The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 04, 1874, Image 2

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gUilg MLI»n, «A.l TUESDAA AUGUST 4, 1874. IMX ■. MAMI8, ■ • - B4IMT. WIO IVMilimOl BKl’KIVKD IKLLM HI* TOR 18 ADTA8CK. Mu. Cauui H. Markrah ia Um agent for the Kitqcinnn-Stj» for Moaeogo* and UoamU ooQntlea. He u anthorixed to aolioit advertising and anbacriptiona, and to raoaipt for th* name. Wa oommend him aa a gentleman in every way worthy of oon&denoe. A good prioe will bo paid at thia office for the nnmbera of the Hundat Enqcixu obtaining the etory, "In Other Landa," which reoently appeared. Tan Hertford Timm aaya that H. 0. Bowen, wbo live* in Uonneoticnt, haa written privata letter* aooaaing Beeober of more than Tilton chargee him with; bnt that Bowen will not go before tbe eommittee and teatify, and that thi* de termination on bia part "oonld, it ie laid, be explained by a very few word* and a vary plump oheck on a Mew York bank." Tax municipal election in Tickabnrg, l(lee., will be bald to-day. Ita only in. tercet to the aonutry generally ia derived from the faot that the Hadioala have in aieted that there would be a acene of vio- lenoe there on thia day, and appealed to the President for troppa to maintain order. Now we will aee which party oom. menoed tbe conflict, if there ahould be one. Pimohbaok, after a bard Sgbt with the foroee of the Paderal and State adminie- tratlone in Looiaiena, baa been ntteriy overthrown. Tbe eleotiona were held leal week in tbe eevorel ward* of Mew Orleans for delegatee to tbe Convention that will aeleet the ltepublioan Committee, whiob oommittee will manage all tbe affaire of tbe party. Pinobbark candidates were ran in every ward, oppoaud by oandidatea anp. ported by Kellogg, Harahal I'aokard and nioet of the Federal ofBoiala in the oity. Pinch had a little anpport by come of the Cuatom Honae officer* and a atronger fol- lowing of ncgrooa; bat be waa beaten in every ward bnt one. In bia own ward, in which he waa a candidate, he waa badly beaten, bnt it ia aaid that he will conteat the election. There ia much anxiety to aee what oourae he and bia frienda will pnrane when the Convention meet*. He waa, it will be remembered, ref need a neat in Coogreaa, when he had prooiaely the acme claim that Kellogg had; and now Kellogg bolpa to beat him when he appeala to a party compoaed mainly of lii* own race, l’inoh ia experiencing the truth of the aaying that "Uepubliua are ungrate ful," but ho onn atill make time* lively for the Bepublioan* if he determinea to allow them what ho can do when puahed to the wall. •HR BMTB1CT CONVENTION A ehorl time ago we noticed an artiole in the LaGrenge Rejmrter, proponing that the Congreaaional Nominating Convention for thia Diatriot bo held at LaGrauge about the middle of Auguat (tbe exaot day ia not now remembered ) We replied that we thought I,*Grange the proper place for tbo Convention, but that the day named aeemed to aa rather early. We did not at that time recall to mind (he faot that the State Executive Committee, at ita meeting iu Atlanta, had suggested the Vtb of September a i the day for the meeting of tbe Congreaaional Convention in thia Diatriot. We are now reminded of it. Tbe State Committee left anob matter*, without aaggeation, entirely to the Diatriot Executive Committee*, where it waa adviaed that there waa an Exeoutive Committee for any Diatriot, and it waa not made aware cf tho exiatenoe of auoh a Oummittee in the Fourth Congreaaional Diatriot. Bnt wa are informed that there ia anoh a Oemmiiteo, and that it ia oor- roaponding on thi* aubjoct of aelecting a time and place for the eaaembling of the Congreaaional Nominating Convention The State Committee took the right ground that the Diatriot Committeea were the proper bodiea to arrange theae mat ter*. Wo therefore preanme that a lime and place will eoon be announoed, and that they will be aooepted by the people of eaoh county. Several of tbe Democratic newapapera of the Diatriot have agreed to tbe time named by tbe Rcpor er, and it ia poaaible that one or two county meetinga have al ready aoted in view of ao early a day. But there can be no inoonveuience iu waiting if the Diatriot Committee ahould name a later time. The tame delegatee will have authority to act. It ia beat to make all lke*o arrangement* ao aa to glv ample time to the people of every oonn y, and to di-pel the aligbteat auapioton that any individual or local intereat ia consult ed in makiug them. We are glad that the people are moving in their oounty meet ing*. They will he prepared for the day end plaoe of holding the Diatriot Conven tion when they are announced. Let ua await the notion of the committee having the matter iu charge, to deaignate time and place. “AN APPEAL FOE JUTIIE." We have received a pamphlet copy of an appeal made by Peterson Thweatt, former Comptroller General of