The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 01, 1874, Image 2

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COLCI1U, «i.l WEDNESDAY JULY J, 1874 »io ssastBimoi ucmu uaua* raw raa I* Munt Tn Montgomery Republican njfilhil tbs Bqul Bight* Convention via “oom- Sritodsf MHlr *IWJ Isudisg colored eejrietfawwUto ■mb to to# 0tato* N Taa ispsrt that tba negro whoahot Mershsl Oibaoa of Toft Dapoatt had baan hwsg by tba aitlaana ot Greenville, vaa unfounded. Heisstilliu jeU. HUnems ia Chariaa 84. Clair. FBom partiaa just from Tuskegse, tba Opslik* Timm laarna that lightning attack tba wiraa aaat tba talagraph oBoa, traralad along tbaaa, antarad tba offloa, aad aoaaplataljr demolished Iba apparatna; ao aaaob aoaa ionaoaaaitata tba getting of a aew ootll surirely. Tn Moatgomscy Journal of yesterday aaja that along tba line of tba Waatorn BaUraod, batvaan Montgomery and Weak Fatal, tba talagraph wiraa an down—in aaaaj pinnae far Ira and nix hundred yards. Tba lightning baa destroyed tba paala la aaany plaoaa. Tn darotadnaaa with which Charles tanner gara bimaalf np to a whim or aaaMaaat van atriklagly attaatad by an aitiola found among hla paraoaal effect*. It vaa an old Roman lamp baring tha taaariptioa, •Iba Good Bbaphard gltatb Bin Ufa for tba aheap j” to tbaaa words Mr. Samnar had added “of aU color*.'' A Oax tlxkax jut retained from a trip through tba lower counties of aouth- taat Alabama and portion* of W«t Flori da, raporta to tba Entasis Timm msgnifl- • eant atop* of aom, cotton, a agar oane, potato**, ate., and aaya that as a ganaral thing ha baa not aasn a better condition of lb* orgpe generally, ainoa tha war. Tba plantar* ara all ebaatfnl and hopafnl, bat witboBt a dollar, in many instances. Tn rain* of this weak, in tbi* a action, bar*baananSotant to makegood crop* from tha early planted aorn, area if they ehoald b* followed by a drought. It ia to b* hopad that they bar* been pretty gen eral throughout Georgia and Alabama. With good aorn crop*, onr plantar* will be iaa* dependent upon liana, and will bar* much Iaa* of thair cotton money to pay for Weaters grain aad breadatuffi than baa baan lb* onatom for a number ot yarn. Bonrnuo Waoxo.—Tbs irregularity in tbs rsaaipt of aararal of onr State *x- abangaa, of lets, auggasts nagligeno* somewhere. On Sunday night wa re- oairad tha Maoon Telegraph of Tuesday aad Saturday of laat weak, as well as Sun day aaoraiag’* data. Tha Atlanta papers of laat Sunday morning did not reach ua until Monday night. Other Georgia pa pers hare baan equally irregular or ba- htnd-hand of late. If tha fault is in the mailing, our ootamporarte* should see to Us aorraoUon. TWa Maw Orleans Timet thinks that the decision of Judge Bradley “will giro wholesome check to a aartain description of lawlessness wbtoh baa prorad most disastrous to the peso* and quiet of our entire commonwealth." It says that “prompted by incendiary taaohinga, gauge of poor, deluded negroea hare beon in duced to assart pririlagas and preroga tive* to which they war* neither naturally nsr constitutionally antitled, aad in doing ao they bar* insatiably produoed conflicts whieh prorad disastrous to thair preten Ban and to themselves." Baeonca awn Tilton.