The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 25, 1874, Image 4

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T a ivit aiictu t.-,** t; Jumt Term-Judge Joseph MLIIMlll THURSDAY JUNE 28, 1874. CITY AFFAIRS# COLCMKVB DAILY MARKET. i r :iti: i >/-M> s. f t rifiaaoiai..—Sight MIU oa New York par; n Boston H par mat. dleoount; on wa- mub 14 par cant; dotaand blll< on Boaton HparoooL BonkaaroaaUInc ohooka on New Teak nt 140. pnaalnni. Ourmncj loana 10U4 per sank per month. Gold nod allror nomi nal. Oorron.—Market dull. The following are laforlec * O— Ordlnarp and atalned 10 «I1 -f JgQeed«il»iir|,.a3iia4.kt. H W« Lew WtOW Middlings *• •“ ■trlot MMdllsga.. j. l»HO- ■alea I balaa. Beeolpta I balea - 1 by M. ft • by wagons; • by N. ft B. B. R'l * .by W. B. B. i 0 by river 1 • by S. W. it. R. Shipment# f. balea 0 by B. W. B. B.i * for koaae eonanmptlon 10 by W. R. B. DAILT 3TATBHB3T. ( 1 ws^.*st£s: jaXOTISKE; diet for plaintiff. Turner Nellignn ve. Rudoliffe ft Lamb —Verdict for plaintiff. A number of judgment* were obtained by default, and a few oaaes diamieeed or nettled. The Court having flniahed the call of the docket, will to-day prooeedto take ff the ‘jhpel, paaoa,^ t^y^l^t^tere are ten. • v, Court will adjourn to-day or to-mor row. Suing tor Otnlrtl •/ (As Jm*t. Hhlpwad to-dsy.. " Diwrloaa •1,811 fl .18,477—*t,4W prevlonsly. Stack oa hand a.iaa Sams Dat Last Yra».—Auguekitat. 1&72, &M< rccclfcd same day If; total redWlM or.WT; •hipped same day l»i total shipments 84,080; •tack fl,M»; talcs ISC. Middlings lie. / 1 1M. #onTC.*-Mc4st#ts' ffr J dayWS/IMj ci- 1 For the aooommodation of pereone de- , , fiteto* to Pttpnd t^e AMapqlfl roromontes at Hamilton,' on the 34th inntnnt, a kpe nial train on tbaNorik *ad South Rail Nad will leave Oolomboa at tij oolook io-morrow mointng, and return in tin TtRing. ,,, / r.- , H: Imlea le Neap AdsorHsomsiut. Only sixty dsyirmars—Virginia. 09b A. 8, Pbapp^i> Book-ffr nele nt Ohafflns. Food.'! Eatmet—eee varioua notioea. A Denirnble Reaidenon for sale—F. H. Stock and Bnninaea for aula—O. J. MVBCOOMM COONTT 1 mrjmrrfT r. Ika At- mugftf/w Mf-nw Ora*.t-Largs East, mqfit lu ran day. Court met nthjn.nL At G o’elook yenterdny morning wa left feftAIMkndet City by the Wastgra ReiU, r¥aa.(Lf°*d. Owing to the llaeonio ezeoreion ' 'tb Hamilton, there were only ebout twen ty from Op|angbt|B- . Uudv. qqq<liw.t*>r ing Ibnt Sheriff Ivey bud instituted to regain for the eberiffnlty the charge end oontrol of the jail. It la claimed that Be iapntitbd legal* 14 itamugaiaitea on IcooJnt ofoffio*. The Stakrlff, hbforn the appointment of Commissioners, appoint ed the jailor, and the inmataa ware MSal ao mnoh per meal. Now the Oommtonion- era employ n jailor at n tiled aaiary, give no perquisites, and the county boarff^^h^, prlaonera on the rationa plan. Superior Court Clerk J. J. Bradford made the principle wee not deoided, the throwing it out of conrt on come eel, plea. Wya b.Nro .it > ganemllyed mitted tbn Commlaaionera' plan in the cheapest. Oon. 'Dennhm la acid to be connsel for Ivey. We giya the report aa wt bear it. The Ctraaty CimffiiafiUMn' are nptifig apdar gywsnt oonfamd by the Legieleture, add the protest Hheriff'wka' elected aiuoe that apt V»* passed. Birdaong'a charge we Opelika nt 8, and thera aecured breikfaet.' < We pcRiced a eplendid field of clover, be longing to Dr. Lee, at Yongaaboro, equal to any wa have sesp/ip.Tsfipspsae. n ,, ■ \t Opalika Oondnotar Tom Gardner, of the Savannah ft Hempbia Railroad, took charge, and quite a large crowd got abArd, and wa Btarted over one of the beat roads it baa bastion* fortune totrav^ Wa beard at the Conrt Hotua laat avaft- iCaq)ff‘H8l,-yi«it<«» tamipepa elation. Ten ' »a> rmllm fatten wwworw at DnderiHe, one of • moat thriving villages of 1,000 inbab- fntVmLttirtt' at la Faramors, ihi ' poet; [Onoar Jordan] stapa from the throes mid re- JMifililnylf --at-Ilab Rnokh [thu bean- tlful Mlaa H. Btpeh] In hia true character of Prinoe. She la earrounded by n mag- pjfloent conrt. Oar badnam manager, Colrtnel Wenmln; xsramnd th« rofo of the rigid* critio Falladeep, while emoking hie pipe, and "enMonoed in 'dignity,'looked ealf ha would tear the trash of any pout to pieoea. Wa are wtl- ling to