The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, July 31, 1874, Image 3

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mh couniit BIDAY JULY 81, 1874. »EATH OF THE H.TMH HAM. BIOS BBTWBBN BB JUOX1CT AMD 1 rtIBB— 1NOTBBB BTTBKFT WITH A TATAL UDOtO. rom the London Dolly Telegraph, July 10.) It woe nnnonnced juterd.y that at 7 p. M. do Groof, the “Flying Mon," would repeat at the Oremorne Gardena 'hie astonishing performance of flying through the air a distance of live thousand feat.” True to this announcement, the Flying Man did endeavor to repeat the exploit which he had accomplished in safety ten days before, and perished in the attempt. M. de Groof was a Belgian, ho had expendod years in constructing or himself an apparatus with whioh he slisTed it possible to imitate the flight ' a bird. The general outline of this paratua was in imitation of a bat’s Dgs, the frame work being made of IB, and the intervening membrane of nt water-proof silk. The wings were ill thirty-seven feet long, with an av- ge breadth of four feet, while the tail i eighteen feet by three. These wings Were inserted into two binged frames that Were attached to a wooden stand upon Whioh the ferment took his piaoe. Here he had three levers whioh he worked by hand to give his maohine propulsion or guidance as might be required; his theo ry being that having started from a given height he oonld manage his desoent so as to reaoh the earth by a sort of inolined swooping motion, without risk of conaue- sion. Abont a year ago M. de Groof made an attempt, of whioh our correspondent at the time telegraphed the particulars, to descend from a great height on the OAnde Piaoe at Brussels. The effort was a failure, but T Homme Volant, as be was then oalled, escaped unhurt, though his BANKING AND INSURANCE. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE OO MPANY. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly In Full, - - $528,364.02 Boston “ « “ - - 180,803.88 Total Auets-Gold—January let, IS74, $582,*32.02. LIABILITIES. Losses Due and Unpaid None. Losses in process of adjustment, or adjusted and not due $22,898 00 All other Claims j gm 52 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoome, 1878 $619,887 73 Income, 1872 826,217 87 Gai » $ 98,669 86 Lasses Promptly Adjwstsd aad fairly Settled by G. GUNBf JORDAN, Agent, 00122 Vt OOLUMBP8. OA. SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT I If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to beoome Independent. imeut at Oremorne Gardens with suocessi Mr. Baum, the proprietor of the gardens, had, it seems, after making an engage- meat with him, felt tome nneasinesa as to the result, and at first refused to allow the trial to be made. The “Flying Man” protested the abeolute feasibility of his aoheme, and insisted on the eontraot be ing oarried ont; and thia waa done. The wiugs and stand were attached to a bal loon guided by Mr. Simmons, who, after drifting over London towards Brandon, in Essex, released hie companion at a considerable height—three or fonr hund red feet, it is said—and the flying appa ratus was immediately set in motion. “For a time,” it is stated, “it waa a race between the aeronaut and the flyer, de Groof winning by two Helds’ length, and attaining the gronnd in perfect safety.” How the acoident occurred last night cannot be clearly ascertained. The ap paratus, previous to the ascent, seemed in satisfactory order, and De Groof— though, according to custom, he took an affectionate farewell of his wife—ap peared fully confident of making a suc cessful ascent. About a quarter to 8 o’clock the balloon waa cut loose, and rose slowly in the air, bearing with it the flying man and his gear. There was hardly a breath of air, a circumstance which might have been supposed to be favorable to the performance of an eero- nautical feat of the kind. Be this as it may, however, when the balloon had at tained a height of three or fonr hundred feet the unfortunate performer seemed either to mistrust his own powers or the capacity of his apparatus, for he was heard by the spectators below shooting to the man in the balloon to bring him nearer to the earth. Thia request was complied with, and the balloonist descend ed slowly toward Robert street, which lies a quarter of a mile or so to the north of Cremorne Gardens. On approaching St. Luke’s Churoh, Mr. Simmons, the bal loonist, was heard to sav : “You must ont loose now or yon will oome down on the roof of the churoh.” The answer was: “Yes, let me drop into the church yard.” And these