The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 16, 1874, Image 4

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J •— .-Tx-m-T csLiMini THURSDAY..... JULY 10,18T4. CITY AFFAIRS. COLUMBUB DAILY MAKNXT. .urirrsfiSiSB null % get mat; d.m.nd blits on Bolton Baaksonmlllni ehnnki on It.w York kt J4o. promtttm. Unmoor loom 10U4 per oont. por month. Oold knd sllvor nomi nal. Oottoh.—Mnrkit dill. Tkt following art ttat quotations: Inforlor • •— Ordinary and ttalaod to •« Good Ordinary l«. fO— Low JtM4Mng*.. v »...' pv*-*'’** Middlings Btrlot mddllngo — •— Sain U bain. Rootlpti • bain—0 by M. It G. H. R. a by Wicoaiso by H. k 8. R. R.; 0 by W. R. R. j 0 by rtmri t by 8. W. R. R. Shipments It bain 0 by S. W. R. R.; It for bomo oonsutnptlon i 0 by W. R. R. naiLT aTATmanT. Stock on kaad August (lit, MTt 1,177 •^!^ar,OT^jMJUa 90, Ut—40,111 prtrlouly. stock on hand '• 1,177 Sana Bat Lait Yhab.—Augnst slit, l«7f 1M; reoelrod lamo day SI; total rooolpta 17,81 K iblppcd camo day 83 i total ihlpmontr tt,0li| •took 3,1361 laloi 07. Middlings lT^ffllto. V. 8. Foeth.-Rootlpti for • day* t,Ml| os- ports to Onat RrMalo Uontlnat Q”, ‘to* _a M i ( r-^. /1-i Ju (bmty Demeeralie (bmmMm AIM. A ConTontion of the Uamooratio Party of Momoroo County mil bo bold a^ tho Court lioun at 13 o'olook on ‘Saturday, Aoguot lot, fpr tko purpooo of organising thoroughly for tho ouauing oampaigu. A full attondauoo ia urged' upon tho Forty. O. A. hunt, Obair'n Ex. Com. iMaNio, teoinnkm OuOnw f Ana table at room Hook, oqd Ladder Company thin (Thurodayj otoolng at t) o'oiook prompter, for Target Praotioe with City Light Quards. By order oi the ObpMa.. It J. J.'Clapp, O. S. 'She buyers of the bond* loaned to build this road appear to hare a hard time. Judge Underwood in a decMon has declared thatthoee of Borne were iile- gal and hence are roid. LaOrange ieeued *2.',,000 to the eame oompeny, and these bonds, as those of Borne, were sold mostly lo bankers in Aagusta. LaOrange baa eoatimod In pay the interest regularly, and baa bought up a good many of the bonda for heraelf and propoeea to retire a certain number erery qnarter unless presented by law. An old and wealthy oitiaen of the place has filed a bill to teat the legality of the bonds issued. LaOrange is not a party to the suit. The holders of the bonds wbo bought them in good faith are very ap prehensive. The North A South does not appear to be in a very prosperous eondition. The train runs only on three days in a week. The road is barely earning expenses. There ia only one engine, the other hav ing been taken away by the owner. The road is in tbs possession of the State. Citimns of Columbus have no idea the toad will be fas advanced fat years. An impression prevails that when the Slate sells the road, this fall or winter, the Cen tral Railroad Company will buy it and ex tend the line some twelve miles. It will then penetrate a seotion beyond the Fine (fountains. There are some hopes still of the enter prise. If the Central does as is expeoted, it will draw ootton from the Georgia Bail- road. Will the latter allow tigs ? A report Is current that Aid of the lessees of the State Hoed, at Troup Court, stated his Company would buy the pro perty if the charter and franchises to go around Atlanta were surrendered; and Oapt. White, President of the Griffin A Carrollton Railroad, wants It from Car rollton to ltome, and thence to connect with the coal fields and Memphis. Attention, CUg Light Oteesrde. Most at your Armory JtSa (Thursday) ovenlng at 4} o'clock, in foil uniform, for Target PasStiSe. By order of the Captsiq., It H. F. Bvnhnri, 0. 