The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 02, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus WTiirw k' u%mmsr*m*amwei!'ix~'-r+ AND iDJ^xunr Enquirer. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1874. YOL. XVI.—NO. 154 P\ JMT. •Love!« with the privilege of *■ ® months. Fot yearly curds a liberal dia- _ M •Daily. “ n an advertisement is changed more than m i v mont *>« the advertiser will be charg- ntu the cost of composition. Foreign adver- I most pay as do those at home. WASHINGTON. Rcdurtlon «r En,l.]iHi-l.lln «f ■n I.hb. Clerk—District Mnnsmt. Washington, JuIj 1.—The redaction of the employees in the public depsrt- ments oontinaee. A Urge number of ufslos sad females were dismissed to-dsy id the Pstsnt OSes. To-dsy s olsrk, who had been die* barged, become temporarily insans, and divesting himself of'all olothing, seized a bayonet from the model room, and rushed through the halls of tbs building* the great oonatamation of the clerks, was Anally taken in oharge by the po lice. A. G. Cottle, who was apppinted one of the Diatriot Commissioners, hss finally deolined. Blow sad Denison aooepted. NATIONAL MONET MATTERS. OEORRIA NEWS. —The Jiejiublienn oomplains of too much rain iu Sumter county for the last lew days, and reports the washing away of several bridges. ; —The Directors of the Direct Trade ..movement have seleoted Bon. Wm. Law- -ton, of Charleston, as their agent at Liv- f erpool, aud Cob Oharlea B. Olmstead as f the agent at Savannah. £ —Sam Bard has exhibited mnoh good J teste iu adorning the postoffice nt AtlnnU, par ienlsrly tbs vestibule and windows, ■ making this part of the Capitol building sn orasmsnt ss well as a convenience. —Tbe Borne Courier of Tuesday re ports : “Wheat hss bean selling at from pi 25 to $1 30 per bushel. Prices sre rather on the decline. The best flour can be bought in this market for $8 or $0 per barrel. —At the meeting of the farmers held in Fort Valley on Saturday last, n number of Oranges subsoribad $500 or $000 to tbe Diroot Trade Union. Col. Bob A!- ( ston, of Atlanta, and otber gentlemen de livered Interesting speeches. Eight ' Oranges were represented. —The Lumpkin Independent says that “Hannshatohee Orange proposes having s basket dinner in two or three weeks, and will invito the other Oranges in the county to attend. Major Calhoun of Co lumbus and other noted speakers are u peoted to be on hand. The day is not y«t decided upon.” —The Brunswick Appeal says there has been shipped in the four years ending May 81, 1374, from the porta of Bruns- wiek and Darien 233,127,402 feet of lum ber and timber, valued at $4,878,809 66— tba produot of 71,526 scree. The value of these abipmants iuoroaaod from $518, 221.66 in 1871, to $2,028,898 in 1874. -We learn from the Herald that the [ Investigating Committee, who have been f working hara for a month in Atlanta, to- wit, Col. Wm. A. Harris, obairman, Col. | 3. B. Brown, Hons, E. F. Hayne, O. B. i Hudson and 3. W. Murphy, left for Chat, tanoogee and Trenton on a epeoial car, 1 kindly fnrniahad by Qov. Brown or I day, to investigate tbe validity ■Htate's endorsement on the bonds {Alabama and Chattanooga Eailroad, etc. —Under n resolution of the General embly, approved March 2, 1874, au- khorizing lbs Governor to appoint a com- luisRlon of live to perfeot a plan for tbe unification of the University and the de nominational oolleges, and to report the lame to the General Assembly at its next ession, the Governor bag appointed the allowing gentlemen as said commission): t»v. 3. O. A. Clark, D.D., ax-Governor >seph E, Brown, General J. B. Gordon, fun. B..H. Hill, ltev. David Wills, D.D [ —A horrible murder was eommitted in artow eonnty on Saturday night last, k. J. D. Greswell, one of tba bast men ' the county, was killed by a Swade mad Conrad, whom be had employed lo an out a well.* Mr. Oreswell bad paid krt of tjie money for it in cash, aud tbe ulanoe was to run for soma weeks as jreed between them. Bat Conrad, after ping off apparently satisfied, returned I demanded the balance of the money, hd Mr. OlMwell insisting on tbe agree ment, the Swede first knooked him dowu |ith a ro’k, aud then stabbed him to the Conrad had not been arrested up t the latest aeeonnta. Bishop at Wisconsin. *. Paul, July 1.