—Unless tba oon- faaaioa of Henry Ward Bsaohar, tala- grapbad tha other day, was a forgery, it ia apparent that Beachar has don* Theo dor* Tilton some great injury. If it was a forgery, Beachar ought pubUoly to pro- nouaoa it ao. But if b* raally gara that penitential not* to Tilton, bis assertion, whan its publication ia brought to hi* BOtioa, that h* intends to maintain aileno* regarding it, will not cousin a* th* caun try that Tilton is th* party in the wrong. Tat Baachat'a ohureh and aararal of tba lauding pa pars of Maw York aaam tc think that until Tilton makes mors spa aiie charges, Baaober is not bound to no- Uaa his publication. They sran extol tha aublima indiffarsnoa whieh b* outwardly exhibit*. Th* intarriswar of tha Herald, to whom ha announced his purpose to maintain his rstioaasa, says that Bssoh- ar's appaaranc* was precisely that of a man who oould feelingly sing th* couplet “ Aad not a war* of trouble roll across my poacetol breast.” It must has vary blissful aarenity that can manlfaat such unoonoarn in riaw of Tilton's publication. It afford* another brilliant inatanoa of Beecher's indomita ble pluok and surprising rarastility, saslatie to Plymouth oburoh, and to tbo balaaca of asanklnd a wonder. mrnmmtm rauiKU MW *■« • of tha atMlng bafbo*, as it w*a qmtdT _ _ f 1 - j arientldc. ra W* briefly notiosd yaatarday the failnro of tha attempt to make th* negro Bights Ccwrentton itself to opposition propoaitisA wad •rar, and iba ludicrously axbibitad tha tba rol* of political ti lag with tbam as* party! -Oeriag th* laat twenty yaara th* oountry has Sritaam ad many attempt* by poUttcat leader*, hi tha adroit eoaatrustlon of thair “plat- forma," to daeeir* th* ban act rotors of tba country saimwVAI>>##a| prlnolplaa or dasigns that war* kawwn to b* unpopular hi pastfa^br Motion*. But that tha lately anfraaedited nagesmj atill detoieot in adowtipa, should so soon take a hand ia HUS' tttlla gaiha, and' play it with tba riaw of chanting thair whit* allies, is something remark able. This wa* precisely what wa* attempted lath* Alabama Equal Blghla boarantion Th* resolutions war* MtMdbtod by far* Haralaou, tba ehrawdaat gulitieUu of hla oolor ia Alabama. After raoiting at length that both tha eoaetituMon of th* United State* and that of Alabama guar, antaad to tha oolored rao* aU th* rights whieh th* . whit* rao* pomaaa, and de manding tha paaaaga of tha Civil Bights bill as a means of enforcing tboa* right*, th* resolution* aa introdoaad declared that tha Convention did “not wish to b* un derstood a* fsroriag mixed, schools, no* do w* baliare aaid bill raquiiea the cams," but “only demand equal educational priri- lagas astabliahad by tha public i achoai laws of th* gists and of IhwUuMad States.” Aa that* can b*nopralaaca that tha nagroa* of Alabama have Sot already Cschool an equal participation in the public school system of th* Btate, it Is not easy to par oalra what more they want in this ra sped, if not mixed schools. On tbs motion to strike out that por tion of th* resolution* which disclaim ad a desire for mixed schools, tha dabata sprang up. V7» And it reported at aom* length in th* Stale Journal, th* mor* moderate Radical paper of Montgomery. Jars Haralson bagged th* adrocataa of mixed aehoola “to eonaidar th* deep*rat* leap they were about to taka, and pans* before they plunged into th* fatal abyss whteh would bring ruin to tha Rapublioau Robert Oarar aaid that “hi* rights war* aa dear to him as war* th* right* of any man, but ha did not inland to jeopardise the auooass of th* Ijepubliaan party by baity or