The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 10, 1874, Image 4

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FBIDAY JULY 10, 1874. CITY AFFAIR*. COLUMBUS DALLY MARKET. riaewciAt..-Sight Will on Hi* York par; ea Boo too % por coot. dUeoant; on Se- •MMkliH CMti »»*1«4 Hd«0* Kporooot. Baakiereieltleg eheeke on now York at ><e. premia®. Corronof loom 101M por oent. por month. Oold nnd lUror noml- ul Oottoh.—Market dull. Tho following nro tko qnoutlom: Inferior * •- Ordiurp nnd 1# •“ Oood Ordinary 14 Low I»X01*X Middling! *• ®" MWMrtdlMt W-W Bnloi a boloo. Rooolptt 1 boloo—1 bp k k O. B. B.j 0 bp wirouj 0 bp If. fc S. B. B. j 0 bp W. I. B. I 0 bp rtror I 00 bp 8. W. B. B. Shipment! a bola-W bp B. W. B. p.i 00 for homo oontumptlon i 0 bp V. B. B. nottr oTornuwT. Stooh on bond An(mt tut, 1171 1,111 Booolnd bwlop • “ prorioully OO.Ufl—00,Wl Stock on baud, 1J«8 Sami Day Laat T«ab.—Aujuit filit, 1871, 1M; rooelved Mm* day 11 \ total receipt* 67,Ht; •hipped itu day 41; total shipment* 66,4461 •took S,M1; soles 26. Middlings IT^o. V. 8. Poors.—Receipts for 6 day* port* to Oreat Britain 6,604; to Continent 466; Stock 1’1,171. _ ^ nooning nt 6} o'clock promptly in full uniform, (wbito pent*) for drill. Bp order Ou raw ending JjrlO 11 ^J. J. Chirr, O. «. TA. Bankrupt Sale Of t». valuable Otockb if goods, em- brnoing drp good!, ololblog, hate, nnpn, bootn, nbooo, bordwnro, crookorp, lot of eottaa tad bnrlnl onnon, *0., to, will oommnnon thia dtp nt 10} o'clock, nt Ellin k Herrlaon’e nuetion room, bp 'reqneet of Momri. Mile* A Bnilp, nntignne*. Her ohnntn nnd 'oOfliunuM will do well to nt- Und, no tbn atook niaet bn nold nt onoe iHvor AToioo. The ntnnmnr New Jackeon arrived Into laat night. She learn# at il a. a, to-mor B0MJMY LN EMM 001 And awl !«»■«" Dollars to Onto awl ffiMeer. L Mr. A. C. Hawaii limn in Lo# oonntp, Ala., loan nine milnn from Oolombna, nnd three nonth of Smith'* Stotlon, on tha Weatorn Railroad. In 1863, when war wan ragtag, haring noma geld and aRrar and fearing for lla nafetp la tha banka, bo bid bin trennar* in n mfe plnon. After the rnrolation, nnd np to tb* prannnt time, h* cooelnded that n looked bnrean drawer, in a lonelp, looked honae, wan a aafer re- eeptaele for hit funds than in n Oolombna bank rault, where thep coaid be drawing eaten per oent. On Mondap morning enrlp he nnd hln hnode want to the fold, haring leek ad the monep drawer and hoot*. Tha cook, who waa left behind, wet (sailed swap on buei- neae; to tb* premiooa were deeertod. Two negroe* who hid totaled the treeeare, nnd been awaiting tha opporta- nitp, appeared on the aowe ahortlp after enariee. Both were method krf-klax, you know. Ono wee quit* large, the other a man, and ana waa armed with a gun. Tbap prooeeded to the hone*, prlaed open tho front door with a ebieei, and did the urn) with tha monap drawer, where thep found rad pocketed $745 in gold— mootlp $20 piaoae, nod atompod prior to 1868, rad twantp dollar* in eilrer. The 000k returned rad nt t glanoe took in the oitneUoo, blew the born rad gere the alarm, rad mailed Mr. Bowall rad hie hand* from the Bold. t ■ Ghee* wee immediatolp giren, and the pursuit oontinned within laaa than Are mllea of Colombia, whw Ifaa trail waa lost. Tho robbera map hare oome to thie oltp. Merchant* nt Colombo*, Eofanla, Opt* like end Moutgomerp thonid her* an tp* to ooiored men who thow twratp dollar gold pitote. A naefnl leason should ho drawn from thie robber;, and that is not to keep monep in the eonntrp, bnt in bank vault*. All tha banka ia Oolombna hare burglar proof safe, and pap xaven par aant. inter, eet on depoeite. Out; n few week* ego n nun deposited $5,000 in gold in on* of our brake, wfaioh he bad kept in the oouotrp torn* ten peart. It it a wonder ha wee not robbed. The tbieeeo are apt to not* out who hie treasure. —F**ll; ph/eioienaer* car qf ally noting tb* pfoasieiog atafc jf tfle greet spfa —B; jndioious twirling the feebleot monatoohe will nSM*wtoiMnptio$. —The comet will ship oome -Whin twenty-seven million mile* of the earth. —Fire peart hence nil flour barrel* will prakslilp be mad* of paper. —During the month of June, in Co. Iambus, 13.56 ioehes of rein fell; in Central Alabama