—Eav. Dr. Wells, of dwiug, acoepts tba position of Bishop ; Wisoonain. Died at the aprlngs. Vutz Sum-hub Sfbinos, Va., July -Matt Fox, visitor from Chicago, aged I died suddenly of heart diaeaae. i Insane Gee retail la New York. P* Ton*, July 1.—Viuoenno Protenzo, Augusta, Gn., was found insane in the t Avenue Hotel yesterday. He had *o his money, watch and chain, aud i out of the window. Harvesting la California. FsANciaco, July 1.— Harvesting ^commenced in many parts of the , and the yield of grain will be euor- **•* by a Defendant. ' Yo «, July 1.-James P. Saunders hot by a defendant in a case he was bating ns the Past Grand Sire of tho Yellows. He ig well kuowa. Two pere fired—one, it is feared, is fatal, dr occurred just as the oourt ad- A Canard. pvilli, Kx, July 1.—There is no -I the 8t0r y of n family murder in T county. A Lawyer Wheats Aaathor la Maas* phis. Memphis, July 1.—At 10 o’clock this morning M. D. Wclob, a well-known at torney, and candidate for Olork of the Criminal Oourt, was shot by B. B. Barnes, also an attorney, and probably fatally wounned. They had a quarrel on Mon day, when Welsh drew a pistol ou Barues. To-day mutual friends tried to adjust the difficulty, and had a meeting in D*, Jones’ office. Thd parties to the qnZrril were present. BkYrtes anid he was ready to; settle the affair, aad itlk supposed Welsh, misconstrued the remark, aa he reao aud drew his .pistol, and said ha also was ready; whereupdn Barnes fired, the ball striking Welsh on the left temple and coming out under the ear. Barnes nt ones surrendered to an offioer. lews nspakltsaa Convention. Das MbiNzay Iowa, July 1.—The Be- poblican State Convention mot to-day. Large attendance. Debt (Statement — Dank Condition Called ror-Aeolatant decre tory at the Treaewry. Washington, July 1.—The pnbUo debt statement issued to-day shows a raduetion during June of $2,180,096. The curren cy balance is $14,576,010, and ooin bal ance, $74,205,304; ooin certificates, $22, 825,100; special deposits held for re demption of oartifioatea of deposits, $58, 760,000. Tba Comptroller of the currency has oallad for n statement from the National Banka of their oondition at tba oloea of businaas on tbe 26th ult. The President to-day appointed Oharlea F. Gonant to be Aaeiatant Secretary of the Treasury vioa Sawyer. Mr. Conant has bean clerk in the war rant division of tba Treasury for nine years, fonr of whioh as chief of tho divi sion. He ia from Now Hampshire. POUT AI. HATTERS. Cresswell in Earnest In Resigning. Washington, July 1 —In tbs Csbinot meeting to-dsy, the subject of the Post office appointment was discussed, bnt the President as yet has made no determina tion. At the meeting Cteaawell stated, upon leaving, that be would not until his sac- cessor was appointed, bat that ha intend ed to insist upon leaving the Department as soon as pcssibla. On returning to the Post Office Depart- moot, in reply to a question whether he would reconsider his resignation, he said, emphatically, “No. I was in earn eat when I resigned, and would be glad to be relieved to-morrow.” John B. Packer, of Pennsylvania, chair man of the House Committee on Post Offices and Post Hoads, ia mentioned in oonneetion with the offioe. MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Isaiy sal gtock Markets. London, July 1.—Erie 29ja29j. Street rate j below bank. Pabis, July l.— Bantea 59f. 62jo. New Yobk, July 1.—.Money 3 per cent. Gold 1M} V Exchange—long 488), short 491. Governments aotive and lower. State bonds quiet. | ^FbanipoJt, July lL-.Ua 8.. beta da, ’62, New Yobk, July 1.—Money stay at 3a4. Exchange quiet and firm at 48. Gold weak at lOjalOj. Governments dull. Pravlstak Markets. N*w Yobk, July 1.— Flour dull. Wheat quiet. Corn dull and heavy. Pork firm; mass $18.19ja$18.23. Laid firm—ataam Montgomery & Eufaula R. R. Change of Schedule, Taking Effect Sunday, June 21, IS74. MAIL TRAIN-DAILY. Leave Montgomery . 4:00 m Arrive at Eufaala 11:38 p m Connecting on Wednesdays and<t0aiu*dayo with Boats on Chattahoochee Utfir, and daily nt Union 8prings with Mobile A Girard Halloed for Troy. Loave Kufaula V- 12:43 A It rrlve nt Montgomery 7:55 a m onnecting nt Union Springe with Mobile A Girard Railroad (or Columbus, nod nt Moutgomnrv with ronds diverging. iy for Bio. - Sugar steady , refinery, 8ja8 CHARGES AGAINST CRMS. U. S. OFFI- eemaeo Party la Illinala. notoh, III., July 1.