The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 12, 1874, Image 3

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nirtmg enquirer COLUMBUS* «EOB6IAt 'AY JULY 12, 1874. UMBUS DAILY MARKET. al.—Sight bills on Now York par; % per cent, discount; on fc»a- per cent; demand bills on Boston Banks are selling checks on New premium. Currency loans 101* month. Quid and silver noml- The following are • 0- 10 012 H 014* 16*016* 16 0— 16 0- and stained Unary lings | Middlings....... 110 bales. olpts 2 bales—2 by M. h ». B. B.; * wagons; 0 by N. 6B.B.B.; 0 by W. B. B. ; o by river | to by 8. W. B. R. Shipments 16 baloe-00 by S. W. B. B. ; 16 for home oonsamptlon ; o by W. B. B. DAILY ITATSaSIT. Stoek eskand August Slat, 12T6 .....1,177 BiOMmi to-day... _ *» previously 20,616—60,628 61,806 ^previously 60,061—60,076 I on bond 1,730 I Dat last Ybab.—Angut (1st, 1871, Jived nm. do, 71 tot»l receipt. 67,670; I..m. d»y TO; totBl ihlpra.nt. 85,514; jU,nltaW, Middlings 17%@l8o. Poets.—Bsoslpts for 1 dsjs 1,1*4; ... , artst BrUnln *,*0*1 to Uootlnont l *0',M7. ^ FUNERAL NOTICE. friends nnd Bcqnsintanoes of Ur. Its. Jams W. Utah, tra rospootfall; j to attend the fanernl of the Utter, Igandny) morning, from the Ontholio b, Bt 9f o’olook. FUNERAL NOTICE. bo friends nnd scqunlnUnoM of Ur. Urs. W. E. Tarry (ool’d) era inrlted rattend tbe funeral of their ion,E»MiNi bBTXit, from their re.ld.noe on Front eet, this (Sunday) morning at 9 o’olock Attention, Wsntiu Guards ! emblo in rooms of Beoene Hook I Ladder Company to-morrow (Uonday) ht at 8} o’clock. [full attendant), is dstired, uportanoe will be brought before the Iting. I By order of Offloer Commanding. ,12 It J. J. Clapp, O. S. Indsx to Net. Adoorttoomonto. ging, Ties, and Brown Cotton Gins •; Ur. W. H. Hugbes, Sealesman— ns A Williams, of Alabama Ware- pbanga of Bohednle—North A South Ir^ad. ilea of Property—H. G. Ivey, n port ant to Commsroial Travelers— b. P. Rowell. derobanta’ and Usohanica’ Uutual Loan upeny—Application for obarter. Bankrupt Sale at Anotion—Ellis St. Har- jAttention, Colnmbna Guards—J. J. app, O. S. (Automatic Knitting Uachine—N. V. sitting Uachine Co, DopotUo. [It is estimated that the different banks OolmubuB have on deposit over half a lion of djllars—probably $700,000. Mayor’s Court Yostcrduy. pohn Curry, colored, tor being a oom- Tsgrant, and diaplaying aota of in- benoy and insult wbanerer an oppor- nity was offered on private lots, was pt to j til iu default of $300 bond. 1lrports from Mississippi. I We suw yesterday a letter just received oui a large planter on Bear creek, Uisa. | stated there had been do overflow in at aeotiou, and cotton was 25 per oent. ^tter than last year. No grass,aud every- king lovely for good orops of corn and Ition. Candidates for Office. There are ten candidate8 tor every office in Uusoogee oounty. A merry raoe ia ggpected. Notwithstanding there are flwmscy men waiting for office, grasa ia Sowrisbing in the corn and ootton fields. Go work on a farm. That, with prudent ■Mkgement, will coat lass than a raoe fmFbffioo. '* Bouquet ia Ice. Kaplers Ed. Chaffin and Wille Harrison, who have an ico-house a few doors above Brooka' store, sent us yesterday a blook of machine ioe, in the oentre of wbioh wae a beautif nl bouquet. The effect was very pretty. They have several other similar bloeks, and can procure such for any one dealring them at short notiee. Amekiny Beneficial to ike Tooth. Mr. Thomas Brown, a distinguished T i*m^— dentist and lecturer, saya that it U popularly considered that the praotice •f smoking deteriorates teeth, and adda there can bs no greater fallacy. It is true that it sometimes discolors them, but does not oanse decay on aooouut of tbe diainfeoting properties of tobacco Bails. was falling alowly, yet constantly, el- | all of yesterday. Singular weather y.tfnly. Some insist the con>et*haa ‘hing to do with the matter, but that ia all staff—tbe emplieet sort of bosh. Hapff wan he who had an umbrella. The stfMto are very sloppy. That will be no •S0IM8 for members not to attend church MrVtot to-day. Death ef an Estimable Lady. The i0fe of Prof. J. W. Kyun, the