The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 07, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus Enquirer. R. CALHOUN, {RS EDITOR AMD) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1874. VOL. XVI.—NO. 157 WILY TEBMS OF TRR . WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY month*, In *#*•»«* $8 00 4 00 2 00 760. 2 00 2 60 Bix month*, Thro* month*, “ JOne month, Wkxxlt Ekqciux*, ono year. Tddu Eaqtnaaa. on* yaar... bntt *n« W**n.» fc*®” to - 4 getbar, on* ;*•*—■• 3 00 mu taoo „ a so ,, too „ la oo „ ' 17 00 *oco .. aa so i, *»oo i lqur.1 7«*r 1“—“ “ “ Th. »0ot. U wit* it. nwhst <* «8f»P uerjr tbm Month.. I« ymrl, * liters! dio- *?Si WMkVnSli will tarsrisM. te oiu-third ’ f WlT.?*in VlTorttuM.nt U oksaRodman th.» lane, in thn. month, th. ndwrtimr will te chnr*- 1.4 with th. coat of rompo.ltiom >or.l*. sdwr- i tiHn mn.t p** *. do thorn *t ham.. CEORDIA KEWM. -The nagro who killad Will* Dixon, Marshal of Toooo* City, ha* baa* osp- 1 torad in Booth Carotin*, and committed to jail. —The contract for tho dam and gr»- diog for the Atlanta Water Work* ha* boon awarded to J. T. and W. D. Grant, at #16,779. —Dr. W. J. Stanford, of Oglethorpe | county, ha* bean arreated on tho charge of committing a hianona outrage on a £ - yonng lady pstlsnt. *' —The Uonroa Advertiser any* a negro man end hi* wife paaaed throngh Fort Valley hurt Monday,-on their way to An. gnata from Arkanaa*. They had walked rrary atap of th* way. —An Athena oorraapondent of the At lanta Herald write* that “it is now said j Dr. Iipoeomb will withdraw hi* resigna- i lion *a Cbanoallor. If b* doe* not, Frof. ' W. H. Waddell ia apokan of aa hia proba- —We laarn from th* Atlanta Cimetitu- tion that th* health of Captain J. H. White, formerly Pratident and Superin tendent ot the Maoon and Western Hail- rond, is in a preoarions condition at bis home in Milner, Ga. —The Floyd Bides, of Macon, have, ' by content of the Goeemor, withdrawn from, the Second Geergta Bettallon re cently organised. The Bide* are again under command of Oapt. Tho*. Hard®, aan. —The Bom* Courier announces the death,last Tuesday,ot Mr. W. B. Terbnne, Jodgs of the County Conrt of Floyd ooun- ty, aged Stty-ona yearn. H* represented Floyd oonnty in the Legislature in 1866- '66, and was Secretary of the Senate in 1867—'68. -The jury in the Porter-Cbeney case, triad in Meriwether Court last weak, ren dered a rerdiot in fawor of tba claimants Mr. Charles T. Porter and wife. The case involves th* Chalybeate Springs and property and several hundred acres of land. i —Judge Jamas Johnson, on Friday, W adjourned Chatham Superior Court to the »regular November term. The Adeertieer ■ays: “Few if any judgaa have ever oc cupied the benoh in this oonnty with more » , ability and aatlafaotion to attor- tiganta and people.” —The compositors of the Atlanta Con stitution hava presented Mr. Whldby, its Local editor, with a handsome copy of the Bible. Whldby is, w* believe, about the only Local editor in the State who could reoaiva suoh a gift without a just suspicion that the present was suggestive of something not expressed. —Great excitement was occasioned in Atlanta, on Saturday, by the discovery of < a syateuiatio attempt at “blackmailing” a considerable number of respectable oiti- y sens. Letters were addressed to them, r throngh the postofflie, threatening them V with the exposure of crime* of which -A they were entirely uneonsoioua. The “ blackmailers, if caught, will be apt to suffer some. ^ —Jack Johnson, oolored, has been ar- gC reeled iu Savannah on the charge of eruel- iy beating and mangling a little negro ' girl, and finally breaking her neck. The charge ia aguiust him and hia wife, but , th. woman bus Had. Johnson any* that moat of lb* beating was done by hia wife. Th* little girl lived with them, bnt was not their onild. —Among tbs persona arrested by the monioipsl authorities of Maoon, last year, and punished for vagrauoy, waa a white man named J. W. Chase, He sued Hay. or Huff fqr damages, and