imprudent action.” O. 0. Harris said: ’ “Wa can do no great good her* to-day, and w* may strike tha Bepublioan party—the party of free dom—suoh a blow that it may nara* rise again in this State. Ha hoped th* dels- gates har* would aa* tba danger, and pre cipitate nothing on th* party of Me June, ture." A. H. Curtis aaid “ that* war* many thiaga which could not ha done in a day, and so it was now. Let .the Convention more oauliouely, and hot destroy the hopes of tba Republcan parly in th* next oanrsaa." W. V. Turner aaid that “it wax easy for oolored man in counties which hare large Republican majorities to advocate mixed schools, but they did not dar* to go into North Alabama and talk so.” But “it made no difference wbat this Convextiow did, Congrens would pass the Oiri\ bill in itH own good time, and than the oolored people would get something *ub- atantial. He begged them to be wise and prudent, and all wou'd be well." We bare notioed only the argument* of those who opposed th* demand for ilxed schools. The sprang point on ilia other side waa tersely presented by —- Walker, In th* declaration, “if this Con vention adopt* those raoiplions, it will vir tually say to Congress that the colored people of Alabama do ifAt want the Civil Rights MIL" OUI It will be seen that, the leading argu ment offered by those who wanted to dis claim a desire for mixed schools was that thereby they might retain their white allies of North itabsnaa, but that Con gress would do th* right thing neverthe less. The disclaimer baring failed, the white alii** hare aacapad a footing. It now remain* to b* seen what oourse they will take when thus distinctly Informed that the negroes insist on mixed schools, and will not even pretend tl|at they do not for the pqrpoto of lioodwinking their white political associates. ) ana psayar. Corn- read by th* Graduating of th* following young ui* Heard, OpcMmrfHa-y Meaier, Richmond oosqjg.; Mimic Stokely, Morgan, Little, Young, Tool* aad Abraham, LaGiaag*; Mia* jtaaU tobrj, Pnlawhia [ lit— Hoganrilla; Mies 0. W. Cowan, Caine . . . , Weekly Enquirer I dona, the addraa* was delivered, by Mr. » 1 dona, the addraaa was dalirerag by hlebsrd 8. Jeffries, of Atlanta, which wa* thhtaaat addraaa that ha* b*aa Mivmad k*N fbr'aararal yaara. Laat night ail tba pupils started far IhStr aBreaal ham**, leaving th* young gout* of the plxca looking aa Mht or any eat I ever Saw. 6. frleate Ns. 11*4 A. V. AST A Mtowtaatthat? «sstls ( fstlowlas ABoere were Ik- •a ttoadsy sight the stalls* tor lb* ssselsg qssrtsr, rls: P. W. Bsstee, V. *. M. W. TkwrssM, V. 0. A A Omatmw, a.». 1L U. TOMS, P. N. 0. Joke W. Stewart, T. B. f. Hoary X. Paris, Trssasrsr. Theaws Trim, A A A ■. Matthews, f. B. Ths I. M. tor the State, Xro. Jeaeph Usskersoa, was prseut as* (Mtsllr* the skere oncers. Th* t**gt ytAira*>,©t* A theakl to Br*. Haaksnsa for hit valuable services. V. A Jslyl-lt Pensions and Land! for Old Soldiers and Their Wives. INGR I rsevallv sagagad la this It«f« procured th* fwllowlug (qt«R MW) mmIou to parties who sfctj MMlHCSe. Ths vwceipt to sack or them hM brtWSB $100 ud MOO OMh tWOWyl «ftebtdiBf to tho aBioMQt duo for hook psj, ui o esrwdcty of $0 por nioDth oo long m thtjr aboil aurrlvo; Mr. Joha JohoaoM, RomoH coma!