pro prietor of oar leading hotel, the Bankin House, died of consumption Friday night about 11 o’clock. She had for some time been a sufferer. She was thirty-uine years of age last Weduesdsy. She was a lady who deemed her highest duty was to,her husbaud, children and religion,and to make home happy, and her mission she fulfilled most faithfully. Her father, Mr. Boland, died a few weeks ago. Several children survive. The funeral takes place this morning from tho Catholic C-hnroh. We tender to our friends our warmest sympathy in their sad bereavement. A Bare Chance, Those who would purchase a well es tablished business of many years stand ing, and a stock of new, choioe, and care fully selected groceries, should oonsult Mr. Geo. E. Andrews. He has built up, on a firm and substantial basis, a lucra tive and wide-spread trade ; bnt desirous of a change, ho offers the business at a bargain. His store is looated in the prin cipal oentre of trade. He offers his en tire stock at cost, for cash. Such an op portunity is seldom offered for stepping into a nourishing and paying grocery stand and business. Hew Colored Churches Grow. N. H. Auhurst, a colored Baptist minis ter, started a church over the river two years ago with seven members. He im mersed last year sixty-six converts, and the church now numbers one hundred and forty-seven members, with a congregation of five times as many. The pastor has a mute daughter who, for the past seven years, has been edu cated at an asylum at Hartford, Conn., and has lately returned home. VFeff Grown Bolle and Bine Wheat, The-Schley Brothers have sent us five largo cotton bolls, nearly ready for open ing. Tho seed was planted in Chattahoo chee couuty on April 3d. We don’t sup pose they are intended os representatives of the crop. Wo have seen nothing yet to approach it. The tendency of making public tkoso few advanced stuiks is to de press tbe price of oottou. We have been shown some splendid red wheat, raised by J. M. Stroud, of Al abama, whose plantation is not far from Columbus. Hope for Columbus. The steamship Oriental, Boston for Sa vannah, which ran ashore tho other night iu a fog on the Massachusetts coast, and was towed back to Boston for examina tion, had on board several hundred coils of rope which belonged to Columbus mer- chants. They wore insured. LOCAL ItHiBFa. ■The earth gets over 1,580,000 miles a day; the comet 4,000,000. —Papers remain filled with acoouuts of college commencements. Every one is the best. You can get a round trip to New York via Savannah for 5542 from Colum bus. Machinery wheels are so modest that they generally travel incog. The trade iu baby carriages is in creasing in Columbus. —Cotton to tho soil is the least exhaus tive plant of any that is cultivated, —A colored excursion from Montgome ry is expected hero to-morrow. —The City Couucil meets to-morrow afternoon at 5 o’olook. —The steamer New Jackson left yester day. The Farley is expected to-day. —The Columbus District Mooting will be held at Columbus, beginning Wednes day evening before the second Sunday in August. The Western excursionists are ex pected home this week. All are well and bavingm good time. What musical instrument does a cheap public house reiuiud one of ? Why a vile-iun, of course. A chemist iu Europe has invented a plaything for children. It is a small package containing “a new African min eral,” but known as sodium, which when sprinkled with water, suddenly bursts out in a flame of parti-colored fire, and final ly explodes with a clap liko thunder. Delightful thing to have about a house ! —“How many deaths last night ?” in quired a hospital physician of a nurse. “Nine.” “Why, I ordered medicine for ten.” “Yes, but ono wouldn’t take it.” RECOLLECTIONS Of 184J. From the Enquirer of January, Febru ary and March. Girls at Le Vert Female Cel- lege, Mias Willie Pace of this city won the aioond prise of the Sophomore class. At tht Imbibition she read (( An Interesting Husband.'' Miss Susie Lee Biggers, of Co- i Iambus, was one of the Juniors who read ■positions—subject: “What the Waves y.” The Standard says the essay was \ of rare beauty and