The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 25, 1874, Image 2

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!*U* *•****♦*< boLifnrii ' SATURDAY JULY 25, 1874. “ 'CITY Betas 10 Mm. Receipt* 7 Mm-0 by 8. W. I. R., 4 by M. ft Q. ft. ft, > byrinr, 1 by tregoas, 0 by N. 4 8. K. R-, 0 by W. B. R. Shipments 0 Ml«(—0 by 8. W. B. B., 0 by W: -ft* 0 (M bom* consumption. Bun* <Uy lost year mlIm wars .15 balsa; nwlpb 17; abiptnaoU 29. Tba tnk'i operations, with the tabular Mpwtaof Liasrpool, tba porta aad lute- ior towao, taay ba found ia our oommer- >Vw|> Oman /Or o»aa«<> M Xnc York, Jt , Daring ths ootUm week ending loot night, the WW K A #1 .4MM brought to Ooluanbua on routs for Barns- nah and Kaw York, 44 balsa Of button— 44 from Mobile, 0 from itontfomery, 0 from 8al*a, / feUArtthf^ert Point and other aHHona, i 0TlbA Moks- burg, 0 from Near Orleana. Tbs total through moasmant by this routs, aioas Sepfcnfobr 1st, ia 48,809 balsa—21,179 from Mobile, 7,098 (rom Kontgomaty, 4,684 from Bdlma, 8,997 trout Yfut* Paint, VgaUka, 4«., 8,28* Irqm Viokaburg, 100 from New Orlsana. OMMy MaamHe CtawanllSM Gmllmrt. A OonrsnUon of ths Demooratio Party of Mas*#* Oaaaty frit M h*lH It tba Ooutt Honas at 12 oVOtk on ‘Dtttil Aoguat I It, far tba pdipbUs' of Uganl thoroughly for tba anauiug ompaign. full ittcudJuto lt i»gM h|Jen tba Party. 0. A. Bum, I VWfl. **• Com. ■tfZHL. Bfaowara Ml Uai afterooon. Strong wind for awhila. Good raina aasmsd to fall all around tha oity, ■ - an , i . XleaM Profosaor. Mr. Dyar, M atpaManuad taaabar ia OlMnrilla, Ala., baa baan elsotad to a profaaaonhlp in . ths tSafcagoa Pauals Oollsga. Ha baa aooaptad tba plaos. JNrar Ntcc—FtcriAa fr*p$. Tha Maw Jedheoa bsoriglW up two bataa of ootton, some ayrup and sersral boras of ohieksna and egga. Tha offloera report oropa along the river, and eapaoiaUy in florid*, in qplendid ooo ditlon. Tba complaints of caterpillars are even laaa than on the former trip. Tho yield of oorn, whiob, is now made, will ba bMvy. Tha Haw Jaokaou iaavaa to-day at 11 a. n. Good Frtight. Tha aoutbwhrtent tftfin fnjm Haven nab brought in sixteen oar loads of freight yesterday. It indlifdbtl some five hundred rails aad thirty .balks of bagging, with a mixture of general artiolea. Thia is tba largest arrival from the North we have bad for snrauUUifo- Drags wore kept busy for tha Ant time in many a day, aa tha ootton buMhert baa about played out far tha Mason. \/Q j Oaufi-aasieMl jamiuii oSBumtkm. Tha following Demooratio Executive Oommtttoa faf iblafthe Fourth) distriot WM appointed 8A>187». Hrahtbly anew one will ba appointed by tha next Oon- ventton: Marlon, B. B. Hinton; Chatta hoochee, E. O. Brown; Muaoogee, F. G. Wilkins; Harris, J. M. Mobley; Meri- wrther, JVW. Park; Troup, 0. H. 0. Wil- Uugham; Heard, J. B. Merrell; Dougiaaa, A. ft Ooratan; Campbell, T. W. Latham; Coweta, J. & Stallings; Carroll, E. B. Sharpe; Talbot, Henry Persona. Og /Jr&w Ws. Quite a numhat «f paaUas left Colum bus yesterday an route to New York. They aail on the steamer Ban Salvador, whieh laaVM Savannah to-day for New York. Among tboae who left were Thomas Oheffln, N. N. Curtis and famUy, Him M. Peabody, Mina F. Peabody, Mias Lou Salisbury; and Daniel Dixon. The low rates at whioh round trip tickets are offered by tha Central Railroad Company makes its route to New York the favorite with the traveling publlo. Many would taka the all tail lima ware U not for this ohaep tare, fy thajpentral Railroad and ataamahip linea you can go to New York and return for $41. •Uveret* Tharmawactor and Jtoto Pali, For tha Oatton.weak adding yesterday, tha thermometer at Columbna averaged sighty-four degreMand the guegd showed that two and twenty-aix hundredths inohea of rata had fallen. BinM dubs let, the thermometer has averaged alghty-four degrees, and tha tala fall nineteen and niuety-aeven hun dredths inofaos. Tba auauaar thus far baa been quits pleasant. Ws have bad un extraordinarily hot days. Wars it not for tha mosqui toes, whieh un more frequent than aver known before, tha aigUa would have baan vary enjoyable. 