The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 17, 1874, Image 3

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KIDNAPPING. Mtartless Abduction of a Child. * unwi or Irm* mki». Spatial to the New Vork Hereld.] fBUBBUU, July 18, 1874. r l, ea two littU hop were pley- ' tiectoo lane el OaratastowD, fro allied thrap ltta oatrlege I invited them oat to ride. No one, l the children end the men,|waa near at time. For several days previous these in two men had approached the boys different ways, and having, daring e conversations, given them candies, . i, do., the little ones expected them •fore they arrived on the day mentioned ve, and ao readily oonaented to get > the carriage. After having driven r aome distance the oldeat one of the I little ones was asked to get oat of the ■Triage and bay a few packages of Are- gesture. Roy like, he most willingly aomplied. No aooner bad he disappeared la the atom than the two men lashed the i and made away with the little four- fid, whose name I* " onanux naawsTxn moss, I who has never ainoe been seen by je who knew him. ha father, after searching everywhere .ho neighborhood, came to the police joe, where upon hie arrival your eorres- hdent learned the above. The police, iar the direction of Captain Heins, I the moat Scrntiniaing anarch every. They eoutioned their operations Coeasiogly day and night, and were de- jamlaad taJaate ao atana ontmaed that paid restore the lost one and paaish its braecnlors. All in vain. They labored > purpose for three daya and three lights. There was no clew. After this be following advertisement appeared in ill toe newspapers : orlh SIXTH Street, A B.u»u nun, lour •raeld, baring innr,-early,* >«enhair, haiel avei. clear, light skin and ream] faoe ; drened liabrownlinen aolv withJkort iklrt, broad brimmed straw hat and laced Ihoei. The child waa lest from aermantown on Wednesday afr temaen ( at tuat.), i between roar and flva o'clock. This advertisement, too, mat with no response, and on Monday, July 6th, an- other .was inserted in tbe Puhlid Ledger. The next morning, in the “personal ool- cmii" of this tame journal, appeared the following: JJO S—WK BB BBtDT TO NKQOT11TB. On the ra-ne day the father, Mr. Boas, reoeired an anonymous latter through the poatoffloe, in which it was stated that . little Charlie would be returned for $20,- J 000. It also went on to any that the boy (vn io good hands; that the treatment S ven him was careful; that it had cost e parties a great deal of money to get (him, and that they oould not think of re- orniog him for leas than $20,000. The father returned the following on. wer through the Ledger personate: ,0*8 WILL COMB TO TERMS TO THE IX- , tact of bla ability. t i Another anonymous letter at onoe was . reooived by Mr. Boas, stating that the .< parties who held the child would not part ¥ with it for a smaller tan than the one M already named. Nbw, mark how r '' fathers love riees supreme above every thing! - lie had not in bis possession tha amount necessary to regain his dear one ; ■ngwbnt he answered the villiaaa through the Od. penonaU thus: m "OSiilS WILLI! doing my Lest to raise It. £ Thus Hie matter stands. Detectives have watched the Ledger building end the r toffine day and night; bat bo carefully t’li- Uidnappera work that no olue Wit itevcii Menu to 'ham been obtained to llluir identity'or thbtf whereabouts. The child has now been absent twelve days, and it is doubtful wbetber, during this time, any of the members of the bonae- to whioh it belonged have had an tour of unbroken rest. tsa omouMSTAHOBa or thb oibb somewhat remarkable throngbont. 'or five daye previous to duly 1st—the upon whioh the ohild was stolen— m same men were seen around the lighborboud, and each day approsohed two ohildren and convarsad with i. It ia presumed that they wonld >ve made off Wrth the yooogeat, little lharlie Boas, several days before the 1st t., bat at each time there obanoed to e aome one passing along the lane. Dnr. g n oonvoraation with the father I asked iiu wbetber be bad any enemies, who iwed him a grudge, and who wonld be ' ely to take revenge in anoh n rare way. ho father replied that be wae unaware that there was uny one in the world who entertained any bitterness against him. * The name of the father ia Mr. Christian 'WK. Rosa, of the firm of Boas, Hhott k X Oo., wholesale dry goods dealers on Mar- -v ket attest. The konse waa onfortnuats ,. during the paoie, and hence Mr. Bose * unable to pay at onoe the anm demanded K by the blackmailers. It is hoped that he will not be obliged to do ao, bat that will be the kiduappors who will be obliged to pay tha penalty worthy of their inhu manity. TBS UITTEmB or THB BLACKuaiLkns. |K Hr. M.