The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 05, 1874, Image 2

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UOIaUMBUffi* 0A.I WEDNESDAY AUGUST 0, 1874. JOHN H. MARTIN, • • • Editor. «rxo tmcBimoi ucuui unless PAID FOR IX ADVANCE. Mr. Chablei H. Markham i« the agent ter Jho ^t^rfrjuSuff for Muscogee and Uumell counties. He la authorised to nolieit and subscriptions, and to reoeipt for tho same. We oommend him as a gentUman in every way worthy of eonfldfencfe. A good price will be paid at this office fort he traroher* of the Sunday Enquirer containing the story, “In Othor Lands,' which recently appeared. The discovory of a new teleaoopie oom- et, in the constellation Draco, is an nounced from Marseilles, France; and Prof. Swift, of Rochester, N. Y., says that he h*a found it, but he has not cal culated its movement yet. The Radical Convention of Elmore county, in the 3d District of Alubauia, met the other day and appointed delegates to their District Convention favorablo to the renomination of Pelham for Congress. Pelham will probably be nominated, bnt the white votes that he will get will be very scattering. Alabama haa a farm worked by some of her Penitentiary convict#. It is an nounoed that this farm will this yearprob ably make 30,000 budials of corn and 100 bales of c itton ; bnt wo aro not informed whether it will be self-supporting with this production. If it is, it is the beat managed institution under Radical rule in that Stats. Dcbino one of the election squabbles between the negro partisans of Pinch- back and Packard in New Orleans, on Saturday evening, a negro nauiod Allen Harris was stabbed and killed by another named Dupost, and the latter made his oaoapo. As the row whs “all in the fami ly,” the election was of course peaceable and orderly. We direct attention to an interesting letter from a Htewart county correspon dent ou the subjeot of Rnst on Cotton We know that our correspondent, in bis conclusion that it is a living animtdcular concretion, is sustained by Mr. C. A. Pen body and other scientific farmers. We liopo that planters will consider what ho says about the poke weed, as well as his inquiry whether Paris Green or some other destroyer might not be employed against rust. Wk learn from n dispatch of the 2d inst. from Boston, that a party of Mas sachusetts Kn-klux, at Oak Bluff in that State, undertook to tar and feather one H. K. Elliott of Worcester, who was living with women of bad character at Oak Bluffs, and that Elliott drew bis pistol and shot Caleb Smith, one of tbo party, and brothor of ouo of tho women, dead. Elliott theu made bis escape from them and sur rendered to tho authorities. But the ex citement against him was very Ligb, and he may bo Ku-kluxed yot, with rope in stead of tar nml feathers. Senator Morton, in a speech delivered at Terre Haute, ludiann, on Friday, de clared that President Grant had by no word or act given oounteuanoe to the im pression that he would voto the Civil Rights bill. Hu aaid that he “repelled indignation the suggestion that ihe President will prove false to the princi ples of the Repnblioan party." If Mor ton is correct in this, our people will an derstand that they must exert themselves to the utmost to defeat this measure. It ia, at all events, premature to take the measure of our “gratitude" to Grant. OAtIT SMITH. It was announced some weeks ago that Ibis colored cadet had failed to aland the examination at West Point, and would have to leave ihe iaetitolion. This, after the flourish that had been tilde «Arer faM superior capacity, was rathe# sutprisioM especially in view of the lack that this was the first oase in which a negro had attempted to go through such an examin ation, and that bia anoceas ia anxiously looked for by some as affording proof of the capacity of bis race to compete with the whites in mental training and discipline. But Smith failed, and some of the ultra negre adorers of the Radical party raised the cry that he waa unjustly dealt with on Recount of bis ooier~ooUiit belauding the loth Amendment, the Enforcement eot and the Civil Bights bill. Smith him self shared, or pretended to share* in this feeling, and asked of the Secretary of War a new examination. This the Secretary has refused, and so the flratcolored cadet, failing in his ambitions aspirations, falls back in disgrace, and a big black mark of inoompetenoy ia aoored against his race. Smith distinctly charges, in a commu nication to the Nutiomd lien A’ro, that “the report made against him waa aqt for dofioienoy, but in aooordanoe with a suggestion from high authority not to allow him to graduate, and thereby sevc the Wer Department the onerous task of finding a suitable assignment in the ermy where he would be welcomed by the white officers as an offioer and a gentlemen." Why should a negro candidate for a ca detship at West