/, AloWa*. Mra. tforoh Power, TolUpdwo coont, * Mra. ioroh CooUj Orowolh Rl inly, i toll Co., I horo oloo proem rod a •o procmroM mi* Uod worronta for potooM ootltlod to tkoai ondor odta of Conarroo. Vho foot oro rogolotod by tho DopArwioiitof tho Iotorlor, nod io oo cooo «u akecod $2i. . I oat atm iv thia boaibow. ond oiy ho touod ot tho M. MoNi oflleo or Joaaod M. MoNolU, Rao, Mo. 1»9 woat aid# of Brood atroot, pv#r 0o!atood ft Co.’a Agrleultonl WoraBoow. I will (wlthoot ohorgo) ooawor ooeotiuna ood giro InfomotloB upon which o oiola oai bo Fotnidod. If oppllbtf to ot oMco. Lot ton aoofthic koowlodgo auat ohtlpao %£. ALEX. 0. MORTON, ittsrasy sa* Ceaaeeller, A (eat tor Ctalaa. Celanboe, Os., July 1,1174. (weeaaw WARM SPRINGS, U ADIHOM COUNTY, Wostom North Carolina, A JIB now open for tko roovyUoa of visitors. A. Xk* sdilltloas as* laprovtatals aisds slaos Imi srasan la-rtast ths eseasily sf tk* ataot aetrly throe fold. Absbc the aew restarts la les- arsrsatats ara water works, (irlsf sa ebnedsot supply 0r PURI rXXBSTONk WATNB from Iks - nalalas.lato every Aspertwsot sf tho HotU. a iW L okrtnuoN ntoser A LIVE PAPER, WMMr the flwch or Etory Mm Womm and Childl 40,000 Subscribers Wanted - : ■ ( * , i ▲t M Owti Aphoe! AeeuecaiSMTft. SPRINGER’S OPEO^OUSE. TH Columbu* Excelsior Minttreli onto turn. toimamrAAItjT.mamSfe «r ■srvsd Mats, its vitro, tor seises roses a Xsv took Store uva, tor st rssaays la a*rtan>. Poar. opoa at , MaintllX, AUtvasy teH PWSWIH at law. a la starts of Osoryi. w*B|A*ai .Jw IN Xrstd 3t^ (over UMsSSS* * Spsctsl aMeailou alsi-a to sallsotleas. peons iMooai. Miorui J. CoAWtooo. Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG A CO, Columbus, Co., Cotton Chooks, Clnghamo and etrlpoo, all sf whteh art I* tost telon, aa* sf thslamt tad meat tpprsstd pottssas. m- factory ooraor of it. Clair aad Jtolaaa ■troot. OWoo oo Jacksoa stroot. HWM- Thar* is a prom Iaa of aa aetiru potiU- sal oeMpafgn tU* fall ia Georgia and Ala bama, and it ia of vital impormacs to tho paopi* that they should ha thorooghly posted oa ths qnaatton at party imuaa, and also aa to th* lif* and eharaetars of tha man for whaga they art to rots. To AH this want th* pabliahar of tha THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Co. ft usian da omAwrai Altiiasn a* Law, prasuw to ahw Stott aad federal Oaarltsf OAos ever rrssv.tllj I Cst’a stssa, assthwMt Aaaarway and teaaiallss a* law, rrastlew fa «4*ta aad fUstal Carta ia «sorgie aad Alahaaia. d nLjOtUwtm.0* jal Mess B. Bunests. Urns I. Atsassa. : nunroBnAngauu, tltsewsrs and Csuwaallaws a* Law. Ogee No. 67 Brood stroot, sssr Wlttleh A Ala- ..I 1 . Jtwtlry ItMO- , Will pTsctlc In tha Stats sad ta*sial I Otaris. Jss.ll. Bvttmi.. Pais. J.twnr. • aenSELL db BWWT, Attorisys std Cassell,rt st Low. Will gssHM la ths Gobi t of Wsorgls tOksnshssthss ultsstt) a. ' Attorssy tad nwllalts (rjtjCWrawlRrgtstsr ia gust •TMOTLY FIMT OLAM laraa- tMias aad tt«aisrs. B. BBiDLEY A BOM, ■ayW-d*w«n rropristovu ENQUIRER* SUN baa determined to establish as soon a* ha oan gat an* thousand anbacribata, Bar and Billiard Saloons . Uncnnyaa Rtxria Horn. wyM dswtf J, W. BTAI, Prspb. ■Itekoa aa* Uundry. with aa satire atw ostSt. Tsraltnro rsaewo* an* JUMrasres aU atw. Bath Uoase* natwsd, nukii* tko Howl tho neat cou plets aad welt sued la ths ooaatry. THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER, ▼ant* half prioY. J. A. "AMPLM, 0. flpriftge are aaay of afccaee via through Knoxvlfla and Morrlatowa. Xzcuraion Ticket* tdt roqad trip nuw on salt at W. ft A. R. R. T'ckat