swear n email “dog-un-ya” that Prinea Oaoar didn't stag that song. Scenes from tbn • Bohemian Girl— npiefidMIy rang—closed the moat oharm- ing musical festival we have years. The oomio dnett to be mmg by twq II girls, Clare and Ida B., was omitted owing 'the tOnees of one of them.' H yj* elation. Ten one of the .most thriving villages of 1,000 inbab- farther! crossed. From Dadeville to Alexander, about six miles north of ths river, the /eiiltyl* ferihd. I YkkMdge lea mag nificent ntructare. The crops od the 1 entfte'rtuft of eoflorf A04 «WV8*», ve^ftuy.,»nd,a very fine crop of mnell grain bee been harvested. Arrived ffrKMMfifttfr With onr crowd, now inereaeed to about 400, at 11:30, My ~Matp Baya left (a ttam OM aar epa «n4 Jwanl Maet a/ Oaadf. Parties failing to avail themselves of this splendid opportunity to bny tyiWda i*i ectuet ebjf wiA 4v»r rijjVeMt/ J Special attantion la oalled to onr stock o(.9icfcar£rap> Collfge.SbjzU yyd Genie' hand-made Boots end Shoes; also Jngtah and Harris' Kid Gloves. vurfnm i t They are being paid with abont the eatue promptitneb. u leal year. This is a showing Ibid the limes are not so represented.' 'wifiive' never known a summer ly pb|ch people did not grnmble, nnd that badly. ' 'Cvtaf U Wm. Randall, for aaaanit on n four year old boy, with a atlok', was ‘brohght be-' fore Jnetioe Shivers yestardsy. After bearing argument, Randall was sent to Jail, not baing able to give one hundred dollars aa a bond. f 1 viisi'Ha-L. engaged by the Commlnaionera in ear veylng the oommone sad mapping the ■treats and Iota. Fottr streets havCbeen provided east of Meteor. The survey oertalnad that remunerative prices oan be obtained. Jhannacrsr<*fs aflatasTChildmi. The oily polios will oonimeuoe to-dey aa enumeration of all the eobool ohildren, both white end black, in Columbus. .«• /! SnttlSWr^-t thTTaoW money sli>-so by the State may be ob- Ulaad by Columbus. Wa hope all will ohaerfulty give all information in their power, so that there may be no delay iu tUa mutter. ' : • - l " ' BU id m!$M Mmn. ft good one ie told on oonduolor Jeter, of the Southwestern Railroad, ft passen ger the other night whispered to him: “I've a little bottle of splendid whiskey whioh I would like to bave you to sample, but I can't gat the oork out." “All right," Turning to a passenger, he asked, “are you from Louisville or Cincinnati 7” “Cin cinnati," wee answered. “Then lend me your oork eorew a moment." The Ciucin- handed o;a to the who ahppliCd the mah who' Was in each need. Conduetore know who bea what. Ths *tn# Bankruptcy Csss. ( ^ ^ The eismlnatton oi Col.' Sai&bnry waa continued yesterday ead aunia.daUarmw tabiisbed. Major Moans waa questioned. It was Mr; Isaac Jeeepb, nail IBdaes, who. wan examined Tuesday. The objeet was to show that the adaignstoe offered him the means to boy tbs Glaflin claim, an(l that the fa/e 20 pi/ bant. ireUfto/n’ meeting wee gotten up in the Interest of the assign ees. His evidenoe was positive that they had done no- enoktbing, by atord nor sign It ie probable Oommhwioner Doaenii will, on Hktnrdey, flbetdb <Jn the' qnwtl whether those who bave taken the 20 cent, can vote.' The question Will be ta- kap up, up waiter hpw itis deoided by the commissioner. llmmUtun jMate. On Tneedey, the 28d lost., Mr..John Edwards, of Weverly Hall, went wtu hia 1 teem to Hamilton to oarry a load of goods flbaof. | ’Ac feim (MlaAellrAhtaned in the town and ran away. 1 A led naMitci Stanford, who was on the wagon, suo- oeodod in jumping off untjarnuyl, but Mr. Edwards was thrown out, and hie »«r inmnii.ilHtoiiiifcf fir^hutST ftkwMIwp Mace Jrstwvsa SH Engine mnd i AVeSph' <kis-f-ff1hs Car Hint. Yaaterday s retaro. train on the North nnd Bouth Railroad numbered one box ,hrM pn-aenger care. The former Was next to the engine. Borne two miles above the city the usual custom la to' de tach the engine, which pushes ahetd and enters a sideling at the depot. The oara, of their own weight, their epeed being regulated by brakes, will bring them ou the down grade to the depot, where, tho MgRmtafinrofiraad,g’i *“» f»4tm main track and oaoxe them to t£e city. There has never an accident happened until yesterday. The angina' Waa 'detached aa uaual. Owing to some aooidcnf or