perspicuity, evino- coosiderable maturity of tbonght, i a happy appreciation of the laws of Dglish construction. Her effort was gbly creditable and meritorious. An Ancient Relic. Colonel Weasels, tbe publisher and nager of this paper, has a walking ne wbioh was made of a piece of the nister of the hoase of William Penn, Philadelphia. Tbe reaidenoe was ■own as “Letitis Court,” and was in its kill glory during the revolationsry war. itarials of whioh it was constructed England. The cane light aa oork. Real Estate Transfers. Tho following have been recorded since Inst report: Geo. W. lluyues to Henry McCormick —city lot No. 1)8—$1,000. Thus. DeWolf to Mrs. Mary F. Hines— north purt of city lot No. 502—$2,300.50. C. C. Cody to Amory Dexter—half in terest iu property south of Crawford and east side of Broad street—$3,400. Amory Dexter to W. It. Brown—quit claim to same property—$3,400. Henry McCormick to Eliza Montgomery oity lot No. 98—$1,100. J. E. Webster to George W. Gafford— part of city lot No. 155 (store No. 180 on east side of Broad street)—$1,500. Win. It. Moore to Ella Moore—south half of city lot No. 274—$1,150. CHANGE OF 8CHEDULE. President's Office N. &. 8. It. It. Co.) of Geoboia, Columbus, Ga., July 11, 1874. ) Until further notice the regular trains on tiie North & South Ituilroad will be run only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, according to the following sohedulo, to take effect on the 14th inst. Leave Columbus at 0:00 a. m. Arrive at Kiugsboro’ at 7:40 a. m. Leave Columbus at 2:35 p. m. Arrive at Kiugsboro' at 4:15 p. m. Leave Eingsboro’ at 8:10 a. m. Arrive at Columbus ut 9:50 a. ac. Leave Kingsboru’ at 5:00 p. m. Arrive at Columbus at 0:40 p. m. E. A. Flkwellkn, jy 12 It Ueceiver. VETOED l—NO 1NFLA TION ! High prices cau no longer exist. Cash basis is tho principle now, and as I desire to close business, am offering my stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, and numerous articles in this line, at less than cost. Call and examine, and make one dol lar go farther than two at any other plaoe. \ In earnest. If yon doubt it, step l fcove proof of the fact. * — «**»»*•. 114 Broad St., It is stated that Jacob Barker, of New Orleans won $180,000 on the Presidential election. On January 4th the following munici pal ticket ytee eleoted : Mayor, John G. Winter; Aldermen, First Ward—W. S. Holstead, J. J. McKendree; Second Ward Dr. M. Woodruff, and E. P. Malone; Third Ward-li. N. B. Brad well, H. 0. Anderson; Fourth Ward—A. K. Ayer, Jas. Everett; Fifth Ward—Win. B. liobin- ■on, J.L. Morton; Sixth Ward—A.G. Mar shall aud — Green. Dr. Hoxey ran against Winter. Election by wards. Tho new Board elected Wm. Brooks, Marshal; N. G. Smith, Deputy; Calvin Stratton, Clerk; G. W. Terrentine, Treas urer; Dr. Thomas Hoxey, Physioian; Wiley Williams, Attorney; W. W. Martin, Bridge-keepor; Wm. Tilley, Clerk of Murket; Burnett Ingram, Hospital-keep er ; Jerre Torry, Sexton ; B. H. Greene, W. Y. Barden, Dr. S. A. Billiug, John Kyle, N. L. Howard, Dr. E. L deGraffen- ried, P. A. Clayton, N. M. 0. Bobinson, Wm. Alley, W. W. Toney, John A. Nor ton, Joseph Wiggins, Health Offloera. T. M. Hogan, Wm. Barrow, F. G. Davis, J. B. Young, G. W. Martin, Port Wardens. J. C. liuse, John Condon, J. S. Norman, A. Peabody, L. Livingston, B. F. Coleman, Fire Wardens. The following oounty officers were eleoted on the Gill: Justices of tbe Infe rior Court, Kenneth McKenzie, John M. Bethunc, N. L. Howard, G. W. Boss, Jo sephus Echols; Tax Collector, Jacob W. Frost; Tux lleceivor, J. G.