The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 18, 1874, Image 4

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«M.oaai«i SATURDAY JOLT «, W4. CITY AFFAIRS. Salt* 10 buteu. Reoeiptu 33 baton—2 bps. W. B.B., 0 by U. AG. R. B., 30 byrivtr.Ohy wngonu, B., ws/Kiwriw boma oonaamption. Same day laat year aalaa vara US balaa; raoeipta 80; abipmesta 199. Tbe weak'a operations, with Um tabular report* of Liverpool, tba porta and into- ior town*, map ba found la oar commer cial oolnma. ntmwb DM. Daring tba notion weak ending laat night, the Wentera B. H. of Alabama brought to Oolombna an root# for Savan nah and New York, 74 balaa of ootton— 17 from Mobile, 0 from Montgomery, £7 from Salma, 0 from Opelika, Waat Point and othar atationa, 0 from ▼ieka- bnrg, 0 from Naw Orleans. The tot® thraOgt mtv4m< route, eitoUb. fie^tumbek lot,-' balea—21,135 from Mobile, Montgomery, 4,664 from Selma, 8,297 from Weak Point, Opelika, Ao., 2,389 from Vlokabnrg, 100 from New Orlaana. land him In the penitentiary, If the affair be oarefnlty rifted. Ha la now oharged with patting ap the Job and hiring bnr- glara to braah opan the aafa of Diatriet Attorney Harrington in Vaahington, and arranging it ao that it would bethought that one of the prominent memoriallata had the burglary done to obtain evidence aL^la b 4aft« Jfrim^torufiwuif mraririUfta!} poultry propagator wrote to a tiXt!****« endeavoring to carry out the programme, Owatr SeawratO Vonrention Colton. A Convention of the Democratic Party of Mftrioge* County Irffllm beH Tef the Courtflouae Ut f>i Uiufoi Auguat let, for the purpoae of organlalag thoroughly for the earning oempeign. A full attendanoe to urged , .tya^j. *'•< i~; io Km* , Colored Exouitton to Maooh—Sea local notice. i.-.if :',!■/ . .it: Bream and Flounder Flab.—G. W. Brown. • 1 j t • JI > 1 • .'HU'' Wanted—Copies of the, Eiquunu will be bought at tma'ottce. "' ' New Singing Booba—Ditaqn A Co. Wonted, Attbie ofBce, copier of the EiQuraio- Sdn of duly let, ad, 10th, lfitb Md 16th, 1874. ^ • __ tto Crepe in Ada County, Aim I i Grain eropa were never ao good ainoe the war. OottoUlato' Mil aOHy.'but im proving dally. Jblai and Tkerntomttor. For the oottou week ending yeaterday the thermometer: haa averaged eighty-! three degreee. The rainfall during tba aame time haa been three and ten hun dredth" inohea. Com Ctrl al Homilton. Prof. J. Edwin Churohlll, M’Ue Kora Oarnoroea and othora will give a Conoert in the college building on tba glut, out Toeadny night, A^grTiriflelpiomteto will go to the oollage. Priest 50 and 23c. The next night a performance will be given for tbe colored people, when the admtaaion will ba 2fie. Ataytto* Me Ntro Boit. The peraon who toiled the alarm Jyeli yeaterday morning anrely hu not read the printed ruMa. They requite the bell to be rang rapidly aa aoon aa an alarm la given, and then to etrike the lire ward, and again ring rapidly, and ao on. Yea terday morning the bell wu tolled alt the while. All ahould be better acquainted with ntlea than that. J Man* Axemen thought the tolling wda tbtt of another bell. Oeftma o/ Me WtUorn rUgrWMf. ' Meaara. Gunby Jordan, 'Secretary of tbe Eagle and Phenlx Company, and Geo. W. Brown hkve returned from their trip to Omeha and Belt Bake City. They left C. J. Swift, Eaq., In Omahe. He returned to Salt Lake Oily, where he bee located end will engage la the preotloe of lew, haviog received a very eligible and eatia- faotury offer from a leading lawyer in that place. We are sorry the Interesting letters of ‘‘Wqatwi^ Ho ’ aip to be die. oonliohed, though pf g^tfl to tea tbe author at home again. Tho John King Cnoo. We hoar that Commiasioner Downing is preparing his dedaion. Wa learn from authority that baahya ha eaaa/ba raeaon why those who received tbe twenty par oent. ahould ha regarded aa' prefarred creditors, or why their votes ahould not be ooanted. This ie generally deemed the mein point in the earn, tbongh there are other iaenea to be determined, end ahould it be oon&rmed by Judge Erakine, to whom the eaie will be appealed, the entire matter will be managed by trualeea, aa the majority of the creditor! have sig- nifled they desire. We merely give the feot, and will publish the deoieon when made, if we oau get it. A. Ora Md Ttmo /Mr Me Urawpers. The Lee County Council fif Petrol* of Husbandry, of which John T. Harris is Master and B. W. Pruitt Secretary and Treasurer, at their meeting