The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 21, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus -AJSTID Ar jdajlttst Enquirer. FRANK WESSELS, { 1 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JULY 21. 1874. YOL. XVI—NO. 108 TEEMS or TBS DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY Tvolra month*, in #8 00 8ix month*, “ 4 00 Throe month,, “ 2 00 Ona month, “ 7f>o. tVxBKLT Enqcieib, one year 2 00 SumuT Enquibu, ona ye*r 2 50 Sunday and Wuili Enquxbkb to- gethar, ona yaar 8 00 MfWUala. Oat... Square. 1 Week, Dully $ 3 oo * » “ * ft 00 3 « " 0 60 1 Month, “ S 00 - ** ** 1H 00 « 17 a> •» _ 20 00 “ 7. 22 50 •• 2ft 00 [l PqnerelyeRr 42 00 \ Th# above i* with the privilege of a change I’every t>ire« months. Foi yearly cards a liberal dle- L count will be made. I The Weekly rates will Invariably be one-third 1 of the Daily. “*hen an advertisement is changed more than i in three months th* advertiser will be charg- with tlie cojt of composition. Foreign adver tisers must pat a.- do those at homo. CEOBtilA NEWS. is somewhat stoat in his baild, but hss rather a pleasant conntenanoe, an] hi* manner in conversation ia easy and en tertaining. He expressed himself as be ing oon&dent that he would eventually set himself right before the people of Georgia, by whom, for several yean past, he olaima that bis transactions have been misjudged. For good and anflloient reasons, as he thinks, he has remained silent until the present time, and now ootnea forward with a public statement that will prove of deep intereet to the people of thia St lie. Atlanta ia beootmnj quite a summer reeort of late, aa Stone Monntain and the Fonoe DeLeon Spring have beooue prom inent pointe of intereet to tonriata. The Kimball House offers apeuial rates to summer boarders, a fine string band is In attendance every night, and weekly dano- ing assemblies are beld in the elegant ball over the dining room. A delightful im promptu danoing party waa gotten up last night, and Col. Nickola succeeded in mak ing everybody enjoy themselvea. Sidnbx Hubert. Pah am v, July 20.—The rainy season on the Isthmus has never been known to so lovere as it iathia year. Not only is thia observed on the Isthmus, but is re marked all along the Faoifio. THE WEATHER. Depabtmbnt or Wab, 1 Washington, July 20, 1874.) Probabilities. —For the Booth Atlantio and Gulf States, partially cloudy weather and areas of rain, east or aouth winds, with slight ohanges in temperature, and {ailing followed by rising baton eter. •HIP NEWtt. Ohaolebton, July 20.—Arrived—Co lumbia, Abby and Ellen. Sailed—Flag. Euinobb, July 20.—Arrived—Bark Wilhelm, Kisaoa, for It js. New You, July 20.—Arrived out—Si- bal, Herman, Illinois, State of Virginia and Hulsi. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. —Ohafl. M. Heard, well known m a citizen of LaGrange, died at 8enoia, last Tuesday. He waa etrickon aith paralyaia last December, and ban never been well aince. . —The Hew* has information that the prospects for the coming rice crop in the region about Savannah are most encour aging. TLe Reason that far haa been nunanally favorable. —Mibo ttlnuiehr, a German oigar ma ker of Uicou, died suddenly in that city, ia hemorrhage of the longs, on Saturday. The says that he worked in Go ttruhUM quite recently. —The trial of Dr. Ball and bin son George, oharged with the murder of W. D. M tjtiell, woe to hive been commeuced in the bnperior Court of Bibb oouuty yesterday. —Col. Morgan Rawln, who was elected to Congress from the 1st District of Georgia two years ago, bat who waa re fused the bo »t on account of his politics, ia a candidate for re-election. —'fhcre aro eighty-eight prisoners in Ohatbaui j til—eight whites and eighty cojored Twonty*uin« oouuty convicts are on the chain gang. Fifteen prisoners are awaiting trial by the City Court. -Constant applications, says the At lanta Herald, are being made for convicts for farm purposes. We state for the ben efit of such applicants, that there ia no obanoe to get ruoU labor. All on hand or that may bo convicted have already been provided for. —A case in wbioh Henry Clews & Co. ■ne