The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 24, 1874, Image 4

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J ilfri WBINi >■ . mm m §«$«iro WUHMIi WEDNESDAY JUNE 24, 1874. CITY AFFAIRS. COLUMBUS DAILY MAMKKT. Fixaxota!..—Slgkt Mila OB Now York pari OB Boo too % por ooat. dlMonti on 8S- rsBaak 14 por ooat: dsatsd kllla oa Boatoa XporoML Boakaoroaomai ohoeka oa Now York at )4o. praalaa. Ourroaof looaa 10U4 par tout. por aaoatk. Oold and allror noml- Oottos—Market doll. Tko foUowlap aro Iaforlor • 0— Ordlaar? aad atataod 10 «U OOod Ordlaary 14 any, lawMIdtltaa! MX0l»X MMdUapa It 9- ■trtot MMdUaia HJ40- Balaa It kalaa. ■oaalpla » kalaa - I bp M. fc O. B. B.; 1 kj wacoati 0 by H. k I . R. R ; a by W. B. B. I 0 kj rtrort • ky 8. W. B. ■klpaaoaU 1M kataa-IM l>y 8. W. B. • for koso ooaaaaapUon 14 by W. R. R. aun vraTBaakT. JMJJknihaail AiffaatMat, UTt 1,177 01,013 .. 100 . .00,080—00,477 piortoaaly 8took oa haad 2,1J» Sava Oat Loot Task.—Aogaat Mat, 107A 1M| raoolrod aa» day I; total raoalpta 57,100 ahlppod nao day li total Iklpmonto 54,604; ataok l,Mi aalaolM. MlddUagalao. V. 8. POST!—Baoalpta for 0 daya 0,110; oi. porta to Oroat Brltala 1IA40; to Oontlooot •m otook M0.UA For tko aooommodation of poraono de- alriug to atteod the lfaaooio osremouie* at Hsailton, on tho 34th inatant, a apo dial train on the North and Booth Bail- mad will loan Oolaoiboo at 6$ o'clock to-morrow morning, and ntnm in tho oraniag. IkOaa la To* iOwrllioaMoli. Daridaon Collage, N. C.—Boo Notice. Mooting to-night—Columbian Lodge. Onaraatao—$35 a day. Oara for coogha, colda, Ao.— Wolla’ Oarbollc Tablota. Biatory of Ltringatone—Hubbard Broa. Fiance and Organa—Horace Watered Jurubabs—Blood Purifier. Oentonnlal Uarettear—Zeigler 1 Mo- Onrdy. Ootton Factory—A Ologg A Co. Tho Gentleman in Black. — Vinegar Bitten ia a con. Change In Jailor. Them are rnmora of a roaignation, and eeroral application! are being made for tho poeltion. The Chain IMaf. Thieinatitntion now nnubera ton mem- bora—one white and nine colored. They warn at work cleaning out Oglethorpe atreat yeateyday. One gentleman in Colnmbna paya taxon on $141,000 of real eetate located in the city. A firm of aereral parties repre senting rationa intereata, paya tax to the aaaonnt of $2,010.80. Meyer’i Cenn Yesterday. Lucinda Knight, oclured, waa the only peraon who waa foroed to appear before the Mayor. Bhe had been diaorderly to tho amount of $2.50; no our Mayor jndgml. Death in BnoeeU County. Bor. J. 0. Carter, aged aeventy-three yearn, died in Ruuell oounty, Ala., laat Wedneeday. He waa, we are informed, a Methodic! mlnieter of long atanding. Died ia Oanaaay, Mr. Chao. Heymanreceired intelligence, yeaterday of the death of hie brother, in Germany, which occurred on dune 1st in a town of Germany, bordering on the Baltio. He waa one of the uhlana in the late Pruaaian-Franco war. Oalfapa garret Society Meeting. For the benefit of quite a number of aembera ia Coluiabua, we giro the infor mation that the annual meeting of the Grand Chapter of the Sigma Alpha Ep- ailon Fraternity will be held in Augusta, Oa, in Auguat. Over one hundred dele gatee, repreaenting erery leading college in the South and mauy in the North, are eipeoted to be preaant. Bankruptcy enact. The following petition! for final dis charge ia bankruptcy were filed in Savan nah laat week : John S. Lee aud John A. Howard, of Fort Valley; Augustus A. Jeter of HaynevUle, aud William P. Swift of Perry, in Houston connty ; James N. House, of Fort Gaines ; James Crappa, of Outhbert; William II. Phillips, of Ban- dulph oounty ; and William MoCray, of Talbot county. Our Bate Pact Matter. Mr. Walter H. Johnson has received his commission to be Poet master at Colum- bee fier the next four years, and taken charge of the office. The universal ex- preasion is that he will make a good, affable and popular uffioer. He ie proba bly the youngeat Poatmaater in tho Uni ted States who hts charge of a first olosa ofifioe—being only twenty-six years of age. Aa we have stated, no change will be made in the employees. Smart Day, Conductor Charlie Douglass, who is temporarily filling the place of Conductor F. 8. Grimes, tells ua of a smart dog, whioh ha encountered on the N. A B. B. B. yesterday. The animal waa on a tres tle, and aa the train