The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 10, 1874, Image 2

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S*tti®M*t***« coLimra, «a.i FBIDAY JULY 10, lfiN. «r>0 Nt'MCBIPTlOX BKCKIVEB OR LEM PAID FOB IR ADTARCE. ROMS RR. BABTIR, 4 Hi» York ITeratt prtteribnt XfSEMjtatB or hydro flowrte mM Mil* tort Cog dootrojor. Ho Bjithilom drop of cither, pleoed on • dog's nose will JUU him wataotij,, .Bnt bo does not eey wbst the effeot would be if n drop ebotild got upon the person of It eppaare that the mm ol #*,(100,000 ia aaa#d »a aoUtfr oil Mrt 4omm4o against the Alabame and OkaUanooga Bailroad, and that when the road was of fered for sale in ItoMIe, the other day, only #a,O0B,0U0 was hid far it. Uia plain that soma partis* moat be heavy losers whan a aale can no longer be avoided. “Wjqp*J«i Ababat" ia Itoinatl a newspaper established by some Americans miaoellancoua lira freight. The name la appropriate for that airy altitnde, and tbs astehllahment at a newspaper prase #isre is rather p*| improvement upon the wine press that moat have been handy to Noah> The sntorprMng pnMhbara no doubt have to employ Aha o*rri*T; pigeon yat, a* ws have not heard of the invasion of that pristine region by the railroad and tala- graph of modern etriliaatlOB. ' IRCIBRM At AVIVBR, tlABawA. I arriving steps store of ilddal^ A cSJ ws met tl street, and Banka, Oaldi —— onto the Reading oidpana of tba village, AusuiX, Ala., JalyS, 1W4. k bg( thoa* in froMlhfi pommnnity tberaa- Deor Enquirer-Sun : Leaving Oelom- boats. After having 1 listened for several Ho*. Jf 5 H. F. Hall, of Uariwstber, who ia by far the most raepeotable and sagaeioos Bepnblioan in hla oohnty, if not in ths State, baa written a latter (whiob ws And published in tha OrifBu Newt) in whioh he takea strong ground •vm »h« OW11MW)MU and the erro neous dogmas by whioh it ia sought to be sustained. Hr. Hall aaya : “A* to the Civil Bights bill, it is wrong in prii aifia. All tbsaitiMsacd thiH coun try, lrreapeotiro or race, color or nativity, are equal before tbe law—are equal in civil and aoktioal rijihta, That ia mush. ** fw*«» wiiCm relatiena ought ufk to be made a subject of legislation. Taate, habit, feeling, in* rlination, ought and will in the end con trol them. The Civil liighte bill ia tbe offspring of fanaticism and ambition. Of oourae, I hope it will not become a law. attanTOArRSmi!: The following oatraot of a communica tion etgand «A>WM* Bapubliean, ” pnb- lisbed in tba Hontgomary State Journal, . will eerra to abow.uAaf ths white ltadi- oale dT Alabama expiot * to do ia their Bute G'onrentlun, apd tc&y they llzad tha ratio of rapreaantation so as to giro tba few whiteH of the party auah an,undue proportion of strength in the Gorention ; The oyerUmoar ef tbe Bspobltean party in Alebema is believed to be certain, nn- leea that party, ID lt« Bute Convention in August next, distinctly porreote the error end reverses the Judgment of the late Ooavenliun of colvaad man nt.Montgom ery ns to the Bumner Civil Bights bill. No amount of UtUannos or falsehood on the part of colored or white orators, in " white HepoMicans who op- apeaking of pose tbe forced mixing find corruption of racce, as man of “Weak knees'' or “weak ■tomeche,” caodolor these white Uapnb- licene from fldollty to God, toT'eece, to their Country, to both Beene i nor from effective opposition to any scheme whioh Htrongly, If not Inevitably, _, tends to drive peace from our borders, end to array the raoes in destroying antagonism to eaob other. P. WHAT HE RtttRrmn. In the lets nagre “Equal BighU" Con vention at Hontgomary, on* Walker, a delegate from Dallas oonnty, said that “be regretted that the colored people of Alebema were nnabip to do ap they had done in Miaeiaeippi, Louisiana and Boutb Carolina.” We warn the white people of Alabama that this man expraatad the sen timent and aspiration of his party. If they eucoeed in tha coming