The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 04, 1874, Image 3

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OOLVMWi TUE8DAT....nrrv::;....ADQD8T 4, 18T4. The ArkMMa Cm»IIIm-A Llttli AitotMr«tu*i Mi i«i|i mt Oaaatjr Court. .11 .CtiorOoorei. * — Mumtumi W. U. Hobart* SOr., Biwl at. jouph r. mm, Liar^UMn. B*y- Ier and Ward, of tba aab-oomaiUI.0 of tbe Congressional Ionatigatiog Commit tee, oooipleted their labor* this ereniog. Jnat before adjournment dor. Baxter we* on the aland, wtMn He atatid that aouie mm by An* fibflge*, man!bar of Congreea from tbe First Biatrial. Tbe Ooreraor made a remark to thia afloat, wlion Hodges, who was standing by, said: ■‘That's a UelT,.^Baxter: ‘‘Yon are au- tber." Grerybody rose to their feet, odges: “l say its a lie.” [Great oon- ion.J Baxter: “Yon are another.” eneral confusion.J Mr. Ward: “Gan non, yon most stop this. The -mittee will listen to no snob prooeed- We have not ooma here to investi- private qaarrels." Matters then ted down and the committee ad- , Thay laaTS fof home to-mor- TbsMtas Caterpillar. Judge Vaaon, of Albany, has been atndy. ng tbe nature and habits of the cotton caterpillars, and thinks that by the co-op- cretiun of the planters its ravages may in a great degrertr prsventsd. He says that there are three crops of oaterpiliara an nually, sucoeeding each other with an in terval of six weeks. The brat crop doss UttUflmage, bjr^roduuing saoth- not very destruotWs, but nprodncaTso abundantly as to soatter millions of the tfaied, eNp^hmngbout the Ml The third atop cams on last year in the early part of Angust, and from Mitchsll oounty north, between tbe Flint and Chattahoo chee covered the oountry, the moth flying from fifty to fltty'ISlIea. The remedy be suggests is for the planters all to destroy tbe first and eeoond crops with Paris green or other poison wherever they may be foetid, here and there webbing in the fields He thinks that this may b* done t a small outlay for the poison, whereas if tbe planters wait for the third crop the cost of the poison and the work of dis tributing it she very heavy. —In Detroit, now they temper jnation with butpor and oourtesny, as witness the following scene: “John, oh, John, ooma out here and face the nmsio,”' oalled Bijsh, his head in tbe oorridor and his body in oonrt, and John Campbell oame out. “It seems a pity that a young man of twenty-seven, good-looking, lsrge, nice feet, lots of console, and a tore nose, should stand here charged with vagrancy," said hia honor. “While all the rest of tbe wttflfl Ja moving end rushing tad work, ing, you fill asleep on the wharves." “Can't help it, sir," replied the prisoner in a mounful tone—“can’t get wor-ukany- where.” “What kind of work have you been seeking forT" “Wall, snnthin kinder easy, for I ain’t wsll." 1 “No, I can see that,” remarked the court; “your red nose, monmful eyes, large ears sod oloae-cropped hair, all "few more days as it ware, you will be laid away to sleep forever, and tbe world will forget that you ever lived." “Yes, sur,” replied the prisoner, trying l look stilt more sad. “Nevertheless, it is my dnty before yon l laid away to aend you up for ninety y*," said the court, “and Bijah will t you have a free seat on the wagon.” Lt-A writer in the Milwaukee Smtinel pktkts the' respaotfal aynipafby of all ntlemeo who give out their washing, isays: “It is awful annoying to have ne other fellow’s