approached, made a raoe over the cross ties, but seeing the engine waa overtaking him, quietly slid on the bent, and crouching down allowed the train to pass over him. Thus, the dog eeeaped barm. Smart animal that. Blackberries Said in Colombo,. A reasonable calculation shows that thirty bushels of blaokberriaa are sold in Colnmbna daily, bringing about $45. The aeaaon lasts about ninety days. So the blackberry brigade realises about $4,060 from the baskets of them they cany to market. When we consider the vast quantities used in the country on the table and manufactured into wines, we aaa have some appreciation of the value of this immense crop, which grows spon- tnasoualy throughout our eonntry. MVSCOHKB OOUBTT DOUBT. June Marat Judge Jettyh y, Mat Sa- KIOBTS DAT. Court met at 8$ a. m. Geo. L. Lutz vs. John G. McKee— complaint—verdict fee plaintiff. J. Ennis vo. Wootfolk Walker—verdiot for plaintiff. B. Bodkins vo. Mayor and Oounoil of Columbus—action on the ease. Ia April, 1873, the plaintiff brought meat to the market for asle. On account of its ex treme poverty it waa proaouneed ooflt to eat by the City Pbyaioian, and the butch ers stated it was bad. The eonaeqnenoe waa the authorities ordered the beef to be thrown into the river. Mr. Bad sued for damages to the amouot of $250. will The jury awarded him $0.75. be appealed. Several oases were settled. There are yet thirty-sight e doeket to be tried. The first ease on doeket this morning is Wheeler A Wilson Sawing Hacking Company va Chattahoochee National Bank—aaanmpait. Court adjourned to 8j a. m. to-day. Otntiit for AdmintttraHen. It will be remembered that Mr. John Johnson was administrator of the of Mr..T. W. Bradley, proprietor of the Exuhango saloon. Mrs. Emma Bradley, nee Miss Emma Tomlinson, who olaimed to be bis wife, olaimed tbs administration. She woo defeated before the ooerts, Mr, Johnson died. Bradley's heirs nomtantof Mr. G. W. Briggs, nephew of Mr. John- sod, as administrator. Mrs. Bradley olaimed again to be administratrix. The hearing came before Ordinary Brooks Monday. It waa argued for U>e plaintiff by Gen. Benniog and G. E. Thomas, Esq., and for the heirs by Fdabody A Brannon. Ordinary Brooks gave an elab orate decision, whioh waa to the effeot that the administration be awarded to Mr. Briggs. We suppose, of course, the case will be appealed. The Cttyg Battery, ' Thin establishment, of whioh an adver tisement appears in our paper, ia on the Mgh road to prosperity. Being ably managed by prudent men, every step hss been a auooese. The oompany now cm ploy twenty-five operators, and run thirty looms. The beat description of stripes, ohecke and ginghams are manu factured. The eompkny do their own dyeing end their colors are popular and durable. This ia one of the firmly eatab. liahed institutions in Colnmbus and its goods are unsurpassed in quality, quan tity and finish. Beef. Choke's Ceuoert, It takes place to-night, and will be a rich musioal treat. Beautiful music, sing, log, tableaux and Operatic scenes will form the attractions of the night. Prof. Chase : I$m worfcedAard to achieve success in this oonoert, and be cannot fail purely for the laMrof the support of Columbus, for whioh city he baa done so rnuob in the musioal line. The festival will be a rich Irani in all who may attond. The Business of Cettunkne. For the business quarter, ending March 81st, Columbus merchants reported sales, exclusive of cotton and insurance, to the amouot of $1,063,000. Last year, during the same time, the amounted to 1,208,000, showing a decrease this year over the last of $140,000. Tbs returns show that the Engle and Phenix Manufactory have sold $262,000 of goods, while last year it dis posed of $220,000—thus showing an in crease of $40,000. The general deorease may to n great ex tent be attributed to lessened credit granted, and to the fact that sales may not have been so oorreotly reported. Had the same restraint been placed on credit laat year, as there was this season, the oountry would be far better off. It must be remembered that in this estimate cotton sales and insurance whioh were larger this year than the last, are not in cluded. The general impression is that the cash sales are larger than last year. Good men can now obtain money cheaper than at any lime sinoe