Georgia, to the people of tbe State, for "aimple pu ttee.” What he claim* ia hia "unpaid salary aa Comptroller General," end aa the Legislature haa heretofore refused or neglected to pey it, and haa not even allowed him an opportunity to teat tbe jnstioe of the claim in the courts of tbe State, be now address** himself to tbe people, end especially to tbe "agricultu rists, grangers or farmer*.” Ur. Thweatt makes out hia oaae very strongly in the publication before ua—showing that such claims a* bia were expressly excepted from the repudiation of the "war debt" by tbe Convention of 18li5; that be received no valuable ooneideraliou for setvioea moat arduous and Important; and that other Bute ofltoera were, after the termination of the war, paid in good money their aal- ariee for tbe seme terns for which he still claims hie. He now demands that be be either paid at onoe, or that be be author- made for the payment of any judgment which he may reoover. We have heretofore given our opinion of the value of the publle service* for which Hr. Thweatt claim* payment, fig his intelligent and aaatduon* labor* hfl' made the Comptroller'* Offloo the great repository of the flnaneial, agricultural, and industrious statistios of Georgia. The yearly progress or decedenoe of tbe Bute in wealth, population, prodnolion, and industry ia therein recorded, and P*. teraon Thweett is tbe man who first sys tematised and gronped this valuable infor mation, biasing tbe way for hi* enooee- aora and making it a comparatively eaey teak to keep up the work which he plan ned and initiated. He did tbe work himself, too; and this ia a consideration that pleads more loudly for the payment of what is due him. He did not employ a platoon of clerk* and oharge the State for their eervioes, but addressing himself la boriously to tbe work whiob he had un dertaken, be did nearly the whole of it himself, and now only asks moderate pey for hard work of hia own heed and hsnda. Barely the people of Georgia do not begrudge so faithful a public servant tho measure of aimple justloe which he asks at their haods. THE ciTTEPPEACE. Baum, Ala., July S, 1874. Tbe name "Salem," I believe, means “The Oity of Peso*,” and if it did not, the cosy little town of that name would have won the title last Saturday. Tbe occasion was the Sunday Bobool festival, in which, with a true Christian harmony, the HetbodisU and Baptists united. Early iu the morning—whiob could not have bean more beautiful had it been ordered fur the occasion—both Sunday Bohoole were out under their superinten dent*, teaohera and pastors, with while bennera in the advance, and eaoh scholar decorated with a blue rosette. Her. W. Neal is pastor of the Methodist Churoh, J. H. Lockhart superintendent, ltev. B. D. lloby, of the Baptist Churoh and Dr. D. W. Floyd, su perintendent. The Belem Silver Comet Baud added to the delight of the occasion. Thia young musical organisation, we un derstand, baa only been in exiatenoe a few montha, but its performanoea would reflect oredit on older and well skilled musician*. The perform ances uftsr prayer were very oreditable. Several children read and reoited in a mannor that reflected oredit on themselves and teachers, and delighted their parent* end ell present. There must have been a thousand persons on the grounds, and all were delighted with the ocoaaion and with eaoh other. About noon the band bugle sounded and the vest oouoourse gathered about the long well laden tables, where wee spread in ample profusion all tbe luxuries of the season, and we are glad to say all the thing* were grown in Alabama, even the pretty girls and elegant ladies that waited on the tables. All enjoy ed themselves, and even after dinner was over, there wss enough left to feed a large multitude. After dinner tbs .assemblage instated on having a apeeob from A. It. Cal. huun, proprietor of tho Enquibbr-Sdii, Mr. Calhoun spoke on general subjects, and the people appeared to be pleased with bis unstudied efforts. I enjoyed my visit exceedingly, and had the pleasure of seeing near Balem one of the beat cultivated farms I have ever seen South, that of B. W. Pruitt. If every farmer South worked *s thia gentleman does, there would be no snob country in the world os this. Wo commend him aa an example to all planters wbo want to win. One imlex of the intelligence of the people in thi* neighborhood is that they read, and many of them subscribe for, the Exquirrb- 8 °"' , t A»o. Captain T. J. MoAdams, one of our youug end most enterprising merchants, starts North to-day to vtatt hia friends in Virginia aud to buy goods in Mew York and Philadelphia. Captain McAdams ia a Virginia Yankee, of which people we can not have too many. We wish him a safe return. Owners** Smith u< Orwwfs Third Terns. Upon inquiry at the Executive oflloe, yesterday, we learned that the aooount given iu the Cincinnati Commercial of an ■uterview between one of us roving oor- respondent* and Gov. Bmilb, in regard to the election of Uen. Grant for a third term, aud republished iu tbe Constitution sunn days ago, waa highly oolorad and exaggerated. In tbe first pWos, the Governor did not know that this interlocutor waa a news- p >per reporter at all; end in the aeoond place, he did not indorse Gen. Grant's electiou lor a third term—or, indeed, for any term whatever. He spoke in strong terms against the pas-age of the Civil Bight* bill, end said Inc Preaident would render himself very popular ihrougbuut tbe Bouth if he vetoed it. He doe* not favor s third term for any Preaident, however; but he said, aud still ssya, that the Booth ia more interested in the defeat of tbe "oivil rights” iniquity then ia the maintenance of the tradition which limits the oocoptn- oy of the Presidential chair to two terms. An abandonment of this tradition might be unfortunate; bnt, in the opinion of the Governor, the passage sad approval of the Civil Bights bill would certainly and fatally ruin the Bouth. He ia a Dem ocrat—has been one all hit life—and baa thought of abandoning his oolors at thia late day.—Atlanta Constitution. Revival ef Trouble* la Unset Parish. A gentleman from Grant parish, who arrived in tbe oity yesterday, states that two negroes were murdered by having their throats out, near Colfax, last Betnr- dsy, end that tbe coroner's jury charge Uilly Usdnot aud John Lacour with tbe oriuie. Usdnot aud Laoour are both un der arrest, having been promptly secured by the U. B. military in Colfax. White league threats, it is charged, are arousing the old feeling In the parish, and a eenous conflict is feared. Hadnot and Laconr, it is said, were re turning from a political meeting at Colfax in the night, when they oam* to a shanty aud ca led upon the negro man who lived in it to bring them some water. When the latter opened tbe door to take out the water be waa shot down, end the partiea then went op and out his throat. The aeoond colored man they met on the road and similarly disposed, and some witness es to the affair subsequently caused their arrest by the C. 8. authorities.— If. 0. Timm (Kellogg paper). I seyR Mm fsneers ot Xaa- r an bereaving fodder, and t raised for years. -Tbe AAgflel dolph oounty ess the corn crop lathe fifaet r —Tier* are arid t« be seventy lioensed bar-rooms to Atlanta* whose yearly sale* aggregate 9178,280—4 sum increased by aafis at ether plaoe* to #284,760. —The Democrat* of Chatham have opened the fall esmpaign with enthusi asm. Gen. A. B. Lawton has been elect ed Chairmen of the Executive Commit- lee. —The B. W. Grand Encampment I. 0. O. F. of Georgia meets on Tuesday, the ltth of August, and the B. W. Grand Lodge meets on Wednesday, the 12th of August, in the oity of Havanneh. —The freedmea of Greenville have or. gsaised a tempersooe society, and the Vindicator says tbe diacoasiona between the temperance and ante-temperance “colored troops” er* sometimes red hot. —Lisxie Cleveland, who wa* sent to the penitentiary for life, for the murder of Jim Cleveland from Monroe county, last year, made her eeospe from the obain S ang near Milledgevilla, a few days siooe. t last aooouots she was not captured. —The Augusta Chronicle says t “There will be a lively contest for the Congres sional nomination in this diatriot. Tbe cendidates so far announoed are Major Joseph B. Gumming, Col. J. D. Mathew* and Captain Pope Borrow." —Simon Baker, colored, was killed by Jim Wayne, of tbe same race,last week, a the mile* from Savannah. Jim bed abused Simon’s wife, and she handed a atiok to her husband to atrike him with, but Jim used his knife with snob effect es to kill Simon in a few minute*. —The Perry Home Journal ha* heard of caterpillars on one or two plantation* in iioualun county, but not in scfficieut nnmbera to do any damage. Corn i* made and ia splendid. Cotton ia looking well, and planters are hopeful of an aver age yield, though many crop* are sorry. —Tbe Sevannah Advertiser and Repub lican aaya the Arm of Usina A Jones, well known as owners of a dry dock across the river, have applied to the municipal au thorities for the purchase of certain wharf lota on Hutcbinaon's Island, on wbioh they propose to oo*struct a ship yard. —Mr. Jeremiah Lowry ennonnoe* him sell! a candidate for ooroner of Houston county, and olaitaa that the otto* ia one of prime importance beoanse "the coro ner ia the only man authorised to hang a sheriff,” We don't know what the pros pect is of tbe hanging of a sheriff in Houston —The Badioal meetings in the oountie* of Burke, Boreven and Emanuel in tbe First Congressional District, have in- atruated their delegate* to vote for the nomination of Jesse Wimberly for Con gress. Bloan does not appear to be ac ceptable to all the negroes of his Diatriot, probably because they distrust hia sincer ity in support of the Civil