olothee left in one' , by the washwoman. Saturday we t on soother fellow's shirt, bat couldn't r it. Although it was ruffled arouud he bottom, the sleeves were too short to mt cuffs on, and there war* no piaoe for i collar.” UkVIL B. HATCHER. Attorney at Law. Ogee over Wlttlch t lUatel'a. A. M. HSU BILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. reaction. la courts of Georgia and Alabama. Ogee 13U broad St., (over Uolstsad A Co.'s Special attention gircu to collection.. Jail oorner Broad and Ht. Clair fits. A. A. MMIER, Attorney and Cenaaellnr at Law, Fraction In Bute and Federal Courts In Georgia and Alebeaia. Ogee ltd Broad r t., Colnnbne, Qs.Je6 Mux II. Buaoroan. Loots V. Oaasaaa. BLAMBFOBB dk OABBABD, Attorneys and Cennaallera at Law. Office No. 67 Broad street, over Wlttlch A Kin* sol's Jewelry Store. Will practice In tho Bute nnd federal Oourta. MSBAI * CBAWFOBDB, Attorneys at Law, Will praetioe in tbo State and federal Courts of Georgia! Office oror Freer, lllgae A Oe.'e store, aortbwest ' ’ i. dial! ' laa Jal Jaa. M. Rusaau.. Casa J.Srnrt. BUSSELL * SWIFT, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Will practice la tba Ooarte of Georgia (Okattakoochee Uiraaitl and Alabama. Office overo. A. kadd A Go. Broad street, Columbus, Ga. In T. BOWBIBS, Attorney and Bnlieitor. 0. B. Gom'r end Ragiater in Bankruptcy. Office BOVtOj over Brooke* Drrig Btora, Columbus. Qa. PBABODT ABBANSON, Attorneys nt Law. Orms ores J. Bams A Oo.'s Breai, Baou St. novltj War Una. B. S, MOB KB, Attorney nnd Ceaneeller at Law, Doctors. OB. COUIT. Bealdaaoo and Offioe corner or St. Oloir nnd Ogle thorpe etc. Office hours—7 to 9 a. a., 13 to d r. a., 7 to Sr. a. aepS7— DB. B. B. LAW. Office corner Brood and Randolph etreete, Burma* building. Residence on foray tb, threw doora balaw St. Clair. DB. 3. A. UBQUHABT, Offlca at C. J. Moffett's Drug Store, Broad atreat. Raaldance on 8t. Clair, between Broad and aep6 Front 8ta., Columbns, Qa. DK. 3, C. COOK, Drufflulats. A. I. OBIFFIM, Imported Drags and Ohaaslesde, JOHN L. JOBDAN, Dragglet, Two doora below Geo. W. Brown's, Broad Street, Columbua, Qa. ■ Wight Ball right of aouth door. sepft A. X. BBAFIOF, Wist Bids, Beoad Stgket, Columbus, Qa., Whaleaale nnd Retail Dernier Dr«ia nnd Medlelmee, Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Shaatlifii Shlrtinga, and Bawlni nn Knitting Thrand. Card* Wool and Grind* Wheat nnd Corn* Office in rear of Wlttich A Klnsel'e, Randolph a' jal 8 R. II. 011 ILTON, Preside nt. Manufacturer* of BURSTINGS, 8HIRTING8, TARN, ROPB, Be. COLUMBUS, QA. . P. 8WIPT, President, ‘ - - octSl ly, i. r. on in, rregional. T. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Traaaurer. Watchmakers. o. SCHOMBURG. PracU—1 Watahnakar and dtwalar, Sueaaaaor to L., O. H. LKQUIN, Watchmaker, Tobaooo, Clears, ko. HAIEB DOBH. jou want to enjoy a go jd amoke, go ta l Jigar Manufactory, Between Georgia Hone and Mnacogaa Hob*. Olsen, Near Broad Street Depot. Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to H. Uenea,) Under Georgia Horn* Insurance Building. Prompt and polite barbers in attendance. Ja2& 100 Broad street. Columbua, Ga. ED. TEKKY, Barber, Dress-Making. ■UN H. A. HULLING* WURTH, * , Cutting aud Pitting. Term* cb« snee andibop in Brownsville. Feed Store. JOHN FITSUIBBONS, Wholesale * Baci Confectioners. I. a. STBUPPKK, Candy MenulAetnnr AMO OBAlsBE IM In of Confectionary Bad Stick Candy IB oemta. Hotels. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Nest to Columbus Hunk Building. Porter* at all tbe trains. JaJS^^^^MR^^FJNTDJRJrojirja ■uildere and Architect*. J. «. CHALMERS, ■e«M CarpemUr mad Ball Jobbing dona at short notice. Dentists. W. ». TIONKS, DcaUat, • Btrappar’a kaildiax. Xudolpk 81. a Special .Ueatloa giveo to Uw iMarUoa of Arti- •toJ^ojD. a* woU a. to Oporatiro DoaUitry. Dentist. Orer Jousph A Brother’s store. Jull W. T. POOL, Deatlit, botJ3] 101 Broad 8t., Columbus, Qu. w.i.raou, J Dontlut, sepM Qonrorlx Home Btilldinu, Oo'nmbna. Qa. Roots and Shoes. * WELLS A CURTIS. No. 73 Broad Street, Have always a full stook of ' BooU nnd Shoe*, Upper, Sole nnd Her- mete Leather nnd Find Inn* of all kinds. Reliable goods t Reasonable price#! N. B.—8peclal attention to orders by Express, _ C. 0. D. Jy4 1 Lively and 8al* Stables. BOBBBT THOMPSON, „ tiverjr, SaUa n« luku.. gtokle*. 01 OoLxraoxps, North or Rakoolpb fits., L ectao Columbus, Qa. f A. QAMHEL, Liwery tad Mo Itahlos, OaLiTxoxri 8t., Coloiuds, Ox. 1 Particular attention givan to Paedlng and Balt of 8tock. Horses and Mulas boarded in stables by the month or day. oct29 Restaurants. a HABBIS COUNTY BESTAUBANT, «■. t* BrMd gtroot. Tb. bolt of .orelgo and Domestic Liquor, uod OigMU. Moola at .11 hour. £«l» J. J. BLAKELY, Prop'r. Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, SUlle No. S nnd IS, Mnrkot Honte. Fresh Moats of every kind and best quality, Jull always on hand. J. T. COOK, ffPtok Mmtta *C All Klwto, 8tall! Noa. 18 and 17. Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP BIPUB, On. and Lock.with, Craalord alraet, nazt to Jobnaon*. corner, Columbna, Qa. Jafl" WILLIAM SOBOBER, Gan aud Locksmith and dealer in Gunning Ma terials. Opposite Kuqulrer Office. Jat8 Plano Tuning, Uc. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuner of Pianoes, Organs and Accordeons. Sign Painting also done. Orders may be bo loft at J. W. Pease A Norman'a Book Store. aapfi Grocers. DAM*I« B. BIKE, Dealer iu Family Groceries, on Dryan atreat, be tween Oglethorpe A Jsckeon street#. 3F* No charge for dray age. dec? J. U. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Botmll Qreetr, Junction of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe fits No charge for dray age. sepl4 I8HAM COOPEB, Family Grocer and Dealer in Country Produoe, aapft next to “Enquirer" Offlee. Tailors. O. A. KCEHNE, Merchant Tailor and Cutter. A full stock of French and Kngllah Broadcloths, Cassimerra and VastinM. »prl6 No. 134 Broad Btreet. HENRY BELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning nnd Repel ring Done in the best style. apr24] Corner Crawford and Front Bts. Boot and 8hoemakers WM. MEYER, Boot end Shoemaker. Dealer In Leather aud Findings. Next to 0. A. Redd A Oo.'s. prompt and strict attention given to orders. j*u Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Wnrknr 1m Tin, Bhrat Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Je7 No. 174. Broad Street. Painters. WM. SNOW, JR., A CO., House and Sign Painters, Old Oglethorpo cornor, (Just north of postofiBce) Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for House aud Sign Painting at reasonable prices, and guarantee satisfaction. Refer to Wn, t*now, 8r. faprft LAWYERS. W. F. Williams. Cbas. H. William*. WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, Attorney* at Law, COLUMBUS, UA. 99“ Offioe over Abell's store, JyN 3m W. A. Farley, Attoruey-At-XiAW CUS8ETA, Ub.ttahoochd Co., O*. 