the Cherokee Railroad Company to reoover $*75,000 worth of bonds of the Oarteraville & Von Wert Railroad Com pany, is uu ler investigation in Atlanta, on refurenoe to the Master in Chancery by Judge Emkine —Ru dolph county, aooording to the T-tx lie .wivef^ statistics, has this year ah tu three thousand mor* acres in corn aud about three thousand Uu in cotton, than last year. There is also an increase ! for this year in oats, wheat and sweet po- | tatoes. -The Atlanta Herald announces as \ probable a coming sensation in journal- |) isui—a negro newspaper. Maj. J. F. [ Bhecut informs it that he ia about closing [a trade with some prominent negroes of | Morgan oouuty who desire to start and Iran a paper of their own. ALABAMA XEWIi —Alabama State certificates of the new I Issue sell at 20 per cent, discount in Mont- fgomery, and 15 in Mobile, —There were twenty burials in the Aontgom*>ry cemetery from the 1st to tha 19th iust. Of these only three were Whites. —The Chattanooga Tim?* understands hat Mr. Borau, an Englishman, has bar- rained for five bundled aores of land at Bridgeport, Ala., npoa which to erect ‘our biaat furnaces. —The Montgomery papers refer to a ase ia their city in anticipation of the fCivil Rights aot. A nagro man sent a note to a young lady inviting her to ac ompany him to church. The young lady l the daughter of a Radical politician. Indications poir.t to quite a large Uendancu at the Democratic State Con- potion which is to assemble at Mont- btnory on the 29th inst. The railroads |U carry delegates for one fare going Ad returning. -The Eufnuia Time* says that the re- t that the bill removing the polities! abilities of Hon. Jame i L. Pugh had ed for laok of engrossment in time, I a mistake. The bill was engrossed in |e, received the Speaker’s signature, I became a law. It relieves a very able VOTIIER ATLANTA LETTER. H. I. Kimball House,) July 18, 1874. >* Mditor Knquirer-Sun :—Yesterday af- tswoon, through the extreme kiudness of Cot £. Y. Clarks of the Constitution, we' bad tbo pleasure of riding through aud around Atlanta, behind a second-class Dexter in speed, and were surprised to ■elioe the largo number of improvements tbftt have taken place here since our Let visit. Iu every part of flie ci»y n w an 1 baadsome residences, nnd oomuiudi »i * and substantial business houses have been •rooted. Especially is this true of the bur bail portions of the city, whioh are tfdly extending in all directions, ong other poiuts of interest, we visit- [the celebrated Ponce DeLeon Spring, eh has become a moat popular pluoe of rt, not ouly for strangers, but for the ' eltiiens of Atl.iuta. The street r tilroad hJibeon extended to that delightful spot, FRANCE. A Ministerial Crisis. Pabis, July 20.—There is a complete crisis iu the ministry. The Duke de Broglio has been seeking to constitute s Cabinet based on the old majority in the Assembly, bat it is said he has failed aud that the Duke de Oar- seas has since been entrusted with the task. The Assembly to-day voted tbo adop tion of s motion reducing the annual re demption of payments by $10,000,000, thus aggravating the ministerial defeats, It also confirmed its decision to discuss Yentaron’s constitutional report from the Committee of Thirty on Monday. It is expected that the new Ministers will demand the postponement of debate, If it is postponed, the whole Left and the fionapartists will vote for the dissolution of the Assembly. It is probable that a motion for the res toratiou of the Monarchy will be again introduced at tbo next sitting. LATER. Pabis, July 20.—The crisis at Versailles continues. General Cissy will probably be appoint ed Minister of the Interior. The Duke do Broglio hss failed to form a Cabinet because the Legitimists are de termined in their opposition to the or ganization of MacMahon’s powers. PRUSSIA. Stringent Measures. Berlin, July 20.—The Government hss increasod the stringency of the regula tions restricting the ultramontane agita tors. The clubs and the clerical press will be closed and watched and vigorously dealt with. THE DOMINION. Reciprocity. St. Johns, N. B., July 20.