Point, with a prospective commend in the army, !»e treated unfair- ly. especially by a party professing to be the especial friend of the negro rsoe ? We oanoot eey positively that this has boon done, bat Smith and some of bis friends say that it haa; and therefore the inquiry ia pertinent. The New York World makes e suggestion on this point wbioh is probably correot. Itaayathat if Smith waa nu fairly treated, “Ihe case ahows that whatever may be done in Stok ing negroes voters and participators In government; whatever may be done by Civil Rights bills in forcing them into so cial equality with tho whites; whatever tbe fanaticism or the good nature of indi vidual may do towards the removal of all distinctions on aooount of color, there is one institution in the coontry—namely, the army—into which they oannot bo received, aud in which they cannot be put ou a par with white gentlemen. Law may be ever so atriugeot, hut if a law woiks a mutiny or luminous tendencies in an army, it oannot be executed. Tbe law ia Cadet Smith’s case ia plain enough, if he were really entitled ou a fair examina tion to be graduated. But be ia rejected; and as there has boon no offloial publica tion of his record, and as he complains of the result, aud charges that the Secretary of War haa treated him harshly by telling him that he “wont" order a new examina tion, ihe public is left to infer that he has been rejected because the Secretary has become satisfied that insubordination and disturbauoe would follow in any regiment to wbioh he might be assigned. If this is the true state of the oase it settlas the question of colored officers in tbe Army of the United States. The election in Kentucky on Monday was only for a Clerk of the Conrt of Ap peals on the 8:atu ticket, also for Circuit Judges aud county officers—not for a Governor, Congressmen or Legislators. Thomas C. Jones, who has been elected Clerk of Appeals, us we are advised by telegraph, was a Confederate uffljor, and the Rndicals claim that he is ineligible nuder the Stato law against duelling. If they ran a candidate against him at all, their man was brought out just before the election. But they will doubtless make a cose contesting Jones' election on the ground of iueligibility. The “hitch" in the Beeoher-Tilton in vestigation seems to be on tbe question of precedence in making atatemeuts. The Tribuna, of the 1st inst., says that the committee uffiem that “the letters in Moulton’s possession must be produoed and compared with the extracts in Mr. Tilton’s statement before Mr. Beecher can be asked to explain them; and com plain that Mr. Moulton cannot be found, aud that their requests for the originals of the letters receive uo notice." It ia hard for outside ainnera to under stand irhy Mr. Beecher should delay re plying to Tiltou’s atatemont, if he only mouua to “explaiu" the letters quoted from by Tilton, aud not to douy their genui loughs. la he waitiug to aeo wheth er it will bo boat for him to deny or to ei- plaiu ? Georgia Mining Newh.—Tbe Dahlon- ega Signal of Saturday gives good reporta of rniniug operations in its vicinity. All the mills are running regularly, with sat isfactory results. A company have com menced deposit mining on tbo Yobola, wotkiug live hands, with a bailing wheel and aluice boxes. The testa on slate show six grains of gold to one shovel-fnl, which ia considered very good. The Sig. nal moutioua a number of ftue nuggets found—one weighing 14 dwt. and 4 grains, found near Dahlonega; auother of 11 dwt., in same vicinity; and a piece of qnartx from Buttle Branch, about the aise of a heu’a egg, fully one-half of wbioh waa gold. Mr. Woody, who haa been put in charge of the grounds on which this lamp was found, to take care of them until the owners complete their preparations for working, haa experi- mented a little and some days made one baudred dollar)) to the hand ia loose gold. For tha Eaquiaam-Bu* HON. MARTIN J. CRAWFORD FOR CON tiREVki The time for our Congressional elec tions is approaohiog. The nominating convention for this district will soon meet. Who shall be our standard bearer f This in an important matter—at all timet im portant—bnt never more so than now. The times are out of joint, fearfully and alarmiugly so. The Federal Government haa become venal, extravagant, and cor rupt beyond all precedent. Since the close of the war these Confederate States bavo been treated as conquered provinces, and the people thereof as aliens and ene mies by the Central Gavernmant. They have been forced by that central power to yield obedienoe to laws that were degrad ing, oppressive, aud disgraceful to the name of free government; and by tha same central power 8tate governments have been oreated, and by military power foroed upon us nuder tbe gaiae of reonu- atructioii, aud the high places in these governments have been filled, through torce aud