The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 04, 1874, Image 4

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■I wuiini TTE8DAY AUGUST 4, 1*74. CITY AFFAIR*. ~~ COLVMBVS DAILY MAMKKT. Fiwaxciau—Sight l>Ulf OB New York por; os Bnotoo S P«r c«ni. ilHeowat; on Sa vannah |4 por eont; denanil bllli on Bolton KpereMl. B.nki.retelling ohockl OnNow York Bt 140. premium. Currency loom 10114 por oont. por month. Oold nnd illror noml- bbI. Oottob Market dull. The following ore the quotation,: Inferior > fi- Ordlnnr/nod etnlned ...Id ftW Good Ordinary 1*144414 Low Middling! Middling! 16)40 ll>; Strict Middling! I> U- BbIm 16 bnlee. Rooolpt! 16 belM-0 by M. A O. B. B. 1 0 by wngonit 0 by N. A S. B. R.; 0 •>/ W. B. B. i 4 by rlrtri 11 by H, W. B. R. shipment! ee he lee-00 by B. W. B. B.; t lor home ooniempUoa | 46 by W. B. B. DAILT BTATBUBBT. Sleek OB head Auguit gut, XT* 1,177 Keoelrod to-luj 16 prevloaely *0,746-40,761 *1,1 Shipped today 44 •* prerloualy 40,610—00,674 Stock on hand 1,867 Sabi Oat Laht Ybab.—Angnet ai«t, 1171. 114; renelved Mine day 17; total receipt! 67,861 iklpped lame day 8 ; total Iblpmeota 64.486; ■ lock 1,474; lalei 11. Middling! 1744c. U. S. Bobta.—Receipt* fur 4 da) a Roll el porta to Great Britain 1,040; to Oootlneiit 0; stock 141,874. Aaed. Small amount of Bank BUI* found on the street, which the owner nan get by applying at the atore of A. F. Johnaton A Oo., denorlbing the bills and paying for this adrertiaement. It Wm. U. Johnston. Indem to New JlMl'IlaiWMAll. Bank Bills Found—William H. John ston. Meeting To-Night—Hook and Ladder Company. New Fall Goods, Hummer Dreaa Goodn —Bo trite A Clapp. Chattahoochee Sheriff Salsa—J. M. Sapp, Sheriff. House and Lot for Rent—J. E. John ston and It. S. Hardaway, agent. Medical College of Alabama—William H. Anderson, M. 1)., Dean of Faculty. Jtlrrr News. The Farley brought to Columbus four bnloa of cotton and fire barrels. She lea res to-morrow at 11 A. M. Repre sents crops along the riser as good. Dietrihutimn of Monty. Our manufactories paid out Baturday soma $111,000 as wages to employees for the pros ions two weeks. The mooey was generally distributed throughout our 00m- munily. Tht Question of (As Day. Why do the kidnappers demand such an enormous rausom for the boy stolen from Germantown, Pennaylvania ? Because he is a Rosa-child, (Itolhohild) of course. This is putonted. Tht Churches Sunday. Congregations were good at all the bouses of worship. Passengers general ly filled pulpits. Joat before the erening service Mr. John Clancey aud Miss Fan nie Watson were married iu the Broad Btreet M. E. Cbnrcb. lit tod Newt. Home eight or ten little Damoorats opened their eyes to tbs ouly true politi. eat principles of the oounty on baturday and Sunday night. They already clamor persistently like Democrats on the wrongs Infliuted by the dominant party, and make a strong resistance. Pries of Monty. in the Building and Loan Association last night fil.WH) woraauldln series B— •600 bringing 63 and $500 at S3}. Iu the Mechanics' |r>im sold for 35 and $1,000 at 85j. Would you know the val ue of money, try to borrow soma. Dnot. It was very thiok and annoying last af ternoon. The oarlh is being ground as fine as powder, aud the atmosphere is full of it. Tbe last was the only day of the year which baa proved intensely diaagre- abla on aocouut of dual. We’ll hare aw ful times unless we have some rain. The stare of Business. On going down street yesterday we found two grocery mon fast asleep, Bitting iu chairs and leaning against tbe front door posts. Others were gathered on tho shady side discussing the oaterpillars and anticipating games of draughts aud pilch ing quoits. At the warehouses this is the ohainpion game. We saw only one cus tomer in tbe store, and she desired only to look. Colored Dap tit mo In the Hirer. Green MoArtbnr, pastor of the colored Baptist church, baptiied sixteen persona in thu river, Sunday afternoon, in the presence of an immonso concourse. Tbe meetings at the church have been con tinued lor a week, and will be in progress every night until iuterest flags. Kich evening ihe church building is crowded to oveifloaing, aud many cauuot get ad mittance. Four more remain to be im mersed next Sunday. Candidate for the Aoylum. A crazy eolored woman has been around the