—The Do minion Board of Trade, after a long de bate on the proposed reciprocity treaty with the United States, resolved that it be considered by a committee, who are report at the next annual session. SPAIN. The War In Spuln* Madhiu, July 20.—A dispatch to the Dutly Nctos denies that Cuenca has sur rendered to the Carlists. A decree has been issued deolariug all Spaiu in a slate of seige; .a sequestration of the property of Carlists, whose estates will bo beld liable to heavy penalty the relatives of Republicans slain; and fiuanly recruiting a special reserve 125,000 men. The Government an nounces in its official orders that it will not permit the shooting of prisoners retaJiativ u for Carliat bu'cherics. RT TELEGRAPH TO ENOUIRER. Passenger Car “Ditched.*' Columbus, Ohio, July 20.—A car on the North Columbus Railroad, oontainiug thirty passengers, was yesterday upset and ditched thirty-five feet below by strlkiug two horses that were in s hack and became eutsng'el iu the trestle-work on a bridge. Ten persons were injured— nix seriously. sewMst Ruin es Isthmus #f Pa- $5,000,000 Endowment Scheme! MARKETS. Filth and Last Concert Public Library of Kentucky. JULY 31, 1874. Under their charter, granted by a special act of tne Koutucky Legislature, March Is, 1871, the Trustees aro autkortx.'d to give oNK MOKK, and ONLY ONK MOKK (lift Concert. With money arising from thia Fitth and LAST Concert, tha * r.iry, Museum, aud other departments ure to be argot! and endowed with a filed and certain annual Income. Such an endowment fund is d«- sired as will secuie beyond peradventorw not only The Fifth Gift Concert WHICH WILL KVKK llt>, GIVEN UNUKK T11I8 GilAUTLK AND BY TUN PRESENT MANAGE- MKN r. Will t ome oil at tho Public Library Hall, at Louisville, hy., Friday, July 31,1874. The College Regatta. Saratoga, July 20.—The following tho official decision of the judges ip the regatta case : Columbia ls f , Wesleyan 2d, Harvard fid, Williams 4tb, Cornell 5th, Dartmouth Gth, Priucctoa and Trinity doubtful, Yale 9th. Trolling. Boston, July 20.—At Mystic Park the 2:29 raco was won by Honest Billy ; Dot S'ioond, Flora Bell third. Time 2:33, 2:31, 2:30], 2:38$. The Oldest Telegraph Line Builder Dead. Portsmouth, N. H., Jaly 20.—G. E. Smith, who erected for the lato Professor Morse the first telegraph-line polea in tuis country between Washington and Baltimore iu 1844, died at his residence in New Field, Maine, a fow days since, at an advanced age. Yerger Case Decided. Washington, Ju*y 20.—The Chronicle of to-morrow will state that the proceed ings against Col. E. M. Yerger, of Balti- Monejr aud Stack Markets. New York, July 20.—Stooks dull and lower. ’ Money 2 per cent. Gold 10$. Ex change—long 487$, short 490. Gov ernments strong and active. Btute bonds quiot. New York, Jaly 20. — Mo; ey easy at 2a8 per cunt. Exchange dull at 487$. Gold lO$a$. Governments dull and steady. 8iate bonds quiet and nomiual. Provision Markets. Nxw York, July 20.—Flour dull and drooping Wheat quiet and heavy. Corn steady. Pork firm—mess $19 90. Lurd quiet—stesiu 12. New Y’obk, July 2d.—Coffee nominal. Sugar firm. Molasses firm. Rioe dull and unchanged. Cincinnati, July 20.—Flour dull and nncbuuged. Coru dull—mixed titiatiU. Pork dull—sales early in the day at $20, but generally held at $21. Lard firm and scarce—summer 11$; kettle 13. B - oou steady—shoulders 8$, dear rib 10}, dear sides 11. Whiskey steady at 95. St. Louis, July 20 —Flour unchanged. Corn easier ; for track lots, mixed, 64*G5. Whiskey 95. Pork $21. Baoon firm ; *al«8 jobbing and order lots ; shoulders 8}a9, dear- lib lO^all, clear ll$all$. Lar i, summer, 11$. Louisville, July 20.—Flour unchanged. Coru firm und in fair demand at 74. Pork in fair demand at $21 50. Baoou firm— shoulders g|; clear lib ll; clesr l “ Lard—tierce 134u}; keg 14. Whiskey at 94. Cut ton Markets. Liverpool, July 20—12:30 p. u.—Cot ton quiet and steady ; uplands 8$-*8$, Or leans 8$ ; sales 12,000 bales—export and speculation 2000. 3 p. M.—Of sales to-d^y 7200 bales were American. Bales uplands nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in July, 8 1-10; ditto, nothing below low middlings, deliv erable in August and September, 8 3-lG. Liverpool, July 20, 6 p. m.