the war. Kneunien It Alecandor City, We understand that a majority of the business houses in the city will be repre sented in the excursion to-day to Alexan der City, the termiuua of the Savannah A Memphis Railroad. The fare for the round trip is only $3. We will have a representative along. Train leaves Co lumbus at 6 a. u. and roturnsat8:40r. a. Those who desire to go to Upelika ean do so for $1 for the round trip. The following appears to be the pro gramme. They have been postponed this year until the day sehools oloaed; The Baptist Bnnday School has one at Mulberry creek, the terminus of ths North aud Booth Railroad. St. Lake's M. E. Sunday School has theirs on July 1st, near the Columbus Factory. Trinity and Brownsville schools have a picnic el the same point on July 4th. The E igle A Pbonix operatives have a grand excursion on July 4th to Fort Mitohell. All expect to have a good time. The Bitty Cate. Yesterday Major Moses examined Messrs. Is iso Moses and W. L. Salisbnry —the latter one of Ihe aasigneea. The object of the examination was to ascer tain all about the assignment, that Mr. Joseph bad been offered by the assignees money to buy the Claflin olairn, aud that the meeting of Ihe 20 per cent, creditors was gotten up by the assignees, Ac. Other parlies remain yet to be examined. Died fra at Drinking Belath, Washerwomen frequently use potash in their operations. They should be very careful how they leave it around loosely. A little negro child, aged three years, in the Northern Liberties, on Mon- liny, drauk a cup of potash and died that night. We notioe that another died in Augusta last week from the asms cause. These initanoea should be c*u- tioua to ull who do not wish the popula tion decreased. Information has been reoeived from tbo papers that Miss Belle Mollhenny, daughter of the esteemed and popular ex-Muyor of Columbus, has received the first liouor at the Augusta Female Bern- ill ary at Staunton, Vu. She obtained the “star medal" for superiority in English composition, deservedly the highest honor iu all institutions, iu a large class of graduates. Bhe is a daughter of whom any father or oity might be justly proud. Several Georgia maidens won the palm in the institution over competitors from all the States. Me Miser Appropriation. Dispatches wen reoeived yesterday from Cqagraaaatac B. H. Harris and Whitekqr eonfirming the telegram of our ■P"“ Hooses of Congreae have voted $38,000 to the Improvement of oar fiver, the Chattahoochee, end $5,000 to the Flint. Action baa often been urged by Ooandl, but (he pres ent body has the honor of sending on Commissioners and urging ths jost olsims of our section. If the present sppropria- tion be insufficient, the Becretnry of the Treeeary in bit estimates for carrying on the Government, will recommend money to be devoted to thie as an unfinished work. The exertions of Connoil and the Commissioners, Judge M. J. Crawford, ex Mayor Mollhenny, Col. B. L. Mott end Mej. A. B. Cslhonn, have been orowned with snooeei, and the city owe* them thanks. Ths appropriation waa aaktd for and granted limply as a matter of right ii4 joatiee. Ctorssor ll$$>$ mi Mrnmiltom, The Masonic fraternity ley the oorner atone of the Female College bnilding at Hamilton to-day. They ar* to be oasis ted by Masons of Columbus and vloinity. Numbers are going up on the 6:30 a. ex train to-day—among them Major A. U. Calhoun, aditor aud proprietor of this P«I>*'- m Mata, Shower* fell leal afternoon and night Byte Beet Office. It eeems to be settled that a handsoms brick edlfloe is to be built oh tbe corner jost asst of this offioe, which ia to be leased as a Beet Ofltoe. It msf be two stories high. Capt. 0. A. Klink is owner of the lot. City Light Onanti Laet Bight. First Bsrgasnt, J. O. Cheney, was sleeted Junior 2d Lieutenant. Private H. F. Everett was appointed First Bsrgsant; Private J. K. Harris, Fifth Sergeant; Privato J. D. Hidenbour, Bssond Corporal. Lieutenants Brooks and Brsntly, Ber- geaata Ballwin end Harris and Private Turner were appointed as a committee to provide an ioe oraam festival end bop next month to raise money to procure instruments for a company brass band. A drill was ordered for next Friday afternoon. LOCAL BRIEFS. —The market wagons are bringing in a few watermelons and