th* Bnpertor Court of Bibb county on Friday decided the cate in favor of Mayor Huff, and of conree sustaining the right of the oity authorites to arrest and punish vagrants. Werejoioe at this deoiaion. —J. W. Hampton, oolorad, an employee of the Teoumaeh bon Works, near Borne, wns shot and killed by some person atn- buaoaded near the works, on Wednesday night last. He was at work, with a nom- bar of other bands, at the time of the dastardly outrage He had had some dif- ' Malties with both white and blaok per sona employed at the works, and it is suspected that out of one of these quar tet* grew the animosity that lad to his murder. . —The oolored people of the cities of . Georgia were pretty largely “on the move” an the 4th of July, if we may judge from the number of their excursion parties re- .ported by th* papers. Tbia class have - certainly no right to oomplain of inju- ‘ tious discrimination against them “on ac count of raoe, color or previous condi tion" by Georgia railroads, for tha trains ' are at their service at rates uoprecedent- A edlylew. —Tha Btate National Bank and the Cit izens’ Bank of Atlanta have deolared aemi-annual dividends of 6 per oent.; the City National of Griffin a aemi-annual dividend of 6 per cent. ; the National Bank of Augusta a quarterly dividend of 3 per oent. ; the Merchants A Planters' National of the same oity a semi-annuel dividend of 6 par cent.; and the Bank, of Auguste a dividend of #6 per share. The Augusta Factory has declared a quarterly dividend of 3 per oent ; and the Granite villa Factory a quarterly dividend of 4 per cent. Elcpecaent and Renter. Ernst, V*., July 6.—A man named 8wither visited one Caallett's daughter against Oastlett'a wish**. Swisher shot th* father in the thigh and fled, acoom ponied by th* daughter and followed by the girl's brother. Swisher killed him andeeoaped. ALABAMA KIWI. —The purchaser of th* old woolen fac tory near Columbia, Henry oonnty, pro- pose* to rebuild it at an earlyday. It has fine water power. —Col. Jaa. X. Cooke died at Montvel* •ring* on Thursday last, of typhoid fe ver. Mr. Cock* waa one of tbs leading members ot the bar of East Tennessee. —The Board of Regents of tha Univerai- of Alabama, at their reoent meeting at isealooaa, elaatod General Henry W. irney President of the Bute University. —Corn meal ia selling at Huntsville at gl.40per bushel; and the planters up there are putting in tbair haaviest lioks for ootton and onrsing the hard times and high prices! —The Birmingham Ifetee tells us about a wooden steam angina : “We notlaed In th* engine rooms at the Eureka Fumaae yesterday, quite a onrioalty in the shape of a small steam engine. It was mads entirely of wood, by Mr; Frank Word, an englnaer employed 4»y the aempany. It wee so arranged that steam oonld be ap plied or cut off at will. Ita movements appeared to be perfeot." —The Mobile Oraphic ot the 4th inst. says: “Judge Woods, of the United States Circuit Court in this city, has signed tb* order to turn the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad over to Batch sod his associates, who lately pnrohased it. Mr. Belch will take possession at ouoe, end immediately thereafter eoatraots will be made for re-atookieg the road and put ting it in flrst-elaas order in every re spect. " —A correspondent of the Huntsville Independent sends (he following addition al concerning th* Sloes and Long difficul ty : “The community generally refuse to believe the reports against the ohsracter of Miss Sloes. They think Sloes did right in shooting him. Long expected an at tack from Sloes and was armed with two pistols. It was thought at first there was no ohanoe for his recovery. He has been doing so well, however, that some hopes are entertained of his getting well." —The Eufanla Timer has cheering re ports concerning the crops in Henry oounty. It heats that the oorn erop is now laid by, and will be the largest ever raised in the oounty. Corn is now selling at Columbia at 90 cent* per bushel, and the prospeot ia that