city (or Borne weeks. Her father osuie after her a few days ago, and car ried her to bis home iu Cbattahooohee oounty. She has again found her way back to Columbus. Bhs had to bs ar rested and be confined to keep her out of trouble. It has been suggested she should be sent to the asylum, but this must be done from Chatltahooobee, as she bolongs to that jurisdiction. Bhs will doubtless bo returned to that oounty. Its Oar Optllhm Subierihoro. Hereafter the ENquiaxa-BtTN paokage will be sent to the Postuffioe at Opelika. Mr. J. M. Pxaav is our authorised Agent for Opelika, and will reosipt for sabseiip- tioos. Oar patrons will oblige a* by galling on him at tb* Zxptaat 046os and renewing. £*f Vnlfloatlon of Catloyoo Its Bwifta, This proposition by Governor Bmlth, and advocated strongly by others has besa virtually defeated alrssdy. The ids* was to have them ail under on* general gov ernment to be located at tbe University of Georgia, which was to be tbs princi pal inatitutinn with the other eoliegss aa auxiliaries—tbs State to make appropria tion* to each. An elaborate report wan made on the subject by tha eommtttee appointed. The trustees of Ms rear University and Emory College haV* re jected tbe plan proposed, preferring to have their own denominational schools, which are in a flourishing condition. Th* operations of th* Civil Rights bill, whieh is certain to pass tbe next Congress was also considered. Tbe State University will then have to admit blacks, asd this will ruin tbe institution a* far aa white* are eonoerned. It is supported by State funds. The other oollege* being owned aa private property will be exempt from the operation of this iniquitous law and can be oontlnued without fear of black students thrust upon them, and sooial equality forosd on th* attendants, so those who are informed report. Mndoiomomt of Mm try Colloyt. Bishop Pierce, of tbe M. E. Church, South, baa oommeneed a plan for the en dowment of Emory Collage at Oxford, Ga. His idea la to endow a professorship at a time, and when tbe work is finished, whioh wil. be in a few years, to make tuition free. Tbe gentleman from whose wa team this stated that at the late oommenoament he began with th* “Piero* Professorship " One gsutlemsn gave him $5,000, a few others a thousand each, and In a (aw days he had seonrsd $10,000. We are also told that the Trustees of Mercer University, tbe Baptist institution at Macoo, are pursuing a similar plan. The design hare, too, la to got a large *n- do ament for tbe purpose of scouring free tuition. Th* objeot la exeel.eut iu view 01 tbe great losses the Booth has sustain ed by tbe 1st* war. Cetumhue District Cenferenee. This Methodist rsligiuoa body meets in Columbus Wednesday evening, in Bt. Luke's Church, with divine worship. The Conference meets in Bt. Paul's Cburoh Thursday morning at nine o'olook, for the transaction of business. It it ex- peoted that Bishop Fierce will preside. Tbe introductory sermon will be preaoh- ed at 11 o'cloek of that day by Rev. Wal ter Kuox, of Talbotton. The body em braces the counties of Muscogee, Harris, Talbot, Taylor, Chattahoochee, and a part of Marion (the Glenaita Circuit), and numbora twelve charges and flv* thou sand white members. About a hundred delegates and visitor* sr* expected. THO Now Neologies. The new building rapidly approaches completion. Though only of on* story, the brick wslls are very high, and tbe cor ner is improved thereby. Entrance is by three doors. The interior ia to b* band, somoly arranged in general order, like tbe present one, only tbe casings aro to be of iron aud glass, aud th* boui are to be of tbe very latest phtont. They are to b* of such material that an owner can disoever at a glance whether be has any mail, and thus save the trouble of unlocking bis box. In Columbus about 100 box** are now rented. Th* number slightly de- oi esses yearly, though in prosperous sea sons we have no doubt th* renters would be added to. About 350 is the highest •ggregste sine* tbe war. Inaid* is to be a large apaoe for th* mails, and to th* rear Ihe private office of the Postmaster, and sleeping rooms for the clerks. Should So Stopped. Sunday afternoon a crowd of whit* boys were in washing above the railroad bridge. While ladies were passing they orestod as much noise as possible, in order to