on Tuesday in Opelika, determined to have a grand rally end basket pienio at Spring Villa on the 14th day of August. Everybody is in vited with their baskets of provisions. Several of the most distinguished speak ers in the State will bo present and ad dress the orowd. Major A. B. Calhoun is among those invited. Tbe Grangers have done, end ore still doing, an immense amount of good for the country, end those in Lae oouuty aire to get up a revival and push forward the oanso. The pienio will be jost the occitsion for awakening interest and en thusiasm. The people should attend en Unitedlltatee fore., thT|-opM Joe iambus have good muon for log—fee bis eaaneettou with the Ashbun matter, and the erreetend ill-treatment of MAe of thn moot prominent young men of thin city; kin eubanmUon of perjury, end bin flight from the State when their tnaooeooe woe unquestionably proven, of fqnd pitu^nA ^im ue any base elqbbjri M in something whiuh paanot beenunted e* grabbing dtiffl. U —I_ s._ I \ - papers aay a Maud Mul- againat him too bltti Two yeeie ago, when be wee before the Senatorial Inveetigating Committee, Sen. etdr Caawrly of Oelifbrato forced him to acknowledge that he had been n black mailer, n runaway slave catcher in Ken- nee, sod n falsifier of thn troth. Ho bat been concerned la many diagreeefnt especially in New York and 4s due* reported to hare peaobed on Wbitely—reveeld the whole transaction. A movement hen already oommenoed tiff this oily to mice n fund to assist in ■ittlng the saw to the bottom, end, if paaeibU, to aepd him to the penitentiary. ft that oannoi be dune, to have him, dto- mtobafi from offleu. 4 Leading > dUMae have charge of the matter. It ia hoped here that the charges may be substantiated, though Wbitely proleets hie. idboeenee, eud that this men has earned fell hut blood money. Control of tko ABU. The action of quo warranto by Sheriff ft '. O. Ivey, to aaaertaln by whet euthortiy tile present jailor, appointed hy the Coun ty Commissioners, haa control of the jail, wen heard before Judge Johnson yeaterday morning, in Peabody A Brannon's office. Gen. Banning appeared for tho Sheriff end Mr. Peabody for tbe County Com missioners. On motion of Gen. Banning, briefs were submitted without argument. Judge Johoeon will probably give a de cision on Monday. The anbstanoe of Gen. BenOlUgVl brief it reported aa follows: Thu Sheriff ie ex officio jailor by the fundamental law, and m auch hue n property in the offleu. Tba Constitution says no peraon shell be deprived of life, limb or property unless compensation ie made. The ael iff 1873 giving the County Oomtuteekaem the power to appeiot the jailor wee taking from the Sheriff bis property, end that aet nod ao other has given him compensation. Tbe substance of Mr. Peabody’s brief is tbaa given: Tbe sot of 1872, giving .—Watermelons are beoomlag varypton- ttf al aafi eM«« flpl an frittuMbfiuA bead ’ ie the new style of indicating a widow’* grief. . r —One of Mr. Wtliia Holetead’a mock ing birds la as skillful In catobiug pellets ler toughed heartily at e young haymaker when the yellow jaekete got up Me riant, keen trousers; but when they got up her’n, 'twaa no'joke. —An XkebsDge says fifty eent eoenter- feit notes baVe been discovered. In tbe gennine, tbe feltow whose pioture adorns tbe left-bead corner wears e erevat; in the counterfeit, kb fit without it. —Several oo entry wagons crowded with chickens were on the streets yesterday. —Our streets ere becoming Very fluty; end the wefittwe *sj^>t and dr/to ecat- ton planter could desire. —It to expected that tome colored people will gjji on fl exonnion to MaoVtopiflfll Monday morning. 4 * " Western “answerer of oorreaj end totedl: ‘‘‘WUAlis'a (mb to hatch t" The answer wee “when she fi in earnest. ” —Qnp Jived by, the sweat of yesterday, if be lived at ell. ' The mar. oory stood nt ninety deflvete'doriinllhi hottest hour* in the oooleet places. • —A nereful estimate shows that if uepb Moaquflo li*>4 ktori »a Cgfuwbns Would obtain one-lriitt Sf a dtiji. o f hemwi blood for supper, ’Jyerjr'pm on In tfiwti mould be dead in Mm morning,' ■ —Dr. Lovldk Pierce has missed only oto Wesleyan Female College commence ment lfi Buy yteih. : —All the platinum used in the world— never’eitceeding 4,000 pounds—is fur- nished by Bussle. It is worth $6 to $8 per pound. —Mtos Mery Lou Little, of Talbotton, to celled “the nightingale” of Wesleyan Female College at'Maoon. rteroMBi—tro lurtArioiri; High prices can no longer exist. Cash basis to tb4 pffhclple now, and esl desire to oiose ba-ioess, am offering my slock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, 4 i Hheiety, end numerous articles in this line, at less than coat. Call and oxamine, sod lhake one 301- tor go farther than two nt any other ptooe. I am in earnest. - If yij doubt if, step in end have proof of tbe foot. UIMH Ourreuey loses lfilK psr Odd ami stiver aoufeel. '■ear Vuau.