8. ManlM Money Orelare. The Post Office sells in Columbus about •80,000 of orders per annum. Meger’e Curt issurdstg. ' B. H. Crane, Handy Orant, J. E. Blount and A. Banner were each charged with having retailed liquor without lioenaa. All the eases were dismissed on their agreeing to take out lioenae. Mtemd fkaJtd 4* }»«sm» : f We understand'that Miss King, sister of Mr. John King of the 8. W. B. B. shops, and nleoa of Prof, Byan of the Usnkln House, has been re-elected one of the teachers of tbe Public Schools of Mseon. She if’ attacked lo that over which the Catholics have control. • JduteOgoo Cmsnty Oonri. There will be a special term of this Court for the trial of oriminal cases, com mencing next Monday morning, the Iflth inat., at t> o’clock. Jurors, witnesses, and all parties inter ested wetfd do well to bear. 8 in mind. There ere sojo-fotir or five oriminal oases to be tried. It is thought the bus ineas can be finished in a day. Wooleyan «bmefs College-Young Ladles prom Columbus and Vicinity. The commencement exercises of this Female College, in Macon, commenced Hunday. The Junior exhibition took place Monday. The only name mentioned from this section is that of Mias Mary Lou Little, of Talbotton, who .sang “Who’s at my Window” in a very sweet, warbling voice. Hhe was heartily cm- oored, but the song was not reposted. The Sophomores read at night. a The Telegraph aays the best reader, probably, was Mias Lelia V. Gordon, of ColumbUB, Ga., who read an. anonymous poem, en titled “The Curfew Must Not Bing To- Night." The production requires a wary animated style of delivery to make it ap preciated, but Miss Gordon Was equal to the occasion, and thrilled the audience with her performance. Miss Mary Lou Little, who is welooine wherever Bhe appears, ssng with inimita ble sweetness that beautiful Sootoh bal lad, “Within a Mile of Ediut+rtf Town,” and as usual was complimented With round after round of applause. Mias Emmie Goode, of Georgetown, Ga., a sprightly young lady, gave an ex cellent reading of 1‘pramut and Thitbe, by John G. Saxe. Tbe young' lady evinoed a correot conception of tbs piece, end brought out He droll hamqr in a, very satisfactory manner. f<a« contemplated Chamber at Oemmspee j ,-argsttey teugjrtgtu.. , Not very many merchants Worn present st tibo’adjourned meeting, which ateem- bled in tbe Library Boom. Tbe heat of the night kept numhevs Vwsy, end aMk- neea of families others. A. V. Boatrite took the chair, end G. J. Peacock oontinned as Secretary. ( i The report of the committee—H. W. VeretUle, W. J. Wett, W. B. Bedell and H. T. Crigler—waa read by the first. After demonstrating the necessity, power and advantaga of a combination of all business interests, the report recom mends tbs establishment of s Chamber of Commerce in Colombus, with e suitable constitution sod by-laws, with- a commit tee to report end keep e record of tbe standing of parties in Columbus ■, another to constitute e Board of Arbitration to which business difficulties shall be refer red, with s smaller body to WttiMl appeals can ba carried; another to report the value of leediog artioles in older to se cure uniformity of jWioee as far as prao- ticablo, and publish price lists is often nv may be deefne^hdsfgsttpf soother on njisoelianeotfk business, such SB folates to freights, insurance, transportation, Ac. Major Alien stated Columbus can never progress until her business men act in union. Combination is absolutely nec essary for sucoess. He reoountad the failures.of many efforts in this city to es tablish Boards of Trade, end demonstrat ed that to a want of oonsert of notion oar city had not kept pace with placss which wars formerly tributary to Colum bus. No piece of any importance in th« United Mates la Wfthokt Snob a business association. He opposed action until tho principal merchants and business men were seen and their active end earnest