The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 22, 1874, Image 4

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Munmn JULY SI, 1874. CITY AFF AIX#. COLVMBVt DAILY MABBBT. ffiaaNOiAU—Bight Mill os N*w Tort put aass&sjrsMj? Xl«n*. BaakssnssUlag shsoks sa Hrt Tsrt at K*. prealea. Oamasy loose 101)4 par Mat. par Math. Gold aad silver noml- aaL Owi-iea—Marlnt dalL Th# foUowlag ara OaadOvMaatp.. to an 1*H#1* MXOl* astempr ■aloof hates. Inapt 1 halao-0 bp It. a G. B. B.t IhywafwasfO bp M. h B. B. B.t 0 bp W. B. B. i 0 bp rtaar | o bp 8. W. B. B. ■hlpaMau M talor-4 bp B. W. B. B.i OlbrbOM ataaaapUoa i 00 bp W. B. B. DAILT OTATBMaiTT. prarumolp 00,004—00,094 f ' 0MT1 j 04 ....; fo,SM-ao,Mo ■taok aabaad 1,0B Ban* Dar lair Yaaa.—Aagast nit, tori, IMi noalaadoam dap t| total noalpto IT,ON; •hipped aataa dap 0001 total ohlpmanta M,UH (took !,mi ialai a. Mlddllagi UfiOUe. io(lka Dotpooratla Part/ j Ooaotyfwil ba kald at the I Booia at M Vdiek'ou Satardap, Aagast lot, for tha porpoaa of organising thoroughly for the snsotag oampaign. A fall st Undue* to nrg*d apoa tha Partp. , O. A. Bxdd, ' Ohalrti Ex. Com. 8* W*n*titi' ; i£Zir ue. * Wi MM tM* baaitl bafora Jadga John- aoa, at ohambsn, and daoidad againat tha Bharilr. This oaaa baa boon raported la Mb aorwat atogao, sort itaadau ara fa- niliar with it. Tbs' Bharif ia remarkably plaaaaat oaaa the matter, sv*o though ha Baa a pUa of oopta on hia shoulders, and ia datonalaed to oarrp tka oaaa to tha Baprsaaa Court for final deeiaion. CeunSg Court AOJearnoO. Yaatarday tka Oonfity Ousrt adjourned after a aeaaion of two daya, baaing in the ■Malian added fokr htembera to the ahalngdog. . A rather intonating oaaa ooeurred jnet before Ua adjoarameat, that of tha State tb. John Curry, colored, charged with aagtahey. It waa proven that daring lent year ha waa in the habit of atroliing • about tha premlaM of aome of onr moat worthy oitiaana, aad aeoreting himself in oortala loaalitiM for very indeoent and brntiah pnrpoaM. Binding the vigilance of the olBeera he aeoaped to Alabama, bat npon returning at once began to pur- oae Me wonted Mbli, aid thua waa brought before thla oodrt. After an In- vntigation and a verdlot of gnilty he waa aantanood to hard labor on tha chain gang for eight montha. Bfaaar*a I Tha oily,baa.boon remarkably quiet, A alight dlaturbanoe ooonrred Monday avaniak between a tolored driver and hia paeaaogan whioh ahonld have earned a funeral near the Fair Oronnde. Thio oaae did not officially oome before Hia Honor. In court, yeaterday morning, three or four unimportant cmoo were dlamiaaed. ' The odly one of note waa that of R. Bad, Una, who wm obhrgad with violating an ordinance of Connoil, having cold meata on Saturday evening, daring market boon, outaida of the market-houae. The Mayer, dadring to make thla a teat oaae, gave the aeoaMd the foil extant of the Uw—fifty doUara’ fine or thirty daya' im- potaonment. In default of payment Mr. Badkina wm inoaroarated. It aeema that thla ia an old uneattled point, which, on tha queatlon of Ua oonatitntionality, will now be adjudicated. JMberp—ItMevee Caught. OnThumflay eight last tha mill of King A Weaver, near Box Springe, waa broken into and flour and oorn atolen. Entrance to the bailding wm affected through the On Friday morning, the robbery having been diaoovered, permit wm made, and Oaesy Bsarflald, white, and Virgin (what'a in a aame ?) Wtliiamaon, oolured, were eapturad, with part of tha atolen property. They were put into free lodgioga in Ons- ■eta jail, and ware to have a hearing Them man were tenaata on the planta- tiea of tha late Ool. J. A. L. Lee, and it ia aald that Bearfleld haa a peculiar love for batata. local bbibbs. —Bain in tha morning and duet in the evening. —A popular druggist hM retired into tha ebaddraf Iho ia ail ranee buaineaa, and inataad of endangering Uvea now iuanrea them. If our etray doga don't get the eMer-a aoon they wUl have a fair ahow of being one aaya that the ladiea have auoh a thin way of dreeaing now*a*daye that you eould put one into a poet-office bos without harming a