The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 19, 1874, Image 3

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mtbttg jgnqmm. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA i AY JULY 19, 1874. nty Democratic Convention Catted. Convention of the Demooratio Party Mneoogee County will be held at the art House at 12 o'clock on Saturday, gust 1st, for the purpose of organizing roughly for the ensuing campaign. A attendance ia urged upon the Party. 0. A. Kidd, Chair’u Ex Com. jfi COLUMBUS DAILY MARKET. ikavoial.—Sight bills on New York par; Boston % per cent, discount; on 8a* nah % per cent; demand bills on Boston roent. Banks are selling oheoks on New k at Ko. premium. Currency loans lQl^ cent, per month. Gold and silver noml* ■w.—Market dull. The following are quotations: lor 8 Q— lar j and stained 10 012 Ordinary 14 Middlings 10 GUX Hines 16%@- •totat Middlings - ©- ■ales 6 balos. Beesipts 0 bales—3 by M. fc O. B. R.; • by,wagons i 0 by N. k 8. B. H.; 0 by W. 1. K. i 0 by river; « by 8. W. R. R. •nt. 17 bales—15 by 8. W. R. R.; ne consumption ; 0 by W. R. R. DAILY BTATMMKHT. on hand August 81st, 1873 1,177 ' l to-day 6 previously .60,680—80,001 1 61,808 iiy !!!.’.’!!.* .*!.’ !oo, 109-00,210 ►ok on hand 1,662 kb Day Last Yuar.—August 31st, 1872, wceived same day 16; total receipts 67,070; > day 161; total shipments 66,001; 11,847; sales 20. Middlings 17%@l8o. V. 8. Ports.—Receipts for 1 days 1,16a; ex- fbrt. to Great Britain 1,604; to Continent 116; stook ' 02 427. Index to New Advertisements. Southern Female College, LeGrange, Ga.— I. F. Cox, President. Stook Sold—A. Wittich. Alabama Lump Coal—Columbus Iron orLa Company. Building and Loan Association—Iu- lmeut due Monday at John Black main aendment to Building and Loan Aa* tion—W. D. Chipley, attorney. ! oe of Flour Reduced at Empire B-G. W. Woodruff, obacco at Auction, Wednesday—Ellis k garrison. fty Thousand Dollars' Worth of la at Reduced Prices—Peyton, Gor- t Co. County Court. lis court (Judge J. F. Pou presiding) to-morrow at 9 o’clook for the trial Fiminal cases. ■J f Helps Out Matters, ■ he Columbus factories paid out yes- tg ay some $10,000 to $12,000 as wages iMfnployees for the past two weeks. Excursion to Macon• , gome five hundred negroes left on the Southwestern train last night at ten ek. They return to-morrow. Hng* * f tUa Columbus Manufactories. ) September 1st, they have taken 1 bales of cotton, against 7,085 last pn, showing a gain of 904. More Summer Eights. veral disturbed the quiet monotony lie town. Only hard blows struck. No k-downs, or weapons used. Bain. hood one fell yesterday morning r after midnight, and a little during laytime*. Atmosphere very warm. Mayor*s Court Yesterday. hiuui Palmer and Adler McLendon w«f#’ fined each $2 50. They had had BOOM)'difficulty on the street near the for- Ifftitore. Jeaae Odom was fined $2 50 for abns- iug his wife. She swore : “I«e done wid hiwit I means to sue for divorce." Another Manufactory• The large brick bailding now being f ted by the Eagle and Pheuix Compa- for the exclusive manufacture of len goods rapidly approaches comple tion. This will add great-y to the pro- duota^qf this already gigaotio Southern •Stnbiisbment,bu lt with Southern money outhe ruins of those destroyed by the IJJB. troops in 1865. ffibe manufacturing spirit is rife ia Co- IwifibnS; and when limes become prosper ous as they promise next fall, several nt# mills will be erected. As it is, Co- luoabus has averaged the erection of a mill each year riuce 186G. fm Negroes Uung at Clayton, Ala, •“They Maintain Their Innocence to. the Last. AtClayton, Ala., on Friday, at a quarter past 12 o’clock, two negro robbers, Abel Cotton and Jack Horn, were bung. Their nooks appear to huve been broken on the fall. Present were some four thousand people. The guard, armed with shot guns, was composed of one hundred whites and blaoks. The execution was managed qui etly and in order. Each of the negroes made an address, declaring their inno- oenoe to the last, and stating their belief they were going to Heaven. From Florida. The reports are that the caterpillirs are on the increase in this State aud doing oonsid* r »bie damage. It is thought, how ever, by the best authorities that the faots ate exaggerated. Farmers geneially who desire advances, say cotton is very prom ising and the yield on their places will be Urge. Those who have money, declare the staple behind last year aud very sorry. LOOK TO YOUIl INTEREST l How is the time to spend your money to advantage. $50,000 worth of goods yet to be sold at the Virginia Store. * Only 00 days left to dispose of this splendid stock of goods. 