offlee. Jalyl-dlw. which h* will Mnd th tnf hddraas oa th* receipt of i Keaaeaaw Hoot*, Alderney Stock. FIFTY CENTS FOR FIVE MONTHS ganulae and thorough Wd AMerhey Bull, Imi< Central Railroad. IwrT. Rtw’ wHM 1174. } nOVTBBBH null muwu. ramus bawilton. It is not gsnsrslly known in our oity that Fslhsr tisffsrty, th* young snd sbl* Ostholio priest rsosntly in ohsrg* of ths ehureh of St. Philip sad St. Jam**, hss bosu sent to Bsrssnah. Father Osffsrty had many warm friends, though bit rstir- lug disposition sod gentle manners pre vented hit being so well known outside his own oongrsgstion ss be deterred. In hi* pise* come* Fsth*r Hamilton, 1st* pastor of St. Patriok’a chapel, August*. Father Hamilton is in th* prims of Ufa, sad n man of distiogniabsd presence. Friends writ* os from Augusta io th* highest terms of this olssgyman. Distin guished for his ability aad oultors iu th* Ohureh, h* is beloved by all for kit noble heart snd his generous sympathy with th* suffering and sSiotsd. Wo wtisoms him to Colombo*, sod trust b* will Bad ss wane friends hers ss those h* left behind, aad that his Bald of usefulness may b* ss wtd# sad his aneesss as grsat. —Th* London Timet of June 9th pub lish** this advertisement: Should this mast ths ays of the lady .a 1 tn j Q tt , h# N(v who got into th* 111:30 Gross Station on Friday, May 16th, with two boys, on* of whom was evidently Inst Noovwing from an illness, she may no phased to bom that three of tha four •wang Indian who o*r*iath* oarrhgosro very Dl with th* simsIm. snd the health sf wa fourth is far from whet H||g dft^Cfth that relations LaUbanob, Oa., June 26, 1874. Mr. Editor—Tba sxareisss of ths South ern Female College of thi* plsoe eh last night with s grand lsvss given by President I. F. Cox, whieh wasjMnodsd by • larg* party of iadia* and gestlotnsn from ail port* of this Stats sad Alabams. Monday night was given alooncert by Miss 8*111* Cox, Ih* beautiful sad accom plished daughter of ths worthy President of the Cullsgs, assisted by a bevy of young ladies, members of jh* Collage. Th* mutio sod sieging wss pronounosd by oil to be very Sue, snd surpassed that of any former ooiuin*nc*m*ut. I make speciul mention of Mj.:*** BusMy and Psrsmors, daughters of your fallow townsmen Dr. N. J. Bussey and W. E. Paramor*. Th* psrforasanoa for th* evening closed with the opera “M Irving,” whioh waa rendered Anely for amateurs, snd the young lajlies deserve great eredit for thstr efforts to sotsrtsin th* visitors who dsily snd nightly throng ed the College temple. Oa Tueedsy morning tba exeroiee* of the Junior Cite* wsye elossd. The com positions of tbo diffsrent young ladies were Well composed and. read by t splendidly. “Menus© th* Universal Friend," written snd read hy Mis* Pare- more, and "Bequty," by Mia* Butssy, sf Columbus, wars Ansly reeds red, and wall they deserved th* applause each received st ths hand* of tho sndisnee. Th* afternoon ex arrises of th* OUo. nisn Sootsty was presented to Ih* public, and the paper of th* Society edited by thro* young Indie* was s vary interesting paper snd tbs srtlolss well written. Tuesday svsniag n grand ooaostl was given by Prof. Behsrmoroher, assisted by his pupils. Th* music wm very San, hut wee not as highly appreciated sa th* on* r« OXS.VABE- Bsl.l tickets will tie Said' until list of Dt«*iub*T Next, s©i.QOO*t*r.tura UtfQ >t l«Aerjb«nnry, 1875. mr OONDUOTOR! ARM