qaraiewfiesa, tho box car waa also detsobad from (ho train, with no one to regulate its breaks. The conaequenoe there was a heavy race to town, the car gaiuiog rap idly. Tba engine was run on the side ling all right. The eugineer and fireman then jumped off end tried to change the awitch so as to keep the pursuing bar on tba main line. The old box wee too quick for them. The two men then rushed for the engine, bat the obe:ioste old thing beet them, slammed against the Estes, the ebook opened the throtle end the a team foroed the iron monalor pell ■all ag.iuat two freight cars at the end of the sideling. The consequence wea one onr was badly broken, the others damaged, the track torn up, and two wheels of the ragine off. No person.hurt. It will probably take two or three days to repair Uta engine. The punning car waa not kart. The passenger can came down all ztffht —The Mayor held no court yesterday. *n# rtrif Ml (or-tba Taker vivSr ,i^ r F^PFY d, ^E* nt u i i -. • —A marriage is to be aolarauixed this morning at tba residence of the Oalholio lln later, located next to the ohurob. Doctors Mitchell v* Cameron have charge qf, tba ***,,. M(. Edwards i. . poor man, and to tho credit of CapL» W. Pitta, be it said, ha W alanding in the (Ui '. "•* nl1 "P ““ *•' and osrr * “• load lot whioh the --wftnuate men came. _ God bleat each graerqus fellows. , {A IJusq-f-Yestordsp, pl|le|a majority of the good people of Hamilton wCrc’WU tending the Mesouio oeremonlee at the laying of the corner stops of Alia Female Oollegp, a litUq. rumpus tpok plsoe be- Immediately the table commenced being PraWf*4-AJl^ • fcwhffl,! f >r the immense conoonree, was opened. There wee no standing back then. The Wilctnna TNft'tnifii ks are eWpeobed frpea Tsllapooa^ the banner Deipooratio coun ty of Alabama, was allThit oduld Ve desired. We ere specially iudebted lu Mre. Salmon, Mrs. Thos. Bmilb, and a airmtag-yriung Wide*,- ■Mr* ’•V^-patho vltad u^ to one qf the ^qcst basket *nnerii ft hss'fiekn' onr'Hick to try s/a = ‘^Tllhi y^t/ng^dlty 1 “Aleik^d*" ia a flour ishing place, and drinks are only ten oents apiece—think of "that Columbus V«'WeWp,:.'W*a(re six b*y-ypbms, ? billiard table*, 9 stores, 2 schoels and 1 ohnrcb, the letter being built. Among other things wo noticed an un usually largo number of oandidat °F oe .'? ro i , f ( q»i*ff(p8man and Chancellor down.'' Wfl 'hope all will he eleeted. General 'Alexander,' 'President'of the Sevan..u/ and Memphis Railroad, went on’tbp)rjji4 |lMipi^id)o^r feljpwfowns-. man, Hamp.wdHia, hard at work get-' ting ready to isytrock boyond Alexander, Ve baling' t^iarge 1 of tbs Construction. We alep.tqek/ljijeral q. f.,Harrison, Col., W. H. Barnes, Col. J. M. Oliver, of ^tb^DadeviA# Sead'UfMf^Oapt. Frank Eohols, of the Express Company; Cob J. R. Slaughter, tho originator of the Sa- -iirnek ft IfiTTpb 1 " Railroad; Col. J. B. 11, wkop Judging by the immense number of hia friends iu TdlnigjM cl the *“.!°“JS»y that county for the Congres sional nomtAtion. Besides we mot we MtoSkak#kow iednyxjJie*.<ff dbu ulevj ereiit people we ever naw. There were mafij prettj Indies ecetterod •boat; *ml, take it ell in ell, we award Tellspoose the psloi for trae hospitality. -OoU Cl^y Armstrong instellpd .the oflj- oers of Opelika Lodge of MaaonR while we were at Alexsnde r. There w ere dele gations from sofercU lodges, tween Msjor Frank Uuwerd and ■ .wild Mr. E. U. BsrneB, who managed the son of Erin, wto delights % the'Ufifo pA cu «‘f(t fit >pl* of nantd of Midliter F 1 . OConileK' It seem* both tbe men hedheeD imbihibg and some foolish words passing, O'Connor reaohed for a rook, hove it, and oaved in Howard's head. The wound looked frightful* ..The The Irishman rods away uninterrupted. The oauae of all this is rooks are toh nu- 7Tf«Wl ArtismaHm »f futile aeAeela. The exsmiustioue oemmenoed Monday, end have been continued from day to day. Tba axauiiuMione of the higher claeeea were writtbn ones, end hence possessed Very jittle iutfr^at top ep^itatoi ■re few, if any, of tVe grown peopl Ouliimbue who oan apewer ell or a major. Ity of the questions propounded on those papers • yet t' e boys Sad girls can do ao very accurately. We helistra the standing of some will be perfect. The examina