—The State noe Convention, attended by five delegates, inoindiog twenty formed an Iodapendent Party £the nominations ia Uisa Jennie Tfor Superintendent of Pablio > Geee to Enrage. Fobe, Joly 1.— Admiral Polo, tho I Minister, tailed to-dsy for Europe, Several In the loath Begneited te Reelgm. Washington, July 1.—Tba Star Bays that several judicial offloera have been requested to resign. Tbe Attorney Gen eral, in addition to demanding the resig nation of Marshal Barber, of Arkansas, bus asked the Marshal of tba Southern District of Mississippi to vacate his office; aud the same request was made of the U. S. Attorney for that distriet. These de- mauds were made after the department had sent an agent to the diatriet to make an examination of the severe ehargea made against these offloera, inolnding corruption, bribery, and the oppression of the people in order to make extra fees. he Peatnaaster Washington, July 1.— Mr. Hale has finally declined the Poetmsster General ship, on account of impaired health. His successor will not be named for sev eral days. Awolher Hydrophobia Death. New Yobk, July l.—Roderick D. Lee, who was bitten by a dog yesterday, with symptoms of hydrophobia, died at 9:30 this morning, without tbe application of drugs. The patient beoame insensible a short time before hia death, and in that state dud. A post mortem examination will be held. Tho Cable b tea in ah ip Wrecked. Halifax, N. S., July l.—The steamer Farriday, engaged in laying the oable, left Halifax a week ago. Intelligenoa from Pictou, just received, represents that she struck on an iceberg off Halifax, and is a total wreck. Further particulars expeoted soon. Heavy Majority for Convention Little Rock, July 1.—The majority for the Constitutional Convention in the State is estimated at 60,000. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. ENGLAND. Annexation wf Canada 4k Pwrllw London, July 1.—In the Commons yes terday evening Jenkins called attention to en article in to-day's Standard whioh deolared that the policy of the Canadian government aimed nt aeoeaaion to the United States. He asked Disraeli if there were any gronnde for charging the Cana dian government with such design.. Disraeli replied that he did not consider it the duty of bar Majesty’s government to find grounds for allegations contain ed in anonymous paragraphs of a news paper, bnt be would state for the infor mation of gentlemen of the House that the relations of lha Canadian Dominion and the Imperial government were moat oordial and aatiafaetory. Act ten wf a Hal I road Company, London, Jnly l.—The Atlantio and Great Western Kailroad have deolined to receive and pay to-day the coupons on their first mortgage bonds. CANADA. Death or the U. U. Conal. Quebec, Jnly l.—The United States Consul, Strava, whose term of offioe has just expired, is dead HAYYI. President ortho Negro Republic. Nxw Yobk, July 1.—By news from Port-au-Prince, dated the 7th ait., it ia stated that Gan. Mercuial Dominae was unanimously elected by tbe National As sembly aa President of the Bepnblic. • PAIR. ' Military Mature. London, Jnly 1.—A special to the Standard aays that Marshal Zertoo has decided to take command of tbs atmy im mediately. Gen. Sabollo baa arrived at Tapallo. Batonne, July 1.—Don Carlos and his wife have arrived at Estelle, where they were received with great rejoicing. Ugly Rumors Afloat. London, July l.—The Times' Paria cor respondent telegripbs that among tbe stories current, there ia one to the effect that Marshal Concha was killed at the instigation of Serrano, because he was au Alfouaiat. There ia also another notion that by the death of Ooaoha the influence of Germany ia increased, whioh is unfavora ble to the restoration of n dynasty at tached to the Pope. A report reaches here that the acciden tal fire iu two houses near Eatolla was made a pretext, by tbe Oerlista, for m&a- acreiog all the wounded who fall into their hands at Bilboa. CUBA. Customs Reguluttous. Havana, July 1.