fraud, by men who were unfit to rule over a free people, and by men who were aliens in sentiment and interest. Aud these things have been done under the Holernu mockery of a free election. perienos to redress thorn. Ia a word, wf doubt whether there ia a man iatto at this tharnho ooflfl wield a gfW* finance tbflb ha iiAo Federal donee of ptativflfe Jfe know him. We onl«be frue to his Htate and hie eef^on. We know he is against eMNmffihace and • (o. to corruption— that be ia biniMlf incorruptible and on- purcbaaable. And wbilat wa apeak only for oar ova diatrict, wa at tbe aaaa tine do hop* and pray that every Oongrataional Diatrict in tbe State may bring out from their retire ment their very foremoat aen. We have • Med for all their aervioea. Tbo Gov ernment ia now in * traoaitive atata, and, nnleea reatrained by tbe eovereign power of the people, will moon drift into e cor rupt, central deapotiam. with Citil lUyhts bills lot tha first installment f For veal or for woe, this ia our own Government. We are all an board the seme ship, end ■net sink or swim together; and, there fore, let us put none bnt evperlenoed pilots on board during these tempestuous times. It Is for ns—the people, tbe voters and tax-payera—to take these matters into oar own bands aod select onr own agents. Now sad forever we reject end repudiate tbe idea that any man bas any claim/ upon ns for any offlae. We pay an agent to serve ns, end we have e right te select tbe one who oan best serve ns. Let ns not delude ourselves with the idea that e nomination is equivalent to an election. The two partiee are nearly equal in this diatrict, and we mnat have a candidate who ean concentrate tbe entire party; and we know of no man around whom tbs voters Would rally with more unanimity and enthusiasm than around Judge Crawford. We will not say one word going to dis parage in tbe least degree tbe merits or talents of any one of the young gentle men whose names have been mentioned in this oonneotion. We have a use for them all with all tbeir ability. In onr Htate Legislation we need man of charac ter, of honesty and ability, to oomplete tbe work of regeneration and purifica tion. In conclusion, we do hereby nominate tbe Hon. Uartin J. Crawford, as a candi date for Congress in this distriet, subject to tha ratification of tbe Convention wbenavas it meets. We know that Jadge Crawford la not seeking the office; and we further knew that if nominated, he does not, could not, and would not decline it. Ws, thx Pboflx. Vicxanuno.—Tbe New York Herald publishes a long letter from Vioksbnrg, giving an aoconnt of the origin and pro gress of tbo “difflonltiea" there. Accord ing to this statement tbe negroes and white Radicals have foil* rated tbe city, and have greatly embarrassed it by debt and taxes—tbe debt now amonntiug to oae-tlxtb of the valne of tbe taxable property, and tbe taxee to 6} per oenb For some time pact the negroes have been obtaining arms from tbe Htate for military oompaales which they have formed in tbe oily, and tbeir drills were ap./te^uent aa to present a oonataut mil itary preparation. They have also been very iqsnlting to tbe white", often driving tbe ladies from the side-walks. Tbe whites, peroeiving that the negroes were making armed preparation for the oity eleotion, also commenced organizing quite recently, and then oame tbe demand from Jackson for tbe disarming of the military companies—a proceeding which the whites were willing to oarry out, bnt the negroes would not. The speech of Davenport, to whioh we have heretofore alluded, added fuel to the fire. Nearly all the whitea who have heretofore aoted with the negroes ee Radicals deserted them and took tbair stand with tbeir own It beoame evident that with a fair eleotion the Democrats would triumph, and thia increased the anxiety of the ne groes and of the State authorities for inter vention by the Federal military. All waa comparatively quiet at last aoeonnte, bnt before the organisation of the white oom- peniea the negroes drilled daily, end every day marched through all the streets of the city ia armed aqaads. ■HP CALL FOR A CONVENTION or Tint Democrats of Muscogee! In obedience to the Instruction or the Democratic Convention of last Saturday, Ido hereby call npon Ihe Democrats of Muscogee M aeeeable in Convention at tbe Conrt House of Mae cog##, At IS ON SATURDAY, THE 1&T11 of thie month, to nominate foar delegate* for the HiiARf llnail Convention, hereafter to be held, for nominating • candidate for this Diatrict, and al«» to same candidate* for the LegMatare to represent Muscogee county. HENRY L. RENNINO, Chairman of ffaturday's Convention qogg deodtdawlt Notice-Change of Firm. \trE lake thie method of Informing tbe ■ trading ▼v public that we hove thia day associated with ns fn busineaa Mr. CHARLES H. WATT. The Arm name wilt not be changed. W. J. WATT, J. A. WALKER. ColNOiba?, On., Aug. 