sixtp-three inches. —Dark, bine moieen, which abeda water, ia in stple for bathing suits. —When we hint to a fellow that he has a good excuse to take his girl out ster- gaaiug wa here done, our detp. If he 1't comet theo, it ia none of oar bos. ini —A new postal card of neater dmign, better finish nnd more tastp than tha present, will be issued in a'tow Pricey mm e*«. Tbrpmteiit **4e wiH still be need. —Oepi. J. L. Bankart, wfan went on the He since —Judge Johnson - returned from Sa- rtnnah several dept ego. —‘•Ob, to* wkst * loto); mil the earn- *t he*,” is the way she puts it, end “Dearest, it that really tb* nM* far it 7” it the way be tenderly responds. MMtMmrauai 1,000 yard* White Viatorin Lawns 15 orate—up* bad. 1,500 yards White Tiatoria Lawns, 5-4, 18 mote—worth n orate. yard* Plain, Striped rad Figured Wa reoeived a call yesterday from Got, 8. O. Johnson; Agent of the' Atlanta Her- aid, one of the beat and newsiest papers in Georgia. Mrurh %p fahtsMU On Tuesday of lest week,, lightning eirnok the house of Mr. AfoAndrew, In Union Bpringe, Ale. Two little sou! were slightly injured. They here reoovered. Thai Calf Cost. The one nllnded to yesterday was de cided in fm*r of Mrf. Faber. The costs of court and lawyers' fees will aaumnt to more than the value of the animal. OslaoteM* MOa Thie Weak, Thus fat Ibis weak Columbus has ware housed 88 bales, against 60 Imt year, rad shipped 137 against 117. Mapar'a Vaurt Yesterday. Alderman 0. B. Grimes presided. A colored men, Hopkins, was fined $2.50. A countryman, who had been very drunk and nothing more, waa dismissed. Mad Dag. A tog who wradorqd into the back-yard of Griffle's drag store, had six spasms in a short time and showed every symptom of madness. He altered out before be could be killed. An Baeureion Iram Montgomery. A ooiored excursion 1* due here from Montgomery nett Monday. Such things are becoming nuiatuces, ee thep bring no monep to top one but the railroads. Thep help them out ooueidereblp. Military forade. The City Light Guards, with full ranks, under the oommaud of Captain Little, paraded on Brood street task afternoon. Tha oompaop made a handsome appear, race, and went through the various evo- latiooa in n most creditsble manner. The organisation displayed much steadiness rad marked proficiency. The field muaio was vary good. Mpiaaapaliana -derate tha Hirer. Bev. DeB. Waddell, of Seale, now has charge of the Episcopal churches nt Seale, Union Bpriogs nnd Clapton. He proposes to reside in Bnfanla. Tho building nt Oahaba has been offered bp Bishop Wti mer to tho ohurok in Union Spring!, pro vided the members will move it there. The Montgomery end Enfeult Railroad Company has agreed to transport it nt redacted rate*. Aatian Jkr Central a/Ike Jail. A writ of quo trarranto it to be heard before Judge John ton ra Friday, the 17th, to know bp wHat Authority the pro*, rat jailor holds his office. Sheriff Ivey contend* that it belong* to his otto* under the Uws of the State, which makes the Bkeriff jailor. A special not of tho Legislature, passed some two pears, givos control of this and other oonntp matters to three eonoty commissioners, who ap pointed Mr. Johnson jsilor. Gen. Ban ning represents Sheriff Ivey; l’esbodp A Brannon nnd L. F. Garrard (one of the commissioners) the Commissioners. Meperted Killing to SMwsrl County. Reports have reached Oolumbne and bean generally circulated, that on Sunday afternoon lest Mr. D. B. Pinkston, who live* in Stewart county, some distance from Lumpkin, shot and killed his own aw. A gentleman who lives within a mile rad t half of the parties, and left bom* Monday morning, bed heard noth- of it. The report on ibis account, rad because t physician said to have at- tended the deed mu hat not been in tha county for some weeks, ia not generally credited. Tho soa Is a married assn Sinoo the above waa in typepertiaafrom the neighborhood report the story false. No euoh difficulty occurred. A large lot of aheap Caaaimera* rad linens, very cheep, at Blahohabo's. 1 had tto^tten tke odfce* Ortoraionleta ice by ML them *t Otaaba. 