—Capt. Gan Conehn has issued a decree requiring on and after tba 1st of July payment of fifty par cant, in gold of tha regular tax and duties. The rate at which paper will be r.oaivad in payment of these is to be fixed by tbs Government. The decree of Juno 4th, authorizing tba banks to aall gold iu pay ment of land taxes, is revoked. Japan, Chinn and Formosa. San Fbanoibco, Jons 27.—The steam ship Alaska brings Yokohama dates to June 5. Tbs Alaska sailed from Hong Kong May 27. Tbe total number of Japanese troops in Formosa ia 2,000. Collisions havs oo- ourrad between them and tbe nativea. The Japanese have lost nina killed and the nativea many more. Tbe Chinese bad not yet taken part in tha hostilities, but tbe Chinese govern ment had issued orders to its snbjeota all aloDg tbe coast of the invaded country to afford the Japanese every assistance pos sible. Tbe Nagasaki Expreu says it is tbe in tention of the Japanese government to annex so much of tbe territory of Formo sa as is not under tbe control of China. quiet at 1 at 7}a8 1-iS ; fair to good, 3-16, prims 7 3-16, muacovedo 8 3-10. Louisvilln, July 1.—Flour unchanged. Corn quiet. Pork aotive and higher, $19. Bacon in fair demand—shoulders 7j, clear rib 10}, olear 103. Lard 121a}. Whiskey 94. ily I.—Flour doll and nil; mixed 63a65. Pork Two Vacant Places-Nnmeroua Ap plicants. Albany, July 1.—Governor Dix baa notified Mayor Havameyer that there are two vacancies in the New York Polioe Commission, Messrs. Gardner and Chal- lick having bean eonvioted of crime. Many are applying for tbe vacancies. Hovoment of Monitors. Washington, July 1.—Tha monitors at Key West left that port yesterday for Pensacola. THE WEATHER. DlPAnnnNT or Wan, ) Washington, Jnly 1, 1874.) Probabilities.— For the South Atlantio and Gulf States, partially cloudy weather, with local rain*, easterly or southerly winds, slight changes in temperature, and stationary or rising barometer. Liver! Liver! Liver! SIlVEIMOISr S’ HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, Ia a purely VEGETABLE PREPARATION, berm- lees and effectlre—a specific for all derangements of tbe Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stom ach or Bowels. This Medicine bas been tried by tboueaade and has never failed to give eatiefaetion. 49*Try one bottle and be convinced. E< L. KINO * SONS, Proprietors and Manufacturers, Columbia, 8. C. For sale by ▲. M. BRANNON, Agent for Colum< ns and Opelika. RAILROAD*. j.u tr B. DUNHAM, flup’t. Cincinnati, Jut drooping. Corn do) held firmly at $18*18 75. Lard quiet and firm—summer scarce nt 10}al0|; kettle 11}. Bacon firm—shoulders ,7)»7); clear rib 9}al0; clear aides 10}. Whiskey steady at 94. Gotten Markets Litxepool, July 1—Noon. — Cotton steady; upland* 8}*8}d., Orleans 8}d.; sales 12,660 hales, inolnding 3,000 for speculation and export. Salsa of unlauds, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in Sept, and her, t>j. Nothing below low middlings, delivera ble in Jtuy, 8). Sales of Orleans, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in July and Au gust, 85-16. Salsa for abipmants of now orop, basis middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in July, 8}d.; do., deliverable in August and September, 8}. Sales of Orleans, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in July and August, 8}d. Sales for shipments of now orop, basis middling upland, nothing below good ordinary, 8 Livebpool, July 1—4 r. u.—Sale* of uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable Joly and Atagnst, 8) ; sales of shipments at new crop, on basis of mid dling nplnnds, nothing balow low mid dlings, 8 3-16. New Yobk, Jnly 1.—Cotton dnll; (ales 149; uplands 17$; Orleans 18. Fntnres opened firm: Jnly 16}e3-16; August 17 1-16*}; September 17}. New Yobk, July 1.— Futures olosed steady; sales 2,546, aa follows: July 16) al6}; August 17 13-32; September 17 8-82; October 16 25-32; November 16 11-82x16); Uocetnbor 16 tl-16al6}. Cotton weak and nominal, al lli}»17); net receipts 75. Savannah, Jnly 1.—Doll and nominal; middlings 16); net reoeipta 75; aslaa 72; stock 11,586. Auousta, July 1.—Dnll and nominal; middlings 15); receipts 59; aaiaa 454. New Orleans, July 1.—Quiet; mid dlings 16), low middlings 15}, good ordi nary 14), ordinary 12; net receipts 686; sales 560—last evening 500. Galveston, Jnly 1.