attract attention. These naked chaps should have been taken 0*4 and soundly paddled for aot having aoma de- oenny. The city authorities should see that such disgraceful exhibitions are stopped at once. It is not an unfrequsnt spectsole. We call the attention of our vigilant captains of police to the matter. The putting of some of them in the guard-house will effectually atop the bust- ness. Nad Condition Of 4Ae Wharf. Shipper* and steamboat men are oom- plalniug very muoh of tbe oonditton of ibo wharf. This is tb* most valuable piece of property th* oity owns, and should be well oared for. Council in structed the Committee on Bridges and Wharf to report a plan for the Improve ment of this work. At th* masting last month they were granted further time by their request, they saying so muoh rain had fallen that they wet* unable to make a sufficient examination. As the weather has been dry, and the rivor is very low, wa presume the report will be made at the meeting next Monday afternoon. The Nlorldn Trogedy—Latest Informa tion. From tbe Marianna Courier w* lean this; After the shooting, Mr. Mooring returned to his stopping plaoo, aboot half a mile from town, and awaited tbe arrival of tbe Hberiff, who plaoed him under guard in the Court House until Monday lost, when an attempt wo* made by Jus- tioea Chapman and MoNealy to hold a preliminary examination. Mooring was found to be in a condition neither mentally nor physically able to undergo an investigation, and waa confined in the oounty jail under medical supervision. When told by a lady friend who woe visiting him of the crime be had committed, he fainted and full from his ebsir. Hs has not partaken of food for several days, and is tbs picture of ema- olstion and despair. He rejects all food, and is in snob a condition of nervons excitability that he baa been given quar ters in a room at th* jail under guard, and fears are entertained of hla recovery. Stead Thiel You can find at T. E. Blanobard's, 123 Broad street, the very latest stria* of lire** Goods, at auch priosa aa cannot fail to give sattafactioa. Call and see An Interesting loot dent — A (Mask of Only 1184,44*. Wa were laid yesterday by a pramttaat mtaietsr an tnoidsat which may bs am and interesting to a large number of oar reader*. It ia wall known that Ooasato- dor* Vanderbilt gar* $600,000 to tbe Methodist University, whioh has sines bsao located in Nash villa. The gift waa $800,000 for endowment, and $200,000 for tbe structure*, reserving tb* right to approve tb* plan* for build- log. Tbs oommissiotma h plan prepared for a main building to oost $125,000, and twelve others to oost altogether $75,000. Ths plans were forwarded to the Commodore who disap proved them beoaose the smaller buildings wee* aot fins enough. Tb* commission suggested that th* money would not do more. The Commodore sent a check for $100,000 additional to asset such build ings as be desired—making tb* gift in ail $£00,000. Bishop MoTyelra is to hav* a building on the ground and a large inoom*. Hi* wife is a cousin of the wife of tbe Com modore. Bbe is a Mobil* lady and has relatives in Columbus. Prof. Lupton and Dr. Garland, Pro. feasors of this University, hav* goes to Europe to study the different systems tbsra. Tennessee has also raised $200,000 for th* University. The design is to make it a grand institution in every reaped. It is called Vanderbilt University. LOCAL Ksimrs. —No Mayor’s Court yesterday, and a* dogs killed that morning. —Tbe Deasooratio action of Saturday gives unusual satisfaction. —A light rain fell Hunday afternoon. —Muscogee county ha* some twelve inmates in th* Insane Asylum, a majority of whom are blacks. —It seems to be definitely settled that Judge James Johnson will run for Con- gras* in this district, if hs gets th* Re publican nomination. Ths Democrats will beat him or any other man the Re publicans oan select —Weather waa quite warm yesterday. Opelika, a summer resort, so-called, com plains terribly of mosquitoes. —If any man gets up a very dishonest reputation—suoh as swindling, Ao.