The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 30, 1874, Image 3

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5 Daar Bnquirar : ■•W&sBsmzv&s. at font kind invitation to oontribnton IM IBaMMl dMfrittv Inked n fa* iUaaa which, I hope, will Indnoa aotna of am taming friends I* iqrths plan at farnUg Hud tndnooa this oommnnlostlon. -1 bad ooaaaian to kml ow tin Waal- m» Bsritosd of ^nbaaMDbvdayaaineo, on a tiajt to tba Obavtdn lima Works, I waa Hratidad t» dad about ssvsoty-flvs - paraaat. of non plan tad, and alt looking -sate»°^ aM r ui ,r ~ wwngwi Mow load boo baoa dovotad to aaan grain (moat of which baa boon ¥ 'bk»wonod)tkan aayprortooa poor aiaoo tba war. I faolaafo fat taping then it a fUMti^ghaapoat of a bonatiful crop of ¥,*• '»*• Itlo ^apparent that tba potto, of making haaay in teat am la la »W*Msni oom- eriba” 'ia bring rapidly abandoned in thla sssaffimjasLEira kMk after, R wttl imho nub laaat tba Of. Lee, and lb. A. L. Olap^ 'fSdrKgOflhtandant, of the Lino Worka. Tba dietaaoe to Cm works htnabatngathabiwo ko*«r***hhd aar - - dssiinstts*. 1 woaaotyapand for* bat waa in atooa Tbo • works an wall forth a visit; bat tliaattps wooM mail the prodwathw dalda atKsntnoky to a naident of tba blawgnaa'iactoa, Bad alonr was growing Uttarlanay. n had raosivsd ooe uowiag, and la now about L two feet bigb. I There Wera- aental Soldi of “Oeraan F krtllat" that WIN toon bsftssdy to ant, and F Win make from tpd *a«kb*H' to thraa { tone of a<ipitior : ha^'to 'tlKi non. ■ Mr. Olapp was busily ongsgsd in bar* vesting * fine crop of ante with n Back- aye reaping machine, wbioh did Uawork rapidly, effect Inly and ntWaotortty. Tba negro driver aaanid to be aa mack at boaaa ia operating tba nunhlne aa he would have bean behind a plow. Beat baiba tha kortt otdp, fnd it ia tba dneat upland oom lover aaw. • Mr. Clapp baa TA aaraa that wiil aaaka fnn 40 to 50 bnabki«*ark*ra. »****f my farming frlaadi aaay think thla an over estimate, bit tba truth of tbo at ate moot is*ln hii having dona so last year, whan Ms proa, poets war* not no good. Ho baa three- fourths of an nan that ha oalanlateo will ; *aka b hla aipnial akango, aa bo o%al to an bow mwcheanoatddboaMdooa the Land. Tba 'fnrinar thW-Ohltivslsdlita land previous made from 5 to 7J bushels, and tba dalda MfihMjdlhiag wiUnoi oiaaad ia bash- ala BNMwa. . *h« >»*d might ffine roil, aad some povtiowa bad bean turned out aa ♦orthleaa. How, my gear Knntsu, the gftftl tf Hr. ’-fliyffr ranmrht> fcatn ia 'daeppiowintto the fhfl, thorough oftltlvi lion and a Jadidoa* kpplioation of fartil- ' Ml In cotton SIS poonda,’ lint—a 'gaad yield for poor pin# land. - Ha wished to (Mho an sxpsriaasnt of doop plowing ia Aa jMmttiB of ooMoa land, a>iaga Pint Mm5s5 followed by n aobaoil, bnaUag tba land it inabaa deep. He, idihaypksaase of othsra. pulled ap aav- and stalks of ootton, tbo tap-roots meaa- ntin It inabaa. Bow, ay dear Ebqoiau, this proves conclusively, to my mind} that deep saltan is tba thing, ia tba Sag. laaMnoa, followed ap by n Jadloiooa ap, plioetion of homo-made fertilisers and thorough ooitiyatloo. I aonld say more on thin sabjeot, but fear I an taking ap too oh oh apaaa in mo of to tat, tbo example of Mr. Clapp, I Vary Truly Yoon, Ouamvan. i Carteaa right im (eue. Sputa! tothe Qalvaatea Hawa.) Coaaioana, dan# t*.