—Easy; ample offer ings; good ordinary 14}, middlinga 16); net receipts 75 bales; sales 1410; atook by actual oonnt 10,162. Memphis, July 1.—Firm and iu good demand; low middlings 16; reoeipta 222; shipments 639; Btock, 15,317. Boston, July 1.—Doll; middlings 18} ; sales 156; stock 9,560. Mobile, July 1.—Quiet and unchanged; middlings 16} ; net reoeipta 15 bales ; sales 150; stook 5,604. Charleston, Jnly 1.—Doll; middlings 16}: net receipt* 108; salsa 150; stock 9,843. CENTRAL RAILROAD. tiSNMAI. SUPIOINTINDEHT'S OFFICE, ) Central Railroad. V Savannah, November 1,1874. j O N AMD AFTER SUNDAY, 14TU INSTANT, Fasti tiger Tittlim o*i the Oeor«ii» Central Railroad, Its Hrencbei and CouuectioUM, will run as f.llowe: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave £aVAnnah..., 8:40AM Leave Augusta tf:05 a m Arrive in Auguntit 4:00 f m Arrive In MUtedgeviUe lw.w) v u Arrive In Katontou 11:56 p m New Goshen Butter, Mfizeppn Flour, Pearl Grlte, Rye Flour, Oet Meal end Wheat Grlte, Heidelek Champagne, Imported and Amerlotn Wlnet, all kind*, Arreok (for punch), London Porter, Edinburgh Ale, Hort*' Radish (grated), CartnediQo«i<fs bf dll kind*, Pish and Roe in kite end kegs, JUST KECK1VEU BY H. F. ABELL & CO. Je'28 if Arrive In Macon Leave Meoon for Columbus.. Leave Mecou for Kit aula.... Leave Macon for Atlanta.... Arrive at Ctriumbue Arrive at Mufaalef . 0:45 l .. 7:17 PM .. 9:10 .. 8:10 p M ..12:45 AM . 10:20 Arrive at Atlanta 5:00 COMING SOUTH AND IA8T. Leave Atlanta 10:00 pm Leave Co uni bus 7:10 p ] Leave Kufatila 7:25 p j Arrive at Macon from Atlanta 0:10 a i Arrive at Macon from Columbus 4:10 a i Arrive at Macon from Kufaula 6:45 a i Leave Macon 7:15 a Leave Augusta 9:05 a Arrive at Augusta 4:00 p ' * . Itvfi p Arrive at Savannah.. Rj.rv—tuwCm. s Notice. Prominent Incidents IN THE History of Columbus From its First .Settlement m 1827, to the Wilton Raul, in 1803, mnkpiUd by John H. Martin. The undersigned proposes to publish, in a volume of 150 or more pages, a work under the above title, covering the period from the selection qf the locality for a “ trading town,” in 1827, to the capture and partial destruction of the city by the Wilton Raid, in 1865, The incidents will be derived mainly from its newspapers, which will be gleaned for this purpose with much care. It is believed that most of our citizens would like to have such incidents in this compact and convenient form, and will encourage the undertaking to the extent of the small amount asked for the work Each chapter will contain short biographic cal sketches or notices of the principal citizens mentioned in it, who have since died. The volume will also embrace full information concerning the churches, factories, dec., now existing. We do not propose to publish this compila tion with a view to making money, as the small price asked for it will show. Rut at the same time we do not want to lose money by its publication, and therefore we wish to limit the number of copies printed to the de mand for ths work. With this object in view, we issue this prospectus, inviting those who desire copies of the volums to send in their names. The price will be one dollar per copy for a pamphlet bound volume, printed oh paper like the specimen sheet issued. A small number of copies will also be issued on a su perior article of paper for $1 30 per copy. Payable when the work is delivered, which will be some time next Fall. TUOS. GILBERT. May 12, 1874. TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WKST. Leave Savannah 7:30 p Leave Augusta 8:05 p Arrive iu Augusta 5:55 a Arrive In Macon 8 2o a Loave Macon for Ctilumbua 9:2o a Leave Macon for Kufaula 9.05 a Leave Macon for Atlanta 9:00 a Arrive In Columbus 6:35 p Arrive in Kufaula 5:40 v Arrive In Atlanta ■ , m p COMING SOUTH AND KAsT. Leave Atlanta 1: up Leans Columbus » Leave Infanta Arrive in Macou from Atlanta Arrive ia Macon from Columbus Arrive In Macon from Kafuul* Leaf* Macon Arrive In Mllledgevllle Arrive In Ka>onton Leave August» Arrive in Aagusta Arrive In Savannah . 8:50 . 7:10 . 7:25 P M . 6:10 p M . 7:35 p M .10 09 PM .11:55 p M GROCERIES. I RISH OAT MBAL, SAGO, TOPIOCA, HN0E- JtK'3 F A1UN A, PINK T1A8 at lew prices. Croes A Blackwell's Picks!