4 Wigwag I JOseier far Uu 5MI « Wsatt MlmaS, YMterday, in front of the Sana Souoi, wm displayed ah extensive box in which was a little alligator, about a foot in length. It wm Mptured by Mr. J. E. Dcom, now conductor of the SoutbwMt- ara Branch Railroad to Albany and Smith- villa, and sent to Mr. Fonts Grimes, oon- dnetor on our twenty mile, nxrrow.gaug North A South. Doom waota Foute to ioataU him as baggaga meater on the line, and that relieve hint from applying to Gov. MggitM tot otto* -Xkia iMHAihiiMii fillnir Doom claims, will ba able to handle all tha cheeks oa Foato'a r<*4. Tgia future baggage smasher ia auffleisutly auappy alrandy, and will go for a Ay or a trank- alas makM no difference to him—in twinkle. Donas may net assured of one thing. If ha star travels on tha N. A S. GrimM will pot him In the baggaga roam ••dor thg special charge of that vary same alligator. Hall check him off at railroad speed. inxSriMt lb. dead. Martin, tha MbaHtematet agent on tba Mobile and Girard ftaftfoed wm carried to Montgomery on fftftw. day night. On Thursday aftarnoon ba wm carried before United States Osaa- miaaiooer Dresser, In that city, on tiro oouata; and, waving examination, ha was bald in a tan thousand dollar bond to ap- k fall Martin, being nnsbla to give bond, wm Motto jail. Among tba qossUooa aaksd him, ws.ara informed, wm this; “Ware any of tha roots agents ooming to Columbus ia ool- ldaion with yon in tha robbery of regia tend and other letters 7" His answer wm that none others were ooneeraad; that all taken wm by himself. Mach sympathy la fait bars for the relstiVM of the wb- eaaed. Some ima featurM of thia arraat are now raportod, of whieh wa knew not batata. Having failed to ffUffovar tha eotpVtt unaided, ha ashed the Department at Wuhiogton to sand him an expariaoced aaaistant. Speoial Agent Henderson, of Bowman, wm sent down. He istrapra- 1 seated by nil with whom ha had-daalings to ba a pleaannt gentleman. One of tha deteotivn jra* not. pear before the United States DistrtaS from tba old oountry. If any one doable Court and answer tbs oharges. Previous the ktatetaMl, tha Baotor will akpwkbam to going before tha Commissioner, Karthr ths pips, and every doubter will ba con vinced. No Tom Collins id this. Tradi tion says Billie smoked, and ba mart have had 0 pipe. WUI Is BcmrA 21a-Dag. Xj>k Oity Attorney tails ns that Judge Johnson will boor tha Bad kina oaae, ap pealed from tba decision of Judge Poo, to-day. Where wa are not informs^ A few pieoes of French and English Oaaaimaraa, vary low, to close out, at 2Jf. r r:; T. ft BtAOMtai-A CHAS. HETMAN A CO., ttSSSSSSSSL UNANCIM. A COMMERCIAL In Ua tffta n pipe that WMaxme aaad by William Tell, the shop whs at (Stator's ooanmapA rtmt with an arrow an apple from Wa airtfc band. Tha Baotor Ba. oaivsd it from a Gorman aattlament in North Carolina, whore kb father bad relations, and their anoaator* brought ft Bpaolal Agent Clark hto permanent Banff | Broad Street, Oolumhaa, Go., offer at their popular ~mmirjivmIkTAfh> iiitOON The beat that oan ba found in Li^org, Cigars, Tobeeeo, Ac. [my8 ly A large let of aheap Caasimerta at Idnsna, vary ohMp, at t -fj H*»UBnt»mA The beat place to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Sheetings, ia at / BMWttt'*,, j faitoadTt. hart to make ths arraat on W nr- rival at ths M. A G. train, because they wars looking up another earn, and one wm at Galen, on tha South and IJorth ■allroad, shave Montgomery. VM |e' T’ joined the ether both cam^at qnqa 6egT “B Montgomery to Colnoibua. Bpaotxl egant- Henderson seams to liava impressed all who mat him with being axparfvnosd and keen in b<s buaineee, and at ths nns time treating friends of datpetaf pgrttas with kindnaaa and courtesy. n— »■■«! £tti; to Wmr sit Ms Dags gmawaaM ra-Dsg. In acoordanoa with tha ordinanb of | Council, tba polim offloera will oomignmie thia morning killing all dogs found bn the streets noprovidad with ooliarg baoghtaf tha city. The ordinance has been published for more than tan days, and attention sailed to it several times, hot only forty fan oiUsenahave purchased coUara, People either ears very little for their doge, or fondly imagine tha ordinanM will not be enforced. The creek of pistols and shot guns will doubtlaM