^W. Rogers. Mr. Haskell, the celebrated ventrilo quist, was lecturing in the city. Santa Auna was overthrown in Mexico, ani a new government formed, with Gen. Herrera as President. Santa Anne’s am putated leg, which had been embalmed and buried with military honors, was dis interred, broken to pieces, and kicked about the town with every mark of indig nity and contempt. {This leg was re turned to him lost week.] Santa Anna esoapod from the country. The robber, Murrell, ia reported re formed and on a farm in Texas. Cotton in January at 2@4£o. Mr. Philips, a singer, conoertized in Columbns on his first visit from England to this country. Hon. Thomas Butler King and Mr. Charles Spalding, with pistols, ten paces distuut, exchanged two shots, on the 0th, at Amelia Inland. Two shots missed. Friends then made it up. Difficulty dur ing Congressional contest. George P. Baltzell was re-appointed postmaster at Apalachicola. Nebraska was made a Territory. President elect Polk has consented to visit Coiambus on his way to Washington, The Georgia Railroad has been opened as far as Covington. Daniel Webster succeeded Mr. Choate as Senator from Massachusetts. The College of Episcopal Bishops de posed Bishop Onderhook, of New York, for kissing too many pretty girls and drinking too much wiue. The uew Presbyterian churoh (now Public School building No. 1) was dedi cated. Bev. Dr. Gouldiog preached. A Washington letter writer says: “Iu tbe House, Mr. William L. Yancey, e young man from Alabama, made an ex cellent speech in favor of the annexation of Texas. As a piece of declamation merely, Mr. Yancey’s effort did him grout oredii; and he, moreover, brought to the argument a very respectable show of logi. cal acumen.” The following paragraph we clip: “Equal Laws.—The young child of Queen Victoria i8 named Alfred Ernest Albert. His parents having neglected to register his birth till six weeks after it oc curred, wore compelled to pay a fine of seven shillings and sixpence.” Congressmen Yancey of Alabama and Clingman of North Carolina fought duel about words the former used in do bate. Yancey’s ball struck near Cling man’s foot, and Clingman’s ball passed over Yancey’s head. Reconciled. Fought at Bladeusburg. Pistols, and ten paces, Congressman Chappell spoke in favor of the annexation of Texas. C. P. Willcox taught the East Common School. Mr. McNulty, Clerk of the House of Representatives, being a defaulter to the amount of $15,000, he was expelled and ordered criminally prosecuted. The Iuferior Court appointed Robert Green and Mnusfiold Torrenco to take the oensus of tbe county. Through tickets to Charleston via stage from Columbus to Coviogtou, and thence by rail, $22. Of the Columbus Methodist Episcopal District, Rov. T. Samford was appointed presiding elder, and liuv. J. E. Evans to be pastor at Columbns. On the lust Friday iu January two-thirdi of Wetumpka, Ala., was destroyed by flro. Loss $200,000. The paper commenced advocating the filling of tho gap between Chehaw, Ala and Barnesville with a railroad through Columbus. The resolutions for the annexation of Texas passed the House by a vote of 120 to 98 and the Senate by 27 to 25. Presi dent Tyler signed tho bill. PoBtagft was reduced by Congress. Let ters of ln’f an ounce, five cents for 300 miles; ten ceuts beyond that distance. Congressman Whitney, of New York, proposed a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific. Congress passed a bill to elect a Presi dent rs it is now done. President Polk was inaugurated. Married—Ou the 18tb of Deoeinber, Mr. Samuel Cowles, of Harris, to Miss A. S. Roqnomoro, of Muscogee; on Jan. 2d, John Hazleton and Miss Adeline Ram sey; on the 24th, in Apalachicola, J. G. Titus, of Columbus, and Miss MaryTigb; on tho lGtb, by Dr. Goulding, D. P. Ellis and Miss M. P., daughter of B. H. Rey nolds, of Russell couuty, Ala.; on the 15tb, Dr. John E. Bacon and Miss Jane E , daughter of Hon. James Abercrom bie, of Russell oounty; on the 10th, A. J. Odom and Miss Anu Eley, both of Russell county. Died in Griffia, on the Gtb, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Absalom Gray, ogod forty-three years. —Ihe peach crop in Delaware is a fail ure this year, and lore gu newspapers are advisirg owners of the soil to rail# wheat because it will pay better. The advioe ia dangerous. Some honest bnt ambitions miner, returning from tbe Wetfc with his hard-earned millions, may bay up tbe lit tle state for a farm with the nomination of two Senators and n Oongreasman thrown in. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Columbus, July 10,1874. The folio win* ia the list of unotsimed letters re maining in the Poetofflce to this date: Aida A Barnes J Barker B Bledaoe 0 P Boring Q W Boatman are M S Brooka mrs D Brinkley J B Bntler mite A Bullard L Gatlin miea I Clew G B Clark J B Cook G Coaley II11 Cooper mrs Q Cubing mre M Dtvis D Daris Y mre M J Dunn II Kdwnr-le mile L Idge B Frailer D Qroet J Grant II Hall W, o Ilatherly W II Ilall miee 8 Hearn miee M A He!me J 8 Hunter II Huff U C Jacoba T Jonoe L, c Johaeou mre 0 Kemberly 8, 2 Kiuetb I Lane miee II Lewie mre II X Lewie J A Lyle P Marks mre J 1 Marian J McCook X McKay mre M MoSwaln J K Melley mre 0, e Mnrrelle Dr B D Odom A Patrick mre M ■ Paieon miea J Pitta miea 0 ScottG W Sharp B Smith J Snell D, o Taylor B 8, c Taylor L A Thompson A Thompaon W II Thotnaa miea V Thomas I Thornton miea H, 2 Turner miee 0,2 Turner A Van LB Watte 8 L Waehlngten B Watt miea 8 B Ward R K Watta T A Watklue miea C Wtlborn miee V Winn mite M Williams mre V Wilketeen Jane Williams B, o Winter Bora Woodruff W W Young miea O, o UNMAILABLK LBTIMK8. Badger miea Lula, Atlanta, Ga. Brown mre C, Jacksonville, Fla. Bureau of E lucation, Washington, D 0 Clemente J W, Columbua, Ga. Fitten J, Opelika, Ala Gilbert mre Thoms*, Col Holt Joseph, Dutsvtlle, *i Lewie L P, Thcmaaville, John, Savaunah, Ga. H D, City. Pitta K U, Oswlckee, Ala. Weauer miee M, Atlanta, G*. Western Railroad of Alabama. 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME1 WB8TBBN RAILROAD OP ALABAMA, Columbus, Ga,, JJuly 6th, 1874. TRAINS LBAVB COLUMBUS DAILY Por Montgomery and Selma, 1:00 a. m. Arrive at Montg'y, * - 7:00 A. M Arrlva at Salma, U:04 A. M. POR ATLANTA AND N1W TORS At 10:80 a. m. Arrlva Opelika at 12:20 p. a. At Atlanta 6:42 p. m. By Atlanta and Riohmond Alr-LInt. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE 8:86 a. .j., Danville 3:27 p. m., Riohmond 11:06 p. m. Ar rive at Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 6:30 a. m., at Philadslphia 1:80 p. m., at NIW YORK 6:16 p. m. Sleeping Cara run ttom Atlanta to Charlotte. By K*nn***w Rout*. Loavs Atlanta 6:00 p. Dalton 10:21 p. m., Bristol 10:46 a. m., Lynchburg 10:46 p. m. Arrlva at Washington 6:46 a. at Baltimore 9:16 a. m., at PhiladaTphla 1:80 p. m., at If MW YORK 6:1ft “ m. Sleeping cars ran from Atlanta to Lyaohbnrg. TRAINS ARRIVB AT COLUMBUS DAILY rom Atlanta sad Now York, • 6:84 A. a Prom Montgomery end Selma 2:80 r. a. Tickets for sale at Union Passenger Depot. GUA8. P. BALL, General Sup’t. B. A. BACON, Agent. faprSB tf Central Railroad. BUPBHINTBNDKNT'S OI PICK, 1 Savannah, Geo., June 30,1874. / O N AND APTBR the FIRST JULY next, BETUEN TICKETS to and Dorn either terminus or statiou ou CENTRAL AND SOUTHWK8TR»N RAILROADS can bo purchased for ONB FAKE. Said tickets will be SolS until 3l»t of D.o.mb.r N*xt, and bo GOOD to return Until th# 15th of January, 1178. Croee 4 Blackwell's Pickets, all kinds. Bxtra Choios Bio, Old Government Java and Mooho Coffee. Boasted Coffee. Beet brands Heme nnd Breakfast Stripe. St. Louis Pearl Grits, 20 h tor $1. Blackwell’s Dnrkam Smoking Tobeooo, 76c B B. Lorillard'e Bright and Dark Century Chewing Tobeooo. West's Bxtra No. I Kerosene Oil, 40c 0 gallon. Pure Cider Vinegar, 60c | gallon. ROB’T 8. CRANE, Je*l [febl d6m] Trustee. THE VIRGINIA STORE, Only Sixty Day Left to dees Oui our Large and Elegant Stock ef Geode, JeJO lm Parties failing to avail themselves of this splendid opportunity to bay goods at actual oost will ever regret it. Special attention is oslled to onr stoek of Riohardson’s College Shirts ind Gents' hand-inAde Boots and Shoes; also Jugla’s and Harris' Kid Gloves. From this date forward the Virginia Store will be oloBed at 0} o'clock. A two years’ lease of store house from October next. Furniture and good will to be disposed of. j«25 Pbtton, Gordon & Co. A large lot of cheap Oassimeres and Linens, very eheap, at Blanchard’s. Good Things. Go to the Ruby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. octlS tf Read This / You can find at T. E. Blanchard's, 123 Broad street, the very latest styles of Drcas Goods, at such prices as eannot fail to give sntiafaolion. Call and aee them. Domestic Goods at greatly reduced rates; Factory Goods at factory prioes; CoaiN Spool Cotton at 70 cents per doz.; the best