political contest in Alabama, they will make that State even auoh as are Missis sippi, Louisiana end Booth Carolina, not even excepting Uiote bond*, and tbe tax-payers are wail aware that Alabama has “obligations'’ enough of that kiod elraedy. Booth Carolina, Louisiana and Miaeiaeippi era modal Btataa in their pres ent oonditioa, in tts estimation of the Southern Uadtoala. They are Btataa in whioh proparty ia taxsd almost to confis cation, and in many inatanoas quite i States in which juatioe is dispensed with au aye to parlf iatereeU only —Btataa whose authorities protect erimiuala and persecute honest men whose pojitioe happen to be conservative and whom color ia white. Such a State Alabama will be if ths ne groes and their wfalts allies obuin full away there. They have already shown their bands, both by aotioa in Legislatures end conventions nod in tbe local adminis tration of tba law. The examples of South Carolina, Louisiana and Mlaausippi ware frightfully suggeettve enough, without this declaration of Welker that he wanted to make Alebema just such as they ere. He end bis party will do their beet to re alise this ambition of theirs. Tha lover of good government who can ha indiffer ent or epatbetio whan aooh an issue is so sharply presented, ia committing the folly of ths anioide. bna ah eboot 6 o'clock a, in ooaapsny with two charming ladies, two anxious warehousemen, and a mnaioal attorney, wa bad a dellghtfol trip to this pUoe, under tha guldenoe of that moat oourt- eoua of oondnotors, John Colvin., Wa remained ia Opelika about one hour and n quarter ; and oar At»y earns very nearly being prolonged, for whilst IlManing to tha dnlcet notes of Hugh Nlabel's numer ous mocking Midi and bis own agreeable chat, time aped on very fleet wings, and tbe two gallant warehousemen and your bumbia correspondent ware compelled to flea, cut dirt, and harry to overtake tbs moving train. By extra exertions wa oanght np, however, and got np gracefully—in n bungling way— that ws wars received on board tbe train with shouts of apple use, and many hearty greeting! by bright and sparkling eyaa. But there wan a asore of ruffians of ths mala kind, who, envious of the sweat weloome wa reoaivad, gave vent to a horrid laugh, whioh was vary disgust ing- . Auburn, ew«efi bnt not deserted, ia beantifally situated. High hills, large forest oaks, handsome dwellings, beauti ful gardens, both ornamental and usefal, with an abundauoa of oool sparkliag water—nothing stronger—(aaa Acta Gen eral Assembly Ain., page 264) are n few of its attractions. Tba cbiafsat attrac tions, however, are |>er accomplished matrons and lovely leasee; and whan I aaa these handsome aedets, with their gorgeous harness, upright gait, brushed shoes and polished hair, gslavsnttpg aronnd, followed by tha admiring gaxa of these eaU-aama damsels, together with numerous other bright eyas, etc., I not envious, but I almost “would I were • boy again.” Wa arrived at the ooUege ohappel just in lima to boat tha splendid address of OoL Wm. H. Chambers, on agriculture. That apparently dull and oommou-place eubjeet, was ao bandied by tha eloquent speaker as to become eoterUoing to all aliases of listeners. Entirely praotioxl, it is to be hoped, that not only tbe young man—for whose benefit lbs address wm delivered—but tha old too may profit by the words of tratb, ao plainly put before them by this aooompliabed and practical gentleman, and that our now WMted and impoverished lands, tad worse impovar- iabad people may ooms“out of tba depth*,' our fields team with pleaty and our farm ers be able to walk wlthheada erect, freed from mortgages, Usoa, and all auoh curses. After Col. Chambers’ address prixaa in declamation wars awarded: let prise divided between cadets Hodge and Fya; 2d to oadat C. P. Lanier, if. A. Lanier reoaivad first prise in penmanship. In tbe afternoon at A o'clock Colonel Hardaway, commandant, exercised the