convince all that the law is to be carried out. Tha early and late hours will ba ohossn for tho killing, r There are many hundreds of dogs in Columbus that are useless. They are constantly roaming the streets and badly filghtening people at night. If dogs are worth anything, surely the owner sen pay a dollar, in order to Moure them protec tion, if they intend to allow Ihmn to ran, the streets. The canines should ba thin ned ont, and they are gofag to be. Doge ia yards wiU not ba disturbed. On tha oaab system which I have adopt ad,and to doM my stock by~Oet lit,1874, I wM eeM4DUkt at 10 oenta. No credit. fwtjt—eodlm Gao. W. Lira. ftr lgsu. About a dozen experienced farmers and business men contemplate tenofhg from this eeotion to Texas this fall. 'They will looate near Dallas, one of tha moat thriving cities in the State. Texas is a good plaoe for those who will work and can suffer privation* for a while. All have a better chance of regaining piospggito in Georgia than elsewhere. Batter- Day at home. nmmHt note. One wm given yesterday at Booney’a mill, twelve miles below Oolnmbna;' | It was a delightful affair. Some Mveuty- Ave were present, Including several young men from the oity. Every one enjoyed himself to heart’s content. The Java. Hast ladies of tha section attended. Tie wants of those desiring ice cream, cakes, lemonades, Ao., were Supplied by Mr. Thoa. Blaekwell. The ofAoo return* thanks for remembraoM. Among the managers of this ohgimir.g festival wm Mr. YI. Vlgal, of Columbus. Karris Ctunty Croj Jteperfs. We have been handed tha crop returns of Harris county, which we arrange in convenient tabular form: nit. im. No. ot acres In cotton W,M7 »,1M “ •• oorn 11,UU it,art “ “ wheat 4,488 8,480 “ >• oata a,lit 4,oat awaat potatoes... l,UM TW Thia ia an enoouraging return, snowing laaa ootton and far more grain than last 7«*f. Wa hope soon to gat tha returns from Mnaeogae. ' T 10644 MlMb —No Mayor's Court yesterday. —A Stewart eounty darkey who came up yMterday declared “dot Mitels Grant an' Colfax ia Prmident, for 1 Vbted for dam at teat laation," —The lawyer, Geo. Banning, of Sheriff Ivey, has notified counsel on the other side that the matter of the eootrol of the jail, deeided against ths Sheriff by Jpdge Johnson, will be carried to the ffupremq Court on appeal. —A Second Adventist prophet 8x48 the end of the world for May 2th, 1878. —Tb* grais in the Baptist Church lot ia being mowed. There is eome fine clover there, sod would be much more If proper cere was taken. —Like an egg, most people era toe tall of themselvM to hold say ent etee. —The peaohes that art being brought to our market, aa n rate, are very poor. The orop appears to be * failure. —Many Columbus people era laxuria- ting at the Worm Springe. The White Sulphur Springe, eight mite* distant, are batter attended then fee aMapt-peari put. . —Atlanta test week who the hdptASbity in the South, tbs thermometer average being higher then at any other ootton town. —The authorities aay ear County Court costs fifty dalters per dv to tip oounty when it ia'io eeaaion. —The ehein-geng now numbera twelve persons. One of the number is n white man. —Many book yhtda ia Columbus need iuspaetion. The mvor in Mvanl loeali- tiea is exeomble.- Thia should ba -“-!■* ed to at onM. —The killing of dog* oommanoM to day. * TMTOMDt—irO INFLATION t High prioea oan no lougar exist. Cask basis ia tha principle now, and MI desire to oIom boainaaa, am offering my (took of Dry Goods, Osaenstra, 0a.. Jnly 84, 1174. rraa*oiai.-«l|bi Mils o* N«w Yota pan a4 P * r dtaMad l MS ,t Mi 0 5o*tM*te ■tad Statas part rawlpts art 00.90 bil« more; ST. eora| tha rtrtk Hu n, 0 «, Oolaoaoux teoelpU 2.V70 mors; ahlpmaata 4.128 mors; ttoek 18* 1444. India ihlpnenti, xinoe January lst.i,Wt,on,aialnit 828,000. Uettoo In Taa Corroa BrnrATioir —With tbe exoep- tlobofeaUrptlUr roportaJ in Tax**. Alabamti »nd HonthwMtera Oeorgla and FlorUa, crop# ■ra represented m onusoaUj fine nod p-cin ltinc. Inthi KVTu Of the Uulumfeu atook probably 000 total era lor iota. . , Attar this data ths Oolumbui warahoont laat year raaalvad 80S tala.. In th!> Motion oropa of oil kinds an anuiually good. Taa Wmavnma.