it will sell as low aa 60 oents when the new erop is in, as th* planters will have enough to last them two years. Similar reports oome from Dale, Coffee and Geneva counties, and from West Florida. —Judgo Kells, of the City Court of Eufanla, is again iu ooufiiet with the other authorities about one of his pets. H* issued a writ of habeas eorpue toe the re lease (“on his own reoognizanoe," we suppose) of a negro committed to jail for laroeny; but tha writ being defeative, the Marshal refused to deliver the prisoner, and a constable, by order of Judge Kails, summoned a pease to take hint. After a reoonnoiosanoa of the position, it waa deemed best to correct the p pushing matters to a colli THE DLAIIIM. Washinotok, July U. — Gen. Custer’s expedition to learn the topography of the Blaokfeet oountry has started. Every expedition heretofore sent there has been driven baok- The following wns receive! to-day: "St. Paul, July 2.—To Assistant Ad jutant of the Military Division of the Missouri: Custer's Expedition got off this forenoon. Custer reports tho new arms received and everybody much pleas ed. He says it is the best equipped, arm ed and organised expedition ever sent on the Plains. We shall probably hear from him ia eight or ted days. [Signed] O. D. Gbeene, Ass’t Adj't Genl.” A aTORax. A Mover* Sterns in East Georgia and Mew Jersey. Savannah, July G.—A violent storm passed over the city last night, uprooting trees and unroofing bouses. Considera ble damage to th* Fair Grounds. Pattsbson, N. J., July G.—Van Biper's bobbin mill at Paseok bad 1,000 panes glass broken by tbs storm last night, which was severe. be papers before llision of forces, Rape and Lynch Law elMFt. In BKlsata, Mobile, July 4.—Early this morning, at Enterprise, Miss., a fiendish outrage waa committed upon the person of a child live yean old, the daughter of an oateemed me reboot, by a negro named Kidd. The negro waa iuearoerated in jail; bnt the oitiaena overpowered the jailor, and took the negro to a neighbor ing tree and hung him. He confeaaad the deed. Both whites and blacks aay it served him right. - Chans bard’s Manifesto. Paeib, June 4.—Count de Chambord has issued the following manifesto: Frenchmen—Von have required a tern porary expedient ot safety. The oountry now seems to be on the eve of fresh dan gers. France has need of Royalty. My birth made me yonr King, and I would be wanting in the most saored of dntie* if I neglected to make a supreme effort to overthrow the interposing barriers of pedigree. I am aware of the aoonsations against me, and I have remained silent in order not to add to the diffioultie* of the illustrious Boldier who protects you, be- oanse of the acoumnlation of errors and falsehoods. Silence is no danger. Cer. tain persons have pretended to under stand from previous declarations that I placed Ibe royal power above the laws and dreamed of uuneard-of governmental oombinali ins bawd upon absolution and arbitrary ideus. Frenoh Christian mon aroby is a limited monarchy in ita very essence. It borrows nothing from governments of fortune wbioh promise boundless prosperity and lead to ruin. This limited monarchy admits of two chambers, one nominated by the King and the other elected by the nation aocording to the legally established suf frage. The Union of the people and the King enabled tha ancient monarchy to frnsirate for oenlnries the calculations of those seeking to domineer over the peo ple by contending againgt the King. It is untre that my poliey is at variance with the aspirations of the oountry. We both desire strong separative powers with a de sirable alliance which a monarchy alone can give. I wish the representatives of the nation to be vigilant anxtliaries for the rxaoiina'ion of the question submit ted to them but will not have barren parliamentary struggles from whiob the sovereign often issues, powerless and weakened. In rejecting foreign and imported for. mula with its King who reigns but does not govern, I feel myself in harmony with an immense majority. I am as be fore, ready. The house of Franee ia sin- oerely reconciled; let there be a truce to our divisions. Is it not time to restore prosperity and grandeur to France with venerable royalty 7 Rebber^and Harder. Pbovidxnce, R. I., July G.