49-Sp«elnl .tt.ntioD xtYnn to MtlMtlou. DOCTORS. Dr. J. H. CARRIGER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. - /"vFFICE up it air. 8.E. cor of Broad b B an- iiolph Streets, where he may be found day or night when not professionally eugaged. Columbus, Apr.l 2 4 , 1874. dtl p HINES DOZIER, s Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, CA., ~ TY7ILL practice in the Chattahoochoe Circuit ?V or any where else. All kiud of collections «7SHJU>. “Pay row or run away." novl4 tf - MILLINERY. SPRINC MILLINERY. II»B have Just received a lull line of HPRINtt W AND RUMMER MILLINERY, in- eluding all tbo NOVELTIES of tbe season. PKE88ING AND BLEACHING done in the latest ntylea, at the shortest notice. . Next dour below tbe Now York Store. ■’ MRS. COLVIN and octlft—lv mar4 M188 DONNELLY. _ HIDES. Wanted for Cash! ioo,oooib*. Dry and Oretn Hid*,, 200,000 “ Rag*, “ 60,000 “ S.B6WSX, — Daiivared at wharf or railroad depots in this city, at highest market prlcas, by M. M. HIRSCH, CnlmkH, «*. " Wnntn* Y*P*r. 2*P« • 0|1 ,1 «“ r ■**•• •• invart null! r*m. i afU UH, «r DRY COODt. ew Fall Goods S JUST RKOKIVSD AND OHRID. styles Prints, White Goods, Fall Dress Goods, Bleached Goods, Linens, Ac. Summer Dress Goods BELOW Cost! VO ARRIVMi rge lot of Kentucky Jeans and Caaslmere*. BOATRITE A CLAP?, > lw 187 BBOAD BTBBBT. THE FOUNDATION PRICES! • LOWEST at whloh Dry Goods have ever been in this State! iro Joseph, db B: Tbe thousands who have visited this establishment since it led in the reduotlon of Dry G oode wil ch for the quality of goods and all representation4 made. JKf Cash buyers will never have a better chance. A small sum will go farthor now than ever. 1 a before it is too late. Jel4 tf ‘My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!” IT ALL KNOW IT I Our Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods is being constantly replenished. Just received, JAOONBT TRZMMXXaS , end Is offered cheaper than ever before in this market. respectfully ask all to call and examine aud get prices. We always show goods obeerfally, and consider it no trouble. * NEW YORK STORE. si>rl« tf g. LABRATEE. COTTON WAREHOUSES. L. M. BUI BUS. «. M. WILLIAMS. BURRU8 A. WILLIAMS, Warehouse & Commission Merchant! Alabama Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. Full Stock of Bagging and Ties on hand. We also seU the Brown Cotton Gin. 4V Mr. W. II. HUGHES Is with ns ns Scalesman, and will bs plaased to serve hie old friends. BANKING AND INSURANCE. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly In Full, - • $520,364.92 Boston “ “ “ - • 180,003.80 Total AbbbU—Gold—January lit, IS74, 4382,632.02. LIABILITIES. Lotttt Dn» and Unpaid None. Lome* in proem of WdjUHtiueui, or adju.tod cod not due *22,698 GO All other Claim. 1,VIS 02 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, laooat, 1878 *619,887 78 iMoac, 1872 £26,217 87 Olio * 98,609 86 Itesss FrwtyUy Adjueled send ' ulily Battled by O. GUNB/ JOBDAN, Agent, otiMiy COLUMBUS. GA. SAVE YOUR MONEY! M08T ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to beoome Indeoendent. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPARTM’T Lett than one year old, and hat 378 Depositor*. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 In asset* for every dol lar of liabllttl**. Deposit* of $1.00 and upward* reoelved. Seven per cent compounded four time* a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. febS dtf A. M. ALLEN. PRTBR PRIM. Fontaine Warehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLCE8, :on Factors & Commission Merchants COLUMBUS O-A- OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DR. I. T. WARNOCK, Surgeon and Physician. Offioe at Slaughter's Drug Btore, Railroad street. febl4 DB. J. W. B. WILLIAM* Offers his professional services. OOico over U. M. On en A Co.'s, Cbamburs A R. R htrebta. aov25 Mlllinoiy. MISSES WHITE A TUCKER, Faahloaabla MUllnera and Dreaamakerx* Qentlemeu's bhirts cut by chart measure, and tasranteed to At. Cbamuers street, next to gann's dry good* store. K-bl MRS. C. V. BARLOW, Fashionable Milliner and Draaamaker. Bole Agent of Butteriuk a Co.’s Patterus. At tbe late Banking liuude ul bhuppaid A Co., Opelika, Ala. ju^i Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Lee county, respectfully solicits tbe patiunags of bis friends. Holds Court 1st and 2d putuiday* of each month, at K. O. llollttteld’a Uw office. ju*3 Furniture, be. At Panic Prices. A. O. HARWELL# Dealer in all kinds of Furnlturo. Also, Metallic, Wood Coibus, and Caskets. j»18 Chambers street. Lawyers. A. J. VICKERS, Attorney mnd Couuaellor nt Law. Office opposite Alabama House. Practioes in all tbe Courts of tbe htate. Ja3 Tailors. 3. U. CAMPBELL, Tailor* Cutting and Making in tho Latest Stylus. Re pairing neatiy done. South Rnllroail at., ov»-r Fnrnl’nre Btore. Jal Dentist*.' J. L. K. SMITH, DeuBleB, Does Plate Work aud Plugging on reasonable dec23) terms. Chainb* rs street. Barber Shops. WESLEY BARRINGER* Barber, Corner South Railroad aud Chambers streets. dectS BIG NON A TURNER, Barbara, South Railroad street, unuer Adams House. decJS Howls. ADAMS MOUSE. When yon go to Opelika, be sure to stop at the Adams House, opposite Fasaeugor Depot. dec23 Insurance. E. C. BOWEN * NON, Unmoral Afenli. Offlca, Railroad 8tr»it, ov.r B. M. (Iran. 6 Co.',, DRUGS AND MEDICINES I. COLLEGES. GEORGIA Pio Nono College, Maoon, Ca. OCTOBER e.b, "1674. It !■ OONDVOTKD BY 8BOUL*.k IRIKBT8, elded by Lev Pnileeeort, under the supervision of the Rt. Bit. W. U. OHO-*B, D !>.. Bishop of Bavaannh. Htuated two miles from the city proper, nnd occupying a lofty eminence overlooks g .heeur- forty-flv* acn*s, affords wary edvautege to the student. The Domestic Department end Infirmary are For further particular*, address Kir. 0. P. OABOU1T, Jy 31 da* 2m Preaidant. Bowery Academy. month, payable iNvaaimr in ad- Tuition in Literary Department far the ttrm el 80 icholaatic day., #13 00. In Musical Department $4 per month, one-half p*y.»bh> »t the end of tbe Brat two mootbe, bai lee at the close of the term. No deduction from tuition except In caeee of protracted elckneee. The Principal nnd Teachers, believing that un lees the facts of any branch of study are acquired in connection with the Masons upon which thay are based are soon lost, they adhere strictly and literally to the why and wherefore system. ' Haid Study" end clou thinkino have made, making, and will make, (as long as tbsre are any) the practical, aud ntccutful man of the world, inr this reason "Uasd 8vody" Is tba motto at Bowery. Such pupils aa are too delicate to undergo close mental discipline are not solic ited. Kach patron of this school is earnestly requested to meet the Principal, Teacher* and pupile on the morning of the 87th, at 8 o'clock. For further particulars, address the Principal, nt Tnlbotton, On. J.G. CALHOUN, Prln. NI*8 8. A. V. MILL Kit, Ase't. MUB. 0. M.BKT11UNK, Jy# d'JUwlm Musical Teacher. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—-LIBERALITY I THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y OOMTIMCES TO OFFBM THE PVBUO Loss by FIRE! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Want* a Chance to Cet It Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH FrctMtat. Columbua, Oct. Ini, 1873. 1*040. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL insurance agent, 81 Broad Street, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. D avidson* college. Next Neeslon will hvgln Sept. 84,1874. Ileal thy location. Moral atmosphere. Strict dis cipline. Thorough teaching. Moderate charqoa. Biiven professors. Vox Catalogue or information, apply to f. K BLANK, Chairman of tb* Family, J*24 dawSm] fW Office, Davidvm QMUfft, A. C. ST. CECILIA ACADEMY FOR TOUNG LADIES. the Cuiulwrlund river. For beauty of aoanery and hralthiulueM it is uuequaled by any institution in the South. Blcktiesi is almost unknown. Chalybeate wa er in constant nupply, ta within the enclosure, and (he purest White Sulphur juat outside the grounds. Thu course of study Is thor ough and solid; tbo systi-m of tbe school in nccor- dsneo with tbe beet mod<-ie in tbe country* Bo- tired, yet within e*»y re ch of the city. It hss for young ladies all tbo advantajpss and none of the dr a* tacks of city echools The Academy re fers with confidence for verification of ita na«t efficiency to ita many flnhhrd graduatea. and ita pupils scattered thfoi.gho the South. Address lOTHBB ItPCI augl 4w J. GHIFF1N, IMPORTED ^KperfumeryKi FANCY GOODS, AT BBDVCSB VBICES. All goods gunrtntead. K folly prepared nt nil hours. jnlB doodawly ■ Pr-acrlptlons car#- J. 1. GRlFflN, 101 frond It. KfOB, rit. Cocilia Academy, Naehvil o, Tenn. augl A NMW CASK Pretty Prints. PEACOCK A SWIFT. g. g. KPPIRU, PrM’t. H. W. KUWAHDS, I'uhler. R. gULPOSB, iM't Cwk’r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OP COLUMBUS, GKO. Thlt Sank trantictt a Gtntrtl Banking butlnatt, payt Inltrttt on Da- poolta undtr aptoial contract, give* prompt attention to oollaetlona on ail •ooatalblo point*, and invftaa oorruapondanoa. Information tranamittad by moll or wlroc whan dttired. .,rl Jta J. IS0SS3 3UV8I, Preildant. 910. W. MLLM9HAX, OaxWar. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. THE (lEOitlill HOME SAVINGS BANK Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can bo withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—liy tuo terms of the Company’s chartei, the entire capital and property of tho Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of tne Savings Bank. DIREOIORS: J. RHODES BROWNE, Prca t of tbo Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. J. R. CLAPP, Manuf'tr, Clapp’a Fautory. Boa. JOHN MoILBENNY, Mayor. JAHXS BANKIN, Oapitaliat. N. N. CURTIS, of Well*,CnrUa ft Co. L. T. DOWNING, Attornoy-at-Law. D. P. WILLCOX. Secretary of . h Oo. JOSIAU MORRIS, Backer, Mocg’y. CHARLES WISE, ni.yi odAwlt Piques and Lawns VIST C7IIAP. PEACOCK & SWIFT. •»a« All Manner of Drees Goods OrrtKKD VKRT LOW. PEACOCK * SWIFT. “(I Grand Clearing put Sale ! TO MAKE READY FOR THE SPRING TRADB, Wi;NOWOPFBR Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH! ABB BVlgY OTMRIt ABTIVLE A8 LOW Aa TO BX I'OIIXB ELSSWH2BS. CHAPMAN & VJSKSTILLE, *c bboadSTaan