The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 20, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus .AJSTID ■V JD-&.IJLTXr Enquirer. . CALHOUN, { EDITOR AND) PROPRIETOR./ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1874. YOL. XVI.—NO. 144. terms or THB Y, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY EICQUXRBR- months, in ndranoe $8 00 onths, “ * 00 months, ** 2 00 month, “ 75c. Lr Enquibeb, one year 2 00 ay Enquibeb, one year 2 50 at end Weekly Enquibeb to- 8 00 ther, one yeer.. AdverttitBf Rates. ek, Daily, * $ 3 00 “ 5 00 G 5(1 nth, “ r 8 00 13 00 17 00 20 00 22 60 26 00 narolyear 42 00 be Above is with the privilege of a change cry three mouth*. Fui yearly card* a liberal dls- nt will be made. he Weekly rate* will invariably be one-third the Daily. When nu advertisement is changed more than i in three months the advertiser will be charg- with the cost of composition. Foreign adver- struct ion trains st all available points be low Tuskaloosa. It will not be long be fore he will be running through trains from Ohattanooga to Meridian, Miss. —County conventions have been oalled by the Democratic and Conservative Ex ecutive Committees of nearly every coun ty in the State, for the purpose of nomi nating candidates for oounty offices and eleoting delegates to the State Conven tion. —In the case of Goldthwaite vs. the City Council of Montgomery, the Supreme Court decided 1st. That the 8tate has the power to impose a license tax on lawyers, and to enforce its payment. 2d. That the State has the authority to confer a like power on city corporations. WASHINGTON. CONUREIBIOIAL. n must pa* as do those at horns. GEORGIA KIWI. —The Bibb County Fair opened at Ma tt on Thursday. —Gen. A. H. Colquitt will address a argo meeting of farmers and others, at Fort Vuliey, on the 27th inst., on the sub- laot of Direct Trade. —Judge Hopkins, on Wednesday fined William Oheeseborongh, an important witness in the Chisolm case, $800 for contempt of aourt in not appeariug as tuuimoaed. . —Wheat is quoted at $1.80 to $1.40 in Marietta ; $1.25 to $1.50 in Rome ; $1.50 > $1.00 in Dalton. But we suspect that onio of these quotations are merely “nominal.” The Rome Commercial thinks it proba ble that Win. Gaylor, an old man arrested for illicit distilling, who escaped from the revenue officers by his agility, left some greenbacks in their hands. —The Directors of the Atlanta Cotton Factory dosed an arrangement with Col. Enoch Steadman, by which that gentlo- mau is to go to work at onoe and raise the stock to build a large faotory. —Marion Oates, the student accident ally shot in Athehs, ie still in- a critical condition, with symptoms sometimes en couraging and at other tmiea very alarming. —According to the Standard, fleas are no numerous and oombattive in Talbottoc, that a man can't walk from his dinner house to his office or store without having to ait down on the sidewalk, roll up his breeches' legs, tnd rid himself of the tor mentors. —John Angle, who was committed to j ail in Rome, a few days ago, on the charge that he had attempted an outrage on his own ebild, has been discharged for want of proof. His wife had made the charge against kirn, but eould not sub- stantiate it. —Among the cumes of death of. per sons interred in the Sivannah cemeteries during last week, we find the word “aloo- holismus.” Is this the medical name for some uncommon disease, or is it a alang dilution of drunkenness ? —The delegates to the Radical Con gressional Nominating Convention for the 5th District were arriving at Griffin i Wednesday, and the indications were that Freeman would be nominated for re- election. This will bring Locbrane square up to an avowal of the puucheon he is “stunding” on. •—We oopy this item from the Dalton Citizen : Rumor says that the celebrated talc mines, some five miles east of Spring Place, will again be opened. These mines are said to be eqial, if not superior, to any oi the kind in the United States. Under the mansgeiueut and direction of Oapt. Tilton they will ultimately prove a power in the land. —The Dalton Citizen of the 18th inst. says that not only from Whitfield, but from air