4th, 1874. to keep every thing in our line slwaya on hand, in quant ties to suit any olest of purohaeera, making a specialty of PLANTATION SUPPLIES. We return oar thanks for the liberal patronage ex tended to ns, nnd guarantee as good bargain* a* any home In the city, oug5 dtiawtit WATT A WALKER. Hogs, Hogs! city Couu- _ TO DAY, August the 5th, 1874.1 nt 11 o'clock a. m., the uncalled fur lloga and flhoats impounded by order of the cL.. ell, which are unclaimed at that time and have been In pound Tor three days preceding that date Parties who have lost hogs may find them nt said Stables and reclaim them upon payment of chsrges. M. W. VlURPHY ▲ Prepheey wf Jwhm C. CnlhAia, The following prophecy, which ha« beeti literally fulfilled, is front an old ad- drew* of the Hoathern delegates in Gon- green to their constituents in 1840, John O. Calhoun being the Author: “If emancipation should be effected, it will be through the agency of the Federal government, controlled by the dominant In .urn. of thus. States thoae outrage. power of th. Northern Status of tho Oou- . . , „ , * " federaoy agsinBt the resistance and atrug- By ELLIS* HARRISON. In Fr«nt of FREER, ILLGES A CO.’S, Car. Imt ui fit. Clair fitrset,. POiTPONBD Muscogee Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold ou the first Tuesday iu September next, between the legal hours of esle, In front of Preer, lliges A Co.’s, corner of Hrond nnd St. Clair streets, Columbus, 6a., by Ellis A Ilarri- m, the following described property, to-wit: West half of lot No. 241, containing 101^ a tame being in the 8th district of Muecogee county, tbe presont issidonco of Mr. Jones. Levied on ns thepropoty of Wm. T. Wynne, to satisfy a fl la issued from Muscogee Superior Court iu favor ol Robert fl. Crane, va. Wm. T. Wynne. Property pointed ont by plaintiff*a attorney. Also, at same time aod place, south half of lot No. 201, with all the Improvements thereon, con taining one quarter acre, more or less, levied on as the property of Albert K. Ragland, executor o 1 Thomas Ragland, deceased, to satisfy two fi fas issued from Justices' Courts—oue in favor of Ro ■ette A Lawhon, aud tbe other in favor of Welch A Co., ve. said A. K. Ragland. Levy made and re turned to me by P. M. Comer, law nl constable, angfi w4t H. Q. 1VHY, Sheriff. miscellaneous. New, Neat i Nobby STYLES OF " GENTLEMEN’S GAITERS RECEIVED THIS DAY AT WELLS A CURTIS’. augl^ lw Kill the Cotton Worms ! WITH ROYALL’S COMPOUND, Paris Green and Arsenic. FOR rtALE BY E. C. HOOD & BRO. nugl If CHEAT BARGAIN ! Safe and Paying Business Already Established, for Sale. M y drug stock and business on favorable terms. Consumers aud country merchants would do well to call, as I am determined to reduce my largo and well selected stack Je2§ 2m w. w. SHARPE & co., Publishers’ Agents, No. 25 Park Row, Hew York, Are aatherlMd to Ceelvael fer Ad- ▼ertlslng in e myl4 tf ^RSOLUTl DIVORCES OBTAINED FROM courts, or different States, for desertion, Ac. No publicity required. No charge until divorce granted. Address, M. HOUSE, Attorney, myM dawly 104 Rroadwav. N. Y. Wood, Wood! JJI8T WOOD, ready tawed, $4.00 per cord. Wood •awed for 60 oents per eord. Orders filled prompt* ly on application to tbe febil tf MUSOOOEE MANUF’NO CO . , " fe do racy against tbe resistance and atrog- have been partially redreeaed at the ballot-1 gi© of the Southern. It can then only be box, whilst iu others they still continue I effected by the prostration of the white iu full force. Thanlu to that atarnal race i » nd th » l ueceaaarily engenders the bitterest feeling of noatility between them end the North. Owing tbeir emancipation to them, they could regard them ee friends, guardian! and patrons, and cen tre, accordingly, all their sympathy in them. The people of tbe North would not fail to reoiprocate, and to favor them instead of the whitea. Uuder the influ ence of suoh feelings, and impelled by fanaticiam and love of power, they wonid not atop at emancipation. Another step would be taken to raise thorn to politioid aud social equality with their former owners by giviug them a right of voting and holding public officea uuder the Fed eral Government. “We see the first step towards it in tbe bill already alluded to—to vest the few blacke and slaves with the right to vote on Ihe question of emancipation in thia dmtriet. But when once raised to au equal ity they could become the fast political associates of the North, sating aud voting with them on all questions, aod l>y this political union between them holding the white race at the Bouth in complete sub jection. The blacks and the profligate whitea that might unite with them could become tbe principal recipients of Fed eral offioes aud patronage, aud would in ooosequeoee be raised above tbe whitea of the Booth in the political and social acalo. “We would, in a