journal learn* that the remaioa of Biahop Cobb will be exhnmed next week and then reinterred in a suitable piaofo and a beautiful monu ment will be erected over hie retting place. • WASHINGTON. COMOBEMIOHAL. Heme. Washington, June 15.—The Confer- ference report on the Freedman’s bill haa been agreed to in both Houses. The business is to be continued with eertaio restrictions aa to the securities for loans, and with a provision that all new depos its up to July, 1875, s^all be held as spe cial deposits, invested for Ike benefit of the special depositors. Sundry civil bill amendments were agreed to—abolishing the Civil Servioe Commission, and requiring heeds of Ex ecutive departments to make appoint ments on the gronnd of honesty, effi ciency and fidelity, aod to apportion them among the several Congressional Dis tricts. The bill on Civil Appropriation was passed. The items of $50,000 for the light ship on the ooast of Virginia, end $40,000 for the light bouse at Mathias Point, Va., was restored. The amendment repealing the law for the Civil Service Commission, and direct ing the appointments to be made propor tionately from the several Congressional Districts, preference to be given to sol diers and sailors and their female-rela tives, was agreed to in the House. The House bill appropriating $500,000 for the relief of the sufferers by the Mis sissippi river inundation, was unanimous ly agreed to by the oommittee, who re ported back, and recommended the pas sage of the bill. Seaate. Tbe Senate is considering bills from the Judiciary Committee. 'Ihe Geneva award bill goes to a con ference committee. The bill providing write of error in cer tain criminal cases was passed. The Judiciary Committee reported a substitute for the House bill regnlating the removal of esuses from tbe State couits to the Cirouit Courts of the United States. Thurman moved to strike oat the llth section of the bill, which authorizes sec- vice of process upon the agent of a de fendant in any civil suit not referring to real estate. Rejected—10 to 40. A motion that the seotion should not apply to actions for libel or slander was rejected—20 to 28. Tbe bill strikes a blow at the liberties of the press. Carpenter opposed the amendment, and said that nnder tbe present law a man could follow another into any State and sue him in the 8tat* courts. This bill ooly proposed to confer a similar juris diction on the United States courts in districts where the principal or his agent resided. An amendment of Hager was rejected. Tbe bill was then read the third time and passed—yeas 33, nays 22. Wright, from tbe Judiciary Committee, reported favorably on tbe bill relating to tbe courts of the United States in Ala bama. Placed on calendar. A resolution instructing tbe Committee en Appropriations to report an amoud meat to tbe River and Harbor bill for tbe survey of the route* recommended by tbe Transportation Committee, was passed by a vote of 42 to G. No Execntive session. Appropriations for the Levees Messrs. Hebert, Longatreet, Thompson, Sanridge aud Forsbey were before the Senate Committee ou Levees this morn ing Tbe committee authorized the chairman, Senator Aloorn, to report bill appropriating $2,000,000 for levees purposes, to be thus distributed: Louisi ana $1,000,000, Mississippi $500,000, Arkansas $500,000. Xoiuiuntioua. Frank Huderhoff, Collector of Customs nt Pearl River; John G. Good love, Col lector of Customs at Mobile. CRIMINALS HOLDING MOUTH CAROLINA OFFICES. New York, June 15.—A letter to the Times, from Charleston, says from the official records of tbe prosecuting attor neys of the different circuits in South Carolina, it will be seen that one-third of tbe number of persons bolding minor posi tions have bean indicted for some offeuse committed during their term of office, and a much larger proportion is charged with crimes of various kinds, prior to their election or appointment. Among the case* cited by the Times is that of llichnrd H. Cain, Congressman at Large, who is charged with fraudulent transactions, bat ban not been prosecuted FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Tfce PntaUe Civil W*> !