Prints at 10c per yard. my 10 If _ __ A few pieces of French aud English Cassiiuerei?, very low, to close out, at T. E. Blanchard’s. Aganta toll. The PUBLIC are therefore CAUTIONBD to PRUV1DB THKM8KLVES WITH TICKETS from tho AgenU nt the Rtetion, or PAY BOTH WAYS. WM. KOQKRS, Gon'l Sup’t Central Kailroad. V POWKR8, Bng'rnntl Sup’t Southwentern Hoilrood. G.J. FORKACRK, Bup’t Atlanta Division Central Railroad. Montgomery A Eufaula R. R. Change of Sohedule, Taking Effsot Sunday, Juns 21, 1874. MAIL TRAIN-DAILY. Leave Montgomery 4:00 r Arrive nt Rufaulu 11:3s p Connecting on Wedneedaya aud Saturday a wit.. Boata on Chattahoochee Riv r, and dally at Union Sprlnga with Mobile A Girard Railroad tor Troy. Leave Bnfanla 12:46 a a Arrive et Montgomery 7:66 am B. DUNHAM. Snp’t. Saturate a piece of bread or meat with gastrio juice, aud it will dissolve. This is digestion. Add to such a mixture a little alcohol, and it will not dissolve, This is indigestion. Beware, then, of tinotures, or tonics, or deooctions con taining spirituous liquors. Shuu all rum “tonics,” and rely solely on Da. Walt er's Vinegar Bitters, the finest digest ive invigorant known, and free from the Swy owaa of Alcohol. myM 4w CHAS. HETMAN A CO., Broad Street, Columbns, Cht., offer at tbeir popular restaurant and saloon The best that can be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, 1 Ac. [®y® 7y The ** Gentleman in Black/* who is the tutelar demon of dram-shops, assumes bis sourest aspect when the rapid progress of Vineoar Bitters is reported down low.” Tbe People’s Vegetable Tonic is playing tbe misohief with bis bitters fired with rum. All diseases wbioh those demoniac nostrums aggra vate, nnder pretense of relieving, such as indigestion, sick headache, consump tion, rheumatism, gout and intermittent fevers are cured by it. je24 4w Buhler's Cigar Emporium. The boat Imported Havana and Kay Wcet Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, Match Safes, Tobacco Bags, Ac., can bo found at’ LOUIS BUHLRR’S, Randolph St., House with Red Sign, near F.nquirar Offlea. The best place to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Sheetings, is at Blanchard’*, 123 Broad at. ATTENTION t Go to tho Arbor Matson. On tho cash system whioh I have adopt ed,andto close my stock by Oct. 1st,1874, I will sell drinks at 10 cents. No credit. July®—eodlm _ Geo. W. Lips. Pond's Extract. Iu the very common and obstinate form of diseases known as Pilee or Hemor rhoids, it has won its greatest reputation among the people. (je25 eodAw To Our Opolika Subscribers. Hereafter the Enquirer-Sun package w ill bo sent to the Postoffioe at Opelika. Mr. J. M. Perry is our authorized Agent for Opelika, and will receipt for eubecrip- tions. Onr patrons will oblige us by calling on him at tho Express Office and renewing. [tf Pcurnck's Si\ Wisd Tonic.—Iu the ataaoaphera experienced here during the aammer months, the lethargy produced by the heat tukea away tbe de sire for wholeeoiue food, and frequent perspira tion* reduce bodily energy, particularly those anfferiug from the effects of debilitating disease*. In order to keep a natural healthful activity of the system, we rnuat resort to artifleial aaeana. For this purpose Scheuck'a SeaWeed Tonic ia very effectual. A fow do*e* will create an appetite and give freflh viitcr to vho enervated body. Yor dys pepsia, it it uvuluabie. Many eminent physicians have doubled whether dyapepeia can be perma nently cured by the drugs wkkh are generally employed for that purpose. The Sea Weed Tonic in its nature is totally different from such drags. It contains no corrosive minerals or acids; in fact it assists the regular operations of nature, and supplies her deficiencies. The tonio in tta nature so much renembles the gastric Juice that it is al most identical with that fluid. The gastric Juice is the natural solvent which, In a healthy condi tion of the body, causes i he food to be digested; and when this Juice Is not excreted In snflklent quantities, indigestion, with all Its distressing symptoms, follows. The Sea Weed Tonic performs the duty of the 1 gastric Jnlo* when tbe latter le deficient, flohenck's flea Weed Toaic sold by all mil, CENTRAL RAILROAD. Gxnmal Sumxihtsmoxmt’s Ornca, ) Gbntsal Kailsoab, V Savannah, November 1,1874. j follows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WB8T. leave Savannah 2:46 Leave Augusta 9:06 Arrive in Augusta 4:00 Arrive in Mifiedgeville IU:U9 Arrive in Katonton 11:66 r ■ Arrive in Macon Leave Macon for Columbus 7:17 P M Leave Macon for Ku unla 9:10 r Leave Macon for Atlanta 8:10 p Arrive at Columbus 12:46 a Arrive at RufauU* 10:20 a Arrive at Atlanta 6:00 a COMING SOUTH AND BAST. Leave Atlanta 10:00 p m Leave Co unibus. 