—be ought to go to Atlanta, where h* oan get endorsed tor the most lucrative positions. The action towards Hi Kimball is a case In point. It doesn’t make much differ ence how tbe money oomes, so it is spent in Atlanta. —At a masting (no matter where) there had been frequent speaking. One present remarked to soother, “Don't talk so muob, oldmaa! Whsrs did you get your liquor?" Th* party addressed came dose and whis pered, “You had better retire, and have your head measured for a act of sober brains ; they may give a cool sensation, foronoe!” It waa overheard only by a few. Rather hottish on both sides. —Many people are absent from Colum bus, but few on pleasure. Very few are found at tbe watering plaoes. The ma jority of females have gone into ths coun try a short diatanoe, while the men are absent on business. The visiting of ooun- try friaoda has bsaom* fashionable. Tiret Bates of Now Colton. The first bale warehoused lost year waa received by Bwift, Murphy A Co., from a planter in Henry oounty, Ala., on Mon day, August 11th. It weighed 525 pounds, was classed low middling, and was sold to Col. F. G. Wilkins for 21o. The year be fore th* first bale was reeeived on August 10th, from John H. Baas, of Glennville, by the Alabama Warehouse ; prioe 40c. Last year the first bale of Georgia oot- ton was warehoused in Columbus on Au gust 16th, by Flournoy, MoGshee A Oo., prioe 17]o.; preceding year on the 17th of August, from ths plantation of Redd A Perry, on August 17tb, at 35o. Th* year bsfors ths first Georgia bale was received by Allen, Freer A lUges, on August 17th; price 17o. Tbe first bale ought to b* coming here Ib a t-hort time. A few pieces of French and English Goasimares, vary low, to close out, at T. E. BbiNoHAan'a. CHAM. BM1MAH A CO., Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., offer at their popular St KATA UMANT AND SALOON Tb* best that oan be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tobacoo, Ao. [my8 ly A large lot of obeap Oaasimsres aad Linens, very oheap, at BLANoaaan's. Domsstlo Good* at greatly rsduoed rates; Factory Good* at factory pries*; Coats' Spool Cotton at 70 osata par doe.; th* bast Print* at 10* par yard, my 10 If New Singing Books! The Leader! Dj II. R. Palm*, assisted Ly L. O. lailioH. Choir*, Conventions nod Binging Classei will welcome this new Church Mueie Book* ailed with new tune«, aothems, chsutt, Ac., Ao., nil of the I quality ice, $1.3« or $12.00 per dosen. The Sonar Monarch! I plan* on my Bargain Oountsr to-day J dssirabls good* to sail at Ism than New York oost. All should see them. Unan Handkerchiefs at 7 cents. White Piqae at 12je and upward*. Linen Setts and a fsw.Linen Dresses at half prioe to olos* out. Linen Poplins at 20c—worth 40. Other Dreea goods in same proportion. Will continue to sell for a short time my entire stock at cost, to close out be fore fall trade. All should embrace this opportunity. Will receive in a day or two new side band Prints to sell at 10 eeats, sad many other Domestio Goods, Notions and White Goods, all cheap. Fine yard wide Bleaohed Cotton 12). jyfl cod H.T. OaioLxa. KNTKKFMISMI 1,000 yards White Vietoris Lawns 15 cents—not bad. 1,600 yards Whit* Viotoria Lawns, 5-4, 18 oenta—worth 38 cents. yards Plain, Striped and Figured Lawns at 15 cents—worth 25. 700 yards Blaek Grenadines selling ex ceptionally fast. Gsats’ Fine Cloths and Oaaoimere* at a bargain, to dose out the lot previous to stock-taking. Embroideries are still being sold half their vdue. Ribbons at half pries. Coats' Thread 70 oenta. Best Prints 10 osata. Hosiery aad Glovss at price* defying oom petition. Fresh Goods twloe a week from all im portant marks!*. J. B. Jonhs, Colombo*, Ga. j*!8 sod LOOM TO TOUM INTMBMSTI •Now Is th* time to spend your money to advantage. $50,000 worth of goods yet to be sold at th* Virginia Store. Only GO days left to dispose of this splendid stock of goods; 5 handsome new show eases; 1 large mirror. 