raff. —Tha new posUofitoe begine to amumo a ahape. The atone need for the allla wm quarried near thia oily and preaenta a line —Out pavemanta are atill undulating, to Bay the leaat of it. When will we improver —Hew the dovm and gunnera do anffer thla month! —Importation* for the medical frater nity t watermelona. —A negro on the ohain gang, who had bean eentenced for dealing tree* from an »at the eauetery, wm Baked by a “How much longer have you »r He replied, “If I have Rood lack, I wtU get off next February; though I wtah I could gat a obanoe to vote for Joe Van for Qua gram I want to gat him off ^SmtMuantfor your ,'Bhi aK thiage good ootid If Wo lean that tha eitiaeae af Hamel 1 eonety, in the vicinity of Sendfoft, had a fine barbecue on Thutadey laet. The affair wm gotten op priadpaUy by the Granger*, though everybody wm invited. About 250 people ware preaent. An ad- dram wm delivered by Major J. F. Wad dell. Every daecrtptien of oouveyenoe wm brought into nqoWtion to reach tha An ox team drawing a wagon, in wbiob were eeatad three gentleman nnd three ladim, beoama nnnly on tha way, overturned the vehicle and apillad the eootente, eeattering tha precious part aronnd rather promlaenonaly. The dinner wm bountiful. AU enjoyed thenuelvM, end went to their homM feel- lag happier for tha dey'a pleaaarm. Hun tine Bupieite. Four bravo mao of Colombo* viaitad tb* neighborhood of Box Springe dey be. fore ymterduy, and killed ninety-throe yonng dovM. Highly eteted with their enocem, they lingered near a branoh jnet a moment too late, end nw the train move off without them. Twenty-one milM walking and driving did not im prove their appeiranee, when the early riser* of onr oity viewed them et live yeiterdey morning. HovoMcwta of the 4trneehoppera. [From the St. Peui Prat*, July »th.] Now that the VMtarmy of grasshopper* haa got fairly into motion aome idM of Ua immense range may be gathered from the fact that onr apecial diapatobM thia morn ing report their aimnlUucons appearance yeaterday, flylag from tb* south-aast to the north-weet at Sheldon and Ewt Or ange, in north-wmtern Iowa, where they lighted yeeterday in Immense elonds on the finely growing orope; st Mankato, ovar 200 mllea east of tbuee polnta, where they wen flying northward, end at Brook- lge, over 250 miles north of the first mentioned points. Contrary toexpeetation and to tha impression derived from their first movements, they have not pur sued a oontiaoous flight northwestward or even northward, but large bodiM of them have returned southward end aontb- eMtward, in the inverse direotton of their original movement. Their winged col umns seem, too, to have spread out late rally toward the CMt, eo that the skirmish line on their eastern flank now takes in bias Earth oonnty. It is jnrt possible that they may oontinoe this flank move ment toward the east. If the prodigious swarms of hungry loo nets should ones take it into their heads, after stripping the thinly aettled country west of Manka to, to move eMtwerd over the rioh, popu lous, end prosperous agricultural counties thia side of the Bine Earth end Minnesota rivers, the destruction of orope wonld be immense, end tbe calamity tenfold wbst bes resulted from tbeir ravages in tbe newly end sparsely settled region to whioh they have heretofore been confined. If they ahonld ones set about it there ecu be no donbt that they oonld without difficulty destroy in n single weak the entire growing groin orop of Minnesota, Their numbers are simply prodigious. Mr. James U. Buttorfield estimates from the numbers olinging to etalke of wheat, oats, &o., as compared with tbe number aud else of kernels of wheat, that in Watonwan oonnty, where hia farm is eit- nsted, there were 100 bushels of grass hoppers to tbe aere of all growing crops, and they were as thick over the whole tilled area of the country westward to tha Iowa Una as in Watonwan oonnty. Valuo* la the Molasses Jag. From the Obloago Times.] dyrup, pore and unadulterated, hua but n email aale in tha Chicago market. There ara two reMons for this: Tha first ia that tbs ordinary