the counties in this portion of North Georgia, the encouraging news reaches us that the wheat orop will be the most bountiful that has been harvested for .several years past. And not only this, but we have encouraging news from the corn and cotton crops, which are said to have come out wonderfully within the past fe\V weeks. —A correspondent of the LaGrange Reporter, writing from Honston, Heard county, says that a few miles west of that plaoe, on Saturday evening last, Mr. Charlos M. Bailey, of Harris county, who was at work ou a mill belonging to Mr. Ed Lewis, while passiug from the mill to .. his boarding house, was shot from a clump of briars near the road. Four buck shot entered his baok just between the shoulders, two entered the back of the head. A Mr. John Walston has been arrested, and is being tried before five | J ustices of the Peace. —A convention of representatives of f about twenty Granges of Southwestern Georgia was held in Albany on Tuesday, Hon. Thomas Hardeman delivered an el oquent and sensible address. . Col. Fiel der, of Randolph, also spoke in his usna! entertaining rnanuer. A very fine dinner was enjoyed by a large orowd. It was arranged to hold a convention in Albany on the 21st of July, to organise a Council of Granges to conaist of all Granges in Southwestern Georgia that desire such an association. ALABAMA HEWS.' . ,T The Teachers’ Association of Alabama will meet in Marion on the 14th |j or July, and will continue in session I? three days. i’he^l arengo Democratic Convention expressed a preference for W. M. Byrd and A. U. Manning for Judges of the Su preme Court. The Butler Democratic Convention reaomuieaded X. J. Judge for Judge of Ihe Supreme Court, J. K. Henry for Judge of the Circuit Court and E. Martin for Lieutenant Governor. ““The Echo Raya the Radicals of Selma held a canpus ou Satnrday last, which ended in quarreling and a general “bust JP* culminated at night in three fights between white Radical candidates. Hon. Charles Pelham is announced * 8 Cft „, ft at ? * or re-election to Congress in the 3d District of Alabama. The other Radiou candidates are understood to be u° v/n 0 ’ “aao Heyman, and Chan cellor MoCraw. —The Selma Gazette eeye the indomit able J. t*. Stanton ie onoe more in posses- sion of the Alabama end* Chattanooga Railroad. He bee 1<XT men at work on the Tombigbee bridge, and plaoing con- Washington, June 19.—The House bee passed a bill fixing $25,000 as the limit of expenditures for the erection of the Custom House st Atlanta, Ga. ••■ate. la the Senate, Cinyton, from the Joint Committee ou the Mississippi Levee, re potted a resolution authorizing that com mittee to sit during the recess of Con gress forthe purpose of investigating as to the condition of the levee of the Mis sissippi river and the propriety of the Government of the United States assum ing control of the same. Laid over. House and Senate. Washington, June 19.—Full Cabinet. The House and Sonate are engaged on the Conferenoe Committee, without im portant results. Just at the adjourn ment, Wilson, of ladiaoa, tried to get in a report in the Busteed impeachment case, but did not succeed in being recognized. Both Houses are session to night. The Senate adopted the conferenoe re port on currency by 43 to 19. The main feature is that it unlocks the reserve. The river and harbor conference re port is up. No amendment affects the South. The President Decides for Himself. The President settled the vexed ques tion of the Internal Supervisorship for the Southern District, composed of the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississfppi and Louisiana, by deoiding that Hon. R. R. Cobb retain the position. MISSOURI PENITENTIARY. the report in favor of the American Postal Convention. The Assembly will probably ratify the report shortly, without farther discussion. The Amtrioan navel squadron in the Mediterenean is expected at Toulon shortly. ENGLAND. Arrival of Petroleum Rochefort. London, June 19, 5 x. m.—Rochefort reaohed this city last evening. Hie ar rival at Eastern Station was unattended by any demonstration. London, June 19.