—The Unt- areXOTJIU teles more; -I the sleek U^temore; resripu a,e.1 ■oretshlpututs 4M MnHi ttook ■ 1mm. IndlA•hlpmanu, tlnoe Tub Cotto* SirranoUj—Beports Item all seetfons srs sneonroxlni. Ths grata end smell crons wars never tetter. Cotton Is powlnu- vfnxwfopt.'d wkUlUvm^ Fim'eiiUay'ead ul^t In the eotton fields Is see sf the rernmus * The Octewbas markst, esmspoadlng with thsrr oT ths satire seentry, haa heeu rsry dull. Tom Wuathbb.—Tbaramoutar Ibr the weak avaragad XT'. SMady >alns Saturday, Sun day and Monday. Bloat, moitly slur. bain tall for Us week three sad tan hen- dredUi oIad ImIu SUMWAAklMtfAtr tlM thATMOBAUr IW- Mir * — — mmKtM lumbci each day of Us week ; Up. Ur. Up. Or. Odd. Uot i»7-- the week Liverpool declined 4fd. New ' 'Med Me. Uclambae unchanged. PjAt Jo am. — Liverpool Uulands Jrlaaaa Cd ; Naw York. Up- Sn«i*JK,S:. 0014 u% 0, ' lun, Dlumboa oirlut to-day dull. 8»lw 1° bale*, foUoniiBf Aff tlM^otAUmu: Inferior. S 0— v • 8ul0( MiddU«iCt..e — O— ■ WW. Mlas Sfi Salsa-DC Northern epln- a %srnar«?^V“i,> ; Naw -Bf leana.4 - (hr uharlwton, U for Tallae. see mills, 0 for Mobile, 0 for New Orleans. Total aelM eLMt-tosae for NorUarn spin- ner»,«8l“rNewYora,f,»» fcrbome eonaumo- Uoa,U,0U for Savannah, IMS TallssMS mills, 1,060 for Mcbtls, no for vharlutan, 900 for New Orleans. Week's' receipts M halts, against W the Osw pas............... “ « 8l£. ooLvunv* Miinrvi 4 *Wt. ■>m HflOBtlA hickory m , forAsld to #4.91 per pair; workTTo.; eottoe blaaketa^. — . . ruertoT*?«.>f^yanCm tn tee.; Isemi 90s. to Me.; doeskinJeansTOe. 69 by 8 W R K, 01 for 96 by w R R. wautur sTiTswa^. Stock Aug. M7> KeoaUrSd part «• Total received............. M “'otal received, ln’dlngftook.olpMJI hipped pa»t 1M .’otel shipped. *9,169 Total home consumption 7,919 Stoat July IT I,}** Sales .Wl7. Md Yeaf's receipts. — or saomns. 1974 Southwestern Railroad 4.199 Mobile and Girard Railroad. .19,197 Western Railroad 9,997 River 9,990 Wagons 91813 North and South Railroad.... 9,999 6-,840 7,081 1,0X1 1873. 9.814 18,338 1,080 0,769 90,183 1,803 67,863 Boo’d _ . _ _ sy.k July tlsr'e raeel, V. S. Urop. uly 17 iy!7.. the Cummtouionan power te upppi^ A Jfillqr, was paaeed before the ’pewft Sheriff became raeh, end hence he hod no property iu the office. A public office is no oontract, and there to uo property iu it—no mutuality of in terest. The Supreme Court bee derided that tn oflloe created by the Legtohtum oau be abolished by the Legislators. Thu offiee of jailor wae oreated by the Legislature, and uot by tba Constitution. — Mrs Arty TnMay Jfirstay. The kitohen, dwelling house, end feno- ing of Mr. B. A. Wood, located on the- X rifle of Troup street, south of Esyiy, bBroad yesterday morning, between, 2 end 8 o'clock. Thu flamst originated in tbe kitoben, whiob with its furniture we* entirely consumed. The hiiuae far. nitpre wet saved. Tbe Fire BxUugutoher ooufloed tbe lire to the premises. Me chanics No. 6 wu on the ground, but oould do nothing for went of water. , Other engines were out, but did not pro- oeed to the conflagration, aa they oould be of no earvioe. Detachments from tbo military companies appeared promptly and guarded the property. A oat aud several obiokeus that wouldn’t leave, were bdked lo death ; so there's one oat lees te tbe city. The lose ie eetimated at about fll,500 Mechanics Building eud Loon Association has kept an insurance up of tl,000. This ie in one of tbe oompeuiae represented by My. D. F. Willoox. Cotton from BnIwXrfUge. Tbe boat, whiob arrived yesterday, brought to this plane twenty bales of oot- Thcy look ae if they would weigh eaoh about 450 pounds. Tho boat obarged one dollar e bale for bringing it to Opium, bus. From Bainbridgo to Savannah by mil direot, the eharga to Ole. pur hundred pounds, or f 4.10 per bale. Bo the owuor bee saved f 3.10 per bale by landing his cotton to Columbus. At the present time, and es a rule throughout tbe season, Co lumbus