cantaloupes. —Thf Intoot slang phrase is, “Blab that oollar.” —Little negroes are too fond of play ing with that pump uear tbe market- house. —-A letter should be answered, unless you wish to intimate to tbo writer that be or bis objaot is not worthy of uoticc. —Wo very coolly tell parents that “Homebody's darling” will havo bis chunk put out one of these days, if this thing of jumping on and uff trains moving about tbs depots is not stopped. —The wesrer of tbe starohed linen ooat now rises from bis chair and goes forth, uneoneoious of the fact that the iotfer portion of his garment retains n very unattractive and curled-up appear- anoe. The "Gentleman <•> Black," who is the tutelar demon of dram-shops, assumes bis sourest aspect when the rapid progress of Vineoxb Birring ia reported “down low.” The Poople’a Vegetable Tonio ie playing the mischief with his bitters fired with rum. All diseases whioh those demoniac nostrums aggra vate, under pretense of relieving, such ns indigestion, sick headache, consump tion, rheumatism, gout aud intermittent fevers are cured by it. je24 4 w Setting Machine ll’ar—A Bubble Bunt, There ia quite an interesting newspaper war now wagiug between tbo agents of the Bingsr and Hows Maohine Companies at Atlanta, by whioh it appears that the Howe Company, tbrongh J. H. Bcsrratt. who sometimea styles himself “attorney,” proposed, by the way of a dodge, to ena- them to get off their hands a largi number of old style aud half-worn mu ohines, to bnild a factory in that oity, but modestly (7) asks the Atlsntese to contri bute one hundred thousand dollars 1! to ward ths enterprise. The Gate City folks failed to see the great boon about to bo conferred upon their oity, aud responded Itis. Bat Mr. G. W. Leonard, who r*-p. resents the Binger Manufacturing Com pany in that oity, in a communication pnti- liahsd in tb* Atlanta Herald, most effect- effect ually pricks the sham bubble of the Howe's “attorney," and iu the dose of s paragraph in the letter referred to, speak ing aa to tbe possibility of his company erecting a factory in Atlanta whou occa sion requires, says, “the resolution once formed, they (the Binger Company) will not insist upon a donation of the silo or any aubaoriptlon to the stock as prelimi nary requisites to its erection.'’ That’s the way to talk business.—Montgomery (Ala.) Mem. A few piece* of French and F.ngUsh Caaeimeree, very low, to olosa out, at T. E. Blxxcuaud's. A largo lot of cheap Cassimeres and Linens, very oheap, at Blamob aiid's. Goad Thing., Go to the Buby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. octlA tf Administrator’s Sale \Y7IU* bo Bulil on tii9 Amt Tuee-tay iu July aext,_ la f ro “* Rf the auction house of Kllla B, ia the city of Columbus, agreeably to county, part of lot No.. 3ft, coctaiuii. ,, __ more or lore, with oil tho improve menu thereon, fold M ths prefisrty of Duncan McDoegald, dec’d. JsT wit ^ T. 1. BLANCHARD, Adm’r. W. r. TIGNKBr Hereafter the >399011 Hue piekeg* will be tent to the Poetodfiee at Opelika. Mr. J. M. Pxaar is our autboriaed Ajefit for Opelika, and will receipt for eubecrip- tiooe. Our patron* will oblige os by calling on him at the Express Ofifioe and renewing. [tf Th* proper place to buy Black Grena dines in all etylse ebsap is at Aon A Uunpoon'o. CHAB. BKTMAB A CO., Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., offer at tbsir popular BMBTA UBABT ABD SALOOB Tbe best that can be found in Liqoon, Cigars, Tobaeoo, Ac. [my8 ly Opposite (trappsr’s building. Rsadolph 81. ■pedal Attention (Ivon to tbo Insertion of Arti- ScIaI tooth, ns well oa to Operative Dentletrr. TobM wly The proper plaoe to find Caaeimeree for pants, boys Ctaaimeiee, Cottonades, Linana ia at Aon A Muapooa'a. Ths proper plaoe to bay Amertoen Cambric ia at Aon A Mubdocb's. BKTKBPBISK l 1,000 yards White Viotoria Lawns 15 esuts—nor BAD. 1,500 yards Whitt Viotoria Lawns, 5-4, 18 oonts—worth 38 oenta. yard* Plain, Striped and Figured Lawns at 15 centa—worth 25. 