Bights bill. Bnt tbe Cuatom House “ring” in Savan nah will make a desperate fight for hia re- nomination. —We learn from the Cuthbert Appeal that there ia an exciting contest in ltan- dolpb oounty on the question whether Ghpt. Tomlin shall be re-elected to repre sent tbe oounty in the Legislature. It says that two districts have elected dele gate* in favor of Tumlin, three have obosen delegates opposed to him, and in two there ia a split or bolt. The Appeal fears a party division growiug out of this personal oontest, which may result in the elsotion of a negro Bepreeentative. —There was almost a riot in Griffin on Friday, growing out of a difficulty be tween a white man and a negro. The negro abased the whits man for bis activ ity in aiding the polio* to ferret out the gang of thieve* heretofore mentioned; whit* man knocked the negro down, took hia pistol from him, and whipped him badly. Numbers of .while men on one aide and negroes on (he other gathered round, threatening words and demonstra tions war* made, and the Mayor had to disperse the crowd. ALABAMA REWSt —There were 49 interments in tbe eeuetery at Montgomery during the month of July. Of theae 88 were colored and 11 white. -Mr. M. Stanton, late of the South and North (Ala.) Bailroad, ha* aooepted the position a* Superintendent of the Selma, Borne and Dalton Bailroad, vice J. B. Peck, resigned. —Tbe Democratic aud Conservative Executive Oommittee of Alabama, ap pointed by tbe late Convention, have selected Capt. Walter L. Bragg aa ohair- man, with headquarter* at Montgomery. —The delegates from the Cironit, while attending the Convention at Mont gomery, appointed the 12th of August aa the time, and Oaark as the place, for holding the Convention of the 8th Judi cial Circuit to nominate a candidate for Judge. —Biohard diuolalr, tbe negro who lately killed Mr. Goodeon, Marshal of Fort Deposit, has been removed from tbe jsil of Lowndes county to that of Mont- gomery. This was done on the affidavit of bia mother, that a Mr. Btrioklin, of Fort Deposit, had threatened that Bin- olair ahould be put to death. But it is mid that no one *t Fort Deposit knows any such man aa Btrioklin. —On the night of the 27th the theater in Montgomery, Ala., was filled from top to bottom. The occasion was tbe presen tation of a banner to the Clanton Detuo- cratio anti Conservative Club. Mr*. J. H. Clanton, the widow of the deedbero, donat ed the banner, and her little boy, Jemmie, K resented it in a neat little speech, after eing lntroduoed to the audienoe by Mr. F. Titeomb. Captain B. L. Bragg reeelv- *d the banaer la behalf of the dob with some graceful remark*. Fire In Bainbrldge. Special to the Morning Nows.] Baikbbidox, July 31.—A destructive fir* broke oat here this morning, just after daylight. Four briok stores were burned. They were occupied by L. M. Griffin's oenfeolionSry, Watt's gun store, Koekwell A West * dry good* store, and J. A. Butts A Co.’s drug store. Tbe loss is estimated at #16,000. The stocks and buildings are partially Insured. Tbe Are is believed to be the work of an inoendiary. The firemen worked nobly and deaorve great oredit. Uffll ItHtUllllW H. II 1^1 —This brief efaioatele was written by the editor of the Philadelphia Ledger: "Lowell—Saturday. Two little boy* and a pistol. Now, only only on* little boy and a pistol.”. XSOCLAR MRRTIRO thi* (T*ssd*y) •vtnlDS at I o'clock. JOEL D. BfiTfifi, firry. Mieal CUlqt i[ Hate AT MOSIL1. r HK Bfit Annual Cour#* In thi* Institution will commence on the 16th November. Tbe Preliminary eoaree will commence about tbe middle of October, at which time thi Dissect ing Hell# will be opened. The Lecture# ere FRMN to student# from «very pert of tbe country. Tbe only expensed are u follow#: Matriculation fee • Practical Anatomy ™ Graduation fee M The conrae cloeee about tbe 80th March, 1875 y«r ewe,*. eegt dltewtf Dean of the Faculty. For Rent. H 0U8M AND LOT on weet aide of Jackson street, upper end, In eicellent neighborhood. atpreeent occupied by Dr. K. C. Uood. bl* com- R. 8. HARDAWAY, Sheriff Sale. Apply to C. N. JO! ss*4 if Chattahoochee Peptember next, before the court-house door in the town of Cusae'a, Chattahoochee county, be tween the legal hour# of #ale, the following landa, "tol'dr load No. 1ST, lot of l*nd No. HI, *nd 168 sens of lot No. HO. *11 Ijlo* oorlh or Hucbilte crook, containing In nil Bve hundred sad silty of the sixth dlitrict of but now Chattahoochee of Wm. A. Farley, to _ _ _jp*rlor Court of thi# oounty, in faror of Kraatue C. Hood. nu|4 wtd originally Mnacogee, but I county, ua., a# the propel ty o: ■atiflfy a 8 fa from the Bup< JOHN M. UAPP. Ph-Hff Muscogee Sheriff Sale. W ILL be #old on the A rat Tueeday in September nest, between the legal hour# of *ale, iu front of the #tore of Freer, lllge# A Co., Broad etreet, Colombo#, Ga., tbe following de scribed property, to-wit: Tbe Colombo# Steam Planing