—Siuoe writing the above yonr JjU, correspondent has gained a more direct Ifc' id-a of the natare of tbo letters whioh the kiioappears have sent to the disconsolate fST father. More fiendish, cruel or inhuman i epistles hnman h ind never penned. One of them reads similar to this: “Ws know yon are not worth muoh money, bat we are aware that you have iiob frienpt of whom you can borrow. If yon love money better than your child J its blood be on yonr own head/' Another letter reads to this effeot: “Any attempt to asoertain the child’s hiding plaoe will result in its entire anni hilation. We will 'tarn the ohild up’ on ijt oar own terms " •rafi Meaning that in oase the money is not 3 fortheoming they will kill the infant. -** No one aan read the letters without M feeling hie blood boil. Four letters in all llfi have been reoaived, and saoh of them ia 4 cool and cruel. *' “We know oar business,” esys one of the letters, “and we are going to fight it out." Mm. Fabtixotom'b Mistake —“My dear, where is my ‘Morning and Evening Devotion 7" naked Mr. Paul Partington, . meaning n small book with that title, in which he sometimes read.” “Here it is,” said Mrs. Tartington, pio finoing from the closet a dark bottle, and setting it on tha table with a clean glass. “Hare it Is, Paul.” Ha looked intently into her faee to sea If meltee were aotnating her; bat he found all there oalmly serene. He would > not destroy the pleasure of her satisfac tion in having thus obligad him, so he re-. .y trained from explanation, and partook. " —San Freuelsoo anticipates doing n - large business in sardines. A packing, hotren has bean erected, and, as the fish art abundant all along tha Pacific coast from April to Anguat, it is Anticipated 1 * that n very large business will he done. ’ ' Having the sardines and tbs means of oaring them, tbo proprietors of the estab lishment now propose to get their oil from Mexioo. . S. Mi WILLIAMS. BURRU8 A WILLIAMS, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Alabama Warehouse, Columbus, 6a. Foil Stock of Bugging and Ties on hand. the Brown Cotton Gin. Fontaine Warehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLCES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants OOXmCJBffSTTS OLA THE FOUNDATION PRICES! THE LOWEST at whioh Dry Goods have ever been thla State! We also sell DRY COODS. AND INSVRANOI. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE ooMPAmr. Chicago Lotsea Paid Promptly In Full, • • 1929.9M.S2 Boston “ “ “ * • 190,903.89 Total Assets—Qold—January let, 1174, tSS2.S32.02. LIABILITIES. Loeeee Dae and Unpaid Nooo. Losses in process of afijnatmmit, or adjusted and not dan $12,828 00 AU other ObimA.-. '. 1,418 82 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Income, MT8. $41^187 78 Inoome, 1872 816,217 87 Onta ... $ 84,488 88 Bran nee rrosstar A «J mated eta f kMy —eelod ky O, GUNBF JORDAN, Agent, octal ly colombps. on. SAVE YOUR MONEY) READ -ANGItEEO! 4 f IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT! If you will-only live what you Wash, it would be no trouble to become Independent. Joseph, db Bro. The thoiaaada who have visited this eetabUnbrntut ainoe it led Id tha reduotioe of Dry Goods wil aeh far the-qaality of Modi end all ferrmaatationi mode. > OMli buyers will JOSEPH * m ftrtM kltMk cut ibhhkb'kmei! J. db OO. study their interest oy giving them a call. Also, Jo«t received, % beautiful I toe of Side Striped Prints, special styles, Bleached and Brown Domestics, all grades. Linens, Shoes and Boots, Ao. AT Terms Cash. Columbus, Jana 7th, 18T1. J. KYLE A OO. Grand Clearing Ont Sale! TO MAKI READY V01TH* BPRING TRADE, WE. NOW OPFIR Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOB CASE! AND EVEBY OTHER ARTICLE AS LOW A» TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE CHAPMAN & VJERSTILLE, ja4 deod t OPELIKA DIRECTORY, Doctors. OR. I. T. WARNOCK, Burgeon and Phjileisn. Office at Slaughter's Drag Store, Railroad street. febU DB. Jn W. B. WILLIAM Offers hie professional service#. Office over R. M. Green A Co.’s, Chambers A R. R. Streets. Millinery. MISSES WHITB A TUCKER, Fashionable Milliners and Dreasmakers. Qentlumeu's Shirts cut by chart measare, and ;uarantced to Mt. Chambers street, next to Latin's dry goods store. t'ebl MBS. C. V. BARLOW, Fashionable Milliner and Dressmaker. Sole ftgent of Butterick A Co.’e Pattern*. At tha late Hanking House of 8happard A Co,, Opullka, Ala. Ja23 Notaries Public. WEAL ESTATE ACENT* JOHN BLACKMAR BL Olalr Street, Gunby’s Building, nut to Preer, lllges A Go. Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance. asm, sr riRMisaior, To Merchants* aad Mechanics’ Bank, this city, sprli tf EULE & PHENIX SMIHGS DEPIBTlfl'T Lets than one year eld, and hat 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the aeourity of Depositors—$12 In assets for every dol* lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reoaived. Seven per oent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r, TO IYERT OVS WBO WXIB18 TO IU SOUTH SUCCEED SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—UBEEAUTY ! THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y cortiniu to arm rn rrouo INDEMMITY against Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, •he Wants a Chance to Cat It Sack. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM'L S. MURDOCH Pf«9ld9M$e Columbns, Oct. l«t, 1873. (dtf 1849. p. F. WILLCOX, 1874. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, THB COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-SUN Ia the only thoroughly independent jpnpdr South. It believea we are to win; not by complaining about the peat, but working for the future. While it given proper apaoe and notice to all political matters of State and National impor tance, it aima to call the attention of emigranta and capital ists to our great resources and to build up the South on a basis that has for its foundation Industry and economy. While disclaiming to be the organ of any creed, party or society, all its tendencies will be in favor of TEMPER ANCE, MORALITY and RELIGION Being deeply interested in the success of the farmers, and having implicit faith in the grand destiny of the GRANGES, the EN QUIRER-SUN will devote a large spaoe, under a capable editor, to AGRICULTURE, and in chronicling the move ments of the Patbohs or HtJBBiJrDinr. THE DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN Will contain all the latest National, State, Local and For eign news, devoting much space to Alabama interests. Its editorial management will be fearless for right, and while recording passing events it will npt negipet the arts, sci ence* and the advancement in the world’s material progress. Iroiuft mtwrrnrnto V. D. HIGGINS, Being Appointed Notary Public for Loo oouuty, respectfully solicits the patruuage of bio friendo. Uolde Court let and 2d Saturdays of each mouth, at K. O. Ilollifiuld’a law office. Ja23 ELLIS & HABRI80N Beal, Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO TI1K8ALE, RENT AND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE (9 the City aad country, and will advertise the aaaa (at private sa)oJ PREP Of OHAROK, unless tba property is tola. For Sale. VACANT LOT Of LAND, being tbs west por tion ot tho “Nano* lot," on Bryan s roat, adjoining the residence of- Hon. M. J. Crawford. Call soon if yon want a bargain. febl2 tf I CITY LOT No. 601, on McIntosh street, with ■ three dwellings on the came. Will be sold togethsr or sepgrate, at a low Agars, for cash. Ja27 Representing Oldest and Strongest Amerian and English Companies. Furniture, Ac. V4LOABL1 At l*»nio Prisms. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in nil kind* of Furniture. Also, Metallic; VI ood Coffin*, and Caskets. Jh18 Chambers atrsst. Lawyers, w Xj7ncMiBsi Attorney end Cowisllor mi Office opposite Alabama Hoose. Practices in all the Courts of the Bute. Tailors. J. U. CAIMEU, Tailor, CuttiUit and Unking in Hi. UMt HI,lea. R»- . pairing ueatiy done. South Hailroivl St., over furniture Store, jal Dentists. PaosxniocK —A Chicago paper really think, that tha oouaiction of Boocher wonld mom wailing in hwraa and n 4th «f Jnly in hell. 1. I.. K. kill'll, Deatlat, Plate Work and Flagging on reasonable cAJil terms Cltambi re a»ri*ct. Barber Shops. WEH LEY BltUHUEl, Darb.r, Corner South Railroad and Chambers streets. doc23 DIGMOM A TUB NEB, Barbers, Bouth Railroad street, nnuer Adams Uooss. dec2H Hotels. ADAMS HOUSE. go to Opollka, bo sure to stop at tho s Honss, opposite Passenger Depot. Insurance. B. C. (OWES * SOB, Ucavral Insaraac. Altai*. OBlc, IUIfroad SlrMt, mar B. X. On... 4 Oo.'., Bf*v23 i A. O. Harwell baring withdrawn from tha fin of HarwwQ, Orifllo k Co., he* removed In Chambers street. His friends and patrons wonld do wail to call on him in his new quartern, and examine stock before baying elsewhere. Prices at panio rataa. jal8 an&wadtf Wood. Wood! gEST WOOD, ready sawed, $4.00 per cord. Wood •awed for M cents par card. Orders tiled prompt ly ob application to the febU If MUSOOOEB MARUTMO 00 'OUT flOPEETT. situated in tha e -M tha oily. Will soil at a grout trgaia, * to an accaptablo party an andividt-d i to root. Vhf property can ho mad# to pay a large iterost on the taveetnlent. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ten acres ground, !■ Linwood, one mile from 8. W. it. R. depot; a vary comfortable and desirable home. HOUSE 1 stub Sto good rooms, witbia 200 yards of Southwestern Railroad depot, one-half aero gtonnd. For Rent. A STORK HOUSE in the valley of Talbot county, ; <a cross-road, throe miles of the Chalybeate Springs. A very desirable location for a Dry Goode and Grocery bnelnese. seplT HIDES. Wanted for Cash! 100.000 ibt. Dry and Green Hidee, 200.000 “ Rage, 50.000 “ Beeswax, M. HIRSCH, Olwwrikw., C lowest B !£i! Bas^inQ- HFLOINT TIES! 600 Tons Iron Ties ndlnj _ arrive per bark celebrated "ARROW" TIES and Beard’s "LOCK TIES. We offer them at same prices and on atm terms m any other Tice at any other Asurioaa port. 1,000 rolle Domeitle Jute Begging. 1,000 J " “ “ “ BOO | “ Hemp and Flex “ W* offer Jnte Bagging at same prices and on eaine term* as are quoted Tn the Lonisville and St. Loals markets. Ws are Sole Acente for the sale of DEXTER’S CELEBRATED WHISKEY. MURRAY, VA8S 4 CO., X*. 44 Worth St., MwMIn, Ain. Oor e«»U. BOLT, XOBXAT4CO.,No. N Tchoupltonlu atroot, H.w, will ail ord.n to thaw for Bollog Stoff, or SuUt'i eoiabrotod Wkitao/, at uiwo eorronUo n. U. KPP1.1U, Prm’t. n. W. KDWABM, Caahlor. B. I. XPLrOB», tat Cata’r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUMBUS, GEO. Tble Bank treneaote a General Banking buelnnee, pnye Intnmet nn On- poelte under speolal oontrect, $ Wee prompt nttonSnn to oollentlone nn Ml nooeeelbln pointe, nnd Invito, oorrespondtnen. Information trnnemittnd by mail or wires when desired. sprl dOm J. BSOSZS BBOWNZ, President. 3X0. W. BOXIKOBAX, CeiMer. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bond*. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. TOG GEORGIA HOME SAVING! BANE Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January., April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chartei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIREOTOR8: J. BHODES BBOWNE, Pns't or the Oo. N. N. OOBTI8, of W.Ue,Cnrti( k Oo. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. L. T. DOWNING, Attornaj-at-Uw. J. B. CLAPP, Mannftr, Olapn’a Factory. D. F. WILLCOX, Soorelory of; b Oo. Hon. JOHN MelLHENNY, Mayor. — - - ' - JAMES BABKIN. Capitalist. J081 AH MOBBI8, Banker, Moa.g’y. OHABLES WI8K, may. oJAvll ‘My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!’ •oyorol Wo moot do boilsroo at all haiardi, ,rott or ao ^olt—tho (ood. mart m»n. Our Stock of Spring end Summer Dry Coodo is being ssnstsstly replsnished. Just receives, XjXBJII or PARAMO] ana v«o> w vnonpn imm WIUI* IB tall HMtta. espectfoU^Mh nil to cull and sxsmine snd get yrlooo. Ws always show feeds shssvftiUy, and itMiro « NKW YORK STORI. A U8M8IS. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER Will give weekly a digest of all Foreign end National news. It will devote much spaoe to Southern intelligen t and will contain original articles on Agriculture, the Gran j 4 and other matters that will be of inoalcttlirible benefit to t) a planter and general reader, • • The SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN • k-U. , *L»i ,'l ..1 *>ito While giving the latest news, aims to become what is much needed, viz.: A GRRAT SOUTHERN LITERARY WEEKLY! It wilt contain original articles, stories end sketches, his torical and biographical, .from Southern pens. Each issue will contain in. addition poetry, scientific notes, domestic recipes, fashion and household affairs, wit and humor, no tices of late books and periodicals, religious reading, church news, and in fact every interest will be represented that will, in any way, aid the reader Are extremely low, so that the paper can be procured by thej^oorest man and read with profit by himself and family: Daily, in advance, one year... ,...$ 8 00 Weekly, “ “ “ 2 00 Sunday, “ “ “ 2 60 Sunday and Weekly, in advance, one year 3 00 Three Weeklies to one Post Office 6 00 Five “ “ « 7 60 Ten “ “ ‘ 14 00 Fifteen “ “ “ 18 76 Twenty “ “ “ 23 00 Thirty “ “ « 30 00 Sunday and Weekly invariably 3 00 These papers offer the best opportunities to advertisers. Get up your clubs and help in this good work. Address COLUMBUS ENQUIREB-SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.