760 yards Blsok Grenadines Bailing ex ceptionally fast. Gants' Fine Cloths and Gasaimsres at a bargain, to class out tbe lot previeng to stock-taking. Embroideries are still being sold at half their value. Bibbons at half price. Coats' Thread 70 cents. Best Prints 10 oenta. Hosiery and Glorea at prioes defying competition. Fresh Goode twice a week from all im portant markata. - J. 8. Jones, Oolnmbus, Ua. jelS eod AT COST I Determined to sail always at the vxnx idwest raioxs, and being desirous to tusks room for fall business, I offer to- dny my nunnn stock of Dry Goods at cost, embracing a great variety of Staple and Fancy Goods of ths most deiirable character. Many Dreaa Goods are offered at mnoh under ths ooat in New York. Elegant Cloths and Gents' Famishing Goods. All era invited to oomo early and secure bargains. A rare opportunity is now offered. Terms cash on delivery. i“"> *od H. T. Oxiolir. Pend’e Detract. The action of one medicine ie of neces sity oonfined to analogous diseases, but appertaius to oasaa that have the same seat of disorder. _ 0*18 eodAw rJCTOBDI—BO IBBLATIOB! High prioes ean no longer exist. Cash basis is (be prinoipls now, and as I desire to oloss badness, am offering my stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, and numerous articles in this line, at lass than ooat. Call and axamins, and make one dol lar go farther than two at any other plaoe. I am in earnest. If yon doubt It, step in and have proof of the foot. L. Habbis, 114 Broad St., noyl 4m Columbus, Ga. The beet plaoe to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Sheetings, is at Blaiio8abd's, 123 Broad at. If you deairc a real good smoke, go to Buklu's, on Randolph street, and ask for hie now brands of Key West and Im ported Havana Cigars. mylO Saturate a piece of bread or meat with gastric juice, and it will dissolve. This is digestion. Add to snob a mixture n little alcohol, and it will not dissolve. This is indigestion. Beware, then, of tinctures, or tonics, or doooctious con taining spirituous Uqnors. Shun oil ram “tonics," sml rely solely on Db. Walk- sb'h Vinegar Bitters, the finest digest ive invigorant known, and free from th* fiory curse of Alcohol. mj28 4w Bead Thiel You oan find st T. E, Blauohard's, 123 Broad street, the very latest styles of Dress Goods, at suoh prioes is cannot fail to give satisfaction. Call and see them. Domestic Goods nt greatly reduced rates; Factory Goods at faotory prioes; Coals’ Spool Cotton at 70 cents per doz.; Ihe best Prints at 10c per yard. mjlO tf Direct from Dnrepel A fine assortment of Beal Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases of rest Russian Leather, Mstchssfes, Ac., at Buhleb's Cigar Emporium, on Randolph street, hones with ths Bed Bign, near Enquirer office mylO Ds. Scuiacx't Pvluosio Slate. Si, Win Tonic, and IIandsaxi Piua.—Thou medicine, bare undoubtedly perforated mora cuna of Consumption than any other remedy known to the American public. They are compoundod of vegetable iiiRredienta, and contain nothing which «*» ho injurious to tbe human couatitution. Othor remedied advertised us cure# for Conanmption probably contain opium, which ia a somewhat dungeroua drug iu ull cm<m and if taken fraely by condumptive patianta, it muat do great injury; for Ua tendency ia to conflna the morbid matter in the ayatem, which, of oouree, uuet make a cure impoddihie. gcheuok’s Pulmonic 8ymp id war- mutant nut to contain a particle or opinm; it ia compuaed of powerful tut harmleff* berba, which act on the Inuga, liver, stomach and blood, and thus correct all morbid accretions, aadeipalall the diseased matter from the body. These are the ouly tncALs by which Consumption can be enred, and *s Schenck’a Pulmonic Syrup, 8ea Weed Tonic and Mandraka Pill* are the only mtdicim CITY OIMOTOWYi 0HUB0HE8. Corner of Oglethorpe and It Glair v. J. H. Nall pi ■tracts .Bar, nt 10$ a. m. and 4 p. u. aaah Bnnday. Sabbath nahool at # a. n. nro«aff4iP (mum). Oglatbon* (treat, between Randolph and Bt. Clair—Bav. W. O. Hnntar raotor. Bervioaa st 11 a. m. and 4 r. x. aaah Bnnday. Bnnday aohool at 3$ a. It UOKAX GATHOLXO. St Philip* and Bt. Jama* (Catholic)—on Jaokaon, between Baldwin and Few atraata—Father Patrick part or. Maas at 8$ and 3$ a. m., and vaapar* nt 5 n. it Catocbiam at 4 r. it Randolph attest between Jaokaon and Franklin—Bav. O. A. Kaodriah pastor. Services every Sunday at 10$ A. M. and 6 r. it Sabbath aohool at 9 a. it Bt. Luke—On Jaokaon (treat, between Randolph aad Bt Clair striata Bav. Dr. J. B. Kay pastor. Barvtosssaoh Sunday st 10$ a. k. and 8 r. it Sabbath aohool at 9 A. If. Ait. Paul—Soathaaat corner of Frank lin and Troop attests - Bav. Anniain* Wright, pastor. Ssrvioss every Suudsy at 10$ a. it. and 8 r. it. Sabbath school st 4 v. u. Broad Street Metkediet—On upper Broad street. Bar. B. W. Dixon pastor. Servioss every Sunday at 10$ a. u. and 7$ v. u. Sabbath aohool at 2$ r. if. Class meeting at 9 a. it. nwisn stnaoooux. Comer Crawford and Forayth street*. Herman Birkiothal rabbi. Berrios* every Friday evening nt 8 and Saturday morning at 10 o'elook. OOtABD. MetAodiet.