—Tbarmoaatar Mr tha weak avarand is°. tight mini Saturday and and ftoaday; ha.vy one Thursday; to-day •howtry. Bala fall for tho wook two and twenty-two Tun Mabiiti.- The followlof shows the b New Yor MdlnOW K the week: Up. Or. Up. Or. Oold. Col Saturday... *% 17V< 1T}4H K1®. Q'»4 * Wadnaaday. -BSS*::: On ths weak Liverpool unchanged: Now York declined 1#). Oolumbui unchanged. Fauna Past Y*a«. — UxarpMl Dotanda «H ; - Ortaaox ed ; New York. Up- land! 21c: Orleani —o. Oold 114%. Oolum- ^O^StehumarJefuJday dull. Salt! 10 halts. Tha follow lag arc tho quotations; Ordinary aiid itateod. .M Good Ordinary 18 LowMtddtlags 14 Mlddllagt U Strict Middling. II Week's aalex SI halo*-00 Northern «pln- norx, 18 home ooummptlon, 00 (Or Wow York, 0 to Sovonnoli, 0 for xpeoulnUon. 0 for NOW Orlmno, 0 for Oharloston, SO for Tallot- aee mills, 0 for MoMlo, 0 for Now Orleans Total mlM 41,870-88.288 for Northnu aptn- in,0311 for Now York,8,o2t for homo ooniumi-- for Buvunauh, MM Tullaame mlUi, 1.040 for Mobile, 200 for OharlOiton, 200 for NOW Orlouni. Week’l roootpl pnvtout out, ai Iaateeaion-2 by _ . I I K, 040 by Opelika B B, 8 by river, 4 by wng. eoi, 00 be N A S B B. Shipment! 81 tmle«— 10 by e W B B, 11 for homo ooniumptlon, 80 by WB R. wmsxt svAvmnw. 1074 1478 8took Aug.81st. 1,177 Betelvad put wank U Total rscalved 00,(08 Hats, (A.JS& Boete #d shoM, Hosiery, end numerous articlM in this Una, et Ism than cost. Cell an<J examine, end make one dol ls* gd forth* thtt two rteny other piece. I am in earoaat. If you doubt it, step in and hava proof of the fact.' L. Haaam, 114 Bread St, myl tea Colombo*, Os. fowMar'a t%ar Xmportum. Tha beet Imported Ravene end Key Weet Clgen. Ohewtaf and la.klat TOUoee, Mag, Moerwbeom Pipe*, Clger Bolden, Hatch Sefee, TebaAoBagU Am, caa be feuad et LOUIS BUBLKR'S, Randolph Bt., Hone, with Red Sigh, near Inquirer OOce. Jl* It , At TMrty-tit* Tha averaga Amort oan discovers that he has an “Infernal Stomach,” ad goes into isAands of tb* dactors few tha remnant ’ his life. Prevention la better than core, hot Da. Walrrr’s Voisoab Buran will both cure and prevent dyspepsia, diaaaaM of the akin, liver, ktdncye and bladder, ad all diaordarg arising from a 'infernal stomach.” jy24 4w Need This t You oan And at dVE. t JUapohard 'a, 128 Broad atnot, the very latest atvlM of Dress Goods, at snob prioea m cannot fail to give Satisfaction. Call and im them. Domaatio Good* at gteetly reduced rates; Faotory Goods at faotory prioea; Ooatk' Spool Gotten at lo cent* per dox.; tha beat Prints at 10* per yard, my 10 »f ^ 2fo* "UeetliaH* 4m HMt,” who is tbo tutelar demon of dram-shops, auumee hie sourest Mpeot when the rapid program of VmaoAn Brrrau is reported “down low." Tbo People's Vegetable Tonic ia playing the miaehief with bia bitten find with ram. AU diseases which tboM demoniac noatrams aggra vate, under pretense of reUeviag, »»ob m indigestion, sick headache, eonaump- MML.jhefinRtiam, gout Rod ioteamittent fever* are cured by It. ' je24 4w LOOK TO YOVM INTEREST I Now id tba time to apond your mane)r to advantage. $50,000 wortb of goods yet to be aold at tb* Virginia Store. Only «9 days lg|t to.dtfpoM of this splradid atook of goods 8 handsome naw show **sm; 1 large —H ihirtlag le.. 4-4 tetetteg r a ox, oeaabargi l»Ko.; ditto pound. Wo.; kultilhg throad, 11 hrtla to the pouad, bleached, Me* unMuoiod Me.; wrap- plngtwlne la belll lto. Wwfo* Oto*r-C“- Imeroo, sox per yard, Ms. to do.; Jtam« 17c. to 40c.t «ooikt*ii**«,“' Muscogte M ill*.—J IIo.;Fllatr y *DaY*<}ooDB,—Beit prists 10s. to Us.; coat!' thread ?Oo. * Columbus Factory.-H sbtrUeg ». 44 ahaat- teg Uo.; sawlag ■ teraed, lahsmbwl, 44a.; knitting, do., 6M.; wrapping twine l*e. U cicn't t*rtvrv.-PWt* er ebaaka «X». rtpes, feaey fMMoea, MX MA1KETS. ■t rausitra m ufitiiiR. Money amhAseek Markets. Ndw Yonx, July M.—Stocks daft Money 2j per oent. Gold 1091. Ex- .... ----- —~ Govera- S ll betas, against M tks M tha oormpondtag weak b» 8WR H, lObjM iO “ •Uk 1 Total reoelved, in’ding itook.01,182 Shipped paat week........... 01 Totafehipped 00,250 ~'ota! home oonaamptlon 8,< 21 took July si 1,082 Sale* 82 Yaar’f receipt* — HODBB OF maCUPTa. 