consumer would sooner be swindled by buying an unadulterated ar ticle at a cheap prioe than lay the flatter ing unction to bie soul of having n pore aud wholesome syrup at a fair prioe. The second is that tha manufacture of pare ayrop may almost be classed with the lost arts. The syrup, that generally makes its appearanee on tbs tabtae of Obloago households is simply a preparation of starch. What is supposed to be the pro duct of auger oeue is nothing of the kind. There is pare eyrnp m * rarity in tbe market, bat it don't make much show on the tables of avenge Chicago house holds. In former timM syrup wm nothing less than molasses, or the drippings of brown sugar. This contain* about forty par oent. of cans sugar, together with some grape sugar. At tbe present tims moat of tbe syrup that is manufactured ia made from alaroh. The starch ie boiled with water oontainiog one or two per oent. of oil of vitriol. By e obemioal process the •tareh is thus converted into something like grape anger. Tbe liquid is concen trated, and the oil of vitriol, a vary dele terious substance, neutralised by means of chalk. It might, perhaps, he more proper to My that tbe oil is eliminated by the action of tbe ohalk. Syrups menu- faolured in this way always contain n cer tain portion of sulphate of lime or plea, ter, but if tha manufacturer works well, the proportion of this sulphate of lime left in tbe syrn.i ie smell. There is always dsnger that the nnaorupnlona manufac turer will nac chemicals for tha purpose of giving a beautiful oolor to hia ayrnpa. The clearnesa end color give the grade to the ayrop, and it in, therefore, a consid erable object to the nnaornpnlotu manu facturer to resort to every means possible to give to his produote tbe d«sirea oolor. BABaTtlTCOUNTER 1 Dtp flsMfi Cheap! I piece on my Bargain Counter to-day many desirable gooda to sell et less then New York oost. All should see them. Linen Handkorohiefs at 7 cents. White Pique at 12jo and upwards. Linen Setts and a few Linen Drosses st half price to oloae out. Linon Poplins st 20o—worth 40. Other Dress goods in seme proportion. Will oontinne to sell for a short time my entire stock at cost, to close ont be fore fell trade. All should embrace this opportunity. Will receive in a day or two now aide band Prints to sell st 10 cents, and many other Doniestio Goods, Notions and White Gooda, all cheap. Ftue yard wide lUeaohed Cotton 12j. jy'-’l cod H. T. Cbiolxb. ATTENTION! Ot te <Ae Arker lateen. On the cash system whioh I have adopt- ed.and to close my stock by Oct. Ut,l874, I will rail drinks et 10 oents. No credit. jolyS—eodlm Gxo. W. Lira. A few pieces of French and English Oaaaimerss, vary low, to oloee ont, nt T. E. Blamohabu's. Cm Ah. BBT MAN A CO., Broad Street, Oolnmboa, Oa., offer at their popular BBSTA VBABT AND SALOON The beat that eon be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tabs coo, Ac. [myj ly TBTOBDI—HO XWWLAttOB! High prices mb no longer exist. OMb beaia la lb# principle haw, and Bel derive to oiaas bnainaan, sea offering my stack of Dry Goode, Hate, Boots aad Sheas, Hosiery, end anai Irene artietas in this lias, at Mm than east. Call and examine, aad make one dol- Mr go farther than two at any other plaoe. I am in earnest. If yon donbt it, step in nnd have proof of tha fact. L. Haws, 114 Broad St, myl 4m Colaatbos, Ga. Tha bast plaoe to bay Table Linens, Napkins and Sheetings, is nt Blaxoubd's, 128 Brood at. A large lot of cheap Canal man* and Linens, vary cheap, at Buscuu't Saturate a piece of broad or meat with gMtrio jnioe, and it will dissolve. This is digestion. Add to snob a mixture n little aloohol, and it will not dissolve. This M indigestion. Beware, then, of tinctures, or tonios, or decootiona oon taining spirituous liquor*. Shan all ran “tonioa," and rely solely on Da. V/ha ms's Yinou Bursas, the fleesi digest ive invigorant known, and free from the fleryenneof Aloohol. my28 4w Hand This I Yon osn And nt T. E. Blanohard'a, 128 Brood street, the very latest styles of Dross Goods, at such prices M oannot fail to give satisfaction. Call