—A burglar entered the house of Hon. Wm. Chose, Hia brother-in-law raised an outcry, and was probably fatally beaten,and Mrs. Chase died instantly from fright. Cincinuati, July G.—Hon. J. J. Pratt, poet, waa killed by the explosion of a vial of gunpowder. Death of Bishop tteaaa. Cincinnati, July 6.—Bight Bsj. Bishop Gonan died suddenly of cholera morbus, aged GO. Bishop Wheelaa Dangerously 111. Baltixobb, July 6.—Bishop Whaelan, of Wheeling, is sick at St. Agues Hos pital. He may di* any moment. Gan. O. O. Howard. Washington, July B.—Gan. O. O. Howard has baeu assigned to oommand th* Department of Columbia, with head quarters at Portland, Oregon. Fir* la Foutlae, Illaels. Pohtiac, July 6.—A #200,000 fir* oc curred here from shooting eraokere. Tba court-honaa with the county records was burned. . BACKS. At I.OMM Branch. Nxw Yoax, July G.—In Ihe steeple ohase at Long Branch, on Saturday, Donohoe's Tammany falling at ono hurdle, throwing his rider, he wss remounted, but egsiu fell heavily and died on t e traok. Vin cent, whose fetlock was broken, wae shot after the race. A4 Washington. Washington, July 6.—At Park Track yesterday Favorite was hasten in the first sad second rsoes. Favorite won the hur dle race. Three horses fell—including Visitor—hopelessly mined. THE BEECHER-TILTON SCANDAL. What Ttltun Has to Hay About It. New Yobs:, July 3—Theodora Tilton has said tu a reporter, in referenoe to Beecher's letter asking his forgiveness, that the letter is in Beecher's handwriting und bears hie euiograpb, which will pass current in sny bank iu New York. It wee written and dictated by himeelf, and came to me by the hand of a friend as nnsolicit. ed *s yonr visit is to me now. Theodore Tilton, iu another interview to-day, spoke as follows iu referenoe to Beecher's letter of apology ; The letter was, every word of it, Mr. Beecher's own composition, signed by himself in bis own behalf. I did not de mand this apology. The tact that it was sent to me unasked alwsye added to the reluctance with which I subsequently con templated my defense against Beech er's injurious course, by which he permit ted bis ohnrch to indiet me befnro the council, wbioh ohnroh end council, to gether with Dr. Baoon, supertdded, have fallen upon me like * mill-stone, to ornsk me to powJer. The remainder of the letter bore more heavy upon him than the portion which I quoted. Had I printed the whole, hi* friend Trsoy would not have said, “I am glad of Tilton's publi cation." Reporter—Many persons believe that the letter part of the letter would have explained away the first part. Tilton—If sp, then Mr. Beecher is en titled to have it published. It ia in his power to have it published at sny mo ment. Reporter—Has be s copy of it ? Tilton—I presume he retained one, bnt if be did not, he has only to ask me for a oopy and he shall have it. of U Union, which oomet before the As sembly next Teeaday. They are negotia ting with th* Left to obtain ita support. A oouuter-eoalitioe of the Left Centre with the Right Centre, in favor of Osasi- mier Perriere'a constitutional bill, ia alio professed. There is ground for tho belief that Marshal MacMabon has intimated to tha Legitimists that he will not aooept tho resignation of the ministry even if it is defeated, and it is reported that he will send e menage to th* Assembly on Toss- dsy. A rumor Is ourrent tbst th* Count da Chsmhord has been in Verasillss. La Franee ssys passports sre no longer required of Amerlasns, who ere plaoed on th* seme footing, in this respset, ss the snbjeet* of oountrlss sdjsosnt. Th* Frenoh end English papers gene rally consider the Chsmhord manifesto impossible. L’Union, whloh first published the Ohsmbord manifesto, has been suspended tor s fortnight. EMGLAMD. The Mew Cable Between Ireland and Newfauadlaad. London, July G.