■ Fr MARKETS. ■T TELEGRAPH TO ENRUIRER. i the WESTERN CROP RETURNS. Indianapolis, June 15.—The special returns in relation to the tobacco crop in Kentucky, Southern Ohio, Indiana aud Tenne8jee are snob as to make the out look a very bad one. Aside from the late frost, the bug, fly and other inseots have been very destructive. No transplanting had been done up to Jane 1st, the gronnd being too dry. It seems to be the general opiuion of growers and dealers that the prospects are in favor of not more than one-balf to two-thirds of last year's erop. Muoh damage is reported done by the po- tota bug, which is increasing in numbers. But little damage is reported as done by the chinch bug, and no extensive destruc tion by grasshoppers. Fean tf the Gehlsf Vat* I Assembly. London, Jane 15.—'The Paris corres pondent of the Times telegraphs that the vote in tbe Assembly for and against the Left Centre’s constitutional bill to-day will be about equal in nnmber ; or sixty members of the Right Centre are unde cided. If the minor that these deputies will absent themselves from votiQg is true, the Left Centre will probably be successful in their proposed bill, whioh bat three articles. The first provides that the Government shall consist of a Senate and Chamber of Representatives, and President of tbe Repnblio ; The second confirms Marshal MaoMa- hon's Presidency nntil 1880 ; and The third provides for a partial or total revision of the censure by sneh a consti tutional bill as may be hereafter sub mitted. Gevers«est Aellve-Caeeafaae will Only Fight Gambetta. Pabis, June 14.—Much anxiety in re gard to the result of to-morrow’s sitting of the Assembly prevails among all classes. Clemenoe has again challenged Cassag- nao for insinuating that he was a coward and acted diahonorably, and proposes a dnel between ten Republican and ten Bo- napartist Deputies. Cassagnac replies, contemptuously, that he will fight nobody bat Gambetta, and that the Bonapartist Deputies cannot ac cept the oballenge. The Government has taken vigorous steps for suppressing both the Bonapsrt- ist and Radioal agitations. Iq tbe bar racks the police have dosed tbe oafe opened on the Boulevard Horseman be cause it was a rendezvous for the Bona- partists. ENGLAND. Gladatoae U Head a Party Church Questlwa. London, Jane 15.—The Post says that the Pnblio Worship Regulation bill, now before Parliament, which is intended to restrain the Ritualists, threatens to lead to a coalition of the High Church clergy and Liberals, whioh msj result in an at tempt to replaoe the present members for Oxford University with Mr. Gladstone and Rt. Hon. Mountain Bernard. Gladstone heads the opposition to tbe bill. Gwod Crops la Isdla. A dispatch from India reports crops good. GERMANY. Doings of the Federal Connell. London, June 15.—Tbe Times' official telegram from Berlin gives an explioit oontradiotion to the dispatch from that oity on Friday last, which said that the Federal Council of State bad voted to ex tend to all the States of the Empire a new Prussian law for the civil registration of births, deaths and marriages. It is stated, on the oontrary, that the Federal Connoil really rejected the bill, on the grounds that its provisions are not in harmony .with the legislation of the dif ferent States. The Counoil, however, adopted a reso lution inviting Bismarok, as Ohanoellor,to prepare a new bill, with provisions that would be applicable to tbe whole of the Empire. The Bratllflnn Cable, London, June 15.—Tbe steamship Af rica is now making a final splice of the Brazilian cable, near Maderia. Captain Halpine, commander of the expedition, hopes to have tbe work completed by the 21at inst. All going well. SPAIN. Carl 1st Officers ghat. Madbid, June 15.—It is reported that eighteen Carlist officers have been shot at Tobosa, by orders of Don Carlos for mutiny. RACING AT BOUTON. Boston, Jnne 14.