18T4 Soathwestern Railroad 4.106 Mobile and (Jirard Railroad. .19,1»7 Western Railroad 1,887 River 8,283 00,706 60,122 7,229 1,771 1078. 2,620 18,340 1,980 0,768 20,204 1,806 67^736 8took, A«|. U, ieo’d to JaljR 1008-9 1800-70 1070-1 ::: 1172 00001 — 1018 •7174 2010 40420 4808a 2074361 Itock July fur* 1 teoelDte. U. S. Orop.^7.. 220066718288000 4362817 T kouoh OorroF.—By Mobile and Girard Railroad 2.648, agaloet 3,114; by Wee tern Railroad 4M40. agalaat 41,980 last year. FweHTe—Per 10C “ “ 790.1 to New York, more, 0116; Boeton 01 26. Thf uhitbd Htatm 1 the week 6,601 bales, against 9,164 —8,761 the week before aad 12,618 same week laat year. The total movement Is follows: 1074 187 Stoek Aug. 81 00,909 46, Week’a reoelpta 6,601 12,018 Total 8,704,960 Week’* export# to G. B... 17,672 Total exported to <£*b.'.'mi^i3 Oon 978,^96 • “ ...2,788,690 2,693,079 Stoek 178.894 109,71 Year*# Reoelpta — 3,930,608 Prikoifax. Ports.—The following ahowa their total reoelpta to date: 1874. 1878. New Orleana 1,212,187 1,231,684 Mobile 206,906 327,7*2 Savannah 043,4 9 fM.oat Ubarfeaton 482 792 304,339 Galveaton 807,826 883.662 New York 199,708 168,685 Other Porte 012,100 648,187 Total 8,764,060 3,508,003 larranion Towna.—They have reoelved this week 1,002 bales, against 8,021 laat year, and have atoeks of 26,122, against 26,444. Thefol lowing ahowa their total reoelpta to date: 12.705 2,141 1,848,070 sar SaedlrUkpotetsaa...... • t Swart yttatm III." 1*6 OniouiT......... ..*rt| Cow pass 1*1 Oo. V iT SicVBSorti Grita 41 bsg.bnihal. CoLCwd** Maduemwtnmn A PAcuts MUU.—R beat lug 4-4 U 8o.; Oinuburit, » am, blcaebad sbeatlpgud Usual!KM. CctorcdO ory shirting l»e.i tlokj bleached M. to 10c., per bunch o rto, to 84m; — obauae—long 487j, abort 490. meuta dull.- HMtabeada quiai. New You, July 94.—Mnaey aaay ai 9a 3 per cent. Excbeag* dull. Gold 9}. Govera'itantgv dqU, a*' hums quiet and nominal. London, July 24—5:SO P. M.—Erie 39}. Fbanrpobx, Jnly 24.—Bondt, 69’a, 97|. Prevtatem Market!. Nxw York, Jnly 94.—Flour dull. Wheat s abode better. Cora advancing. Pork firm—mesa $21 69}9a21 75. Lard firm—steam 12}. WHRAI RRCUPIS AT UVRITOOL. Livxapoon, July 94.—Beoeipto of wheel for the put three days 58,000 quarters, ineinding 81,000 Amenran. Nnw You. July 94.—Goff** steady, at 19}a22} for Bio. Hi. Louis, July 24.—Floor quiet end weak; buaiaeu small. Corn doll end lower —No. 2 mixed 68}a64} on tnok. Wbiaitey steady 96. Pork higher, *98.50*24. Baoon firm end higher; ahouldera 9.9}, ctear rib ltellf, oteer lljallj. Lard firm-summer llf ' Louibvilue, July 24.—Moor firm aad in fair demand; superfine *4e*4 60. Corn quiet apd unchanged—white 82.84; mixed 74*78. Pork *otlv* and higher *t $24. Baoon in fair demand and higher—ahouldera 8J; clear rib Ills}; Ctear aide. ll}. Sugar eared heme 16}; plun f4j: Lord l4}u}. r Whiskey 96. Cincinnati, July 24.—Floor doll ad unchanged. Oorn firm; mixed 66*68. Pork etrong et $28a$25—now held at $24. Lard firm but acaroe—summer 11}; kettle 13}al4.' Baoon firm—shoulders 6}a8}; clear rib 11; oteer 11}. Whbkey iupo&dbmeraitaitfiM, advuoeto 96. 5 oounter table* lor sale, ad the tract store beuee ip., tbe oity to Inn (or two yean. ... Bichardaon’a College Shirt* at Man factarer’s prioee. Gants’ bend-mad*lout* aad Shoes at factory prices. Carpets ud Bags I see tba oost. Jugtea’ A Harris’ Kid Gloves at New York pricM. No goods delivered until paid for u w* have not the time to Mad ont bills. - iulll9—tf . Prtton, Gordon A Oo. UtMtlAtU I 1,000 yards White Viotoria Lawns 15 o*nte-rtw*JMt>. i O \ i 1,500 yards White Victoria Lawns, 5-4, 18 oabte^tiorth fiffehnta. yard* Plain, Striped ud Figured Lawns at 15 oenta—worth 98. 760 yards Bteok Grenadiau selling ex ceptionally fait. Uental Flu doth* ad CasaimerM it a haagaiu. to olote ont the lot previous to stock-taking. Embroideries are still being sold nt half theit Ttlue. , . • Best Print* 10 cent*. Hoatary ad Giovea nt prieM defying oompetition. ■; £ -? -V; Fresh Goode twie* a week from all im- mrtmt mAikeU. JkJJft Joans, OOlumbae, Ga. Wftrm Bpringg, Miinman c*„ «a. T hw ravoRitM mom t, >m for vitifon. The b**t fare ud the ftaeet ■ethiRg oa tbe coatimeiit. Apply for quarter* te _ _ JOHN 14. MOtTIAir, For eaieLew. A 8CR0U.MUIP XR TER MURAL OOL* AT IYAMST1LLR, IMDUMA. ftefttf APPLY AT TEttOtnOB. Aagoita.. 