The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 28, 1874, Image 2

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Journal uys it wu nmotiliit i on Friday, that iba i_ w _ _ Mr. OoodsoD, Marshal of Fort BSpiMI* Was taken from tha Oreearille JMl hong by a .mob. 21st innt. three men, named Taylor, — White, and — Hnggs, all Mtlaeaa of Do Witt connty, Texas, were Mkm from their guards by a party of Mi •fcosa names are not yet known, and Clinton in that Htate. M^preme Court of Georgia on rendered Judgment of affirm- •FtaM the following cases from Masco* •M Superior Court: Wm. W. Garrard, ▼a. C. C. Cody, claim; Southern aqm« Company tb. Urquhart ft Ch*p- by bto Mh«-ta-k». Chora), aad sot fa* «■* nmUkM • graft rarafth B*SM*1 tor Bhod. Ulud. Tb. *wa«i**ao* to that UMOUtorgrral cottoa raraaf*«ori*g ra- tob**h»ral-th»l of Bran ft Ivra-ku th. Arid to itarif. Bat tb* *ratrolltag towalMMar Ibiu aaMB( thararalvra, pot at thwn train* for (awU. tad part hr DIiml Tb. to*, for thra. two am, fra Suitor, rap. nraato th. oottoa ManofMt Bring taterrat la Shod* Inland, and wb*o*v*r it oan b. united oa any on. aaaa, that aun will b. al..Ud BMUtor by a l»rg. raijority. Until wt wa fa. nffaolnd, it ia diflsnlt to toll bow tb. Snutorial oontont will md. If thara la a State in tfa. Union olMrly do wning tfa. aaa. of “rottoa boroagh," it to Bh^a bland. AMWlil to OMrtnraia: All tha prisoners hare bo.n tnrn.d ont of Jail at Obeator, 8. 0., “for want of foada.” Alabama baa tb. credit of origi- nating tbia mods of retrenobing tha pob- Ito aipansM by permitting criminal, to tto at large without aecnrity. Bat we atpeot Lonisiana and Miaeiaalppl, aa wall at Booth Carolina, to adopt it. Tna official rote for Congrosaman in Oregon baa been announced. It is ea fol low!: Li Dow, Dorn., !),U42; Williaiaa, Sop-, 11,840 j Davenport, Independent, 6,860. The vote ia full, end about 10,000 grestor than laat yoar. The Democratic aujority ia arnall, but it ia suffloient. Tba majority for the Democratic State ticket ranges from COO to 000 votos. I* should not bo forgotten thet Wed- needy next, tho 1st of July, is the day appointed for the meeting of the Demo- cretie State Eioontivo Committee et At- bnta. They are expected to make the preliminary arrangements for lbs politi- oal canvass of this year, and it ia impor tant that a proper start should be given to tba campaign. Every member of tba Committee ahonld therefore attend. Tnn new law regulating postage on aewspepers does not take effect until the drat of January next. After that date postage on newspapers ia to be prepaid at tbs office of pnbliostion, et the rata of two cents per pound. This rets wilt not differ materially from those at present paid by subscribers et the offloe of delivery. Of course, when the new lew goes into offeot, publishers must in clude the postage in tbe price of the pa- per, to be paid in advance. But as six months Intervene before it goes into ef- foot, there is time enough for publishers and mbsoribers to arrange for Iba obange. Wn thought that when negro slavery ended there would be no further nee for * ,,w, P*P® r cuts represeuliug an Ethio pian making “doublo quick" with a Stic' across his shoulder and a bundl ing at it, end. But we see “ -* •d men of Moviwether J d » n B bis runaway so** -uut a oolor- fortor, at*-’ county advertises maw* - - in the LaOrange lit- .u “ornaments" tho advertise- -with one of those self-same old onto of a runaway negro, and offers ten dollars reward for his capture and “lodge ment in any jail so that I oan get him again”—which is considerably eheaper than the prioo of Iho non-franchised run aways of former times. Tna “Equal Bights" Uunvonlion was still in suasion ut Montgomery, Ala., on Friday. The (lolo^atoH nro all negroes, the call bnviug excluded all but (but race. But a number of white offiuo-Bockers at tend in tho lobby. A great pressure wan Bede by the white Uudieals on Friday to induoe the nogrooH to qualify their en- doreement of the Civil Rights bill by say- iBg tbit it did not require mixed ecbools, end they did not want such Bchoola. Boms negroos supported this qualification beoause they feared tbut Iho whitea would aloao Ute whole public school system if a oommingling of tbe moos was required. Others, and more of them, eupported it beeauae they said that they did net want to drive off the white Bcpuhlioane of Horth Alabama! Tho question was not Anally decided on Friday, aud (est votes showed a pretty close division upon it It was no doubt decided yesterday as tha white offioe-seekers wished. SptOon writes: “In yo Oomapoadmta' I aotfee that yon request some one to answer the iaqairy as to who is tba aathorof *Slntram,'and what is the obsraoter of Iho work. It la from the German of Da La Motto Fonqne, who, in bis prafsos, says: ■‘The tala itself is tbe offspring of iny own faateay, immediately suggested by Albrecht Dnnr’s admirable wood out of Tho Knight, Dwth, and Ba ton,' tha birthday gift of a fonaqr friend, with tha happy proposal that I ahonld frame from it a romanoe of a ballad." Under tba author's ever ready pen it be es me more than tbia, shadowing forth in .masterly manner the anoient supersti tions and tha obivalrio valor of tha half- savage Norwegian warrior. “Cold and seared Indeed must be tbe heart that <jora not kindle with a gym pa th etio glow at tha weary woes and terri ble straggles of Sis tram. Tha pilgrim foals that death ia nigh, and b^a permis sion of Biatram to sing tha following words: “When death Is eealsa sear, Wh r.?