5 counter tables for sale, and the best store house in the oity to lease for twS years. Richardson's College Shirt* at Manu facturer's prioe*. Gents' hand-made Boot* and Shoes at faotory prioes. Carpets and Rugs leas than oost. Jnglsa' A Harris' Kid Gloves at New York prices. No goods delivered until paid for os we have not the time to send out bills. julylV—tf Pktton, Gordon A Co. rMTOMDI—NO INFLATION ! High prices can no longer exist. Gash basis is the principle now, and aa I desire to dose business, am offering my stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, aud numerous articles ia this line, at less than oost. Call and examine, and make one dol lar go farther than two at any other place. I am in earnest. If you doubt it, step in and have proof of th* fact. L. Harris, lit Broad St., myl 4m Columbus, Ga. At Thirty-Floe Tbe average Amerioan disoovers that he has an “Infernal Btomaoh," and goes into the hands of th* doctors for tbe remnant of hla life. Prevention ia better than oure, but Da. Walkxr's Vim hoar Bitters will both cure and prevent dyspepsia, diseases of the akin, liver, kidneys and bladder, and all disorders arising from an “infernal stomaoh.” jy24 4w flee* Things. Go to th* Ruby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Gams, and all things good to sat. ootlfi tf Buhl or*, Cigar Mmporium. The boat Imported Havana nnd Key West Clxara, Cbawlsx and fimokln* Tobacco, Snufl, Hacrschanm Pipes, Cigar Holders, Match Safas, Tobacco Bogs, Sc., can bo fonud at LOUIS BUULIB 8, Randolph 8t., Ifoaso with Bod Sign, noar Enquirer Office. 174 tf m The beat plaoe to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Sheetings, ia at Blrnohard's, 123 Broad at. Tho "Gentleman In Black." who ia tbe tutelar demon of dram-shops, assume* hi* sourest aspect when the rapid progress of Vinzoar Bitters is reported “down low." Tb* People'* Vegetable Tonio is playing th* miaohief with his bitter* fired with rum. All diseases whioh tboss demoniso nostrum* aggra vate, under pretense of relieving, suoh aa indigsatlon, siok hsadaohe, consump tion, rheumatism, gout and intermittent fever* are cured by it. je24 4w NOTICK. ui r more. going up on s of Ing ttod P Mtuniting on the evening trnln of the •amu day, will be passed the round trip for one '“fll'mllar part c* going np nt 8 o’clock k. n. or 2:35 r- m , and returning on eawe train, will be iwaeti round trip for fifty cente each. Commutation ticket*, for Individuate or faml- liee, ior twenty round trip* to go up and return on the name train, can be had for ten dollar!. Children over five nnd under twelve_ yearsi will bo charged htlf rate!, putt'd ir Thoee under five will he Tho riMiU ie in a thoroughly enfe oonditlou, and the traiui are iu charge of a oareful, polite and accomm Anting conductor, jy 31 td - * — K. A. FLEWELLEN, Hecolver. Western Railroad of Alabama. 641 HOURS TO NEW TORE NINE HOUR! FASTEST TIME! WESTERN RAILROAD OV ALABAMA, OOMUMOi, Oo,, ‘.July 6th, 1674. TRAINS LEAVI COLUMBUS DAILT For Montgomery and Selma, 1KW a. «. Arrive at Montg’y, • 7:00 a. M. Arrive at Selma, • • *• FOR ATLANTA AND NBW YORK At 10:30 a. in. Arrivo Opelika at 12:20 p. m. At Atlauta 6.42 p. m. By Atlanta and Nlohmond Alr-LIn*. Leave Atlonto S:U0 p. m„ CHARLOTTE 8.36 a. 1/anville 3:27 p. m.. Richmond 11:06 p. ■- Ar- rim at Washington 4:60 a. m., at Baltimore 6:30 a. , at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at NEW YORK 6:16 file oping Cars r i from Atlanta to Charlotte. !y Kannwaw Rout*. Leave Atlanta G.00 p. ra., Dalton 10:26 p. m., Bristol 10:46 a. m., Lynchburg 10.46 p. m. Arrive at Washington 0 46 a. m., nt Baltimore 0:16 a. m.. at FhiladaipUia 1:30 p. m., at NHW YORK 6:16 bleeping cars rnn from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVR AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta and Now York, • 6:24 A. n. From Montgomery and Selma • 2:30 r. M. Tickets for sale at Union Paasenger Depot. BALL R. A. BACON, Agent. Central Railroad. bUI'liKIN TKNDENT'8 OFFICE, \ Savannah, Obo., Jane SO, 1874. / O N AND AFTER the FIRST JULY nest, RETURN TICKETS to and from either teriaiuus or station on CENTRAL AND SOUTH WK8TKHN U61LIIOAD8 can be purchased for OME PARE. Said tickets will ba Sold until 31 it of DeotmbBr Next, and l»e GOOD to returu Until the 15th of January, 1175. 