—Cotton sales of shipments of new crop on basts of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, 8$. New York, July 20.—Cotton qniet ; sales 932 bales; uplands 17$, Orleans 17$c. Futuros opened steady : July nominal, August 13 13-32, September 1G$. New York, Juty 20,—Cotton dull; sales 1001 bales, at 17$a$c. New Yore, July 20.—Cotton—net re ceipts 31. Futures closed dull and steady; sales 15,100; July l«$; August l« 5-32*3-1(1; September 10 15-32; October 1G 9 32a 5-1G; November 1G 7*32; December 1G 7 32. Baltimore, July 20.—Cotton dull; gross reoeipts 12; exports coastwise 43; stock 4,G!8. Mobile, July 20.—Cotton dull; mid dlings 1G; net receipts 95; stock G, 252. Memphis, July 20.—Quiet and unchang ed ; receipts 93 bales; shipments 297 ; stock 9,619. Augusta, July 20.—In good demand, with very light offerings; middlings 15$; net receipts 22 bales ; Halos 85. Charleston, July 20.—Cotton quiet; middlings 15$; low middlings 15$; good ordinary 14$; net receipts 154; sales 175; atook 8,793. Galveston, July 20.—Cotton dull; goed ordinary 14$; not receipts 46; sales 100; stock 5,854. Boston, July 20.—Dull and nominal; middlings 17$; receipts 21; sales 150; stock 7500. Savannah, July 20.—Demand fair; mid dlings 1G; net receipts 4G; sales 8; stock 9,903. New Orleans, July 20.—Cotton quiet; middlings !G$; good ordinary 14g; ordina ry 12; net receipts 475; sales 200—last evening 150; Htock 28.873. ucreaaed Importance, The iuumIc will be reiidci ml by an ot> beetra con- elating of one hundred performer* eelectod for ibeir umo in diffurmt iauua, aud tbo unprecedent ed turn of 82,600.000 List of Gifts. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT. ONE OKA Nil UAiiH GIFT. ONE OK AND O.iSH G1TT b O AoU GIFTS *80,000 each 75.000 60.000 85.000 100.000 6.000 each.... 4.000 eaok.... 8.000 each.... 8.000 each.... 1.000 each.... 600 each.... . 100,000 . 100,000 , 90,000 . 100,000 . 100 000 180,000 tha, rendering it xery e„y of aoeese lo more, by bi, client, J. H. Maddox, ha, •Bariio are amble to own or hire private i resulted in an acknowledgment by Mad lyanoas. I dox of indebtedness to Yerger for services log that the somewhat notorious rendered snd money loaned. Kimball in tha city, ud th .t ho { PrMlden , pared a bnjHI«; r.ply to certain w * ra „ aTON , July 20-Pr.aideDt Grant m recently pnbhah.d m <1*» ' „ m not return until th. last of the waek. Chronicle, we oelled on him ye,ter- I , , Teeing und requested a copy for the ' Mlaaiaalppl Levee Committee la bib-Sdm. We found the gentle- | aeealon- with bis brother, ooonpying an ele- | New Yobe, July 20.—The Miaaiaaippi New Singing Books! The Leader! By II. R. Paluir, nsriliitod by L. 0. Ev»sotr. Cnoir*. Conventions and Pinging CIamoj will -elcome this n«w Ohurcli Vlmie U-iolc, tilled with new tune*, aniheun, chitnu, Me., Ac., all of the qualily- Price, $1.53 or $12.00 ptr doseu. The Song Monarch! . lie tautens that iu the Leadkr. which rouno isfo ; l<iwed by more than ig04 tilled with the most iutereitting Secular Hnd V»:rod Mus e lor practice. Equal to the Boro io cash Gins 86 UASH GIFTS 80 UASH GIFTS 60 UA.vli GIFTS 100 OASU GIFTS 840 CASH GIFTS 600 CASH GIFTS 19,000 CASH GIFTS GRAND TOTAL80,000 GIFTS, ALL CASH |3,600,000 PRICE OF TICKETS, Whole Ticket* $ fiO 00 llitlve.i 2ft 00 lenth, or ohcIi Coupon 5 00 11 Whole .ickftA lor ; 2-’ a Ticacts for 1,000 00 Tickets are now rrady for salt, and orders compnuied by c-isli will be promptly filled' juiiniosioutt will be allowed to containing full particulars furnished n application. THO. E. UBAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, Public l ibrary Building, Louisville, Ky. For tickets und iufoimatiou, apply to Capt. C. A. Kllnk, Agt. Columbus, Ga. myltt i.9tnwawtd Muscogee Sheriff Sales. If ILL 1m Mold on tin* 11 rbt Tuesday In Augurt v next, betueeu Die l«gil hours of sale, iu ut of the auction li -u^e A Ellis M Uarrisou, aud street, Coin i.bu*, Uu., the following describ- orty, cos ut iioots nu i Mac if , , tl in iSiiua.1 ft »m Musi og.'o County Court iu favor of (leorge W Woodrutf, vs. Craw ford A Jeruig .u. Pioperty pointed out iu said 11 fa. Aif o, nt liunto tin.o and place, 81 pairs of shoes, 4 pieces houi-i-puu, 2 pieoo*? l*o I di king, 1 piece ol'inis 1 piece lind-ey. 2 piecea fl. jiuel, 0 pieces tulico, 1 pioccol stripox, .i pieces Hurting, 1 p;e;e of Lao y goods, 3 j lecett vooleu jerius, 3j pair pan is, l needle and thioa-i case, U shirts, 2 towele, 2*IiawIh, H |-ai:ri ot druweis. 