—The raoe over Beacon Park occurred according to ■the following summary: Purse $2,000, mile heats, best 8 iu 5. Amerioan Girl trotted in harness 3—1—1—1; Lncitte Gold Dust trotted under saddle 1—2— 2—2; Copper Bottom paced in harness 2—3, distanced. Time 2:27, 2:25$, 2:27$, 2:23. BRAWLS AND MURDERS. New York, June 15.—Saturday night, dariog a drunken brawl in Eleventh ave nue, Patriok Prior shot aud fatally wound- ed Michael Dougherty. Margaret Watson, aged forty, was fatal, ly stabbed in a tenement house by her husband coming homo drunk. MTARLEM AND FOURTEEN HORMEA burned. PanoTon, Mass., June 15.—Tbe stables of the Bristol County Agricultural Socie ty were burned on Saturday night, with fourteen horses, mostly trotting stook, there for training. Loss $50,000. MTEAMER SUNK. San Fbancmco, June 15.—Tbe steamer Prince Alfred, from Victoria to this point, sunk six miles north of this harbor. The passeugers and mail were saved. RETURN OF EX-FBEMIDENT DA VIM New York, June 15.—Mr. Davis has arrived and left for Tennessee. ■m*f aid Iteek larheti. London, Jane 15.—Consols 92}*}. Nxw York, Jane 15.—Stocks dull and lower. Money 2 per cent. Gold 10}. Exchange—long 488$, ehort 400. Gov ernments active and strong. State bond* qniet and nominal. Nxw York, Jane 15.—Money easy at 2a8 per cent. Sterling firmer at 8$. Gold 1101*1 11. Governments doll aud steady. State bonds qniet and nominal. Pravle|en Markets. Nxw York, Jane 15.—Flour doll and drooping. Wheat qniet and heavy. Corn dull. Pork steady; mess $18. Lard steady; steam ll}all-16. Cattoa Markets. Liverpool, June 15—Noon.—Ooltoa qniet and unchanged; sale# 12,000 bales, including 2,000 for speculation and ex port. Sales of uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in Jane and July, 8 5-16.J 2 p. M.—Sales of uplands nothing be low good ordinary, deliverable in Jane, 8$; do., deliverable in July and Au gust, 8f. Liverpool, June 15—5 p. if.—Cotton —sales of nplands nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in Jnne and July, 8$; do., nothing below low middlings, deliverable in August and September, 8$. Nxw York, June 13 — Cotton qniet; sales 704 bales; nplands 18o., Orleans Futures opened qniet and easy: June 17 bid; July 17$*}: August 17}o3-16; September 17$af. Nxw Yobk, Jnne 15.—Fntures olosed steady; sales 17,900bales as follows: Jnne 17$*3-16; July 17 9-1G; August 17 9-32a 11-16; September 17 7-32*9-16; October 17$*9 32. November 17$; December 17$. Cotton qniet; sales 382 bales at 18$; net receipts 106. Nxw Orleans, Jnne 15.—Cotton qniet; middlings 17$; low middlings 16$; good ordinary 15; ordinary 12$; net receipts 1,443; exports to Great Britain 8,463; sales 5,700—last evening 3,000. Charleston, Jnne 15.—Dull; mid dling 17 ; receipts 269; sales 25. Augusta, June 15.—Dull; middlings 16$; net receipts 39; sales 164. Mobile, June 15.—Irregular; net re ceipts 81; exports to continent 800; sales 100—last evening 90. Savannah, June 15 —Cotton nominal middlings 16}; net receipts 333; sales 8; stock 13,157. Memphis, Jnne 15.—Dull and easier ; low middlings 16$U6$o. ; receipts 375 bales ; shipments 1001 f Galveston, June 15.—Nominal; good ordinary 15$o. ; net receipts 107 bales. Boston, Jane 15.—Quiet; middlings 18fo. ; receipts 78 bales ; sales 200. RAILROADS. NOTICE. Ofpic« Morils & Girard Railroad, ) Oolumbue, Ga., Jana 1,1874. \ A meeting or the Stockholder* ot the Mobile and Girard Railroad Company will be held at the depot In Girard, Ala., on Wednesday, Ju ly let, at 1114 o’clock a. m., when an election for President and six Directors will take place. Stockholders with their families will he pars ed tree, oouiiog within two days of meeting and returning within live da?a altar. Certificates of Stock must be exhibited to the oonduotor by a stockholder and certificate of stock and written proxy must ha shown to en title a proxy to pass free, jet—td J. M. FRAZER, Sec’y^ NOTICK. Columbus, G a., June a, 4 FT RK tliU date tho following rates