1874. 198,409 Macon 71,909 Ettfaula 26,197 Oolumbua 00 706 Nashville 72*892 Memphis 400,846 1878 % 20,606 67,73. •1,92-. 40,864 05,63$ 408,8.8 900,724 Total. From Livrrfool. — Tha following Is tele graphed for the week: Btook 00a!S» 899%0 “ Amerloan 416,000 379,ooo “ Afloat..................439,000 880,000 “ “ 62,000 66,000 Week** reoelpta 48,ooo 72.000 66.000 78,000 Amerloaa.. 10,000 life::;;:;:;;:-:;.;:;:;; tSS Speculation 6,000 Gbmbral Rrmarkb.—BaaineSs oontlnue* lifeless. Baoon and corn have advanced during the week. Merchant* are receiving large stocks or bagging. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Bacon—Clear Sides W S OOo; Clear Sib BM« H4fe 1 ShoeMar* MaMt AegaMXirM HauuUo;PtelnUMUltc. ^Baoo^xb—IndtaJ yard Ho; Seetoh Flu —o Hulk ^Mbats —O. ft HI*** oo; Bulk •kceldars Oa. Bunen—(teahan Brooms—r lllII>Tn4i w OANSen Goods—SardlDas ft ease of lot bxi *30; Oyitirt, 11 tut ft dot, tl (A OiuMC—Eogllih Dairy $ R, lie; te; N. Y. State lie. Oandum—Star f) S nt; Sperm die. Copras—Rio *1 * settsto; Java Uffldoe. Cosn—Yellow Mixed |lbn* l.Ite„ good de mend; White * oar load ratei in depet- ^OWASa—Domaitlo ft M gUOW; Havana «M ¥■ gtlek fl A180. tram M< Doul Uaudwasb—Wlda ben W S4c; Ksfin: Sod Ironi So; Bar Lead lie; Oaitlsge .. . Plow Steel Ute: Cart Steel Nq Baggr Sprtugi me; Hone cut Mule ShoM W Ftc: Ttors W Al ' Hat—■ ewttl 10. Isos Tree—|T(b ttdrtlM. Labd—Prime LesrV 1141*4. LmATBza—White Oak Sole «)R44e; Hem lock Sole Ko; Frtneb CqUBkina tarts lAmert eon do *34*4 M; Upper Leather W 40; Her- B4M do fOo; Dry Hidlte 11a; Green do So. Macks XXL—No >01*54 bblftot ^Prauus-Casa P dos pint! *3 40; quart! Potash—ft e***|P 40. PoTATom—Irish, V bl *1 00O0 00. k*R4*M; 54 tag *4 00; 54 Inf *3 M, la Magsuna. ■or^-MssUteW kMt; Cotton 40o; MaokM* Mxat—p boitl 10. Mot itam-N. O. * nil toert—; Florida. •KiSnf tiSSfiST‘ a ™' 191 “• Salt—p taok *1 00. ToSAa»-Ooauaonte*M«i.Medium bright 8BuffMe. T *° f E * t " *** •Ck MsoosBoy Shot—ft aaek 08. 8drar—Oaba ft A lf#18^ AUi B or Wte 14 ,^ 1 N m jM^j^fthaxtto. Tba—Oman aad Bleak ft»tl.36rttx.0t. Wniux-BMtlfitd ft gall glrtk Bourbon *t Wmri Load- VlNBOAS—11 ( wmn vmoDuon. Goahou Butter Wb»j*Ml!. THE OAMPAIGN Weekly Enquirer! A LIVE PAPER, Within the Reach or Every Man, Woman and Child! 40,000 Subscribers Wanted ▲ft 60 Caafta Aplaeel Livbkpool, July 23—12:80 r. m.—Cot ton quiet; sales 12,000 baits, including 2.000 fur ap amis Hon ufi export. 1:80 p. k.—Actual exports today wet* 11.000 bales. Sales of upluds, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in Jnly, 8 3-16; deliverable August ud September, 8}. 2:30 r. m.—Hales upluds, nothing be low good ordinary, deliverable in Sep tember and October, 8 5-16. bales of uplands, nothing below low middling, deliverable in September ad Ootober, 8}. Sales of shipmate of new crop on e bauis of middliuo upluds, nothing below good ordinary, 8). 4 p. m.—Of sales to-d*y 7,800eta Amer ican. 5:30 p. m.—SalM of Orleani, nothing below good ordinary, daUvenbU in July, 8}. Yarns and fabrios at Man cheater quiet. New Yobk, 'July 24.—Ootton dull; sales 426 bales; upland* 17; Orleans 17). Futures opened easier ; August 16 8-16 a}; September 1617<82n9-16; October 16}ii9-l(i. New York, July 24.—Future* dosed steady ; sales 22,900 bales : August 16 7- 82 ; September 16 9-16 ; October 16} ; November 16 13-32 ; . December 16 17-32. New Yobr, July 24.—Cotton dnU; eaten 449 bales, et 17}; net receipts 14. Atiaodra; July 24.—Ootton a shade easier; middlings 15}: reoeipte 23; tatea 131; stock 7,484. ' Weekly reoeipte 186; * hl r~'*" > fT 720; sales 592—spinners 884. Selma, Jnly 24.—Weakly reeeipte 45; ■bipments 54; stock 628. Subevepobt, July 24.—Dull; low mid dlings 14}. Weekly reoeipte 88; shipmate 60; sates 86; stock 292. New Obumw, Jnly 24.—Quiet and un changed : middlings 16}; net reoeipte 273 ; exports to Grmt Britain 2484; HUM 800; stook 23,854. WMkly Mt reoeipte 1440; exports to Great Britain 4886,. to eontiaat 1,000; **1*9,3,325. Savannah, July 24.—Steady; mi'Ltn-g. 10o. ; net reoeipte 83. Weekly net reoeipte 416; mtes 651. Mohile, July 24'.