—A number of French detectives are in this country watching the movements of Rochefort. ROME. Antouelli III. Rome, June 19.—Cardinal Antonelli is suffering from a severe attaok of gout, and is very weak. SPAIN. Situation or tho Comhutuuto-Dou Carlos' Wife Goao to Surlt- ■crlaud. Madrid, June 19.—The latest advices from the scenes of the war in the north state that the Carlists are certainly con centrating at the mountain of Jura, near Estella. They have cleared the oountry provisions, and of horses and vehiolee. Concha's foroe numbers 88,000 men. The weather is beautiful. There ia some dis satisfaction because an attaok npon the insurgents has not been made. Quite a number of Conoha’s meu are suffering from dysentery, which the surgeons attri bute to raw meats. The Republican army is 120,000 men, not including 43,000 reserves, Paris, June 19—The wife of Don Car los has arrived here, en route to Switzer land. Lisbon, June 19.—Advices from Rio Janeiro, of the 6th inst., state that the yellow fever has broken oat in Bolivia and is raging with great violence. Mutiny Quelled und uu Escape Foiled. St. Louis, June 19.—Since the mutiny in the penitentiary, at Jefferson City, a few days ago, there has been a very tur- buleut spirit manifested. For two days all the work shops had to be suspended, and the prisoners kept in their cells. Yesterday several of the ring leaders were lashed severely on the bare back, and tbia is to be continued, from day to day, until those most active in the mutiny are suf ficiently punished. One of those whipped yesterday confessed that a plot to escape planned and an attempt was to have beeu made to carry it out yesterday, but the action of the authorities in confining tho prisoners in their cells prevented it. It is believed the mutinous spirit has been quelled and no more trouble will occur. MORE OP THE HEATHEN CHINEE. San Fbanoisco, June 19.—Steamers Vancouver and Lord of the Isles, from China, arrived this evening. The Lord of the Isles brings 945 Chinese passen gers and the Vancouver 013. The latest Chinese papers state that the vessel * lost in China seas, with all board, was sonttled, and was not the bark Scott, from this port, as was sup posed. FACTORY BOILER EXPLOSION. Toledo, June 19.—Barrow’s factory boiler exploded and killed two persons. Several were hurt. MRS. SENATOR CAMERON DEAD, Harbisbubg, Pa., June 19.—Simon Cameron's wife is dead. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE OUBA. Tbe In.nrgcnl. Set Large .tapplle. New Yoke, Jane lit.—A Hivana letter, dited tbe 13th, aaya: Advices have reached here from Puerto Principe, from private a wroev, which are of considera ble iutereit and trustworthy information, through the Insurgents report the arrival of Ihe expedition under A. Guilera on the north aoaat with 40,000 Remington and Peabody arms, six pieees of mounted artii lery and a large quantity of ammunition. AH of the material waa safely landed, and communication established with the foroes of Maximo Gomez. Their ia said to he the mostiinportaat expedition gotton up by the Iuaurgents since the Brat year of the war. FRANCE. Universal NufTrage Voted Dowrn- Amerienn ■altar., Pabis, June 19.—In the Assembly to day a clause in the munioipal organize tion bill, giving to the largest tax payers the right of membership in mnnioipal councils, was rejeoted; yeas 325, nays 373. The Left, the Bouapartists, and a por tion of the Right Centre voted with the majority. They regarded the olanse as an attempt to restriot universal suffrage. This rejection will probably prove fatal to the bill. The announcement of the vote ereated eonaiderable sensation. M. Fountain, Minister of the Interior, ex. pressed bis willingness to accept aa a compromise a limitation of tba Govern* ment’a right to appoint the Mayors of tbe cities for three years. The Committee of Thirty hive approved Augusta, June 19.—Dull and nominal; middlings 16c; net receipts 47 bales; tales 311; .took 11,710. Weekly reoeipts 282; shipments 8G2; sales 988; spinners 118 bales. Chabliston, June 19.—Dull; middlings 16j|; low middlings lfij; good ordinary 16; •tock 10,799. Weekly reoeipts 1,068; exports coast wise 787; sales 600. MomrooMEnr, Jane 19.