—J. W. Simmons paster. Services 1st Sunday st 10$ a. m., and 3rd Sunday st 5 p. If. Sabbath sohool 8 r. u. Baptiet.—Bev. Jasper Hicks pastor. Ssrvioss on th* 4th Bnnday In aach month Sabbath aohool nt 8$ A. If. BBOWMimLLB. BrovmeviUe Baptiet.—Bee Jaapar Hicks pastor. Servioss 1st and 3d Sunday* Sabbath Sohool at 8:80 A. M. Trinity (Methodist)—Bav. J. W. Sim mons pastor. Berrios* 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday at 8 r. x. aad 8rd Sunday at 10$ a. x. Alternate Sundays supplied both morning and evening. Sabbath school ovary Sunday at 4 r. x. wh'ch operate la this way. It !■ obvloua they are the ouly g-nulao cere forPulluoaarvCousap- (ton. Eoeh bottlo of this latalluMo asdletso la ocvosipADtal hy full hireci ipo,. Dr. achsaokls professionally st his principal offles, torasr Sixth and Arch strtsla. Philadelphia, ovary Moaday, where all letters tor advice moat lie addressed, myll aodly Atbury Chapel (Methodist)—East com mon, W. J. Gaines pastor. Services (Va ry Sunday at 10$ a. x. and 8 r. x. aad 7$ af night. Sabbath sohool at 9 A. x. Pint Baptiet—Comer Front and Bt Clair (near river)—Groan McArthur pas tor. Bervioaa every Sunday at 10$ A. X. and 8 p. x. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. X. Bt. John (Methodist) N. E. common, —G. B. Taylor, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10$ a. x. and 8 p. x. Sabbath sohool at 9 a. x. Second Baptiet (Northern Liberties)— Bav. Primus Stafford pastor. Servioss every Sunday at 10$ a. x. and 8 p. x. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. X. L O. O. F. Lodge on Oglethorpe, between St. Clair sad Crawford its. Regular meetings held ■vary Monday evening, at 7$ o'clock. Enoampnient meats 1st and 3d Fridays in each month. MASONIC. Lodge in B arras' bnilding, oomar Broad and Randolph streets. Columbian Lodge, No. 7—Meats Sd Tossdsy night in each month. Barley Chapter, No. 7—Meats on 1st Friday night in each month. Hope Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Saturday night in aaoh month. Bt. Aldemar Comma n dery—Meets 2d Tuesday night in each month. B’NAI BEBITH. Lodge in Barrna’ bnilding—Maetinga held on the lat and 3d 8 an days in aaoh month. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (in Court Square, osntre of city) between Oglethorpe and Jackson and (Jrawford and Thoms* street*. Jail on East oommons, foot of Craw ford street. Opera House n. a. oorner Crawford and Oglethorpe streets. Female Orphan Asylum, East oomrnon, near cemetery. Post Offioe, comer of Oglethorpe and Randolph. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Booms over Griffin's drug store. Broad street. Open from 8 A. x. to 6 p. x. Books loaned to members returnable every two weeks, or borrower peya 25o. per week thereafter. Hn. J. R. Ivey, Librarian. HOTELS. Bankiu House, oortier Broad and Craw ford streets. Planters’ House, Broad street, ('east side), between St. Glair and Crawford. Central Hotel, Brood street, (east side), between St. Olsir and Crawford streets. Home House, Brood street, (west side), between St. Olsir and Crawford Broad Street House, (east aide), between Crawford and Thomas streets. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1 (white male) n. a. oorner Jaokaon and Crawford streets. No. 2 (white fe male) a. w. corner St. Clair and Forayth ■treat*. Temperanoe Hall (mixed oolorad) Ogle thorpe street, betweeu Randolph and Bryan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—8. B. Cleghorn. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk of Ooimoil—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Cbei. U Williams. City Physician—D. W. Johnson. City Sexton—James M. Lynth. City Marshal—Mat. W. Morphy. Deputy Marshal—Wm. L. Robinson. Wharfinger—Joke Barrna. POLICE. Chief—Mat. W. Morphy. PIB8T SQUAD. 