oadeta in all tha new and improved mili tary taotica. Tba drill was vary oradita. ble. At 8 p. M. a vary amnaing debate took place between tha Wirt and Webaterinn Societies. Tbs subject diaeuamd wm Cremution." Hr. WiUie Perry's allu. atone to being sealed np in • Jag and soma of his companions being converted into No. I fertilisers anfl, excellent con centrated lye brought down tha honae. I cannot oloee this oommnnication with out mentioning the Columbus delegation. Quite a number era bare, find I ana My, without fear of oontrudictioo, that you could not aaxambla tha same number of young ladies from any five Btataa who could begin to compare in beauty—and all the graoes whiob adorn beauty—with those wa have bars. Evan m I write I hear their merry voices—singing, laugh ing sod being marry generally. I- hope they may always be M happy M they ire at this moment. I find many friends of tha Exquuu- Sux hare, and all apeak in highest terms of its manly, independent conns. Hr. MoElbaney, tba son of tha proprie tress of tha Auburn House, is a vary courteous gentleman, and, considering tbe eudden numbers he is compelled to attend to, managM like an old baud at the bellows. ia Xs# u i Bare Channel hears to intArestiug nsnversstiooa on tha topic* of tba day, and of tha farming in- tarast of tha oommunity, we came to tba eonelusioD that tbs dark future that bM bean banging over tbe political, flfeanolsl, And firming iatermta, of tbjffi oonntry, is brightening. If the farmers realise lbs hopes and expectations they now entertain, they will soon rise above tbe indebtedness and gloomy position ioto which they have fallen. They report orops looking ex tremely well, promising and fine, in that section, and tbe fullest corn and grain oropa that bars bean realised for a a umber at years. Uulaa* there should be some ue- foraeen disaster to tha cotton crop, this also promises to be fully as large as last year, if not more, even when much Ism bM bean planted. ' The only Ism enter tained is the worms, whioh have not, ha yat, made their appearance. These com- munientiana and reports were verified by tha steps whioh enow under my Individ ual inspection. . , ( Bunday morning wa attended Sabbath School and aervioc at ths Methodist Choroh—tha Bav. D. H. Banka oMeiaiiag minister ; apd on Sunday evening had a pleasant shower. ' ' 1 Hondsy morning my friend and I made a short trip to his plantation, about three miles doe waat from tba village, In aearoh of frnit, Ac.; there, and on tha way, wa bad Mveral opportunities of seeing tha crops, wblob looked fine and 'ptaarising as above stated. After ten, on‘ Monday, wa again bad tha pleasure of meeting tha youog ladies. After having berm enter tained for several htrars by the intelligent conversation of tha yonug ladies, wa ware again teethed tilth soma very fins music on ths piano by the accomplished Hiss Hattie A. C- ■ • —, my friefid, and his little oouaiu assisting on tba flute; end, indeed, it was so high ly entertaining that it wm .wJM» the nt. most difficulty wa could tear uuraolvca away at tbe lata hour, of 12 r. it. After a nice little rest of flye or six hours ws arose; and, haring been refreshed by the cool country Mr, We repaired to break fast. Then for a quiet ramble down Lev ers' Lane, which ia it straight lane covered on eaoh side by lofty oaks, Ac., as to ran- der it, as named, lovely. At the end of the lane, on tbe rise of the hill, stands tbe residence of Hr. E. W. Tarver, a large planter, who baa many of ths luxu ries nod conveniences peeuliar to the planter’s vooatioo, aud worthy the imita tion of the farmers of onr oonntry. I oan truly Bay that I bad a splendid time. T. J. K. Attention, Board Control Co lombo Fire Dep’t. I Of F BE to aay aaa wishing to »p(« in tho bull###, mj entire Mock of FatgjTjwTd Staple Groceries AT OMT FOB CASH! HOTEL6. Rankin House, Mjr goods nro nil FRBBH and well selected. Win Alto rent the