*, all kiude. Ritra Choice Rio, Old Government Jnvn aud Mocko Coffee. Roasted Coffee. Beet brands Hams and Breakfast Ptripe. St. Louie Pearl Grlte, 20 lb for $1. Blockwell’e Durham Smoking Tobacco, 75c ft B>. Lorillard’s Bright and Dark Century Chewing Tobacco. West’s Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, 40c ^ gallon. Pure Cider Vinegar, 50c ft gallon. ROB’T S. CRANE, Jell [febl d8m^ Trustee. ( assenger* for half stations cannot be taken c train No. 2 from point* on the 8outhwobteru Kail- road, Atlanta and Macon. The Milledgeville and Natunton train runs daily, Sundays except* d. WILLIAM H0GKH8, General Superintendent. NOTICE. Ovvio* Mon ilk St Girard Railroad, Columbus, da., Junn 1,1874. A meeting of tho Stockholder* of the Mobile nnd Ulrnrd Rnllrond Company will b* held at the depot In Girard, Ain., on Wedneedny, Ju ly let, nt 11|^ o’clock a. m., when an election for President nnd six Director* will tnke place. Stockholder* with their lamilles will be pase- ed free, coming within two days of mooting nnd returning within five days niter. Certlflentne of Stock mast he exhibited to the conductor bg n stockholder nnd certificate of stock nnd wrlttnn proxy must he shown to en title n pros/ to pass free. JnX—id J. M. FRAZER, Soc’y._ NOTICE. 4n i class 44*;, Gib class 32c, J. M. PKAKKK, Agent. AVTNG heretofore held stock in the Oeorgia . _ Home Insurance Company, of Columbus, Jeorgia, I hereby give notice that I hove sold said stock and transferred tbe same, end under section 1496 of the Code of 1873. I am hereby exempt from any liabilities of said Compauy. my8 lame; A. P. ROOD. Western Railroad of Alabama. 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! Choice of Two Routes. New York tad Now Qrlu&s Kail Lino. WKSTRRN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Columbus, Ga„ April 24th, 1874 TRAINS LBAVR COLUMBUS DAILY For Moutgnmory end Selma, 1:00 a. m. Arrive at Montg’y, 6:45 a m. Arrive at Belma, 11:04 a.m. FOR ATLANTA AND NEW YORK At 10:40 a. m. Arrive Opelika at 12:27 p. m. At Atlanta 6:42 p. m. By Atlanta nnd Riohmand Air-Line. By Kennttav* Route. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Dalton 10:28 p. in., Bristol 10:45 a. m., Lynchburg 10.45 p. ai. Arrive at Washington 6:46 a. tu., at Baltimore 9.15 a. m.. at Philadalphia 1:30 p. in . at NKW YORK 6:15 p. m. Hleeping cars ran from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVK AT COLUMBUS DAILY Prom Atlanta and New York, 6:24 a. m. From Montgomery and Helum • 2:30 p. m. Tickste for sale at Union Passenger Depot. Clf AS. P. BALL, General Sup't. R. A. BACON, Agent. I*pr25tf THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 16 Mroad St., Columbus, Ga„ KEEPS CONSTAXTLY OH HAED ABOUT 100,000 pounde Beoon. 500 barrel! Flour. From 100 to 200 barrel* Sugar. 100 bege Coffee. From 100 to 200 borrolt Syrup. 200 btrrole WhUkoy. 200 boxee Tobaooo. 500 “ Sotp. 200 “ Candle*. 100 barrel) Lard. SO “ Mackerel. 500 lick* Salt. 50 titree* Rioe. 500 ream* Wrapping Paper. 100 oetee Potaih. 100 “ Sardine*. 100 “ Oyiter*. 100 “ Pickle*. 100 boxet Candy. 100 “ Starch. 100 gross Parlor Matches. 1,000 pounds Iiorillard’s Snuff. X0.000 Cigars. 1,000 pounds Green and Block Too. 200 bags of Shot. 100 boxes Soda and Fancy Crackers. 100 11 Cheese In semeon* 50 barrels Vinegar. 20 casks Scotch Ale. 100 doecn Wooden Buckets* 100 doesn Brooms* other Jabbing House In tbe United States. aprlC 6m J. A J KAUFMAN. Mutoogee Sheriff Sale. front of KIU$ A Harrison’s suction house, the following property, to-wit.: The one-eighth undivided interest la lot of land No. 217 in the lutb district oi Muscogee, contain- geo fiuiwrior Coart in favor of Jullett McDaniel, va J W Edwards. Property pointed ont by plaintiff. Also, at same time and place, west half of lot No. 241, containing 101^ acres, same being in the 8th district of Muscogee county. Lovied on a* the property of Wm ¥ Wynne, te satisfy a fl fa Issued from Muscogee Superior Court in fkvor of Robert B Crane ve Win T Wynne. Property point*' od out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, at same time and place, one hundred and three (103) acres' of land, being parte of lote Noe. W and 91, tying In the Coweta Reserve. Levied r op a* the property of Isaac T Brook*, to satisfy a ft fk issued by the. Comptroller General of tho ’ Btate of .QeorgtaJIn .favor of Bute of Georgia, ye 19ooc T Brooks. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. *’ Also, et same time end piece, the north port of otty lot No 6, in the city of Oolnmbue, originally Female Aoadem *—* *—* — * street of 27 fee 147 fkot 10 inefc— Mrs IM Aldworth, to satisfy a fl 1 Muisogui Superior Court, in fkvor of Henry F. Everett vs Mrs E M Aldworth. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, nt earns time and plnoe, lot of land No 51, in the 9th district of Muscogee ooant>, containing 202}{ acres, more or leas. Levied upon as the . _. . “ IOB |p #OB t 0 satisfy a fl fa ipnnor Court In favor of 0 M Smith ve Nathaniel Thompson. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, at same time and $ city of Columbus situated c ... thorp* and Bnrna streets. No 81, hounded west and south by the walls of John Diabrow’* livery ■tables. Levied on to satisfy two fl fhs In my n Muscogee County Court, ia favor of jobs u McKee, administrator, ve B J Banning, administrator, Ao. Property pointed out by R J "tuning. Js8 id H. G. EVBY, Sheriff. POSTPONED Mutoogee 8herlff Sals. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in Jnly next, between the legal hours of sale, in front of the suction house of Ellis A Harrison, Broad street, Columbus, Ga., tbe following de scribed property, to-wit: One hundred shares of stock in the Muscogee Home Building, end n like Interest iu ib« land ou whioh the same stands, aa the propuriy of John L. Mustelu. Also, city lot No, 227, and improve- menu thereon, a* the property of Soaboi n Jones, deceased. Sold to satisfy a II fk iisuml from Mus cogee Superior Court. In favor of fcauiuel M. Car- tor, executor of Parish Carter, deceased, against Seaborn #. Banning, edm'r of Seaborn Jones, deceased, James W. Waresn end John L. Aiuetain. Property pointed ont by defendants. Je5 w4t t ^M.Q. IVEY, Sheriff. Sheriff’s ^Is for Tsx. *\TT1LL be sold on the flrat Tuesday in July W next, between' tbe legal hours of sale, iu Mrs. Mary - Caldwell, fbr State nnd county taxes for tho year 103. Levy made end returned t< by Wm. Mahxfey, lawful POSTPONED Mutoogee Sheriff 8ale. W ' ILL be sold on tbe first Tuesday la July next, between the legal hours of solo, before tbe auction bouse of Ellis A llsrrison. Broad street, Columbns, Os., the following described property, to-wit: South part of city lot No. 145, with the im provements thereon, fronting 73 foot and 6 inches "igletborpe attest, end running beck 147 feet 10 Inches. Levied on aa tbo property of Mrs. W. R. Skinner, to eottsfy e ft fa leened out of Mus cogee County Court In favor of K. R. Goctcbius A Co. vs. Mrs. W. M. thinner. Property pointed out by ptoiuttfh' attorney, lea td H. Q. IVEY, Sheriff. W. T. POOL, DENTIfiT, tat firal Itcwt, OtlunlMU, u>. NOTICE. Ovnos Mobili A Guard Raileoad, Columbus, April 16,1874. O N AND AFTRR APRIL 10TU, tho Passenger Train on this Road will run as follows: Leave Columbus - 3:00 v. m. Arrive et Troy Leave Troy 2:26 a.m. Arrive et Columbus - 10:80 a. m. nprlS 2w W. L. CLARK, Bep’t. E. A. POMEROY, AT UOUIIEK’M I'OHHEn, CALL* ATTENTION TO Choioe White Shed, '* Fresh Bay Fl*h, * Mobil* Cabbage, * Celery and Lettuoe, ‘ Live and Dreued Poultry, ‘ Fresh Country Suuiege, Spire Rib* and Beckbonei. A Choice Lot of Fresh Cracker*, Sugar Jumblei, Lemon Snap*, Ginger Snap*, Lemon Cream*, Ao. Applw, Onion*, Potato** A Turnip*. Also usual Family Supplies and Fancy Uro.erie* i hand. Mr. T. C. I’KIPUKN will le found at the coan- . rand will be |i|eus«d to wait on his former cus tomers and frieudff. Tit* |>etrouageuf the public it respectfully solicited. feb28 POSTPONED Muscogee 8herlff Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, be fore the euotieu house of Elite A Uarrisou, Broad street, Columbus, Go., the following deteri< ed property, to-wlt: Toe Columbus Steam Pinning Mills, situated en lot 240 aud that part of lot t39, In the city of Co lumbus, Ga., together with the Maohioery belong ing to said mills. Levied ou as the prop* rtv of R. R. Goetchtus end R. M. England, eurvivois. to