22 bil. ches tape, 10 pairs Miuall r.ocka, 4 steel watch chain*, 1 lot pants nuckled, 9 pans ludioj' shies, 3 hats, 11 pities, ’ r' ltinunH black ng, ft pair* ta n’s gaiters, and 8 cake* of soap, lavtiedou an the property of Abra ham Mein, by virtue ui aud to satisfy a U fa is sued irow Miiecogoo Couuty Court, in luvor of F. J. Hpr-ng«>, vs. Abraham stein. Property pointed om in said it (a Also at the sauie Lima and place three mules— ono a black umro utulc, uoout five years old; one a bay inure mule, about five years old, amt one u son-oil mare tnuln, about eight years old, lovie.i on us the property of iiuiibard WaUer, by vlrtuo ot, and to s.itisiy a fi fa., issued from iUUBuogeoSuporJ< fit UloillCUt* Vf. 1 polnitU out hy pluintUfs. tho flame! time aud plaoe lot of land <>. i-huod iroiu Muscogee Interior (Jourt, ono iu luvor ol Thus S. Tuggle and ouo iu la- vor oi illisabeth Hatcher, tx’r. At the mme tl i.eaud place, North part of Oily Lot Nurnbor 1.3, boHinnlug at the north- wertooruer ol said lot un i running muth on liioad street 33 toot, thence oast 147 feet 10 inches, thonoe north 33 loet, then e west 147 teet lo Inches, to the beginning of raid promi ses, including two stores, Nos. 1 >o aud lb8 on east side Broad street— levlo i ou as ihe proper ty of John 11. Carter, to satisfy a fi fa issued from ivlu-cogee Superior Court in favor of Roo ney &.Warner, vs. John II. Carter. Also, all those parcels of land known In the plan of the City of Columbus as parts of lots 860 and 847, fronting on Jackson street, and parts of lots Nos. 349 and 348 ironting on Troup street, commencing on Jackson street lu4 feet aud four Inches from the north-west corner of lot No. 3'i0, and running aouth on said street 90 feet and 7 inches, thence east to Troup street —said lots or parts of lots are known as the residence ol John D. Carter—levied on to sat- 1-fy att fi In my hinds In favor ol Rooney A Warner vs. John D. Carter. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. Abo, at nuuio lima and place, south half of lot N<>. 201, with all the liiiprovt-moati then-on, c< tabling one quarter aero, worn or leuM, levied as tho property of Albert K. K>ig1aml, executor Thomas Ragland, doceun- d, to satisfy two fl fas issued from Justic e’ Courts—oue in lavor of lio net te t Lawhou, aud tho other in favor of Welch A Co., vs. said A. K. Kugl tiid. Levy uisd« aud r turned to ir.o by V. 61. Corner, law til constable. II. G. IVEY, Sheriff. July 7,1871.—'wtds. Prominent Incidents IN THE History of Columbus From Hi Firil Settlement in 1827, to the Wileen Raid, in 1865, compiled ly John H. Ham. The undereigned propoeee to puhlieh, in a volume ej 150 or more payee, a work under the above title, covering the period from the eeleetion of the locality for a “ trading town," in 1827. to the capture and partial deetruelion of the city by the Wilton Raid, in 1865, The incidente will be derived mainly from its newepapere, which will be gleaned for this purpoie with much core. Jt ie believed that moot of our cilitene would like to have ouch incidento in thie compact and convenient form, and will encourage the undertaking to the extent <f the email amount asked for the work Each chapter will contain short biographi cal sketches or notices of the principal citizens mentioned in it, who have since died. The volume will also embrace full irformation concerning the churches, factories, dec., now existing. We do not propose to publish this compila tion with a view to making money, as the small price asked for it will show. Rut at the same time we do not want to loao money by its publication, and therefore we wish to limit the number cf copies printed to the de mand for the