sto.e home I now occupy no til the of October nest on reasonable The* toad la la the heart of the hnelneee portion of thedtj In tho grocery line, and ia an excellent 49»1 MBAN WHAT I BAT—THE OOOD8 them. Thoee who owe me will please come for* ward and eettle at onoe. Jy4 tf GEG. E. A»»»»W>. Dray License. .... to renew the eame by the loth luetant, as after that date the Police will be interacted to report all foand running jvlthout hare new nambers, which will be far- utohrd on wiuiimtlm. m tod V M. M. MOORE, Cl.rk Council. A Most Dssirabls Bssidenco for Sals. room attached. Water as good as any ’in the oftty. The esGro premieee ia perfect order. Pos- ■assion given nt onoe. -‘-‘O-av HqngjBS-* ^BSOLUTB P1T0BCB8 OBTAINED FROM oonrte, of diflhrent Btatee, for doeertlon, Ko pnhlleity required. No charge until divorce granted. Addreee, M. nOUBR, Attorney, 1M Broadway. N. Y. W. W. SHARPE A 00., Pub|l»h«rfl’ Agents, No. 2S Park Bow, New York, Are authorised aw Owatraet far Ad- vtrtlalsf In tar paper. ■»M tf ^ DEPOSITOR* with tax GEORGIA HOME SAVINGS BANK A KB requested to hand In their Pass Books that ths July irsst may be entered and their JyT eod3t Last Call! £ WILL keep the Tax Books open Thursday, July 16th. Delinquents, take n jflce and govern yourselves accordingly, as I Will positively close the books that aay, aud all who fail to give in their taxae by that .(me w!!l be pot on tha default list and their taxes donbled. M. W. TIIWKATT, jyfdltwSt Tax Receiver Muscogee county. Take Notice. all oonceraed la the property known as tho OITT BSXZiZiH, from the estate of Col. Seaborn Jones, and shall heroafter conduct the business on my Individual accouut. R. L. MOTT. Co. UK. bus, On., July 8—dot. Bleached Goode! A MEW SUPPLY Lonsdale, Matonvllle, Ao., at PEACOCK A SWIFT’S. Pure Gold Soda! Kissengen and Vichey Water —Gov. Coke, of Texas, bss issnsd or- darn to Col. Bentos Benavides to follow Hexioan thieves and marauders on the frontier and chastise them wherever found. Aa Mexico has taken no steps to re- atiain these lawless bands, the orders of tha Governor have raaaiaad the sanction sod adwnraament ef the |WPple of Texas. Col. Benavides, who is a native Texan of Hexioan d.-soent, commended a Con. federate regiment during the Uat war, Ufifi YoflJfiMr .with his bratUar, Col. Bafugio Benavides, rendered good eer- vfioata the 'Mast eaaee.". The Benavides brothers have defeated Cortina and other MfiXimn bandits in many an enoonnter on the frontier.—Jv. 0. Picayune. —Tba cotton atop of North Georgia, aooording to the latest reports, is surpris ingly fine and promising. The.weed is now large and abundantly loaded with squatM and blooms. Unless the farmers np there have too much asgieeted wheat and corn, they will probably materially improve their condition by this year's TBIP TO ERfiR, AU. Editor Enquirer-Bun .-—Having Cot seen any reports from Enon and that aeo tion of the oonntry, and thinking that yon might like to bear aa regards oropa, Ac., I now state my trip. Enon ia situated just between tha two railroads, (tha H. A G. and H. A E.) be ing about five miles from GnarrytCn. Went to the reaidenoe of Rev. D. M Bsnke, a finely cultivated gentleman of adueationj after tea want np Broad street, (tha bueineea part of tba village) where there wm a public speaking ffi-o. greasing between tbe negroes (speaking for Judge of Probate for Bnllook oonnty), W. H. Black on one side, and H. G. He- Call on tha other—both Radical candi dates. McCall wu present, and spoke, insinuating how ha loved the negroes batter than any white man living, l’eter Bray, colored, who spoke right after Ho. Call, said: “Ha (HoOall) will aay to the nigs, yes mam, no mam, yes sir, no sir, and the honorable mister; aad if some of yon colored ladies don’t mind, ha will be kissing yon before Ibis campaign ia over”; saying, us an apology for this re mark, “Hisaer McCall bobbing pnt hissef on quality wid da