1 Lawn* at ISoento—worth 25. . TOO yards Bleak Grenadines telling ex- oeptionally feel. Genie’ Fin* Clothe and Caaaimarea at a bargain, to alone out tha lot previous to ■toCk-taklng. Embroideries are (till being told half Ibeir value. Ribbons at half pries. Coats’ Thread 70 oents. Best Prints 10 orate. Hotter; and Gloves at prioaa defying Corner of streets—Bev. J. H. Ni at lOj a. u. rad 4 r. a Sabbath school at 9 a. it. episcopal (TnnnTt). Oglethorpe street, between Randolph and St. Clair—Bev. W. C. Hooter rector. Services at 11 a. u. and 4 p. 11. each Sunday. Snnday school nt 9} a. x. BOHAN CATHOLIC. St. Philips and St. Jamas (Catholic)—on Jackson, between Baldwin rad Few streets—Father Hamilton pastor. Maas at 64 and 94 a. u., rad vespers nt 5 r. u. Catechism at 4 p. 11. Tbs dog killing did not coma off yas- toitoy, to ottoara informed us it yroold. Council meets next Monday evening, and that body May desire to daaigqate tb* par ties—probably the captains oT police—(o do tha killing. Them are at J^wt 2,500 dogs in this oity, and if two-thirds were killed the breed would be vastly im proved. Ia tha lowtoportfot of Ube aity the “yaller" dogs aod useless curs are re ported as among the greatest of nnitehoss, and in ail quarters canines are wandering around loose. Meo have to pay lo keep 1 horeee—the noblest and- moat rateable animal—and why should they not be foroed to pay a tax on U tueleas dbg ? Wa never oonld see the advantage in peering ordinances that ere act lob* enforced. Council passed one several pears ago tax ing dogs one dollar each, sod providing ad should ba killed that did not wear sol lent procured of Council. The city has not been paid anything scarcely, and 00a- tains more dogs than ever. Death at Mr. Allan Blaming. This upright aod sateemed ritiatu and Christian died yesterday morning at bis raeldease in Columbaa. Hia illness waa an aoouto attack of dysentery, though be did not suffer very 'much. A mom hon orable or estimable gentleman nevar lived, and hia death ia onivaraally regretted. Mr. Flemiog was born in Jeffemoa county, Gsorgie, on October 13th, 1804, and hence waa ovar seventy years of age. In early life b* a to died law, and waa ad mitted to the bar in Twigga soUnty, but a few yearn after abandoned the profession. Subsequently be was s school tesober, but finding bock keeping and similar brnnoh- •a more ooosonant to hia testa, ba famil iarised himself with thorn aabjeote. For forty years of his life ha followed the banking business. As alerk end offlesr ha baa served ia the banks of Maoon, Griffin rad Columbus. For nine years he was teller of the isle Beak of Columbus Since the war, and until the slruoture waa made free, he was keeper of the lower oity bridge. Before the revolution ha visited Europe and spent tome time there. Ha ia said to have been an excellent sobolar. and well acquainted with the clasaio*. He married Mias Martin in Maoon. Hia wife and aeverel grown tone survive him. Gen. Holt, of Mason, President at the Southwestern Bailroed Company, married hia titter. For thirty-five years the deceased was a true end faithful member of the Presby terian Ohuroh. The funeral took piece last afternoon at bis 1st* residanoe on lower Broad street. The remain* will be oarried to Maoon on tha 6:90 train this morning for interment in tha family bnrial lot in that oity. A private telegram reoeived, annonnoed tha death, of appoplexy, in Savannah, on Tuesday night of Major Arthur Shelf, brother-in-law of Col. Also. Lowther, and cousin to Col. John Iverson of this city. He was a graduate of West Point, and Uentanant in the U. S. A. In the late war be 00 ns mended a battalion of sharp shooters in Steven's brigade, Hardee's Corps, of the Western Army. After the battle of Jonesboro, where hie oommand was cot to pieces, be wu made Inspector Genersl on Gen. Beits' staff. He wee engaged in Savannah with Gan. J. E. Johnston in the insurance bnaineea, and waa alao the agent in Savannah of the Southern Life Inauraoce Company. Owwmennmrot nt ialsrs. The commencement exercisea of the Steta Agricultural College oloeed Wednes day afternoon. There were four gradu ates. Tha diplomas ware delivered bp the President, ltev. Dr. I. T. Tichenor. The four Columbus students—the two sons of Mr. J. B. Clapp, and oadata Perry and Peabody—each, were plaoed