The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 24, 1874, Image 3

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. MY C0QD8. k^OT?»PBi; WEDNESDAY JtJKp 24 1874. Tka VfMIlH M» Lfiob Uw (WjwflM T»«ti«ry) i°- Yaaterday, to company with Mr. OhM. Paatas N. K. Boaw.ll, and 11. 0. Drown, ' raisitad tho *od» lakaa that Ha borween —alia sod Sheep Mountain, aud not- rtthataoding the teporU that were io'cir- alation oonoerniug the extent of the de alt, ita immensity wae surprising to the ■l»st U d ve editor. Tbs area of cne _ke was ever sixty sores. The material sbioh govern It resembles iee in appear- ao# mb4 aoliditjr. There having been a fall of tain the hnlaht previous, an inoh or more of water > Uv upon the tnorosted lake, and this was ’ so highly impregnated with soda as to be damaging to leather, and making a white •pot wherevar a drop of it touched tile entiling. Holes have been dug four feet into this sods without reaching bottom, and it would certainly be safe to estimate Me avenge depth at three feet. As it ex tends over an area of 100 acres, the amount of anlphate soda may be easily computed. But, as this is derived from a constantly flowing spring, it is fair to presume that the quantity ia simply inex- MMtibli. Mr. Ponies thought that a furnace could be erected on the premises at J moderate expenditure, which would con vert the oruds sulphate of soda into a merchantable carbonate at $ 10 per ton, and thie could be delivered in Chioago at •IS, which would leave a handsome mar gin of f20 on each ton for a staple agliele of oommeroe, the demand for which is so great that ita value would not be affected by this discovery. About all our soda comes from Eng land, where it ia manufactured from salt, being flrot converted into a anlphate of soda by the nae of anlphurio sold. After all the processes are completed, it is then ship pad to America, where a dnty baa to be paid and a profit to the importer, and it is sold in New York at $46 per Ion. Mr. Pontes hat received numerous let ters oonoerniug the soda lakes of Wyo ming, and on hie return to Omaha he will first make an exaot analysis of the soda, and then publish an aooount of the same ia some scientific Journal for publio in formation. These lakes were aooidentally discover ed by John Le Fevre three years ago, when out with a' party of surveyors; but It Wat more than a year before he ascer tained their value, when he erased a sur vey to be made, and erected a cabin on the rise of ground that ia nearly surround ed by tbs aeries of lakes. Civil Bights In the Barber Shops. H. V. B.’s Chattanooga Letter to the Cincin nati Commercial.] That waa a good reply which a colored barber in this city gave to a delegation of oolored men who called npon him for tho purpose of claiming the right to be shaved “the same as a white mau.” “Sir," sa d the spokesman of the delegation, “we demand the right to be shaved here.'' “It can't be done,” answered the oolor- ad barber. Tbeu the spokesman cam# down with as pertinent thrust, saying, “Ain't oar mon ey ns good as anybody's ?” “Yes, Jnst as good, but there is not enough of it.” That covored the ease exaetly. it was an answer worthy of a philosopher. The datkey's money ii as good as anybody’s to him, bnt there ia not enough of it to compensate hita for tbe loss of bis white enatom. The barber, in telling me this cirouiu- stauoe, said: “lam a oolored man and bave to work for a living, and the miqute I eommenoed shaving darkies, that min- uto every one of my white eustomeis would leave me. The biggest Badieal in town would quit me just like tbe Demo crats. It’a eoutrary lo tbe nature of a white man to want to mix that way with the negroes; and, what's more, they won t do it. Yon oan’t get a white man in this town to shave in a shop where negroes are shaved; I wouldn't either, if I waa thorn; and I'm not going to break up my badness to aocommodate a few sweli-heud niggers, who want to pnt on all the atyle of white men." Self, when colored men will, not admit their oolored brethren to the enjoyment of equal rights in the barber-shops, how arc we to expect white