&y Throsgli Ike dark vale. ■u-J-msrnrn •Mkinmn nwi m nn —NO. 4. Mr. Editor/—Yoar people mart not “lay the flattering unotion to that? aoala," that they are rid of tha peroidteai garrali- ty of this anoient observer gf men dad thinga. They may indaod regard tfak Man to tbe Moon aa bnt a gagt on lb* ball's born of society, and raiy affaot not to be aware of bis presenoe. Well, that may work vary well for a wbUe, bat tha _ if be baa any senes, won't slay on tba born—it wtll attack hie dash, ears, nos. trils—will touob him on tha nw by alight- eaoh a anion of the manufacturing inter-, tog on tba ball of hit ays (I always “■ * “ thought that gnat to tha fable was n fool for not depooittog himself at a mors ana, •Hive point, ho would have seved kimtelf the making aa abject apology and all Iba aabaeqoent mortifloation.) The Man In tha Moon, as mote by this Urns be patent to the moat earatom stu dent of character, says everything (or faooies be does) for tba good of bis list- aners, aod perhaps fbie oaee is strikingly similar to that of tbs nrohin, who, whoa fog ged by the parent or —*•—I matter and gravely assured that it ia for hie owe good, fells amixingly to “sea it to that way." Now tba faot may be that tbs Man to Moon bta pursued suoh a frivolous viow in bis prior oommnotoatioae, tout tho tree bM been judged by its frails, aad hm bean pronounced absolutely barren of anything equal to the appetite of a eeosi ble men. This being tbe fourth of my aeries from this abode, yoor publio may rats me Uko Howland Hill did a young man, who was aeot to him with tha aaanraaas of tho doting parent, thet the yonth bad talents, bnt that they were hid to a napkin. HUI found him in a few weeks so iuoofrigibly stupid that bo despatched Mm to the paternal roof labeled thus: “I have shaken tha napkin at ail four corners —x find nothing.” For fear of a Uka nsnlt tho Men in the Moon mast now pre sent a sober mien, aad in doing so sen think of nothing to be oonsiderad with greeter benefit than tha propriety #/ keep, iny tober. A very aatnte end ohaervant English man on your planet (Hoary Thomas Buckle) wrote an ingenious book, to whioh it was contended that on your world everything moved in oyelea, aad that scarcely anything trraipirad that wm not a reproduction of something, tbi) had happened before—that the aanto swan j existing ail the time, and never rra*'" worked out periodical results. * . ug, also gave, bin lultator- Macaulay lainly true this f»- that it was oer- ple, aboD* ..—that tha English peo- Hsar’st tkaa I Thai oiinr Tho;, Hast lato so leag. •i isaa in hi raa i iSSSfia drsail '•Death c Omaatk ■ to set tine free t . As thy tree Mood, And all thy ban shall seam, And la eternal peam Thy paaaaae tad.” “These are tha ItoM that toll to Sin- tram hie release from terror aad tempta tion, and, at their olose, a thank-giving 'amen* walla up from his vary soul, while bis proud head fails forward, to mote ac knowledgement, on hip folded arms. Have to^wtll it vidapNidrii th. ms going to' aad fM, saektog whom .. may devotft, and devouring loaf, and branch and atom, tha choicest flowers that bloom along the pathway of hope •ad proarias r How lowg traaafnrm tho ptMAfBlp flkt broti, and provoking Harif Mon tong bring irvmpaaalMe woman by tho thoo- aand into deepest, darkest, draariaat of iameetio mteary ? How Iragfariogtaa*. cent aad belplem ehiidran by teat of tboaaaada into mga, into wratabadnank- into the midday glir* of ppM^jt^amej into tha midnight darknsm of moral deso lation 7 That by Jadlatana wrara—by maaaa whioh atndy the arils and a£piy the rem edy to tha taeeption yoa assy arrest eonqaering march of your raoe's most nn- appeaeeble snamy, la tho highest hope of yoar friend, Tna Man nr na Moon. MUTJg CAM1UTA riwvarnai Monas Pardons Oenvlcted not epape to.4)rat| at lgaglh on the moaal I _ , . . of thieeioelient work, bnt must add that I ^ eT<r I uk * * ,ai of virtuous indignation against «vil-doon; aud than woe to the bad who, Dbtsotive Whitkly.—A report made to OongresH uu the luut dny of itn hon ■ion AffordK Htron^ Lupe that the inf« mouH career of thia luun, so far ah its official character is concerned, is about to be brought to an inglorious close, special to the Philadelphia Inquirer porta that “the joint committee on Dia> triot-Attorney Harrington's Hifo burglary reported three hundred aud fifty pages of fteetimony to-day, which goes to allow, el- moat absolutely that it was a conspiracy eoncocted by Harrington and Golonel Whitely, of tbe Treasury Department de tective force, to throw Columlmu Alexan der into dinrepute and create sympathy for the Dibtiii t government. Tho poiut being oloeely preaeed by the committee, Secretary Drintow »ud Attorney-Goueral Wiiliauaa will no doubt uittko ehurt work with the conepiratorN.” This in no doubt the WhitcIy,of Georgia infamy, who has heretofore had official protection in his crimes. Tho conspiracy Against Alexander, however villainous, Bust have fallen in enoruity fur short of that against the lives and fuir fame of •boat a dozen innocent men in Goorgia. BtUl its exposure tuay serve to unmask rascality that has long basked in official favor, aud convince the country of the trae character of some men whom the Government employs to aunoy