nigger, mus take nigger fere.” He bronght np some witty end bright ideas, although ha murdered tba Queen's English most terribly. After listening uutit 12 r. it., we retired to our room, loaviug many of tha principal oiti- sens there. On Saturday morning made several cells on some of the fair charms of the village, on whioh ocoasion we received a treat of moat delicious peso bee—the largest and finMt specimens I aver witnessed. Wa ware also regaled with soma splendid mu sic, both instrumental and vooel, in which tha young ladies but betrayed their taate sad oapuaity—my friund assisting with an aooompaniment on ths flute, which ran dared it most superbly grand, beautiful and anohanting. Under tha Influence of auoh melodious atraina m ware produced, one might be ao wafted away in Imagina tion m to make the bright reality as but a beautiful dream. Yoang America Firo Company No. 6 this (Friday) eveuing at 8 o'cl ock. W. U. WILLIAMS, Okief Rng’r. 4. K. FRANCIS, Bec’y., jylO It FRESH FISH ! Every Friday by O. W. BROWN. FRESH FISH! ’ Htnanu-.r Jackson a floe lot of JNO. L. HOCAN, ION HOU8K. POSTPONED Muscogee Sheriff Sale. \X7ILL be sold ou the |rat Tvesdaj in August next, butwcuu tin.' legal The Columbus Steam Planing Mills, situated on lot 240 anti tlmt pirt of tot 2:t9, In tbe city of Co* Iambus, Ha., tvjEtlior with tbe Machinery belenR* said mill*. Levied on as tbe property of it. R. (loetfhiu* and H. II. Knglatid,, survivors, to sat isfy a tl. fa. Usn't'd from Muscogee Superior Courl in favor of Mary lltklgcn, Administratrix, vs. said Uoeichius 4 Kuglitud. Property puiuted out i« said ft fa. JylO w4t H. O. IVY, gheriff. Turn HEW BOBA FOUNTAIN, AT J. I. CRIFFIN’8 onuo STORE. N. J. BUSSEY, Agent AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. Tho trad# supplied at lowaat mar ket rata*. tnjr*7 dSm Large Fans and Morocco Belts or THK LATEST STYLES. JUST RECEIVED AT PEACOCK A SWIFT’S. -to! Columbus, Oa. 1. W. BYAN, Prop’r. Frame Ooldem, Clark. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Umdxb tub Bamxim House. mytt dawtf J. W. ttTAM. Prwp’r. THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ca. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS ry effort will be made to Ineart their oenfort. Our omnibuses will be foand at all arriving trains and atraaera. R. BRADLEY k BON, may*T—ddwim Proprietors, PLANTERS’ HOTEL, 122 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. ■ATS* OF BOARD , Board and Lodging per month. “ ** '* p«r week “ “ “ per day Board without Lodging per month.... $20 00 10 00 1 60 17 00 .... 7 00 Breakfast or 8npper Dinner a®- Ne deduction in ebargse tor Ism than five d iy»’ absence. Jeio lm MM. W. F. BNIBE1. Warm Springs, RUlWnUE CO., «A •HIS FAVORITM RE80BT to now open for JOHN L. MU8TIAN, WARM SPRINGS, MADISON COUNTY, Western North Cerolina y _ The additions and improvement* made since Ust Readon in' rease the onpneity of the place nearly three fold. Among tho new features in im provements are water works, giving an abundant -“-HI WAT Furniture renewed and Mattresses all new. Batb Houses renewed, making the Hotel the most plete and well fitted in (he country. PRICK OF BOARD—Per month, $40; mrwoek, $12 60; per day, $2 00. Children and coloi vants half price. J. A. PAMPLB, General Manager, ly of access via Ksnnesaw boute, ills and Morristown. Excursion Tickets for round trip now on sale at W. 4 A. R. R. Ticket office. Inlyt-dlw. Place haa been White Sulphur Springs. rpu opened for the neas< and Lady. Every effort wm u« » fort and sojoymeut or the ▼.