—The Great Eastern leaves to lay the osbla between Ireland and Newfoundland. Consiantinoflh, July 6.—The town of Tends* burned. Madbid, July G.—Th* Pops has not yet replied to the congratulations of th* dup le! ns of tho Cellist army. TELEGRAPHIC MBTBH. —Ex-Judge Georg* W. Curtis, former ly of the Marine Court in New York city, wss fatally beaten iu Baltimore on Sun day, while attempting to protect two In dies from Insult. —The report of the military eourt which investigated th* case of General Howard has been published end approved by the President. Th* report, wbioh ao- quits General Howard, ia followed by a sharp review from Judge Holt, claiming that ignorance of the lew and inexperi ence, coupled with good intentions, arc manors or palliation, not of justification. —A later dispateh states that ex Judge Curtis, who was reported fatally injured at a bath on Long Island, Saturday, ia not to badly hurt as waa supposed. THE WRATHKB. Department or Was, I Washington, July 6, 1874. j Probabilities.—For the South Atlantio and Gulf States, partly doudy and oon tinned warm weather, with variable wind*, higher temperature and stationary baromeler. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. GERMANY* Prnaml* and the t'ntbollci, London, Jnly U—3:30 a. m.—A special to the Daily J’eleyraph from Fulda says the Homan Catholic Bishops seek the sentiment of the Prussian Government on the question of the total separation of the Ohnroh and State. SPA». General Sabala Takes Command of th« Government Force*. London, July G.-—A special from Mad rid says the two Generals who resigned from the Army of the North are well- known supporters of the pretensions of the Prince of Asturine. Generals Mori- oores aud Lozeruo, Hadiculs, hare been sppoiuted in their place. Madbid, July 5.—General Zabala has taken command aud held a review of the Army of the North. He has informed his offleera that he came to fight the in surgents, and intends to sink all political sympathies and opinions in the struggle. Generals Espagne and Martinez Gauipns hare resigned. The Pope has telegraphed his benedic tion to the National army in response to the congratulations forwarded to Rome on the anniversary of his accession. Baionnx, Jnly ft.— 1 The Carlista have again invested Bilboa on all aides except towards the sea. FRANCE. The Political Kltnatlen Becoming Serious. Paris, July 5.—The political situation is serious. The Legitimists have resolved to unseat the present ministry on an in terpellation in regard to the suspension HU IP HEWI. New Yobk, July G. —Arrived—Gity of Montreal. Arrived oat—Westphalia, Clyde, Priuee Alfred, Magnlfioent, Shat* mas, Atlantio, Maria A. Anger. Livebpool, July 6.—Arrived out—Oity of Richmond, State of Pennsylvania. Charleston, Jnly 6.—Cleared: British bark Forma, for Bristol, England. MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH TO RNRVIRRB. Money and Htoek Markets. London, July G.—Street j per cent below batik ntaa. Erie 36. 1'ahis, Jnly G.—Rentes COf. end 20c. Ni.w Youx, July G.—Stocks solive, end feverish. Money 2j per oent. Gold lid#. Exchange—long 488, short 490J. Gov ernments oolite. State bonds qaiet. Nkvv Yobk, Jnly C—Money easy, et 2*8 per oent. Sterling quiet. Gold heavy, st 110}. Governments native, offerings light. State bonds qaiet. Prevision Market*. Nkw Yobk, Jnly 6. —Floor quiet. Wheat dull, in buyers' favor. Oorn quiet. Pork firm ; mess gi8.50sl8.C2}. Lard firm— steam 11}. St. Louis, July 9.—Flour quiet sad un. changed. Corn dull and unohsugsd—No. 2, mixed, 68}. Whiskey steady, st 96. Pork higher, st #19.26. Bsoou firm, but scares; ahouldsrs 7j; dear rib sides 10); alesr sides 10}. Lard unchanged—sum mer 10}. Cincinnati, July G.— Flour dull. Pork firmer et #18.26; city #18.60. Lard firm end in fair demand, st 11}*} for jobbing kettle. Baoon firm—shoulders 7}s j; clear rib 10; oleer lOfslO}. Whiskey firm s 94. Cetera Market*. Liverpool, July G—Noon.