7:10 PM Leave Eufaula 7:26 p m Arrive at Macon from Atlanta 6:10 a M Arrive at Macon from Columbus 4:10 Arrive at Macon from Eufaula 6:46 Leave Macon 7:16 Leave Augu«ta 9:06 Arrlva at Augusta 4:00 Arrive at Savannah 6: 6 p m TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WBST. Leave Savannah 7:80 r Leave Augusta 8:06 p M ‘ ‘ 5:66 8 20 9:20 9.06 .... 9:00 8:36 P M 6:40 p M 3:06 P M croceriks. N*w Soihtn Butter, MuifM Flour, Puurl Srlto, Syu Flour, Out Muul and Whoat Qrite, Hoidtlok Ohampigno, Imported oud Amorloan Win**, til kind*, Arraok (for punch), London Porter, Edinburgh Alo, Hortu Radlth (orated), Otnnud flood* of all kind*, Fl*h and So* In kite and ko$«, JUST KnOlIVID BT H. F. ABELL & CO. Je28 tf READ AND HEED! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT EVHBT OMR WHO WISHES TO UK SOUTH SUCCEED Arrive in Augusta Arrlva In Macon Leave Macon for Columbus Leave Macon for Jtufanla Mat-on fur Atlanta Arrive In Columbus Arrive in Knfanla Arrive in Atlanta COMING SOUTH AND BAST. Leave Atlanta 1:6pm Leave Coluoibuit 2:30 p m Leave Buraala 8:60 a M Arrive in Macou from Atlauta 7:10 p m Arrive in Macon from Columbus 7:25 p ■ Arrivo in Macon from Eufaula 6:10 p m Leave Macon 7:36 pm Arrive in Milledgeviile 10:09 pm ‘ • ,11:66 pm . 8:06 p M . 6 66AM .. 7:16 AM n tbe Cen- THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & J. KAUFMAN, Ne. 14 and 10 Broad St., Columbus, Ga„ mm COMtTAMTLY OH HARD ABOUT 100,000 pound* Baoon. BOO b*rr*l* Flour. From 100 to 200 barroli fugir. 100 bag* Oofte*. From 100 to 200 barrel* 8yrup. 200 btrrul* Wblakuy. 200 box** Tobacco. ■00 » Soap. 200 “ Candle*. 100 barrtl* L*rd. ■0 “ Maok*r*l. BOO **ek» Salt. ■0 tltroM Rio*. BOO r**mt Wrapping Pap*r. 100 oat** Potaah. 100 “ tardlnn. 100 “ Oytter*. 100 “ Pioktes. 100 box** Candy. 100 “ Starch. 100 groan Parlor Matches. 1,000 pounds Lorillard'e Snuff. 40,000 Cigars. 1*000 pounds Oroen and Black Tea. 400 bag* of Shot. 100 boxes Soda and Faney Crackers. lOO Cheese In season. BO barrels Vinegar. 40 casks Scotch Ale. lOO daeen Woodea Buckets. lOO dooen Brooms. And evert thing In the Grocery line, which they oiler to the trade by the package, as low as any other Jobbing House In aprlti 8m THE COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-SUN Is the only thoroughly independent paper South. It believes we are to win; not by complaining about the put, but working for the ftiture. While it gives proper space and notice to all political matters of State and National impor tance, it oimo to call the attention of emigrants and capital ists to our great resources and to build up the South on a basis that has for its foundation Industry and economy. While disclaiming to be the organ of any creed, party or society, all ita tendencies will be in favor of TEMPER ANCE, MORALITY and RELIGION. Being deeply interested in the success of the farmers, and having implicit faith in the grand destiny of the GRANGES, the EN QUIRER-SUN will devote a large space, under a capable editor, to AGRICULTURE, and in ohronioling the move ments of the Patxoxs or Husbandry. Arrive in Augusts......... Arrive in Ssvsnush Train No. 2, being a through train < iseengers for ' put off. Passenger! for Milledgeviile aud Eatontou will take train No. I from Savaunah and Augusta, and train No. 2 from pointa on the Southwestern Kail — J **■--*- »•--», -- ly, Runanys sxcept*a. WILLIAM ROGERS, General Superintendent, P. A. POMEROY, AT BOOHEB’I COBHER, CALL* ATTKNT10N TO Cboio. Whit. Shad, Fr**h Bay Fl.h, Mobil* Cabbag*, O.I.ry and L*ltuc*, Llv* and