and them. Domestic Goode at greatly rodeoed rates; Faotory Goods at factory prices; Coats' Spool Cotton at 70 cents per dos.; the beat Prints at lOe pm yard. mylO If Iluhlor’s Cigar Emporium. Tha be-f Iaport-d Harass aad Kay Wast Clear*. Oiiea lug and Smoking Tobacco, Banff, Masrccbeaia Pipes, dinar Holder*, Match Balks, Tabact o Unga, Ac., ran ba found at LOVIS IIUHLXR'S, Bsadolph 81., Ibma* with Red Bign, near Rsqalrar one*. JM tf u XBTBBPBHMI 1,000 yards Whit* Victoria Lawn* 15 oants—NOT BAD. 1,500 yards White Victoria Lawns, 5-4, 18 oents—worth 88 cants. yards Plain, Striped end Figured Lawns at 15 oenta—worth 26. 700 yards Bleak GrenedinM selling ex ceptionally fMt. Gents’ Fine Cloths and OassinMros st a bargain, to oloae out the lot previous to stook-tektag. Embroideries are atill being sold at half tbeir veins. Hibbons at half prioe. Coats' Thread 70 oents. Best Prints 10 cents. Hosiery end Gloves at priom defying competition. Freeh Goods twice n week from all im portant market*. J. S. Joaaa, Columbus, Ga. j*18 ood The "Oenlteaus <■* RiseIt,” who ia the tutelar dsmon of dram-shops, assumes his sourest sspeot when the rapid progress of Vixboab Vittsms is reported “down low.” Tbe People's Vegetable Tonio is playing the miBohief with hia bitten fired with rum. All dliMeee whioh those demonieo nostrums aggra vate, under pretense of relieving, sneh M indigestion, sick kes lsohe, oonsamp- tion, rheumatism, gout and intermittent fevers ere eared by it. je24 4w mmm mmi mam NonrcLt. Rankin House, Oolumbnit Oa. j. W. BYAN, Prop’r. Fiaki Goldin, Clark. Baby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Unorb mm Banxoi House, aarlt half A. W. RTAI, Prap'r, THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ca. STRICTLY FIRST 0LASS B. BBADLEY A BON, may»T—diwioi Proprietor!. MKDI6IMB* Warm Springs, ■bbiwbthbb co., CA. White Sulphur Springs. __ _ aad Lady. Kvsry effort will bo made for tbe com- lort and enjoyment of Iks r.sitors. Tha Bidding* hava boon Enlarged, refitted nod refurnished with special regard to oonvonleneo aad ooMfbrt. Tha curative proper 1; a of tha water* have bean experienced by hundrede of invalids for sore than a quarter of a century. KVBBT INNOCENT HUSKIEST Joel being to fhrnish AN 1NVITINO BETBEAT OB. C. A. STILES, who will look ufter the sick and afllictefl, and whose specialty is In the treatmtot of chronic diseases. New harks have bean purchased, and will ruu to all the rallroadfl for transporting visitors. FROM COLUBBU', via North and South Railroad. $5.00. A SWIBBINO POOL OF SULPHUR WATER, as well as other kinds of baths, will always he ready for guests. Our rates, we believe, are lower than at any othar resort of any reputation. Our table will be kept up to the atnndjrd of the best to the country. TERMS I Par Day $ y on PsrOnsWaek <0 00 Per Mouth 30 to Children uuder eight years of age and colored aervunte nt one-hnlf of the above rates. JflU eodtf II. T. CUNNINGHAM. EXCURSION TICKETS TO New Tork and’Return. JOB WI»IHTIHC._ Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old Bon Office Building,) RAN DO 1.1*11 NT., COLIIMVI, GA. I AM no* prepared to assent* with neatness and diapstas orders for PRINTING of ev ery description, via: LETTFU HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OF ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND 0IU0ULAB8, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Ac. LEGAL BLANKS. IMilroad Uceeipts, Bills Lading, Ac in book or loose, Blank Books of *11 kinds, with or without printed heads, made st short notice. Giving my entire personal sttsstlos to Job Printing and Binding, lam enabled to flu all or- ders promptly st LOW CASH PRICES, guaranteeing satisfaction, Order* from abroad* seme attention as If parties wars present. Sand for Prloa List. *ff- A fall atook of Georgia sal Alabama Legal Blanks always on hand. tab*—it af**?* GXXSEAL flOrKXIXTXXDIHT'S OFFICE, Gxvtxal Raileoad axd Banking Co. of G Savannah, July 17,1874. !-} J/n at WILLIAM R0GEB8, Onn’l Sup’t 0. R. R. VIRGIL POWKH0, Kng'r and Sup’t Southwestern R. R. G. J. FORKACRti, Sup’t Atlanta Division C. It. R. Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG & C0., Columbus, Ca., A RR prepared to supply merchants prompt J\. and in a satisfactory manner with the b« quality of Cotton Cheeks, Ginghams and •tripes, all of which are in fast colors, aud of the latest aad moat approved pattern*. M9* Factory corner of St. Clair and Jackson street. Ofloe on Jackson street. JeSidfim HOLSTEAD&CO., Columbus, Georgia. C«lt*k Gftnif Cotton Presses, H*ne Psw n, Feed Cutters, Cider Md Wine mill*, Mowing Jlfmefclnen, Gross Knives, Plows, IDoca ThreeMers nnd Fan Hills, Cem Bksllsrw, Horse Hakes, Harrows nnd Custlvntors, Bask nnd Bramble Scytkes, •pades, Forks, Ac*, As« AIS0, Georgia Baised Bast Proof Oats* Georgia nnd Tenneeeee Bye* Wkeat, Barley, Clover nnd Grass BsedL Ckcmlcals for Making mp Fertftll worn nt kense. Address HOIMTBAB * CO., Je30 tf Agrlcnltural Depot, Colomhus, Go. Those B| Spectacle# are manufactured from “Mia* Crystal Pebbles*' melted together, and are oalled Diamond on aooobnt of tbeir hardneoe nnd brilliancy. Having been tested with the polarlscope, (he diamond lenses have l>eeu found to admit fifteen per eent. lees heated rape thus any other pebble. They are ground with g root salentllo aocnracy, are free from chromatic aberrations, and prodace a brightnesi and distinctness of vision not before attained in spectoclflo. Manufactured by the Speucer Optical Manufacturing Co., Mew York. For solo by responsible agents In every city in the Union. W1TTI0H A KIN9IL, Jawolore and OpUoUua, are sole exeats for Columbus, Oo* from when they •os only be ottnined. No peddlers employed. Do sol key a pair salon yes see the tend* mark ^ ootf dndswly N.J. BUSSEY, Agent AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. Tha trad* *upptl*d st lowsit mar k*t rites. Nearly all dlraass. origleet, free, IsdlgsaUos and Torpidity of the Liver, and relief Is slwsf* anxiously soagtit after. If tbs Lifer Is Regulated in its action, health is almost Invariably secured. Want of action In the Liver eauseo Headache, Constipation, Janndloe, Pain in the Shoulders, ~ h, Chilis, Disilness, Sour Stomach. Bod Taste e Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho t, Depression of Spirits, or the Blue*, and a hundred other symptom*, for which SIMMONS CITYJMMCTOItY. 0HUHCHR8. at OaMkatp* and Bt Clair *M**u—B*v. J. H. NalfpMSor. flsrvioM at 104 a. u. Md 4 ». h. **oh SMday. R*bb*tk«ehooi*t 9 s. *. snsooru. (xanon). Oglstkorp* ,Uaa4, bstwasa Bsadolph and Bt. Clair—Bsv. W. 0. Hontarrooior. SsrvicM *l 11 4. x. ad 4 i. x. sack Honda;. Bandar school at 2 j a. M. BOHAN OATHOLIO. fit Philips and fit. Ji Jackson, between ] strops—Father Hamilton pastor. Mass at 64 and 8j a. M., and vaapan at 6 r. u. Cataebism at 4 r. M. Jaaasa (OsAbolio)—on Baldwin and Faw Bandoipb strost, bslwsso Jackson and Franklin—Bsv. O. A. Kendriok pastor. HsrvtaM ever; Banda; at 10J a. m. and 8 r. H. Sabbath school at 9 A. h. r been diacovervd. It sets wildly, sfcotaally, I being a simple vegetable compound, can do no _ iry in any quantities that it may be taken. Ii iff'harmlefff in every way; it has been used for forty years, and hundreds of the good and grant frotu all part* of the country will vouch for Its being tbe purest and best. Simmon' LIVE! KKULATN, w Mm, Is harmless, ri dr stic violent medieine, ure to cure if Uken regularly, a Int xicatiug lieverage, fault lee. family medicine, fa the cheipest medicine In the world. Is given with safety and the happiest results to r Quinine ana Bitters of every Cont»ihr’tho simplest and best retnedlm. FOR HALE BY ALL DMVOOJMTM* fel»5 deodswly THE BEST ADVICE r.ny disorder affecting the stomach, the livsror kidneys, is to tone, cleanse, and regulate f* - *“ ----- — ** — ■i ! urrs liate these li portent organs by the use of DR. T\JTT’S VIGRT- thoroughly restore the ftinctional action digestive organs and the in to tines and renovate tho wholo system. They produce neither nausea, t'.tpliig or weakness, and may he taken at any ie without change of diet or oeeupstiofl. *.