word, change condi tions with them—a degradation greater than has yet fallen to the lot of a frea and enlightened people, and one from whioh we ouuld not eeca|>e should emancipation take place (which it certainly will if not prevented) bnt by fleeing the homes of onrseivas and of onr ancestors, and by abandoning onr oonotry to oar former slaves, to become the permanent abode of disorder, anarohy aod wretchedness." vigiianoe, which is said to ba tha price of Liborty, onr own Htate Govern ment has been partially redeemed and regenerated, bnt much yet re mains to lie done to fully restore and purify our own Btate Government in all its departments. And there is still a greater work for us fo do, in onoe more restoring to tbe Empire Stete of the Boath her ancient fame and power end influence in connection with tbe Federal Govern ment. And if we are only true to onr- selvea, aud true to tbe memory of our departed statesmen, ihe encient renown of our own great Btate will once more be restored in tbe oouncils of tha Central Government. But how is all thia (o be done ? We snaaer, promptly nnd confidently, it into bo done by at once bringing to the front the eery ablest men in all the State. We have such men. Tbe great men of the State are not all dead. True, for many years some of them, by reason of onjnat and iufamous laws, have been diefran- obi»cd and denied tbe right of taking any part in the administration of tha Govern ment. Bui now they are u nchaintd, their disabilities have been removed, and we demand iheir services. And let them oorne to the front! In onr judgment Judge Crawford ia one of these men. He ia without fattsrs now; be is uuohained; he ia of rips aga; he has had six yssrs’ experienes in the Con gress of the United States; and many abla men were there then, and among such men ha then ranked high as a man of ability and influence. Siaoa then he haa witnessed all these years of suffering, and despotism and oorrnpUon. Ha know! our rights, and ha baa tha nerve and abil ity to maintain them ; be alto knows onr wrongs, and ha haa the aagaoity and an. N. J. BUSSEY, Agent AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. Tho trad* supplied at lowest mar. kat rataa. my27 dfim —Paper floor barrels are being made in Iowa. They are said to ba air-tight aod water-proof, to weigh muoh less than tha ordinary woadan barrels, and to ba abla to stand more rough uaag*. One of tha manufacturers predicts that in five yean every barrel of Western Roar will ba tent East in barrels made front tha straw tha wheat grew ou. What next will be made of paper? Alrewdy ear-Vheela, household articles, wearing apparel and aa*ny*th*r FOR BALE AND RENT. For Rent. H°. THE REPRESENTATIVE MEN OP ALL CLASSICS Of SOCIBTT lower Twwtls>VBxxr t Tia •* HEALING POWERS ov ■Fixe Wondftrfful GETTYSBURG Katalysine Spring. Th* Medical Profession Leads the Van. Ppjralelasa, Invalid*. Celheli* Priests, Protestant Ministers, rot It Ir lane nnd General" UNITE In Maying That There Need he Nw Sneh Thing as MnMering nnd Denth flroni enr Prevalent Chrnnle Maladies, If Physl- elans WenM Prescribe, and Invalids daw, the Uettyahnvg Spring Water. blood brought to tho part by the dalloata capillaries. Whmoa cornea this solvent property V Gettysburg an a Watering Pin**. The forractaa appeals te sept tali. Lh lien dIMWahSEpUlb Mta had thsWaet of sa ourB thaaranlau «f Iks latf * and wsllkspt hotel at thf Spring, aa slsa the opeakhr of aall* a aSher »t lutstsaal hoaidliigTrasas Id thsadjaa nt tarn of Gettysburg,so that ths summsriottsrsr mb live hats as w.ll,SDd much more economically then at any other watering place of equal |.mansions in tha country. The •p«ady transformation or this modern golgoths lorn s health and pleasure resort prssaaU a sublime and Interesting spsetscle for ths con templation of manhlnd. It Is Ilk# tbe laying down together of the lion end Uw lamb andsr tha IsadiBg strings of a child. It Is si it tbs Ills sad (Math prlaoipal had her* met and struggled Tor ths mastery, end the termer had comaogrMnriaasaad was jubilant over Its triumphs. Hers where so many human beings perished nnd where the star of tbs new born Uenfadsrsey oommenoed to desoend from the meridian, soon to ret In darkness nnd blood, tha late followers of tbs lost causa and tho tri umphant Fadarals moot In amity, mingling their ploanipss an* soaking phyatoai health sod lire trom tho same fountain. Wo will ooneluda there quotations Horn writ ten and published testimonials, by natleg that d.salomrre maybe soon expected at tha Ket»- lysloo spring which will astonish tho world, and prove thnt Its waters are equally appllea- blo to nil neat# no wall aa to all ohronlo die. WATER!WC FLACEi. Chalybeate Springs Meriwether County, Go, at iiroaeut occupied l»y Dr. E. €. Hood, forlable room*, out-house*, gtirden, excellent wui) of water. l’o*pe**ion given 1st October