co-operation «■*** and obtained. Then tbe inatitu tion could be started on a firm basis. He tailored every prominent business »fto would connect himself with tbe organiza tion. His ideas were adopted. It was tbe sense of the meeting that a Chamber of Commerce be organized. On motion, the committee was contin ued and increased by two members, and reqdested id fees all onr business men, to attend a meeting to be held at the Court House nett Wednesday afternoon, at 5 o’clock. Major A. M. Allen and J. 8. Acee ware appointed the two additional members. lta committee stated that at the next meeliagtbey wotld hare a carefnlly pre pared constitution and by-laws for adop* tion, and a permanent organization could be effected. Adjourned to meet pt Council Chamber next Wednesday at 7 P. if. rmroMDt-Do High prioes can no longer exist. Gash basis is tbs principle now, mad so I deeifo to doss butiusta, am offering my stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, anil numerous artioles in this line, at leas than oast Call and examine, and make ona dol lar go farther than two at any other place. I am in earnest. If you doubt it, stop in end have proof of the foot L. Haws, 114 Broad St, myl 4m Colombus, Ga. Go to iba Unby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Gama, and all things good to oat. ootl# tf You oan find at T. E. Blanchard's, 123 Broad street, the vary latest striae of Daaao Goods, at sank prioes as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Call and ace Domestio Goods at greatly reduced rates; Faotory Goode at faotory prioes; Coats’ Spool Cotton at 70 esnta per doe.; tbs beat Prints at lOo par yard. mylO tf ^ The "Uentlamanin Black," who is the tutelar demon of dram-shops, assumes his sennet aspect when the rapid progress of Viuxoab Bittsbb is reported “down low.” Tb# People’s Vegetable Toaio ia playing the miaobief with his bitters' fired with ram. All diaaaaei which those demoniac nostrums sggra. vale, under pretense of relieving, such ss indigestion, elok headache, consump tion, rheumatism, gout and intermittent fevers an cured by it. je24 4w Boater•• Cigar Emporium, The boat Imported Hirua and Key West Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Banff, Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, Match Safes, Tobacco Bugs, ftc., ran be found at LOUIS BUIILRK’8, Randolph St, House with Red tflgn, near Enquirer Office. Jy4 tf THE VIBanriA STORE. Only Sixty Day Loft to Cl— Out our Largo and Eloyant Stock of Ooodo, Nearly all diseases originate from Indigestion and Torpidity of tbe Liver, and relief ia alwavs anzionely sought after. If the Liter ie Regulated Want of action in the Liter causes Headache, Constipation, Jaundice, Pain in the Shoulders, Gough, Chilis, Diazinsae, Sour Stomach, Bad Taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Depression of Spirits, or the Blnea, and a hundred other symptoms, foi LIVER REGULATOR is the beat remedy that haa ever beta discovered. It acta mildly, effectually, Simmons’ LIVIK IMULATtK, »r Itditine, la harmless, In a faultless family medicine, Is given the most delicate infant, Does not interfere with business, Does not disarrange the system, Tukes the qjpee of Quinine ana Ritters of every kind, Contains the simplest and best romediea. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUOGISTSe feb r > deodawly that c THE BIST ADVICE an be given to persons suffering from dys pepsia, bilious complaint, colic, consumption, sick ueodaehe, fever and ague, nervous debility any disorder affecting the stomach. the kidneys, is to tone, cleanse, i portent organs by the use of ;ulate these 1m- UTT’fl VKGKT- ,4 BLR LIVER PILLS. They act very mildly, yet thoroughly restore the functional action of the digestive organs and the intestines and renovate the wholo system. They produoe neither nausea, gripiug or weakness, and may be taken at any time without change of diet or occupation. Pries 25c a box. Sold by all druggists. DR. TUTT'S HAIR DYE other dye does. Its possesses qualities that effect is instantaneous, and so natnral'that it not he detected by the cloeeet observer. It is LOCAL BRIEFS. Left, The ooiored Montgomery excursionists loft yesterday morning aboot T o'oiook. Their band was aorenkdltag nearly all the preceding night with too mnoh ban horn, drum and oymbek. The behaviour of the party was unexceptionable. A series of tabloaux were presented in Temper, anoe Hell on Tuesday night, after which they had a dance nntil morning. faauM Commercial Travelers, Columbus imposes no tax upon drum' men. Maoon, however has determined to tax them as brokers, and requires each one to pay S900. They grumble and growl and talk about contesting, but tbe ordinsnoe is too well drawn for them to break through. If one sella so naaoh even as a box of tobacoo in the city he is liable to this tax, no matter if he does not stay there more than on hour. Some tax should lie imposed on theta toon by Oolumbua, but $200 ia too great an amount. Twenty-five dollars would do better. Retail drummers should be charged as much as merchants residing here. —A very hesTJ lain foil Tuesday some miles south of Columbus. —Utibroquet seasot risuponua. Young ladies *M ordering gaiters s couple of sizes too small for them. «*hy baby eanisgee appearing on onr Streets-wo nuisances to those who have to walk rapidly. They take np all the room they posslEly oan. Vhefway the inmates yell sometimes is tl caution to sinners. —Unn. 4ar ruff and the white frill inhdi hfirbiS, >44f»foekioBat>U bell peepe out like a chicken coming out of the shell. “My band is not ». lemon, nor my lips deer meat,” said a young lady to her escort wbou they parted at night. Why did akS thus express TieraSIf. The announcement that a Lovisville man bis invented an India robber trank shield whioh wiil “bid defiance to any. thing short of an earthquake,” yill oarry jay to uauy travelers who, hitherto suf fered at the bauds of the baggage smash. Parties failing to avail themselves of this splendid opportunity to bn; goods at actual oost will aver regret it. Special attention is oalled to onr stock of Richardson’s Collage Shirts and Gents' hand-made Boots and Shoes; also Jugla’s and Harris' Kid Gloves. From this date forward the Virginia Eton will ba dosed at fij o'clock. A two yean’ lease of store bonae from Ootober next. Furniture and good will to be disposed of. ja2S Pbxtor, Goanox 3c Co. DitISMlfy JTptwwytA,. ThteeeP f YHodmoii ) j We learn that a difficulty occurred be tween two freedmen, on Tuesday night, on tbe plantation of Capt. John H Borah, niua miles aonthwest of this oity, in Baa- sell county, A)a.. }n whioh one was dan gerously woutfdsd by 1 s' ’knife. A physi cian was oelM iU' .bnt the oonditioa of tho wooodoa man we haVe not learned, nor the cause of tho diffieklty. Dig Sunflairer, tit. Fred Wilhelm, route agent on the Western Railroad, brought ua an enor mous ona yaatarSay. It ia nine iaahaa in diameter. Friend Fred pioked out all the “fox” and left only a hamdeome “S” in the centre. This makes the old yellow thing look bottor. By tbe way, we have discovered that the oooplet, “ The sunflower terns on his god whan ha nets, The same face as when he arose,” is a story, lhAw>jffio war daeaa't doit. Mar Congress. Thera ere shoot a dozen candidates wbo want the place. We have Col. Blandford and Jodge J. F. l’ou, of this ooonty ; Hon. Henry B. Harris, of Meriwether ; Hon. Hugh Bocbnnnn, of Newnnn, and several others from other oounties. All will abide the nomination. Wo