and en- teap ile citizens. BUODE IKLAKD. The Senatorial contest in this little “eloee corporation'’ drugs slowly along, without any indication uk to how it will •nd. It is a “family matter,” as all im portant elections in Rhode Island are, and the people of the little outside fraction of the United States look upon it with leas concern than they do upon any similar election in any other State in the Union. Why ? Because it is well known that Rhode Island is not gjiug to send any man of importance or inliuenoe to Wash ington. She never has done so, for the last thirty or forty years at least, and hasn’t got the mea to send now. For ■ome years two great manufacturing es* tablishipenta have controlled tho politics of the Stats aud divide d its offices among them. Sprague is a member of one of tbme firms, and Anthony a member of the other. They manufacture Southern •etton, making twice a* much out of it as the planters do, snd by the voat extent of their manufacturing interests they •W” their little State. This year the %ngnea are “out of the ring,” their Sena- ficttal membar having been a little too ■betel 4P tu* ^ty i D 1372 (influenced your enquirer will spend hit tim w»'* itop.nto.i." to Mirtam.—Yba 4*a ri-' IsdlM du imt ^ .at. Oar young U ** F****** . aaoagb 1 nor, todaad, H**** '^ ' . .XMato. M tkwr should. The ” ' .nltivatton ai tha totalled does ,ot ooostltato aa sdnaatioa. Tbs head, hand and heart ahonld bo trained equally, a good sdnaatioa may eooompeny a sound body, and n para heart oontrol both. L. L.—No. A woman cannot be a Free Maaon, but one ot tho groat objoots of Free Masonry is to proteot bar. Jennie.—If tbe gontloman bo a friend, and yon an tod to write him a friendly note, it would bo perfectly proper to close with, “Vary truly yoor friend.” But it would be equally oorreot to write, “Vonra, truly,” or “Yonra, raapootfully." Scot.— Look Katrine is only forty mllea in an air lint from Glasgow, Its average width ia about two milM. Ellon's Isle, famed to Iho “Lady of tho Lake,” ia at tha wmttti and of tha look. Ila whole aroa ia only an son or two, and to making it Ilia hiding plaoe of Tba Douglass, “Scot" indulged to more than a verbal poetie lioauaa. Harry F.—Tha shortest and quickest way to roach any ol tha porta on tho wast coast ot South America, ia to taka a l’a- oifio Mall staaaMr at New York for Asptn wall, Ihenoe via tba isthmus road to Panama, whan yon will And a line of oOMttog steamers for the porta yon name. Feet asks, “who is tha greatest living genius I” Wa oan not tell; particularly as genius ia so wide to its range. We might my Tennyson was tha greatest pool, Bismarck tha greatest statesman, George Elliott the graatest novelist, do., but to compare these, ont with tha other, would bo tmpoMlble. Sailor— Wo oannot tell when tho Gov eminent appropriation will bo oapaudsd on the river, hot during tho anmmor we hope. Student—“Arma tirutnyue eano," you reudar, “I slag of arms aod the man,” this la not oorreot, it ahonld be “arms aod tba man I sing," if yon would haw it literal. *.*8evoral letters remain over to ha an swerad to onr next. Correspondents must not expect npitos tha week follow- tog thslr letters. THE MB1ANII. Leaking «• a Territorial Govern- neon*. I'll-son, Kansas, Jane 17.—Important changes have taken plaoe in tho Indian territory. All the agents of tbs civilised Indiana have been relieved by adopting J. B. Jones, agent at tbe Chatoksea, and a central agency has bo.n MtebUshed at Fort Gibson. Tha Oharoksa, Ohostaw, Greeks, Samtoolaa, Chiekaaawa and other eiviiised Indiana will be under agent Jones. This is regarded M an experi ment, on a small aoala, to familiarise the Indiana with salf-govaramant wader a fu ture territorial organisation. A number of prominent Indiana will taka strong ground to their ooming an- nual election to favor of oeotionalistog their ooontry into a territorial govern mant aad .oitiMnafaip to tha United StetM. Tho OOklahoma Star, published at Gud- do, to the Ohootaw nation, openly advo- oetes tbia dootrine. niuAi AMrauiim. TOO North Amorta— ■magorhMd. OuvaLam, Jane 17.—Tho bottosM mooting of tho North American Samgar- bnnd has daoidad to bold a “feat” every three years, instead of biennially. The next feat will bo hold in Louisvillo in 1877. To-night tho laat oonoort was giv en to whioh tho riagiag tm by Mparate society. Tho attoodaaoo was fair and musio good. To-morrow tho SmngorfMt closes with a pienio at the Northern Ohio Fair Gronoda. This masting hM been in every way a part set aneaaaa. MACING AW (MTON. Bouoa, May IT.—In tha nos between Trotter's Aaterioan Girl and Camara and tha near Oopparbottom for $1000, Gam- era won tho 1st boat la 1:18; Oopparbot- tom Id la ftttj *mariMa Girl won tha next 8 heats la *:M» StM aad 1:18. whether be be more culpable than others, presents a more conspicuous target for the arohera of tha popular freaay. Now, just at this particular time, your Ameri can people present a living proof of tho Buoklo theory, and an greatly exercised over the subjeot of strong drink—all of whioh simply means that whan an evil beoomes unendurable, society seeks many outlets of escape. As is natural, tha ma chinery cf publio patienee and toleration will ignito under frietion to aevara and long-continued; and publio notion and opinion here, as elrawhere, is a giant with tha bands of Briareua and the head of Polyphemus—strong