next. Apply to C. K. JOHNSTON, Esq. R. 8. HARDAWAY, aag4 If Agent. To Bent. ^^FTKR April 8th, two Furniahad BED ROOM8, Kitchen and Stable, with ate of dining loom nnd parlor. Addratf apl If M. Enquirer Office, For 8ale or Rent. T UK RESIDENCE second door aonth of 81. Paul's Church, at preaenl orcupit d by Mr. Peyton- WUU a week’s uotice, punaimaiou will bo glveu 15th Augmt. Parties den irons of renting J. I. GRIFFIN, IMPORTED WpeufumeryW FANCY GOODS, at mvcninicn. All goods gssrsotood. SW Proscriptions eere- fOlly prepared at ell hours. J. I. OKIPyiN, jull deedewiy lot Broad St. The foot that people are daily suffering and dying in every part of tha oounty from those maladies for whioh the Gettys burg Katalysine weter is a sovereign rem edy, proves that iuvelids have not cred ited the published acoounta of its ourutive effects. Nor is this surprising, consider- mg tbe licensed misrepreeentetion nnd deception of the qneok medicine men, and of tbe other plunderers of these (Of fering and helpless members of the oom- ninuiiy. But in proportion as tbe dema gogues who rule tbe people of the United otiitos under the forme of government ueglect to proteot those whose condition moat powertnlly appeals to tha sympathy uud magnanimity of all right-minded rulers, must be our endeavors to bring to tbeir knowledge tbe effiosoy of thia great curative agent. When mtdionl falsehood is bold, unblushing, unpunished, and tri umphant, medical truth requires higher testimonials. As different invalids oredit different clessee of testimony, we propose to secure Iheir oredenoe by pubiiabiog various kinds of testimony whioh operate ou the human mind to prodace convio- tion. As it is the basiooHs of phyeioiaos to study diseases and their remedies, theirs is ths highest testimony in favor of any curat ve agent. The introduction of tha Gottysbnrg Katalysine water as a oommeroial drag, rendered national those medical experi ments with ite waters wbioh had previous ly been local, or oonfined to tbe resident invalids in the violnity of tho spring. Mauy eminent mediosl writers and prao- lioiug physicians watobed with deep in terest tbe progress of these medical ex periments, fraught with such incalculable interest to humanity and to medloal sci ence. The result of their observations they commnnicated to tbe medical jour nals. It would too greatly prolong this com munication to make quotations from all tbe medical journals and mediosl writera who have commented npon tbe mediosl experiments with this water. We will, therefore, only make quotations trom one of the medical journals and from one of the medical writers, who is recognized ea n authority on mineral watera : Testimony or Medical Journals. The New York Medical Ileeord, in two editorial articles, entitled “Onr Becently Discovered Mineral Waters," and “The Gettysburg Katalysine Wafer,” reviews with muoh ability the praotioal experi ments with the latter. It remarks : Our experience in the nee of this val uable water confirms the oonolnaione stated by Dr. John Bell, of Philadelphia, that it is a very useful remedy in chronic disorders of the digestive organa, and tbe secondary derangements, such as goat, rheumatism, hepatio and rhenal affections, skin diseases, dco., consequent thereon. We have good reason also to believe from what wo have seen and experienced, that it will liy long use remove nodosities of tha joints of a gonty natnro. We have also seen eases of albuminuria muoh relieved by it, aa well aa tha irrita- Iflo bladder of old age and oalonlns diaor- lera of tho litliio aoid diathesis. * * We have been incredulous in regard to this water having any aooh power as rep resented by Drs. John Bell, B. H. Hell, and other mediosl writers, of dissolving the urat t or chalk formations in the body, or on limbs and joints—a power unknown to any other mineral watar in the United Btates, so far aa no are in formed. * * From experiments made on our own person as well as others, wa oan state that the Gettysburg Water is a regnlator of all the secretions and excre tions; under its influence tbe kidneys end liver, the glands of the intestinal canal and the Bkin all perform their normal functions; the bowels, it oonstipatod, beoame regnlar; the skin, if dry, becomes rnoiBt; the torpid liver is excited to healthy action, and tbe kidneys perform tbeir functions with perfeot regularity. There is a total absence of any disagreea ble sensations whatever; tha eis medico- trix seems roused to increased activity, and all morbid oausas of bodily, or even mental disorder, seem rapidly to pus sway. Tbe result is: Increased appetite and digestion, a freer oironlatlon, a stranger pnlse, a calmer mind, a more tranquil sleep, a dearer complexion, and au iuoreasing nervous and mnaenlar powey. * * Where gonty or rbenmatio persons are taking tbe water, wo find an extraordinary quantity of nrio