0X00X0 SQUAD. Capt. W. L. Cash, Capt. John Foran, Bobt. G. Mitchell, John 81. Clair, Wm. U. H. Wood, Josh Roper, Charles Brady, John Feagan, Whit Smith, John O'Brien, James Roberts. Dsu'i Dunoon, Tom McEacbern, John Brady, staxdino coinorrxia or couhoid—1874. Accounts—Grimes, Andrews, Dnrkin. Bridges and Wharf—Chalmars, Redd, Grimes. Cemetery — Durkin, Blanohard, Mo- Gehee. Cisterns and Fire Department—Kent, Flonrney, Grimes. City Improvements and Pnblio Schools— Redd, Brannon, Mehaffey. Commons—Flournoy, Mehaffay, Blanoh ard. Contracts — Brannon, MoGshaa, An drews. Finance—MoGehee, Bedd, Sehanaalar. Hospital—Blanchard, Kant, Brannon. Market and Magaxine — Schtnssler, Flournoy, Chalmers. Police and Gaa—Mehaffay, Dnrkin, Ghalniere. Streets and Sewers—Andre tvs, Schs uss ier, Kent. BOLL OF COLUMBUS FIBE DE PARTMENT. BOAOD OP OOXTDOL. W. H. Williams, Chief Engineer. G. W. Rosetta, First Aaa't Engineer. C. A. Ethridge, Second Aaa't Engineer. A. K. Francis, Secratary. rtnx oohpaxixs. No. 1—B. F. Coleman, B. Lodaiagar, W. H. Brannon, T. O. Donglaaa. No. 5—E. L. Walls, Robert Ennis, D. E. Williams, G. B. Flournoy. Central Uechanice No. 6—0. D. Wall, F. J. Cochran, A. K. Frauds, A. .J. Mix. Book and Ladder—U. U. Moor*, F. J. Mott, 0. B. Grim**, Gaorg* Moor*. MKOIOINKt. Nearly all difiMuiei orlgtaata Aoa Iadlpatloa aad Torpidity of ttia Urar. aad rellaf 1$ always aaxlowly aouiiht attar. If th# Liter ia BagalaUd la its action, health is almost invariably pecarHL Wait of action in the Liver c.iusm Haadacha, Constipation, Jaundioa, Pala In tho 8ho«ldcn, Oongh, Chilli, Diuinssi, Eonr Stomach, Bad Taste Usart, Depression of Spirits, . hundred otbvr symptom*, fur which SIMMONS’ UTS* MB!)LATOM U th- beat remedy that haa ever been dlicor- n d. It acta mildly, effertoally, and being a simple vegetable compound, cun do ao Iqjnry la any quantities that It may be taken, la harmless iu every way; it hai been need for forty yean, and hundred* of tha good and treat from all part# of the country will vouch for being tbe pumt aud beat. SimiMi' LIVU KUULATtK, or Itditiie, Ii no dr itie violent medUiae, Ii sure to caru if ukoa regularly, Is no Intoxicating beverage, 1$ a fauttlen* f unity medicine, I* given , the moat delicate Infant, Does not Interfere with businem, Bittern of every Take* the place i kind, Oontalna the ilmpleit and beet remedlee. WOE MALM BY ALL DBUGQIMTB % febft deodewly THX Birr ADVICK any disorder affecting the ifomach. the lira.* or kidneys, to to tone, cleanse, and regulate these im portant organa by the nae of DK. TUTT’g VlOlT- aBLR LtYBR PILLS. They act very mildly, yet They i mildly, yet thoroughly restore the functional notion of tho dlgwtive organs aad the intestines and renovate the whole system. They produce neither naassa, griping or weakness, ana may bo taken at any fitu* without change of diet or occupation. Pi lee 2ftoa box. Bold by all druggists. DR. TUTT’S HAIR DVR finalities tint no other dye does, effect to tnstaataneon*, .and $o natural that It can not be detected hj the cloaest observer. It is harmless and ontlly among tbe fashiunul city la the Uuited “ every w hi i ciwni uuaervar, an ia tolly applied, and is in general use nimble balrareisers in every large tf States. Price $1 a box. Sold Scrofula, Kruptiv* Diseases of ths Skill, St. An- Tatter, and Salt Rheumatism, Pain and Bnlargement of the Bones, Penial# _Weakness, Sterility, Leuoorrbrea Syphilis, Kldnsy aad Liver Complaint, Mettmri Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impnreMood. BB. Turn RAMAPAMILIaA is the most powerfttl Blood Purifier known to medical science. It eaters into tbe circulation and eradicates every morbific agent; renovates K*«p the Blmmd Healthy and all will tm well. To do so, nothing bss aver been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable attract^ Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by fohlft deodewly cURes Ktoralgia, Pilot, h$«daoh$, Diarrhoea. Soils, Old Son*, Lamenest, Bunt, Seraaen, Toothache, Scalds, Spraini, Soananast, Dloira. Wotmdt, Sort Throat, Colic, Broiatt, Bheumatitm, Htmorrhagea, Pomsiitf' uartl eodhwSm Liver? Liver? Liver? siivtivcoisrs’ HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, I. • purely VBQETABLR PREPARATION, li.rm- 1m. and .flectlve—s apaciflc for all