tion questions have, been' thurough end exhaustive of the text studied. One flinst have been a good student to main tain a high grads, The 'teachers have, boon very attentive to their duties. Uy Friday, we are informed the re turned papers will bave been examined and those un the Roll of Honor annontt- ceil. - .IhenraLpwWhttiuns of the Primary DefisrreicA ooimneucvd yesterday. They ars highly interesting and entertaining. The exercises take place in the respective reliction room*. , . ., / Ou Friday diplomas will be delivered to the graduates, classes promoted and those who have been plaoed op the Boll of Honor anuodhoed. ' . ; TAe OOict of Mny+t. ,,fl ,.. Who is to be our next Uayor is a ques tion at present not un frequently propoun ded. Mayor Cleghorn openly states that he will not^dgaln van for oBee, as he Is a candidate for the position of. Tex Collec tor, Mr. Frazer; the'^reseht /jfficial hav ing stated that he will remore to Atlanta and engage iu business when hie present tonu has expired. Who is to |>e the can didates for Mayor ? Various gentlemen want it. Only one can get ibff plsoe, and he is the ono who has the longest talloy. sheet. None of than* who ‘have been Mayor desire the trouble, anooyauoa. and small pay of ths office. We would Act be vuprise^ jf there wee not.a scrub race lor the office next December. .1, Wkt 4ta4mtl lit Judge Btrongfi, tbe.Rfdlcnl apology for Cirouit Judge, end whu ie a candidate for ra-aleotion, lately 'dalldarad a spas fa Macojt couatv, is wkioh he andoraad ths Civil I Blgnts bill, who* woudaca at any thing a man does who, not many years ago, msde oue of the very poorest of poor Jutiioe* of the Peso* 7 He waa on# of tha bayonet-el to lad Judgaa. *°l ing exertions to make everybody eouifort- able. Everything passed pkwwanlly, and wa regretted at 3 o'clock to hear the whis tle end “ell aboard.” Upon arrival ut Opelika, oonductor Col Vin took he in tow, and at 9 o'clock wS reaohed ColumbnS' aafaly alter poising a delightful day. JY*/. Chute’s Concurt Lull Eight It was delightful. Quite a large end select audience, showed their apprecia tion of the unselfish end accomplished aiuatcien', for whosd' benefit it was giveu. •' The ozpteistr.i, omupoofd of the Culuui- TuukBuAW airinglwnilyallTod by Prof. Chase aud uasuited by Mudsme B.ilini, Mr. Beach and others, made rich and bril liant harmonies. a .ij .. . , T\he t .Oosangverein stag Fiiendship'i Greeting, 'and furnished the excelteh' oboras far the Bahamian'jGirl. r o Miss M. Kivlin gave very sweetly and effectively “I'm ao happy, ihon art nosr. &i« and Mies -Beach sang rufj ohajiu- fm m / Y T‘f*r iB,er ^ iri ty 1 Cupid at me tolnquerade—with* kong end dance by Him C, Bailini, was ren dered With so mnoh sparkle and vivaoious- naas, that an'encore whs compelled. She ■/add a bright WReblhg Arilne of the Bo- hemiaoGirl.' Mia* M. E. Bedell hfts one of the most flexible, beantifui voices we ever heard. She warbles with ull the ease, grace and freafaneaa iff a bird. ■ “Loved one, I bid dhee paum,!’ waa her song. L'lJaUai, by Hi* li. Cook, bronght quantities of flowera lo.the stage, so hap pily did ii|e Thu' Bold and quartette by Mias E. Terry, Mrs. E. Wells, aud Messrs. H. Hudson and E. Wells, was very beantifui and artietje. All had .pleudid voiees. Tha eomie dual, “Mrs. Smith, My Dear," by Miss Georgia Mollheuny and ‘Mr. E. WeUa, waa ihoaf jolly, funny and good. The “Zlthar" melody waa lovely. Wa can't deaoriba thii_better than by Buying it tea tuiuialura' I?n?p "latd 'list 'on a'table. Mr. J. Spiro played it skilliully. * Tho Bine Danube was given deliciously. . Thy tabteajix. wese.wurthy otf aljfpraisd, Fltit came' “Out 1 FotefatheA"—four young men armed with babies. Then suoceeded the “Flower of the Family." <Ju tty atfgd *4*^ flouvbarr^ ( thpelsjif suddenly fall ayay, and a lovely littla rl appeamd. ■ .. Twirl m laau rapre vanting tha laat aoana of Moore a Lallah Rookh. Nothing mora beautiful or affeetivd'haa* avar been produced on any stage. Everything wee perfect. The rioheet of oriental scene* were produced with all the brilliant costumes of the CITY p»R%crpmw ¥ CHURCHBB. 