—Cotton firm; sales 16,000 balsa, ineluding 3,000 for apeoalation and export. Uplands 8}; Orleans 8}»8). Sales inolnde 9,200 bale* of Amerioan. Sales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below good ordiuary, deliverable in July8 8-IG; do., nothing below low middlings, deliverable July end August, 8 3-1G. Livxrpool, July G—6:30 p. it.—Seles of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable September end October, 8 7-16 ; do., nothing below middlings, de liverable September snd Ootober, 8jd. Sales of shipments of new crop, basis of middling uplands, 8jd. Nxw Youx, July 0.— Ootton quiet end nominal; sales 104; uplands 17}; Orleans 18. Futares opened nomine! end doll, t* follows: July IG}al613 16; August 17 1-I6al7 3-16 ; September 17 3-16*17 5-16; Charleston, July G.—Ootton dull; middlings 16; low middlings 16 j ; good ordinary 14}; reoeipts 871; salsa 60. Nxw Oblxans, July G.—Quiet; net re ceipts 763; sales 400. Mobile, July G.—Nominal, snd nothing doing; middlings 17; net reosipto 101. Boston, July G.—Dull und nominal, middlings 18 ; gross reoeipts 16. Wilmington, July G.—Ootton dull; re ceipts 92. Auousta, July C.—Shade higher; middlings 16; receipts 2G; isle* 48. Galveston, July G.—Nothing doing; good ordinary 14}, middlings 16}; net receipts 18 bales; exports 1862. Savannah, July 0.—Nominal snd steady; mid Hinge 17; net reoeipts 259; exports coastwise 709; sole* G. T Dray License. Otl parties whose license expired oa lit instructed to report all found running i qulred to hava a«w numbers, Disked oa application. Jyj lPd M. M. MOORB, Clerk Coancll. A Most Desirable Residence for Sale. fTIHl House aad Lot corner Bridge aad Jackson X streets. Th* boaae ha# Iva rooms, stove room attached. Water as good as any la the oity. Th* entire premises la perfect order. Poe- so«sloa given at one*. Agjrijr to th* aadarsigasd or to r*rr^^|M>c*r. •SOLUTE DI VOItC M ODTAINW fBOM courts, of diffsraat State#, for detection, Ac. •o publicity required. Mo ebarga until divorce granted. Address, M. HOUM, Attorney, mylO dawly 194 Broadway, M. T. W. W. SHARPE A CO., Publishers' Agents, No. 25 Park Row, New York, Are sUhsrtsed to Cmstoaet tor 44- vertleiag Ik ear paper. iyl« If Musquito Netting! ANOTHXR ARRIVAL AT PEACOCK A SWIFT’S. BEST PRINTS X A NKW CASK JUST IN AT PEAOOCK A SWIFT'S. J?!i A TE1SH SUPPLY AT PEAOOCK It SWIFT’S. j.i< Hay. 500 ,AL,B for sals at prices ranging from 75 cents to $1.60 par hundred, at th* myaO lm ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. A Rare Chance! I OFFER to any one wishing to engage In the business, my entire stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries at cosr Foa cash i My goods are all FRB8H and well selected. Will also real the sta*e house I now occupy until the first of October next on reasonable The stead is iu the heert of the business portion of the oity iu the grooery Hue, and la an excellent I offer the same inducements to retail dealers la tbs city or from the country, and will sell In lots to anil purohasera. «rf MEAN WHAT I BAT—TUM GOOD* WILL BE HOLD AT UOBT TOR 0A81I. All those having claims against me will present them. Those who owe me will please coma for* ward and settle at oboe Jy4 tf CKO. R. AIDRKW8. D avidson college. Next Semina will begin Sept. 84, 1874. Healthy location. Moral atmosphere. 8tri<-.t dis cipline. Thorough teaching. Moderate charge#. Seven professors. Tor Catalogue or Information, apply to J. K. BLAKE, Chairman of the Faculty, JeU4 daw 3m] Post Office, Davidton College, N. C. Pure Cold Soda! Kiasengen and Vichey Water PROM Him MEW SODA rOUNTAIM, AT J. I. CUIFFIN'8 let It DRUG 8TORI. RAILROADS. Central Railroad. 0 s sithei AND AFTER the HR8T JULY next, RETURN TICKETS to and fiom er terminus or station on CENTRAL AND SOUTHWEATKKN RAILROADS can bo purchased for OHB FARE* Said tickets will bo Sfild unt|l 31st of Deoembsr Ntxt, and bo G4>0D to roturn . Until th* 15th of January, IS75. 