to exeente if its object could be discerned, bnt blind to perceive its whereabouts. Consequently, your country has of late praaented the foolish speotscle of women praying before the doors of liquor-shops, with prayers intended not tor the intervention ot tbo Deity in behalf of those who foil by the wayside, bnt for the ioiimid tlioa of the men who furnish the weapons to whioh so many succumb. Sosreely less foolish are those prohibitory laws of some States, which have so erroneously diagnosed the human constitution aa not to know that it is mediosl folly to treat looelly a disease that exists in tho blood. After tho same pattern ie the temperance pledge, whioh is presented by yoor thousand eloquent orators in snob captivating and apparently effsotive shapes. Tha animus is good, but experiouoe ahonld have shown yoa before this time its emptineaa aa a aohame, For ha that too far i:ralns a vow, W III break It, Uks aa o'er-bent bow. Well, then, many will aay, Mr. Man ia the Moon, you are to aite (t) on all sub- jeots, wbat is the remedy F Just ait down, my dear airs, mademM and misses, possess your souls to patience, and hear the conclusion of tbe whale matter. Fits), then, let no one be so visionary aa to tup/tote or kope for a day when aleo- holio drinks will not be easily attainable by all persons having an appetite to in dulge. If this he aeeepted as a faot, we may only address ourselvM to the cultiva tion of a habit of life favorable to their disuse; nud to promote this, nothing Is ao effective aa to be completely immersed to business and labor. With comparatively few exceptions intemperate habila have their origin in too much eieurt in the eubject. i ite mind not engaged in pli nrsbly exciting husinsss plans wearied, and the bauds which either from a self-sustaining oompetenoy, or from tho lack of proper industrial training, are permitted to fall idly by tho aide, will bo on tbo bunt for aomething to relievo their monotonous swing. Indisposition to la bor, where uo competency exists, pro duces embarrassment snd want, and than in drink is sought obllviousneM to ears. When men in middle life, bnt more espe cially tho young, with appetites undsr lass control, are possessed of fortune placing them beyoud necessity of toil, this con- dition brings such to gay association, and conviviality is tbe too frequent raanlt. In vain will your pulpit and preM cry ont agaiust the evil—in vain will legislative power be invoked to restriet ita rapid strides—to vain will the pledge of absti nence throw itself between King Aloohol and bia fated viotims ; tho remedy, tho only remedy, and of ooono only a remedy at all, in ao far aa it will tend to raa train the evil within snob bounds that sodety may exist, will bo found to bo to the de velopment of a publio teste and obligator that find their proper gratification to sources other than tho enticing cup. The present picture among you ia in deed a sad one to contemplate. Intem perance is too often the almost sola in firmity of men, shaped with nature's stud ied core, “formed in tho finest mould and wrought for immortality." Through long indulgence they find thamalvea to the grasp of n monster, and every struggle for release appears bnt to tighten the bonds they fail to snooeed in breaking. Having psMad their youth, early man. hood, and middle life to tho aorviee of tho exacting monarch, they And them- bsIvm to age, whan the shadows lengthen and tha twilight gathers about team, Uks Woolmy “at tha mercy of a wide stream that shall forever bids them." Oh^ drink l strong drink t How long wiU it continue ita desolating amnhF How Cninimvaa, Juno 17.—Governor Mo- sm hM pardoned the three County Com missioners of Barnwell county, lately ooovioted of oorrnplion aad thieving, md matteted respectively for 8,9 and 10 yaan in tha penitentiary. Tba ooovioted odtoiala, on their way to tba penitentiary boasted Hut Gov. Moaaa would not data allow them to tomato to tba penitentiary oa aaoatfc. tinker Will Namain %alte. New Yoax, Jans 17.—A Peekskill dis patch says that Henry Ward Beeober, who to poring bia rammer vacation at hto farm, uu this plaoe, to aaawar to aa inquiry aa to what conns ha would par- ana to regard to tborooont statement of Theodora Tilton, aaya ho will not break tho silenoa bo has hitherto observed. MMoMhwsoMs License Law Vetoed. Boston, June 27,—Lieutenant Gover nor Talbot sent to tho Honra of Bepre- eentatlves a message vetoing t|j# license Liquor bill. A dieoaaqion.'oxumed on tho question of passing it over the veto. An attempt was made to, out off dritoM kcr previous question, bnt txiivd • ■ wm ordered: for Msoit— t g p M ONier beAnee • IrMiat. ashimoton, Jnne 27.—Ool. Brtotow, of Kentucky, now Secretary of tha Trea sury, has rofneed to aoeept a pair of horses and carriage, whioh a friend wished to present him for tho nee of his wife, who to regarded aa tha moat lady-like and tho handsomest woman oot of Kontnoky. TKLMGMAPMM NONNA. —Thomas 0. Weymers, aotor and pro fessional stags manager, suicided to New York. —President Grant and wifa arrived at GharUatown, W. Va., and remained laat night at tha house of hto ooueln, Colonel Swan. Salutes Arad, speeahM made, thanks returned, and tho President and his wife wont to sloop. This to tho rab- atanoe of a wordy dtopatoh. 009men, total pram* c,ooo or 8,000 ■ with tbo eowntoy. TME~WNAtMBN. ..Jssir.'V’Ski ProbobMn.