NOT AUTHORIZED U Mil RETURN TICK ITH from points where AAfptfnell. The PUBLIC Are therefore CAUTION ID to PRURIDR TI1RM6KLVR8 WITH TICKS TB from tho AgooUnt the otnttoft, or PAT ROTH WATS. Qen'l 8npH oJtSPl Mdlloul I will Open a Private School I N tho Mdle Public School h*ld|Mf os Monday, o 6th inly. MRS. BATTUI friU eontlnno her Muelc Claes during tho name Je90 14 H. W. BATTLI HCISTEAD&CO, COlurhbha, Coorgla. . CsiMBtiiss, Cents Freeses, Horse Pswtis, Feed Casters, Cider aad Win* Kittle, Haarlag Hacklaes, ucase Halve*, Flows, Hoes, - - -ui*. Threalsere aad Fast MAI! Cara Mtelleto, Hon* Hakes, Harrow, ood Caitivators, ■ask aad BraaeMo neythes, •pad**, Fork*, Ac., toe. mm. Georgia Naltsd Mae* Fro of Oal stoorgla aad Toaaeeos* Bye. Wkeat, Farley, Clover aad Orskso Pkpaicai, tor riaulag ap Forttll* Net* at koase. AddrsM: HOLBTEAD to Cto., ARdcellursI Pspet, Oolsabea Oa. Jet* W By ELLIS ft HARRISON. Valuable Stock of Goods at AtaiCNKKS' SALE. PLANTERS* HOTEL, 122 Braid St., Columbus, 6a. IlIU OF FFAFFi Bmr* ss* Lolling psr sreslk... * per 4*7 Boer* without Lodginx par swath 1 Nnaktost Sr 8an« ftftr No dedaction la charges fot Iwe tha* iya Ton thousand sxtra oop^es will bs lssnsd on the Amt edition—oa important fact of whioh advertisers should avail thsmsslvss. CWriUAStSB, snA shairmeo of commit- WaSiHJGsotgin and Alabama, a* well as GrsUgsn sad otbsr bodies, should make up dubs stones, aad send us sU tho po osl information th© cam glaan. Ths Issues ara of gnat importance, and th* people should bo round to lbs emergency Great a* will ba Urn axpsaSs involved in this sntsrpriss, I wil, ss aa extra indjuo*. uwnt, send fro* for one year th* Wj$KLX or Sdhbax Emsisntoniln i© person seddihg ms twenty names and ten dollars for ciipiM nim be urged for not / iqp.'Hd ,v. plae** wUhia thonsanh of oil. Lst our friends r.'i ... ■ ■ -,l-iO:!lua • • go to weAk St SSsss,' eprsad th* news, aid us in seeming suok a oiieulstiou sa wlU msk*' tiro new sntsrpriss nmsdium *f ttxs greetsst good. Good-men only will be endowed, snd ao sbrt «Ui bn ©assd bo rid Alnbaass of ths harpiss now preying on her. In addition to *M pslitisal nrws, th* . t it o'clock on rniDAr, nin ioth dat A T 5' A ot, roowaof Ml Block of Goods—consisting L auxt, wo will Mil, at tho auction ift * tloao, |fh|p,'0aaa, Roots, Bhoss, llardwars^c , ft©., ths proper!) of Crawford, Jouraigau ft Oa., baak* rupts. tha Attention of ■ssshglls Is socially iavitsd to thii sal a. Solos to Soatlaas from Bay to *sy ualU the ■toskiaclMf* out. , JOI7N BAtLBY, A.MILS0, . • fthihs, 6a , Jnaa 8T, 1874. ftsalgasss. JsBT»4ftBtdswlt Iafonaatioat?i rantnd. T hi hairs- *rPrior JOB* WAKB, vko for- ■ us kjllo* ih nfta MFYlUV W ti* Swpuuflff w* ivnll, la SttSt Jsflf 81 AUaaK Georgia. Choapalffa NMqairer, a thirty-two coiangs^pOsr, will oemtain tarnl and Forstgn Xsws, thslatsst Msrksts, Grop Beports, Hints for Pint- srs, sbl* EditorUIs, Hjpnssbold Esripss, Rsligious Intslligshcs, Rketshss of Trsrsi, Origins! StoriH, PMt©, and Lsssl Isisi- Rankin House, Columbun, Ga. J. W. BYAM, Frop’r. FBAHxGounw, dark. . ■FFv.ceiFBT. JMsMssmss* OStoa oocavr of Bt. Clair aud 0(1*- Uwrvavto. OIm hsare—71* S *. x^ 13 to X r. *., ttotr.x. mprrett onm sonar Breed sa* laodolpk sttaets. Barns' baUdlDg. BatritsM oo rarsyth, thi** door* tele* St. Oklr. Ruby Restftorant, 7.v: ■FB. W. F. BFIFSF. Warm Bprlnga, ■FFIWFTHFF CO., (tto. T 'BIB FAVORtTM RKSOHT is