will he charged: itumbua to Union Springs—5th class 37 cents, Columbus to Noe. 9 end 10—6th cbm 43o, Otli class 30c, 7tb clsss 23c ¥l 100 !h. Co’umbus to Troy—5th class 44c, Oth class 32c, 7th class 26c » 100 ft. J»:t lw J. M. FRAZER, Agent. flPA7TT T ’fl BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP! All entaneou) eruptions on tbe faoe or body in dicate AN IMPURE CONDITION OF TIIK BLOOD and this may, or may not, be Scrofula; but in either case the disease is nothing more than an in sidious poison that Burnt Lika a Terrible Fire, as it courses through the veins, sowing seeds of death with every pulsation. In this condition of things something in needed at once to cleanse the blood ; and Soovill’a Blood and Liver Syrup will positively effect this desideratum, expelling every trace of disease from the blood and system, and loaving the skin SOFT, FAIR AND JUSAUTIFUL. Hundreds of certificates attest its value. Price $1 per bottle. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN A CO., Prop'rs, 8 and 9 College Place, Now York. ALSO PROPRIRTORS OF Hall's balsam for tho Lungs, Carbolic Salve, Bdey’s Carbolic Troches, Oxygenated Bitters for Dyspepsia, Dr. Mott’s Liver Pills, Dr. Rogers’ Vegetable Worm Syrup, Dr. Benuett’s burn Death to Rats, Mice, aud Vermin, Russian Hair Dye, Etc., EtO. For sale by all Druggists. my!7 wlm CENTRAL RAILROAD. Gixuul Sup** ixtshdiht’s Ornca, 1 Cbntbal Railroad. 8avaxnau, November 1, 1873. J _ ger Railroad, its Branches aud Connections, as follows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Fav inmtli.... Leave Augusta Arrive in Augusta.. Arrive in Milledgeville Arrive in Katonton Arrive in Macon Leave Macon for Colnmbuv Leave Macon for Ku aula Loavo Macon for Atlanta Arrive at Columbus Arrivo at Eufaulaf Arrive at Atlanta COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlanta Leave Co uni bus Leave Kufaula Arrive at Macon from Atlauta Arrivo at Macon from loluuibiiH Arrive at Macon from Kulaula.. 4:00 r 10:00 p 11:55 r GROCERIES. Leave Macon Leave Augusta Align >t«.... , 7:lo a !t:05 a Arrive m Arrive at Savanuah TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Savann ih 7:30 p b«.*ve Augusta. 8 05 p Arrive in Augusta 6:65 a Arrive in Macou 8 20 a Leave Macou for Colmniiu* 9:v!0 a Leave Macon for Kulaula 9.06 a Leave Ma< on for Atl inta 9:10 a Arrive Id Columbus. 0:36 p Arrive iu Kufaula...’ 5:40 p Arrive in Atlanta 6:48 p COMING SOUTH AND BAST. Leave Atlanta 7:00 a Leave Columbus 2:30 p Leave Kufaula 8:50 a Arrive iu Macon from Atlanta 3:4o p Arrive iu Macon from iolitinbiie 7:25 p Arrive iu Macun from kufaula 6:i0p Leave Macen 7:35 p Arrive iu Milledgotillp 10.09 p Arrive in Augusta 6 65 a n Arrive in Savannah 7:16 a m Train No. 2, being a through traiu ou the Cen tral Railroad, stopping only at whole stations, passengers for half stations cannot bo taken or put off. PasseugerS for Mllledgevllie aud Eatonlou will take train No. 1 fr->m Savannah aud Augusta, und train No. 2 from paints on the Southwestern Rail roud Atlanta aud Macju. The Milledguviilo aud Eat <nton train runs daily, SuudHy* except'd. WILLIAM ROGERS, my20 tf Qeuoral 8up.<riuteudrut THE WHOLESALE Grocery House -OF- J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 10 Broad at., Columbus, Ga., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON SAND A BO IT 100,000 pounSi Baosn. BOO barrala Flour. From 100 to 200 barrali fugar. 100 bagi Coffee. From 100 to 200 berrele Syrup. 200 berrele Whltkey. 200 boxee Tobeooo. BOO “ Soep. 200 “ Cendlee. 100 berrele Lerd. 80 “ Mackerel. BOO eaoke Salt. BOtlcroee Sloe. S00 ream* Wrapping Paper. 100 octet Potath. 100 “ Sardinet. 100 “ Oyttera. 100 “ Pieklei. 100 boxet Candy. 100 11 Staroh. lOO gross Parlor Matches. 1,000 pounds LovilUrd’a Snuff. 90,000 Cigars. 1,000 pounda Greeu and Black Tea. 200 bags of Shot. lOO boxes Moda and Fancy Cracker*. lOO “ Cheese In oeaaon. 00 barrels Vinegar. 30 casks Scotch Ale. 100 dosen Wooden duckets. 