work. IFitA this object in view, we issue this prospectus, inviting those who desire copies of the volume to send in their names. The price wilt be one dollar per copy for a pamphlet bound volume, printed on paper like the specimen sheet issued. A small number of copies will ulso be issued on a «u- perior article <f paper for fl 30 per copy, Payable when the work is delivered, which wilt be tome time next Fall. THOS. GILBERT. May 12, 1874. GROCERIES. A Rare Cliauce! PFKR to any one wishing to engage in the iUilnoss, my entire stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries AT COST FOB CASH! My goods are all FRESH and well selected. Will also rent the eto.e bou-e I now occupy until tho first of October next on reasonable terms. The stand is In the heart of tha business portion of the city in the giocory line, and ie an excellent I offer the samo inducements to rerail dealers in the city or from the couutry, aud will sell in lota to suit purchasers «g»l MEAN WHAT I BAY—TUN OOOD8 WILL UK SOLD AT COST FOR CASK. All those having cldtna ngtluat me will present them. Those who owe me will pleat* com* for ward and settle at onc» Jy4 tf «EO. E. ABB1KWI. New Qoahan Buttor, Mexeppa Flour, Pearl Grit*, Rye Flour, Oat Meal and Wheat Grlte, Heldalok Champagne, Imported and Amarloan Wlnaa, all klnda, Arraak (for punoh), London Porter, Edinburgh Ala, Horae Radiah (grated), Canned Good, of all klnda, Fith and Roe in klta and kogt, JUST RKCKIVKI) BY H. F. ABELL & CO. jeHfitf I RISH OAT MEAL. HAUO, TOFIOOA, HECK- EK'd FARINA, FINE TEAS at low price*. -roes A Black well’s Pickets, all kiudd. . Extra Choice Bio, Old Government Java end Mocbo Coffee. Boasted Coffee. Beet brands llams and Druvkfest Strips. St. Louis Pearl Grits, 20 lb for $1. Blackwell’s Durham Fmoktug Tobacco, 7fij ^ fi). Lorillard’s Bright aud Dark Century Chewing Tobacco. Weot’s Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, 40o ft g-t-Ion. Pure Older Vinegar, 60c W gallon. ROB’T S. CRANE, Ki.vj iu inter st. Price, 75 ots, or $7.5^ per dta AMERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC READERS Tbrte e»n fully grudo.l Pong Rooks for Cnnim»n Sc oold by b.U. Kin*-min and W. H. Tihnui. Book Ut. Fur Primary Schools. Price, 3. r > eta. •» 2d. “ Low or Grant mar Classes, '* f>0 •* 3d. “ Higher “ “ “ UJ “ Tho courdo in euy, progressive, interesting, aud has bteu thoroughly tested in schools near Boston. Oliver Dllssa k Oi., Chu. X. Dltson & Co. Bostou. 711 Broadway, N. Y. my23 d3taw[w«*<l*iut|*wly POSTPONED Muscogee Sheriff Sale. .nd perfecting . jy of ordtuury ingeuu'ty will be aide to ha Knitting Machine with bettor Runcons than a Sewing Machine. Our Machine Is not lia ble to get out of order. It can be attached to an ordluary table end worked by a child. Full in structions accompany each Machine. Families may ciuh together and buy M.»cliiue, i for the celebrated Ulekford Knitting Ma chine. New Yirk Knitting Haeliine Co., Jy12 dewtf 089 Broadway, New York, STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves (Opposite Son Office) Km| Columbus, Ga., w° RAILROADS. Western Railroad of Alabama. 641 HOURS TO NEW TORE NINE HOUR* FASTEST TIME 1 vuraan bailboad or Alabama, OMiuam, «*,, Jjalj MB, UN. TBAlMi LIAYB OOLUMB0* DAILY for MoDta-a.r, aa* Mm, Mia Am...tMo&if-,, TM. a Arrin at Mu, 11:04 a. a, YOB ATLANTA AND NBW Y0BK At 10:10 a. m. Arrlr. OpaUka at ILK s. m. At Atlanta MS p. BI. By AUinta and RlohmPNd Alr-Uuu. Lmt. Atlanta 4:00 p. OBABLOTTN AM a. I., Lon Villa l:iT p.Hakmmff HtOt p. n. Ar- v* nt Wnenington 4:30 a. m^ nt SMUmm Mu a. >., nt PhlladelptUn l^U p. n., nt MV TOES fell p. m. Bleeping Oars run Don AtlonD to OharlRk. By Kmbmbw Mute. Leave Atlanta 4:00 p. n., Dnlton IOiM p. n^ Bristol 10:4ft n. n., Lynokbnrg 10.4ft p. n. Arrive at Washington MS o. n., ntVnltlnoro 9:1ft a. m., at PhilAdJpkta 1:10 p. nt NSW TURK Ml Bleeping oaro ran front AUnnta In Lynekhnrg. TRAIN! A REITS AT 00LUMBVS DAILY Fron Atlanta nnd New York, AM A. m. From Mentgonery nnd fiilna IMl.A Tickets for sol* nt Union I R. A# RAOOM, lo nt Union Pnaoongor Depot. 