■Itora. The Bulldlngt have bean Enlarged, refitted and refurnished with special regard to convenience and comfort. The curative proper les of the waters have been experienced by hundreds of invalids for nore than a quarter of a oentury. EVERT INNOCENT AMUSEMENT will be afforded, and all bolateroai and improper cunduet will be rigidly supprasssd, onr main ob ject being to furnish ANslNTITINfl IETBIAT DB. ( C. A. STILES, who will look after the sick and afflicted, and whose opecialty is in the treatment of chronic diseases. New bucks have been purchased, and will ail the railroads for transporting visitors. FROM COLUMBUS, via liatniltwn. A good Band will be provided. A SWU11NG POOL OF SULP1UB WATER, un well as other kinds of baths, will always be other rexoi t of any repntati< n. Our tabla will be kept up to the stuud rd of tho best In tha country. TERMSt Per Day $ Per Out* ot-k : Per Month ! Children uudor eight years of age and colored servants at oue-balf of the above rates. J.10 eodtf H.T.CPNNINQflAM, Lawyers. BagglnGr IRON TIES 1 Pretty Colored Muslins, Small neat Stripes and FlgurM, verv cheap, nt PEA000K A SWIFT’S. D avidson college. Next Session will begin Sept. 24,1874. Healthy location. Moral atmosphere. Ptrict dis cipline. Thorot-gh tc^ohing. Moderate chi bargee. cuation, Chairman of the Faculty, J»24 daw3m] hist Qfict, Davidson Odi^/r, N. G Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG & CO., Columbus, Ca., A RK prepared to supply merchants pn mptly and in a satisfactory maimer with the best quality of Cotton Checks, Cinghams and Stripes, all of which aro in fast colors, and of the lateot and most approved patterns. Factory corner of St. Clair and Jackson 1 Jackson street. TIME BOOKS FOB PLANTATIONS AND FARMS Enables any oup to keep accurate ac counts with their employees. Price $1 60. The form te one fdrnMtokt bf n planter of much experience. Its use will enable a Tanner to save many times its oast during tho year. Printed and for sale by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, bolumbus, Ca. 89* The Book will be forwarded by mall, In tha afternoon we vent op Broad rMrti* .r ,ri<». j^xi d.vtr Jv» By ELLIS & HARRISON. Valuable Stock of Goods at ASSIONHS’ SALS. . L T11 O’CLOCK 01 FRIDAY. THI 10TH DAY ^ Jy . roowa of Kills 4 Harrison, in this city, a desirable Stock of Goode—consisting of Dry Goods, No th# property Tho attention of merchants ie especially invited to this sale. Bales to oontinue from day to day until the stock is closed out. JOHN F. BAILEY, A. MILKS, Columbut, Ga , June 27,1874. Asslgneos. ALSO, 15 Fine Cofflm aad Burial Cases, with boxes to Je27-d*8t«!*wU HIDES. Wanted for Cash! 100.000 Ibe. Dry and Green Hides, 200.000 “ Rage, so,000 “ Beeswax, Delivered at wharf or railroad depots ia this city, at highest market prices, by M. M. HIStSCH, CelMwhus, Ga. O'nipping Paper, Panc-r and I'lonr Beg., .old «t NEW CROP TURNIP SEED. (Importe!,) Embracing the following choice varieties: Ywllow Rutn Saga, ■arly Whlta Flat Duteh. Rad or Furplo Top, Largo Whlto Olobo, Yellow Abort!own, Sevon Top, «t, .te. Just received aad for salebv JOHN W. a a o , . ,<w Street, ColuRus.^Ja. Jnly8—deodlwAwlt. 600 Tons Iron Ties I N STORE, Inn-Jin, arrive por bark celebrated ‘mHRUS TIK8. We offer them at AUNBS,” comfit TIES and Beard’s •LOCK’ prices and - port. 1,000 rolls Domestic Jute Bagging. 1,000 J “ “ “ •* BOO J " Hemp and Flax “ We offer Jute offer Jute Bogging st earns prices aud on terms as art quoted In the Louisville and St. Louie markets. CELEBRATED WHISKEY. MURRAY, VASS A CO., No. 64 North Commerce 8t., Neklle, Alfo« order - imL! refined t Dexter’s cel-brat New Orleans. them there for Baling 8tuffs o d Whiskey, at prices current ii Jel9 tf Columbus, Ceorgia. Cotton Gina, Cotton Presses, Horse Powers, Feed Cntters, Cider and Wine JIllls, ilfiowlnp machines,' Threshers and d an mills, Corn Bhellers, Horse Hokes, H Arrows aad Cmktlvntero, Bnah ond Bramble acrlhcs, dpadet, Forks, Ac., Ac, ALSO, Dentists. Georgia nod Tennessee By e. heot, Barley, clover ond Gra Heed. * zero ot borne. Addrm loumo sc co., Jt-JO If Agricultural Dtpol, Oolnabo., Ga. FOR SALE AND RENT. To Bent. ^FTKR April 6th, two Furniahad BEDS »of dining ROOMS, Kitchen and 8table, with 1 room and parlor. Address > tf M, Inquirer