—Ootton steady; mid dlings 16, low middlings 18, good ordin ary 14; net receipts 96; sites 100; stook 5,918. Weekly net reoeipte 228; este* 700. Boston, July 24.— Qaiet end nominal; middlings 17}o. ; isles 150 bates; stook 9500. . Weekly net receipt* 43 bates; Mtes 850. - ,1 v Macon, Jnly 94.—Dull; low middlings 14}o. Weekly receipt* 20 bates; shipmate 89; stack 2195, Nasbtillb, Jnly 24.—Quiet; low mid dlinge 15}e. Weekly reoeipte 65 hate*; shipmate 747 ; stook 4819, Memphis, Jnly 24.—Steady; moderate demand ; low middlings 16jsl5|o. ; re ceipts 96 bates ; shipment* 816; stoek 9204. ' Weekly reoeipte 419 bates; shipment* 1521. Chableston, July 24.—Ootton doll et 15|; net receipts 61; ssIm 50; stoek 7,007. WMkly net receipts 604; einorto to Frsnoe 1,693; mIm 67*. Montocmert, July 24.—Ootton quiet; low middliqgs 15}. Weekly r^eipU 12; sbipmenta 94; gtock 6G5. Galtsston, July 94 —Nominal; good ordinary 14}e. ; net reoeipte 18 bake; stook 5985. Western RaJIroad^f Alabama mx To Our GptHbe Hereafter the Enquanu-Smi peekeg* will be sent to the Poetoiline at Opelika, lit. J. M.' Prut' Is our authorised Agent for Opelika, Ud will receipt foe snbeorip- tions. Oar petrena will oblige n* by celling on him nt ths Erprem Often oft renewing. ^ [tf Go to tbo Unby^Bestonrant fee yon* Oyaten, Fish, Gems, ud all things goad toeet. oetlt tf There te s promise of a active poliU- oil oampnign this fRU in Georgia and Ale- bam, ud it te ot vital importance to tho people that they sboald be thoroughly parted on the question of party imnes, end also M to the life ud ohsrseten of the men for whom they nr* to vote. To fill this wot tb* publisher of the ENQUIRER- SUN Iras determined to ertnbthh so soon as be can get on* thoraud subscriber*, THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER, which he will tend to ay sddreM oa the reoeiptof FIFTY CENTS FOR FIVE MONTHS Tea thousand extra oopte* will be iatued a tbs Ant edition—an important foot ot whieh advertisers should avail themselvM. Cudidstes, and ohairmu ef commit tee* in Georgia ad Althnmn, M well u Grangers end other bodies, should make up clubs nt once, and sad us all tbe po litiael information they oa glean. Tbs tesuM are of greet importaee, ad the people sboeld be rented to tb* emergeney. Greet si will be tbe expeutt involved in this enterprise, I wiU, to a extra induce- mat, send fra* for one year the Wbrxlt or Bvjnoat bqnmJhn to any person sending me twenty nurae and ton doitert for m CA1FU&I SNQUIBIB. Hard Umm esaaot be urged for not taking this paper, M its low sort plsoM it within the reeoh of nlL Let onr Mads goto work at ones, spread the news, ud aid ns in securing sneh a cironlstion os wiU make the new uterpriae s medium ef the greatest good. Good mu only will be endorsed, ud no effort will be spared to rid Alabama cf the harptes now praying on bar. In addition to all politics! news, tbs OapiyaicB Enquirer, a thirty-two eolnmn paper, will oontain General ad Foreign News, the latest Markets, Crop Beporta, Hints for Plat en, able Editorials, Honaehoid Recipes, Keligious Intelligence, SketohM of Travel, Original Stories, Poetry, and Local Intel, ligenee. Form Your Clubs at Once! Addram A. R. Calhoun, XkfnfrtmStMi, ooLUHBua, aft 54* HOURS TO NEW YOBj NINE HOUR* FASTEST TIME I WRSTRRN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA Ooluhsus, Oa., ;jm, 6thi ^ TRAINS LGAVR OOLUMRU8 DAILY for Montgomery usd Salma, 1|00 Arrive at Monlg’y, • - 7-00 7* * Arrive «t 8olm», • 11:04 a 5 TOR ATLANTA AND RRW Y0RR 1 At 10:30 a. m. Arrive OpsUkx *1 IXfo- _ , Atlsot* 6:42 p. m. ' By AUxntt xnd Rlohmond Alr.Lls. Leave Atlsuts fl;UC p. m., L’UAKLOTTR Si., Danville 8:37 p. m., Richmond ll:(n u. u, rive at W asiiiagtaa 4:30 a. m.,at B*ltlmor.i », m.,at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m,,at NRW Y0kXs : J Sleeping Oars ran from Atlaita to Ckorloita By Kenneisw Route. Leave AtlmnU 0:00 p. m., Dalton lo-n „ ^ Bristol 10:48 a. m., Lyaclibarg 10.48 p. *, /* *. at Waehingtoa 6:46 a. m., at Mtimore 9 is .J' at Philadalphia 1:80 p. IRA at MKw VomVu Bleeping care rtm from AtlaaU to Ljichbffrt TRAINS ARRIVI AT COLUMBUS DAILY ’ from Atlanta and New York, ft st i . from Montgomery and Selma . 