on the Boll of Honor for having been perfect in Ibeir recitations, and in ail the requirements of tha Institution. Tha ball took piaoe Wedoaadap night in tbe oollege building, and was n brilliant af. fair—crowded with beautiful and riohlp dressed women aud gallant men. Tbe total number of students laat session waa 158. We presume full partioulsra will ba given in the letter of out correspondent which we expect totop. Cheap Baraa. We mentioned tbe other dsp that round trip tiokats from Columbus to New York ooet only $45. To Earope the pas sage ia etiU cheaper. Lett week excur sion tickets for steerage passengers to Earope rad book were told in New York from $25 to $35. Fere* htv* been to far reduced that a man map tarvel from Ohioago to Liverpool for about seven teen dollars, rad from this point ud book for $70. ttalayaiaa to the Dfnaeratie-CanaaraaUfa Canaantiona from Russell County, Ala. We give the appointments by bests. The following era the delegates tb the comobesbional. convention : Beat 1—W. B. Whitehurst, B. N. Palmer. Beat 2—Henry Benton, J. B. Flournoy. Bent 3—John Buchanan, Wm. Jones. Beat 4— B. L Smith, B. J. Ingram. Beat 5—Ed. N. Brown, 0. D. Hunt. Baht 6—B. M. Henry, J. M. Brannon. Bb4t7—Thos. B. Howard, B. A. Btrat ford. B6at 8—J. Tyler Howard, W. L. Scalfe. Wm. C. Clifton aud Anderson G. Jones were appointed far tho county at largo. TOT THE STATE CONTENTION. Uuat. tf«at.“ 1—J. H. Lewis, 2—S. S. Brinson. S-M. J. Jones, 4—8. S. Scott. 5—$. A. Holt. . 6—E. H. Glean. 7-8. K. Pitts. 8—A. C. Mitohell. William J..Howard waa appointed for tbe oonnty st large. Tho Cotton Crop. Tha New York Financial Chronicle es timates the acreage at' about eight par oent. less than last pear, and tha condi tion twenty per oent. below a full crop. Tha general vaxdiet,. tbe editor Ups, it that the orop is looking better than any year since the War, ac'd its development within the past few weeks as rapid in an unprecedented degree. The cotton mar kets, under large crop expectations, ware depressed and lifeless daring tbe put week. The New Orleans Cotton Exchange, on July 2d, made a report, of which this ia the substance: Mississippi—44 counties (sport a decreased acreage of 7 per oent.; Lonisiaua—26 eon 11 lies —20 per oent.; Arkansas—25 counties—8 por cent.; Tenaessa—24 counties—8j per oral.; Alabama— 27 couutis*—16 par oent.; North Carolina—41 counties—19 percent.; South Carolina—21 connties—17 per oent.; Georgia—till comities—10 per cent. Florida—10 par cent.; Texas—45 connties —increased 15 per cent. Stand generally it good average, labor plentiful fields clean, but crops from ten daps to two and three weeks baokwarl. Ferlilixers have decreased from 30 to 40 par cent. Good Thinge. Go lo tbe liuby Restaurant for pour Oysters, Fish, Game, and alt things good to eat. ootlS tf To Our Opoliko Subecribore. Hereafter the Enquibxb-Sun paekage will be sent to the Poatoflloe at Opelika. Mr. J. M. Fatal is our authorised Agent far Opelika, and will receipt far subscrip tions. Our patrons will oblige us by calling on him st tbe Express Offloe and renewing. [tf rcufixcs's Ski Wk«d Tsmic.—In the stiaofphsrs ei|it*rioi.ccti Iter* during the Homtnur months, the lelh»rx>. produced by tho beat take* aw ay tha da- sire for wholoeome food, and frequent psnpira- tloua reduce bodily energy, particularly those Buffering from the effects of debilitating dUcaaea. Ia order to keep a natural healthful actirity of the eystem, wu must retort to artificial means. For this purpoau gchuuik’a S oa Weed Tonic is very effectual'. A few doeee will create an appetite mad give fresh vigor to the eurrvated body. For dys pepsia, it is invaluable. Many emtuoat pkyatcUns have doubted whether dyspepsia cau he perma nently cured by the drugs which are generally employed for that purpose. Tho fee Weed Tonic in its nature is totally different from such drugs. U contain* no corrosive mincriUs or acid*; in fact it OMist* the regular operations of nature, and supplies her deficiencies. The tonic iu its nature ■o much resembles the gwatric juice that it is al most Ideation! with tfeuA fluid. The gaatrie juice is Um awMiffl solvent Which, ta a healthy condi tion or the body, cacsea ilie