acid score. ted or deposited from tha nrine; the sweat no longer contains this prinoiple in excess, as it generally does in goaty sub jects; aud, with proper attention to regi men and diet, tne health rapidly im prove", distorted limbB beoome straight ened and enlarged joiuts gradually re duced to their natural size." Medical Authors. Doctor Bell, tbo author of a standard medical work entitled “The Mineral Springs of tbe United States and Canada,” bas prepared a paper on the Gettysburg Katalysine Springs, from which quote : “Tbo Gettysburg Water has produced signally curative and restorative effects in different forms of Dyspepsia, Sioknesa of the Stomaoh, Heartburn, Waterbrazh, Acnto Nenrulgio Pains, Loss of Appetite, Chronic Dinrrbcea, Torpid Liver, Gout, Cbronic Uhematism, Nodosities of the Joints, Approaching and Aotnsl Paralysis, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Gravel, Chron- io Dyspepsia, Abdominal Dropsy, Ep ilepsy, do., &o., &o.” Tbe Sea Power la Medicine. He also remarks of its solvent effects npon ihose forms of calculus known as the chalk-stones, lnmpe or nodosities of rheumatism and gout; “Were we to suppose thsee swellings to be ligamentous, or cartilaginous, with bouy matter deposited, onr surprise at tbeir disappearance would be none tbe less, liecourse to all known tharapenli- oal agents and modes of treatment, are ineffectual beyond sometimes a reduction of tha alas of tha nodes of a gonty or rhemnatlo na ture by absorption of a part of tho outer and investing strootnre. Bnt the entire removal of tho inorganic body, without surgical intervention, ha* not, wo believe, hitherto been brought about by either in ternal remedies or external applications, or by both united. In the case now un der notice, we oannot believe that tbe ab sorbents would bo equal to tha task of enckiug up, aa it ware, the deposited inor ganic matter, unless this deposit has bean snbjaotad to the solvent action of th* This water, as Is known to put op In the foUuWins packages and .old at tha Sprint" at the rates apptnded: springs atlhs * prince. At Philadelphia. 3 gallon demUohcs S3 71 I * 33 e gallon demuahna.... t SO I 00 Carets dot. ql. Cottier, each 0 00 0 00 Oasts «(lot. pt kettles. 0 00 ... w 00 On than prloes thsre will be a liberal redao- --for the trade, and a redaction of St per In favor of Oetholio priests and ProtesU clergymen. Persons desiring this water of be dependent on the_drnggtsts, but Uon rent, ant elei need no hnva on.. ere. General Agents, M7 South Front Street, Philadelphia. Tha Oraarml Agents may have the water sent direct from the Springs, or from the depot In Philadelphia, as Bay be do. aired. They should say in their letter whether tho water Is to ba seat by express or aa freight by railroad. Thsy should speoify the package they desire to hare seat, and encloses post office money order er a rertlSed cheek In pro. rerencc to greenbacks or stamps. Is all oases when ordered by express, payment mast be In advenes. Be careful to remember WHITNEY BROS., GENEBAL AGENTS, Gettjrabmrr Spring Cnnepnny. Jyndfcntf New Advertisements. “-DSYOHOMANOY, or SOUL CHARM- JT ING.” How either ms may foooinute and gain tha lova and atfectloua of any pen on they ohooie Instantly. Thia simple mental ac quirement all ean potvati, free, by mall, for 860., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oraola, Dream*, Uinta to L»adiea, wadding* Wight Shirt, fco. ▲ queer book, ▲ddreu T. WLLilAU ft UO., Pttbe., Phlla.4w Cough*, Colds, Hoaraenest, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Dragxlats. 4w MARY SHARP COLLEGE. _ .. . iHinch Cuulterlauu Mountain, Tenneuee. Commence Hr animal seldom of ten months on the PIK8T MONDAY IN PKPTMMBER. Still under ita flrat and only President, Z. C. Oxavu, L.L. D. Fo* thoroughness and cheapness of education, ii not excelled by auv school in the South, bend lor Catalogue containing nil eesential particulars. 4w O. B. W ALM8LEY, Treaaurer. EMORY JG0LLEGE. THE FALL SESSION WILL OPEN AUGUST IMS, 1*74. Location heulthy. Society moral and refined. Teaching thoroagh. Discipline strict. Faculty full. Charges reasonable. For further informs* tion, address Rev. O. L. SMITH, 4* Oxfo d. (la. WARD among the educational iustitntl . In the report of the Commissioner of Education at Washington, It stands fifth on the list of BETHEL COLLEGE RUSSELLVILLE, KV. Location Healthy I laud Cheap I ENDOWMENT fin**,*** I Bend for a Catalogue. Addree*. L1SLIR WAQQKNER, v Chairman of the Faculty. 200 Pianos and Organs, Haw and 8mm4*Hm4, off Fint-Claaa Maker*, will be sold at low prices for cash, or on Install menu, or for rent, in city or country, during this month, by IIORACK WATERS k BON, No. 481 Bros way, than ever before offered la Maw York, SPECIALTY—Pianos nnd Organs to let until th< Thlt Celebrated Watering Pi go* Now Orew tea vai Exeamox re Tinveta. T UB many attraaMsaa and adveatagre of iu, . *1 "red ere. ley everything hoe mendatlon or tonmeralfdn here. flnSce It to!! 1 .' that they have bees thereaghly ovrehaaled. ,, ??