840 » » Tickets for sale at Union Paeaeager Depot * i ».A.RAOON C ^t >BALt ' Q '- r ?^ Central RailrndT SUPEKUiTNNDNNT'dOrriOE, , Savanxab, Oso., June SO/l^t | a N AND APTRR 'th. VIRW JULY RWUR* TICKBM to ."Ef or termioue or itutieu oa CINTRiiiv? SOUTHWBBTKRtf RAILROADS can be for ONM FAME. Said tickets will bT** Sold until Slit rtf Deoembtr Hitt, aad ha OOOD to ratara Until the Itth of January, 1175, 4V- CONDUCTORS ARK NOT AUTtlOXUlh to nil RITUBN TICKETS from poiDt, vh,n Agents sell. The PUBLIC are therefore CAUTI0NKD PROVIDE TIIEMXKIiYES WITH TICKETS hos the Agents ut the station, or PAY llOTll WAY8. WM. ROGERS, tieu’l Stip't Central Kailrond. . V POWKK8, Eng’r aud Sup’f Southwertern RailroRa. „ . O. J. 10RRACRK, Sup t Atlanta Division Central Railroad. je30 lm Montgomery & Eufaula R, R. Change of Sohedule, Taking Effect Sunday, June 2L M74, MAIL TRAIN—DAILY. Leave Montgomery ...» 4:00>rr Arrive at Kufkula 11:31 ri Connecting on Wedneedaya nod Saturdays vfti Boats on Obattahoochee River, and daily aLUaioa Springs with Mobile M Girard Railroad fbr Troj, Laavo Bnfaala 12:46 ak Arrive at Montgomery 7:16 a x Connecting at Union Springs with Mobile k Girard Railroad for Columbus, and at Montgomerv with roods diverging. Je2» tf B. DUNHAM, Bup’t. CENTRAL RAILROAD. General SurxBiifTKNDUfT'e Orrici, Central KArmoAD, Savannah, November 1,1874, ri O N AND AVTIIR SUNDAY, 14TH INSTANT Paseengor Trains on the UecogU Central Railroad, its Branches and Connections, will rnu as follows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WKST. Leave Savannth.** Leave Avgusta.. »:06 A M 4:00 FM 10:09 PM 11:55 »M 0:45 p m 7:17 P M 9:10 * Arrive in Macon Leave Maeon far uoiumbus... Leave Macon fop Ku-auln..... Leave Macon for Atlanta 8:10 f m ‘ Arrive at Columbus 18:46 am Arrive at ISufhul* J0:20 a m Arrive at Atlauta ; 6:00 am; COMING SOUTH AND BAST. Leave Atlanta 10:0C.s» Leave Co umbas 7:10 f r Leave Bufau la... 186 rr Arrive at Macon from Atlanta 6:l0 ftR Arrive at Macon froin voluuihus......... 4:10 ft m Arrive at Macon from Kufaula 6:46am Leave Macon..... Leave Augusta. fcofi Arrive at Augusta Arrive at Savunuah 4:00 pm •:V8 F M TRAIN NO. 8, GOING N0R7J1I AND WEST. 7:80 F M 8:06 FM 6:66 A M . 9:00 a Leave gAvannah..,,. Leave Auguste Arrive in Avgusta Arrive In Macon ’LeaveMacon for Columbus.... Leave Macon for Uu taolu Leave Macon for Atlanta Arrive In Colnmbne 6:86 p u Arrive in BufauU 6:40 f m Arrive in Atlanta i 8:06 p m OOMING SOUTH AND BAST. Leave Atlanta 1:S5pm Leave Columbus 2:30 p m Leave BufavlA. 8:50 Arrive in Macon fcom Atlanta.. . 7:10 F M . 7:86 F M . 6:10 p m . 7:86 F M Arrive in Macon from Kufftuiu Leave Macon Arrive in MiUeddevtlle...;..., Arrive in Batonton ii;65 f m Leave Augunta....'. 8:05pm Arrive in Augusta 6:66 a m Arrive in Savannah 7:16 am ^Traln No. 2, being a through train on the Cen tral Rallread, stopping oaly at whole etatlons, for hair stations cannot ba taken on 'teita fox MUWgwllle u4 Ratmtca will W;e trsln No. I from gsvsanxh sad Aagastx sad tnla No. 3from polats o. the BontbWdttereRstl- epad, Atlaala aad Usooa. Th. HlltedgsTills sad Yatoaton f—* "■ ■ ■ ■ Jo23 tf NOTICE. u> lUtuuu n, l ApxGl6p874. / O N AND AFTER APRIL 16TK* the Passenger Train #n this Road will run mi fellows: Leave Oolwubas 3:00 f. m. Arrive at Troy 11:05 p. M. Leave Troy 2:86 a.m. Arrive at Columbus ...10:30 a.m. ■PrtSSw W. L. CLARK, Bnp’t. EXCURSION TICKETS TO Few York and 1 Return. GIM8HAL SUFIOIMniMDlMT’S OFflOB, I OlMTRAle RaUOOAD AM# BAMXIMO OO. Of GA., >- Samammah* July 17,1874. J T ICKETS at above eon be purchased at Angus**’ MUIedgeviUe, Macon, Atlanta, Columbus, t u- fiMUa and Albany, at very reduced rates by Bell to Savannah, and thence by first close Steamship to Mew York. WILLIAM ROGERS, Gen’l Sup’t C. R. »• VIRGIL POWERS, Eng’r and Sup't Bouthweetern R. B* U. J. VOKHACRK „ Sup’t Atlanta Dlviaion C. R. B- Important to Farmers. TUTft Tj J. 4HRTRN8 1« w.U knows to th. JJ1 Plea ter. or Ueorglx tad Alabama as oas of tba meet rallakla aad aiimaai SIM-WRieHTS la the country, wherever ne has worked he hss Sm““" “ 4 ‘““Jihxi 4tw« rt