-iee 25c a box. Sold by all druggists. utt. tuttThair dye i8o*s< s qualities that no other dye does. Its ;ct is Instantaneous, and so nataral that It can* Li* detected by the closest observer. “ 1. and is In gene . areesera in every large Price $1 a bos. Sold r OBVTUTTs . SARSAPARILLA Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases of the Ikth, 8t. An* lony’s Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumors, Boils, Tetter, nud Balt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumati* m, Pain and Enlargement of the Bones, Female Weakness, Sterility, Leuoorrhoea or Whites, Womb Dhe-taes, Dropsy, White Swellings. ills, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Mercurial Taint, aud Piles, ail proceed from impure blood. DR. TUTT’S RARIAPARILU is the most powerful Hlood Purifier known to medical scieuce. It enters Into the circulation erauicatcs every morbific agent; renovates ystem; prodacos a beautiful complexion and cause, tho body to gain flesh and increase In weight. Keep the Blwwd Hesltky and ail will be well. To do so, nothing has ever been offered tliat can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $1.00 a bottle. Bold by all Drugitiits. Ofllce 18 Cortlandt street, N. Y. feblft dwMiAwly Liver! Liver! Liver! SIlVLilVEOIIXrS’ HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, Is a rarely VEGETABLE PREPARATION, bsrm> leu. nnd effective—a specific for all derangements of the Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stonr ach or Bowels. Tliis M dicine ha. been tried by thousands end ha* never filled to give aatlsfaetion. 4uf Try one bottle and be convinced. E. I*. KINO * SONS, Proprietor, and Manufacturers, Columbia, S. C. For ual. by A. M. BRANNON, Agent for Colum bus and Opelika. ap23—taw6m. New Advertisements. rA DAY GUARANTEED seia, a*. SWELL AUGER A DRILL la fast "territory. By Qaeirron sf IOWA, ARKANSAS 4 DAKOTA OMtlMubw. V.904(LLeek,Ke. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP U.«LY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold l-.y Drug.liu. 4w LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. For BO yemrn unuotia bare intently watched hie perilous yet hkxoic stxcoglm, and grand AcniKVKMt'XTs. and now eagerly desire the €•■*• plets Llfe-Hlatorj or this world-renowned hsuo nud BK.NKFACToa, which unfolds also the curi osities and weu 1th of a wild and wonderfal conn try. Itlejwtreudy. 2,000 agent! wanted quickly. One ugont sold 1S4, another IBB tn one week. For particuUis, address HUBBARD BBOii! either l'hila., Bo.-tuu, or Cin., O. 4w 200 Pianos and Organs, Sew and Bacond-IUnd, of Flret*Clona Makers, will be .oi l at low prices for cosh, or on Install* meut*, for rout, iu city or couutry, daring this month, by UORACK WATERS A BON, No. 481 Bro.i w .y, than ever before offered In New York. SPECIALTY—Pinos aud Organs to 1st until the rent mony pay. the price of tn# Instrument. Il lustrated Cut.tloguei mailed. A largt discount to Mini.terr, Chimb hr, Schools, Lodges, #tc. 4w Forewarned, Forearmed. To be fore, enot-d now wiien yon are threatened with all tbs ailments caused by debilitating Spring and Baas* mer weather is to make free use of JURUBEBA, which will make tho Lifer active, assist Itlgee* tion. Purify tho blood, strengthen the Uterine and I rinart organs, invigorate the Bjetem, and 11NITM TO CiiIlIICIAL TKAV1LEBS. /*10MMBR0IAL Travelers who solicit orders by \J Card, Oatalogus, Trade-List, Bample, or other BpMlmsn. also those who visit their customers and solicit trade by purchases made direct from ttoek, and who travel In any section, by rail or tout, selling any close of geode, are requested to •end their Basinets end Private Address, as be low, stating class of goods they sell, end by whom employed; also those who are at present under no f*g»f*M«ut. This matter ie of great importance Individually to talesmen of this close, or men so liciting trade in this manner. It is therefore especially deeired that this notion may meet the •7* of ell Commercial Travelers and Baleemen In this conntry and that they will at once give It their attention. Those who