—Quito naarlons shooting affray ooenmd In this ooanty tent weak between Mr. Harrington and hla bootbar-tn-law, Mr. Baggett, two wall known pad mpootsd oitiaena, between So oid family lead bad existed for time. Herrington loft his home j after dinner, and proceeded to the river to lab, leaving bis rids on tba bank, gjaasawdkd IhobMff to thswstsr's ■ Ha daTriad Witk bint a pistol, to tba largo dsh, if ho abedd catch any, the better to onablo him to land thorn safely. He had bean Sailing bat a —‘.time, whan ha heard k noise above aad looking ap, beheld Boggett ovav with ae oar upraised to strike him, siho said, "Row, Harrington, d 1’va got yoa Juat wbera I want yon, yoaoaa't gat away. I am between and your rids. You've been talking t my father long enough, and I'm kUl yon.” Harrington immedi- ■ad Ms pistol and fired, tbs,bell lest M Boggatt's breast, ranging and lodging in Ma left ahonldar. nmadlataly fall into tbo wator. After sg around soma time, ba begged Her- FOUNDATION PRICES! THE LOWEST at wkM Dry Goods have evar boan tMa Stats t Josepli db Bro. •*+*—»*+** tbevuw - oJTi&azss! * ,,,r *- * *•*" i-i M .« 1 .M 1I »h, m ,. J *? ,P11 | * ***.. ** **—* Ctae and Unpaid tsasssf* GREAT BARGAINS—PRICES J. KLYXiES db their latoreet by (irlet them ecell. Alro, Jset received, e beeaUfnl Use of Side Striped Prints, special styles, Bleaohed and Brown Domestic*, all grades, Linens, Shoes and Boots, fee. *»■ Toswaa Oaoki. I.KfUAtk Oelswfcae, dune Vtk, lira. M “My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!” L it AU Kirow m wi ai« qmniMo sxTRAoanniAky innvcmisva to cam Kyenl We meet de ImMwp at aOtwearde, rrett or ee rreat-MSe geeSe weel were. Summer Pfy fitorta , to hitae eoMtently Replenished. JaatreeStai, >uxiz« iizsrai , Awoaajnww^esotSer lot^oftM^ bftk beeetifel MlTer-eieSated Ibkdlee', U iwerd, Spear, aad SMey e large, aad le efered etMaser Uea everheWre ie this eurket. Iiskildti'u S*I Uusllr!* **' 11 * l>ia< esdwise end get prlcre. Weetwayeahew (cede okenfSUy, aad mm It*. JtBW YORK OTORSe 9BS9S9SB»i»i»gi^nmaady4*ft9&jh£&$££aH Grand Clearing; Ont Sale! "'■ii i"'-— to mu MAOT rog tbi amnia tkadi, wr sow orrnn Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dices Goods AXJJTO BELOW COST. I OB CASH! . AW RIM BtBBff ABngf.1 Ak MW Al TO 11 roi'd llAIWHIkl. CSXAPMA3ST & VERSTIIdldB, MW . , ]'V, : n ,-‘ f || ORB LIKA DlMeTOI ORY. Dootore. Bl DB. X. T. ■nrgaea aad Wjalitan. OWce at aiaaghter’e tnc ktere, Bellread street. '■' MB. Be WlBi WIUUll Otars hie ymfteeloael serVleee. 09oe over A M. Oreea a Oe.'e, Ohewbers A A A Streets, win.. JOHN Bt. (Bair Burnt, Oeahy'i 1 Freer, nines A ue. Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance. ssm, at riSMimen, - To Merchatutt* tand Mrchulcs' Bank, this dtp. oprie if•. Millinery, OsatlaRM 1 go* ran teed to fit. kaha'a Shirts out by St. c dry coode store. ehsrt ^esesre, sad ra street, aa^le BUtOvTt BAZLOW. c„ Opelika. Ala, . , Jeta Notarise Public. *““ 'u. D.HioaiifA Beieg appointed Notary Public f#r Lee couity, respeetfollp eoiicrte <be patreasge ef bis friends, dultia Coart 1st and Sd Saturdays of eadb moath, at b. O. IfellUleM’a law oQoe. ' jass furniture, So. At Panto Prime. Ai ol BAkWIli. in all kinds'of Pnmltnro. Aj i B i MeuU^Wmd^w. |t ^ t Lamaere. A.d.rum*m», OOCe CMeltk AIkkalak Bmo. Practises la ell Ike CeoirU ot the MkM. Tailors. 