0HAB. F. BALL, Oonornl HfU , Agont. (oprtftlf BU PBHIMTEMDBNT’B 0 VFIOB, \ 1 svanhah, Ono., Jnno so, 1IT4. J O N AND A FT BE the FIRST JULY molt, BETUBV TICKRTR to nnd ft on either terminus or otatiou on 0RBTMAL AND SOUTH WEST RUN RAILROAD! eon he purchased for OX R FARE. Bold tickets will be Sold until Slot of Dooombor Noxt, aa4 b. QOOD i. rMara Until tho ISth of January, |«7I. n- OONDtlOTOBS ABB NOT AVTROBtllD to aall RETUBN TI0BKT* froa paiata «k.ra Agents sell. The PUBLIC nrs therefor* CAUTIONED to PROVIDE TUKM8NLVB8 WITH TIGERTB from th* Agents nt the station, or FAY ROTH WAYS. WM. MMBM, Gsn'l Bnp't Central Mnltrand. Y FOWRRS, Bng'r and Bnp’t Booth western Fnlltand. O.J.FORBAOEE, Bup't Atlanta Division CsatrnlRnlirend. OULD respectfully invite the attention of hie friends and customers to bis extensive stock of STOVES, HOLLOW AND tTAMPKl) WARE, HOU8K-FUKNISI1 ING GOODS, Ac. Also TIN WARE, nt wholesale and retail. Roofing and Guttering done promptly He solicits i give entire satisfaction. d in the beet manner, call, feeling assured that he c DIAMOND BPElTAiLEM f bribed juop- rly, io-wit: acres, usm-i bol'ig Iu tho 8lh dlitrict c>inty. L vl< d on a* the property of W'm. T. Wynne, tu satisfy a fl fa is«u*-«t from Mu-tcogoe Superior Court iu favor ofit ibert H. Crane, vs. Wm. T. Froperty pointed out by plalu- tiff's attorney. j) 14 wit W.Q.IVlY.Bhsrlff. Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. r.b] vtrj W. T. POOL, DRNTI8T, 101 Broml street. Columbus. Go. W. F. TIGNEB, Dentist, w , i Opposite Btrupper’s building, Randolph Bt. apartment in thia boUl, and waa Laxea Committeo will mart in Nawport 1 acbfTTMth’«a Uwll alTto Opa'nUn’SaaUa^*" 1 ' Tad by him with grant oordiality. Ho to-morrow. All mambara ara prooaot. I f.U4 wip > following iuu.Is, o 213 containing Wm. Uagley, udminis Notice. Georgia, I hereby give not’oe that I have sold sald ■tuck an I transb rrei the s>me, anl under etetiun 1496 of the Code of 1878, I am hereby exempt from any liabilities of said Company. Jyl9 o*ui6: A. Wli’TlCU, Trnete*. THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and IO Broad St., Colu tnVut, Ga., KKEPS CONSmiLY 0.4 IUYD ABOUT 100,000 pound, Baoon. 500 birrol* Flour. From 100 to 200 barrolr fugar. 100 boga Coffee. From 100 to 200 barrel. Syrup. 200 barrel a Whlakay. 200 boxa* Tobacco. 500 “ 8oap. 200 “ Candle,. 100 barrel. Lard. 50 “ Maokerel. 500 eeok* Salt. 50 tl roea Rioe. 500 roam* Wrapping Paper. 100 cate* Potaali. 100 “ Sardines. 100 “ Oyatera. 100 “ Fioklaa. 100 box*. Candy. 100 ** Starch. 100 groan l larlor Alntcben. 1,000 pound# Lorlilnrd’a fiuuff. 00,000 Clgwra. 1,000 pouudn Greeu aud Black X«». 300 bags of Shot. 100 boxen fiutla nnd Fancy Cruckere. 100 " Cheene lu nt-unon. 00 barrel# Vinegar. 30 ennkn Bcofch Ale. 100 doxen Wooden Uucketn. 100 doxen llrooinn. rytblng in the Grocery lino, v. h!cU they the trade by thu pack-t, Montgomery A Eufaula R. R. Change of Schedule, Taking Effaot Sunday, Juan 21, IS74. MAIL TBAIX—DAILY. Leave Hontgomery 4:90 9 M Arrive nt Evfknln U:in 9 m Connecting en Wednesdays nnd Batnrdnyn with Moat# ou Onattnhoocken Riv r, and dally nt Union •springs with Mobile A Girard Railroad for Trey. Leave Enfsula .*..18:08 A U Arrive at Montgomery .a................ 7 0ft A M Connecting at Union Springe w|lh Mobile A Olrard Uuilroad tor Oolumbue, and nt Montgemerv with roadi diverging. J y 84 ti B. DUNHAM, Bnp’t CENTRAL RAILROAD. These Bpsctaclee ar« ruaBufRetarfd from “Min ute Crystal Pebbles" molted together, aud are called Diamond ou account of their hardness and brilliancy. Having b««n tested with the polariscope, the diamond lenses have been found to admit fifteen ur cent, lese heated rays than nny other pebble They are ground with 1- r< at seientiflc accuracy, ro free from chromatic ni.-rrationH, end product- brightuesH and distioettu -a of vibion not before utiained iu epoctaclee. >i uiufiioiun-il by the 8pt-ncer Optical Munufucturug Cu.. N»-w York. For sale by re.-tpunilblo eg* uti in every oily in the Union W1T11CU A KINSKI- «1 are sole agents for Col - •ii!