—For Um Boath Atlantis and .Gulf Blaus, local ahowsca, son* Mat to aowth-wMt winds, aad alight change to temperate!* aad prMaura for A ITS. Ltemon, Am* 'IT.—Ktto ft}. Opora- tovs t below hank. ' Putt, Ja*«17. —BsotM ffBf. 47a. Nnw Toes, June IT.—Mosey »*sy at If par omit. (Md Ulft la Manga lorig nvSjSp "“fi*** * " asw roax sxKa rrATXuxirr. Lows ioenaaa gl, 760,000; apaoia da- araOM ***0,000; legal tendon inoraasa *1,000,0*0; dsporite inaTMM *8,176,000; raaarva dacraMi nearly *600,000. AMUttMlNTt. SPRINGER’S OPERA HOUSE. Tknraday, My 2d, W74. ' ‘ ,1 The Great Columbus ExmMot Xinittels SgfftL give oaeaf thatra VV for the beerll af _ GUAMM* MAM NA* coaoocted wMM of tbo laoot t ooaatry afford,, undo, tho maaaffomal or alien aad UN. rates ar osmawra. Dmh Circle, 76 onto; Odlorv, *0 ooato. *o- „rv«t mot,, tie oatra. for at Posh 8 Wot- aua'oBaok*lonthrHdM,la>dvaaM. boon omSg 7?<-T«rf°«Mtaw^*rHMy. New Tons, Jans 27.—Floar ateady and doU. Wheat toll. Gera daU and to bnyan' favor. Pork Arm; dmm *18. Lard qnlet j steam Uj. New Yoax. Jana 17.—Ooffoa Arm at ie advenes. Huger a toads Aimer. St. Loom, Jana 17.— Floor qnlet and beak—b«Unite mmH Corn aaatorj in. tons lower; No. 1 mixed SSoOO, cask, el evator 681; July 60; Angnat easier, No. 2 sold at 48£, But St. Lonia, track and •levator. Whiskey—aoma isles, lower at i'6a!l6. Pork Arm at ,*18 86a60. Bacon r _ firm—futnraa higkor; small Iota sold at ] swiff to 7}aj for she nidus, lOjat tor otoar rib, 11 j for elear—boyars for Bnt half Sept ember. Lord firm—summer 10}. LouisviXdLS. Juno Ia loiv- demand bqt Ipwor; gfeoqltoa 7|, ctoor rib 10}. L^rd—.tierqn 12}, kag 12}. Qjnoiajmi i, mgffkot ganamily nnrhaaged. gw Mow Mnrhoto. lovauffogb jaae 27—Noon.—Cotton doU a» / ' unchanged; salsa 8,000 bales, ^Ic’iodiog 1,000 lor apeoutotton aad «• *'°slloa of nplacds, nothing below good ordinary, dellvarabto July and Angnat, 88-16; do , dolfvarable Angnat and flop- tembar, 85-16. ' , I r. K —Balm to-day of 8,m0 bales American. Bales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable to Jans, 8 8-16. Bates of uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable Angnat and 8sp- tembir, 85-16. Bates of ahiparante oa a baste of mid- dling uplands, nothing below good ordi nary, 8|. Lxtxxpool, Jana IT—A r. w.—SsIm of Orleitiie, nothing boiow good ordinary, Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG * co„ ColumbtiN, Oa., qoolitj of Cotton ChookMv Qlnghamo and •tripos all of which or# la hit colon, aad of th# latest sad Boat approved pattern*. 4^ Factory oornar of tt. Clair and Joekoan ■troet. Cflo# on Jackson atraoi. >24 d3« D avidson college. loxt ioHtM wHI tegla *0*4. *4,1*74. ■—“a. Nonl atHHphir,. stnet!lo ugh tMohlas- Noawmta item i. for OototegaoorlawHatiwa. ChalrWM oAho Mill, JoM !••>■] Put **«. ItariffMi teny,, if. g HOTELS. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, 122 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. MATE* Off MAM i boar* oa* Lotglog per aoelh...; Jge M .. .. •■ per track It 00 •> " •• per 4ar... 1 >0 Boor* withoat LeigHf par Hoath 17 €0 deliv r.ibl# in fay and Ananot, 8}; d do., ' ’ivarabla Angnat and Baptamb FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Paper FBANCB. Atarted—Agaiwat Dire Taxaa. Pxaia, June 27.—Tbe Nowapapor Nineteenth Century, eonaervativo-rapub- lieao, wh0M publication wm mapaadad a short time ago, for an attack upon tha government, has reappeared. Tbo Bndgett Committee have daoidad againat direct taxation, and favor reducing tha payments to tho Bank of Frenoo. MOME. Tho Pope (ho Late Domaastra New Yoak, Jaaa 17 —Oottoa qnlet; sates 186; uplands 17}; Orisons 18}. Futons opened easy: July IT l-16alT 8-82; Angnat 171-16; September it}; Oc tober IT 3-32; November 16}al6 29-82; Deoamber 16 29-82. Now Yoax, Jane 27.—Cotton drooping at 17}al7); net receipts BOSS. Futures oloaad barely steady; aatea of 18,000 balM, ea follows; Jaly 17 11-82; Angnat IT ll-82al7|-, September 17)al7 13-82; Ootobar 17 1-I6al7 18-32; Novam- bar 16 18 IttelO 81-88; Deoamber 16 15-16 al6 81-81. BavamMN, June 87.—Doll; receipts 111; aatestl. Now OaLKXMa, Jnns 97.—Quiet and unchanged ; reoeipts 89T; salM 800—test evening 160. Mobile, Jana 27.—(fast aad nneiung ed ; nat receipts 801; aatea 800. Obxblxstox, Jana 27.—Cotton dnll middUnga 180., low middlings 18}, good ordinary 14} ; nat raoaipta 288 bates; ■ales 225. Bom, Jnae 17.—The Pope to-day re ceived a deputation from tho Roman no. bility. Ho said tho demonstration on Sunday lest, wm a spontaneous and mag nificent set of tho people. Tfce counter-demonstration of Wed' neaday, was the impious and miserable work of the oona of darkness. Tba Pope added that ho had received a letter urging him to quit Rome, because hie person was not safe, but be declared ha would remain hero aa long aa God permitted. ■ PAIN. Carllote Claim Owes MS ea. Barones, Jans 17.—ThaOerlteU report that they have railed tho siege of Fillnna, near tbs Frenoh frontier. General Oonofaa's attack on Estolla is hourly expooted. Don Carlos diroots tho defaooo to person. MopaUloaao Clalan Vletargea. Modbu., Jane 27.—A diepateb from tho aeons of operations, before Estelle, aaya Gao. Concha hM executed a auooeaa- ful Auk movement on the Oarliata, whioh rasnltod to theoaptnn of mvoral impor tant positions. It ia probable that tha town will fall into tha hands of the Be- publioaas to-morrow. Offloial information has been reoelved of tbo defeat, at Chelae, thirty-eight milM northwest of Valotioia, after two days of flghting, of 10,000 Carlisle, under command of Prtooo Alfonso, n brother of Don Cation by a foros of Republicans, numbering only 6,000 men. AMGENTINE CONFEDERATION. Minister It Vraehtncten. Buxxoe Anna tone 27.