4. A CABPUm Tall nr, Oottinr sad Makiot la the Latest liylee. peirtsd neatly 4 ■ ^Soatyuilro^^t^o^rTuri furniture Store. Dentists. do^mid after mnob trooblo and hard ansaoadad in rotting Mm to laud tba bank. Boggott than said, 1 aaka am far a dostor, for I Herripgtou immodUtoly Ma abot-gun and atari ad on a Aa aoon aa Ma back waa tamed, r< A reached for Ma rida and azclaim- haid on, you've killed me and I can’t toy * Swot to aaorn, aad I’M be d—d are going to got off ao amy." Ha •‘f - “* ai “ >< at a, tba [ aWUog Mm in tba right sida and nag naarly through. Harrington then “Ood ct— yon, I've ahot you . J lying on tba ground t had raeatvad the last ahot. Ho tMa convoy ad to bU homo aad BaM nooMmoad. Straoga to aay, ■v oUll aUva, and Harrington ia in a - -* —ovary, whila hopes are en- iSOtt AMOavao- Both tell idantioal tale, even lo the minaU. Ml aaaah hard reeling between ■non than that of rivak U a fta- rthoooolaat «srirt rifir) I.L.K. SMITH, DsaMsL Doss Plats Work Au4 Pluggieg oa rsasosable -* rfWI terms- Ohesabers street. ^ Berber ghops. WMLET IABIUOIB, Bather, Corusr South Kailroed aad Chambers streets. deciiS BMMDS dfc TVBIIi, BarkHrs, South Railroad strust, amosr Adam* House. d»»c*t Hotels. ADAMS MWCnA S i to Opelika, be ears tt outs, opposite Paseeuger Depet. Insursnoe. A ft BOVIN * BOB, As O. Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Griffin A Co., has removed to Chambers street. His friends and patron* would do well to oall on blm in his new quarters, and azamina stock before baying elsewhere. Prioes at panic ratm. Jal* aoAwadtf POORt. >ARH. ETC. Our Seventy Rage Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, BASHES, BLINDS, BTAIB KAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ae., Welled te*aay see iaterealed la kallSies. °e KEOGH * THOBVX. im a ate canal itbbbt, jytl dAWly WBW TOBB OUT. RIAL KCTATR ACRNTg, Losses Paid ProMpify la FuH, M M Tf^l • $820,38492 • 180,003.89 M. MVS, SSSSrSSteSS. UAStUTIIS. Inamn*. HI*. l«ta.. adiastmsnt, or adjmtod and sol da* SM,*M 00 * ...» .i,ou ** OOMTANATIVC STATEMENT, .a .#010,087 n 5*0,117 87 ' a*iB....»»............;.; ........# m,smoo Irnite rnwylly Adlmtei weed *rirty Beeeied by G. GUN BY JOKDAir, Af*nt, if B1[ ||w M||| 111 OttlePimPCw | OA, SAVE VOUR WIOMEY1 j MOOT ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES CAVE IT I If you wIN only Im whit you Warn, It woutal ho no trouMoto hooomo I iHhutncltfit« EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPARTM’T Less than on# y#ar old, #sd ha# 378 D#po#it#rs. Th# L#gi#latur# of Qsorgla Mnds, by law, ovsr $3,000,000 for ths ssourtty of D«posltors—$12 Is assots for svsry dol lar of HsMlttl##. D#posits ef $1.00 and upwards rsosivsd. Ssvsn par osnt oompoundsd four timss a y#sr. Deposits paysbls on dssiand N. J. BUSSEY, Prw’t.' G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas'r. toudtr f ELLIS & HAB&I80E, Heal Estate Ageuta AND AUCTIONCCIte, w&A n xi§snii ssffLMft i» the Olty