5 handsome new show oases; l large minor. Lnouoter tables for sale, and the best ■tire house in the city to lease for two A Richardson’s College Shirts at Mann j factorer’s prices. Geots’ hand-made Boots and Shoes at [ factory prices. Carpets and Rngs less Jban cost, Juglas' A Harris’ Kid Gloves at New York prices. No goods delivered until paid for aa we Mod out bills. jalyin—ti 9mmn, Q Boms of the EsHgieus Faiths. f A gentleman told ue this yesterday. It ia too good to be lost. The driver wee evidently a Presbyterian: A gentleman, traveling in Texas, met, on the road, a wagon drawn by four oxen, driven by a countryman; who, in addi tion to the skillful flourish and crack of his whip, was vociferously enooursgiog his horned horses after this fashion: “Haw, Presbyterian;" “Gee, Baptist;" “Whoa, Episcopalian ;" “Get np, Meth odist !" The traveler stopped the driver, and remarked to him that he had strange names for his oxen, and that he would like to know why he thus called them. Said the driver: “I call this ox Pres byterian ^because he ia true blue, end never fails, pulls through difficulties, and holds out to the end; betides, he knows more than all the rest. “I call this ox Baptist beoauae he ie al ways after water, and seems aa though ha can never drink enough; then again he won’t eat with the others. “I call this ox Episcopalian because he has a mighty way of holding up his head, and if the yoke gets a little too tight he tries to kick and draw clear out of the track. “I call this ox Methodist because he puffs and blows and bellows as he goes along, and you'd think he was pulling all cre ation, but he don’t pull a pound, unless you aro continually stirring him up." They hadn’t heard of the other denomi nations in Texas in those days. Unsuccessful Attempt to Brook Jail—A Frisonor f s Wooden Leg Used as a Lever. On Friday night, the prisoners, twelve in number, confined in one of the cells in the Russell county jail, attempted to escape by prizing and breaking the amall lattioe iron door, which is in the oentre of the large one. The large door ia never opened; the prisonera pat in and taken out are made to slip through a small door in the centre of the large one, juat large enough to admit the body. The food, Ac., ia also passed through this small door, This is the cell from which Seabe Walker and otheis escaped lost year, and which was strengthened by Mr. Moshell, of this city, under directions of Sheriff Bnrcb, and in which Seabe ia now chained to the floor. The lever power used was tbs toooden leg of s negro named Broodwater aud a piece of ono and one-half inoh plunk two feet long and four inches wide, which by some means they wrenched from the crossing of a window. The attempt od escape was frustrated by the prisoners being unable to force open the door, LOCAL BRIEFS. —The steamer- New Jackson left yes terday. —Matters were of the quiet order in Columbus during the past week. —The sentiment of merchants, hotel keepers, and business men generally, is against taxing commercial travelers or drummers. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. •The Sumner civil rights bill is de scribed by the London Saturday Review as probably the expiring flash of an obso lete philanthropy. —What has become of the Street Oar Company ? Has it been played out. Those clamorous for them burst forth thusly: Let blontod monarch* ride in Mato, Aud aiart the glitter and tho star; But give to me the long-oared mule Aud u llvo-cout rido iu a city cur. •Tho City Council should have our street trees boxed. The horses and mules of countrymen will skiu them to death if they are not. Several are almost gone already. Four doctors tack'od Johnny Bmith, Tiny blister. d and they hied him ; With squills aud uuti-bilious pills Aud ipecac they fed bin RECOLLECTIONS OF 1145. From tho Enquirer of March, April and May. President Polk appointed the following Cabinet: Secretary of State—Jas. Bach- •nan ; Secretary of the Treasury—Robert J. Walker; Secretary of War—William L. Maroy ; Attorney General—John Y. Ma son ; Postmaster General—Cave Johnson; Secretary of the Navy—George Banoroft. Bank of Columbus bills in March were quoted at 70 per cent. discount; Phoenix Bank, of Colnmbos, no sale; Irwinton Bridge, 25 per cent, discount; Insurance Bank, of Columbus, no circulation ; Chat- tahooohee Railroad k Banking Company, broko ; City Council of Columbus, 10 per cent, discount; Scott k Carhart's shin- plasters, at par ; E. k R. Graves' shin- plasters, 10 per • oent. discount; Sight Gheokt on New York and Boston, } per cent, premium. Twenty-six varieties of bank bills are quoted. It is