comply with above mwl will be eoatdentially treated and duly ndvleed of object In view. Please address, (by letter only) OO-OPBRATION, lt . oareBee. P. Bewell A Oe., 41 Park Row, JylB eedlm Mew York Olty. make you enjoy lito a JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Agent, IAL AGENTS WAM’fcD FOE vae gazet; venal Int.rMt to the Atserlosa psoffl*. It .ppe.l. to oo pnrtlcul.r cl... .loo., but tn all el***..; tu uen *ii'l women or .11 prof- uios*. Mill*, ocoup*- tlou. an<l political opinio**—to ISrmor*, l*w*.ra, boainee* men. mech.nlca, ph,*icl*s*, polltlclatu, teoclirre, .tuil-tit*, manateolnton, MluDn, me* of leornlng *od men who enn only read, to old and yonng. All wont It •• n boo* of coHtoat reference, end to pruorr* for tbotr children and cblldteu’a children ** tbe only complete and relis. ble werh, eliewio* the ulffontle remits of THf rim one Hvxnn run 01 *va, ran J*M dw St. Luke—On Jaokaoo *trs*t, bstwsan Uaodolph *ndHt. Ol*ir*trests—Kst. Dr. J. & Ks; pastor. Barrios* ssob Bands; st 10J A. M. sad 8 r. h. Babbstb school at ‘st^Paut—SouthoMt oorosr ot Frank lin aud Xroup »treat*—Hot. Armtata* Wright, pastor. Barrios* srarw Baud*; st 1UJ a. k. tud 8 r. M. Babbstb school at 4 p. M. Broad Street Methodist—On upper Broad strost. Usr. H. W. Dixon psator. Bsrriosa arsr; Band*; *t 10J A. H. and 7J p. u. Babbstb sobool at 2J p. 01*m moating at 9 5. M. j*hish axxAOooaa. Oorosr Crawford and Fon;th strosta. Hsrtasn Dirkiatbsl, robbl. Bsrriosasrer; Frid*;*T*ntag at 8 aad Bstards; morning at 10 o'oloak. awn. Methodist.—J. W. Bimmons pastor. Barrios* 1st Banda; *t 10J a. m., and 8rd Sand*; *t 5 p. h. Babbstb school 8 *. H. Baptist.—Bay. Jsspsr Hicks pastor. Barrios* on tb* 4th Banda; in saoh month Babbstb school st 8J a. h. SHOWN ATILL*. BrouneciUs Baptist.—Hat Jasper Hicks pastor. Barrios* 1st sad 3d Band*;*. Bob bath School at 8:80 a. k. Trinity (Methodist;—Hot. J. W. Sim mons pastor. Bsrrioss 1st, 2nd sad 3rd Banda; at 8 p. H. aad 8rd Bands; at I0J a. H. Altornata Bandog sapplisfl both morning and evening. Sabbath sobool svsr; Banda; at 4 p. H. OOLOaiD. Chapel (Methodist)—East oom- mon, W. J. Guns* psator. Bervioes eve ry Bonds; st 104 a. K. and 8 p. u. and 7) at nignL Sabbath sobool At U a. it. First Baptist—Oorosr Front and Bt. Olair (near river)—Oroen MoArtbar pas- -. Bsrvios* svsr; Band*; st lllj a. h. aad 8 p. H. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. h. St. John (Methodist) N. E. common, —G. B. Taylor, pastor. Bsrrioss ever; Bands; st 10J a. m. and 8 p. M. Babbstb aohool at 9 A. m. Second Baptist (Northern Liberties)— Rev. Primus Stafford pastor. Ssrvioes ever; Bands; at 10J a. m. and 8 p. u. Babbatb sobool at 9 a. h. L O. O. F. Lodge on Oglethorpe, between Bt. Cltiir and Orawford a is. Begnlar meeting* held svsr; Monday srsntag, at 7 j o'clock. Enosmpment meat* 2d and 4th Mon days in each month. MASONIC. Lodge in Banna’ bailding, oorosr Broad and Handolph streets. Columbian, Lodge, Mo. 7—Mssts 3d Toesds; night In sash month. Bartep Chapter, Mo. 7—Meat! ou 1st Frida; night in each month. Hope Council, Mo. 4—Mssts 8d Saturday night in snob month. St. Aldemar Commandsrp—Meets 2d Toesds; night in aaoh month. B'NAI BEBITH. Lodge in Barms' bailding—Meetings held on ths 1st and 8d Baud*;* in saoh month. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Coart Haase (in Coart Square, centra of alt;) between Oglethorpe and Jackson and Crawford and Thomas streets. Jail on East commons, foot of Crow- ford street. Opera Hons* n. *. oorosr Crawford and Oglethorpe strost*. 'emsl* Orphan Aaylun, East oommon, near oemetery. Post Ofllos, oorosr of Oglethorpe and Randolph. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Booms over Griffin's drag atom, Broad street. Open from 8 a. m. to 6 r. u. Books loaned to member* returnable every two weeks, or borrower pays 25c. G r week thereafter. Mm. J. B. Its;, brarian. HOTELS. Rankin Hooie, oorosr Broad aad Craw ford streets. Plantar*' Hons*, Broad strost, feast side), between Bt. Clair and Crawford. Central Hotel, Brood street, (east aids), between SL Olair and Crawford Uresis. Homs Hones, Broad street, (west side), bstwssa Bt. Olair and Crawford Brood Street Hons*, (asst side), between Orawford and Thomas streets. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1 (white rnsls) n. s. oorosr Jaekaon and Crawford atresia. No. 2 (whits fe male) *. w. oorosr St. Olair aad Forsyth streets. Tempsranos Hall (mlxad colored) Ogle thorpe strost, between Randolph and Bryan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—8. B. Gleghorn. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett Clerk of Connoil—M. M. Moors. City Attorns;—Ohs*. H. Williams. City Pbysiatan—D. W. Johusoa. City Helton—Jama* M. Lyash. Oil; Marshal-Mat W. Murphy. Deputy Marshal—Wm. L. Robinson. Wharfinger—Jake Barra*. police. Chief—Mat. W. Murphy. PIOSI SQUAD. SXOOKD squad. Copt W. L. Cash, Ospt. John Foran, Bobt. G. Mitchell, John Bt. Clair, Wm. H. H. Wood, Josh Bopsr, Charles Brady, John Fesgan, Whit Smith, John O'Brien. James lt-diart*. Don't Dan osn, Tom UcEsohern, John Brady, standino oomhutsis or council—1874. Aceonnts—Grime*, Andrews, Durkin. Bridges and Wnarf—Chalmers, Redd, Grimes. Comstar; — Durkin, Blanchard, Mo- Gehsa. Cisterns tod Fire Deportment—Kent, Flonrne;, Grimes. City IinprovemeotsandPnbUo School*— Bedd, Brannon, Mebaffey. Commons—Flournoy, Mebaff ay, Blanoh ard. Contracts — Brannon, McGsbee, An- drew*. Finance—MoGehee, Redd, Soheasslsr. Hospital—Blanchard, Kent, Brannon. Mark et and Magaatas — Behen**ler, Flonruoy, Chalmers. Police end Gas—Mebaffey, Du.kin, Chalmers. Btreete sad Sewers—Andrews, Bohsan- ler, Kent BOLL OF COLUMBUS FIRE DE PARTMENT. W. H. Williams, Chief Engineer. G. W. Bosstte, Pint Aas't Engineer. 0. A. Ethridge, Bsoond Aas’t Engineer! A. K. Franoia, Bssrotory. „ _ Ttws coupann*. X°- B - F- Oolsmtn, B. Lsdsfnger, W. H. Brannon, T. 0. Dongtan. _ I* NaUn, Robert Ennis, D-E. WiUlaaas, G. B. Floarnoy. « C if^Meehcmiee Mo. 8-0. D. Wall, £ Ottebran, A. K. Francis, A. J. Nix. Book and Ladder—tL M. Moors, F. J. Nril, 0.1. Griass, Usorg* Jugro! IMPORTANT! THE CAMPAIGN Weekly Enquirer I A LIYE PAPER, Within the Reach or Every Man, Mac Woman end Child! 40,000 Subscribers Wanted ▲t SO Cents Apitea! There la a promiaa of an astir* politi cal campaign this fall In Georgia and Ala bama, and it 1* of vital importans* to tha people that they ahonld bo thorough!, posted on tha qusation of port; issuaa, and also os to tho lift and okaraotsr* of tha man for whom tha; ar* to rota. To fill thia want the publisher of tha ENQUIRER- SUN hs* determined to establish so aoon te he osn get ons thousand sabsoribera, THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER, which b* will send to any addraas on th* rsoaipt of FIFTY CENTS FOR FIVE MONTHS Tan thousand extra eoplsa will b* issued on tha first edition—on important fist of whioh advertiser* should avail thsmsslvN. Candidate*, and ohairmen of commit tees in Georgia and Alabama, as wall st Grangers and other bodies, ahonld msis up olabn at ones, and send as all ths po litical infurination they oon glean. Tb* issues nii of great importance, and tb* people ahonld ba ronaad to th* emergency. Great as wUl b* ths expanse involved ia this enterprise, I will, ns an extra indue- meat, send iron for ons year th* Wiutr or Sundat ENQUtaxa-BuN to any poms sanding ms twenty names uyi ten dollin for THI CAMPAIGN MEM Hard times cannot bn nrgsd for sot taking this paper, ns its low cost pIseuM within the reaoh of nU. Let onr friend* go to work at onos, spread the news, tri aid ns in seonring saoh n oiroulstion u will mtks tbs new enterprise a medium of the greateet good. Good men only will b* endorsed, eel no effort will b* spend to rid Alabama of the harpies now preying on bar. In addition to nil political news, tb> Campaign Enquirer, a thirty-two oolnam paper, wUl conteio General and Foreign Nswn, the let** 1 Markets, Orop Reports, Hint* for Flee 1 ' era, able Editorials, Honsshold Becip* BsUgiona IntslUgsncs, Bkstehss of Trevol, Original Stories, Poetry, and Local luK'- ligenos. Form Your Clubs at Once! A. R. Calhoun, Bnfuirsr.Su*, tOLUMBUfl, OA-