5MS5S Corner of Ogletbosp* - v. J. H. Melipi and Bt (Ait streets—Bar. _ at lOj a. R. and 4». u. aaoh Sunday, Sabbath school dl a. zrfficdraAO (nniffiftA Randolph b^ Virginia ■cl/. A two years' laaae of store bonae from Oetubev Ucxb 1 ‘ FnmRnra and good will to ba disposed of. jc24 Fkinoa, Gobdor ft Co. J t'o OUV Opttlku guttcriAcrl. Hereafter thy; Krquibr*-8on package will be sent to the Foatofflce at Opalika. -Mr. Ij M.i Friar 1i our anthorized Agent for Opelika, and will receipt for eabecrip- ifohs. 1 ' Out patrbna will oblige us by oalling on him at tba Eipraea Offloe and renewing. M •!,! 1 J •! / v [tf • * i> Thi proper pUoe to bnjr BlAek Qrmu- diuea in ail atjlea cheap js at '' ‘ ' AczX -ft Mozdooh’s. CHAR. HETMAN ft CO., Broad Street, Oolnmbnt, G*., offer' at If jheir. popular ' . . JtAiwiUM Mint mMloon The best knat can be found in Liqnore, Cigars, Tobacoo, fto. [my3 ly Tba proper plsoe to fled Caasimere* for p/u|t*, lsCya Camimerea, Oottonadee, Linens te at Acxa ft Mnanoon's. and St. Clair—Bav. W. C. Hauler zeotor. Sarvioea at 11 t- W. and 4 v. x. each Sunday. JJomter asdtool at 9* a. *. ^ moKsa oxTROLiO. St. Philips tad 84. James (Oatbolie)—oo Jackson, between Baldwin nnd Few ■trots—Father Patrick pastor. Maas at tteaad H a. u., nnd vaapaau at S r. u, Catecblam at 4 a. K. naUBirnar. jlph atraet, beta fin—Rev. <3! ft,' , te every Sandey at tdj ten kite. Sabbath eobool at S ft. A KBTBODIR. St. Lukt—On Jackson atreat, between ftW^SKsastaafk 10 j x. x. and 8 r. M. Sabbath aohooi at Ni. Paul—Southeast oornar of Fvtn^- Un and Troup atraate—Bar. Arniaiaa Wright, pastor. Sarvioea every Buuday at lOj x. M. and 8 r. K. Bab bath eobool at 4 r. M. .. Draad HtrtU . ifaOodM—On upper Broad street. Rev. B. W. Dixon pastor. Sarvioea every Sunday at 104 x. 'll. nhd 7jT. lt. - Sabbath achool vil 8f A Class meeting nt 9 a. rl nwisa sxRxooous. Comar Crawford and Forsyth streets. Harman BirUnthai rahbb Sarvioea every Friday evening at 8 and Saturday morning ' ififjtejtef.^. ’rtmmbna '^ikr; Sarvioes 1st Sunday at lOj x. it., and 3rd Sunday at S p. M. Sabbath aohooi 8 P. it. Uaptut.—Bav. Jasper Hicks pastor. Scrvioea on tha 4th Sunday in aaoh month Sabbath aohooi at 8j x. is. t I- -. »* > * WOWUftyi^LBp • _ i Bmcnetille Baptist.—bav Jaiapet Htuka pastor. Services let and 3d Sundays. 3sblfRh8Dh6dat8:30 x. M. Trinity (MatbodiatJ—Bav. J. W. Stea- muna pastor. Scrvioea 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday'V 6 V x. hud 3rd Sunday at i The' proper place to- bhy American Qayibntbte at . . Aon ft Muinock's. rKTOMat—NO INFLATION!. High prioea oan no lonuausai**. . JfT , , . . _ ...ami as I desire mock of to Goode, Clothing, t I Hats, Boot*'end Shoes, HonMy, .and numerous,arliol*a in this line, at leas' than cost. Call and ezamine, and make one dol- lar go farther than two at any other plsoe. I am in earnest. If you doubt it, step in nod have proof of the foot. * L. Hiatus, 1*14 Broad St., my l 4m Columbus, Qtt fund’s Mrs*. , , In bhevyery common aud obatiuate form of diseases' known aa Pile* or Hemor- ,rbohls,4t h*v»on its greatest repotation among the people. [je26 eodftw The beBt plsoe to bny Table Linen*, Napkins and Sheetings] is at Blxhcrxxu’s, ,... - ... 123,Broad at. ( If yon desire a real good smoke, go to Buhleb's, on Randolph street, and aak fur his new brand* of Key Wyet and Im ported Havana Cigars. mylO Saturate a piece of bryad or meat with 4 gastric jRioa, Jand .ft Will diaaMve. This is digestion. Add to inch a mixture a little alcohol, and it will not dissolve. This te. indigestion. , Beware, then, of linetures, or tonioe, or deoootions con taining spirituous Hqtiors. Shun all ram It'tooiea," and rely ealely on Dm. Wilk es's ViNEoxm Hittrbs, the flneet digest ive invigorant known, and free from tha fiery ouryo of Alcohol, my28 4w ‘ ? Ilh'.UjTi*e*j?j4*i You can find at T. E. Blanchard's, 123 Broad atreot, the vary latest, stylos of Dress Goods, at ypeh prioea as eaunot fail to give satisfaction. Call and seV them. 