were no donbt last words De Groof ever uttered, cat the rope when about eight foot from the ground, bat, to the horror of the spectators, who must have have num bered many thousands, the apparatus, in stead of inflating with the pressure of the air, collapsed, and turning round and round in its desoent, fell with great vio lence in Robert street, a yard or two from the curbstone. Assistance to the unfortunate man was instantly forthcom ing. Although still breathing he was in sensible; bat the dispatch with which he was extricated from the wreok of his 'ap paratus and conveyed to Ohelsea Infirma ry proved in vain. He* never recovered consciousness, and on his arrival at the hospital the surgeon pronounced him dead. Madam de Groof, who witnessed her hosbsnd’s fall, fainted at the sight, and a still more painful soene took place a short time later at the hospital, when she learned the whole sad troth. The apparatus was carried off in shreds by the crowd before the police oonld secure it. From the hospital the body was removed to the deid house, where it now awaits the coroner’s inquest. It only remains to add that the balloon, on being freed from the weight of De Groof and his flying machine, soared away over the me tropolis in a north easterly direction, and at dark was seen at a great height above Victoria Park, where it was watched with muoh interest by large numbers of peo ple, who were of course, ignorant of the shocking tragedy in whioh it had played a part. That Mexican Ml er Me. On the publication, in Washington City, a few days ago, of the statement made by the Ssn Erancisoo Commercial Bulletin, that the negotiations wore pro gressing for the Bale by Mexioo to the United States of a largo portion of North ern Mexico, from the Rio Grande to the Pacific, Mr. Nelson, late United Sates Minister to Mexico, and now in Washing ton, denounced the report as without the slightest semblance of truth or founda tion. But now appears in the San Fran cisco Alta California a letter of Jane 20th, from the City of Mexico, which would go to show that snob a cession of territory has been at least discussed by the Mexican officials and the new Ameri can Minister, Mr. Foster. The .letter says: “A much more Herions point is the claim which the United States Government is making out against Mexioo, and against which the Mexicans will have hot some trifling offsets, since Sir Edward Thorn ton decided that the Mexicans had no right to claim anything for Indian depre dations. It appears that Mr. Foster has submitted to President Lerdo an offer of purchase of certain Northern States, not only in settlement of all the American claims, but also in consideration of a res pectable sum to get Mexioo out of its finan cial embarrassment. “Though such an arrangement would be very desirable for both parties, neither Lerdo nor Congress will dare to entertain any bargaining for Mexioan territory. In the eyes of all Mexioo their soil is sacred, their oitizens are the descendants of he roes, to whom they build altars, and it would be sacrilege to part with one or the other. If the United States want Mexi- oan territory, they can only get it by foroe of arms, and the straggle would be very different from that of 1847.” EIGLEt PH SWINGS DEPimn Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 In assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four timet a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. COTTON WAREHOUSES. L. m. mm I*. O. H. WILLIAM!. BURRUS & WILLIAMS, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Alabama Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. Full Stock of Bagging and Ties on hand. We alio sell the Brown Cotton Gin. 4W* Mr. W. II. HUGHES la with ui as Scalosman, and will be pleased to aervo hia old friends. Jy 12 6m A. M. ALLEN. PETER FREER. Fontaine "W^arelionse. ALLEN, PREER & 1LLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants OOXaTT^nBUS C3kA_ DRY GOODS. THE FOUNDATION PRICES! THE LOWEST at whioh Dry Goods have ever bean this State! Joseph db tro. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY l THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINUES TO OFFER THE PUBLIC INDEMNITY ajainst Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cot it Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH A.m *raw YORK! The thousand! who have visited thia establishment since It led in the redaction of Dry 0 c JOSEPH * BIO., n Irssd llrnL Grand Clearing Ont Sale! TO MAKK READY FOR THE SPRING TRADE, WE; NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST, FOR CA8E! AMD EVERY OTHER ARTICLE AS LOW AS TO BB FOUMD ELSEWHERE. CHAPMAN <fc VERSTILLE, Ja4 deod #• BROAD STREET OPELIKA DIRECTORY. President. Columbus, Oct. 1st, 1873. Treasurer. 