RRdeouRtry, bed trill adTsrttos! thw sumo (el priveSo MfileJ f BBf Of OUABOfl, «aUm the propsrtf U sold. j For 8§ie. VACANT LOT Of LAND, beta! Uea of the “Naaoe lot," oe Bryaa a the naMeaee of Hoe. M. 1. if yoa went e bargain. > OfTT LOT He. <01. ea WcIateeVetreei. buk three dwelllezs on the sewe. WUI be sold together or separate, .1 e lew Mare, tor etahJ ieS7 VALDABLI CUT. PBOPZBTT, eltmted ia tte nslBees metre of the city. Will Sell ete,root bergele, or to ee eccepuhle petty SB eedielded letereet. The property see he weds to pay e large Interest on the Ineestnnt. A DBIIBABLB H0D8B ABB LOT. with tan scree ground, in Uawtad, one tails beta a. W. B. B. depot j e eery oeatfertaLie set desirable betas. ef lenthweetarn For Rtnt _ 1T0BB HOUBBim the Yelley ofTelhet oo At a cross-road, three miles ef the ObRljl Cpriye. ^ -A yo*7 desifeWe lecetisA hr e Dry HIDCt. Wanted for Ccsh! 100.000 lbs. Dry and Green Hid**, *00,000 >• Rags, 50.000 “ Baaswax, X. X. HIB80H, JOIL j rE^OKr TIEB! 600 Tons Iron Ties I M STORM, lending from brig “WASA” ead te •rrWa per berk M AGIf E8, Oo^sIstlAg of the oolebretod “ARROW TIBS ead Beard's ‘"LOCK" Tina. We oCsr them el seme prises ead oe mas term* as any other Tics at gay ether AaeriMa port. 1,000 roll* Domestic Jut* S*0ti*t- 1,000 i “ “ •• “ •00 l “ Hemp and Flax “ We offer date Begging at seme priest ead ec sems terms M ats quoted Tn the Ldalsrills aad Bt. Leals market*. We are tele Amata for the eels ef DIXTBB S OILBBBATBD WHUKnr. MURRAY, VASS A OO., Bo. St North Commerce It, Mobil*, Alta. aw Onr Agents, BOLT. MDZBAT A 00, Be. *9 Tchoupltoeles street, New Orleans, will ill nrden addressed tn these there tor SallAg *teta or Dexter's cat.anted Whiskey, at prices cerreet In H.w OHeeee. lel» tf BEST PRINTS X A BBW CAIB JU8T IB PEACOCK A SWIFT'S. JeM ' A PBHH (OrtLT AT PEAOOOK A SWIFT'S, SECtniITT—FEOXPTFES&^LXBEEALITY t • L-U ■ '' 4 THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y camiiia t» emi tmi pcbuc innnr wm Loaa b y fire .* HaVtag Md her Rriomb and Patrons Sines ths War 1800*000.00, -.-i Sho Wants a Cbinoo to Cot K Rook. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAMI S. MURDOCH IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO IYIRT OXB WHO WXBHXB TO gBX SOUTH SUCCEED THB COLUMBUS Oeiuami bet, w,im. 1840. D. F. WILLCOX* 1874. Is th# only thoroughly* independent paper South. It believes w# are to win; not by oomplnining'' ebaut the put, but working for th# future. Whila it gbres proper specs And notice to All political matters of State rati; National impor- tnnoe, it aims to oall the attention of emigrants and ospital- tats to Gar grant resources and to build up the South on n basis that has for its foundation Industry rad seonomy. While disclaiming to be the organ bf any creed, party or society, all its tendencies will- be in ferpr pf TEMPER ANCE, MORALITY aftd RELIGION. Bring deeply interested in the success of the farmers, and having implicit faith in the grand destiny of tht'’GRANGES, the EN QUIRER-SUN will devote a large spue/uader a capable editor, to AGRICULTURE, and in ohrouMiag the move ments of the Patboxb or HusaAjnmT. THE DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN Will contain all