0r CONDUCTORS ARB NOT AUTHORIZED sell RETURN TICKET! from points whers Agents sell. Tho PUBLIC art thorefors CAUTI0NBD to PRoVIDK THEMSELVES WITH TICKETS from the Ageuts at the station, or PAY BOTH WAYS. WM. ROORRS, Gsn'l Sup’t Central Railroad. ▼. POWERS, Eug’r and Bup't Soathweetern Railroad. O. J. YORBAORE, Sup’t Atlanta Divitloa Central Railroad. Je30 lui oan Torpidity or trie i*iver, ana rener is always auxlovely sought after. If the Liver Is Regulated in its action, health to almost Invariably secured. Want of action in the Liver causes Headache, Constipation, Janndloe, Pain In the Shoulders, Cough, Chilli, Diasinett, Sour Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pslpitafion of the Heart, Depression of Bplrtts, or ths Blass. aad a hundred other symptoms, for which SIMMONS' LIVER EMULATOR Is ths beat remedy that has ever bean discovered. It nets mildly, effectually, nnd being a simple vegstsble compound, can do no injury In any quantities that it may ba takaa. It Is harmless in every way; It has been need for forty years, and huudreAa of tha good and groat from all parts of the country will vouch for its being the purest and bast. Sines’ L1VIK lUDLiNK, <r leditise, Is harmless, Is a fanltlm is tha cheapest medicine in tbe world. Is given with aafoty and ths happiest resalts to the most delicate infant, Does not interfere with business, Does not disarrange the system. Takes tbe place of Quinine ana Bitters of every kind, Contains ths simplest and best remedies. TOM MALM MX ALL MMU0OIMTM, fobs dsodswly 0 r. Turr s VtCLTABU ^VeR PILLS; THK BEST ADVICK that can be given to persons safftring from dys- pepsin, billons domplalnt, colic, consumption, tick head echo, fever and ague, nervous debility, or of any disorder afsotisg ths stomach, ths lira*or kidneys, is to tone, cleanse, and rogalaU these Im portant organs by the use of DR. TUTTS VKORT- aBLM LIVER FILLS. They act very mildly, yet thoroughly restore ths fhoetlonol action of tho digoetlvo organs and tho Intestines and renovate the whole system. They produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, nod may be taken at any time withont change of diet or occupation. Priee 26c a bos. Sold by all druggists. DR. TUTTTilAIR DYK possesses qualities that no other dye does. Its harmless and easily applied, and is In general use among tho fashionable hairdressers in every large city in the United States. Pries |l a bos. Sold everywhere. - ofb. TUTTs ' SAHSAPA RIL LA Montgomery & Eufauia R. R. Change of Schedule, Teklng Effect Sunday, June 21, IS74. Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases of ths Sklh, Bt. An thony's Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumors, Boils, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Boald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Pain and Enlargement of the Bones, Female Weekneee, Sterility, LeucorrhciM or Whites, Womb DUeeses, Dropsy, White Swellings, Syphilis, Kldusy end Liver Complaint, Mercurial Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impure blood. MM. TUTTS SARSAPARILLA Is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical scionce. It enters into the circulation and eradicates every morblflo agent; renovates the system; produces a beautiful complexion and causes the body to gain flesh and increase In weight. Keep Iks Bland Hsaltky aad all will be well. To do se, nothing has ever been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Prioe $1.00 a bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Offloe 46 Cortlandt street, N. Y. foblfl deedawly MAIL TRAIN-DAILY. Leave Montgomery 4:00 t M Arrive at Rufoula 11:36 r ■ Connecting on Wodneedaye and Saturdays with Moats ou Chattahoochee River, and dally at Union Spriugs with Mobile A Girard Railroad for Troy. Leave Mutants * 12:45 a n Arrive at lloutgomory 7:16 am Connecting at Union Springs with Mobile A Girard Railroad lor Columbus, aud at Montgomery with roads diverging. Jt2i tl B. DUNHAM, Sup’t contain the elementary couree, the saute as that In the Loamo, whieh couree Is followed by more than 100 pages filled with tho most intsrnstiug Secular and Sacred Music for practice. Equal to the Soho JUxa Iu iolerrst. Prioe, 75 ets, or $7.60 per dosen. AMERIOAN SCHOOL MU8IC READERS Three csrefklly graded Song Books for Common is. bv L. 0 “ - Book 1st. Iiree carefully graded Song Books for Comm Schools, by L. O. Emerson aud W. 8. Tilden. ook 1st. For Primary Schools. Price, 36 c M 2d. “ Lower Grammar Classes, “ 60 Higher 3d. has been thoroughly tested in schools near Boston. OliTtr Mt*oa A Co., ChM. X Bltaoa A Co. Boston. 711 Broadway, N. Y. myt3 d2taw(wedssat>wly TIMF BOOKS FOB PLANTATIONS AND FARMS Br*Mm 4*7 o*. t. Seer 4C«r*t« «• coeaU wit* tholr .BPI07M4. Prlc. Otto. T*. fora t, o*. foralotwd l>7 * ,ti*tw of mock •XflMlMOt. 1|! *M Will !**M. • f 4raW to NT! BM7 III* IU CMC 4*ii*c Ik! year. Primtod mad for ula bj THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. 