food to be digested; and when this juice is v°* «*creted in safficient quantities, indlffesUwo. with nil iu diatioMiag •ympWm*. MlWko. Tho Vw Weod tonic perform, the duty of the gaatrlc juice when the latter is deficient. Schoack'a ffoa Weod Tonic sold by all druggists. tnylfi oodly Fiteh Goods twioe a weak from all im portent market*. J. 8. Josraa, Columbaa, Ga. jel8 aod I ■ .1- AT COST t Determined to toll' elwaya at tha van: lowest nuoaa, and being desirous to •sip (bom for tail basinets, I offer to. dtp my Eanui STOCK of Drp Goods at ootT, embracing u great variety of Staple and-Fhacp Gooda of tha most dtairable •iterator. Many Dr**t Gooda are offered at mt^h under tha coat in New York. Elegant. Clothe aud Gants’ Furniahing Gooda. t|U are iHVitad to oome early aud aaoure bargains. A rare opportunity ia now offered. T*n*s ctoh oo delivery. j«5 aod H. T. Gbiolur. TMTO LCD /—IfO ItTBLATLom High price caq no longer exist. Caab basis is tba principle now, rad as I desire to dose business, am offering my atock of Di$ Goods, Clothing, Huts, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, rad nuaaaroua *rtid*a in this line, nt leas than cost. Call and examine, and make one dol lar go farther than two at any other plaee. 1 am in earnest. If yon doubt it, step in sod have proof of tho fact. L. Haunts, 114 Broad St., mpl 4m * Columbne, Ga. TB* rXMQLKLA STORE. Only Maty Days Left ta Clare Out our Largo owl Lttogont Sloth of Goode Parties failing to avail themselves of this splendid opportunity to buy goods at actual ooet will ovar regret it. Bpeciai attention is called to our atock of Biohaxdara’a Collage Shirts and Gents’ hand-made Boots ud Shoes; alto Jugla’a and Harris' Kid Glove*. From thi* date forward tha Virginia Store will ha oloeed at 6 j o'clock. A two peera' lease of atoro house from Ootober next. Furniture and good will to be disposed of. ja25 PxrroM, Gordon A Co. Sminirt You era find at T. E. Blenohnrd'a, 123 Broad street, the very latest styles of Dross Goods, at each prioaa as cannot foil to give satisfaction. Call aod aee them Domestia Good* at greatly reduced rates; Factory Goods at faotory prices ; Costa' Spool Cotton at 70 cents per doz. tha best Print* at lOo per yard. mylO tf ^ A few pieces of Frenoh and English Cassias tree, very low, to dose out, at T. E. Blanchard'a. Pond'e Extract. In the very 00m moo and obstinate form of diietoto known a* Piles or Hetuor. rhoida, it baa won its greatest reputation among th* people. [j*25 eodi-w Saturate a piece of bread or meat with gaatrio jnloa, rad it will dissolve. Tbia ia digestion. Add to such a mixtnra a little alcohol, rad it will not dissolve. Tbia ia indigestion. Beware, then, of tinctures, or tonioa, or dacoctious con taining spirituous liquors. Shuu all rum “tonics,” ud rely *ol*iy on Da. Walk, ir's V in roar Bittbis, th* finest digest ive invigorrat known, rad free from th* fi*ry ours* of Aioohol. m;28 4w CHAS. MMYMAtr A CO., Brood Street, Colombo*, Ga., offer at their popular MMSTAVMABT AND SALOON The beat that era be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tobaooo, Ac. * [my3 ly rite “ Gentleman in Dlaek," who i* the tutelar demon of dram-shop*, aarama* his boo rest aspect whan the rapid progress of i'nnoam Brrrxaa ia reported “down low.” Tb* People's Vegetable Tonic ia playing the misohief with hia bitters fired with rum. All diseases which thoee demoniac nostrums aggra vate, under pretense of relieving, suob •a indigestion, riok headache, consump tion, rheumatism, gout and intermittent fevers are oared by it. je24 4w Buhler'e Cigar Emporium. The b«*t Import,'4 Havana anJ Key Wilt Clear*, Chewing an! Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Mearacbaum l'lpea, Cigar Holders, Match Safes, Tobacco Bags, 4c., eae be found at LOUIS BOHLKR'S, Randolph St , llouaa with Rad Sign, naar Enquirer Office. 