Mill# eltuated on lot 840 and that part of lot 839, In the city of Co lombo#, Ga , together with the Machinery belong ing to aaid mill#. Levied on a# the property of K. R. Goetchlu# and B. II. RnKl*nd, "urvlvorn, to satisfy a A. fa. leaned from Mnacogee Superior • 1 o. f.nni rtf Vn.v ILirles*. AlimilliltrittriX, roperty pointed n. 0. IVEY, Sheriff. MISCELLANEOUS. ACE NT# WANTED Every Town and Oounty in the South. _ _ Our tualuesa ia Copying and KnUrging and Framing Picture# from Daguerreotype^ *“ ’hotoKFEDha. Ferreotypea and M patlon and Fra— _ brotypea, Photograph*, Ferreotypea and Min tores. Call at J. W. Pe ae's Book Store and i s work. JAB. J. LAIRD, General Agent. New, Neat ; Nobby BTYLIB Of * CENTLEMEN’S GAITERS RBOR1VRD THU DAT AT WELLS A CURTIS'. _AS*1 lw Kill the Cotton Worms ! WITH ROYALL’S COMPOUND, Pari# Green and Arsenic. FOR HALE BY E. C. HOOD A BRO. eugltf GREAT BARGAIN I Safe and Paying Business Already Established, for Sale. u i DRUG STOCK AND BUSINESS favorable terms. jumera and country merchant# would do well to call, a# I am determined to reduce my Urge and well selected stock j#3* 8m M Y ^ Oonaumei Farmer# of Southwest Geor gia, Beware O r on. RANSOM TIMPf.1, who hu ntnl.n n carpet sack of tool# from me in Ruvsell I will pay any man Afteen dollar# for hi# deliv ery to the Kheriff of Roseau county, Ala. THOMAS JOHNSON, Perkin#' Mill, JySC lw Russell county, Ala. THE REPRESENTATIVE MEN or ALL CLAUS* Of BOOIUTT 9 ear Twwtlxnoxxy #o *H# heaumc POWER# OP Tho Woxxcl• rfxxl G ETTY8BUHG Katalysine Spring. The Medioal Profession Lead* the Van. • ■>' i - hHUCtitlvr Ppjrelel***, levellde, CelRell* Priests, Preteetoet Mtalstors, ’ Pol Itlelee* aed eeeerals UNITE la Ragtag The* There Reed he Be Such Thleg as BeERrtwR •■<* Death trams ear Preveleh* Chreale ReledlM, if Phgal- new* Weald Preeerlhe, »*d Invalid* Ted, the Ueltj-ahnrs Rpring Water. W. W. SHARPE 4> CO., Publishers’ Agents, No. 26 Perk Row, New York, Are Mthwrlsed to Ceatraet tor Ad- vartlelBR lw ear paper. ay 14 tf City Tax—3 per cent. Off. T HOSE who have not y«t paid their tax upon Real Batata may save 3 per rent, br paying before 1st August. After that dato no discount will be allowed, and for all taxee unpaid on let October executions will b# issued. The city re quires money to meet It# Intereat on bonds, and Wood, Wood! gS8T WOOD, ready ■ Awed, $4.00 per cord. Wood ■awed for 60 cent# per cord. Orders Ailed prompt ly on application to tba fobai tf MUSCOGEE MANUF’NG 00 PARMINC IMPLEMENTS. HOLSTEAD&CO., Columbus, iCoorgia. Catlaa Glam, Cettea Presses, ■one Pa were. Peed fatten, Cider rad Wla* Billie, Mewlai Machiaee, Uraee Halves, Plewe, Here, Thrashers rad gra Mill*, Cane Rhellers, Uerae Make*, Harrawe a ad Ca.llnttera, Spades, F*tM, *Om *«• AlAO, Georgia Haloed Hast Praef Oats, Ueergts* as*Teaaeeeee Rye. Wheat, Barter, clever aad Grass Reed. Cheaateats ter Mtaklag ap Pertut- aero at heaee. A<Mt**e HGLRTEAB * CO., J*M U A*rt**luu*l P*e*t, Oeleake*, Os. IIPQKTANT T9 COllltCIH TRAVELERS. /COMMERCIAL Travelers who solicit orders by VJ Card, Catalogue, Trade-List. Sample, or othor Speclmeu. also those who visit their customers and aolloit trad# by purchases made direct from stock, aud who travel ia any section, by mil boat, telling any class of goods, are requested send their Businees and Privata Address, as I low, stating class of goods they sell, and by whom employed; also those who are at preeout under no engagement. Thia matter is of great importance Individually to salesmen of this class, or tnon so liciting trade iu this manner. It is therefore request will be conAdentially . adviaed of object in view. Please address, (by Isttar only ) COOPER ATION, care Gea. P. Rowell A Go., 41 Park Row, Jylt eodlm New York City, N. J. BUSSEY, Agent AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. The trad* supplies at lowest mar ket rate*. FOR SALE AND RENT. A Most Desirable Residence for Bale. TIBI Hoe** and Lot oorewr Bridy. ud Jack,on X Mimu. Th* kaan ke* l>* lw)**, *to?« mom etteckwl. W.t.r u good ss any In th. city. Th. tntln pramlM* In perfect ort«r. Bo.- ••salon given at onco. *• ”*•*"*” Vi:1uX5* , ■ To Rent. April tth. two reralahto HDg ROOMS, Kltcha* aa* Btobto, with *** st Sima* reew aa* parlor. A*4r*<* •el * B, h,ati*r OBe*. Tbe faot that people ere daily coffering end dying in every pert ol the oounty from those maladies (or whloh th* Gettys burg Katalysine water ie e sovereign rem edy, proves that involida have not cred ited the published account* of Us onretive effeots. Nor i* this surprising, consider ing the lieeneed misiepreseoUtioa and deception of the qqeok medioine men, end of tbe other plunderers of thee* suf fering end helpless members of lb* oom- mnnity. But in proportion ** the dema gogue* who rale the people of the United State* under the forow of government nogleet to protect those whose oondition most powertnlly appeal* to