ie e better oottou market than Savannah. ,Ci s *riti,C ay l 4m Golambai, Gr. . The heat -pUoc to boy. Table Linens, Naplribf and 'Bbeettngii, 'in at BLincninDH, 128 Broad eh A large lot yj^oheap Casaimeres end Liaeaa, very cheap, at Hiwr JVeiPi, The steamer New Jackson arrived yes terday with the following list of passen gers: J. W. Malone, wife, child end name; A. T. Itcid sud wife, J. M. Col lins and wife, A. L. Harrison end wife, J. B. Brannon, J. M. Staley, M. Gaytan, Mtos Kirkpatrick, Mtoe Brasnoa, Mtoe Me- Fartoad, Mrs. Moore, O. Kaufman and sod, T. 8. Fontaine, Eddy Faber, eud five tad f Aph-| Tbe exouraion train to Maoon for tho benefit of Aabury M. E. Church leaves Columbus to-night at 10 o'olook. Tickets two dollars. They oan be procured at ell bourn to-day at the ohurcb. Main All Slam Jam lot. In the lest seven weeks seventeen end ■eventy-five hundredths inches of rain have fallen in Golambas, end yet the streets ere (lusty. KNTBBPBXt* I 1,000 yards White Victoria Lawns 16 cents—UOT BSD. 1,500 yards White Victoria Lewes, 6-4, 18 oents—worth 38 cents. yards Plain, Striped and Figured Lawns at 15 oents—worth 25. 760 yards Bleak Grenadines selling ex- oeptioually feet. Gents' Fine Clothe and Casaimeres at e bargain, to does out the lot previmm to stock-taking. Embroideries are still being sold afi belt their veins. Bibbona at keif prioe. Caste' Thread 70 sente. Beat Prints to oents. Hosiery and Glove* at prices defying competition. Freeh Goode twice n week f rum nil ton- pt>y)|^fi, She will tent* Af BeWWtffg* And Ape-1 J. 8. Joins, Oolombna, Ue. JaoU«ototu-flM,aCUfi’o|fi«kj;. ; . | jelieod ATTENTION Oo to ttie Arbor ttaloon. On tbe Hash wUich I Uava adopt- ed,end t* do A* fay ifieiilyby Ootvl«»,1874, I will sell drinks at 10 oents. No oredit. jniyS—eodlm Guo. W. Lips. , A few pieces of Fronoh and English jOassistetuu,; very low, to olijso ont, at . T. E. Bumouabd’s. CBAS. IIKTMAX * CO., Brood Street, Columbus, Go., offer at Hft6Cl wlr WK llfirl BMSTAVBAXT AXB SALOON The beat that oan be fottndin Liqaors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. [u>y 8 !y Sot orate a pieoe of bleed,or meet with geetria juice, and it will dissolve. This is digestion. Add BA J snob s mixture n little eloobol, end ,it will not dissolve. This is iudigestion. Beware, then, of iiuotaroB, or tonics, or deoootious con- tainiugjguyituouadiqiuKI. . SUnn nil yum tonics,” and roly solely on Dn. Walk- Xb'b Vinioax Biwnma, the finest digest ive invigeraito known, end free from the ftory ofitefi ofl Alaflboh my28 4w Determined to 30U always at the vabt lowest puicEa, end being desirous to make room for full business, I offer to day my emtibe stock of Dry Goods at cost, ombraeiug e great variety of Btxple and Fauay Goods of the most desirable obarsoter. Malty Drees Goods are offered at mnch under the boot in New York. Elegant Cloths oud Gents' Furnishing Goods. All are invited to oome early and secure bargains. A rare ■ opportunity to now offered. 1 Terms cosh on detivorj. jt5 sod H. T. Cbiulub. TUB VIRGINIA STORE. Only sorts Jtoye Loft Ie does Out our Largo mmS Llogant Stork of Goode. Parties failing to avail themselves of this splendid opportunity t» buy goods u! actual epei will ever regret it. r . iu iiv'j rid&u Speoial attention is oalled to onr stook of Riohardson’s College Shirts and Gents' hand-made Bouts and Shoes; also Jnglu’a and Harris' Kid Gloves. cDDOw i(lQ i'j.nn From this date forward the Virginia Store will be closa>d at 6J o’olook. A two yuan' leas* of storehouse from October next. Furniture and good will to be disposed of. . 4 j*25 , , Jfjptps, OoaooE A Oo. 80,038 STATSMSST PUamOIEO TXABB. 1999-0 1840-70 197C-1 1871-9 980 196 1679 411761 96890 74618 1MI 9198 1919 49606 67974 76907 990066716398000 4369317 T bough Oottoh.—By Mobile ami Girard Railroad 9,648, AC Atoll 8,H4; by Western Railroad 41X04, ofiuloit 44,898 lakt year. FuiOHTe—rsr 109 hi. ootton. To Bevannah .TOO.I to New Yote, Phttadelphto and Balti more, (116; Botton fl 96. Tut Uhituu Statu Pouts.—Reeelpts for the week 8,IM balea egatoit 8,731 tut week —8,488 the week before end 18,863 seine week tut year. The total movement L ae roltowe: Sleek Aug. ft 90,law Wuk’e reeelpU 8,819 Total 9,767,068 Week’s siycrU to O. B... 11,682 Total exported toig.'B'.' ,'l,7»9,»9 • “ *9,77L4B7 Stook 196.880 Year’s Receipt! Pbihoifal Postb.—The following shows thslr total veeetyts to date; 1874. 