iler.ngem.Dt. of th. Liver, Sidneys, Skin, Stom ach or Bowels. Thie M dU'luc Uaabeen tried hy UhuishiuU and has never failed to give uatiefaetion. «• Try one bottle and be convinced. E. L KINd & SON?, Pmprlitor* and Muuu'acturera, Coin Dili! a, ?. C. Por aal« by A. M. HK ANN JN, Agent ft r Colum- hu$ and U)ielika. a) 2:i—tawGm. HIDES. Wauted for Cash! 100.000 Iba. Ory and Graan Hide., 200.000 “ Raga, 50,000 “ Beatwax, M. M. HIRSCH, i’niNmbns, da, r sold at . I’bimt and Plcn [l ,l *8 «My HIDES I HIDES!! WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price Green i Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, Ao. BARNETT A CO., $5,000,000 Endowment Seheni Fifth and Last ur A» or tRX Public Library of Kentud JULY Bl, 1174. In snnonadng ths Tilth aad last of th»* of Clift Concerts glvea for ih* bsneflt of tbe t. Library of Kentucky, the Trustees and Mu refer with pride aad pleasure to tb* four? have been already glvea: Tbo first, Decent* Under their charter, gmated by a suecislx tbe Kontocky Legislature, March 1<l m, •< Trustees ar* authonsdd to give uNS MOtK, 1 ONLY ONB MOKK Olft Concert. WtUh Si-3 arising from xbls FI tie and LAST Conceal Library. Museum, and other departing* »r* kj eaiargid and endowed with a fixed Mg annual Income. Such an endawment fonilTl aired as will seome beyond psradrentnresot. S th* maintenance of this magalfioaat esuaJ meat, but ita constant growth. 1 The Fifth Gift Oonosrt- or th* purposes mentioned, aad which U« tlvsis aud nneqnlrooally aaaonaoed as TUkh WHICH WILL MVRM BM Q1YMN UNDSft p OUARTUR AND BY THX PR18RNT MAI MRN r, will come off at tho Publle Library l at LonlevlUs, Ky., Friday, duly 31,1874,1 At this final Concert every thing will bssaj to iaersoaodimporSI 1 by an orebssinrl rformer* seieetd soals cor sepondlng with Its. Tb* muaie will bo rendered slating of one hundred performers seleetd tbsir lame in different lanos, and the unprsc$$ 38,000,000 List of Gifts. 8 taNE OBAND CASH OU BnR OBAND CASH Oil VINE ORAND CASH Oil ONE ORAND OA8H Oil ONE ORAND CASH Oil 4 CASH UirZSJEUK ID CASH 14.000 !!ok i. 10.000 OOCS 1! LMOOMk M 100 auk.. ■0 CASH Oli .SSiggSfSS 40 CASH OUT) r *“ E 100 CASH OUTR MOOASHOIFT8 400 OA8H GIFTS 10,040 CASH OUTS OBAND TOTALS0.000 GIFTS, AJuT CASH PUCK OP TICKETS. Whol. Ticket Halvas. Tenth, or ench Coupon II Whole lickets 2Tickets for ],« Tickets are now ready for sale, and onkn iwnled by o iah will !•« promptly filled. Liberal commissions will bo allowed to aath tory agents. Circulars containing fall particulars furnii i application. THO. £. ■■AM LETT A, Iftoi and Malaga, Public Library Building, Louisville, it Por tickets and information, apply to ^ Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt.< Columbia, or myth «--InWaWtd • TOVIt AND TIN WAR Stoves, Stoves* ft. um CHUWK., (Opposite Sna OSes) Columbus, Ga., \YTOULD rsspeotfnlly invite thnattoatioidj Y Y friends and enstomsra to hls extcwl stock of 8TOV1I, HOLLOW AMD BTAi WARM. HOUSB-FURNIBHIMO ROODS, fit., TIN WARS, nt wholesale aad retail. Roofing and Ontterini <4 dons promptly and In tbo bast manner. He solicits a call, feeling assured thatk: give entire satisfaction. AMF Price as tow as tho lowest. Corns til' before yon boy. oetfift eoriir THE GRAIN CROP Can be BaeOy and Economically San. Holstead Sc Co., COLUMBUS. OA.. Offer st prlcoe lowor than ever Ivfm-rVc LABD'B l'amMi^rslifiiP' hlegant Chromos are by for the umi ..umor aud ‘Huck” to th* last extent - 22 iucbrs, mounted upon canvass and »tr»' t “ Price lit) the pair, feud orders to ihe i . J. I. RYDER, Superior street, CirrsUii." J Jel7 lw ^ TOPULAE COLLECTIONS OF ORGAN MUSIC For Plpa Organi. Organ Oems. Davenport. Batiste's Organ Voluntaries. ftO Pieces for Organ. Pallets, Clarke's Short voluntaries. Short Voluntaries. • Nos. reeb. Keiiner’s Voluntaries. Comp ete. 250 Easy Voluntaries. Znndel. Nxw Chcech Music Book Nkahly Ritt> T For Reed Organs. Organ at Horn Recreations for Cabinet (Mead) Organ*. . Clarke’s Short Voluntaries. Clarke’s Reed Organ Companion. _ 1 fins collection* of Pieces, Soogi and Tan* also bs found in Rmareon’s New Mu’bod. CW» New Method, and in Root’s School for Cw Organs. N«w Cavxoa Mono Book—lx Auau«* Rlthsr of abort bcoks seat, post-paid, for f *‘ OUratWUojiSOo., OhiaK ■wtos. Tit Rnsaws)' ■fta a»tswtw.4mtlsw>y