1»4 tf ^ The beet place to boy Table Linens, Napkins nnd Sheetings, is at Blanchard'*, 123 Breed at. ATTENTION I Oo to the Arbor Saloon, On theonah system which Ihave adopt ed,and to oloaa my stock by Oet. 1st,1874, I will sail drinki at 10 canto. No oredit. julyi—eodlm Gao. W. Lira. Randolph street, between Jackson rad Franklin—Jtcv. O. A. Kendrick parior. Services every Snnday at lOj a. m. rad 8 p. x. Sabbath school at 9 a. M. METHODIST. St. Luke—On Jackson street, between Randolph rad St. Clair street*—Rev. Dr. J. S. Key pastor. Services each Bunds; at 10} a. u. and 8 p.m. Sabbath school nt 9 a. M. St. Paul—Southeast oorner of Frank lin end Troop streets—Rev. Arminias Wright, pastor. Servioea ever; Sunday at 10} a. x. and 8 r. M. Sabbath school at 4 p. m. Hroad Street Methodist—On upper Broad street. Bev. R. W. Dixon paotor. Services every Bunds; at 10} a. k. and 7} p. m. Sabbath school at 2} p. M. Clans meeting at 9 a. M. JEWISH STMAOOOUH. Oorner Crawford and Forapth atresia. Herman Birkintbal, rabbi. Servioea every Frida; evening at 8 and Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. neuron Methodist J, W. Simmons pastor. Services let Sunday at 10} a. u., aod 3rd Sunday at 5 P. it. Sabbath aohool 3 P. M. Baptist.—Rev. Jasper Hicks pastor. Services on (be 4ih Sunday in each month Sabbnth school at 8} a. M. BROWNSVILLE. BroioneviUt Baptist.—Rev Jasper Hicks pastor. Servioea 1st and 3d Sundays. Sabbath School at 8:30 a. M. Trinity (Methodist)—Bav. J. W. Sim mons pastor. Servioea 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday at 8 p. if. and 3rd Sunday at 10} a. x. Alternate Sundays supplied both morning and evening. Sabbath school every Sunday at 4 P. IS. OOLOSED. Anbury Chapel (Methodist)—East com mon, W. J. Gaines pastor. Services eve ry Snnday at 10} a. m. rad 8 p. is. ud 7} at night. Sabbath aohool at 9 A. M. First Baptist—Corner Front and St. Glair (near river)—Green McArthur pas tor. Servioea every Sunday at 10} a. m. and 8 p. ar. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. M. St. John (Methodist) N. E. common, —G. B. Taylor, patter. Servioea every Sunday at 10} a. u. and 8 p. if. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. x. Second Baptist (Northern Liberties)— Bev. Primus Stafford pastor. Servioea every Sooday at 10} a. V. and 8 p. if. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. K. I. O. O. F. Lodge on Oglethorpe, between St. Clair and Crawford its. Regular maatiogs bald every Monday evening, at 7} o'clock, Enoampment meats 2d and 4th Mon days in eaoh month. MASONIC. Lodge in Burras’ building, oorner Broad and Randolph streets. Volunibian Lodge, Mo. 7—Meets 3d Tuesday night in eaoh month. Dariey Chapter, No. 7—Meets on 1st Friday night in eaob month. Hope Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Satnrday night in each month. St. Aldemar Commandery—Meets 2d Tuesday night in eaoh month. B'NAI BEBITH. Lodge in Barrns' building—Meetings held on the 1st and 3d Sundays in each month. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (in Court Square, oentre of oily) between Oglethorpe end Jackson and Crawford and Thomas streets. Jsil on East oommona, foot of Craw- ford stroot. Opera House n. e. oorner Crawford and Oglethorpe streets. Female Orphan Asylum, East oommon, near cemetery. Post Ofllce, oorner of Oglethorpe and Randolph. PUBLIO LIBRARY. Rooms over Griffln’e drag store, Broad street. Open from 8 a. if. to 6 p. M. Books loaned to members retnrnable every two weeks, or borrower pays 25c. E ar week thereafter. Mrs. J. B. Ivey, ibrariau. HOI ELS. Rankin tiouae, oorner Broad and Craw ford streets. Planters' House, Broad street, least side), between St. Clair and Crawford. Central Hotel, Broad street, (east aide), between St. Clair aod Crawford street*. Home House, Broad street, (west side), between St. Glair rad Crawford streets. Broad Street House, (east aide), between Crawford and Thomas streets. PUBLIO SCHOOLS. No. 1 (white male) n. e. oorner Jaokson and Crawlord streets. No. 2 (white fe male) b. w. oorner St. Clair and Forsyth streets. Tempersooe Hail (mixed ooiored) Ogle thorpe streot, between Randolph end Bryao. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—S. B. Clegborn. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk of Council—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Cbas. H. Williams. City Physician—D. W. Johnson. City Sexton—James M. Lynah. City Marshal—Mat. W. Morphy. Deputy Marshal—Wm. L. Bobineon. Wharfinger—Jaka Burrua. POLICE, Chief—Mat, W. Morphy. FIRST SQUAD. SECOND SQUAD.' Cspt. W. L. Cash, Cspt. John Foran, Robt. G. .Mitchell, John St. Clair, Wm. H. H. Wood, Josh Boper, Charles Brady, John Faagan, Whit Smith, John O'Brien, James Roberts. Dan’l Duncan, Tom MoEacbern, John Brady, 1TANDINQ COMMITTERS OP COUNCIL—1874. Accounts— Grimes, Andrews, Durkin. Bridges and Wharf—Chalmers, Redd, Grimes. Cemetery — Durkin, Blanchard, Mo- Gehee. Cisterns and Fire Department—Kent, Flourney, Grimes. City Improvements and Public Schools— Redd, Brannon, Mebuffey. Commons—Flournoy, Mehaffey, Blanoh- ard. Contracts — Brannon, MeGehee, An- drown. Finance—MeGehee, Bedd, Soheussler. Western Railroad of Alabama. 54i HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOUM FASTEST TIME I WR8TER9 RAILROAD OF ALARAMA* OoLtauio*, Q*e« ‘.July 6th, 1874. TRAINS LKAVROOLUMBOB DAILY For Montgomery and (talma, 1K)0 a. M. AtrlYs at Moatg’y. 7:00 a. *. Arrive at gulma, * • 11:04 *. M. FOR ATLANTA AND NRW YORK At 10:80 a. m. Arrive Opelika at 12:20 p. to. At Atlanta 5:42 p. m. By AtUntn and Richmond Air-Lino. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE 8:S5 a. m., Lfanville 3:27 p. m.. Richmond 11:05 p. m. Ar rive at Wob l dug ton 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 6:30 a. m., at Pfailalelphia 1:80 p. a., at NRW YORK 5:15 p. m. Bleeping Can run from Atlanta to Oberlotte. By Kennnsow Routo. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Pel ton 10:28 p. I Sleeping euri ruu from Atlanta to L)nchbnrg. TRAIN? ARRiVR AT OOLUMBUB DAILY From Atlanta and New York, • 5:34 A.M. From Montgomery and Belma - 2:30 r. M. Tickets for tale at Union Pass eager Depot. CilAS. P. BALL, General Bnp’t. R. A. BACON. Agent.faprlfitf Central Railroad. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) 8 AVAN MAH, G*o., June 30,1874. / O N AND AFTER tk- FIR8T JULY ne*t, RETURN TICKETS to end Dorn cither terminus or ■ImIioh on CENTRAL AND 30UTHWK8TBHN RAILROADS can be purchased for ONE FAKE. Beid tickets will be Sold until Slat of December Noxt, and be GOOD to return UntH tho 18th of January, 1878. •^CONDUCTORS ARX NOT AUTHORIZED to eoU RAT URN TICKETS from point* where Agents fell. The PUBLIO nro therefore CAUTI0NID to PROVIDE TUEM8ELVB8 WITH TICKETS from the Agents at tbe station, or PAY BOTH WAY8. WM. HOG BBS, - Gen’l 8up't Central Koilroad. V POWERS, Kng’r and 8up’t Southwestern Railroad. G. J. FORK ACRE, Sap't Atlanta Division Central Railroad. Je30 lm Montgomery & Eufaula R. R. Change of Schedule, Taking Effeot Sunday, Juno 21, 1874. THE CAMPAIGN Weekly Enquirer! A LIVE PAPER, Within the Retch or Evtry Man, Woman and Child I 40,000 Subscribers Wanted ▲t SO Oeats Apleoe! There la aproaiae of an native politi cal caapaign thin fall in Georgia and Ala bama, ud it in of vital importance to the people that they eh raid bo thonmgU; id ra th* qoetMoffi of party imam, and alto an to Ihtlife rad charecten of th* ra foe where they ere to vote. To fill thie went tan pnMIehsr of th* ENQUIRER- BUN MAIL TRAIN—DAILY. Louvti Mon'goincry 4:00 r M Arrive at Luiauia 11:38 p m Connecting on Wednesdays aud Saturdays with Poats o . Ctnittah'Kichoc Hit r, and daily at Union Spring* with Mobile A Girard Railroad tor Troy. Leave Eu.’auU 12:45 A K Arrive at Montgomery 7:65 am Connecting at Union Springs with Mobile A Girard Railroad for Oolumbne, ana at Montgomery with roads divorging. J*2it tf B. DUNHAM, Bup’t. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Gexcoal Scfkri ytkndknt'b Ornci, ) Cbntbal Kailboad, y Savannah, Nuvember 1,1874. ) O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 14TU INSTANT, l\w$«*ngor Trains on the Ueorgia Central Railroad, its Branched and Connections, will ran as fellows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Pav-inn-li 8:45 AM Leave Augusta U;06 Arrive in Augusta 4:00 Arrivo iu Milledgeville 10:06 Arrive in Eatonton..... 11:55 im Arrive iu Maoon «;45 r m Lcavo Macon fur Columbus 7:17 t M Leave Macon for Ku anle 0:10 r m Leave Macon for Atlauta 8:10 r Arrive at Columbus 12.