4V00MDU0T0M AM NOT AUTHORISED Aftmti »l* TUBN TICK(T8 from r° ,nt8 »•>.,» Tho PUBLIC nre therefore CAUTIONED to PKuyiDlJTlIKMiUaVKtf WITH TICKETS from the Agents at the station, or PAY BOTH WAYS. WM. ROGERS, Uen’l Sup’t Central Railroad. - TOWERS, Montgomery & Eufaula R. R. Change of Schedule, Taking Effeet Sunday, June 21,1874. MAIL TRAIN-DAILY. Leave Montgomery 4:00 p u Arrive at Eutaula 11:3* r n Connecting on Wednesdays nod Saturdays with Boats oa Chattehoochtto Uiv r, and dally at l T nion Springs with Mobile A Girard Railroad tor Troy. Leave Eufanla 12:44 a M Arrive at Montgomery 7.65 A ■ Connecting at Union Springs with Mobile 4 Girard Railroad for Columbus, and at Montgomery with roads diverging. Jc»l tf B. DUNHAM. Sup’t. CENTRAL RAILROAD. OAP. > 4. J UftRERAL SUPXIU.VrXNPENT'g OFFICE, Central Railroad, Savannah, November 1,1*74, O N AND AFTER 8UNDAY, 14TII INSTANT, Passenger Trains on tho Georgia Central Railroad, its Branches aud Connections, will i on as follows: TRAIN MO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Savannah. 1:46AH Leave Augusta..... U:<)6 A H Arrive In Augusta 4:00 f u Arrive In Mllledgeville .10:00 r m Arrive in Katoutou. .11:55 t u Arrive in Macon 0:45 r m Leave Macon for Columbus 7:17 F n Leave Macon for Ku'aulu U:l() p m Leave Macon for Atlanta 8:10 p u Arrive at Columbus 12.45 a m Arrive at Kufaul* 10:20 * n Arrivo at Atlanta 6:00 a m COMING SOUTH AND RA8T. Leave Atlanta... Leave Co'nmbus Leave Eufaala 10:00 7:10 p M 7:25 P 0:10 A 4:10 A 0:45 a Arrive at Macou from Atlanta Arrive at Macon from Columbus Arrive at Macou from Eufaula Leave Macon Leave Augusta 0:06 a Arrivo at Augu«tu 4.00 r Arrive at 5:.CP TRAIN NO. 2, G IMG NORTU AND WUdT. N. J. BUSSEY, Agent FOR AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. The trade supplied at lowest mar ket rate*. mytT dfim Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG & C0., Columbus, Ca., quality or Cotton Cheeks, Clnghame and •tripes, J* Factory corner of St. Clair aud Jackson afreet. Oflos on Jackson street. JeM d3m Liver! Liver! Liver! SIIMIIMIOIIXrS’ HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, Is a purely VEGETABLE PREPARATION, barm- lass and effective—* specific for all (Icrangemt nts of tba Liver, Kidneys, 8kin, Stom ach or Bowels. This Medicine has been tried by thousand* and has never failed to give satlsfaeilon. 49*Try oae bottle and be convinced. I. L. KUfO * SONS, Proprietors aud Manufacturers, Columbia, 8. C. For sals by A. M. BRANNON, Agent for .Colum ns endOpellha.ap23—tawfii W. Y» TIGNKR, Dentist, Opposite Strapper's building, Randolph I Special attention given to the insertion of Arti ficial Taath, as wall as to Operative Dentistry, feb24 wly Leave Savannah Leave Augusta Arrive In Augusta Arrive Iu Macon Leave Macon for Columbus Leave llacon for Hufaula Leave Macou for Atlanta Arrive In Columbus.. * Arrive in Eufaula Arrive lo Atlanta COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Lanva Atlanta.......... Leave Columbus Leave Eufaula Arrive In Macon from Atlanta Arrive in Macon from Columbus Arrivals Macou from Eufaula Leave Maoon Arrivals MUIodgevllle Arrive in Katoatou Leave AugUhtx Arrive in Augusta Arrive in Savuuuah Train No. 2, being a through train on tho Cen tral Railroad, stopping only at whole stations, paseengete for half stations cannot be takuu on ' nut off. Passsngsif for Millsdgevll'e and Katoutou will take traiu Mo. I from Suianimb and Augusta, and tmin No. 2 from polut# on tho Soutbw.'atfm Rail road, Atlanta and Maoon. Tho Mllledgeville and Eaton ton traiu run# daily, Sunday-t except'd. WILLIAM ROGERS, Je23 tf General Supuriuu'udont. .. 7:30PM .. 8:06 PM .. 6:65 A M .. 8 20 A M .. 9:20 A M .. 0.O5 A M .. 9:1(0 A M . 2:30 P M . 8:60 AM . 7:10 PM . 7:26 P M . 6:10 PM . 7:33 P M .10:00 P M .11:66PM . 8:05 PM GROCERIES. .. 