have heard hints that the Radicals will ran Jadgs James Johnson, of the Superior Court. Southern remals College at LaOrange. An advertisement appears in oar col umns. The institution ia in a flourishing condition, aud in justly regarded an among the first on the continent. Sev eral pupils from Oolumbua attended last session. At no institute in the land is superior musical instruction givsn. The concerts in Atlanta nqd L^Urange attest this. I. F. Cox, A. M., is the accomplish ed President. Georgia children should be educated in Georgia. Onr sohooia are equally as good at any and vastly superior to many with perhaps greater reputation. jsrom Mobile le Washington in • Hand Car. Mr. Htepheaa, Superintendent of re- pairs on tha Southern and Atlantio Tele,, graph line, arrived in this, oity yeaterday, on a hand ear, on which he bad SrafsMed from Mobile. He goes on to Chariptte, N. C., by oame conveyance, at which point the railroad'gnaga ohangfls. He then tekaa a new eat and proceeds to Washington City, making repain oa this line as ha goes. He aaya he his traveled 12S miles per day on this oar. It ia pro pelled by simple oieeiiiaery, worked by four hen da, and ia built with a view to atrengtb, lightness and apeed. A OeberoA Noble Brand Voder CHaWnol To Cur apoUAo Mnbecribere, Hereafter tha Exqtnus-Srx package will be sent to the Poatoffloe at Opelika. Ms. J. E, £*W teoyriftharieed Agent for Opelika, and will raoeipt for subscrip tions. Oar pal rone Will oblige ua by oalling on him at tho Exproaa Offloe and renewing. [tf Tba ooiored people ben have a Lodge of Odd Fellows, the ohsrter of which was obtaioed from England. It is said not to be tbe same Order as that of the wbiteB. Not long since the ooiorod Order gave a large and auoceiaifnl pieuio at Fort Mitch ell. James Watson, colored, then held the offloe of Noble Grand. He was en trusted with tbe money to purohaSe rega lias from New York, whioh wero to ooet $197.60. He sent on $150 in money orders. What waa done with the other $47.60 ia not known. One account la that the acouaed sent it on in a letter; another that he lays a number of tioketa were given to members to sell, and hp hee for gotten to whom they were handed. The lodge claimed that the tioketo nail for the money, and that the aeonsed received it. The oaae was heard befafo JaSticS Mo- Cahey (so we are told), and Watson re quired to give s bond of $260 for bis ap pearance at a higher court for trial. .Wall ace was once a teacher in the ooiored department of tbe Columbus Public Sohooia, and a step-brother of Thomas Rhodes, ona of tba moat napeeted and honorable ooiored men that any oity cam boast. Ha is a good man and oitlaan. Ha wont on Watson's bond. A pioua song, popular with the dar kies, which we do not recommend for Obureb services: Beahtenk when I'm hungry, Whlaaey wliao I'm dry, Greenbacks when I’m hard.up, And H-avert when I die.” Target Praetice behveon the two MU- itary ComjHtniet. The titty Light Oaaads have challenged the Columbus Unards to a target practice this nftornoon nt It o’clock. The prize is a handsome silver pitcher. The Colum bus Guards have accepted, and the teat will take place this afternoon on Mott’ green at the hour named. It is very eB- sential that both companies should have their ranks foil. Every member abonld oonsider it a matter of company pride and honor to tarn out. As the contest will be s long ono companies should as aemble promptly and be ou tbe ground ready to oonuuenco firing St 6 o'oiook. • ArriufTMoNi Uo lo the Arbor Saloon. On tlrd cash system which I have Adopt ed,and to close my stock by Oct. 1st,1874, I will sail drinks at 10 cents. No credit, julyi—eodlui Gao. W. Lire. A few pieces of Fnnoh and English Uaasimeres, vary low, to close