Office. J08KPH W. FOU, Attoroay at Low, Hi Jadgl of Cheat, Ooort. PrmotloM ia all oikar Coart.. | Ode over .tan of W. 11. fiabarta A Oa, Xrwad fit. Ja25 SAMUEL B. HATCHEK, Attoroay at Low. jaSO Office orcr Wlttlch A Klaaol’i. J. M. McNKILL, Attorney and Counsellor Ml LsWt Practices in court! of Georgia and Alabama. Office llitf broad bt., (over Holstend k Co.’s. Special atteutiou given to collections. Jail PoXtxr Ingram. Maxtir J. CiawroiD. itKRsx Crawford. INGBAH St ClAWrOfiH, Attqriiiyfe nt Uw, Will practice iu the Stats and Fadsrnl Courts of Georgia. Office over Preer, Illgea 4 Co.’s store, northwest corner Brood nad UU Glair 8ta. Ja8 ▲. A. DOIIEK, Attorney mod Usnniiller nt Law, Practices in State and Federal Courts iu Georgia and Alabama. Office 126 Broad . t., Columbus, Ga. Ja6 Manx U. Bunnroan. Lstru F. Garrard. BLANDI'OBD dfc GABBABD, Attoriirya and CennMilarfl nt Law. Office No. *»T broad street* Otto Wlttich k Kin* sel’e Jewelry Store. Will practice in the State and Federal Court*. i»fcp4 Jar. M. Bussell. Cuas. J. Bwirt. BlkSXLL dfc SWIFT* Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Will practice iu tbe Courts of Ueorgia (Chattahoochee Circuit) aud Alabama. Office over 0. A. Redd 4 Co.’s store, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Jal L T, BOWfiUG, Altaraty awl fialleltar. U. 8. Com’r and Raglaur in Bwkrupto*. Otto. norftH atrn BiMka’ Brat itofa, Ool.mW fia. PEABODY * mum. AtMrmayt ad Law. Ornoa o*h J. Rama A Co.', final, Ranaa 8*., oo*i») Win fiux. fit. S. MOiE*. Atlanta, aad CaaaMlIar at Law, beoral. Horn. Inanranc. Companj bonding, Hfr octT IrJ at vtovj. CHAfi. El. WILLIAM*, Attorn., at Law, Calnwbnt, Ga. Will practice in any Court. Office over Aoee k Murdoch’s store. [novlS Doctors. DR. COLMEY. Residence and Office corner of St. Clair aud Ogle* thorp# etc. Offloe hours—7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 r. 7 to V P. M. eep27 dtf 1>R. 8. B. LAW. Office corner Broad and Randolph streets, Burras’ building. Residence on Forsyth, three doors below St. Clair. DR. J. A. IBqUHABT, Office at C. J. Moffett’s Drug Store, Broad street. KeNbisuce on St. Clair, between Broad and sep5 Front Sts., Columbus, Ga. BM. So C. COOK* Office orer Ellis 4 Harrison’s Couimistioo House, ■epb firat door to left. Druggists. j. i. gbiffin, Imported Drags and Chemloala, Prescriptions carefully prepared. J»18 ho. 106 Broad street. lOHN L. JORDAN, . DffMBVffft, Two doors below Geo. W. Brown’s, Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. 49* Night Bell right of south door. sep6 A. M. BRANNON, .West Bids, Booad Stebbv, Columbus, Ga., WtaolDoale and Retail Dealer «■ Drags and Kedlelaea, Toilet Articles and Perffonserj. sep6 Cotton Faotorles. OOLUMBU8 MANUfACTUKING CO.7 Manufacturers of Bbeetiags, ShirUngs, aad Sewlag aad KaiUlag Thread. Cards Wool and Grind* Wheat aad Corn- Office in roar of Wlttich k Kinsel’s, Randolph it. jal8 It. II. CHILTON, President. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of SUEETINQ8, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPB, Ao. COLUMBUS, GA. G. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary k Treasurer. octSl ly. Watchmakers. Q. BCHOMBURGt Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, BuccoMor to L. Gutowftky, 106 Broad atreet, jail Columbus, Oa. C. H. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, 184 Droad street, Columbus, Ga. Watches and Clocks repaired in the beet man* ner and warranted. Jail Tobaoco, Cigars, 4c. MAIER DORN. If you want to eujoy a go »d smoke, go te his Cigar Manufactory, Between Georgia Home and Muscogee Home. 4*8 C. LOPEZ* Dealer In and MannCactnrer ef Fine Cigars* Js9 Near Broad Street Depot. Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS’ SHAVING SALOON, (SucceM^r to H. Uenes,) Under Georgia Home Insurance Building. Prompt and polite barbers in attendance. Ja25 ALEX 4k MAM, J*8 Baedira, 8t. Clair Btrrxv. ED. TERRY, Barber, Crawford 8t., under Rankin Honae, Columbus, Ga. deeIR Dress-Making. filfifi H. A. HOLLlNGhWOSTH, Dress-Milk ing, Cut ling and Fitting. Tirmiriu-ap Hoeiaeuce and shop in Brownsville. novlO ■ Feed Store. JOHN ft'ITZUIBRONX, Whob-imlo and Retail Dcalur in Hay, Oats, Corn Bacon, 4c., Oglethorpe 8t, n|mo*ite Jal Temperance 11*11. Confectioners. I. G. bTRUPPKK, Candy Manufacturer AND DEALER IV AU kladn of Confectionery aad Fruits, Stick Candy IS cents. Full weight guaranteed in each box. ■ 1*24 . Painters. WM. SNOW, JB., A CO.. - * Boom and Sign Painter., ■ Old Ogletliorpo corner. (Ju.t north of*c.) Columbus, Georgia. Will coatract for House and Sign Painting at prlcM, aD d Ku.r.ntr. utlafutloa. Refer to Wm. Snow, 8r. Tapci [ Hotels. ( PLANTERS' HOVEL, Nazi to Colombo! Book Building. Porter, ot oil tho train,. Joll MM. W. SNIDER, Propr'te. W. F. TIONIB, Dentlet, ‘-aaar‘ Boots and Shoes. * CUBTI*, No. 7* Brood fittest, Have always a full stock of Boots And Shoes, Upper, Mole and Witr- nene Leather and Findings of all k.iif’s. Reliable good*! Reeauaab!# prices 1 N. B.—Special atu niiua te urdert *,&§**, C.O.D. JM Builders and ArohIteota. Jabbing done at short netlca. • Plane nad speciications furnished for nH Styles of hnlHinfi Bread Street, neat to 0* W. Brown’s, Livery end Ub Stables. XArary, Palo and Fqskoags Sfinhlaa, Oaiataoan, man OF liFMFi fits., A. USlU, Xivery aad Sale »tobies, Otmaaara fit., Ootamax aa. Vutteater atMtlea glF.D a fallafi aai Id. 14 Mala baatdrt la ttaMae bj tb. If. 1 ' ootXt of Block. Horn, ot A.; Restaurants. BABBIfi COUNTY BnTAUBANT, Tb. bat of Yerrlga aa* Hematic LI*aon aad Cifan. Hal. at all boar., dale J. J. BUQHI.T. rrop’r. Frssh M«Ma J. W, PATBICK. ntAu No. fi sod xa. Market Bo aaa. Fresh Meets of every kiad>>aad beat quality, Jail ' always oh hand. . T. COOK, Frooh Koflf fof All KImU, Gun tmd Locksmiths. "" PMJAIP UPAUt . Gun and Lock*with, Crawford street, next to Jobohon’s corner, ColmpbUR. Ga. jin* WILLIAM fiCUOBCIt, Oun aud Locktialib aad dwl.r in Oanalaa H.< terlati. kaqolnr OBn. l»1«■ ■ • Plane Tuning, He. E, W. BLAU, Accordeons. 8ign relating also done. Ordera may be bq |eft at J. W. Pease I tformau’s Grocers. — — Ml.rtn famlbr Orocrlm. aa Btjaa atn.1, be IVMB Uglatharp. A1aekaea itnHi. aw Ito charg. I)>f drayaga. dwT J.H. HAMILTON, UHAN COOPEM, TaUors. «. A, KQWNE. Xtrchant Toll of and Cutter. aprie No. HENKY HUMAN. Onttlag, CTnnntng and Repnirtng Dona in tha best etyls. ■prt4J Corner Crawford and Frouf Bu. Boot and thoomakora WM. MEYEB, Tin and Coppersmith*. WM. PEE, Worker loTIm, Shoot Irea; Copper. Order, from abroad ptomptlj attaadrt to. M No. nt. Broad fin-el LAWYERS. W. A. Farley* AttorxxoY.At-ZjAW OUSSETA. Ohattaboocbu Co., Ga. WfipaolAl Altaotlon fitraa to aeUeotloax DOCTORS. Dr. J. H. CARRIGER, suaosox Ann physician. Junction of rnnklln,- Warm * OaMkorp. So. No ckarp hr drajM*. awlt J. O. MOMTIE, Paahlombla Tailor. Broad Btrrot, lot door above Konkin Hoa. N. B —CuAnna ana Rir.iiuro a firxcuLtt. feb 18J Rtahrll Ualktraad rinding.. Il.atloC.l. Korld A Co. ■. Prompt And atrlct attention glrro HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Low, HAMILTON, GA., W ILL practice in the Chattahoochoe Circuit or any where else. All kiud of collection* ruaiixp. *‘J*ay tqe or run.awi|y." novll tf f^FFIOEi »p etalra 8.E. oor of Broad A FM* dolpU street*, where he m ty bs found day or “Uht when not prorsMlonnlly enga|ied. MILLINERY. f. 8PRINC MILLINERY. W fi liav. lint rocolvrd a full lino of SF*I* ,f AND SUMMEE M1LLINEBY, la- clndlng all the NOVMLT1K8 of th. maoa. PfikMIMO AND BLfiAClIINO dono in latoit it* 1m, at tbe .ilorte-1 notice. Next door below tho New York Store. HRS. UOLV1N and ocim— 1/ part MISS PONIlKI.bT- DRUC8 AND MEDICINES. J. I. GRIPFINi IMPORTED P E RF 9M E AND FANCY GOODS) AT MEDUCED FBICES- All good. goaraatMd. M fallj prepared at all boar.. I Jail dMdAVl, - Pr.irription. rar*- J. L OfilHW. IM tnei It.