th* sympathy and magnanimity of *11 right-minded ruler*, must be our endeavor* to bring to their knowledge the effioeoy of thi* great curative agent. When medical f*l*ehood ia bold, unblushing, unpunished, and tri umphant, medioal truth nqnire* higher testimonial*. Aa different invalid* oredit different clause* of testimony, we propose to secure their credenoe by publishing various kinds of teatimony which operate on the human mind to prodaoe oonvic- tion. A* it i* tbe butinee* of physieiene to study disease* and their remedies, their* i* the highest testimony in favor of *nv enr*t<ve agent. The introduction of th* Gettysburg Ketalysine water as a commercial drug, rendered national tho** medical experi ments with its weters which had previous ly been local, or oonfined to the resident invalids in the vicinity at th* spring. Many eminent medical writers and prac ticing physicians watebed with deep in terest tbe progress of than* medioal ex periments, fraught with anoh incalculable interest to humanity and to medioal sci ence. The result of their obaervetione they communicated to the medioal jour nals. It would too greatly prolong this com munication to make quotations from ell tbe medical journals aud medioal writer* who have commented upon the medioal experiments with thia water. We will, therefore, only make quotations from one of the medioal journals and from ona of the medical writers, who is rsoognixed a* an authority on mineral waters : Testimony or Hedteel Jenrnale. The New York Medical Record, In two editorial articles, entitled “Oar Beoently Discovered Mineral Waters,” and “Tbe Gettysburg Kutalysin* Water," reviews with much ability the practical experi ments with the letter. It remark* -. “Oar experience in the nee of thi* val uable water confirms the conclusions stated by Dr. John Bell, of Philadelphia, that it is a very useful remedy in ohronio disorders of the digestive organa, end tbe secondary derangements, enoh as goat, rheumatism, hepstio sod rfaenal affection*, skin diseases, Ao., consequent thereon. We have good reason also to believe from whet we have seen and experienoed, that it will by long uaa remove nodosities of tbe joints of a goaty nature. We have also seen cases of albuminuria much relieved by it, ee well a* the irrita ble bladder of old age and oaloolns disor der* of the lithie aaid diathesis. * * We huve been iucrednlon* in regard to this water having any auch power as rep resented by Drs. John Bell, B. H. Hall, and other medioal writers, of dissolving the urat s or ebalk formations in the body, or on limbs and joints—a power unknown to any other mineral water in the United States, so far aa we ara in formed. * * From experiment* mads on onr own parson a* well aa others, we oan state that the Gettysburg Water is a regulator of all the secretions and exore- tions; under its influence the kidneys and liver, the gland* of the intestinal censl and tha akin all perform their normal function*; tbe bowels, if ooaatipatod, became regular; tha akin, if dry, beoomea moist; the torpid liver ia exoitod to healthy action, and tbe kidneys perform their functions with perfeot regularity. There ia * total abaenoe of any disagreea ble ■ensetions whatever; the efi mediea- trix seems roused to increased sotivity, and all morbid cause* of bodily, or even mental disorder, seem rapidly to pass awny. The result U: Inoreaaed appetite and digestion, a freer eironietion, a stronger pulse, s oslmer mind, e more tranquil sleep, s olearer oomplexion, and au increasing nervous and muscular power/ * * Where goaty or rheametio persons are taking the water, we find an extraordinary quantity of nrio aoid accre ted or deposited from the urine; the sweat no looger contain* thi* principle in excess, as it generally doea in goaty rob- joatH; and, with proper attention to regi men ami diet, the health rapidly im prove*, distorted limbs btoome straight ened and enlarged joints gradually re duced to their natural sire." Medical Anthers. Doctor Bell, the author of t standard medical work entitled “The Mineral Springs of the United Btetes and Canada, 1 has prapsred a paper on the Gettysburg Ketalysine Springs, from which quote: “The Gettysburg Water has prod died signally curative end restorative effeots in different forma of Dyspepsie, Sioknesa of the Stomach, Heartburn, Waterbrash, Acute Nenralgio Pains, Lees of Appetite, Chronie Diarrhoea, Torpid Uver, Goat, Ohronio Khemstiem, Nodosities of the Joints, Approaching end Aotnel Paralysis, Diabetes, Kidney Disc see, Gravel, Chron ic Dyspepsia, Abdominal Dropsy, Ep ilepsy, Ac., Aa., Aa.” The Hew Fewer in Medicine He also remarks of its solvent effects upon those form* of calculus known at the chalk-stones, lamps or nodosities of rheumatism and gout; “Were we to suppose thee* swellings to be ligamentous, or oartileginone, with bony matter deposited, onr surprise at their