rut- iefy a fl. fa. issued from Muscogee Superior O > t iu favor of Mary Hodges. Administratrix, vs. i: 1 GoetcbiUd A Kng!uu(T Property p inttii ml * said fl fa. Je5 w4t H, G. IVRY, Sberiti. Musoogee Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold on tbe first Tuesday in •> uext, between tbe legal hours of $* v. * front of Mill* A Harrison’s auction house,) ■ street, Columbus, Go., tbe following Uten property, to-wlt: All that tract or parcel of land lying on tbe Chattahoochee river, bouuded on the south by . * town commons of Columbue, on tbe n< rth by a branch running into sold river on the weet, ex tending to the boundary lino of Alabamu, and on tbe east by the pn party of Lucius Munro, Wm. Cofield Clegg, J. J. Davis and Oohart A Brother, commonly knowa as tbe City MUI property; and also five mill stones and mill machinery, eud a one-half interest In 126 sacks of corn, 1 u buahtds wheat, 2 pairs of scales, 17 seeks of flour, 25 11m*. each—to satisfy a ft fa iu my hands isaued from Muscogee Superior Court in fa«or of Keuborn J. Denning, administrator, ve. W. L. Stapler. Levied on as tin* property or W. L Stapler, to satisfy ■aid A fa in favor of 8. J. Banning, l’ropeity poi uted out by plaintiff’s attorney. Je» w4l H.G. IVEY, Phertff. G eorgia — mubcogbm county.-\vuiinm B aukeniblp having applied for Letters of Administration <Je bonis non ou the estate of Garre t Hollenbeck, dic’d; These are, therefore, tu cite and admonish *11 and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ehow cones (If any they have) within tbe time prescribed by 1*«, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my ofilclel signature, tide Juoe 6th, 184. Je6 w4f F, M. BROOKS, Ordinary. Blankenship having applied for letters of administration on the estate or Martha A. If alien- beck, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and adm uish all th*> time prescribed by lew, why said letters should uot be grouted. Given under u.y bfllclal signature, this June F. M. BOOKS, Oidinary. DRUCS AND MEDICINES. J. I. GRIFFIN, IMPORTED ^Vperfumery^^ FANCY GOOI3S, AT REDUCED PRICED. All goods guaranteed. 4 fully prepared et ell hours. jalM deodewly * Prescriptions cere- J. I. GRIFFIN, 166 Broad St. ^BSOLUTK DIVORCES OBTAINED FROM courts, of dlffersnt States, for desertion, Ac. No publicity required. No charge until divorce greeted. Address, M. UOU8E, Attorney, mySU dewly 194 Broadway, N. Y. riEORG14—MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—John Dodd u having applied fbr I. tiers of administration ou tbe estate or Patrick Houlihan, decesst d; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and credl or* of said deceasea, to ehow cause (if any they have) within tbe time prescribed by law, why laid letters should not be grunted. Given under my eMcial elgnatare, this Jane **>• 1674. w4t« ff. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. od to file their obiections (if any they have) iu uty olflce on or before the first Monday in July next, why letters of dismission should not be grunted to said applicant. • • * * “ * * .this apr6 oaw3m F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. Notice. A LL persons having claims against the estate of J. Warren Maeeey, deceased, am hart by notified to present them, duly authenticated, to me within the time prescribed by law. JOHN U. MASSEY, Jei4 w4f Administ rator. In the District Court of the United States, For the Southern District of Georgia. No. 727. In tbe matter of 1 WILLIAM McORBARY, V Ia Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. j milE eald Bankrupt having petitioned the Court X for * discharge from all his debts provable un- dor tbe Bankrupt net of March 2d, 1867, uotice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear ou the 16th day of July, 1174. at 10 o’clock a. m. at Chambers of eald District Court before L. T. Down ing, Keq., one of tbe Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, et his office, In Columbus, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition ol Bankrupt should not Le granted. Aud further no tice is given that Ike second aud third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time eud place. Ga., this 25th t‘ JAMES McPIl