*ti« can only be nttaioed Do not buy a pair mark lert and Opticians, u- ' a., from whom ihe> i ’..ultra employed. A Valuable Plantation FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale the valuable p!nc« known as ti e MILL PLANTATION, on Flint river, three- tulles north of Everett's Station, Southwestern Railroad. The entire place, containing about ft,3'X) acres, will b- sold on exceedingly favorable terms. I will sell, if deeired, the Jones place aeparate. This place contains 1,3'to acres, The levees on tb-< place have boeu recently put In order. De'ter or more productive lands an found this side of the .MIisDsippl. healthy. Fino settlements on th-- p 11 T. I. BLANCHARD, Columbus, On. Uaxual HuruixtnxMXT’n Oman, > Cut mu. HAJUV49. > 0AVAXXAM, November 1, l«70. J Railroad, Its Branches nnd Connections, will 1 as Mlowe: TRAIN MO. 1, GOING NORTH AMD WE l eave gnvanunk Lews Augusta Arrive In Augnntn Arrive in Mifiedgevillc ftjftft A X 9i* A a 9 M lujtlf V M «50» 9 M 7:17 m 9:10 m 8:iO 9 n 18.0ft A ■ ......10: A* M Arrive In Kntnnton. Arrive In Maoon Leave Macon for Columbus... Loavu Maoon for Ku aula..,.., Leave Maoon for Attunta Arrive nt Coiumbne Arrive at Eufnukfc Arrive nt Atlnum 6:0Ui COMING SOUTH AND BAST. Leave AUinta...... 10:00m Leave Co uuilus 9 M Leave Kufaula 7r96 r u Arrive at Macon from Atlanta thlO a m Arrive at Macon from 1 olnmbnn 4:10 a n Arrive at Macon from kufaula 6:46 am l.tavn Macon 7:1ftAM Leave Augusta 9:06am Arrive at Angutta 4.00 p m Arrive at Bavannnh a;,ft 9 u TKAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AMD WMfiT. 7:10 9 M . A0B9M . ft:66 A M . ft BO A M . 9*04 Aud ev< tier to other Jobbiug House pr!6 6m F. A. POMEROY, AT HUOlIKlt’K (OU.VUH, CAULS ATTENTION TO Cholo* Whit* Shad, “ Frcth Bay Fiih, “ Mobil* Cabbage, “ Celery and Lattuoo, “ Live and Oreeeed Poultry, “ Freih Country Sauaage, Spar* Ribe and Backbone*. A Choice Lot of f resh Crackert, Sugar Jumblei, Lemon Snap*, Ginger Snap*, Lemon Cream., Ac. Apple*, Onion*, Potatoes & Turnip*. Also usual Family Supplies aud Fancy U10 t ries Mr. T. C. PKIDGKN will I n found at the coun ter and will bo ideas- d to wait ou bis lorun-r cus tomers uud friends. The patruuage of the public is rehpectfully solh lted. feb28 ^USGLUTE DIVORCES OBTAINED FROM coarte, of different States, for desertlou, Ac. No publicity required. No charge until divorce granted. Address, M. U0U3K, Attorney, ■jSO dftwly IN Broadway, N. Y. Leave Bnvnnn »h Leave A ugusta. Arrivo In Aagueto Arrive in Mneon.... „„„ Leave Mucon for Columtmn..... Leave Macon for Enfonln 9 06 a m Leave Macon for Allan!*.... MX) A M Arrive lu C’dnmhue 9 m Arrive in Kufaula 6:40 9 m Arrive iu Atlanta 3196 9 m COMING BOUTU AND HAST. Leave Atlanta lriA m Leave Columbus 2:30 r M Leave F-Uiauln 8:60 a M Arrive in Macou from Atlanta; 7:10 9 M. Arrive in Macon from Colomkue 7:8ft r m Arrive In Macou from Knfaui# 6:i0m Laavs Maoou 7:85 9 M Arrive iu Mlliedgevill* 10.09 r M Arrive iu Estonton. 11:68 9 M Leave Angn*ta fo08 9 M Arrive In Augusta ft 68 A M Arrive iu Savannah ftlft a m T»Id Na. i, Uiii . ar.e*k lnie.e tk.Cn- tr.l R.llru.'J, .topplD, 0.1, .4 wkol. .utioa., I *""’"*-"* tor fe.lf itatl.n neeot k. Mu* oe or put off. tsmntni tot MIlMinm. n* BUetn will t.k. train Ne. I from lnuuk *a4 An*.I*, ui tr»lu No. * from pot.M oe Ik. ao.tkvut.ra B^l- nud Atlnt. Kwh. Tk. MIIMfnIH. .ud Kutoatou train raa. dully, Bnuday. raenud. . „ . WILMAM KOOXRd, J«23 « O.nral Eua.rtemd.ut. NOTICE. Ornos Moeiu A Oisane Raoioaa l Oolumbue, April 15,1«T0. f O N AND AFTBR AFBIL 16TH, tk* Feseenger Train ou this Bond will run eft follow* : Leave Columbus AGO 9. M. Arnvo at Troy ....*.....11:08 r. M. Leave Troy,,..... k:V5 a. M. Arrive at Columbus 10:30 a. M. nprlfl 2w W. 1* Notloe. notified to present them, dnly authenticated, to me within the time praeoribed by taw. JOHN H. MASSEY. j«18 w4t* Admlntetrator. " important to Farmers. M R. T, j. BTKVEMB i* well known to the Flaeten ot Georgle nnd Alabama as one of th * most reliable end efficient GIN-* RIGHTS in th* country. Wherever be h^e worked he bee given satisfaction; and. ee ke preeesae ta make n tour In n short lime, plantar* needing Gto legnlre should hand Ie their names end IntattaM. “Work v *11 done is twine done." HW IftMftf