Or*u*d Poultry, Fr*.h Country*. Sport Rib* and Baokbon*.. A Choice Lot of Fresh Craokart, Sugar Jumbl**, L.mon Snap*, Qlng.r Snap*, L.mon Craam., Ao. Apple., Onion*, Potato** A Turnip*. Also usual Family Supplies and Fancy Groceries on haud. Mr. T. 0. PRIDGEN will be found at the coun ter and will be pleasid to wait on his former cus tomers and friends. Tbe patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. feb28 NOTICE. VN AND AFTER APRIL HiTU, tbe Passenger Leave Columbus .... Arrive at Troy Leave Troy Arrivo at Columbus., anrIA 2w 3:00 P. M. 11:06 t. M. 2:26 A. M. 10:30 A. M. W. L OLaRK, Bup’t. CHEAT BARCAIN I Safe and Paying Business Already Established, for Sale. M Y DRUG STOCK AND BU8INB88 ON favorable term*. Consumers and country nn-rclinnts would do well to call, as I am determln- d to redaco my large and well selected *b>ck a Je26 2m FOR 8ALE ^ ONK-UALV INTEREST in or the WHOLE of EAGLE DRUG STOKE, ' No. 93 Broad Street. CAM UK BOUGHT ON GOOD TUB! Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG & CO., Columbus, Ca., A RB prepared to supply merchants prompt J\_ and iu a satisfactory manner with the bt quality of Cotton Cheeks, Clnghams and •tripes all of which are In fast cobra, sad of tha latest aud most approved patterns. Iff Factory oorner of 8t. Clair sad Jackson street. Oflee on Jseksoa street. DRUGS AND MEDICINES J. I. GHIPFIN IMPORTED THE DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN Will contain all the latest National, State, Local and For eign news, devoting much space to Alabama interests. Its editorial management will bo fearless for right, and while recording passing events it will not negleot the arts, sci ences ana the advancement in the world’s material progress. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER Will give weekly a digest of all Foreign and National news. It will devote much Bpace to Southern intelligence and will contain original articles on Agriculture, the Granges and other matters that will be of incalculable benefit to the planter and general reader. /UroiSMUClIlGS,^ ^JpERFUMERY^J FANCY GOODS, AT REDUCED PBICEB. All goods guaranteed. 4 fully prepared at all koura. JUkodtvl^^ The SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN While giving the latest news, aims to become what is much needed, vis.: A GREAT SOUTHERN LITERARY WEEKLY! It will contain original articles, stories and sketches, his torical and biographical, from Southern pens. Each issue will contain in addition poetry, scientific notes, domestic recipes, fashion and household affairs, wit and humor, no tices of late books and periodicals, religious reading, church news, and in fact every interest will be represented that will, in any way, aid the reader. Prescriptions care- J. I. GRIFFIN, 14M (frond 8t. DRESS MAKING. Dress Making. M R*. FOGARTY .nd Mra. BALLOU reipMtfully notify tbs Lndlra of Columbus nnd vicinity r * CUT, NT AND HAKE LA DIEM* AND CMILDBEX'B DRENME8 tbe Intest nnd best styles. Will also do Stamp ing for Kmbroldery, Braiding, Pinking, Ac., nnd take Gentles octlT sttf s Gentlemen's sewing nt reasonable rates. J. M. COGGIN, LaFayette, Ala., IM Oliarter OaK AMD ALL IMPROVED Cooking 8tov*i f Hordwart, Cutlory* Ac., and Contractor for Roofing and Job Work, Ac Prices fhrnlshnd on application. fmbi sitf Pretty Colored Muslins, 8b.I1 BMt Itrif— Md ri,efu. serf chMp, .t PEACOCK A SWIFT'S. it* OITTT HOTEL, CEXTXAK.LT LOCATED. Troy, Alabama. R. H. BARK, Rrop’r. dno7 saly Wood. Wood J jjMT WOOD, ml,u.G,K «)pi oord. Wm* Hnl for SO M.U per Med. Oidm AIM Ij o. .FpUntloa «o Ik. M*1 it XUSOOQKE MAIfWMG 00 Are extremely low, so that the paper can be procured by the poorest man and read with profit by himself and family: Daily, in advance, one year $ 8 00 Weekly, “ “ “ 2 00 Sunday, “ “ “ 2 50 Sunday and Weekly, in advance, one year - 3 00 Three Weeklies to one Post Office 3 00 Five “ “ “ 7 50 Ten “ “ 14 00 Fifteen “ “ “ 18 75 Twenty “ “ “ 23 00 Thirty “ “ “ 30 00 Sunday and Weekly invariably ® ^ These papers offer the best opportunities to sdvertisers. Get up your elubs sad help in this good work. Address COLUMBUS BNQUIBJ COLUMBUS, Gj