—Weekly re- oeipt.UO; shipments 121; stook 693. Pbovidehok, Jane 19.—Weekly re ceipts 28; sales 1,200; stook 12,600. Mobile, Juno 19.—Market qniel; mid dlings 10J, low middlinga 16}, good ordi nary 14}; exports to Great Britain 4639; ■ales 200; stook 9498. Weekly receipts 239; exports to Great Britain 118G, continent 800; sales 3100. SITUATIONS WANTED. Wanted by Four Little Girls O RPHANS, aged from 10 to 14 year*, situation' to tako caro of children or do light house work. For particular* apply to the Sisters of Mercy. June 17—d4t. IN O TICE. UfeguNiaBiggaEgHz. MMSgi-PI Md - Mii _ Hill J Omci MoatLa A Gibaed Railroad, » Columbus, Ga., June 1,1874. % A meeting of the Stockholders of the Mobile and Girard Railroad Company will be held at the depot in Girard, Ala., on Wednesday, Ju ly 1st, at 1134 o’clock a. m., when an election for President and six Directors will take plaoe. Stockholders with their families will be pass ed free, coining within two days of meeting and returning within five days alter. Certificates of Stock must be exhibited to the oouduetor by a stockholder and certificate of stook and written proxy must be shown to en title a proxy to pass free, jea-td J. M. FRAZER, Seo’y. NOTICE. THE WEATHER. Department or Wab, ) Washington, June 19, 1874.) Probabilities.—For tho South Atlantic and Gulf States partially cloudy weather and possibly local rains, with easterly or southerly winds, a alight fall of tempera ture and rising barometer. MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money und Stock Murketo. London, June 19.—Fives 43}; Erics 25 a25}. New Yobk, June 19.—Stocks active, but lower. Money 2A percent. Gold 11. Exchange—long 489}, t-hort 491. Gov ernments active. State bonds steady. Paris, Jane 19.—Rentes 89f. 2os. New Yobk, Jane 19.—Money abun dant at 2a3. Sterling quiet and firm. Gold steady at li}. Governments dull and steady. States qniet and nominal, Provision Markets. New York, Tune 19. — Flour a shade firmer. Wheat advancing. Corn firm. Pork heavy. Rosin steady. Freights steady. Cincinnati, June 19.— Flour quiet and steady. Corn dull, mixed 64aG». Pork and lard qniet aod unchanged. Baoon steady; shoulders 7}; clear rib 9}a}. Whiskey firm and in good demand at 95. Louisville, Jane 19.—Flour unchanged. Corn, mixed firmer at 90. Pork dull and lower, $18. Bacon in fair demand and higher; 6honlders 7, clear rib 10, clear 10f. Lard 12}nl2}. Whiskey 95. St. Louis, Jane 19.—Flour quiet and weak, small busiliess. Corn easier at 60 for No. 2 mixed in east elevator, 58} reg ular. Whiskey steady at 96. Pork dnlh, $18. Baoon dull, only limited jobbing demand. Lard quiet at lOf alO} for sum mer. Cotton Murketo. Liverpool, June 19—Noon.—Cotton quiet; uplands 8}; Orleans 8}i8}; sales 12,000 bales—including—for speculation and export. Sales of upland*, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in June 8}; do., nothing below middlings, deliverable in June 8 5-16; do., deliverable in Jane and July 8 5-16; sales of Orleans nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in June and July 8$; sales of shipments of new orop on a basis of middling uplands noth ing below good ordinary 8|. 2 p. m.—Sales of uplands nothing be low good ordinary, deliverable iu August and September 8 7-16. Sales include 7,800 bales American. Liverpool, June 19—G p. m.—Cotton —sales of uplands nothing below low middlings, deliverable iu August and September, 8 7-16. Yarns and fabrics unchanged. New York, Jane 19.—Cotton weak; sales 753 bales ; uplands 17} ; Orleans 18}. Futures opened weak as follows: Jane nominally 16’; July 16 15-16; August 17§*7-16; September 17gaa17 7-16. New York, June 19.—Cotton weak— sales 831 bales at 17}al8}. Net reoeipts 247. Futures closed barely steady; sales 18.- 700, as follows: Jnue 16}; July 16}; August 17 11-32; September 17 11-16; October 17 3-16; December 16 3-16al7. Nashville, June 19.—'Weekly reoeipts 122; shipments 268; stock 6476. Shreveport, June 19.—Weekly receipts r - sale* 278. THE GRAIN CROP Can l/e Easily and Economically Saved ! Holstead &. Go.. COLUMBUS, OA.. Offer at price* lower thnn over before—Mowing * Reaping Machine*; Steel-tooth ’Hor e Rake*. in Cradle*, ~ - * Machli *p23—tf JOB PRINTING. Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER AND Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old Sun Office Building,) RANDOLPH ST., COLUMBUS, UA LETTFR HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OF AO’T, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILL8 AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Ac. LEGAL BLANKS. Railroad Roeeipts, Bills Lading, Ac in book or loose, Blank Books of all kinds, with or without printed heads, mode at short notice. Giving my entire personal attention to Job Printing and Binding,lam enabled to fill all or ders promptly at LOW CASH PRICES, guaranteeing satisfaction, Orders from abroad receive same attention as If parties were present. Send for Price List. 49* A full stock of‘Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks always on hand. febfl—It RAILROADS. Coluxbus, Ga., June 2,1874. Oth class 26c, Till i-In** 20c Columbus to No*. 9 and 10—5th 43c, Oth :1ns* 30c, 7th class 23c \\ loo lb. Co umbu* to Troy—6th cIai* 44c, Oth cla** 32c, 7tli class 26c U 100 m. J-3 1 w J. M. FRAZER. Agent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. CROCERIE8. Uinkoal Superintendent’s Office, )AD, > 3. j I J»as i I road. ltailrSad, its Brunt lie* nud Connections, will a* f liow*: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Pavannuh 8:46 am Augusta 9:06 A M Arrive in Augustn 4:00 v M Arrive in Milledgeville 10:09 P M Arrive in Katouton 11:65 p u Arrive in Macon 6:46 p M Leave Macon for i.olumtui* 7:17 p m Leave Macon for Eu aula 9:10 p m Leave Macon for Atlanta 7:30 P M Arrive at Columbus 12:46 a m Arrive at Egi'aiila* 10:311 m Arrive at Atluuta 1:40* M COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leavo Atlanta l:oo > u Leave Co unibus 7:10 p m Leave Kufaulu 7:26 p m Arrive at Macon from Atlanta ii: .0 a m Arrive at Macon from olumbus 4:10 a m Arrive at Macon from Kufaula 6:46 a m Macon...... • Aug 9:0.7 , HEW OFFERS! NEW IDEA8 ! 8; New Orleans, June 19.—Gotton quiet and easy; middlidgs 16}, net receipt* 702; »alt*H 1,000; lust evening 1,000; stock 58,- 447. Weekly net receipts 3,822; exports to Great Britain 8,463; sales 8,500. Boston, Jane 19.—Weekly reoeipts 406 bales; exports to Great Britain 58; sales 800. • Memphis, June 19.—Stook 19,277. Weekly reoeipts 1280; shipments 3681. Galveston, June 19.—Stook 9342. Weekly net reoeipts 642; sales 225. Macon, June 19.—Weekly reoeipts 45; shipments 546; irtock 2511. Baltimore, June 19.—Stook 669. Weekly receipts 174; exports to Great Britain 898, coastwise 921; sales 883, spinners 190. Savannah, June 19.—Qniet; middlings 16: lie; stook 13,733. eekly receipts 1,511; sales 981. See the Grand Gifts Our Fireside Friend to its Subscribers Entirely new ami unprecedented, and aucli aa will Interest every one. You miss It If you don't send for Maniplea and full partlcn- lara, which are *ent free ! SEE THE GREAT WATCH OFFER! OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND i* now in il* Fifth ‘ ‘ f cHfiiblisiiod an tbo leading feekly in tbe Uli'on, ha* the Arrive at AuKU’tu 4:00 p m Arrive at Savnuuab 5: 5 p m 'fitAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Louve Bavaun ih 7:30 p ■ Leave Augusta 8:06 p M Arrive in Augusta 6:65 a u Arrive in Macon 8 20am Leave Macou fur Culumbua 0:20 a m Leave Macou for Eulanla 9 <(6 a M Leave Macon for AtlJhta 9:10 a m Arrive In Columbus 6:36 p m Arrive iu Kufaula. 6:40 p m Arrive in Ailauta 6:43 p u COMING 80UTU AND EAST. Leave Atlanta 7:00 Leave ColunQus 2:30 Leave Kufanla 8:60 Arrive iu Macon from Atlanta 3:40 Arrive iu Maeou from Culumbus 7:26 At rive in Macon from Kufaula 6: to Leave Mac-w 7:35 Arrive in Milledgeville 10:09 Arrive in Katouton 11:55 Leave Augu-ta 8:05 Arrive iu Augusta 5.66 Arrive in Savuuuah 7:16 A M Train No. 2, being a through train on the Cen tral Railruai, stopping only at whole stations, passenger* for half nation* caunot be takeu or put off. l>a*«eug«iE lor MilletlKevilie and Katouton will tako train l fr. iu Sataunah aud Augusta, and trein No. 2 from point* ou the Southwestern Rail road Atlanta aud Mac in The Milledgeville und Katouton traiu run* daily, Sund.iyr< except* d. WILLI A M ROGERS, my26 tf General Superintendent, Western Railroad of Alabama. 