- —tadieS r B .above aimed imutmiaa IB mevoereb, the tfodtiaenjef tht Bffilettd, upoa thGehr c«re prioetp e. Thet to. Pun Air, Promt Um Water, all Temperatures, Proper Ba.tih,, £ An eaperleuee of eighteen yean warrant! u t- eaylua to there nfiBi, from Obillt ud r, w Uyipepala, Liter IJIaeeee, Cl.runlc aud Mtma clteueee, Ac., to eufli r no Ineger, bat ecu, u , h An experienced ijidjr Aeelel.ut will b. lore te wait apvn tlie ladiee. Applle»u.fet admission should be made without delay. Address d. ABBOTT A BON, (Jost opposite west eud Mineral Springs), Jy» Rt wo snqwi'1 Atlanta, Gi. W arm Spring a, MENIWETHEB CO., «A. Bathing on tbe coutincut. Apply for quarters to JOHN L. MU8TIAN, Je4 tf os above. RICH FARMING LANDS IN NBBBA8KA, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP I Tea Team’ Credit, latereat aaly S per real. •end for “Th* Pioneer, a handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the Homeetend Law. A NIW NUMBER Just pub lished, mailed fires to all parU of the world. Address O. V. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. R-, 4w , Omaha, Neb. HIVE TOD TRIED JURUBEBA ? ARB YOU W*tk, Ntrvout, or Dtbilitetod ? Are yea ae Laagald tbat any exertion require, mo “* of making ? Then try JITBUBEBA« the wondtrfol Tonic and lnvigorator, which acta so beneficially on the secretive organs aa to Impart vigor to all the vital forces. It ia no alcoholic appetiser, which stimulates for n short time, only to let tbe sufferer fall to a lower depth of misery, bnt it Is a vegf * acting directly on the iiver and spleen. It refnUtes the Beweln, quiets the nerves, aud gives such a healthy tone to the whole system ”* person. ■to operation la Met violent, but is a a u .* —*i. -. the patient ex* > marked result*, "Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This ia no new' and untried discovery, hat has been long used with wonderful remedial results, aud is prunonucod by tha highest medical authori ties "the most powerful tonic on alterative known." Ask your druggist for it. For sale by WM. F. KIDDER A CO., Jy24 4w New York. Pare Cold Soda! Kissengen and Vichey Water Tvrra new mba fountain, at tf. I. GRIFFIN'S jei tf BAB# KOBE. ifort or pUuaore of vixitore. A*- Price, to eult the tlaee. Liberal emara. raente made with fhmlllee. “ 0HAS. T. PORTER, Aft, i Water Cure Hob Atlanta, Go. HOTELS. THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ca. White Sulphur Springs. r UI8 well kimwn Watering Place haa opened for th sad Lady. Every Tort nnd enjoymeni Tht Building* hav* b**B, refitted and refurnished with special regard to convenience nnd comfort. The curative proper'In of the waters liuvs been experienced by hnndredi of iuvalids for more than n quarter of n centnry. EVERY INNOCENT AMUSEMENT will he afforded, and all boisterous and improper condnot will be rigidly suppressed, our main ob ject being to furnish AN lKVKTINR RETREAT DR. C. A. STILES, who will look after the sick and uMIcted, aid whose specialty li In the treatment of chronic FROM COM7MRUS, d trip, via North and Boath Railroad. $5Ak Distauco 12 miles from terminus. All periMis visiting the Spriogi can obtain their mail daily via Hamilton. A good Band will be provided. A SWIMMING FOOL OF SULPHUR WATER, as well as other kinds of bathe, will always b» ready for gueste. Our rates, we believe, are lower than at asy >ther resort of any reputati-n. Our table will b» kept up to the standard of tht> best In the oountry. TERMS: Per Day I*«* Par One Week W *> Per Month 36 » Children under eight years of age and solorsd servants at oae*balf of the above rates. JeJO eodtf H. T. CUNNINOIIAM. STIIIOTLY FIRST CLASS STYLE. The patronage of those visiting to*** nab Is solicited, and the assurance given that ry effort will be made to insure their Our omnibuses will be found a* •** tortvrt, trains and steamer*. B. BRADLEY Ac SON, m»v87—dfcw4m Proprietors. Rankin House, Columbus* Ga. J. W. BYAN, Prop’r. Fbahe Golds*, Clark. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon. Uhdxb thx Rurxnt Hooxx. myM dtwtr J. W. MTAN. Propt- Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG A C0-, Columbus, Ca., A RE prepared to supply merchants prompj £V and In a satisfactory manner with ths we quality of Cotton Checks, ■ Ginghams and Strlpo*> ell ot which ate ia Net coton, tad of the l»u« and moat approved patterns. 49* Factory corner of fit. Clair and Jock** street. Office ou Jackson street. Je24 d3m PICTURES! Have Them Copied and Enlarged by Home Enterprise! W ILL COPY AND SNLABOA W from MAO and upwerte. Cal "a** 1 ^.,. epeuimeo, red hare ,oar wrek *»• 1 without dtla, or tlek. W OOLOBIMO dee. Oil or Water. „ . i*s- Gallery at Mvtkweet corner of Broad **■ dolbh iftreata.