the latest National, Stats, Local end For eign news, devoting much space to Alabama interests. Its caifcorisl management will be fearless " J recording passing events it will not h< earns Ana toe advancement in the worM'i QCNERAL IN8URANOE AGENT, . .a ... . aro»d Mtr**t, RspreMntkig Oldest and Strangest American and English Companies. B.B. NTPHtU, MA ' •- V. XBttiBH, Csehler. B. B. BCLMB*, Aee't Csek'r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF OOLUMBUM, GEO. Thli Bank tr*ni**t* a Q***r*l SaBklug bndn***, MY* lnt*r**t *n Ds- Foslts znJsr syaslsl osntrsol, glvss pr*mpl *ttoaU*n to c#II**«#m *n all •*****iki* palsts, 8*4 iavit** osmiptiAMM. Informstlon transmlttsk by mail «r wlr** wfcwi 4**ir*4. eyrl Mta J. ISOSU wm, fTMUtat SK. W. SmJVSIAM, Oaihlv. GEORGIA HOME BANK. . Bukof Discount pnd Deposit. Denis in Kvehrafe, Coin, Stocks and Bonds, drafts. OoUsotsd, rad prraipt returns made. !M M iHS BAM Offers the greAfest inducements to those hAving idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, n liberal interest, end prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. ' INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January^ Atiril. July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chartei, the entire coital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRSOTORS; i. BHODES BBOWNE, Pgss't at the Co. JA8. F. BOOKMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. J. B. CLAPP, Mannf it, CUpp's Factory. Heti. JOHN MoILHBNNYrUsyoc. jfflg txfMWMj OcpUchai N. N. ODBTIS, of Walls, Oortis * Oo. L. T. DOWNING. lttornsy-*t-Lsw. D. F. WILLCOX, Sscretsry ot i k Oo. J0BUH.M08KIS. Banker, Momc'y. COTTON WARRHOU8R8. rZTMZ PBklk. Fontaine 'Warehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLCES, Cotton Factors A Commission Merchants OOXaTTSKSITS le arts, sci- progreas. THE WEEKLY Will give weekly a digest of all Foreign and National news. It will devote much space to SoufSem iQtelligence and will contain original articles on . and other matters that bill be of im plantsT And general reader, The SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN While giving the latest news, aime to beoeme what is inuoh needed, vw.: A GREAT SOUTHERN LITERARY WEEKLY 1 It will contain original articles, stories and sketches, his torical and biographical, from Southern pent. Each issue will contain in addition poetry, scientific. notes, domestic recipes, fashion and household .aflhirsj wit and,humor, no tices of late books and periodicals, religious reading, church news, and in fact every interest will be represented that will, in aay way, aid the reader. Are extremely low, so that the paper eaa be procured by the poorest man and read with profit by himself and family: Daily, in advance, one year.......!,.,....^..8 00 Weekly, “ “ “ Sunday, “ “ “ Sunday and Weekly, in advance, one year., Three Weeklies to one Poet Office... Five “ “ “ Ten Fifteen Twenty Thirty 2 00 2 60 3 00 5 00 7 60 14 00 18 76 23 00 30 00 „ "••••£ * Sunday and Weekly invariably. 3 00 These papers offer the best opportunities to advertisers. Get up your clubs and help in this good work. Addreet OOLUMBUM ENQUlBEB-MUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.