disappearance would be none tbe lesa. Recourse to ell known therapeuli. eel agents end modes of treatment, ere ineffectual beyond some! a reduotion of th* ail* of nodes of a goaty or rheamatio na ture by absorption of e part of tbe outer end investing atrnotnr*. Bnt th* entire removal of the inorganic body, without surgieel intervention, bee not, we believe, hitherto been brought about by either in ternal remedial or external applications, or by both nnited. In th* ease now un der notion, we cannot believe that th* ab sorbents would be equal to the teak of sacking ap, as it were, tbe deposited inor ganic matter, anises this deposit bee been > solvent action of A* Mood brought to the.pmt by the deU-Je eepilUrie*. Whence some* thi* solvent property 7” Gettysburg ne e Wx**rt»f Pluse. latent the SprlBR, ee slss Us .epeeler cf ■or* scroonteelly the* et any other watering plane or eqaeliireiensteesli the coeetry. The speedy IrsosfonaaUoe of this aodere golgotha lorn * health end pteensr* resort present* e •eblta* aad tataredtlig spaeuele Itor the eon- tsmplet toe of ■eahlad. It 1* Ilk* the 1*7log down togsthsr of th* lice end tbe lamb elder th* leading strings of e child. It Ie a* It the Ilf* end death prinolpel had here net end straggled for the Mastery, and tha ixntr hod omteffrletorlaasaad was JablUit ovsr IU triumphs. Hart whsro aa maty human beings perlshsd end wh.r* th* star of the aew born Oonfodoraqr oommsncod to doeoond (Torn tho mortals*, soee u set In darkness ead blood, th* let* Iblloeera oT the lest sees* ead the tri- 'umphant Fodsrals meat In salty, mingling tksirplsasers. and soaking physical health sod lilts from tbssamo foentafa. Wa will eonolada thsso qaotattoes from writ- tsa and pabltehsd testimonials, by • latter that d solosurss may bo soon expesled st the Kat. Ivitas Spring which will aeteelsh Urn world, and prove that lu waters an sunnily applica ble to all acute aa wsll a* to ail ehroaia die- IU UIW IMW-WC V " »—■ — Springs et the retee appended: . . .. * At the Springs. At Philadelphia. 3 gallon demijohns 8* T* 8 J It • galloedemOohea... T 00 4 00 Ousel dot. ql bottler, oeoh...... BOO *00 Oeus4do*. pL bottle*. 0 00 ... MOO . On tksss prises that* will be e liberal redac tion for the trade, end * redoetloa of» per cant. In favor of Catholic prlaete and Protest ant otergymsa. Psrsou desiring this water need not bo dependent on tho druggists, bet her* oely to writs * tetter to Whimsy Broth er*. General Agents, MT Sontk front Street, Philadelphia. The Oenerel Agents may have the water seat direct from the Springe, or from the depot la Philadelphia, u may be ds- ’ ‘ They ihoeM say Ie their letter whether wavgeme placu Piece. Chajybeate Springs *0fsT ® Meriwether County, Thi* Oalabratad Wattrls# Fla** j, Mow OfIX V0R TEX Rioimmn tv Tienm 49" Price# to exit th# Um##. Liberal imaas. M#nt# Md# with fhallt##. ^ CHAa. T. FORTE#, Ag’t, VI IhMiuwi. assmj wees/sesee apwswt/ r— they dsstr* to her* sent, aad eaeieeia poet office money order or e certified cheek In pr*. fbrcoce to greenbacks or stamps. In all oases when entered by express, paymoat most be In ad ran os. Bo oarsfhl to romsmbor WHITNEY BROS,, GENERAL AGBNTS, UoUyebwrg Bprieg fswpaay. Jyfl dfcw tf New AdvertUexnenta. “p« i ana gala tho loss and affsetlonl of any per they cbooao Instantly. This simple mental ao- r 'rement all ean possess, IT**, by mall, for , together with e marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hint! toLadtee, wedding- Wight Shirt, ke. A qnser hook. Address T. WILLIAM k OO., Poke., Phils.«w Cough#, Cold#, Hoarsen###, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP OBLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggist#. 4w Mb’ Water Cut Dm! Atlanta, Ga. rfhs-^t^tr&^terAS; An .expertises W •Whtemi ys*i* nirrsall mu •eying to those sogrrlog from Chills sad tow Dyspepsia User Mseess, Chronic nod N.m.' OismMS, Aa, In sotrr no longsr, but cobs sslb healed. An sgpsflsaped Udy Assistant will lw l>u*. dunce to wait upon tholadlsa. Appllwtelw admission should be ssade wit boo t delay. Jnu a. ABBOTT * BOR, (Just uppoelte west sad Mlasrsl Bprisgs). JyM 3t wc saawr]Artexv*, Ol MARY SHARP COLLEGE. Eatahllahed In 1AA1. Thi# old and cele brated Female Hchool I# situat# i In tbe proverbi- a ly healthy towu of Winchester, on a leuch of Cumberlaud Muuotaio, Tennessee. Commence# it# annual sessions of t#n mouth# on the FIR8T MONDAY IN FRPTBMBBR. Still under its Irst and only President. Z. 0. Geayxx, L.L. D. For thoroughness and cheapne## of education, i# not excolled by any school in th# Sooth. Send for Catalogue containing all e###ntial particular#. 