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME 1 Choice of Two Routes. tf«w York »nA New Orleans Kail. Lint. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Colombo*, Ga„ April 24th, lb74. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Montgomery und Heluia, 1:00 a. m. Arrive at Muutg’y, • 6:46 a m Arrive at Selma, 11:04 a. m. FOR ATLANTA AND NEW YORK At 10:40a.ra. Arrive Opelika at 12:27 p. m. At Atlanta 6:42 p. in. By Atlanta and Richmond Air-Llna. Lc»< Atlanta 0:00 p. in., UUIILOTTK 8:35 a. ., Danville 3:27 p. m . Richmond 11:06 p. m. A rive at Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 6:30 t Philadelphia I:ao p. m., at NEW YORK 6:16 By Kenneaaw Route. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Dalton 10:28 p. Bristol 10:46 a. m., Lynchburg 10.46 p. *i. Arrive Washington 0:46 a. m., at Baltimore 9:16 a. in.. Philadalphia 1:30 p. w.. at NEW YORK 6:16 Sleeping car* run from Atlanta to Ly nchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta aud New York, 6:24 A. M. From Montgomery and Selma • 2:30 p. M. Ticket* for sale at Uniun Passenger Depot. CUAS. P. BALL, General Snp’t. R. A. BACON, Agent fapr26 tf THE WHOLESALE Grocery House -OF— i. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 16 Broad 8t., Columbus, Ga.. KKKI-S rOXKTAXTI.Y OK HAND ABOUT 100,000 pounda Baoon. . S00 barrela Flour. From 100 to 200 barrel! f ugar. 100 baga Coffee. From 100 to 200 barrela Syrup. 200 barrels Whiskey. 200 boxes Tobacco. 500 " Soap. 200 “ Candles. 100 barrels Lard. 50 “ Mackerel. 500 aaeka Salt. 50 tUroes Rice. 500 reams Wrapping Paper. 100 oases Potash. 100 “ Sardines. 100 11 Oyiteri. 100 “ Piokles. 100 boxes Candy. 100 “ Starch. 100 gross I' arlor Matches. 1,000 pounds Lorillard's Snuff* • 30,000 Cigars. 1,000 pouude Qreeu and Black Tea. BOO bags of Shot. 100 boxes Soda and Fancy Crackers. 100 " Cheese In season. 00 barrels Vinegar. BO casks Scotch Ale. 100 doien Wooden Buckets. 100 doxen Brooms. Musooge* Sheriff 8sle. W ILL be sold on th* first Tuesday In July next, betweoa tbs legal hours ol sale, iu front of Allis A Harrison's auction house, the following property, to-wit.: The one-eighth undivided Interest in lot of land No. SI7 in the 10th district ot Muscogee, contain ing 802)1 acre*. More or lees, as the prop< rt) ot JWII ward*, to satisfy a ft fa Issued from Musco gee Superior Court In favor ot Juttett McDaniel, v« J W Ed*«rd*. Property pointed oat by plaintiff. Also, at same time and place, west half of lot No. 241, containing 101W acres, same being In the 8th dlstrlot of Musing** county. Levied on as tbe property ot Wn T Wynne, to eattsiy a II la issued lrom Muscogee Superior Court In favor of Robert S Crane ve Wui T Wynn ed out by plaintiffs attorney. , lying In the Coweta Reserve. Levied property of leans T Brook*, to satisfy a 11 fa Issued by the Comptroller General of the State of Georgia, In flavor of State of Georgia, vs Isaac T Brooks. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Also, at same time and plaoe, the north port of olty lot No 6, in the oily of Columbus, origtnelly Female Academy sqnare, having a front on Troup ■treet of 27 feet, more or lees, and running back 147 fret 10 inches. Levied on as the property of Mrs R M Aldworth, to satisfy a fl fa Issued from Muswgee Superior Court, In favor of llenry F. Everett vs Mrs R‘M Aldworth. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Als , at same time and plaoe, lot of land No 61, a -.