then to do it ? A Bhlnoceros. On Wednesday the largest bleak rhino- eoros over exhibited in the world was . added to tbe oolleotiou of wild beasts in Boruum'a Hippodrome. This enormous mountain of flesh weighs !),600 pounds. Thia is 2,200 pounds more than the lsrg eat rhinoceros in tbe Zoologioal Osrdens in London. His body is encased in a heavy leathar-like bide, wbioh overlaps at tbe joints, oinking folds nearly two inches thick. His legs are abort and stumpy, and bis tail resembles the blaok-anases used by teamsters in the Western country. Hie bead is oovered with tbe asms thick hide whiob envelopes his body, and npon his forehead and about bis eyes and earB it ia piled up like plates. The animal bsd a large, Bharp born, which projected from bis snout jnst above bis nostrils, bat the monster's head waa obaioed down, and, in spite of bis angry snorts and endea. von to get away, tbla horn was sawed off olose to his snoot. A oage upon wheels was made on purpose for tbe rhinoceros' aooommodation. It ia boavily barred with steel npon tbe aides and front. His bead ia ohained to a stout beam, and heavy oak plank preventa his baoking. There is barely room fur tbe rhinoceros .to stacd and lie in. If he was given more space hit immense strength would enable him to break from all restraint, and the havoc be would make if loose may be imagined but cannot be estimated. His immem-e weight may be realized from tbe fact that whoa the cage containing him was drawn into the Hippodrome the wheels crushed through the concrete flooring in many fhln to the depth of from two to three inches tf. T. Tima. The Matrimonial Chances. [From the Philadelphia Board of Health's re volt for the past year.] The ohsneea of femules being married ■ before the age of twenty years ure as one ' *2’,, ® °> *>* ike probabilities that they will ever marry. At the age of twenty (yeera one-fifth of ail their olvn n' I® 0 *- At twenty-five a little uve. thirds, and at thirty nearly six seventba of all their probabilities are lost. After passing tbe age of forty a female has a very alight chance of ever lioing married, over tweuty-niue thirtieths of all her obanoes being lost. 8t the. age of twenty the chances of males being married are scarcely at all ■ lessened. At twenty-five there tre stilt I three-fifths of their ebwoes remaining. From this period on they dimiuiab, but in a smaller proportion than with females. tom Heart tie Bonrhan. _ A eablo telegram from London, under of the 18th inst., announces that Henri, son of Henri de Bonrbon, was killed in a battle which took place a *ow days since at Alcora, Letweeu u body ! Carlisle and a fores of republican opa. Prince Alfonso, brother of Dsn itloe, wae in chief command cf tbe roy alists. Don Henri fell when in action at [the head of a body of Carlist Zonaves. Ia wsa born at Tonlonae on tbe Sd of ' October, 1848. His father, who at one Mas waa Vies Admiral nf tbe Spanish float, married in Borne Donna Helens- Oaatelvi-Shelley da Cordova. THE FOUNDKllOlj PRICES! THE L0WE8T at which Dry Goods have ever been this State! Joseph db Bro. H AVING added * splendidly solectrd Spring Stock to those on lientl, with the view of accommodftt- Ing their customers, offer them at prices IjOW as sraw torsi The thousands who hate visited thie establishment since It led in the reduction of Dry Goode wtl touch for the quality of goods and all representation* made. 4®* Cash buyers will never hate a better chance. A small inn will go farther now than oter. Cone before it is tco lata. j'14 tf JOSEPH A BltO., 69 BroMl Stmt. GREAT BARGAINS—PRICES REDUCED! T. K-YLE db OO. study their interest by giviug them a Call. Also, just received, a beautiful line of Side Striped Prints,' special styles, Bleached and Brown Domestios, all grades, Linens, Shoes and Boots, &c. COMPANY. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly In Full, - • $528,364.82 Boston “ “ - • 180,803.88 Total Aiieta—Qold—January lat, 1174, {812,432.03. LIABILITIES. Loanes Due and Unpaid „ Looses in proceBS of adjustment, or adjusted and not due {22,598 00 All other Claims Ml® COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoome, 1878 • 6 i2* 88 I T ? Iuoome, 1872 520,217 87 «• Terms Cask. Columbus, June 7 th, 18T4. J. KYLE A CO. ‘My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!’ WR ARB OFFERING EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO CASH 6 bantu* ss at all baaards, profit or no profit—l lie goods must move. Our Gtook of Spring and 8ummer Dry Goods Is being constantly replenished. Just received, A ruxiZi XiXNn or paraso: Among them another lot of those with beautiful Silver-mounted Handles, in Sword, Spear, and many other ohaete designs. Qur stock of 7AOONZIT TRXMMXNOH e large, and is offered cheaper than ever before lu this market. respectfully as it no trouble. ask all to call and examine and get prices. We always show goods cheerfully, and NEW YORK STORE. 5. U5D5VEB. Grand Clearing Out Sale TO MAKE READY FOR THE SPRING TRADE, WE NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOB CASH! AKD KVEBY OTHER ARTICLE A8 LOW AS TO BE F0C5D ELSEWHERE. CHAPMAN & VJ2RSTILLE, j»« AhJ ■ ., afc N BBOAD STREET •4 OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DB. I. T. WABSOCK, Surgeon and Physician. Office at Slaughter’s Drug Store, Railroad street. febU DR. J. W. K. WILLIAM** Offers his professional service*. Office over R. M. Often A Co \ Chambers A R. R. Streets. Millinery. HISSES WHITE A TUCKER, Fashionable Milliners and Dressmakers, Ueutlumen’s Blurts cut by chart measure, aud guaranteed to lit. Chanioer* street, UuXt to i s dr> goods store. lebl MILS. C. V. BARLOW, Fashionable Milliner and Dressmaker. So e Agent of Sntteriok * Co.’s Patterns. At the late Banking iionse ol Sheppard k Co., Opelika, Ala. Ja23 New Advertisements. $25: Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Lee county, respectfully solicit, tbe patrouago of his iriemls. Holds Court lei and 2d Saturdays of each mouth, at K. 0. llollifield’a law office. Furniture, Ac. At Panic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer iu all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffins, uni Casket*. j tt lg ChuQibtrs street. Lawyers. A.J. VICILK11W, Attorney and Counsellor at Office opposite Alabama House. Practice* in ail tbe Courte of the State. Tailors. ~ IT. fi. ( AHTULLL, Tailor, JultSu^ aud Milking iu ihe Latent Styles. Ke pairing neatly doue. South Railroad St., over Furniture Store. Jal Dentist.. j. io ja. H.Urrii, •e.tut, Plate Work aud Plugging ou reasonable Barber Shops. WESLEY HARRI8UER, Barber, uruur South Huilruiul mil Clii,tubers htrooU. doclB BIUXOY * TIH.YER, Uurbcrs, South UaUroad -Uriel, iinuor Adum« Horn A DAY GUARANTIED ml., o„» WELL AUGER & DRILL la goad 'tarfHary. tikmtbyOwinin •flOWA, ARKANSAS .DAKOTA Smiacwbn. W.0IM3,Ht.Lnli,IU. 3B*or Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN JftLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. 4w AND HEED! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Oslo 88 Imcccc Promptly Afijuted nt * airly Nettled by G. GUNBf JORDAN, Agent, oot99 Xy OOX.UMBUS.GA. SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES 8AVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would bo no trouble to become Independent. HSU i Ml* MSS -lEMirr Less than one year old, and hat 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 In naseta for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards rooolved. Seven per oent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, TreasY. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBEEAUTY ! THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINUER TO OFFER THE PUBLIC INDEIiTY aialist Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chanoe to Cat It Seek. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH Preiident. Treasurer. Secretary. Oolnmbun, Oct. lat, 187H. ’ | d tf EVERT ONE WHO WISHES TO SEE SOUTH SUCCEED THE COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-SUN Is the only thoroughly independent paper South. It believes we are to win; not by complaining about tbe past, but working for the future. While it gives proper space and notice to all political matters of State and National impor tance, it aims to call the attention of emigrants and capital ists to our great resources and to build up the South on a basis that has for its foundation industry and economy. While disclaiming to be tho organ of any creed, party or society, all its tendencies will be in favor of TEMPER ANCE, MORALITY and RELIGION. Being deeply interested in the success of the farmers, and having implicit faith in the grand destiny of the GRANGES, the EN QUIRER-SUN will devote a large apace, under a capable editor, to AGRICULTURE, and in chronicling the move ments of the Patrons of Husbandry. 1840. 1874. LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. JIFor 80 yeera millions have intently watched hie psuiLoi.8 yet heroic sraucaLEg aud ruANb achievements, nod now eagerly dtaire the Com plete Llfe-HlMtory of this world-renowned o aud benefactor, which unfolds also the curi- Ono agent sold 164, uuother 196 in one week. For purtic.llus, address HUBBARD BROffi., either Phi la., fionlon, or Liu., O. 4w 200 Pianos and Organs, New and Boconil-Hand, of First-Clans Mnkerit, will be sold ut low prices for canh, or on Install mints, for rent, iu city or country, during this mouth, by HORACE WATERS k SON, No. >81 Hio.i way, than ever before offered in New York. SPECIALTY—Pinos and Organ, to let uutil the rent mony pays the price of the Instrument. Il lustrated Catalogues mailed. A large discount to Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges, eto. 4w Forewarned, Ferearmed. To be fore armed now when you are threatened with all the ailments caused by debilitating Spring and Sum mer weather is to make free use of JURUBEBA, which will make the Liver active, assist Diges tion, Purify the blood, strengthen the (Jterlne and I rlnary organs, invigorate tbe Syetei GAZ Hotels. AD.1M6 HOUffiE. ft*lien y. u no to Opelika, be sure to stop at the Adams IIouho, opposite Passenger Depot. Insurance. 'E£R CHITKD KTATKM. no noun uui ever been published of such uui- versul interest to the American people. It appeals to no puriiculur class alone, but t*> all classes; to men and women of all prof ssions, creeds, occupa tions and political opinions—to farmers, lawyers, business men, mechanics, physicians, politicians, teachers, students, manufacturers, salesmen, mm of learning aud men who can only read, to old and young. All waut it as a book of constaut reference, and to preserve for their children aud childrens children as the ouly complete and relia ble work, sliowiug the gigantic rtjolts of THE FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARN OF THE GREATEST REPUBLIC THE WORLD EYER MAW. It is not a luxury but a necissity to every aell iufornud American citizen. Agents make $t<M) to &MX) per month. Phil- E. C. BOWEN A SON, General Insurance Agents. Office, Railroad Street, over B. M. Greene k Co.’i A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Griffin & Co., has removed to Chambers street. His friends And patrons would do well to call on him in his new quarters, and examine stock before buying elsewhere. Prices at panic rates. ja!8 sn&wedlf DOORS, 8A8H, ETC. Our Seventy Page Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, 8&SHE9, BLINDS, BTAIB KAILS, NEWELS, FiNOV GLASS, Ac., Mailed to any one interested in buildiug, on receipt of stamp. KEOGH & THORNE. ■HttK CANAL 8TRKET, jjll dAwlj KCW YORK CITY. University of Louisiana, NEW ORLEANS. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. FACULTY. A. II. CENAF, M. D., Emeritus Profraror of Ob stetrics. T. G. RICHARDSON, M. D., Professor of Surgery SAMUEL M. IJE JISS, M. D., Profusion of Medi cine. STANFORD E. ClIAILLE, M. D., Professor of Physiology. FRANK HAWTHORN, M. D. Professor of Ob stetrics. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. SAMUEL LOGAN, M. I)., Professor of Anatomy. ERNEST 8. LEWIS, 31. I> , Professor of Materia M.'iM u. EDMOND 80UCIION, M. D, Demonstrator of The Forty-First Aunusl Course tf 1 lint ruction in tbit Department will commence on Monday, the lliili of NOVEMBER, 1871, and terminate the third Saturday of March, 18/6. Preliminary Lectures ou Clinical \mlicine and Surgery will be delivered in the amphitheatre of the great Charity Hospital, bf ginning on the 20th of October, with out any charge to the students. The anatomical rooms will Lo upeu< d at the same time. The mem bers of the faculty are visiting physicians and surgeons to the Charity Hospital, and give instruc tions daily at tbe bedside of the sick. FEES.