1973 49,899 18,9 8 8,360,874 91.887 8,916 1.836,488 749,178 9,618,883 177, 81 8,930JU8 You oan find s! T. E. Blanchard's, 128 Broad street, the very latest rifles of Drees Goode, at seek prioee as eannot fail to gten satisfaction. Call and sec them. Domestio Good* *t grootlj reduced rate*; Factory Good* •! factory price# Gotta’ Spool Qoitton at 70 omI# per doa. j the beat Print* at 10a par yard, ay IQ. if ^ • tho fa Jtfc***' who ia the tutelar demon of dram-shops, amomea his aouroat aapaot when the rapid progresa of Vmaoaa Bimaa ia reported “dowU low.” The Paopta’a Vagetable Tonic ia playing the mischief with hia bitter* fired with rum. All diseases whioh those demoniac nostrums aggra vate, under pretense of relieving, such aB indigestion, siok headaehe, consump tion, rheumatism, gout and intermittent fevers are eured by it* je24 4w Bnh1er*o vt§mr Mmporium. The best Inported Oarufl *nd Itj V, r mi Cigars, Chewing «ad *Mokia« Xufcflflco, SmoS, MepHchflom Pipsa, Cigar lloktort, Matoh Sttfofl, Tobacco BMgt, Ao., cuu to fouad at LOUIS BUHLIE’S, Baadolph St , Ugom with Bed Bfgo, woo* aaqairar Oflm. Jj4 tf m €Hod Thin§Oo Go to tba Knby Raataarant for yonr Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat ^ ootlfitf ecHUfcg'l 8ba tan Teifto.—Iu tbe atamphere ixperienoef her* tiring tba aiaaflr nontha, the lethargy produced by lb* beat Ukttfl away th« d»* ■ireftr wholMome food, sad fToqaont penpira- tloua ruduco bodily oaeray. nattfcuUrlY thote •ufforing from tba cflhcti d^dlltattog dineuefl. In order to koop a aataraf boaithlb! activity of tbe ayatom, wa moat raaort to artifloial maana. for tbia purpoaa Bcbaaek'a FaaWaad effectual. A fttw doaaa will oraato aa give fraah vigor to tba eaarvatad pepai», it ia invaluable. Many omii havo doubted whether dyapepeia nautly cured by tl»o drags wL employed for that purpoae. The iu IU nature la totally different hoi It contains ao oon?p|vominerals or acids; in fact it assists tbe regular operations of nature, and sui plies her da&ciaaeiaa. Tba toaie In IU naturw ao much roKsmblea tbo gaatrlo Juice that it is al* it identical with that fluid. Tbo gastric Juice in the natural solvent which, In a healthy condl- of theboly.caoaea tba fbodto be digested; end when thta JtUoe |s not axerotod in auffleieut quantities, indigestion, with all its distressing symptoms, follows. Tba Sea Weed Tonic performs the duty of tba gastric Juice when the latter is deficient. Bchtnck'a flan Weed Zonlo sold by all druggists. my 10 eodly J’omd's JOwtrmoto In the very oommou aud obstinate form of diseases knows aa Pilaa or Hemor rhoids, it baa won its gr—teat reputation among the people. [j*35 god&w New Orlaana... Mobile Savaminh Oburl aton Galveston Tew Vork kher Ports... Total.*...... . C43,oir . 482.8JM . 807,602 . 199,600 .. 607,008 ..8,767,668 327,19 i 6'*6,142 362,012 383.11(8 166,846 •86,886 lowing abowa their total receipts to date: .. 191,862 ... 71,979 ... 26,192 .... 60 080 ... 88.176 ... 61,472 ... 72,622 ....406,983 1873 ^ IT 7,119 % 61,472 26,4M 67,6 6 61,871 46,841 Angutta Maoon Euianla Columbus Montgomery Selma Nashville,... Memphis Total 980,816 903,608 . From Ijivebfool. — Tbe following la tela- graphed far tbe week: 1874. 1878. Stock 1,004,000 896,000 “ Amerloan 461,000 363,000 “ Afloat 442,000 443,000 “ “ 840,000 111,000 Week's receipts 7 >,000 71,000 «• “ Amerloan.. 9,000 2»,ooo Salas C4,ooo 7,1000 Exporters 6,000 9,000 Speculatiou 4,000 6,000 Gxxbral Bxmabks.—Hardly anything do* lag. Bacon baa again advanoed. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Baoox-01«*t SUei ft fi 000! Clear Rib Kentuokjr 17s; TIm. lac. Rule Meat* -U. R. Side. Oo; Bulk •hoeid.ri 0c. Buttuk—Goth.o • fi 60c: Country 86c. Bhoohs—ti dos tO 9698 60. Cahdy—Stick ft fi lie. Cahhed Gooue—SurdtnM ft one of loo bn 990, Oy.ter., 1 k eoei ri aoi, .1 76. tuKVSSSit 1MrT * *' 1M1 Wulnu Cahdlis—Star it » 99c; Sperm 41s. 8aK5JWlBPWf7a»* ■»0d; Whits tl ioai.19 car toad rein to depot. ^CroAU-DoaMOsllM fitfil*; H.vuaXW Floub—Fto.flhbl Mi Sepsritas 39 00; £x. tr* to 60; Double Extra 6»; Fancy fill 00. UAUPWABS-Wlds I roe «k4c; HsttnsdSo, Sad Iron. 9c; Bar Lrod lie; Carting, 9Kc; Plow Steel 19to: Cert Steel 90s; Bu**y Bpring. and Mule Shoos ft uta; Bor. luox Ties—M fi OtotolOc. ' ar« — --tolfBkliUL—... con do 9908 60; Upput Luther ggt K 1« do 6001 DryHUto. UrtGrMn do 6c. RotOi Pioeus—Con ft dos pints 4* 66; quarts **P«ASa—|l son (9 90. Potatoes—Irish, ft bl—ft hag 97 M; ^Horik-MalnllUV A ««t Gottorn 40o; Maeblno Mads*o % Mbal—fl tmsfll 10. MnLAtoaua—N. O “ 066o; Uuba 46O600; OiL^ilSroseneV^kail86e:Linseed,raw #12U; do boiled *1 26; Lard 01 60; Train 01 26. go.