0*. m Auk WM ka UtwmW.4 >7 Mil, aa until * 4*u>- J** ** ATTENTION 1 On in thn Arbor f sleeve. On tbe ojuth oyatem whioh I have adopt ed,and to clone my stock by Oot. lnt,1874, I will sell drinks At 10 cents. No credit. julyS—eodlm Geo. W. Lira. Many who are suffering from the effects of the warm weather and are debilitated, are advised by physicians to take moderate amounts of whUkey two or three times during the day. In a little while those who adopt this advice frequently in crease the number of '‘drinks" aud ist mc become confirmed inebriates. A beverage which will not create thirst for Intoxicating lit|Uors, and which Is Intended especially for ths benefit cf debilitated persons, whether at home or abroad, is Dr. Scbsnck's Sea Weed Tonio* Containing the Juices of many medicinal herbs, this preparation does not create aa appetite for the lutoxientiag cup. The nourishing and the life-supporting properties of many valuable natural productions contained In it, and well known to medieni men, have a most strengthening inflaonoe. A single bottle of the Tonic will demonstrate Its valuable qualities. For de illty arising from sickness, over exertion, or from any cause whatever, a wins glass full of 8ea Weed Tonic taken after meals will strengthen the atom sob aad create an appetite fler wholesome Mad. To all who are aboat leaving thrir homee, we desire to say that tbe excellent sluts of Dr. •chsnck's seasonable remedies, Ben Weed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills, are particularly evident when taken by tbose wbe ore injuriously affected by a change of voter nod diet. Me person should leave home without taking a supply nt thane onfoguerda nleng. Vor sole by nil Dtugglite. ■fb$ eedlg CENTRAL RAILROAD. Qixerai. BuriaiXTSHDur'a Oman, 1 Cxktoal Railroad, 8 at ah vax, November l, M74. J Kail road, Its Branches and Connections, will rnn as follows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Puv.tnnnh 8:46 Leave Auguita W:U6 Arrivo in Augusta 4:00 Arrive in Milledgeville 10:09 r m At rive in Fatontou 11:66 r u Arrivo in Macou 6:46 r U Leave Maoon for Columbus 7:17 Leave Macou for Lu aula 9:10 p M Leave Macon for Atlanta 0:10 r u Arrivo ut Columbus 12:46 Arrivo ut Kufaulm ...10:20 Arrivo ut Atlanta 6:00 COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlauta 10:00 pm Leave Co umNua.... 7:10 r M Leave Kufoula 7;26 v M Arrivo at Macou from Atlanta 6:10 a II Arrive at Maoon from Columbus 4:10 a m Arrive at Macon from Kutaula 6:46 a m Lohvo Macon 7:16a Uavo Auguifta 9:06 a arrivo ut Augusta r Arrivo at Savannah 6:'.'5 r u TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave 8avanualt 7:30 p ■ Irfuve Augusta *.06 p Arrive iu Auguiita 6:66 a Arrive in Macon 8.20 a Leave Mucon lor Columbus D:'J0 a Leave Macou for Ruiaula 9.06 a m Leave Macon for Atlanta 9:00 a Arrive Iu Columbus 6:36 p Arrive in KuTaula 6:40 p Arrive in Atlanta 3:06 pm COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlauta | : yg * Columbus 2:30 PM Arrive in Macou from Colombaa Arrivf in \luc-m from Lufau'a Leave Macon 7:36pm Arrive iu UiUedgoville 10:09 pm Arrive iu Katontou 11:66 p M Leave Augu-ti 8:06 p M Arrive iu Augusta 6:65 A M Arrive in Savannah Y:IA Train No. 2, being a through train on the Cen tral Railroad, stopping only at whole stations, passengers for half stations cannot be taksn or put off. for HiUed*.,Ul. ud X. too too will take train No. 1 from Bavaonah and Augusta, and train No. I from points on tho Southwestern Rail road. Atlanta and Macon. The Milledgeville and Katuutou train runs daily, Sundays excepted. WILLIAM ROGERS, General Superintendent. Je23 tf NOTICE. Liver! Liver! Liver! ©iivCMioisrs' HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, Is a purely VEGETABLE PREPARATION, harm less and effective—a specific for all derangements of tbe Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stom aoh or Bowels. This Medicine boa been tried by thousand! and has never failed to give satisfaction. JSff*Try on# bottle end be convlnoed. S* I.* KI1IO * tows* Proprietors and Manufacturers, Columbia, S. C. For sale by A. M. BRANNON, Agent for Oolnm- has and Opelika.qptS—tawflm. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. LANDLORDS! rpO 8CCUftK TENANTS I0R THK COMING year, MOW is ths proper time to place yoar houses with me. aug2 tf JOHN ILACKMAB. JOHN BLACKMAR, SU Ulftlr Street, O.nby'a Building, next to Freer, lllgai h Oo. Real Estate Brokerage A Insurance. urra, it rxxMissiox, To Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank, this city, aprlfi tf ELLIS & HABBI80N, Beal Estate Ageuts AND AUCTIONEERS, wj same (at private i the property is sc For Sale. VACANT I/>T 07 LAND, bclox tb,wwtper. tlou ot tk. "Hue, lot," on Bnou i rat, kdlotntnx thi rMid«nc! of Hon. M. J. Cmwford. C»ll won If 70U wont s borgulo. foblX tf CITY LOT Mo. 401, o* Melotwh ttnot, with tkra dwillloxa ou tho uao. Will U wld t °JSi , 7 “ #r *' • 1 ® w TALC ABLE CITY PROPERTY, iltuutod tu thi bHlniu ooutro of tho cltj. Will wll M o *rwt borgul*, or to u woepttbu port, .u nodiridod totorMt. Tho proportf cu be mod. to po, o luru lotorat ou tho loTootmeot. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ton ncra ground, In Ltuwood, one mil. from 8. W. H. R. dtpot; n nr, oomf.rtabl. ud dealrabU host. of Southwestern For Rent. A 8T0RR HOUSE in the valley of Talbot county, at a cross-road, three miles of the Chalybeate Springs. A very desirable location for a Dry Goode and Grocery bull news. scpl7 DIAMOHD BPICTACLtt! O N AND AFTER APRIL 16TH, the Passenger Train on title KosmI will run as follows: Leave Columbus 3:00 r. m. Arrive at Troy 11:05 f. m. Leave Troy 4:16 a. m. Arrive ut Columbus 10:30 a.m. •Prill 2w W. L, CLARKj^Bu|>M. Important toTarmers. M «- T, J- 8TEV1N8 ta w.U known to tko Planters of Oeorgia and Alabama aa one of tha most reliable and cadent OIN-WBIOHTS In the country. Wherever he has worked he has given satisfaction; and, as hs proposes to make a tour In a short time, planter* needing Gin repairs should hand in their names and Martian. “Work woU dene te twice dene.** aM$ dewtf Thme Spectacles are maaufactured from “Min- p ® bb, * B ” »riUd togeth»r,and are ad ed Diamond on accobnt of their hardness and brilliancy. »>«> th* polnrlwope, tho diamond lenses have been found to admit fifteen b ®****,»J6 than any other pebble, froood with great scientific accuracy, ora free from chromatic aberratlooe, and produce distlnctnees of vision not before utulMd tn ^wclwlw. Muulketnnd bp th. gputwr Optic.] M.Bufwtnri.x Oo., Mow York. Un'lOT “ r •*•*“ u IWI ritp t* tk. A KINBIL, J.w.lon «nd Optic!ui, tn Ml* inili for Muk*,On, Bon whom tbtp CMMlrewwtMMd. H.wddW.raptorM ' “• 6*7 » poll Ultra po* eee tho mho 0441 ftoodowlp THE CAMPAIGN Weekly Enquirer! A LIVE PAPER, Within ths Reach or Every Woman and Child! 40,000 Subscribers Wanted At 60 Cents Apiece! IWt* *pto*l** of *a mUt* poliu. e^ **Mp*i(B fhU full la Oeo,,!, uJa,,. b«», aad It ia of »M*!iBport«i,o, P*opU Uut they iJtould b* tkra^l, ptMtod OB th* qutetlo* of postf law, and alao u to lh* lif* and okoitdenol th* men for whom Umy an to wot*. T, 8U tht* want th* pnbltahar of th* enquirer, sun hi* dtMrminod to aatoblUk a* wa* M It o*n got on* thoawnd tabtmtbw*, THE CAMPAIGN ENQUIRER, which bs will Hi to tmy nGdrnfit or tbs FIFTY CENTS FOR FIVE MONTH! Tan thoiunnd iitn ooplo* will bo taut on th* dnt tditioo—*n Important fnat at whioh kdiortlun ahoold *t*U fhoanntra. Candidate*, and ohaitmoo of eoaunlt- tew in Georgia and AiJm., m wollH Granger* and other bodlea, riwnU mki np elnb* at one*, and atad *« all tha ya Utioal Information th*y oan glaaa. It* iunaa are of gnat importanea, ud tb paopl* ahonld be rnaaid to tha awargmn?- Gmat aa will ba tha azpeuw inwlredii tu* antarpriaa, I will, w aa extra lnda» ment, aud free for oa* year tb* Wxxxn or Sdhdax Kaqotun-Sva to any pets •ending me twenty aamw aad toa UUn Iff.;... THI CAMPAIGN 11001111 Hard tlmw oaanat ba argad for ml taking thi* paper, u tto low oaat phwa It within the reaah of *U. Let oar friiadi go to work at trnsa, aptaad th* new*, aid u in aaaaitaf anab a atienlaiioa a will mak* tha now ewtorprta* a medio* of tha grwtaat good. Goodamn only wiU ba atonal, tW no effort wiU ba apwad to rid Alabauf tha hag^w now praying on her. In eddMioo to aU poUtioal newRtk Ousyaiis Enquirer. a thirty-two oolaaon paper, will txoidi General and Foreign New*, tbahto Market*, Crop Beporta, Hint* for Pliat *r*> able Editorial*, Hooaahold Bocip* KeUgiona Intoiligenaa, Skatohea of THrd Original Btoriao, Poetry, and Ieeat W* Uganoa. Form Your Clubs at Once A. R. Calhoun, Mm**-** ooumma