7:15 New Qeeheii Butter, Mezspps Flour, Pearl Srlte, Ryu Flour, Out Maul and Wheat Qrits, Hsidelek Champagne, Imported end American Wlnee, ell kind*, Amok (fdr punch), London PorlSr, Edinburgh Ale, Horse Radlsk^rotod), Canned floods of all kinds, Fish and Roe In kite and hogs, JUST XUCB1VSD BY H. F. ABELL & CO. jfltt »r I RISH OAT MRAL. IAGO, TOFIOOA, HR0K- RE’S FARINA, VOIR TEAS at law prim. Croes A RlackwaH’a Pickets, all kinds. Extra Ckoiea Rio, 0M Government Java and MockeOaflha, Roasted Oolbe. Rest brand* Rtai and Rreakfhst Strips. St. Louis Peart Qrita, SO fe flbr $1. Blackwell’s Durham Smoking Tohaooo, 7ie ft ft. Lorillard'a Rright aad Dark Oantary Chewing West’s Extra No. I Kerosene 0(1,40e V fin Ion. Pure Older Vleegar, 60c ft gallon. ROB’T S. CRANE, [febl d4m] Trustee. Western Railroad of Alabama. Tf.? itm rtVr "1W- ItH 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! Choice of Two Routes. Ksw York And Now Orleans Nall Liao. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, CoLUMiiUM, Ga„ A 1*1 II 21th, 1874- TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Montgnmtiry end Soluia, 1:00 a. m. Arrive et Muutg’y, • 6.4 * a m. Arrive at Sdum, 11:04 a. m. FOR ATLANTA AND NEW YORK At 10:40 ». m. Arrive Olx lika at 12:27 {*. m. At Atlauta 5:42 p. in. By Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE 8:35 a. ., Dauvilla 3:27 p. m., Richmond ll:<»b p. ra. Ar rive at Washington 4:30 a. w., at Baltimor e 6:30 a. Philadelphia 1:30 p. tu., at NEW YOi<K 6:15 By K*nnessw Rout*. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. tn., Dalton 10:2* p. in., Bristol 10:46 a. m., Lynchbuig 10.46 p. m. Arrive at Washington 6:45 a. m., et Baltimore 015 a. in., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. in., at NKW YORK 5:16 p. m. Sleeping cere run from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta aud New York, • 6:24 a. M. From Montgomery and Selnm • 2:30 v. m. Tickets for sale at Uulon lOMHeuger Depot. CHA8. P. BALL, Gcuernl hup’t. ft. A. EAOON, Agent. fnpr25lf NOTICE. Columbus, April 16,1*74. O N AND AFTER APRIL 1GTH, the Passenger Train on this Road will run as follows: Leave Columbus 3:00 v. m. Arrive at Troy 11:06 r. m. Leave Troy 2:26 a.m. Arrite at Columbus 10:3o a. M. aprU gw W. L. CLaRK, Sup’t. THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 10 Broad at., Columbus. Oa., um conrimr or bard a rout 100,000 Roeeds Baoon. BOO borrale Floor. From 100 to 300 barrel' Sugor. 100 bage Coffhs. From lOO to 200 borrale Syrup. 200 burrale Whiskey. 200 boxes Tobseoo. S00 “ Sosr. 200 Ooodlau. 100 barrel* Lard. BO ** Mackerel. 500 eucke Salt. BO titroes Sloe. BOO ream* Wrapping Paper. 100 oatee Fotaeh. 100 “ Bardinas. 100 “ Oysters. 100 “ Pickles. 100 boa** Candy. 100 “ Starch. 100 eras* rerim Hatohs*. 1.000 pouada Lerlllard'i laaff. 80,000 Clff»rg. 1.000 pouuda Qrssa aad Block Tea, BOO buffo of gfeotc 100 boxes loda aad Wamtsj Cnsekerg. 100 ChesM lo geagoo* BO borrela TlMffor. SO oaika leotek Ale. 100 doaea WooAaa BuakeU. 100 deara Broom. everything la the to the trad* by I Jobbing House In And offer other Jobbing apr!6 Out the Grocery llna, which they the yes kegs, as low oa any tba United Btatce. J. A J KAUFMAN. F. At. POMEROY, AT noOHBB'a CCBRKU, CALL* ATTURT10M TO Choioc White Shed, “ Fresh Ssy Fish, “ Mobile Cebbege, “ 0 el try and Lettuce, “ Live end Drssssd Poultry, “ Fresh Oeuntry Ssussgs, Spar* Rib* and Baehhene*. A Oboloe Lot of Fresh Cracker*, Sugar Jumbles, Lemon Snipe, Oinger Snaps, Lemon Creams, Ae. Apple*, Onlent, Potato** A Turnip*. Also uanal Family Sapplleo and Fancy Gro.ariaa on band. Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN will b# found at the coun ter and will ba pleaatd to wait oa hia former cus tomers and friends. The patronage of the public Is respectfully solicited. fet>2H CHEAT BARGAIN ! Safe and Paying Business Already Established, for Sale. favorable terms. Consumers and oountry merchants would do well to call, as I am determined to reduce my lerge end well selected stock. O. J. MOFFETT, w. «. nwrarii 74 Broad It., Columbus, Ga. FOR SALE ONE-HALF INTftRBST la or tha WIIOLR or EAGLE DEUG STORE, No. 03 Broad Str**t. Wood, Wood! QR8T WOOD, ready sawed,$4.00 par cord. Wood sawod for 60 coate per cord. Orders filled prompt ly on applies!lofi to th* f«b3i tf MunoooRKiAAJivmeg#