The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 02, 1874, Image 3

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DRY COODS. SANKVftCAWO INSURANCE. COlVUUl TIIUBSDAY... JULY 2, 1874. [From the New York Tribune, or Mth ult ] KOBE HYUBOPBOBIA. Death *r a Batcher who wu Bitten bf a Dap a Meath Afe-Affenjr la a Straight Sachet. Those who have doubted the eiietenee of hydrophobia were taken aback yester day by the death of William McCormick, of No. 809 East Fifty-first street, whose ease exhibited all the must pronounced symptoms of that dlseaae. A little over a month ago, Mr. MoGormick, who is a botcher, and also follows the express busi ness, was bitten by a small dog. The wound was upon the hand, and was so slight that it aeemod to be only a scratch, and of no importance whatever. His wife and family expressed great anxiety on aoconnt of the stir about mad dogs ; but he laughed at their fears, assuting them that the dog was not ma I, and that there could be no danger* Tfao dog was taken to the pound auSUU* so that there bas been noebneeto'prove whether he had rabies or not. _ experlanMMpsiuu la his neck and about his shoulders. He believed that he bad rheu matism, and again laughed at the fears of his wife ana family. He eontinued to grow worse, and applied liniments and fomentations. He did not consult a phy sician, and continued about his business sb usual. On Wednesday at 10 Mr. McOormiok complained of feeling a peculiar oreeping sensation coming up his baok and spread ing over his shoulders and the beck of bis neek. He told his wife that he felt faint, and she brought him a glass of water. He took the glass in his hand and placed it to his lips to drink. His teeth closed upon the edge of the glass, bis lips became purple, and his faoe presented the app.jr- ance of a person asphyxiated by choking. The muscles about hiB neck were con tracted, aud he caught his breath rapidly, and at iutervuls conld not breath at all. Ur. Heddou, of No. 155 East Fifty-first Btreet, was sent for, and he reaohed the house as the spasm was passing off. The physician examiucd the patient carefully, and prouonnoed the case one of true hy drophobia. lie prescribed snodynes, and went on* promising to oall again at 10 o’elook. Dr. lleddon called upon Dr. W. E. Lea- THE FOUNDATION PRICES! THE LOWEST at which Dry Goods have ever been in this State I Josepti db Bro. H AVING added a splendidly selected Spring Stock to those on hand, with tho view of accoaaodat- ing their customer*, offer them at prices XiOW A0 snow TORBlt The thousands who have visited this establishment since it led In the reduction of Dry Goods wtl vouch for the quality of goods and all representation* made. Cash .buyers win never have a better chance. A small sum will go farther now than ever. JOSEPH * BRO., 6t Bread Stmt. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly In Full, Boston “ “ “ GREIT IIRG1INS—PRICES REDUCER! [ AVI determined to RNDUCI TUHIR LARtl R AND BEAUTIFUL 8KLKCTHD STOCK OP DRIBS J GOODS, IRRESPECTIVE OF COST I Those wishing to purchase will save money aud study their interest by giving them a call. Also, jnst received, a beautiful Hue of Side Striped Prints, special styles, Bleached and Brown Domestios, all grades, Linens/.Shoes and Boots, &o. vitt, uf No. 149 East Fifty-first street, smI r-’.juested him to call with him upon Mr. McCormick. At 19, as agreed upon, they met at McCormick’s house ami went tu the patient’s room. Without hesita tion, Dr. Leavitt said that he considtred the case one of pronounced hydrophobia. Since the former visit the ease bad ad vanced very rapidly, and tho convulsions followed each other with great rapidity. Seeing that the patient would soon be be yond the control of the family, male uurses were sent for. The most powerful anodynes and narootics Beamed to have no effeet, aud the disease increased rapid ly toward a fatal termination. At 8:18 yesterday morning the convulsions were so terrible that the nurses could not ooutcol the patieut. lie would straighten himself out and then spring with bis might throw himself from the bed. His jaws snapped together and froth ran from bis month in Btreama. Perspiration rolled from all parts of his body, wetting through hie shirt and bedding. His face was livid, and from time to time hie throat seemed to oontract, until the large nine, oles stood out in cords. His agony was intense, and even ohloroform could not be given to qniet tbe convulsions. At length a patrolman was ealled in and sent tb tbe Futy-ninth-Bt. Police Station for help, and a straight Jacket. Sergeant Fanning sent ltonndsman West with the straight jacket and to render snch assist, ante as might bs necessary. With