— Senur Barmi onto, upon hie retirement f ram the Freni, deney of Iho Argentine Confederation, will receive the appointment of Minister to Washington. I VANIA. Mnw a Bajrnl Thief (o PwnlohoA. Lomdon, Jnue 27.—The Poll Mall Co lette hra information that the Cxor, aa a ponithmant to his nephew—the Grand Duke Nioholas, son of the Grand Daks Constantine—for the theft of hie mother's diamonds, has banished him to Oaooarai for Ufa utd deprirod him of tha CroM of 8L George, whioh wm bM towed apon him for bia achievements to tho Khiva eam- paign. GERMANY. The Oaaholte Cento re nee. Bxaua, Jnae 17.—Tha report that tho eonfonnoe of tb* Homan Oath olio Bish ops at Folds wiU endeavor to make n com promise with Iho Prnaaiaa Govern ment ia not trae CURA. ApanlarAo. Nnw You, Jane 87.—A raosnt Havana letter aaya It ia reported by the Cubans that a oonvoy ot 400 moa, together with forty oart loads of provisions, have boon eaptnrad by the Cabana to tha Jurisdiction of Santiago da Cube Tha total number ot 400 Spaniards had baea ahot ia retali ation (or tha shooting ot On baas. Daman states that tha ftpaniah toroea to tha Arid operating against tha Cubans a embers 60,000 man. Of this number, 40,000 ora supposed to bo guarding the ooMivatod diotrieta, 10,006 ora on the aiak and 10,000 ongagad la •TRI0TLY FIMT 0LAM 8TTLA Thasatnaaffa aftbraa vtatoax lavaa- sah l> Hlleltad, and tha auurasM mIvm that ova- ry affort will be nods to Inaara tkafr aonfovt. Oar onaihaaH will U fsaad at ail arriviaff train* and ateanan. / K. BR6DLEY ft BON, aiaytT—dhwtm Ptopriaton. Attention, Columbus Guard* App<ar •• yoar Armory to (MONPAT) BTNNINO at 6^ o'clock promptly, for Farad# aad In'poottoa, iu fmll uni form, white pasts. By ordor of the Captain. J*88 It J. J.OI.APP, O. ^ In the District Court of tho United State*, for th* Soath*ra District of Qoorgta. , for a discharf# (Tam all hi* d*bt* provabl* aa- Baakrapt act of March Id, 1MT, aotioal* fir an to all paraona iaterroted to appoar oa b day of July, 1174. at 10 o'clock a. m. at AS hereby _ th* loth day of July, 1174, at 1 Chamber* of said District Court bofora L. T. Dowa- lag, Baf., oaa of the Bolster* of said Court in Bankruptcy, at hi* oMcr, ia Colombo*, Oa., and •how cao*o why tha Prayer of th* sold petition ol Baukrapt ehoali not ha f ran ted. And farther no- tic a to |iToa that th* Mooed and third meeting* of creditor* will be held at tha aama time and place. Dated at Savannah, Oa., Ibis 86th day of J 1474. JAMBS MoFlIBBSOM, Joiii oaw2t Clark. SheiilT* Sale. tha Hooorahl* Jooaph _ , - - > Ooaaty Court. I will •ell la ftoat of the auction boas* of BUI* a Mar* riaoa. la the city of OoUmbme, la sold ooaaty, oa tha flnt Taesdsy ia Jaly aait, betwaea tha tefal hour* of sale, tho following paraoaal property, levied oa m the property of S. Baal, to Mitefy * distr*#* warrant la fhvoref Well* A Cartio, agaiast thaaald 0. Baal, to wit i Bevea white ahirte, t pain drawer*. 14 nohUa, 14 baby hood*, 16 pain hoy*' aaap*B«ler*, 7 Ml aM*! *a*p«nd*r*, 84 shirt frost*. If calico abir. , 7 woalaa shirts, 6 pain woataa drawera, 64 bazoo paper collan, »J larga aad small laoklaf | ‘ 10 small slate*, 11 goat*' bow*, 6 pain card*, 66 pain pant*. 6 vesta, 18 satinet coat*, 8 cloaks, 6 pair* gray blanket*, 70 woollaa hate, 16 ladle*’ hate, 48 non’* cap*, 24 ahigaa^ 86 hand- kerohieb, 64 pain okiUna's woolen boat, 4 bozo* pad lock*, 86 pipea, 4 boze* hooka aad eyi *“ ■havlaf hrnshea, 1 dozen wonted braid*, 14 pc books, doMn pencils, 4 set* tea spioi*, 4 *rU kniv** aad fork*, 18-hoza* spool thread. 10 pain aciteon, 4 round aomba, 4 dsaea spool thread, 10 pain glove*, 4 pi*tola, 1 doa^a bottle* hair oil, 1 dosea bottle* p*m*d», *1 pair* lattes' aad goat*’ hon, two bale* laz, 8 baza* lily white, 6 neck laoea, 4 rasors, 6 combs, 8 boze* Addle stria**, C in gloves, 10 boz** musket capa, 80 yards rlni m, 846 yarJ* catteo, IS&V4 yard* dalaia*. 1 yard* Bagle check*, 8 yard* wait* lute. 4 yard* Iludaey, 2 yards oothNisdM, 8 yard aetiaete, 14 vard* hickory 8-8 bad tVtng, 8 yard* drilling, » { yard* bfoeobed dam**tic, 17 yard* boat*vard irta, 80 toaola, 4 shawla, 4 parasols, 18 hoop skirt* 14 shelters, 8 umbrella*. 6 l*dL*' hate, 6 pain voaths' and men'* boots, 88 pain hoys' hate •nd kray*, 10 pain mi****' and cfalidrea * shoe*, and a lot af aandrte*. H, O. IVfiY, IharUL J*88 6t [*u ta It anati CROCKRICS. New OdkM Buttur, Muogpi Flour, Faari Brito, Rya Flour. Oot Mori uaS Whuat «rlto, HsWtisk CltompH-. Imported aod Amtrlotu WIum, oil kl|td«, Arrsek (for punoh), Losdnn Porter, Edinburgh Alt, Mono Radish (grated), Osnnsd Good* of *11 kinds, Fisk and Roe In kilt and ktgt, JUST HKOIlYffO UT H. F. ABELL A CO. >84 tf TBIVH OAT MfiAL, 0AOO, T0FI0CA, OBCK- 1 BBt FABINA, TIMM TBA8 at law price*. Cron A Blackwell's Picketed alt kind*. Kztra Chain* Bta, OW Oov#rament Java aad Mocbo CulTjo. Roasted Coffee. Be*t.brand« llam* and Br**kfb*t Strip*. St. Louis Pearl Urlte, 80 ft for $1. ■lackwell’s Durham Smoking Tobacco, 76c $ t>. Lorillard's Drighl aad Dark Ceatnry Chawing Tobacco. West's Bztra No. I Kerooene Oil, 40c f gallon. Pan