-. count .containing •vied upon as the in to aatiefy a 6 la _ Court in favor of ibompson. Property stables, hands fit John G MoKw largest circulation, and tho be*t appointed print ing and pubMahing establishment und building in tho West. Is a largo, eight-page illustrated and WE WANT AGENTS. _ Jjurgc Cath Waym uiul a tsu- perb’OujjU? exclus’vo territory, which is rapidly filling up. Must apply at once. Subscribe by sending #3 00, and receive the paper ono year, o magnificent premium, a share in the distribution, and receive also free e complete outfit, or send tot particular*. Name territory desired in writing. Notioe. LL person* haring claims against the estate i of J Warren Massey, dece<~ J si. duly s sribed by JOHN U. MASSEY, Administrator. NOTICE. Orrics Mobile A Girard Railroad, i Columbus, April 16,18t4. / O N AND AFTER APRIL 16TU, the Passenger Train on this Road will run as follows a Leave Columbus 3:00 p. at. Arrive at Troy 11:06 p n. Leave Troy offer _ m other Jobbing Uouse ii apr!6 6m BEST RIO COFFEE 33>£c lb. Roasted Rio Coffee, 4Uc ft lb. New Orleans Extra A Sugar 14c ^ Ih. New Orleans YeUow Clarified Sugar 12’ ^c. Extra 8ngar-Cured Hams. Choice Sugar-cured Shoulders. Mild Cured White Meat. Pur* Apple and Wine Viuegur, 60c fl gal. St. Louis Pearl Grits. Fresh Turkish Pruuen, 16%u ft lb. New purrant*, 12^c. Borders’ Kng'e Milk. Kings!-.r I Silver Glass Starch, lh-.-t •iuulity Laundry und Toilet Soaps. Pure White Kerosene Oil, 40c ft gallon. ROB’T S. CRANE, ■trio [Cbl .16m) Trustee H. F. ABELL & CO. JUST HKCK1VUU. Old Qov’m’t Java and Moeha Oolfaa, Gunpowdar and Young Hyaon Taa, Braakfait and Japan Taa, Canton Ginger Preiarve*, Caper, and Sauoaa of all kinda, Italian Salad Oil, Rye Flour and Oat Meal, Imported Winaa and Cigar., Go.han Butter, Beef Tongue., Mngnolla Ham. and Dried Beef, Mazeppa Flour and Grite, Graham Flour and Wheat Grita, Sugar, all gradea and prloaa. vynne. Property point- H.Q. IVEY, Sheriff. POSTPONED Muscogee Sheriff 8sle. res of Stook In the Muscogee a line interest In tbe land ou which the eaaie stands, aa tbs property of John L. Mustaiu. Also, eltyiot No, 827, and inibrove- ments thereon, as tho property of Seaboin Jones, deceased. Bold to satisfy a ft m Issued I rout Mus cogee Superior Court. In flavor of Famuel M. Car- tor, executor of rarisn Carter, deosased, against Seaborn J. Bounina, adm’r of Seaborn Jones, deceased, James W. warren and John L. Mustain. Sheriff’s Sole for Tix. W ILL he sold on tho first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sals, In front of Ellis A Harrison’s auction house, the fol lowing property, tn-wlt: ^ North half or lot Mo. fiOf^tn tho oity of Colum bus,' and county of Mnsoogee, as the property of Mrs. Mary Caldwell, for Stats and couuty taxes for the year 1873. Levy made and returned to me by Wn. Mahaffey, lawful constable. J*6 wtd H.G. IVEY, Sheriff. POSTPONED Muscogee Sheriff Ssle. IV ILL be eold on tho first Tuesday Iq July next, M between the legal hours of tale, before the auction house of Ellis A klarrison, Broad street, Columbus, Qa., the following described property, to-wit: South part of city lot Mo. 146, with tho im provements thereon, fronting 73 feet and 6 laches — - -s 147 feet of Mrs. on Ugletborpe street, nnd tunning baok 147 feet and 10 inches. Levlsd on as ths property of Mrs. W. B. Skinner, to satisfy a fl fa issuvu out of Mus cogee County Court la fhvor of E. E. Ooetchlus A — . Mrs. W. A Skinner. Property pointed out by plaintiffs’ attoruay. lea Id H O. 1 VET, Sheriff. P. A. POMEROY, AT BUOIIEB’! UOBNBB, CA 1.1.8 ATTKNT10N TO CholoB White Shad, “ Fre.h Bey Fish, “ Mobile Cabbege, “ Celery and Lettuoe, “ Live and Dratted Poultry, “ Freeh Country Stueago, Spire Rlbe and Baokbonee. A Choice Lot of Fresh Craokere, Sugar Jumble., Lemon Snept, Ginger Snipe, Lemon Cream., Ac. Apple., Onion., Potatoe* ATurnlpe. Also usual Family Supplies and Fancy Groceries on hand. Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN will be found at the coun ter and will be plea*' d to wait on his former cus tomers nnd friends. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. fel>28 BOOTS AND 8HOES. Arrive at Columbus... epr!6 2w ...10:30 A. M. W. L. CLaKK, flup'l. DRUGS AND MEDICINE8. J. I. GHIPFIN, IMPORTED ^urDns&iiiGiiiciiies,^ MM PERFUMERY FANCY GOODS, AT SEDUCED PDICEM. All goods guaranteed. AS fully preparsJ at all hours, jaltf dsodawly ■ Prescriptions cert J. I. GRIFFIN, 106 Bread fit. Spring is Coming! “The buds are beginning to swell.” Likewise our stock is beginning to swell WITH LARGE ADDITIONS OF SEASONABLE GOODS! ronroHBD Muscogee .Sheriff Sale. WILL be eold on the first Tuesday in July ’’ next, between the legal hours of sale, be fore the suction house of Bilk A Harrison, Broad street, Columbus, Oa^ the following desert, ed proporty. to-wit: The Columbus 8team Planing Mills, sltnatsd on lot 240 aud that part of lot tit. In ths city of Co in favor of Mary Hodgos, Administratrix, vs. said Guetchius A England. Property pulnted out In said fl fa. Jet w4t H. Q. IVEY, Sheriff. Musooge* 8h*rtff Sale. W ILL be sold on tbo first Tuesday in July next, betwean the lognl hontn of sale, In front of Kills A Harrison's auction loose, Broad street, Columbus, Ga., tho following d< scribed t or parcel of land lying on tbe iver, bounded on tbs south by Hit of Columbus, on tbe u- rth by a oraucii ruuniBg Into said river on tho west, ex tending to tbe boundary line of Alabama, and on tho cast by the pr perty of Lapins Macro, Wn. C-'field Clegg, J. J. Davis and Cohort A Urothar, commonly kuowu as ths City Mill property; and also five mill stonea and mill machinery, and a half interest in 126 sacks of corn, 1« U bushels Muscogee Superior Court in favor of Seaborn J. Denning, administrator, vs. W. L. Stapler. Levied on as the property of W. L Stapler, to satury said fi fa in favor of B. J. Banning. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Je9 *4t H.Q. IVEY, Hiorlff. Administration > . , Garre: t Hollenbeck, dec’d; These are, therefore, to cits and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of raid deceased, to show cause (Ii any they have) within the time prescribed by la-, why said letters should not be granted. Giveu under my ofllcial signature, this June 61b,18*4. * 1*0 w4f ff. M BROOKS, Ordinary. - MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—William ihlp having applied for letters of ou the estate er Martha A. Halim- G E administration e beck, deceased; These ere, therefore, to cite and adm nish all and singular. Ihe kindred and creditors or said deceased, to show cause (If any they have) within th» time prescribed l# law, why said letters shonld not be grunted. <21 von under my oMoial signature, this June 5tb, 1874. Je6 w4t*f. M. BOOKS, Ordinary. flHORGI 4—MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—John Dodd having applied for l-t «rs of administration on the estate’or Patrick Houlihan, deceased; These are, theraforo, to olto and admonish all and singular, tho kindred and credi or* of said deceased, to show canto (If any they have) within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. , Given under my ofilclal signature, ibis June 6th, 1874. Jefi wit* T. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. Joseph W. Woolfolk, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from said administration ; These ere, therefore, to oils all person* concern ed to file their ob|uctions (If any they have) In my office on or before the first Monday in July next, why letters of dismission should nut be grunted to . ■aid applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this April 4th, 1874. apr6 oawUtn f. ||. BROOKS, Ordinary. DIAHfilD IP1CTACLU! . black aud iu colors, neat and substantial work for school wear. We have all tbe favorito styles for Men’s Wear in best hand-sowed, aud in cheaper grades of work, all guaranteed reliable. OUR STOCK OP Brogans, Plow Shoes, and all other Staple Goods fur the wants of the people, is unexcelled. We are well supplied with Leather and Findings, and can offer inducements to all classes of buyer* N. B.—We pay the highest market price for Dry Mldes. WELLS & CURTIS, jawfewtr 73 Broad Street. These Spectacles are manufactured from "Min ute Crystal Pebbles” molted together, end ere called Diamond on aooobnt of thnr hardness aud brilliancy. Having been tested with the polariscope, tho diamond lenses have been found to admit fifWn per coot, lees heated rays than any other pebldo. They are ground with great selentlfic accuracy, ora free from chromatic abefoatloas, and prodrn •> a brightness and distinctness of vision not before attained in spectacles. Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co., New York. For sale by responsible agents In every city in the Union. . , WITTICH A KIN8KL, Jewelers end Opticians, are sole agents for Columbus, Ga., from whom they can only be attained. No peddlers employed. * ”‘ r '■eR-MF*