announced another cotton faotory is to be established in Columbus. The State of Alabama loaned the Mont gomery k West Point Railroad $120,000, on approved security, and work has com menced between Ohehaw and Auburn. The paper urges the people to build to Columbus, but (hey wouldn't. The grand jury of Horris county re quested Judge Sturgis, of the Superior Court, to resign, because he did not hold court at (he appointed time that spring. The Judge declined to do so. He said he had attended the inauguration of Presi dent Polk at Washington, and expeoted another judge to preside in his place. Tho stau ment that tho President's ad dress was conveyed from Washington to New York iu ten hour* is made. Rev. Sydney Smith died at his house in London on February 22d. John C. Tozier, of Colusabua, on March 18th, was killed by falling out of the stage from Macon. Both wheels passed over him. John H. Goodale delivered the address before the Odd Fellows on their third an niversary in Columbus. Archbishop Hughes this year changed the observance of St. Patrick’s day from March 17th to April 7th. A large Are occurred iu Apalachicola the latter part of March. Mr. Broadbent was daguorrootyping in April. A committee (R. R. Cuyler, Jos. Jones, S. Grantland, Robert Collins and M. H. McAllister) reported to ths stockholders in favor of extending the Central Rail road from Macon to Columbus. At a Whig meeting iu Russell county appears the name of Dr. John E. Bacon as the member of a committee regrettiug that Captain James Abercrombie declines to run for Congress. Colonel N. W. Long and Major Hardaway were on the same committee. Samuel Tate was chair- > Qorpqm ft Co. Oo to tb® Slav wmm JZJZ r**, G*—- — *“ »mZ VETO ED !—NO INFLATION I High prices can no longer exist. Cash basis is the principle now, and as I desire to olose business, am offering my stock of Dry Gooda, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, aud numerous articles in this line, at less than cost. Call and examine, and make one dol lar go farther than two at any other plaoe. I au> iu earnest. If yon doubt it, step in and have proof of the fact. L. Harris, 114 Broad St., rnyl 4m Columbus, Ga. Tho best place to buy Table Linens, Nupkins aud Sheetings, is at Blanchard's, 123 Broad st. A large lot of cheap Ca«situeres and Linens, very cheap, at . Blanchard's. ' ATTENTION! Oo to the Arbor Saloon. Ou the cash system which I have adopt* ed,andto close my stock by Oot. 1st,1874, I will sell drinks at 10 cents. No credit. july8—eodlm Geo. W. Lips. A few pioces of French and English Cassi meres, very low, to close oat, at T. E.^Blanohabd’s. CUAS. llEYMAN A CO., Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., offer at thoir popular REST A URANT A ND 8 A LOON The best that cun be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. [my3 ly Saturate a piece of bread <fr meat with gastric juice, and it will dissolve. This is digestion. Add to such a mixture a little alcohol, and it will not dissolve. This is indigestion. Beware, then, of tinctures, or touics, or decoctious con taining spirituous liquors. Sttuu all rum “tonics,” and rely solely *ou Da. Walk er’s Vinegar Bitters, the finest digest ive invigorant known, and free from the fiery curse of Alcohol. my28 4w Read This! You can find at T. E. Blanchard’s, 128 Broad street, the very latest styles of Dress Goods, at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Call and see them. Domestic Goods at greatly reduoed rates; Factory Goods at faotory prices; Coats’ Spool Cotton at 70 cents per doz.; the best Prints at 10c per yard. mylO tf Ruhter t s Cigar Emporium. Tho Le*t Imported Uavoaa and Key Weet Cigars, Chewing and Bmoking Tobacco, Banff, MwrwihBBa Pipee, Cigar Holder*, Match Bafee, 11 «*• fend at tr- •JS’itrsSfSS H. W. Niles and Misa M. A. R. Crenshaw. In Macon, on the 5th, Jas. A. Ralston and Miss Aurelia, daughter of Ool. H. G. Lamar. In Mariana, Fla., Mr. John G. Ruin, of Apalachfoola, and Mrs. Amanda M. Clark. Died, near Tnakegee, on April 25tb, the wifaof Col. Joseph H. Howard. Ths " Gentleman in Black,” who is the tutelar demoo of dram-shops, assumes bis sourest aspect when the rapid progress of Vinegar Fitters is reported ‘down low.” The People’s Vegetable Tonio ia playing the mischief with his bitters fired with rum. All diseases whioh those demoniao nostrums aggra vate, under pretense of relieving, suoh as indigestion, siok headaohe, consump tion, rheumatism, gout and intermittent fevers are cured by it. je24 4w UNCLAIMED LBTTEH8. Columbus, July 18,1874. The following ia the Hat of unclaimed loiters re maining in the Poatofflcc to this date: Baldwin