out, at T. B. Blahouaid's. CBAH. MXXMAM * CO., Broad Street, Colmabna, Ga., offer at thatr popular ’ MMhTAVMANT AND BALOON The beat that oan be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tobacoo, Jto. [myl ly Saturate a piece of bread or meat with gastric juice, aud it will dissolve. This is digestion. Add lo each a mixture a little iltohol, and it will not dissolve. This is indlgsation.. Beware, then, of tinotnrea, or topics, or deeootious con. tainiog spirituous liquors. Shun all rum “touiev,” and rely solely on Dn. Walk- tit's VnrzoAS Bitters, tbe finest digest ive invlgorant known, uud free from tha fiery curse of Alcohol. mj28 4w AT COST I Determined to sell always at the vest bxrinleiE »nd sMily applied, and ia in general u$o union* the fashionable bairdreasera in every large Price $1 a box. Sold CRODSRIEt. IMPORTANT ! Now Goshen Butter, Mazoppa Flour, Poor! Grita, Rye Flow, Oat Meal tit Wheat Grits, Heldtiok Champagne, Imported and American Wines, all kinds, Arraok (for punoh), London Porter, Edinburgh Ala, Horse Radish (grated), Oannad Goods of oil kinds, Fish and Ron in kite and kaga, JUST received by H. F. ABELL ft CO. JeMtf I RISH OAT MEAL. SAGO, T0PIO0A, HECK- SR’S FARINA, PINE TEAS at low prlcea. Croat A Black well’s Pickela, all kinda. Extra Choice Rio, Old Government Java and Mod to Coffee. Roaated Coffee. Dost liraml-f Untun and Breakfaat Stripe. St. Lonie Pearl Grita, MR far $1. Blackwell’# Durham Smoking Tobacco, 75c ft lb. Lorillard’s Bright and Dark Century Chawing Tobacco. Weet’a Extra No. 1 Keroaene Oil, 40c ft gallon. Pure Cider Vinegar, 60c fl gallon. ROB’T S. CRANE, [febl d6m] Trnatee. THE CAMPAIGN Weekly Enquirer! A LIVE PAPER, Within the Reach or Every Man, Woman and Child I Je2l 40,000 Subscribers Wanted ▲t SO Cents Apieoe! THE WHOLESALE Grocery House -OF- J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 16 Broad St., • Columbus, Ga„ KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ABOUT Thera ia a promise of an active politi cal campaign this fall in Georgia and Ala bama, and it ia of vital importsnoo to tha people that they ehonld ba thoroughly posted on tha question of party lames, and alto as to tho Ufa and oharaoiate of tha men for whom they are to vote. To fill this want tha publisher of tho Scrofula, Eruptive DUgahmi of the Bkih, 8t. An thony’s Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumors, Boils, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Pain and Enlargement of tbe Bones, Female Weakness, Sterility, Leucorrboea ENTEKFMISM t 1,000 yards Whits Viotorie Lawns 16 oenta—hot bad. 1,600 yards White Viotorie Lawns, 6-4, 18 oenta—worth 88 eenta. - yards Flain, Striped and Figured Lawns at 16 oenta—worth 26. 760 yards Black Grenadines selling ex ceptionally fast. Gents' Fine Cloths and Casaimeres at a bargain, to dose out tha lot previous to stock-taking. Embroideries are atilt being sold at half their value. Ribbons at half pries. Coats’ Thread 70 esnta. Beet Prints 10 oenta. Hosiery and Gloves at prices defying oompotitiun. Fresh Goods twioe a week from all im portant markets. J. 8. Jones, Columbus, Ga. jel8 eod Syphilis, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Mercurj Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impure blood. DR. WITS RARIAPA1ILLA is tbe most powerful Blood Purifier known to causes tbe body to gain flesh and weights Keep the Blood Hoolth j and all will be well. To do so, nothing has been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $1.00 a bottle.^ Sold by The beat place to boy Table Linens, Napkins and Sheetings, ia at Blanohabd's, 123 Broad at. A large lot of cheap Oaaaimarea and Linen, very aheap, at Blanobabd's. Pennies’. Bia Wi'D Tosic.