- Tobacco—Common ft 1 Mo; Medium bright T0o; Fine Tie; Extra $1; Navy OOOOOe; MsooaF smrtfaae. . Shot—p sack |8. ttcuABr-Cnba. fl % UttUVi; A It; B or gg^^T^fiihuklta. Tea—Grow and Blush ft fi 91.96Ori.00. Woiuox—RtettfiriO xrtlXll; Itourhoa ri owner nosooi. Wholseals. Oesben Butter ....a 4* Country tes:.:;::;: l i Grown mg Irish potatoes oo ■ Muscogee Sheriff Sale*. W ILL be sold on the flrst Tuesday in Augnct next, between tbs legal hours of sale, in front of tbe auction house of gills A llarrinon, BroiMl etrret, Columbus, 0a., the following describ ed property, to-wit: Twelve boxes of Boots aa4 Shoes, loviid on the property of Crawford A Jernigam, by virtue ot and to saiiefy a ft fa issued from Muscogee County Court, in favor of Oeorge W- Woodruff, va. Craw* ford A Jernigan. Property pointed out in said Also, at earns time sad place, 81 pairs of shoes, 4 pieces homeepnn. 2 pieces bed ticking, 1 piece < ginghams, 1 piece llodfley, 2 pieces flannel, 6 plea calico, 1 piece of stripe*, 3 pieces shirting, 1 pis* of fi.cto y goods, 3 pieoe# woolen Jeans, 32 pair pH tits, 1 needle aud thread caw, 8 shirts, 2 towels, 4 shawls, 6 pahs of drawers. *29 bunches tt|>e, ID pair* email socks, 4 steel watch chains, 1 lot pant* buckles, 9 pairs ladiee' shoes, 8 hats, 11 pipes, * remnants black ng, 6 pairs mm's falters, and 8 cakes of s< ap. Levied on as the property of Abra ham Steiu, by virtue or and to satisfy a fl fa sued from Muecogoe County Court, in' favor If. J. Sprnger, vs. Abraham htetn. Properly pointed oil* in said !! 'a. Also nt the snme time and plnce throe mules— -io a black mart mule, about five years old; one a bay maro mule, about five yean old, and one a sorrell mare mule, about eight years old, lovloti on as tho property of Uutibard WaUer, by virtue of, and to satisfy » fl fa., issued from Muscogee Superior Uourt in lavor of Tillman A element* vs. Hubbard Walker. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. Also at tbe same time and plaes lot or land No. 112, in tba 9th Distrlot, Jn the Oowata Ke- •erve, as tbe property or A. Gam ell, to satlsiy two 11 fas. Issued irom Musoogee Ialsrior Court, City Lot Number let, beginning At the north west oorner of said lot and running south on Broad street 88 loot, tbonoe oast 147 foot 10 Inches, thence north M feet, thence west 147 feet 10 Inches, to the beginning of said promi ses, Including two stores, Noe. laO and lo‘2 on east side Broad street—levied on aa the pi otar ty of John 1). Ot»ner f to aatisfy all fa is uetl from Mu '• ogee Buiwrlor Court In favor of Boo- ney a Warner, vs. John D. Carter. Also, all those paroel* of land known In the pl tn of the City of Columbus as parts of lota fc&u and 847, fronting on Jackson street, and parts of lots Noe. 849 and Ml Iroating on Troup street, oommeneing on Jaekaon street 104 feet und tour Inohes from the north-west oorner of lot No. &so, and running south on said street 90 feet and 7 inohes, thenee oast to Troup street —said lots or parts of lots are kAonn as tho residence ot John U Carter—levied on to sat- i»fy a fl fo in my hitndi in flavor ot Boonoy k Warner vs. John 1>. Cnrtar. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. Ainu, ai name time and place, south half of lot No. 201, with ail the Improvement* thereon, or tabling ou« quarter acre, more or less, l«vi“d as the property of Albert K. Kagland, exeNitor Thomas Kagland, deceased, to satisfy two fl fas issued from Justices' Courts—oue in favor of Ro sette A Lawhon, and tho other ia favor of Welch A Co., vh. said A. K. HttgUad. Levy made an-1 r tura« d to we by V. M. Comer, law ul constable. H. G. IVEY, Sheriff. July 7,1874.—wtds. POST PON ID Muscogee Sheriff 8«le. front of the auction bouse of kills A liarrisou, Broad street, Columbus, 0a., tho following de scribed property, to-wit: North half of lot No. 241, containing 101^ acres, same beiog in the 8th dl«trict of Muscogee county. L* vied ou as ths property of Wm. T. Wynne, to satisfy a fl fs Issued from Muscogee H. Q. 1V1Y, Bherlff. Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. W ILL B8 SOLD ON THI FUST TUESDAY IN AUGUST next, before the court-house door in the town of Cusse**, Chattahoochee county, be tween the legal hours of sale, the following land*, to-wit: The west hnlf of lot of land No. 213, contain tug 100 acres, more or leas, and 77 acres, more or less, of lut No. 212, bounded OS tho east hy lot No. 213, on the south by lauds of D. 0. McOlnrs, on ths southweFt by lands of J. U. Cobb, on Uae west by lands of II. Miller, on the north by Bailie Cobb's dower aud land of J. H. Cobb—all ia ths 82d Dis trict of originally Lee, now Chattahoochee county, ae -the property of Elias Folsom, to satisfy a fl fa from the Superior Court of said county, in mvor of Wm. Begley, administrator of Abram Cobb. j#23 wtd JOHN M. SAPP, Sheriff. Pretty Colored Muslins, Small meat Strips* and Figaros, very cheap, at PEACOCK A SWIFT’S. Jr* Conor «f (kUtom ut ritsu^Bflr. j/k Ralffiteteu. Ssrrioss ri lOj a. 19. and 4 r. M. aaah Saaday. Sabbath sobStt at • i.,¥. , ■ -umooMt (Thjatrr>. Oglethorps street, bstwssa Baadolph tad St. Glair—But. W. O. Huntar ractor. SsrTisaa at 11 4. u. sad 4 fi. M. Utah Sunday. . Sunday aobool at 9j a. to. KOMAR CATHOLIC. St. FUU]to Joans (CatholS)—on Jaekaon, Uotweoq Baldwin nod Few utte.ts—Father Hamilton pastor. Mass ri Uj and 9j A. h., sod at 6 r. It. Oateebisni at 4 jp. H, FXBST BAPTIST. Randolph attest, between Jaakson and Franklin—Rev. C, A. Kondriok pastor. Servioss erery Sunday at lofl a. x. and 8 P. u. Sabbath s jhool at 9 a. x. METHODIST. St. Luke—Ou Jaekaon street, between Randolph nbfl Ft. Olsiritxaeto—Rar. Dr. J. S. Key pastor. Ssrvieee each Sunday at lOj A. M. and 8 p. M. Sabbath school fit So.db*qri eoriier of Frank, lia and Tfnfip streets—Her. Arminiaa Wright, pastor. Ssrrioss erery Smiday st I'll a. u. and 8 P. H. Sabbath school al t p. M. Broad Street Methodiet—On upper Broad street. Rev. R. W. Dixon pastor- Services every Sunday at lOj u. and 7j p. m. Sabbath sohool at 2 j p. H. Olaas moating at 9 A. M. JEWISH aXMAaOOUU. Corner Crawford and Fonjth atraats. Herman Eiikinthal, rabbi. Services erery Friday evening st 8 and Saturday morning ri IO o'clock. la OtUABB. MetAodtst.—J, W. Simmons pastor. Services 1st Sunday at lOj a. m., and 8rd Sunday st fl p. m. Sabbath aohool 8 p. m. Baptiet.—uay. Jasper Hioki pastor. Services on tffs 4th Son day in sseh month Sabbath school at 8fl a. u. BBOWWEVIUto. BronneviUe Baptist.—Rev Jasper Hioks pastor. Sentftes 1st and 3d Snndays. Sabbath School ri 8:80 a. m. Trinity (Methodist;—Rev. J. W. Sim mons pastor. Servioes 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday at 8 p. x. and 3rd Sunday at loj A. u. Alternate Sundays supplied both morning and evening. Sabbath aohool every Sunday at 4 p. m. OOX.OEED. Aabury Chapel (Methodist)—East com mon, W. .1, Gaines pastor. Servioes eve ry Sunday at 10y a. m. and 3 p. u. and 7 j at night. Sabbath aobool at a. m. Firet Baptiat—Corner Front and St. Clair (near river)—Green UeArtbnr pas tor. Servioes every Suuday at lOj a. h. and 8 P. M. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. St. John ( N. E. common, —G. B. Taylor, pastor. Servioes every Sunday at 10 j a. m. and 8 p. is. Sabbath sohool at 9 a. li. Seoond Baptiat (Northern Liberties)— Bov. Primus Stafford pastor. Servioes every Sunday at 10j a. as. and 8 p. m. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. m. i. O. O. F. Lodge on Oglethorpe, between St. Clair and Crawford eta. Regular meetings held every Monday evening, at 7j o'clock. Encampment meets 2d and 4th Mon days in eaoh month. MASONIC. Lodge in Barms' building, corner Broad and Randolph streets. Columbian Lodge, No. 7—Meets 3d Tuesday night in eaeh month. Barley Chapter, No. 7—Meets on lut Friday nigbfl in eaoh month. Hope Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Saturday night in each month. St. Aidemar Commandery—Meets 2d TneHday night in each month. B'NAI BEHITH. Lodge in Bhrrah’. bnildiog—Meetings held on the 1st and 3d Sundays in eaoh month. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (in Cou*(’Square, centre of eity) between Oglethgype and Jaokaon and Crawford and Thoiqta streets. Jail ou East commoSh, foot of Craw ford street. Opera House n. a. oorner Crawford and Oglethorpe streets. Female Orphan Asylum, East common, near cemetery. Post Office, comer of Oglethorpe and Bandolpb. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rooms over Griffin’s drag store, Broad street. Open from 8 a X. to Cr. m. Books loaned to members returnable every two weeks, or borrower pays 25o. per week thereafter. Mm. J. R. Ivey, Librarian. HOTELS. Rankin House, oorner Broad and Craw ford streets. Planters’ House, Broad street, (east side), between St. Otair and Crawford. Central Hotel, Broad Btreet, (east side), between St. Clair and Crawford streets. Home House, Broad street, (west side), between St. Clair and Crawford streeto. Broad Street Hoase, (east side), between Crawford and Thomas streets. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1 (white wale) n. e. oorner Jaokaon and Crawford Btrsets. No. 2 (white fe male) s. w. oorner St. Clair and Forsyth streetB. Temperance Hall (mixed colored) Ogle thorpe street, between Randolph and Bryan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—S. B. Cleghorn. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk of Council—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Obaa. H. Williams. City Phyfdoian—D. W. Johnson. City Sexton—James M. Lynch. City Marshal—Mat. W. Murphy. Deputy Marshal—Wm. L. Robinson. Wharfinger—Juke Burros. POLICE. Chief—Mat. W. Mnrphy. F1BST SQUAD. SEOOND SQUAD. Capt. W. L. Cash, Cant. John Foran, Robt. G. Mitchell, J ihn St. Clair, Wm. U. H. Wood, Josh Roper, Charles Brady, John Feagan, Whit Smith, John O'Brien. James U -harts. Dsn'i Duncan, Tom McEacbern, John Brady, BTANDINO COMMITTEES OP COUNCIL—1874. Accounts—Grimes, Andrews, Dnrkin. Bridges und VV u„rf—Chalmers, Redd, Grimes. Ceme ery — Duikin, Blanchard, Gehee. Cisterns and F Flonrney, Grime* City Iinprovenieuisnnd Public Schools— Redd, Bnmnon, Mel.ufiVy. Communs—Flournoy, Mehuiley, Blanch ard. Contracts — Brannon, Mr.Gehee, An drews. Finance—HuGehee, Redd, Soheussler. Hospitul—Blanchard, Kent, Brauuon. Market aud Magazine — Soheussler, Flournoy, Chalmers.- Police and Gas—Mohaftey, Durkin, Ohslmers. Streets and Sewers—Andrews,Schema- tor, Kent. BOLL OF COLUMBUS FIRE DE- . PARTMENT. BOABD or CONTBOL. W. H. Williams, Chief Engineer. O. W. Sbsette, First Ass't Engineer. C. A. Ethridge, Seoond Ass't Engineer. A. K. Francis, Secretary. PIES COMPANIES. No. I—B. F. Coleman, R. Ladsinaer. W. H. Brannon, X. O. Douglass. No. 5—E. L. Wells, Robert Ennis, D. E. Williams, O. R. Flournoy. Central Mechaniet No. 6—0. D. Wall, P. J. Cochran, A. K. Francis, A. J. Nix! Book and Ladder—hi. M. Moore, F. J. Mott, 0. B, Grimes, George Moor*. Mo- Department—Kent, THE CAMPAIGN Weekly Enquirer! A LIVE PAPER, Within the Reach or Every Min, Woman and Child I 40,000 Subscribers Wanted At 60 Ornate Apfteoe! Th°re to a pronto, of an notlva politi cal oempeign this fall in Georgia end Alt- bama, end it to of vital importano* to the paopto that they should ba thoroughl- posted on ths question of party issues, and also aa to the Ufa and ehorastan of the men for whom they are to vote. To fill this want the publisher of the * ENQUIRER- SUN has determined to establish ao soon os he oan gat one thousand subscribers, THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER, which he will *entl to nny *rtdrn** on the receipt of 41 FIFTY CENTS FOR FIVE MONTHS Ten thousand extra oopiej will be Issued on the first edition—an important fast of whioh advertisers should avail themselves. Candidates, and ohairman of oommiR tees in Georgia and Alabama, os well as Grangers and othar bodias, should make up elnbs at ones, and send ns all the po litical information they eon glean. Th* issues are of grefit importance, and the people ahonld ba ronsed to th* amergenoy. Groat os will be the expense involved in this enterprise, I will, os an extra induce ment, send free for on* year th* Whexlx or Sunday Enquikxb-Sun to any person sending me twenty names and ten dollars for THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER. Hard times oannot be urged for mot taking this paper, os its low coat pi seas it within the reaoh of all Let onr friends go to work at onoe, spread the news, end aid ns in securing saeh a circulation of will make the new enterprise u medium of the greatest good. Good men only will be endorsed, sad no effort will be spared to rH^j|abama of the harpies now preying on her. In addition to ell political news, th* Campaign Enquirer, a thirty-two colnmn paper, will contain General and Foreign News, the latest Markets, Crop Reports, Hints for Pteri on, able Editorials, Household Recipes', Religious Intelligence, Sketches of Travel, Original Stories, Poetry, and Local Intel- ligenoe. Form Your Clubs at Once! Addrsm A. R. Calhoun, Enquirer-Sun, COLUMBUS, GA.