'Domestio Goods 'at greatly re1 rates; Faotury. Goods at fectqry prices; Coals' Spool Cotton at 70 cents per doz.; i ho best Prints at lOo per ysrd. mylO tf 1 ' • ' ! Direct from Europe: ft fine assortment of Real Meersyhunps Pipes, Cigar Holders,. Cigar Oases of reel Russian. Leather, Mstclsafee, fta,, at Buhleb's Cigar Emporium, on Randolph street, lionso with the Bed Sigm near Enquirer offloe. mylO The “Otntlttnnn iH Muck,’’ who la the tutelar demon of dram-ehope, assumes hia sourest aspect when the rapid program of Virroxb Bitters is reported 'down low.” Tha People's Vegetable Tunic te playing the misohief with bis Mttera fired wi'h rum. All diseases which those demoniac nostrums aggra vate, under pretense of roliering, sueh as indigestion, sink headache, coneump. Hod, rheumstisfci, i goal add ] Intermittent fevers are cured by it je2t 4w ft few pieces of Frenoh and English Cssaimarts, very fcr, to olose out, at T. E. Blxrcrxsd's. _ Blxrwurp's. Om4 Tklnfff. Oo to the liobj Keeunnmt for you Oysters, Fiah, Qame, end ell things good to eet. ootl5 tf OofMtipetion, JaaodiM, Palo Id the BhoeMbn, Oongh, Chilli, DUiIdmd, Boer llomech. Bed TuU in ike Mouth, Dilloua Attacks, Palpiutiou of the ■nil the Blunt, nnd m zx, - _ twl.lch 81MMOM’ BR RKTCL^ToIi In tho Vat remedy tkut hue * been diaruven d. It ecu mildly, effectually, end being e aim pie vegetable rompounJ, cun do nu injury In »ny queulitiee thet it m«y i* Ukeu. It Is hMrteer lh*eeety' erey; It htuOikeD need for forty yeert, nod hundreds of the good and greet from all perti of tko country will vouch for tta being the purest aud beet. Siu^i!. LJVJt^ UlillLATOt, « Heditiie. la barmlesi, ’ Ie bo dr itic violent medMne, Is » feultlees Utally medicine, Ie the cheepeet medicine in the world, Ie giveu with *tefhty dad' tile hlfpieet reeulte to the moot delieute iu“ ‘ Dom uot interfere with Doee hot dlaerrhbgeThe , Tehee the pleoe of Quinine enu Bitten of every ' rom a Am mx mli dmvooimtb. feM deodewly Alternate Sundays anpplisd morning and evsning. Sabbath a ovary Sunday at 4 r. s. t OOLOKlD. * * " • ' Athury Chapel (Mathodist)—East oom- ■non, W. J. Gaiuas pastor. Bsrvieaa ava- ry Buuday at lOj x. H. and 3 r. If. and 7 j at Right. Bab bath school at 9 hi First liaptiet^-Oafon Front -and W Clair (near river)—Graah Meftrtbar pas- tor. Bsrvioaa every Sunday at lOj a. it. and 8 p. it. Sabbath aohooi at 9 x. If. St. John (Mathodlatl N. E. common, —G. B. Taylor, pastor. Sarvioea every Sunday at lOj x. w. and 8 ». R. Sabbath aohooi at 9 x. if. Second Baptist (Northern Liberties)— “ ' - - - ’ ■ Bav. Primus Stafford every Sunday at lOj x." m. and 8 r. m. Sabbath aohooi ut 9 x. if. ; | ; ; t O-.O. F./ , Lodge ou Oglethorpe, between St. Clair •nd Crawford tta. Regular maatini every Monday evsning, al 7j - Raaampmant masts latattd in aaoh month. MASONIw v ■*. Lodge In BantM’ tetUdkg, miu r -^ d and Randolph stroete. Mists 8d Miween di. i/iair lar mwutiogs held I7| b’elociJ stod 8d Fridegti * (XlumUM.frtla, ^ ont r . Tl 3Sl}4fjr ffHapter, Wo. 7—Meats Friday night in aaoh me Hope Council, Wo. 4—: night In each month. St. Aldemar Commantlery—Meats 2d- Tuesday night in each month, B’NAI Rpou-** 1st Meats 3d Saturday inllding—Meetings' Sundays in each NOS- Lodge in B arras’, held on (he 1st and i month. r r ' PUBLIC BUILD ' Uodrt House' (in Court SqnXra, centra of city) between Oglethorpe and Jaokson and Crawford and Thomas atreete. Jail on Eaat Oemmona, foot, of Craw- ford street. Opera House n. a. oornar Crawford and Oglethorpe streets. '' 'jtemaie Orphan Asylum, Eaat oommon, near cemetery. q£a‘ip® 0 *’ eorner ^ ■W 0 ' 5 * * nd PUBLIC LIBBAKY Boome over Oriffln’e drug utore, Broed street. Open from 8 a. m. to 6 P. If. Books louned to members returnable every two weekn, or borrower peye 2oo per week thereafter. Mrs. J. K. Ivey, Librarian. HO i ELS. R&nfciu lloubu, corner Broad end Crew- ford Htreeta. Planters’ House, Broed street, reset eidej, between 8t. Clair end Crawford. Home Hbnae, Broad streat, (wa side), between St. date and Crawford Streets. Broed Street Hones, (east Rids); between Crawford and Thomaa streets. n Mo. . PUBLIC SCHOOLS. _. i..l (wwtff mule) n. *. eorner Jaekaoh sod Craw/otd atreete. No, 2 (white fe male) e. w. eorner Rl date dad Forsyth streets. Temperanee Hall (mixed oolored) Ogle thorpe streot, between Randolph nnd Bryun. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—*. B. deghora. Gity Xressurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk uf Council—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Cbas. H. Wilitema. .City Physician—D.. W.' Johnson. City Sexton—James M, Lynch. City Marshal—Mat. W. Morphy. Deputy Marshal—Wm. L. BoWnarm. Wharfinger—Jake Bur rue. l it Cbief-rMat. W. Murphy. BUT SQUID. SWORD BQUXD. SffiUfSiST' Wm. H, H. Wood, Josh Roper, Charles Brady, John Faagan, Whit-Smith, - . John O'Brien. James Roberta. Dan’i Dunoan, Tom MeEaehern, John Brady, STANDING OOMRITTXSS OF OOURCIL—1874. , Aceounta—Grimes, Andrews, Dnrktn. ‘Bridges and Wharf—Chalmers, Radd, Grimes. ? Cemetery. — Qarkin, Blanchard, Mo- Gehee. - Oieteraa and Fire -Department—Kent, Flonrney, Grime*. . CitylmprovementeandPnHUeSehooU— Redd, Brannon, Mebaffey. Commons—Flournoy, Mehaffey, Blanch ard. Contracts — Brannon, McGehaa, An drews. Finance—MoGehee, Redd, Scheussler. Hospital—Blanohard, Kent, Brannon. Market and Magazine — Soheoasler, Flournoy, Chalmers. - . • - Police and Gaa—Mehaffey, Durkin,, Chalmers. Streets and Sewers—Andrews, Schema- ler, Kent. ; if. BOLL OF COLUMBUS FIRE DE PARTMENT. I BOARD OF OONTSOL. W. H. Williams, Chief Enginaar. G. W. Rosette, First Ass t Engineer. 0. A. Ethridge, Second Ase t Engineer. A. K. Francis, Secretary. rum cotfr amiss. Wo. l—B. F. Coleman, B. Tndaineir W. H-. Bum turn, H. O. Donglam? Wo. 5—E. U Wells, Robert. Eanle, D. E. Williams, G. B. Flournoy. | Central Mechanics Wo. 8—C. B. P. J. Cochran, A. K. Francis, ft. j Book and ladder—U. M. Moore, F. Moil, 0. B. Grimee, George Moore. r i. aiwa: Re.alati ly aioure HcuAucIm, $5,000,000 Scheme I Tifth ftffid Last dsnosrt - » HP AID of tn» -j » Public Library of Kentucky, i JULY 31. 1374a Iu uBUonncInf thu Fifth uu4 last of the Nri« •f OKI OcM»rte (iv«i for «h« b«3*ftt«r tho Public Librurj of. Ecatuckv» th«TnMM uwl Muu«, rafrr with pride uud pleMUre to the four which have been Alreedy given s Th# -flret, DeN-aber 16. 1171; thepecoud, lumber 3. IK73; thw third, Jtly I. end the fourth, Merck 11^)394. 7 Uuder their cherter, granted by u epecUil set off the Kentucky legislature, M»rcb lb, 1171, the Truetees ere uutiuirisid to give Mill MOklLtBff 03 LY 03 K MO UK Uift Concert. WUh arising from Pi:tb and Vckctx, tb« Lli>nrjr. Musrum, eud other departments er* to bs emarge d and endowed with n tied nnd osrtajg Aunnnl Income. Rack au vadowmeatfonilhit- •irfd m will w.e.v. e peradventttre not only the meintenence uf ihie meguiftoent eetehlUb. melt, but tth eonaUnt'growth. The Fifth Gift Concert or th. eurpoM. menttoowl, .84 * hits 1. pot, U\Mt »ueainv«iroallruaosacteuIUkLxn WiilOd WILL EVER SS OlVaR UNDER IHI! OUAHTXE AMD BV THE UsECENT MXMXUE “ *‘ ‘ ’ publlo Library tell, Friday, duly 31,1374. Ai this finer Concert everything will be upon scale cor eipanding 41tb iu ineMneedlmporuan. The' imuio will 4m rendered by an on beetle cob- siitmg of one hundred. performer* aalected for tboir tiuiio iu difforout lende, nnd.the unprecedent ed sum of 82,000,000 dlrllnt into tvaaty IhoateaJ Ate Will U db- trltaiys aaiese tesfbk.bhelibr.. List of Gifts. ONE (4HANU OA8H GIFT.... ONE UEXNU OAHH GIFT.... ONS .82$g8|°i4!W*a IV OAtHiaiFTO 14, VM Hd TNC IC8T ADVICE i be given to pereone inffbrtng from dye- nplnint, colic, consamption, sick __ X 1 ie ■lanwa. tarn hvw. are too*, dean,., and regsist. th«e im- portent brass, by tb. un of DR. tlTT’8 VEORT- xfthi UV*»t>Il,LS. Th«r set ”7 nib ttnnssibly renter, th* ISncMossl setton eiiMtlr. orgsn. and tb* 1st. .tine, nnd rrnont. tb. -Hoi. ay.t.tnr ,Tb.y prodnee B.Whrr annate, <Rplu. «r nitiw. .elR.y be Ink.* at any time witbont change of dint or occnpntton. Price tic n bos. gold by nil drug,tail. DR. TUTTmThAIR DVR possesses qualities thnt no other dye doee. effect ie initantaneons, and to natural that it c not M-detected by the eloeeet obeetver. It ie URMR end eshliy applied, end te in general i among the fashionable balrdreseeri in every large city In, the United States. Prlnn $1 a box. fold flkih, fit. An* ‘ mors, Bolts, i Ringworm, ent of the Bones, • oorrbieu or ... te Dwellings. I’i’hd Liver Complaint, Mercurial 111 proceed, from Impure Mood. IAMAPAMLLA tl-Mood Purifier known to Hrenter* Into the clrcnlatioa try morbilo agent; ranevatee the system> produces a beautiful complexion and ceheed S* body to gain flesh 1 end increase fa Keep the Bleed HeeUhy end ell will be well. To do *o, nothing ha* ever beea offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $1.00 a bottle. Bold by allftragaisu. Offloe 4fl Onrtlandt street, N. Y. feldlj deodewly smer gURK Tilts, hudsdhs, Karrhoa. Beils, OldSoro*, Lamenen, Suns, Sortnen, Totthaohe, Seaidi, Spralni, Eoarsanwt, Ulosra Wffundi, 8or«.Threat, Collo, lrui«#«, Sthematiini, Ssmnrhagw, Eto. ss?Bja - BtrSl lodhwlR liver! Liver! Liver! ©ij^fcivcoasrs' HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, ItAfirfkjr^iajU^BLt PREPARATION, harm- lee* *nd effective—a specific for all derangement* Of the Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stom ach or Bowels. Thl* M' diciue baa been tried by thousands and iaa nr vet full*! to give satisfaction, faff Try on* bottle and be convinced. . E, l, KINO * SONS, Proprietors and Man i'aoturers. Columbia, 8. C. For sale by A. M. UR ANN JN, Agent for Colum- •usan 1 Ojeliha. m| 211—tawftm. ' 'liiDE*. Wanted for Cash! 100,1)00 lbs. Dry and Gruun Hides, 200^00 “ Rugg, IK),ooo “ Beeswax, rapping Paper, P Idwes t* mhr del am tea* my 13 M. HIR8CH, C-lwntbas, Ga. nod Flour Dag,, w>lda [JxiS dly ' BiA*WDir*iTii’i,r.» i TbtM gjMcIncte. br* ■oSShelnred frob ''Min is, Ctysial Pebblw” aMwd tog.tbnr, nnd an i sd Dinmond ua nOcobot of tboir kardaM. and brilliancy. ,»•» with the polhriaoope. the diamond leusee bave been found tojndmit fifteen per cent, lew heated rays then any ether pebble. *h*F gruuud with treat seiouUflc accuracy. , f ?* hoi chromatic aberration*; nnd produce Mju.^ect«ri^TF.w Ycrt Union!* 61 WBpo “ lbto ‘f** 11 *■ ”4 ®*‘F ‘ke 100, Ml I.OOU < 4,000 f l,ow4 • 100,00* ■)»,«« . tO,M . team . 1«M . iso, wo . to,ON U UAStLGirTE U CASH GIFTS 80 CASH GIFTS 80 OA^M GIFTS asttssiRs MO OftSH GIFTS IS,00* 0X8U GIFTS GRAND TOTALSD.OOO/UTS, AM. UAEU... .../■ eu**,wt mcEofincRin. Wbcl.tick.tfc /• ..........4 »« naive...... ;../ Tenth,or eneb Ccuu* So, it Whole tlek.t. i/' too w Ticket, for...7* 1,000 to Tickets are nt/ rtuil for nab, and order, conuwnled by c/ wlIt be promully filled. Liberal cobiS* ,0I “ * m «l>o*ed to satUfK. tory agents. Circular. applies!], . . *-0. E. RBAHLETTE, Agent and Ssntger. iblld Library Building, LonUellle; Ey. cketa nnd information, apply to Cspt. C. A. Kllnk, Agt. Colnmbus. Ga. myl0'c21aw witi ktnlng foil partkulare famished STOVES AND TtN WARE. Stoves, Stoves A mm (Opposite Pan Offloe) Columbus, Ga., W OULD reapecifoUy luvlte the fdteatlon of hh friends and customer* to hie exteuivi of BTOVlfi, HOLLOW ANd hTAMPKb IB. UOUBB-FURMlSIlKfO QOODfl, Ac. Aim WAKR, *t wholesale nad retail* •fock WAftl TUI Roofing and Guttering dote promptly end In the beet manner. He solicits n Cell, feeling aMureff tlut he cm give entire satis facttdja. 3V* Price A* low a* the lowest. Come and am before yon buy. ortfifi eodewtf THE GRAIN CRpP Cun be Easily and Economically Saved! Holstead & Co., OOLUMBUS, OA., Offer at prioea lower than *var 1-efore—Howinn and Reaping Machines; fitseletOGth Onr-e Raket, Grain Cradle*, Grew Scythe* and finitli*. Tlirwh- ing Machine*, Fan Mills, Straw Cutter*, Ac. ' wp23—4f ' HUE 50. 2. JIIE MW CIIROEm Fram Wlt LXRni Falntlaga.-Tri- Chronic, are by fbr tb. nr cat el|ir«.i" pic'ure. erer gleen to tb. J chile, being lu' 1 “ hnmpr .nd -•Fluck’ t« the lut extent a.reicbi 22 iuchrs, mounted upon canvas* and itwlwf 1. Price $10 the pair, feud order* to'tbe publisher. J. F. RYDER, 389 Superior street, Cl*velsud,0. Jel7 Iw POPULAE COLLECTIONS OF ORGAN MUSIC! , ... .,For Pipy,-Organs. Organ Oem*. Davenport. $2 •J 1 , 1 Batiste's Organ Vuluntaria*. • * 60 Piece* for Organ. Ilatiste. • ^ Clarke's Short Voluntaries. 1 Organist'* Portfolio. Riubnult. 2 Yu!* *n. 3 •/» Illle'* Short Voluntaries. 9 ho*, vacn. ^ Zt onc-r's Voluntane*. Comp ete. 3 ** 260 £a*y Voluntaries. Zuudol. - w n > s u p°j°°ft ^ Lt a » Apv - For Reed Organs. Organ at Ilome. - Recreation* for Cabinet (Reedj Organ*. } ^ Clarke’s Short Voluntaries i 5 Clarke's Reed Organ Companion. 1 2 ^ Fine collertlon* of Piece*, 8oege and Tune* also be fouud in Kmerson’* Hew Method, Clark* * New Metliud, and in Root's School for Cabinet Organs. NiwCacaew Mmi8 Book—In August. Hither of above bcoke seat, postpaid, for ret* 11 rice. . OHr»r Dlt*en ft Co., ChM. A UUosftCft Bo. ten. 711 Broadway, N • V. B,n 4ltsw[wt4saal>wly