—Ill the .tmonphere experienced here daring the sammer mouths, the lethargy produced by the heat takes away the de sire for wholesome food, aud frequent jut muni tions reduce bodily energy, particularly those suffering from the cffucts of debilitating diRcases. In order to keep a natural healthful activity of the eystem, we mu»t resort to artificial means For this purpose Bcheuck’s Foa Weed Tonic is very effectual. A few doses will create an appetite and give fresh vigor to the enervated body. Fur dv pepsia, it is invaluable. Many eminent phyaiciaus have doubtod whether dyspepsia can he perma nently cored by tha drags which are generally employed Jpr that purpose. The Bee Weed Tonic In its nature is totally different from such drugs. It contains no corrosive minerals or acids; in ftet it assists the regular operatloaa of nature, and ■upplles her deficiencies. The tontc In Its nature so much resembles the gastric juice that it is al most identical with that fluid. Tha gastric juice is tho natural solvent which, in a healthy condi tion of the body, causes the food to be digested aud when this juice ie not excreted in saffleieut quantities, indigestion, with all ite distressing symptoms, follows. The flea Weed Tonic performs the duty of tbs gastric juice when the latter is deficient, flchsnck’e flea Weed Toale sold by all druggiets. myifi eodly lowz&t PuicER, au<l boing desirous to amon 8 people, make room for fall business, I offer to-> M»KK Ifogg.ofjbry Good, at cost, embracing a great variety of Staple end Fancy Gooda of tbe most desirable character. Many Dress Goods are offered et MMfc OBdar tbe eeat rtn New York. Elegant Cloths and Gents’ Famishing Gooda. All are invited toeeme early and oeoare bargains. A taro opportunity ia now offend. . "I ’’i v •* delivery. H. T. OaiaLHH. Pond’s Extract. In the very common and obstinate form of diseaaea known aa Files or Hemor rhoids, it has won ita greatest reputation [js25 eod A a jeS eod TIME BOOKS PLANTATIONS AUD FARMS cURes Neuralgia, Kies, headaohe, Diarrhea. ' Bolls, Old Soros, Lameness, Bums, Soreness, Toothache, Scalds, Sprains, Hoarseness, Ulcers. Wounds, Soro Throat, Coho, Bruises, Bheumatism, Hemorrhages, 100,000 pounds Bacon. 500 barrels Flour. From 100 to 200 barred Fugar. 100 bags Coffee. From 100 to 200 barrols Syrup. 200 barrel! Whiskey. 200 boxes Tobacoo. 500 “ Soap. 200 “ Candles. 100 barrels Lard. SO “ Mackerel. 500 aaok* Salt. 50 tLroaa Rice. 500 reams Wrapping Papar. 100 oaaaa Potash. 100 “ Sardines. 100 “ Oysters. 100 “ Pickles. 100 boxes Candy. 100 “ Staroh. mnrSI - odfcwSm Liver! Liver! Liver! SIZVLIMIOlSrS’ HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, purely VEGETABLE PREPARATION, harm- lose aud effective—a specific for all derangements of tho Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stom ach or Bowels. This Medicine has boon (tied by thousands and has never failed to give satisfaction. fi^Try one bottle and he convinced. E. I*. KIHQ * SONS, Proprietors and Manufacturers, Colombia, 8. 0. For sale by A. M. BRANNON, Agent for Colum- is and Opelika.ap25—tawflm. DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pane llluetra' ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLA88, Ac., Mailed to an, one interested la building, receipt of etAtnp. KEOGH ft THORNE, 254 ft 256 CANAL STREET, Jyll dftwly NEW YORK CITY. hu determined to eefceblinh do toon ns he cun get one thoauund subscribers, 100 gross l’arior Mutches. 1,000 pounds Lorillsrd's Snuff. 20,000 Cigars. 1,000 pounds Green uud Black Tea. 200 bags of Shot. 100 boxes Soda and Fancy Crackers. 100 “ Cheese la season. 50 barrels Vinegar. 20 casks Scotch Ale. 100 doten Wooden Buckets. 