100 dosen Brooms. Aud evorythiug in tho Urocory line, which they offer to tlio trado by tho package, us low aa any othor Jobbiug House in the UultO't States, aprltt Otu J. A J KAUFMAN. JAMES LEFFEL'S iki'hoved ooiiii.i: Turbine Water Wheel. POOLE A HUNT, Baltimore, Maxupactueim for tiir Boutii aku Southwest. >e. working under heads 240 feet! 24 sixeA, from to 9‘t inches. The most powerful Wheel in the Market, and mo t ecoiioimcal iu use of Water. . tt'ge Illustrated Pamphlet seat post free. MA.VUPACTUKXKS, also, OP Portable aud Stationary Etoaiu Engines and Boil ers, Babcock A Wiicox Patent 'iuhtilous Boilor, Ehaiigh’s Crusher for Minerals, Saw and Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery, Mnrhiuery foi White i.oad Works and Oil Mills, Him tii-g, Pul leys aud Hang-rs. SS* Bend lor circulars. tnu3 wflrn_ A Valuable Plantation FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale tho valuable place known os the HILL PLANTATION, on Flint river, throe miles north of Everett’s Station, Houthwe*teru Railroad. Tho entire place, containing al out 6,3 iO acres, will b- sold on exceedingly favorable terms. I will sell, if desired, tho Jones place separate. This place contains 1,3'RI ucros, — * *•— recently put The levees on th • place have been l in onlor. Better or more productive tund< a found this side of the Mississippi. healthy. THE WEATHER. Dir ABTMXNT OF WIX, I W.SHINOTON, June 15, 1874.) ProbabiUtia.—For tb. South Atlantic and Golf States, claxr and pleasant weather, with aonth to aouthwMt wind*. not in he _ ... ... Location . Fine settlements on the p'aco. Mr. Wooldridge, ou the plantation, will show tbe place to any ono desirous of looking. T. E. BLANCHARD, mblT wtf _ Columbus, Oa. Bankruptcy Notice. In the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) WILLIAM U. BROWN, > In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. j T HIS is to give notice that I have been appoint ed Assignee of William B. Brown, of M gee county, who ’ * hie own petition. je4 paw3t i been dec la rad a bankrupt« Western Railroad of Alabama. 54* HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME ! Choice of Two Routes. York and Now Ortons Kail Line. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, COLUMBUS, Oa., April 24th, 1874. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Montgomery and Selma, l:(K) a. m. Arrive at Montg’y, * • 8:45 a m. Arrive at Selma, 11:04 a.m. FOR ATLANTA AND NEW YORK At 10:40 a. m. Arrive Opelika at 12:27 p. in. At Atlauta 6:42 p. m. By Atlanta and Hiohmond Air-Line. Leave Atlanta 8:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE 8:35 ., Danville 3:27 p. in., Richmond 11:05 p. m. A rive at Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 8:30 u, at Philadelphia 1:30 p m., at NEW YORK 6:15 ■» K.nneiaw Rout.. Leave Atlanta 8:09 p. tn., I'aIIoo 10:28 p. in Bristol 10:46 a. in.. J.ynchbuig 10.46 p hi. Arriv Washington 8:45 u. in., at Baltimore 9 15 u. m at Philadalphia 1:30 p. m . at NEW YORK 6:16 Sleeping cars .run from Atlauta to Lyuchhurg TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta and New York, 6:24 a. % From Montgomery and Selma 2:30 p. > Tickets for sale at Uniou I’asseuger Dnjiot. Cl!AS. P. BALL, General Snp’t R. A. BACON, Agent 'apr26tf Musoogse Sheriff Sale. W ILL bo sold on the first Tuesday In July nest, between the legal hours of sale, in undivided iahreet in lot of land No. *17 in the loth dietriefc of Museogee, contain ing SQ2H *cree, More or less, as the property or J W Hiwardb, to satisfy a fl fa issued front Musco gee Superior Coart In favor of Jullctt McDauiul, n J W Edwards. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Aleo, at tame time and place, weet half of lot No. 241, cnataining 101^4 scree, earns being in the 8th district of Muscogee oounty. Levied i>u as the property ol Wut T _Wyun«*, to satLty a fl Rt • >r Couit iu f.tvor of _ »e. Property point ed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, at sasie time aud place, one hnndreu and three (103) serve of load, being parts of lota Nos. and 91, lying In the Coweta Mvai-rvo. levied as the property of Isaac T Brook i, to eatisiy a fl fit issued by the Comptroller General of tho State of Georgta, im fhvor of State of Georgia, vs Isaac T Brooks. Property pointed out by plaintiff's aturney. 