mow open for vlitiiors. Tbo beat fore aad tho finest Bathing on ths continent. Apply for quarter* to w 1 John l. mubtian, Jsd tf White Gulphur Springs. fnaifi wollytoown Watoring pines hM boot I ■ opened fbr ths isuon, byB. T. Canula * - * Lady. Kvsry effort will hs mndalsr tha _ and anjoyment of the v aitors. Th* Buiidlngs hav* been Enlarged, retired and refuraivhvd wilh tpacivl retard to . . Mr#- Altosvssy essd. newwssller t Lew fisorsi* Hams Iwroe Omstsb, hritriM, ta» sjjw.lyj osd story. ■ ^ CHAL H. WUUAFB, ASSereejr at Us, CeJwaabus, On. WlU rnriiss to ssy Oo*rt. dmoi one Aoto A-Fstooshystossi [**vj4 Doctors. DB. J. to. OFFVHtoFT, BF. p. C. COOK, Ofieo am Bills ft liarrison's Commlssism 11mm, Brat door to toft. Druacaclsts. J. I. OKI (WIN, Imported Urey, had Cbemteole, Oedwrtm TirNiat* Oroury. T«T < ^.uW£i3r,7Ti;.‘ p ^ , ‘ 7 ' P. *». Cf Hens* Carpenter ss* Fntkdss. Jebhlnd doss it sbact ssttee. non, sad spsoiSeaUaM Ihmtolred tor all style 1 Btreot, next to t. w v5S3i,a* Llvory and Sato Stabtao. MTsrynssd.'Bshsntoblss, ito< HortM sad MsIm heudri la stohlm © ths eooth vr day. toCFABT, ■*. an Frwtd BtrssL *- ^ •hssrj&ssrsti*" - d*(W. / 'tfwali HWaats. J. W. PtoTFAOX. ■tails F*. B and IS, Ktohat I fresh Notts at svoty. kin* u* M «nan,, JSL. always ss has*. J.T.CH*. Fsasn of toll Finds, “SMsSfisSJagBsas" W. r. IMXFF, tMUtssivsstoWWtoM of Ah os wall si to Onsfstivo BaaUttry. — —«Hr. v- -. •' -a«— torJegt^JMe'isMi JOL term) 1M Broad St, Urihrehm,** w 45sr mgty naartk Bosw Britoias, Ostastost. Sa Gaivand Lookamltfis. irmup xiyLxx, Ohs' dl XorifatiRh, Crewtord stroot, amt ..,, J*hstt*la«of»m. Oalotohas. Ba. J, > tod toshmlth osd dollar la da Bare, Xv totiris. Opyulto Xa,*inr OriM. Plano Tunlna, Ho. . . TWWWSm ■torirer ud Tkoar Oetovs may to ha Ian as*. Wi ©me Qroooro. FtoH’L B. BIBB, Dsntor In Family Oroosriss. on RrynMstrmt, W tween OglMborps ft Jm" ttf No charge for drsyags. j. M. RAIltT^X, o charge for drayngs. i ft Ogtothor^e Id J Mil. POFBtoff, TWo dso** kotow Qeo. W, Bfown'a, . Broad ritfeet, Oelambus, On. JR- Night RoH Hghf of uonih dopr. BBtoWFFF, Ware toss, Bssis tresre, Ooivxsss, OL, tad Bwtatl Dsaltr la Brags as* Bsdlelwa*. Tails* tortteles assd FarMnsery. mp* Cotton raotoiiBB. ootVwncs itriintoonttKOCo., Maaafactarera of IfcshMiji,' miHtrnRde tod Rdwlmj aad ■slttiig ThiRd* Cards Ifosl sm« Grind* Wheat and Com- (Hiss ia roar of Wittieh ft Ktpsel’4, Randolph si, JftlB R. H- CHILTON, President. HVKOSIX NAimtTVBIIS Oto kytHi jx.vocxxr abdsbbbit will herir-redrl, and all. horereroa, aad Inpropar 1 coh’dMt vlirtre rlsldly-lTi©reto*d, r reals ob- J.cthrias tv tovalati AX UTITIH8 BKTBXAT during tht htot sndfdiut *f imrerevr to fkrelllto. Hasstoctunn of. SHBBTINOI, IHXBTINB9, TAB*, BOfB, *0. 00LCH1SS, SA. S. f. SWIIT, freridsat. i W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Tr*M,r*r. oettVly. W* b*v* a vary *xp*ii*ae*d aad »bli physlalaa la # BB. G. I^IUiB, who will look sftrr ths siok sod tfllstod, sad whoso specialty re la the treatreesi ri ehraaie New hsckAhave beea purchased, aad will ram to all the railroade tor traaeportlas vUltore. rBbi coLrixcs, vie iUmilvon. A good Bond will bs iirovidsd. ft SWKRRING FOOL OF hlLFftCR WATER, •s well ns other kind* of •hsthf, will nlwnys bo reedy for gueste. I Onr rntM, vr beltovs, nso Issrer then nt any othsr yexOjt of any r*puUti»n. Onr table will bs kopt •p to the iiaud-rd of ihtt bnst l i the country, A. In. I !