W 8 Barbee mrs II I Hlaeengame J T Black Dr N 8 Brown K N Bryan mi*s M J Bussey misa M Calhoun J U Carter P, c Cliaflln Ur Cook Hon J Cnningcau V Edwards mrs W B Mlliaon J Kmory C N Kogliah C Franklvnn mra A Hardin i W A Griffith mra A 0 Grime* misa J Uutowrtkj L Hightower inis* L II A Hoffman mra 8 Howard J A1 Howard W Johnson mins 8 Jones mipa M Kelly A. c idrick mrs P Liird J O Lewis mine A Len mrs J A L Livingston C L Lindsay mra I Lowe A B, 2 Lynch A Map;) miss C Martin mins M McSwain mrs A W Menifee P Morton mrs F Moore miss P Morgan 8 Moore mies M Mulford J Numan J Pace H W Paper Mills Pearco L k Co Prior N Pride mrs M Raw-on V 8 Reese mra N Robinson J Scarborough D F, 2 Thompflou J K Ihrtlkeil mra Tli endgin C Tillman inia* A Watkiun R >V.«tt B Y Williams mlaa J Winn R Wi.d.'H mlaa J , Ga. Cook 11, -.aeon, Ga. Kmbrey J N,< ity. Hurt* J W, Thomas 1 llnlderbiam mrs (J M, no post: King J, Proston, Ga. King .1, Warm 8p;|ngs, Gi. Milieu J, c. Pensacola, Flo. Monlie nits, "Ity. Mixotj J L, illeou'8 Cut, Ga. **op< mm t:. ..aeon, Ga. Raudnl mm 't K, -tiffin, Ga. man. All oottou is now admitted to England free of duty. A concert was given in Lyceum Hall on April 24th for tho benefit of the Colum bus Guards’ brass baud, led by Colonel Weeden and consisting of sixteen mem bers. City Council of Columbus aud the peo ple, in April, modified the contract with Major Howard and Mr. Eohols, releasing them from their obligations for improving the water lots west of Bay street. Col. Farrish Carter of Hcottsboro’ and Dr. Baird of Alabama purchased largo inter ests in factories here. They now have 1,200 spindles at work ; very soon they will have 3,600. They will proceed to erect additional buildings, and iu twelve months will have from 10,000 to 15,000 spindles iu operation. Sarn'l W. Flournoy retired from the ed itorial chair of the Enquirer, aud was succeeded by Col. J. S Calhoun. Wil liam Jeter disposed of his interest in the Columbus Times to Marcus Johnston, who becomes associate editor with John Forsyth. The Enquires says: “It is known that by an expenditure of,$300,000, the Chatta hoochee river may be made navigablo for 200 miles above Columbus for boats suit- able to the trade with the highlands. The route was surveyed in 1833. The M. k W. P. Company is pushing the railroad to West Point. The chief engineer, A. A. Dexter, sends a diagram to J. 8. Calhoun and says: “You will perceive that Montgomery and Coluuihns are on the same lovel. West Point is 400 feet above either poiut. The Montgomery Railroad has 1,000 feet absolute elevation each way to the summit. A road to Co lumbus would huve but some GOO, aud possibly less. This saving of 400 feet or more in elevation wonld effect an enor mous aggregate in favor of the Columbus branch iu a year's running.” At a Whig House and Senatorial dele gate's nominating convention iu Harris county, “Martin J. Crawford, Esq.,” pre sented the resolutions. A similar meet ing was held iu Muscogee. The two counties then constituted a Senatorial District. J. S. Calhoun was nominated as Senator. The Enquirer of May 21 is in mourn ing for the death of Dr. W. B. Ector, late proprietor and editor of the paper. The Southern Baptist Convention as sembled iu Augusta that yoar. Archibald T. Bonnett et-caped from jail by boring through a window. The Superior Court, Judge Sturgis pre siding, mot iu Columbus. Grand Jurors were; W. P. Yonge, Foreman ; W. E. Jones, Gen. W. Jones, ft. F. Grimes, Wm. Amos, John Hunter, G. Harris, J. J. Mo- Kendree, P. Uuzzletou, E. Barnard, H. Crew, P. D. Redding, W. J. Rylander, W. A. Bedell, W. II. Kimbrough, J. B. Hill, John Smith, W. A. Douglass, W. B. Roquemore, E. C. Baudy, D. MoDougald, W. P. Malone,it.H. Groene. Lawyers pres ent were lion. Seaborn, Joues,H. L. Hen ning, Hines Holt, R. B. Alexander, Jas. Jobnsou, Wiley Williams, Judge Cone, A. Cooper, Tbad. Sturgis, N. L. Howard, Alex. MoDougald, Gen. Bethuue, John Schley, Gen. Bailey, J. M. Guerry, A. J. R. Boudre, E. Golding, C. J. Williams, A. Iverson, Porter Ingram, T. F. Foster, Jno. Forsyth, W. C. Holt, J. Echols, A. S. Foster, J. L. Stephens, C. S. Rock well. Victor Hugo was created a Viscount in Franoe. In New Voik Peytonia beat Fashion an eight rnilo race iu two heats, of four miles each. Time 7.3!)