4w Q. 8, WALMBL1Y, Tret#urer. EMORY COLLEGE. THE VAIil* SKUIOI WILL OPEN AVGUST ltth, 1S74. ion healthy. Society moral and rel Teaching thorough. Discipline strict. Fa< .... full. Charge# reasonable. For further informa tion, addrea# Rev. O. L. SMITH, Oxfo d, Oa, subjeoted to th* i Wa-rm Springi, MEB1WETHEE €*., GA. 1118 rAVORITH HKB0HT Is sow opsa hr visitor#. The best far# aad the Asset Bathing on the continent. Apply for quarters to JOHN L. MU8TIAN, J#4 tf •• aboT#. . T. Ouaniagham WARD amooff th# educational tnslitul ..... In the report of tbe ComMlssloner of Edacatiou st Washington, it stand# Afth on the list ol “superior school#" in th s United State#, and first on the list of Southern schools. For catalogue, address “ * -»*«•* 4w Dr. W. B. WARD. Nashville, Tet BETHEL COLLEGE RUSSELLVILLE, KY. Location Healthy I Board Cheap IH DOWNS If T HH,$$$ I Bend for a Catalogue. Address, LRSLIIWAQGKNKK, w Chairman of the Faculty. rnuis well X opened for th# season, by U. and Lady. Kvery effort will be made for the o fort and enjoyment of the Visitors. Th* Buildi*,* hav* b**n Efilar^d, refitted and rofurnlahed with special regard to convenience and comfort. The curative preper'tas of th# water# hav# bean #xperieaced by huadreda of invalids for mora than a quarter of a esotery. KYK1Y INNOCENT A1VSIIIIT will be afforded, and all boisterous and improper conduct will be rigidly suppressed, our main ab ject being to tarnish AN 1HVITIMO BBTBKAT DB. C. A. BTILXS, VB0B COLUBBUS, I trip, vk North and South Railroad, •*.«. Dtotanc# 18 sail## from torssinus. AU pan's# visiting the Spring# can obtain their mall daily via Hamilton. A good Rand will ha provided. A SWIMMING POOL OP SULPHUR WATEI* *• well as oth#r kinds of baths, will alwajik -eedy for guests. Our rates, we believe, ar# lower thanetasy other resort of any reputation. Our table wlUbe kept up to the staadard of th« beat ia the couatrj. TIMMS: Per Day $ t 00 Per Ob* Week 10 09 Per Month 80 00 Children under eight years of age aad select* servants nt one-half of tho above rates. JtlO eodtf U. T. CUNNINGHAM. 200 Pianos and Organs Now and Secoad-Haad* af Flrst-Claoo Makars. will bo sold at low prices for cash, or oa laotall monts, or for ront, in city or country, during this month, by HORACE WATIR8 A SON, No. 481 Broa way, than ever before offered in Naw York. 8PKCIALTY—Pianos and Organa to let until th* ront money pays the price of the Instrument. Il lustrated Catalogues mailed. A large discount Minister#, Church##, Schools, Lodges, etc. 4w RICH FARMING LANDS NOW IN NfiBBAIKA, FOR SALE VERY CHEAF Tts Iters’ .Crsktt, letsrsst only • **r sssl Send for “The Pioneer,” a handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the Homestead Law. A NMW NUMBMR Jnat pub- hahed, mailed free to all parts of tho world. Address O.». DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. M. R., Omaha, Nab. HAVE T0U TRIED JURUBEBA? ARM YOU Wtsk, Ntrvout, or Dobilltattd ? Ara ram an Lsofstl that any exertion require* more of an effort than you feel capable ol making t Ikea trj JVEVBEBA, tha wonderful Tonic aud lnvigorator, which acta eo beaefielelly oatka aeoretlea organa ne to import rigor to all tho vital forcer. It ie ao alcoholic appetlner, which otlmulntee for a abort lime, only to lot tho enffonr fall to lower depth of mleery, but it Ie a vegetable t acting dtnctly oa the ilrer and epleen. <4 regilote* th* hsw*ls, qoleu name, and glree each a healthy tone to tho whole eyelam aa to eoon moke the invalid feel Ilk* a new prison. ■to SMnltea I* mot vlslsmt, bat characterised by great gentleness; the patient c_ periences no sudden change, no marked results, Lot gradually his troubles “Fold their tents, ilk# the Arabs, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, but kiw been long used with wondertal remedial results, and Is pronounced by the highest medical authori ties “the most powerful tonic an alterative known.” Ask your druggist for it. For sale by WM. F. KIDDMR A 00., Jj24 4w Mew Tori Pare Gold Soda! Eiasengen and Vichey Water TWTI NEW MBA ffeSETAIE, AS J. I. QRIPPIN'O MM MB* mu White Sulphur Springs. HOT1LO. THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ca. WILL b« kept op*, thi. eammsr to tu STRICTLY FIRST CLASS The uatmaga of thoee flatting ku.- ooh J* eolte tied, nod the aoearoaoe gtreawat eve ry effort will be mode to iaear* their oom fort. Oar omalbaaaa wlU be feaad at all arriving trains aad steamers. U. BBADLEY A BON, mayfil—dAwtm Preprieten- Rankin House, Columbu*, Ga. J. W. BYAX, Prop’r. Fain GoLDKff, Clark. Baby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Ukdx» TXfi H.mrn, Hotteg. myl* dswtf A. W. fiTAE, TrapV. Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG k C0-, Columbus, Ca., A fifi proporod to (apply merchant, promptly aad la a eatletactory maaaer with Ike M» quality of Cotton Checks, Clnghams and- Stripes, oil of which are la fast oolors, aad of iho l#t««t aad moot ^proved pattoras. 4W Factory eornsr of It. Olair and Jaokse* straet. OBon on Jaokaon streoi. Je24 dim PICTURES! Have Them Copied tod Enlarged by Home Enterprise! wftkoa’dltey 4 er^risk. ••Sr'gU&SdXX eeativraet eorow st Broad daigh imm,. Jr M “