100 dozen Brooms. F. A. POMEROY, AT BOOIIEH’S CORNER, CALLS ATTENTION TO Choioa Whlta Shad, '' Freah Bay Fiah, 1 Mobile Cabbage, 1 Celery and Lettuoe, 1 Live end Dreated Poultry, 1 Freah Country Sausage, Spare Ribe and Baokbonaa. A Choice Lot of Fresh Craokera, Sugar Jumblei, Lemon Snape, Ginger Snapa, Lemon Oroemt, Ao. Applet, Onions, Potatoes A Turnip*. Also usual Family Supplies aud Fancy Groceries Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN will he found at the coun ter aud will be pleas d to wait on his former cu tomers aud friends. The patronage of the public respectfully solicited. DIAMOND BPECTAl'LEfll ENQUIRER. SUN THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER, whioh he will eenfi to any addn reoeipt of FIFTY CENTS FOR FIVE MONTHS Ten thotuand extra oopiee will be ianwd on the first edition—an important feet of whioh adveitiaen ehonld avail thamaalve*. Candidates, and chairmen of oommit- tees in Georgia and Alabama, aa well aa Grangers and other bodiee, abonld make np olnba et ones, and aand aa all tbe po litical information they oon glean. The ieaues are of great importance, and tbe people abonld be rooted to the emergency. Great as will ba tha axpenrn involved in this enterprise, I will, ss on extra Induce ment, tend free for ona year tha Wxxzir or BtmnAT ENquiaxa-SuK to any person tending me twenty names and tea doDan for THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER. Hard times cannot ba urged for not taking this paper, os its low ooet plaoee it within the reaoh of all. Let onr friends go to work at once, spread the news, and aid aa in securing sneh a circulation as will make the new enterprise a medium of the greatest good. Good men only will be endorsed, tad no effort will be spared to rid Alabama of tbe harpies now preying on ber. In addition to all political news, tha Campaign Enquirer, l|frr>v Enables any ooo to k«o|> accurate mc- ■^•‘ couats with their employee#. Price $150. The form ie one furoiahed by a planter of much experience, lu nee will enable a Farmer to eave many timee Ite cost during the jeer. Printed end for enle by THOMAS GILBERT, •UN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. The Book will be forwarded by mall, oi receipt of priee. Jeffi dew If These Bpectacles i Utf. Crystal Pebbles’ calK-d Diamoud brilliancy. , , .. Having bet'll teeted with the poUrleeope, the i accobut of their hardness and diamond lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, less heated rays than any other pebble. They are ground with great aelentlfic accuracy, Manufactured by tho manufacturing Co., New York. For sale by responsible agent* In every city in the Union. WITTICII ft KIN8EL, Jeweler* and Opticians, are eoi* agents for Columhos, Ga., from whom they can only be attained. No peddler* employed. Do not buy a pair unlees you see the trade mark ^ ootS deodawly We offer to ike public a simple, cheap Family In improving and perfecting a thirty-two column paper, will contain General and Foreign Newa, the latest Markets, Crop Heporta, Hints for Plant ers, able Editorials, Household Recipe** Religious Intelligence, Sketches of Travel* Original Storiea, Poetry, and Local Intel ligence. Knitting M ten inf. —...* Mwehime, we have aimed at MIlPLltlTY, aud we confidently assert that any person of ordiuary ingenuity will be able to use the Knitting Machine with better success than a Sewing Machioo. Onr Machine is not lia- bio to get out of order. It can be attached to an Form Your Clubs at Once! | •tractions accompany each Machine. Families may club K^ether and buy one Machine, as will do the knitting for a dozen households. 8end for Circulars aud Price List. N- B.—We aio a b*o the sole end exclusive 4 for the celebrated Blckffersl Kwfittlaff chine. New York Knitting Machine Cl, jyla dswtf CM Bnwdwsjr, H.w York. A. R. Calhoun, Enquirer-Sun, COLUMBUB, GA.