^ aud 7.45^. His stride was twenty-ono feet. The Columbus bar passed resolutions of respect to the deceased wife of G. E. Thomas, Esq. Tha Southern M. E. Conference, at Louiaville, presided over by Bishops An drew and 8onle, passed resolutions sepa rating from the Northern Church. Every public well in Columbus it out of order. Cotton, daring the months named, from So. to 4|o., and 4o. to Cjo. k Maseied, ea Kanh lOtta, La Colombo*, Ordinance Taxing Dogs. iiTT ia Ordained Ly the City Council of Columbus, A 1st. That from and after the 1st day of July next, there hIoiII be provided by the Treimurer of the City a sufficient number of badge* marked '(J C, 1874,’ and mini tiered from one upwards, and ho shall furnish the owner or owu-rs of any dog or doge, who may apply for tho fame, with one or more of eaid ba lgce as may be required, aaiu ownor or owuers p-iying to said Treasurer, fortneuae of th« city, Due Dollar for every aneb b«dge, which bitdgts kIiuIi protect all dogs wearing them from being killed ; and nil dog* tound running at large iu an id city at any time after iat July next, except such a* iu< y wear badge* na above provided, ahall bo lia'-lo to bo killed by the City or aucb city officer or officer* as ho muy authorize or ap point for that purpose.” By retolu iou oi Council on July 13th, 1874, the Captain* of Police were directed to cnlorco above Ordinance, after same bad been advertised for ten days. Owuers of dog* will therefore tnke uotice, aud procure badges for 1874 before 2oth instant. Badges will not be ready for sale until 20th inat. JNO. N. BARN KIT, Treasurer. M. M. MOOKK, t ie k Council. Jyl4 2w W. F. Williams. Cuts. II. Williams. williams & williams, Attorneys at Law, COI.VXOVH, OA. •9- Ofllou ovor Abell'. hI.m^Iyl7 3m RAILROADS. Western Railroad of Alabama. 644 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! WESTIRN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, CoLuaum, Ga„ ’.July Stb, 1874. TRAIN8 LBAVB COLUMBUS DAILY for Montgomery and 8elma, 1:00 a. m. Arrive at Montg’y, * • 7:0d A. M. Arrive at 8oluiu, • • 11:04 a. m. FOR ATLANTA AND NEW YORK At 10:30 a. m. Arrive Opelika at 12:20 p. m. At Atlauta 5:42 p. m. By Atlanta and Riohmond Air-Line. Leave'Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE 8:36 a. m., Danville 3:27 p. m.. Richmond 11:06 p. m. Ar rive at Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 6:30 a. m., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at NEW YORK 6:16 p. m. Sleeping Car* ran from Atlanta to Charlotte. Ry K.nnat.w Rout*. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Dalton 10:28 p. m., Kriatol 10:46 a. m. * * * **" . at Washington 6:4 Philadalphla Bleeping oars ran from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta and New York, • 6:34 A. M. From Montgomery and Belma • 2:30 r. M. Tickets for sale at Union Passenger Depot. GHAI. P. BALL, General 8np’t. R. A. BACON, Agent.fapr26 tf Central Railroad. New Advertisements. SUl'KltlNTMNDKNT’ll Of KICK, 1 Batannab, (Ieo., Juno SO, 1874. f O N AND AFTER tho MH8T JULY uolt, RETURN TH'KETH to uuil flora •Ithot torumiu. or iti.tiuu on CKNTHAL AND SOUTHWESTERN RAILROADS c»n ho purchued for ONE FARE. Said tlrkcta will bn Sold until Sl»t of Deoombor Next, and be GOOD to return Until tho 15th of January, 1875. W CONDUCTORS ARa NOT AUTHORIZED to Mil RETURN TICKETS from point, wh.r. Agent* sell. The PUBLIC are therefore CAUTION RD to PROVIDE TUKM8KLVKS WITH TICKETS from the Agents at the station, or PAY BOTH WAYS. WM. UOGKK8, Geu'l Bap't Central it ail road. V POWERS, Eng’r and Sup’t Soutliwehtern Pail road. G. J. FOHKAORK, Sup't Atlanta Division Central Railroad. Montgomery & Eufauia R. R. Change of Schedule, Taking Effeot Sunday, Juna 21, IS74. MAIL TRAIN-DAILY. Leave Montgomery 4:00 p m Ariive at Knfaula ,...11::to r a Connecting on Wednesdays and Saturdays with Boats on Chattahoochee Kiv> r, and daily at Union Springs with Mobile A Girard Railroad tor Troy. Leave Kufaula 12 4'i a M Arrive at Montgomery 7:6 » a m Connentiug at Union Springs with Mobile A Girard Kailroud for Columbus, and at Montgomery with roads diverging. J*2i tf B. DUNHAM, Bup’t. $5,000,000 Endowment Scheme! Fifth and Last Concert Public Library of Kentucky. JULY 31. 1874. >f the series lit of tho Public >-* and Manager i the four which already given : The llr-.t, December 10, 1871; tho Hccond, Dec -inbur 2,1>*72; tho third, July In nnnounrhig tho Fifth and Ini of Gift Concert* K'vou f..r the * Library of Kentucky, tho'li refer with pride nod plot ONLY ONE MOKE Gilt nrlaing from tills Flitli Llt.roy. M •m.argi-il uud end< ONE MORE, and ert. With money LAST Concert, tho •partiiieutN are to be a fixed and certain Such an endowment fund is di- k beyond peradventure uot only ' 1 ’ mtablish- . and oth< Tho Fifth Gift Concert ortho purposes mentioned, and which is po*i- ti\c:\ auj unequivocally auuouuced iih TtIK LAt-T WHICH WILL EVER Bb GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER AND BY TIIE PRESENT MANAGE MENT, will come off at the Public L.brary Hall, at Louiaviiio, hy., Friday, July 31,1874. 