—As the practical advantages afforded in New Orleans for a thorough acquaintance with al| the brauchus of modicinoaro quite as great if not superior to those afforded by the schools of New York and Philadelphia, the same fees are demand ed. For all the Lectures, $140; Matriculation, $6; Practical Anutomy, $10; Graduation, $30. Pay ment required in advance. For circular and catalogue, address je!8 ft T. G. RI0HAB9S0N, M. D., Psan. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE ACENT, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. n. II. KP1>;5U, Prc-.'t. II. W. KDWARUR, Cwkl.r. R. ■. HOLPOID, Am'4 Cuk'r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OP COLVMBU8, GEO. Thit Bank trantaoto a General Banking bualnaaa, pays Intaraat on Da- poaitt under epeoial contract, gives prompt attention to collection* on all aooeaalble points, and invitee corretpondenca. Information transmitted by mail or wires when desired. aprl dGm THE DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN Will contain all tho latest National, State, Local and For eign news, devoting much space to Alabama interests. Its editorial management will bo fearless for right, and while recording passing events it will not neglect the arts, sci ences ana the advancement in the world’s material progress. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER Will give weekly a digest of all Foreign and National newB. It will devote much space to Southern intelligence and will contain original articles on Agriculture,the Granges and other matters that will bo of incalculable benefit to the planter and general reader. J. RHODES BROWNE, President. 3E0. W. MLUXHAX, Oiehler. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Hank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. THE GEORGIA HOME SAVINGS BANK Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn iu person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—Iiy the terms of the Company’s chartei, tho entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of tho Savings Bank. DIRECTORS; J. EHODES BUOWNE, Pren't of the Co. JAB. F. BOZEMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. J. K. CLAPP, Manof’tr, Clspp'H Factory. Hon. JOHN MoILUENNY, Mayor. JAMES BANKIN. Capitalist. N. N. CUUTIS, of Wells,Cartif A Co. L. T. DOWNING, Attorney-at-Law. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary oft h Co. J 081AII MOBUIS, Hanker, Motuo’y. CHAHLEH WISE, Bin COTTON WAREHOUSES. PETER FREER. Fontaine Warehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants COL'CJMBtJS C3vA_ The SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN While giving the latest news, aims to become what is much needed, viz.: .”... . A GREAT SOUTHERN LITERARY WEEKLY! It will contain original articles, stories and sketches, his torical and biographical, from Southern pens. Eacli issue will contain in addition poetry, scientific notes, domestic recipes, fashion and household affairs, wit and humor, no tices of lato books and periodicals, religious reading, church news, and in fact every interest will be represented that will, in any way, aid the reader. Are extremely low, so that the paper can be procured by the poorest man and read with profit by himself and family: Daily, in advance, one year $ 8 00 Weekly, “ “ “ 2 00 Sunday, “ “ “ 2 50 Sunday and Weekly, in advance, one year 3 00 Three Weeklies to one Post Office 5 00 Five “ “ “ 7 50 Ten “ ‘I 14 00 Fifteen “ “ “ 18 75 Twenty “ “ “ 23 00 Thirty “ “ “ 30 00 Sunday and Weekly invariably 3 00 These papers offer the best opportunities to advertisers. Get up your clubs and help in this good work. Address COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-SU IN , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. ffarHsnwcr