-45 a Arrive at Kufaul* 10:20 a Arrive at Atlanta 5:00 A M COMING 8GUTU AND EAST. Leave Atlanta 10:00 FN Leave Co umbus » u Leavo Eufaulu 7;25 p m Arrivo at Macon from Atlanta 6:10 Arrive at Macon from Columbus 4:10 Arrive at Macon from Eufaula 6:45 Leavo Macon 7:15 am Leave Augusta 9;05 a m Arrivo at Auguhta 4 ; oo p m Arrive at 8avanuah 6:V5pm TRAIN NO. 2, DOING NORTH AND WKST. Leave Savannah Leave Augusta Arrive in Augusta Hospital—Blanchard, Kent, Brannon. Market aud Magazine — Scheossler, Flournoy, Chalmers. Police and Gas—Mehaffey, Durkin, Chalmers. Htreets and Sewera—Andrews, Scheuss ier, Kent. BOLL OF COLUMBUS FIBE DE PARTMENT. BOARD OF CONTROL. W. H. Williams, Chief Engineer. G. W. Rosette, First Aaa’t Engineer. C. A. Ethridge, Second Aie’t Engineer. A. K. Francis, Secretary. FIRE COMP AMUR. No. 1—B t F. Coleman, &. Ledainger, W. H. Brannon, T. O. Douglass. No. 5—E. L. Wells, Robert Ennis, D. E. Williams, G. B. Flournoy. Central Mechanic* No. 6—0. D. Wall, P. J. Cochran, A. K. Francis, A. J. Nix. Hook and Ladder—Mo M. Moore, F. 9. Mott, 0. B. Grimes, George Moore. . 7:30 . 8:05 pm . 5:65 . 820 . 9:20 . 9.05 A M . 9:00 A .. 6:35 P ,. 6:40 p 3:05 p m Arrive in Macon Leave Mbcou for tMumbua ” Leave Macau for Eufaula * Leave Macou for Atlanta Arrive Iu Calumbue Arrive in Eufaula.. Arrive in Atlanta COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlauta p M Leave Columbud 2:30 pm Leave EufaHla g ; 5o Arrive in Macou from Atlauta 7:10 Arrive in Macon from Columbua 7:25 p m Arrive iu Macon from Eufaula 5:io p Leave Macon 7,*;i5p Arrive in Milledgeville iO:09 P m Arrive iu Eatonton u:55 r M Leave Augti*t« 8:05 P Arrive in Augusta 6:55 a Arrive in Savannah 7;i5 a Train No. 2, being a through train on the Cen tral Railroad, stopping only at whole station^ passenger* for half stations cannot bo taken or put off. pBMet.g-.ts for Milledgevil e and Eatonton will take train bo. t fr -m 8uvauuah and Augusta, and train No. 2 from poiuts on the Southwestern Rail road. Atlanta and Macon The Milledgeville and Eatonton train runs daily. Sundxy* szcept< d. t WILLIAM ROGERS, J 0 *^ H General Superintendent. NOTICE. Leave Columbus g : oo p. « at Troy U:05 p. ■ Leave Troy 2:26 a. m Arrive at Columbus 10:30 a s spr16 2w W. f. CLsRK^Snp'i ora g*4 on* thounod netotribein, THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER, which he will aenJ to nay addrere on the reoeipt of - FIFTY CENTS FOR FIVE MONTHS Ton thowand extra noptenwUl btiened on the flrat oditioa—na important fool of which edTorthm ebonld eenll thonuelno. Cendidetoo, and ohnirmra of ooamil. tooa in Georgit and Alabama, an well u Grangeraend other bodice, ohooid mill up olnba at onoa, and trad na all the po- litioal information they ora glean. Ik lame* tea of great importraoe, and Ik people abonld be rooted to the emerge!”! Great at will b* tb* expraaa inTolredxl thia enterpriaa, I will, ai an extra i»dn»l| ment, tend free for on* year tha VTuu:' or Sunday ExquiaxaJluw to any pewi (ending mo twenty Mm and tea for i STOVES AMD TIN WARE Stoves, Stoves ^NATHAfCBulOj Wp^j (Oppuaite Sun Office) Columbus, Go., W OULD respectfully iuvite the attention of hi* friends aud customers to hi* extensive stock of BTOVKS, HOLLOW AND STAMPED WARE, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. Ac. Also TIN WARE, at wholesale and retail. Manufacturer of TIN, SHEET IRON AN COPPER WORK. Roofing and Guttoring done promptly and in tbe beet manner. He eollcita a rail, feeling aeenred that he eon give entire eatiefMution. aw Pric. ss low ss til. Com. and roe before you buy. oct25 eodewtf For Sale Low. 4 SCHOLARSHIP IN THI RADICAL COL- IK AT KTAN8TILLK, INDIANA, sort tr APPLY AT TDM OlllOi THE CAIPAHtN 11 Hard time* cannot bo urged for v taking thia paper, ee its low ooet pl.« within tho reach of all. Let our frieu go to work at onoe, oproad the new* <■ aid ne in eeenring euoh n oironUti 1 '- will make the new ntorprieo t of the greet eet good. Good men only will be endoreeii, 4 no effort will be epered to rid Alebeoefi the herpiee now preying on her. In eddltioa to *11 political nee*- 1 to Campaign Enquirer ^ * thirty-two oolornn paper, will General rad Foreign * Kewe, the 1* ; ' Merkel*, Orop Boporte, HinU for W ore, abl* Editorial*, Honeehold Be# Botigione Intolligono** Sketch** of T>" Original Bloriee, Poetry, rad Locel W ligeno*. Form Your Clubs at One* A. R. Calhoun. gnqvircr-fr’ OOLUMBU 8 - O'