■ TIBBS 1 For Day » t *0 Per One Week 1$ 00 Psr Month. IQ OB servants nt one-half of ths above i JetO eodlf - *. T. CDNNINOHAH. WAREHOUSES. DISSOLUTION. mil* flrn ri It BSD, CH AHBXXt A BANKI i has been dissolved by the oMsent nfnll tnr- ties couc- rued. All nnpni$ nd.vnncss rm la ths bnnde of tue un<tors!gned for Ssttlsmsat, who will *'* gniast ths old firm. also pay nil tdnlms ■Sol NOTICE. rjtua UNDXBSWNBD wlU tlUl the Warehouse and Commission Business Atm* LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thankful for tho patronage bestowed npon ns the present season, wo rsepeetfnlly solicit its oon- tinnance the coming season, with a promise to ase •vary effort to pvnmoto the latovaat of aar pat- Form Your Clubs at Once! A* R. CtoLHOUN, k'"l. 1 .* t i c- . ’ vs ta ahsrij>ji^r'aiB t a OOLUMBUS, SA. 0. A. REDD, GEO. Y. BANKS. Arerill. lS74-*tf 5 Per Cent. Discount S%S8SBF£W5E - - • Jrifto OaUssttf and Tnaaan JtSM WRtohmtltRii. c. ftCHOaCBUM, Pvaetlaal Watekmakar aad Je ioweky, Iseoeesor to L. Ootowek o. a. LBovnt. ■djetnet, Colqreb*,, Oo, 1M Bread etreet, Colereboa, Sa Watches sad Cloche repaired la tto best rean her sad wanaatod. Jail Tobacco, CJnare, Ac. If yon want to enjoy o gs A sssnho, go to his ^r&Homs nad lfaseogos Horn O. LOPEZ, Baalwr Ire aad IS area fact a rwr ot Flwa OTnara, JU Irer Brood Street Depot. , ■arbor Shops. LOUIS WILIS’ SHATINO SALOONi (Bucceescr to H, llenno,) Under Georgia Homs Insarhase Bnlldlmg. Prompt nad polite barbers la attendance. ALEX A 1AM, B arises, Bt. pun Brasay. Hotel#. nmiiit' BOttL, Not to CalomhU Dahk BaUdlas. Fortora st all the trator t IW.y-.t.jVffBN.rreF* TnltorB. ±4= Marahaat TaUar aad Owttov. Atoll (took of frettok aadlosHek OoMlre-ree SOS' VmUiss. (His Nw. IB Bread AtoNOma, 1st dtsr shave Xuk N. B —Outfit* css Burnt** a itsnun. tab 7*1 "v .. ■■■■ :i . OreSttoK. <3*a*la* sad Bapalrla* Dobs 1b ih* Uetstyl*. aprlt] ' Corker Oiowtotd aad f real ia Boot nnd ahoemakort . WM. 1UCYBB, Heel sad' Shnoreeskev. Xedd A 0*. a. f rorept aad ototol e ESaSareasreareMMaa Tin nnd Coppnmmltht. WH. PBB, Wrikw la Tire, Sheet Ins, Corf Orders from nbrond pmmptly attended te. JnT ' Ru.'tW. Broad R* lawyers. W. A^KKiHey, AMorBnv*M*Xi*« OUBSKTA, OgAWAHOOUBSa Oo., Ot dtoBfsaisl sSttottaagMB^l**ril*etlri RUfEB DOZIER, Attorney at, OABRIGEB,’ snnnnoM and fmtbiciji ' ofslthtwheo are povtoMtoaally Mias*. MILLINERY. Crewtord dL. udsr Baakls Him, Celarehve, Go. Dress-Mnklng. ■IBB B. A. UOI.LI9fOnW*BTH, fftto-RnhlRK* Cntriuu and fitting. Terms cheap. Reshiance andsbup In Browaavllla. BcvK Food atom. jam fitmubbobb, Wholosnlu and Retail Dealer ia Ha>, Onto, Cora Rnenu, fte., Oglothorpa fit, opposite Jal Tempomnce Ilnll. Confectioners. i. a. BTBurriK, BtMt Osady IB mat*. Painters. ' WK, SNOW. AB.. * OO., B*a** aad .-■!** Fata tort, rid OsUto wp, ssfMS, ilret sorth st pMtoBrej Oolaalwo. Ovorgla. iBtrari for bout as< Ilea PalaUsg at n prises, tn rnrulri nwRitUis , r to Wm* Know, lr. •PRINC MILLINERY, W l hBYo Int rooslvod # full ttne of ffFfi^ FSKUINU AND DLB4CB1NO dm* 11 ■“wsastl octis-ly.reotd MIfS 1 FOR SALE UNN-HALV WTBBB8T Is or the d** 1 EAGLE SKVOSTOt No. Oft ftrond Street OAF BB BOUGHT ON GOOD Wood, Wood! jgaaTWMB,resd,s*wid,«iMp« M “ ^ sowed for Moestopereord. OrdereWriF-' % ly ot syvUoatlea to the IhUl U KUSOOOEB KANUt^ l To Rent. ^ITB* Atoll rik. tw# Farrishett*) NOOH1, Kltokss tod Stable, with**""