1849. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 81 Broad Mttx*oet, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. H. n. KPPINM, Pres’t. H. W. EDWARDS, Cashier. B. I. HULPORD, Aas’t Caah’r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUMBUS, GEO. Thl* Bank treneaet* ■ General Banking bu»ln.M, pay* Int.raat on De posit* under tpeoial contract, give* prompt attention to oolleotlona on all aooeeeibl* point*, and Invites correspondence. Information transmitted by mail or wires when desired. aprl dCm 3S0. V. DILLINOHAX, Cashlsr. J. RHODES BROWNE, President, GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. THE GEORGIA HOME SAVINGS BANK Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of tho Company’s chartei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS; J. RHODES BEOWNE, Pree’t of the Co. N. N. CURTIS, of Well.,Cnrtie ft Co. JAB. F. BOZEMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. L. T. DOWNING, Attornsy-at-Law. J H CLAPP, Manuftr, Clapp's Factory. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary of; h Co. Hon.’ JOHN McILHENNY, Mayor. JOSI AH MORRIS, Banker, Monvg’y. JAMES RANKIN, Capitaliat. CHARLES WISE, mart odiwlt “My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!” L et all know iti we ark offering extraordinary inducements to cash Buyers 1 We must do buiineBs at all haxards, profit or no profit—the goods must move. Our 8tock of Spring and Summer Dry Cooda ia being constantly replenished. Juat received, a. VUXjXa LINE OP PAHA«OI,*l Among them another lot of thoso with beautiful Silver-mounted Handle#, in Sword, Spear, and many other chaste designs. Our stock of JTAOOIVBT TH.IMMISJOB ■ large, and is offered cheaper than ever before in this market We respectfully ask all to call and examine and get prices, consider it no trouble. NEW YORK apclt 11 Wo always show goods obeerfally, and STORE. B, LAXBAVia. Doctors. DR. I. T. WARNOCK, Surgeon and Physician. Office at Slaughter’s Drug Store. Railroad street. febl4 DB. J. W. R. WILLIAM* Offers his professional services. Office over K. M. Groeu 4 Co.’s, Chambers k R. K. Stroets. nov25 Millinery. MISSES WHITE St TUCKER, Fashionable Milliners and Dressmakers. Gentlemen's Shirts cut by chart measure, anil guaranteed to tit. Chambers streot, next to Kalin's dry goods store. tebl MRS. O. V. BARLOW, Fashionable Milliner and Draaamaker. Buie Agent ol' Uutlerick A Co.’s Patterns. At tho late Banking House of tshappard k Co., Opelika, Ala. ja23 Notaries Public. V. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Lee couuty, respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends. Holds Court 1st and 2d Saturdays of each month, at R. C. liollifleld's law ofiice. Ja23 Furniture, Ito. At Panic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffins, and Caskets. jal8 Chambers street. Lawyers. A. J. V1CKEKH, Attorney and Counsellor, nt Law. Office opposite Alabama House. Practices in all the Courts of the State. jo3 Tailors. J. B. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting and Making in the Latest Styles. Re pairing neatly done. 8outh Railroad St., over Furniture Store. Jal Dentists. J. L. K. SMITH, Dentist, Does Plate Work and Plugging on reasonable dec23] terms. Chambers street. Barber Shops. WEbLEY BARRINGER, Barber, Corner South Railroad aud Chambers streets. dec23 BIGNON A TURNER, Barbers, South Railroad street, uuoor Adams House dec23 Hotels. ADAMM IIOUNE. When you go to Opolika, bo sure to stop at tho Adama House, opposite Passenger Depot. dec23 Insurance. E. €. BOWEN A NON, General Insurance Agents. Office, Railroad Street, over R. M. Greene A Co.'s, nov23 A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Griffin & Co., ban removed to Chambers atreot. Ilia friends and patrons would do well to call on him in his new quarters, and examine stock before baying elsewhere. Prices at panic rates. jal8 snAwedtf Pure Cold Soda! Kissengen and Vichey Water FROM TUFT'ft NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, AT J. 1. GRIFFIN’S jet tf DRUG STORE. READ AND HEED! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT EVERT ONE WHO WISHES TO SEE SOUTH SUCCEED HOLSTEAD&CO. Columbus, Georgia. Cattw Ola*. < •«•> Ptcsmb, Harm Paw era, Fraft Cattcra, CI4>r *■* Wlar Mills. Bawiil nacklan, Pratt Kalrn, Flaws, Bata, TkrHk.n u* Faa Mills, Cant Shaitan. Kara* Raktt, ■■•rrawa aad Caltlvaatara, Buab and Hrambla Scythaa, Rpadea, Parka, dec, die. AMO, tl.orfla Halaed Raat Proof «a*a. tioorgla aad Tanacaaaa eSya. Wheat, Barley, Clorar aad Clraaa Seed. CheatIcala far Maklap ap Varttll- aara ad hainr. HOUTXAD dfc CO., J.30 tf Aarlceltnr.l Dipot, Oolomboa, Ga. HIDES. CHEAT BARCAIN ! Safe and Paying Business Already Established, for Sale. TkJfY DRUG STOCK AND BUSINESS ON 1Y1 fsvoreble term*. Consumers and country merchants would do well to cell, as I am determined to reduce my large end well selected stock. €. J. MOFFETT, j»M In 74 Broad It., Columbus, OA, Wanted for Cash! 100.000 lb*. Dry and Green Hid**, 200.000 " Reg*, 80,000 “ Beetwsx, H. H. HIRSCH, Cslnmbni, 6a. Wrapping Paper, Paper and Flour Begs, sold At sweat market rates. myll r»A28 dly REAL ESTATE ACENTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, St. 01 Air Street, Ounby’i Building, next to Preer, lllges Is Oo. Real Estate Brokerage it Insurance. Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG & CO., Columbus, Ca., Cotton Checks, Ginghams and Stripaa, all of which Are in fast colon, And of Me lnUat And most approved patterns. A#* Factory corner of 8t. Clafr nod Jaokson street. Office on Jackson atraat. THE COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-SUN Is the only thoroughly independent paper South. It believes we are to win; not by complaining about the past, but working for the future. While it gives proper space and notice to all political matters of State and National impor tance, it aims to call the attention of emigrants and capital ists to our great resources and to build up the South on a basis that has for its foundation industry and economy. While disclaiming to bo the organ of any creed, party or society, all its tendencies will be in favor of TEMPER ANCE, MORALITY and RELIGION. Being deeply interested in the success of the farmers, and having implicit faith in the grand destiny of tho GRANGES, the EN QUIRER-SUN will devote a large space, under a capable editor, to AGRICULTURE, and in chronicling the move ments of the Patrons of Husbandry. THE DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN Will contain all tho latest National, State, Local and For eign news, devoting much space to Alabama interests. Its editorial management will bo fearless for right, and while recording passing events it will not neglect the arts, sci ences and the advancement in the world's material progress. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER Will give weekly a digest of all Foreign and National news. It will devote much space to Southern intelligence and will contain original articles on Agriculture, the Granges and other matters that will be of incalculable benefit to the planter and general reader. The SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN While giving the latest news, aims to become what is much needed, viz.: A GREAT SOUTHERN LITERARY WEEKLY! It will contain original articles, stories and sketches, his torical and biographical,'from Southern pens. Each issue will contain in addition poetry, scientific notes, domestic recipes, fashion and household affairs, wit and humor, no tices of late kooks and periodicals, religious reading, church news, and in fact every interest will be represented that will, in any way, aid the reader HOTELS. THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ca. WILL lx* kspt opau this summer in Hi STRICTLY FIRST CLASS STYLE. Tho patronaK” or those visiting Savan nah is solid tod, and the assurance given that ova ry effort will ho made t«. Insure their comfort. Our nmnI buses will bo found at all arriving trains and steamers. It. BRADLEY A 80N, may 27'—dAw4m Proprietors. Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. J. W. RYAN, Prop’,. Flint Gold**, Clark. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard 8aloon, Undzb the Rankin House. my24 dewtf J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. W arm gpringfs, ■ ERIWCTHK* CO., «*. 1|II» FAVORITK RK80RT la Dow op.D for Are extremely low, so that the paper can be procured by the poorest man and road with profit by himself and family: Daily, in advance, one year $ 8 00 Weekly, “ “ “ 2 00 Sunday, “ “ “ 2 50 Sunday and Weekly, in advance, one year 3 00 Three Weeklies to one Post Office 5 00 Five “ “ “ 7 50 Ten “ “ ‘ 14 00 Fifteen “ “ “ 18 76 Twenty “ “ “ 23 00 Thirty “ “ “ 30 00 Sunday and Weekly invariably 3 00 These papers offer the best opportunities to advertisers. Get up your clubs and help in this good work. Address COLUMBUS ENQUIBEK-AUIS, COLUMBUS, GEO