82,500,000 divided iuto twenty thousand gifts, will be dis- tributud among the tickct-Uul lor».. List of Gifts. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 6260,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 100,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 76,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 60,000 ONE GRAND CASH G1TP 26 000 6 CASH GIFTS *20,000 each 100,000 10 CASH GIFTS 14,000 each 140,000 16 CASH GIFTS 10,000 eacu 160,000 20 CASH GIFTS 0,000 each 100,000 25 CASH GIFTS 4.000 each 100,000 30 CASH GIFTS 8,000 each 00,000 60 CANll GIFTS 2,000 each 100,000 100 CASH GIFTS 1,000 each 100 000 240 CAS 11GIFTS 6oo each 120,000 600 CASH GIFTS 100 each 50,000 10,000 CASH U1FTS 60 each 050,000 GRAND TOTAL20,000 GIFTS, ALL CASH *2,600,000 l*lUCt: OF TICK K I N. Whole Tickets J $ Halve* Tenth, or each Coupon - r * 00 11 Whole lickets tor f.00 00 244 Ticket* for 1.000 Ticket* are now ready for sale, and order* i compntiled by ci*h will be promptly tilled Liberal commission* will tnry agent*. Circular* cu on application THO. K. HR.1MLETTK* Ag< nt and Nanuger, Public t ibrnry Building, Louisville, Ky. For ticket* und information, apply to Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt. Columbu*. Ga. tny!9 d2tnwswtd o hiitisfnc- ituiniug full particulars furnished CENTRAL RAILROAD. OxRiaxL SuraaiMTiRauT’i Ornoa, ) Uknteal Kaileoa*. V Bsr asm am, November 1,1374. ) O N AND AFTKR SUNDAY, 14TII INSTANT, Posaihger Train* ou the Georgia Central Railroad, it* Branch** and Coun*ctiou«, will ruu as f Hows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Savannnh 6:45 am Leave Augusta 0;05 a M Arrive in Augusta 4:00 r m Arrive iu Milledgeville l<»:oy p m Arrive in Katonton 11:66 p m Arrive in Macon 0:45 p m o Macon for Columbus 7:17 p m o Macon for F.u aula 0:10 p m Leave Macon for Atlauta 8:to p m Arrive at Columbus 12:45 a m Arrive at Eufaul# 10:20 4 m Arrive at Atlanta 5:00am COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlanta 10:00 p m Leave Co uutbus 7:10 p m Leave Eufauia 7:26 p M Arrive at Macou from Atlanta 0:10 a M Arrive at Macon from Columbus 4:10 a m Arrive at Macon from Eufauia 6:45 a m Leave Macon 7:16 a m Leave Augusta 9:05 A M Arrive at Augusta 4:00 p m Arrive at Bavaunah 6: 5 p m TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Savannah 7:30 p m Leave Augusta 8:06 p M Arrive iu Augu*ta 6:66 a m Arrive in Macon 8 20 a M Leave Mi.con fur Columbus tf: ji a m Leave Macon for Eufauia »ii6am l.'-avo Macon for Atlanta tf;isi a m Arrive in Columbus 0:36 p m Arrive in Eufauia 6:40 p m Arrive in Atlanta &05 p m COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlauta ]; *6 p m l<eave Columbus 2:30 p M Leave Eutaula b:6o a m Arrive In Macon from Atluntu 7:10 p m Arrive in Macon from Colnmbu* 7:25 p m Arrive iu Macun from Eufau.a 6:10 p m Leave Macon 7:35 p m Arrive iu Milledgeville. 10:09 v M Arrive in Katonton 11:65 pm Leave Augusts 8:06 p m Arrive iu Augusta 6 65 A ft Arrive in Savannah 7:16 a m Train No. 2, being a through train on the Cen tral Railroad, stopping only at whole stations, I asaengers for half statiuus cannot be taken ou or put off. 1'uMsengeri for Milledgeville and Katonton will take train No. I from Savauoah and Augusta, and tnia No. 2 from points on the Southwestern Rail road Atlanta and Macon The Milledgeville and Eabiutou traiu runs daily, Sundays axcepti-d. WILLIAM ROGERS, Je23 tf General Sup-rlntendi-n 625 A DAY GUARANTEED min. ... WELL AU0CR A DRILL I. territory. Erit^ad by Qov.nwri .flOW A, ARKANSAS ADAKOTdl CltalifMbW. V.OIUMLUlU.lte, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN Ml.t/fc UOXKS. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY Sold by Dniggliu. 4w LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. For 80 yeem millions have intently watched hi* PERILOUS yet HEROIC RTRUOULL’S HUd '.RAND achievements, and now eagerly desire tin* €«M- plrie Li fo-111 a tor y or this world-renowned HERO and RENRPACTOR, winch uufolds also the curi osities and wealth of a wild and w<>ud rful coun try. It I* just ready. 