their nailed strength tbe straight jacket was applied and then more control could be exercised over the patient. The physicians remained with Mr. Mc Cormick all night, bnt their efforts were unavailing. Yesterday forenoon Drs, William A. Hammond, Hogan, C. V. Bussell, Hamilton, Vlele of the Board of Health, Tattle, Gremin, E. D. Leavitt and other scientists were called in to see the patient. They made a careful exami. nation of the foots connected with tbe case. Each symptom was weighed with the greatest oare, and every point upon which issue could be taken was disonssed fully. At length they decided that tbe case was one of tine hydrophobia, and llat no doabt conld be oast upon its gen uineness. The time that bad elapsed from the bite of tbe dog agreed with tbe usual time of incubation. Tbe Blight na ture of tho wound did not militate against the diagnosis, because many of the most prouounoed oases of hydrophobia on re- oord have come from j ust snob punctures. The healing of the wonnd was natural, and thiB is usual after the bites of rabid dogs. The first symptoms and the rapid progress of tbe disease agreed with tbe scientiflo investigations in previous eases in London and PsriB. Tbe fatal termina tion most soon come, and then a scien tific investigation is to be made, and the mierosoope may reveal important facta. The treatment bad been the free adminis tration of anodynes and narootics, as far «fe oo. $529,364.92 “ “ “ - - 180,903.89 Total Aetata—Gold—January lat, IB74, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Losses Dae and Unpaid None. Losses in process of adjustment, or adjusted and not duo $22,898 00 All other Claims 1,615 52 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoome, 1878 $619,887 73 Inoomo, 826,217 87 Gain S 9*.66# 86 Laaias Promptly Aifjaitad Mad r airly Bottled by G. GUN BY JORDAN, Agent, ootl* ly COLUMBUS. 04. «T Term Cask. Columbus, June 7th, 18T4. J. KTLE * CO. MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONE8 SAVE IT! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to become Indeoendent. “My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!” KT ALL KNOW 1TI WK AR1 OFFERING EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO CASH J Buyers! We must do lmain»sa »t all baaards, profit or no prod—the good* must move. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Cooda Is being constantly reploulsht'd. Just received, a vuxaXi Xixsra or paramo: Among them another lot of those with beautiful Silver-mouutud U aud lee, in Sword, Spear, aud many other chaste designs. Our stock of jA.oonrnT thimminoh large, and Is offered cheaper than We respoctfullv oak all ,n *“ n “ consider it no trouble. NEW YORK STORE. sprit! tf a. I.ABDAVEB. Grand Clearing Oat. Sale TO MAKE READY FOR THE SPRING TRADE, WB NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH! 1KD KVKKT OTHH ARTICLE AS LOW AS TO BK F0CSD ELSEWHBBB. CHAPMAN & VERSTILLE, ).< dead OO BKOAP bTBBET OPELIKA DIRECTORY. REAL ESTATE AQENTS. as possible, bnt tbe constancy i tho ooiiYnlbious rapidly folio ith which _ _ lowed eaoh other made the administration of any remedies uncertain aud difficult. Daring the afternoon Mr. McOormiok waa constantly in a state of spasm. So rapidly did they follow one another that the convulsions seemed almost continu ous. About 4 o’clock signs of weakness were shown for the first time, and it be came evident that a change was near. A little chloroform was administered, and afterward the patient was a little easier, and tried to speak. Before bis sentence could bo finished, another spasm came on, more terrible than any. His back was bent like a bow, and tbe entire weight of the body rested upon the head and heels. His jaws crashed together, and once his teeth went through his tongue, causing it to bleed profusely. The blood and froth ran ’from his month spattering over his faoe aud the bed clothes. Then giving a tremendous straggle, almost bursting the bonds of the straight jacket, he threw himself over upon his side. His jaws were clinched so tightly that they cracked in tbe terrible strain. Tbe agony was in tense. In a few moments, just as the olook was striking 5, an ashen hue beguu to Rpretd over his face. Tho mnscnUr contraction relaxed. The jaw dropped, and Mr. MoGoriuiok’s terrible sufferings were over. Death was welcome, for no person conld have Buffered as be did. He was evidently conscious all through the terrible struggle, as was shown by his at tempt to speak just before his death. The straight jacket was removed, and then tbe rigor mortis began to set in. No evi dence oould be gained as to the efficacy of any kind of treatment, tbe rapid progress of the disease to a fatal termination mak ing every effort futile beyond man's con trol. Musquito Netting! ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT PEACOCK & SWIFT’S. je14 500' Hay. > $1.00 per hundred, at the a ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. Doctors. DR. I. T. WARMOOK, Burgeon and Physician. Office at Slaughter’s Drug Store, Railroad street. febl4 DR. J. W. R. W1LUAMH Offers his profoeaiooal service*. Office over R. M. Urcen A Co.’a, Chamber* k K. R. Street*. nov26 Millinery. MISSK8 WHITE * TUCKER, Fashionable Milliners and Dressmakers. Ueutlomeu’* Shirt* cut by chart meaaure, and guaranteed to lit. Chamber* street, uext to Kali u s dry goods store. iebl MRS. C. V. BARLOW, Fashionable Milliner and Drees maker. Bole Ageut of Buttorlok k Co.'* Pattern*. At the late Baukiug House of Shappard k Co., Opelika, Ala. Ja’AI Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Lee couuty, respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends. Holds Court 1st and 2d Saturdays of each mouth, at it. C. liolliAeld’* law office. Ja23 Furniture, Sc. At Panic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffins, and Caskets. julS Chamber* street. Lawyer*. A. J. VlCKERfi, Attorney mad Counsellor nt Lew. Ofllco opposite Alabama House. Practices in all the Courts of the State. jaS Tailors. J. U. CAMPBELL, Taller, Cutting and Making iu the Latest Stylos. Re pairing n-atly doue. South Railroad St., ovi-r Furniture 8tor*. J*1 Dentists. J.L.K. SMITH, Dentist, Do««* Plato Work aud Plugging ou reasonable dt-c23] terms. Cbambi rs street. Barber Shops. WEN LEY HARBINGER, Dor be r, Corner 80111I1 Railroad aud Chambers streets. dvc23 BIG NON * TURNER, Barbers, South Railroad street, Adams House. dec'Ji Hotels. ADAM* HOLME. When you go to Opelika, be sure to stop at the Adaina House, opposite Passeuger Depot. dec’AH Insurance. E. C. BOWEN Sc EON, General Insurance Agent*. Office, Railroad Btreet, over R. M. Greene k Co.’s, A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Griffin Sc Co., has removed to Chambers street. His friends and patrons would do well to call on him iu his new quarters, and examine stock bofore buying elsewhere. Prices at panic rates. jal8 su&wedtf DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Page Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BUNDS, STAIB BAILS, NEWEL8, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mailed to an, on. interested in building, on receipt of .temp. KEOGH ft THORNE, 264 k 266 CANAL STRUCT, jyll dAwly NIW YORK CITY. JOHN BLACKMAR St. Clair Street, Qunby’s Building, next t Freer, Iliges ft Co. Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance: ELLIS A HARRISON Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE 8. RENT AND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE lu Hie City eud couutry, mid will advertise lliu same (at private sale) FKKF OF CHARGE, unless the property is sold. For Sale. VACANT LOT OF LAND, being the west por tion ot the "Nance lot," on Bryan s rest, adjoining the residence of lion. M. J. Crawford. Cell sou if you went a bargain. feblX tf CITY LOT No. Col, on McIntosh stroet, with three dwelling* on the same. Will be eeld together or separate, at a low figure, for cash. j»-7 Ity. i table i interest on tbe investment. R. depot; a very comfortable and desirable lunu. HOUSE with five good rooms, withiu 200 yards of Southwestern Railroad depot, ouvhatf ground. For Rent. A STORE IIOU8B in the valley of Talbot consty, at a cross-road, three miles of tbe CUulybeale Springs. A very desirable location for a Dry Goods and Grocery business. supl7 HIDES. Wanted for Cash! 100,0001ba. Dry and Green Hides, 200,000 “ Rags, 50,000 “ Beeswax, M. M. HIR8CH, Celnnkus, u». Wrapping Paper, Paper and Flour Bags, sold fja28 dly SAVE YOUR MONEY I EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPARTM’T Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 In assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $|.00 and upwards rtoeived. Seven per cent compounded four timet a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres't. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. READ AND IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT EVERT ORE WHO WISHES TO SEE SOUTH SUCCEED SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY 1 THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y cexTimu to arm the rvauc Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cot It Baok. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH THE COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-SUN Is the only thoroughly independent paper South. It believes we are to win; not by complaining about the past, but working for the future. While it gives proper space and notice to all political matters of State and National impor tance, it aima to call the attention of emigrants and capital ists to our great resources and to build up the South on a basis that has for its foundation industry and economy. While disclaiming to be the organ of any creed, party or society, all its tendencies will be in favor of TEMPER ANCE, MORALITY and RELIGION. Being deeply interested in the success of the farmers, and having implicit faith in the grand destiny of the GRANGES, the EN QUIRER-SUN will devote a large apace, under a capable editor, to AGRICULTURE, and in chronicling the move ments of the Patkons of Husbandry. President. Columbus, Oct. 1st, 1878. 1840. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE ACENT, OX BroKl Mtraat, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. II. H. KPPIHU, Prn’L II. W. KBW1KDR, CaakUr. B. SULFORD, Aeu't Caafc’r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUMBUS, GEO. Thie Bank tranaacta a General Banking bmlnaa*, pnya Intaraat on Dt- poaita under apeoial contract, givea prompt attention to oolloetlona on all aoeetiibla polnta, and invltaa oorraapondanoa. Information transmitted by mail or wlrat when doiirad. nprl d6m 1. RHODES BBOWHI, FtmUmL 320. V. KLLQHIHAH, Cashier. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. Sagrg-lnGr luuoisr TX33S l 600 Tons Iron Ties arrivu pur bark~“AUNK8,’’ consisting of tbe celebrated ARROW" TIK8 and Beard’s "LOCK" TIES. Wo offer them at sumo prices and on samo terms as any other TKh at any other American port. 1,000 rolls Domestic Jute Bagging. 1,000 J “ “ “ “ 500 J “ Hemp and Flax We offer Juto Bugging at samo priors aud on same terms as arc quoted in the Louisville and 8t. Lon!s markets. We are Bole Agents for tko salo of DBXTKR'S CiiLKUKATKD WHISKEY. MURRAY, VASS & CO., No. 04 North Commerce St., Mobile, Ala. Due Agents, IIOLT, MURRAY A 00., No. „ Tcbuuuitoula* stroet, New Orleaus, will fill orders addrossed to them tbero for Baling Staffs or Dexter’s celebrated Whiskey, at prices currsut in New Orleans. Jo™ tf best prints : A NEW CASE JUST IX AT PEACOCK i SWIFT’S. je!4 TAB GEORGIA HOME SAVINGS EM Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chartei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS: THE DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN Will contain all the latest National, State, Local and For eign news, devoting much space to Alabama interests. Its editorial management will bo fearless for right, and while recording passing event* it will not neglect the arts, sci ences and the advancement in the world’s material progress. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER Will give weekly a digest of all Foreign and National news. It will devote much space to Southern intelligei: e and will contain original articles on Agriculture, the Gran: * and other matters that will be of incalculable benefit to ti.o planter and general reader. The SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN While giving the latest news, aims to become what is much needed, vis.: A GREAT SOUTHERN LITERARY WEEKLY! It will contain original articles, stories and sketches, his torical and biographical, from Southern pens. Each issue will contain in addition poetry, scientific notes, domestic recipes, fashion and household affairs, wit and humor, no tices of late books and periodicals, religious reading, church news, and in fact every interest will be represented that will, in any way, aid the reader. J. RHODES BROWNE, Pr»B't of the Oo. JAB. F. BOZEMAN, O.piUlwt, Atlanta. J. R. CLAPP, Manoftr, Clapp’s Factory. Hon. JOHN MoILHENNY, Mayor. JAMES RANKIN. Capitalist. N. N. CDRTIS, of Walls,Cnrtia A Co. L. T. DOWNING, Attornoy-at-Law. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary of : h Co. JOSIAH MORRIS, Banker, Mou'.c y. CHARLES WISE, mays odAwIt COTTON WAREHOUSES. I'KTKX PKIIX. -&A3LJML ZF’A.lSrS A FRESII SUPPLY AT PEACOCK & SWIFT'S. J«14 Fontaine Warehouse, ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants GJOX.X7MSTJS THE TSRMS Are extremely low, so that the paper can be procured by the poorest inan and read with profit by himself and family: Daily, in advance, one year , $ 8 00 Weekly, “ “ “ 2 00 Sunday, “ “ “ 2 60 Sunday and Weekly, in advance, one year 3 00 Three Weeklies to one Post Office 6 00 Five « “ “ 7 60 Ten “ “ * ■ 14 00 Fifteen “ “ “ 18 76 Twenty “ “ “ 23 00 Thirty “ “ “ 30 00 Sunday and Weekly invariably 3 00 These papers offer the best bpportunities to advertisers. Get up your clubs and help in this good work. Address COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-RUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.