147 feet 10 Inches. Levied on as the property of Mrs R M Aldworth, to satisfy a fl fa issued from Muscogee Superior Court, iu favor of Uenry F. Everett vs Mrs E M Aldworth. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Alar, at same tine aid place, lot of land No 61, in the 9th district of Mnsoogoe coant), containing 992^1 acres, more or lees. Levied upon as the property of Nathaniel Thompson to satisfy a fl fa issued from Must ogee Superior Court iu favor of C M Smith ve Nathaniel Thompson. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, at same lima and place, lot of land In the city ot Columbne altoated ou the corner of Ogle thorpe and Enran atresia. No 81, bounded west and south by toe walla of John Diabrow’a livery stables. Levied on to satisfy two fl fks In my hands from Mas cogee County Court, in favor of John 0 Moles, administrator, vs 0 J Henning, administrator, Ac. “ — 4 * “ “ ‘leaning. Ja* td Property pointed ont by S J U.q.EVEY, Sheriff. POSTPONED Musoogse 8herlff 8sle. shares of stock in the Muscogee Home Building, and a Ilka interest in the land on which the same stands, aa the property of John L. Mustulu. Also, city lot No, 227, end improve ments thereon, as tbe property of Seaborn Jonrs, deceased. Bold to satisfy a II la issued Imn Mus cogee Superior Oenrt. in favor of Samuel M. Car ter, executor of Parian Carter, deceased, ugsinst deceased, James W. Property pointed ont by defendants. JoO wit ■* " *• Scab'll U. G. IVEY, Sheriff. Sheriff’s 8ale for Tsx. . . next, between the legal hours of sale, in front of Ellis A Harrison's auction house, the fol lowing property, t»-w!t.: North half or lot No. 601, In the cltv of Colum bus, and county of Mnsoogee, i U.O. IVEY, Sheriff. BEST RIO COFFEE 33>4o %t lb. Roasted Rio Coffee, 40c B>. New Orleans Extra A Sugar 14c tp lb. New Orleans Yellow Clarified Fugar 12j^c. Extra Sugar-Cured Hams. Choice Sugar-cured Shoulders. Mild Cured White Meat. Pure Apple and Wine Vinegar, 60c ^ gal. St. Louis Poarl Gritw. Fresh Turkish Prunes, 10%c * lb. New Currants, 12>^c. Borders’ Fugle Milk. KiOKur-r I Silver (Hass Starch. Best ‘|*i tlity I utindry uti.I T diet Soaps. Pure Whito Keros.-.»o Oil, 4<)c gallon. ROB’T S. CRANE, mylO [febl dflroj Trustee. H. F. ABELL & CO. JUdT HXOUlVKb. Old Gov’m’t Java and Mooha Coffee, Gunpowder and Young Hy,on Toe, Breakfaat and Japan Tea, Canton Ginger Preaervet, Caper* and Sauce, of all kind,, Italian Salad Oil, Rye Flour and Oat Maal, Imported Wines and Cigar,, Goihan Butter, Beef Tongues, Magnolia Ham, and Dried Beef, Mazeppa Flour end Grit,, Graham Flour and Wheat Grits, Sugar, all grade, and price*. my*8tf F, A. FOMKKO Y, AT BOOIIBlt’tt COHNKH, CALLS A1TKNT10S TO Choloa White Shad, “ Fra*h Bay Fish, “ Mobile Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Rib* and Backbone!. A Choice Lot of Fresh Crsckers, Sugar Jumbles, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, Ac. Apples, Onions, Potstoes A Turnips. Also usual Family Supplies and Fancy Groceries ou hand. Mr. T. C. I'RIDGKN will to found at the t er and will be pleas' d to wait on bis former ciuiers and friends. The patrouugu of tbe public is ‘espoctfblly solicited. fsl'"*’ NOTICK. Ira* iniuTnl! Orrics Mobile A Girard Railroad, i Coluiubus, April 16,1874. j |N AND AFTER APRIL IfiTII, tbe Passenger Leave Troy Arrive at Columbus, aprlfl 2w 10:30 a. m. W. L. CLaHK, Sup’t. DltUCS AND MEDICINES. J. I. GHIFFIN, IMPORTED PERFUME AND FANCY GOODS, AT BKDVCED PIICZS. BOOT8 AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! “Tho buds are beginning to swell.” Likewise our stock is beginning to swell WITH LARGE ADDITIONS OF SEASONABLE COODSI rosTroNxo Musoogse Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday In July next, between the legal hours of rale, before the auction houae of Rllla A Harrison. Broad street, Columbus, Ga., thn following described property, to-wit: South part of etty lot No. 146, with the im provements thereon, fronting 73 feet and 8 iuclies Oglethorpe attest, and running back 147 feet i 10 inches. Lovled on as the property of Mrs. W. R. Skinner, to satisfy a fl fa Usnvd out of Mus cogee County Court ia favor of R. R. Uoctchlus A Co. vs. Mrs. W. K. Skinner. Property pointed out by plaintiffs’ attorn#/. IrS td H Q. I VET, Sheriff. POSTPONED Musoogse 8hsriff Sale. U71LL be sold on the first Tuesday in July W next, between the legal hours of sole, be fore the auction house ef Ellis k llarrison. Broad street, Columbne, Ga., the following duscri. td property, to-wlt: The Columbne Steam Planing Mills, situkied on lot 240 and that part of lot 2->9, in tbe city of Co lumbus, Ga., together with tbe Machinery belong ing to said mills. Levied on aa the property of it. K. Goetchlus and R. II. England, suivIvum to rat- iuly a II. fs Issued (tom Muscogee Superior Court in favor of Mary llodges. Administratrix, va. said Gootchius k England. Property pointed ont in •ai l fl fa. Ji-6 w4t 11. O. IVEY, Sheriff. Musoogse Sheriff Sale. W nexi, uetween <ne legal noure oi sate, in front of Ellis k Harrison's auction hous-*, Broad street, Columbus, Ga., the following d<-scrib«d J* Davi . as the City llill property; i«mi also flvu mill stones and mill mschim ry, uud a iinn-half interest In 186 sacks of corn, 1* U bindiHN uihk. n. ii.rwyiei. LiI-tku as the property of W. L Stapler, to eat inly said II la in favor of 8. J. Homing. Propeity pointed ont by plaintiff's attorney. H.Q. IVEY,' lieriff. n EORGIA — MU8COOBK COUNTY.- William ’ ship having applied for Li tters of n de bonis nou on the estate of i beck, doc'd j These are, therefore, to olte and admonish all should not be granted. Given under my ofloiol signature, this Juuo 6th, 1874. F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. administration on the estate of Martha A. Halliu- heck, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite aud adm stiah all and singular, the kiadrod aud creditors of eaid deceased, to ahow cause (if any they have) within time prescribed by law, why said letters Jcfl w4f F. M. BOOKS, Ordinary. flBOROIA—MU8COQHB COUNTY.—John Dodd having applied for letter* of administration ou the estate of Patrick Houlihan, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all. and singular, the kindred and credi ors of said deceased, to show cause (if any they have; within oft—1 F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. Joeeph W. Woolfolk, deceased, having applied lor letters of dismission from said administration ; These aro, therefore, lo cite all persons c why letters of dismission should not be gri:i said applicant. Given under my hand and ofllc al signature, this April 4th, 1874. apr5 onw3m F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. DIAMOND IFECTACLEII AI1 goods guaranteed. * folly prepared at all hours. JolS doodswly “ Prescriptions care J. I. GIUFFIN, 100 Brood 81. black aud in colors m at aud subdtautlal work for school wear. We have all tho favorite styles for M<-u's Wear iu host band-sewed, and in cheaper grades of work, all guaranteed reliable. OUR STOCK OF Brogans, Plow Shoes, and all other Staple Goods for tbe wants of the people, is unexcelled. Wo are woll supplied with Leather and Flndlnss, and can offer inducements to all cIoshc-b of buyers N. B.—Wo pay the highest market price for Dry Mides. WELLS & CURTIS, .... 73 Broad Street. These Spectacle* are manufactured from “Min ute Crystal Pebble*" melted together, aud are called Diamond on acoobut of their hardoods aud brilliancy. Having been tested with the polariscope, the diamond lanes* have been found to admit fifteen For sale by responsible agents in every city iu the U W°ITTI0IT k KTNSKL, Jewelers and Opticians, are sole agents for Columbus, Oa., from v u — *