Cider Vieefar, ftOc fk gallon. ROB’T & CRANE, >»1 (foWdSw)' fraytH. Prominent Incidents IN THE History of Columbus From ilt Flrit Settlement in 1827, to Ol, Wiltm Raid, in 1865, ooeopiled by J ola H. Mastiw. The mdereiyned pnpoeee mpublitk, to , volume ef 160 «r more pogeo, a tetrk under the above title, covering the period from th, telec&on the locality for a “ trading tows,” to 1827, to tho capture and feudal dutnetim yf the city by the Wilton Raid, to 186S. The incidenlt trill bt derived meanly from to netcepapen, which wiU bo gleaned for thii purport with much care. It it believed thet most of our cUitent would Me to have etch incident! in thie compact and convenient frnt, and will encourage the undertaking to ft, extent yf the tmall amount ttktdftr the work Each chapter will contain thort UtgrapJU. cal eketchee or nndeet rf the principal cHitem mentioned to it, who have einoe died, flu- volume will alee embrace fitU ayftrauto*. concerning the ehurchet, faderitt, dke., new *yr absem jelO las ■MB. W. V. MM1MMM. THE SCREVEN HOUSE, - Savannah, Oa. Rankin House y Columbna, Ga. J. W. RYAN, Prep'r. Fbabx Golsxs, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Uxoxb txs Raxxix Hones. yrn dawtf J. W. MY AN, Pres’v, OITT HOTEL, CtnilUI LOCATKB. Troy, Alabama. R. H. PARK, Prop’r, deo7 THE WHOLESALE Grocery House -or- J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 16 Broad at., Columbus, Oa., KEEPS COMTAITI.T PE MID ABOUT 100,000 pMnds Bacon. S00 birrtls Flour. From 100 to 200 birrsli fugsr. 100 btgt Caffs*. From 100 to 200 barralt Syrup. 200 barrels Whiskty. 200 ItoXM Tobiooa. BOO •• Soap. 200 Oasdies. 100 birrsls Lord. B0 “ Mscksrsl. SOO racks Salt. SOtlcross Riot. 500 roams Wrapping Papnr. 100 ones Potash. 100 “ Sardines. 100 “ Oysters. 100 “ Pioklst. 100 boxet Oandy. 100 “ Staroh. 100 froaa r arlor Matchaa. 1,000 pound* Lorlllnrd'a Snuff. 80,000 CIgaro. 1,000 panndk Oroot sad Block Tea. BOO bog;* of Shot. 100 boxes Sod* mnd Fancy Crackers. We do not propoet topubHehthie compila tion with a mow to making money, at thi email price atkti for it wiU them. But it the tame timt wide not mant Ie loss money by ito publication, and therefore we with it limit tho number tf copiet printed It the de mand for the wort. With thie ikfeet to vita, we ietut thie proepeetue, inviting thole who detire copiet <jf the vriuroe to tend to then, name. The price will be one dollar per ttgyfir a pamphlet bound volume, printed on payer like the eptcmtn theet ieeueet A tm> number qf copiet will alee, be leaned en a m- perior article ef pager fir »1 80 per copy. Payable when that work it delivered, which will bttem dm uyxt Fall. THOS. GILBERT. Afay 12,1874. W arm Spring's*! MERIWETHER CO., GA- vteltors. Tlia best fart and tha fln«*t Bathlag on tha eontinont. Apply for quarter* to JOIIN I*. MUSTIAN, White Sulphur Springs. rntllS well known Watering Place turn 1 opened for the *o**on, by H. T. Conning aad Lady. Every effort will lit made far tha fort and enjoyment of tho v ritor*. Th* Building* have bran Enlarged refitted and refurnished with specitl regard to convenience and coiatoi t. Th* curative proper I a of the water* have been ezperioncad by hundred* of Invalid* for u oie than a quarter of a oen nry. EVKBY IXXOTKST AlCfiSMRKT Will ha afforded, and all boioteron* and improper condnat will ha rigidly aapptea*ed, our ma Jact beiag to fhrnteh AR 1RT1TIRG BITBKAT DR. C. A. fiTILBS, who will look after tha sick aad aMicted, and whoa# epee laity la in tba treetaMRt of ehraote Information Wanted. '1 HE lieiro af Major JOUN WAND, who for- l morly lived in Col not bum, an J who wa* killed ia the eervice of the Reyn' If; of Tezas, In about 1436, will Hud tt to thrir intern I to aammnnlcato with the undersigned. T. B. CAMP, J17 fit jUaato, Omgla. By ELUS A HARRISON. Valnsble Stock of Goods at AOSIONIK*' SAL*. A tUO'OMCE on VXIDAT.tllX iota BAY Wl, *> win aril, al tba ascHra Is tktoator. sSralnMa t . u,ck J ®»!te-raaMiiili* ot Dry Oeato, Na- tiaa., UaM,Oai^Bwu, ffbora, Haelv.r., Ac , Ao , ta-proff-rtl of Crm.fora, Jnnl(ab A Co-.baak- ¥u‘ auralioa or auebuu to MVMtollr Ix'M la Ikto rale isle* to 6oatina* from day to day nnttl th* stock U closed ant. JOHN V. BAILEY, ^ l « , A- MILKS, Otemfcu. Ca . Jnae 87,1474. Aarignaai. JeI7-d*>td*wlt Window Bath Qff VAEIOUi BIXte, MW BALE LOW. Pnlnto, Oil*, Ql*m, Putty, ft*., by Z Wanted, •» teratoff Iras. nob tor asto, oMnra, (IvIm PEON COLUBBCfi, ria North and South Ei _ mile* from tormina*. All porsrn*. vteltlng the Spring* oan obtain tbolr mall dally via Hamilton. A good Head will bo provided. A SWUM NO POOL OF SULPBUB WATRB, a* well a* other kind* of baths, will always be ready tor guest*. Oar rate*, «e believe, era lower than at ony Par One Week to 00 Par Month 80 CO Children under eight year* of ago and colored servant* at one-half of tba above rate*. >10 oodtf 11. T. CUNNINGHAM. SO ffmnfcs gtelck Ala. 100 doaam Woodam Buckets. 100 tlosan Broom*. And everything ia the Grocery line, which they uffer to tho trade by tha package, a* low a* any other Jobbing House in tho Cni ted ; State*. •prlfi J. A J KAUFMAN. P. A. POMEROY, AT MOOHEBta CRMNEB, CALL* ATTENTION TO Ohuloo White Skad, “ Fr*»h Boy Fl»h, “ Mobil* Cabbage, “ Celery end Lettuo*. *• Live and Dreeeed Poultry, “ Freeh Ouuntry teuiege, Spare Ribe end Beokhoaee. A Choice Lot of Yn*h Craokere, Sugar Jumblai, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Oreame, *o. Apple*, Onions, Potatoes * Turnips. Also wool Family Supplies aad Fancy Gro.eria* oa hand. Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN will he found at the coun ter aad will be pl*e*> d to wait on hi* former cus tomers and frieuds. Th* patronage of the public la Nopeetfully solicited. feb28 DRUG* AND MEDICINE*. J. I. GUIPF1N, IMPORTED WperfumeryW fancy goods, AT REDUCED FBICEU. All (00d. luar.ntecd. *p- PraMriptiena care- hllj pnparwl al a!t Ilnur., J. j. OUimx, Jata dawlavlv lie Broad it. HIDES. Hay. BALKS for anl* at pric** ranging fron 76 eente to $1.60 por hundred, at the ■yfiO Im ALABAMA WAEBMOPSH. Patrons of Hasbandry. All Grangea trailing In Oulumhaa will Ink* duo native and govern themselvea accordingly. ImJyoar itotogatra. ^ ^ W. W. SHARPE a 00., Publioharo' Agents, No. IS Park Bow, New York, Are eettevlMS e* CoelieN few U- vmtolii in Mr pepax. ■rie if N.J. BUSSEY, Agent AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. Th* trad* a applied at lawaat mar ket rate*. Wanted for Cash I 160.000 lb*. Dry aad Qr**a Hide*, 200.000 “ Rage, 50.000 “ B***wax, Delivered at wharf or railroad depots In this city, at higheot market prieee, by M. M. HIESCH, CelcMbca, Go. Wrapping rap«r, Papar an! Flour bn, uld u lo«Mt mark.: ratM. IFLOlsT TX3HSi 600 Tone Iron Tie* TN STORK, landing from brig “WASA” and to ■ '‘AGNES," con*i*tlag of tbs TINS nod Beard's -LOCk 11 TIES. We offer them at aarne prior* and on tarns terms as any other Tit* at any other American port. 1,000 roll* Oomattie Jute Btgglag. 1,000} “ “ “ “ 500 } “ Hamp aad Flax 11 Wo offer Jnto Bagging at some yf*** *nf js tra* terms a* are quoted iu tha f ml*Tills aod It. oui* rearkats. Wa are Sola Aganta for tha aala af DNXTIK'I CELEBEATBD WHISK K If. MURRAY, VASS * 00., No. 04 Norik Comoro it., MoMM, Ale. eyou, Agrato. HOLT MUNXATA00-No Tchi.upltoalM ,trut. k» Ortoau, wSl (II ■4m addnmd Ie tMto then for Nallag Ink or Mlobntoff Whi.kty, at pvtora carraet to orders Dexter' Ocloea*. $5,000,000 Endowment Scheme I Fifth and Last IE Ain or IRE Concert Public Library of Kentucky. JULY 31, IS74. refer with pride aad pleasure to the fear i - have been already given: The first, December 14, 1871; the sedofid, Dco-uiber 8.1478: the third, Jaly 8,1878; and the fourth, March Slut, 1*74. Under their charter, granted by a apodal act or the Kentucky Legislature, March 1m, 1871, thi Trustee* or* authortaMl to give ONE MORE, sad ONLY ONE MORE GUI Concert. With money arising from thi* Fittk and LAST Concert, the Library. Museum, nod other departments are to he enlarged and endowed with a Sand aad certain annual income. Such aa endowment fond is d«- •ired as will secure beyond persdveatare not only the mslatenanoe of this m*g*iSc*at establish ment, hut it* constant growth. The Fifth Gift Concert or the pnrpoee* mentioned, and which 1* posi- tii el j and ti “ * * telj end unequivocally annoaaced a* TUB LA»T HIGH WILL EVER BE G1YEN UNDER TU18 UAKTKR AND BY THE PRESENT MANAGE mKNT. will come off at tha Fuhlic Library Uall, at Louisville, Ky., Friday, July 31,1874. At thi* float Ooaoert everything wiU b* upon a scale cor esponding with ite increased importance. The mnele wilt be rendered by an or heetra con sisting of cue hundred performer* selected for tbeir fame in different lands, and th* unprecedent ed sum of 83,600,000 List of Gifts. ONE OBAND CASH GIFT *HO,0“ ONE GUANO CASH GIFT WU>» ONE OUAND HASH GIFT !A»» ONE GRAND OA8H GIFT to,c*» ONE GRAND UA8H GITT -IUMi ( CASH GIFTS *30,000 each 1W>.M> 10 CASH GIFTS 14,000 amik 14u,(HJ 1* HASH GIFTS *0 OASH GIFTS NO HASH GIFTS 10 UASU GIFTS 10 OAsH GIFTS 100 OASH GIFTS 10,000 eeou iw,w 0,000 eaeb !«,*» *,000 folk.. CREAT RARCAIN ! Safe and Paying Business Already Established, for Sale. MVJiSS.uTSS' »»«»»• on Conioo-r. .04 coaatrj ■ would do »U lo ralk a. I am GtorBiiMl Iu raducamy larg. aad wall HlaN .tuck. *■14 UrmO A Moat Deairable Beaidenee for 8ale. fYlIll Honoe and Lot corner Bridge and Jackaon A streets. The hone# ha* flv* room*, *tov* ood aa any in th* perfect order. Po*- r to Perry Spencer. P. H. ALSTON. Miscellanies of Georgia. MBTOMICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, DK8CMIP- TlTMyAc. By ABSALOM H. CHAPPELL. FOE BALE AT W. J. CHAFFIN'*. mrMt»sna/ct YIHJIOP MC1BTS. Helves 86 M Tenth, n • e ioh Ouupoa 0®° llWiuj i) ickete lor WO oo 2-ticket* for 1,000 00 Ticket* ere now ready for sal*, and order* ooiupented by cash will be promptly filled. Liberal commission* will b* allowed to satisfac tory agents. Circulars containing foil particular* tarnish'd on application. THO. JR* BHAML1TTE, Agent and Easagsr, Public Library Building, Loaisvllls. Ky. Por ticket* and Information, apply to Cspt. G. A. Kllnk, Agt- Columbus. G*. mylfi datawawtd Liver I Liver! Liver l SIMMONS’ HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, b a paraly VMRUll FSUABATION, barn- Im aad aSMtlra^ra apaclla for all d.raag.w. 111 of th* Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stom ach or Bowels. Thto Mtdlciu. bra bran trtod by tb«*(N*G al ha* n*v*r failed to glv* aatisfaetion. IffTry on* bottle and ho convinced. S. L. KIMO * Bom* Proprietor* and Manufacturer*, Columbia, S. 0. for sol* by A. M. BRANNON, Ag*at for Colum bus aad Opelika. 5 Par Cent. Discount gay* os *“■ tUoete, maj~*owa«aay Urn baforal.i*» rararita. I. lb. D-vat/Wi. gajygrr, jra id Orihriw radrito***'