2,000 agents 200 Pianos and Organs, R.W ud, or Rak.n, will bo sold at low prices for c ult, or on Install ments, for rent, in city or couutry, during this month, by HORACE WATERS A BUN, No. 481 Broa way, than ever beforo offered iu Naw York. BPEClALTY—IMnos and Organs to let until the rent mony pays tho price of the Instrument. Il lustrated Catalogues mulled. A large dmcouiit to Ministers, Churchew, Schools, Lodges, etc. 4w Forewarned, Forearmed. To he fore, nrmed Mow when you aro threatened with all the ailment* cauaod by debilitating Spring and Sum- mor weather la to make free use of JURUBEBA, which will make tho Liver artlvo, assist Dlgt-a* <e»y JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Agci AUK..1 as <&!et£MP k ^ a1 UAllJElX 1 XliSili UNI I ED NTATKN. No Look hu* c-vor beau published of such uui- tooeli.TH, studi-nts, manufacturers, sab of learning and muu who cau only read, to obi and young. All want it a* a book ot constant reference, and to presi rve for their children aud children's children us tho ouly complete and relia- urk. FIRMT ONE HUNDREB YEARN OF THE Gift EAT KMT HEPUBLU1 THE WORLD EVER MAW. li is inn a luxury but a necv*Hity to every wcll-tuformcd American citi'/.oli. Agent* make $100 to $300 per month. Ben t tor circular. ZIEGLER * McCUtiDY. Phil adelphia, Pa. Jo24 4w DOOR8, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pat;e Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, .HASHES, BLINDS, 8TAI11 BAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., M«II»d to *ny on. In building, o. receipt of ltnn:p. KEOGH A THORNE, 2M k 1*0 CANAL BTIIKKT, Jyll d£w1y Ng\V YORK CITY. MEDICINES. "" OR- TUT7\s \ VEGETA BtE;. piLL-t* 7 THE BEST ADVICE that can be given to per* ii* Huflerlnr from dys pepsia, bilious Oomplaint,»> Me, cnuniniptlon. nick headache, fevor and ago-. von* debility, or of any dl*order affecting tin- -imnnch. the live • or kidney*, is to tone, clean-., nml regulate fbeee im portant organs by tho u*o<d Dll. i UTT’ri VKUKT- . BLK LIVER PILLS. They act very mlldlv, yet thoroughly restore the functional action of the digestive organs end the lut. stlu-e and renovate the whole system. They produce neither imueoa, griping or weakness, and may be taken at any time without chunge of diet or occupation. Prloe 25ca box. Bold by all druggi*l*. DR. TUTT'8 HAIR DYE other dye di ‘ ‘ * 1 it D is I us. Ill every large possesses qualities that n effect is InstantHiiooiis, and so natmai'ihat it not be detected by the closest NOTICE. OrnoR Mobile A Uuum Bailkoad, Columbus, April 16, 1874. VN AND AFTER APRIL 16TU, the Passenger ....10:3(1 A. M. W. L CLaRK. Bnp't. COLLECE8. Bowery Academy. 27• h of July, 1874 Tuition in Literary D'-partmeut for the STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves NATHANMH, (Opposite 8nn Office) Columbus, Ga., W OULD respectfully invite the attention of his fri- ii'is and oustomers to his extensive stock of 8T0VK3. HOLLOW AND STAMPED WARE, HOU3E-FUUNIHIIINO GOODS, Ac. Also TIN WAKE, at wholesale aud retail. Manufacturer of TIN, SHEET IRON AN COPPER WORK. Roofing and Guttering dons promptly and in the best manner. lie solicits a call, feeling assured that be can give entire satisfaction. SSt~ Price as low as the lowest. Come and see scholastic day-, $13 (JO lu Musical Department $4 per mouth, ono-balf payable at the end of the ft ret two luuiith*, bal ance at the close of the toriu No deduction from tuitiou except in cuhuh of protracted sicknea*. ' ll el f anj — . „ with the reasons upon which they are based are soon lost, they adhere strictly i literally to the why and wherefore system. “Hard Btupt” and close tiiinxinu have mi are making, and will make, (a* lung a* there any) the practical, netful and successful nu n of tho ■ ■ •• -* *- - - Y" ia tho mj delicate not aolic- nu the fashioimli city in the Uuitod State*, everywhere. Price $1 a box. Bold Tetter, and 8all Hlieuui, Bcald Hoad, Ringworm! Rheumatism, Pain and Enlargement or the Bouuu, Female Weakness, Sterility, l.eucorrh'ea or Whites, Womb Diseases, Dropsy, White Bwelling*, Syphilis, Kidney and Llv-r Complaint, Mercurial Tai mt, and Pile*, all proceed from impure blood. DR.TITTT*M MARNAPARILLA is the most powerful Blood i'urlfler knowi. ... me-iiral science. It enter* Into tlie circulation and eradicates every morbific agent; renovates the system; produces a beautiful complexion cause* the body to gaiu flealt anil increast weight. Bwp tha Blood Healthy and all will be well. To do so, nothing ha* been offered that can compare with this valuable vegotabb-extiact. I*, ice ll.lNi u bottle. Boldly all Druggists. Office 48 Corllundt street, N. Y. fobl6 deodswly DIAMOND MPKETACLEM I READ AND HEED! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT EVERT ORE WHO WISHES TO SEE SOUTH SUCCEED THE COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-SUN Is the only thoroughly independent paper South. Itbeliev|i we are to win; not by complaining about the past, but working for the future. While it gives proper space and notice to all political matters of State and National impor tance, it aima to call the attention of emigrants and capital, ista to our great resources and to build up the South on a basis that has for its foundation industry and economy. While disclaiming to be the organ of any creed, party or society, all its tendencies will be in favor of TEMPER ANCE, MORALITY and RELIGION. Being deeply interested in the success of the farmers, and having implicit faith in the grand destiny of tho GRANGES, tho EN QUIRER-SUN will devote a large apace, under a capable editor, to AGRICULTURE, and in chronicling the move ments of the Patrons or Husbandry. THE DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN Will contain all the latest National, State, Local and For eign newa, devoting much space to Alabama interests. Its editorial management will be fearless fur right, and while recording passing events it will not neglect the arts, sci ences and the advancement in the world’s material progress. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER Will give weekly a digest of all Foreign and National news.. It will devote much space to Southern intelligence and will contain original articles on Agriculture, the Granges and other matters that will be of incalculable benefit to the planter and general reader. re mapufuctim-'t from "Min- melted together, uud an- cobnt of th<dr hardness and Those Spectacles ute Crystal Pebble call -1 Diamond on brilliancy. Ila'lng been tested with th« polariscope, the diamond Iciihos huve been tound to admit lift ecu per com. b-s* heated rays I bail uuy oilier pebble They are ground with i real scientific accuracy, are free from chromatic aberration*, and produce u brightness and distinct!!'-*- or vi*ion not before attained in npcctuclr*. .Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co., New York For *aie by responsible ugeuts in every city iu the Union. WITTICH A K1NSF.L. Jewelers and Opticians, ar* *olo agent* for Ooluiuhu*, Ua , from whom they can ouly be attained. No pndd.ers employed. Do not buy a pair mile** you ae« the trod* mark octH dcodawly For Sale Low. A SCHOLARSHIP IN TUB MEDICAL COL- LKGB AT BVAN8VILLI, INDIANA. mere U APTLY AT TUIB 0FJTI0B. to undergo close mental discipliu ited. Each patron of this school is earnestly requested to meet tho Principal, Teacher* and pupils ou the moruiug of the 27th, at 8 o’clock. For further particulars, address the Principal, at Talbottou, Ga. J. G.CtLIM UN, prln. MISS S. A. V. MILLIE4, Ass’l. MRS. C M. ULTitUNK, jytf d2t*wlm MusloarTe sober. _ D avidson college. Next ScmIom will M|li Bofft. $4,1874. Healthy location. Moral atmoephere. Strict dis cipline. Thorough teaching. Moderate chargos. Seven professors. For Catalogi apply to J. je24 d*w3m] lUt Office, Davidson College, Wood. Wood! jgKST WOOD, ready sawed, $4.00 per cord. Wood sawed for 50 coat* per card. Order* Ailed prompt ly on application to the ftb21 tf MUSOOOKK MAN Ur NO 00 HOLSTEAD& CO., Columbus, Ceorgla. ffolton 4; hi ft, Cotton PrcsN*, Horae Powers, Feed Cutter*, Cider uud Wine uiils, Mowing jilucliinov, <-ru»,ft Kuivea, Plows, Hocm, Tlirewherw and Fan Mills, Corn Hhellers, Horae Kukuv, Harrow a it ml Cu»tiv«»lora, Bush and Hrauible Nuytliua, N|»ndco t Fork a, Ac*, Ac. Ceorgla Haftaed Ku«t Proof Out*. Georgia and Tfiincssee It ye. Wheat, Barley, Clover uud Grass Meed* Chemicals for >TlaHlng up Fertlll mero nt home, addre-s HOIATKAU 4c CO., Je30 tf A|riculturai Uep»t, Columbu*, f.’a. N. J. BUSSEY, Agent AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. Th. trade auppliad at lowaat mar ket rataa. .,117 dim The SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN While giving the latest news, aims to become what is much needed, viz.: A GREAT SOUTHERN LITERARY WEEKLY! It will contain original articles, stories and sketches, his torical and biographical, from Southern pens. Each issue will contain in addition poetry, scientific notes, domestic recipes, fashion and household affairs, wit and humor, no tices of late books and periodicals, religious reading, church news, and in fact every interest will be represented that will, in any way, aid the reader Are extremely low, so that the paper can be procured by the poorest man and read with profit by himself and family: Daily, in advance, one year $ 8 00 Weekly, “ « « 2 00 Sunday, “ “ “ 2 50 Sunday and Weekly, in advance, one year 3 00 Three Weeklies to ono Post Office ® Five “ “ “ 7 60 Ten « “ 14 ^ Fifteen - “ “ 18 75 Twenty “ “ “ 23 00 Thirty “ “ “ 30 00 Sunday and Weekly invariably 3 These papers offer the best opportunities to advertisers. - Get up your dubs and help in this good work. Address COLUMBUS ENQUIREB-B1 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.