Newspaper Page Text
11b. Chablx* H. Markham is the agent
for the Enquires.'un for Mnsoogee and
Boa^eU coantiea. He is authorized to
•olioit advertising and subscript ions, and
to rooeipt for the same. Wo oommend
him as a gentleman in every wnv worthy
of oonfidenoe.
A Massachusetts coroner's jnry has ac
quitted Elliott, who ►hot and killed one
of a party of Kn-Klux who were abont to
tar and feather him for living with lewd
The election news from North Carolina,
Tennessee and K*ntuoky is the popular
response to the “Civil Rights" agitation.
Let the white men ol Georgia and Ala
bama apeak in the same atrain if they
want to defeat the iniquitous measure.
All together}
Mobile was excited, on Fridsy, by re
porta that some of the negroes in Clarke
couoty, Ala , meditated an attack upon
the whites. We hope that the report
were unfounded ; but there is no telling
what the negro race cin be excited and
misled to do by the kind of white men
who still maintain a political allianoe with
A population of 1,100 000—equal to
that of Georgia—is now claimed for Texas.
They eay that Central Texas has a popula
tion of 6<K) 0(H), North* rn and Eastern
Texts 400,000, and tbit portion of the
Btste «re<«t of the Col >rado river 200,00 >.
Whether thn estimite be correct or. not,
there is hardly a doubt that tho next
Uni ad 8 uten cetiMi-t will ahow Texas to
have tbs largest population of any State
sooth of the Potumao and Ohio, and
l«rg*r than any west of the Mississippi,
except perhaps Missouri.
Comptroller Goldsmith has given
importwut iuatiuoii n-t to tax collectors
in inference to the payment of taxes as a
qualification for voting. He oalls their
attention to au not amending the revenue
laws, which provides that “it shall not be
lawful for any manager of au eleotion, or
other poison, to receive any money for
twias on the day of election, except the
tax collector, and if any voter ahall vote
who haa not paid bis taxes, bis vote shall
ba illegal, and the commissioners who
consolidate their returns of ihe eleotion
shall_not c <unt those votes in making out
the rat urns.*' ***• — —
Voter-* are thus warned of their duty
several months iu advance, and should
not neglect to qualify themselves for the
Important elec ions tb-.t aro approaching.
Excit.-ment in Albany —The Albany
(O.J jS'tic* of Friday gives an acoouut of
B great commotion cHU*od in that city last
week by the insolence and audacity of
negro m»u named Muse Jarrett, who, the
JYiriMaaya, is tho meanest and most despi
cable negro in Albany. A couple of ladies,
on their way to the oemetery, passed near
this negro hs ho w.iH sitting at a bar-room
kept 4or the accommodation of persons
Of his oolor, when he uooosted thorn us
“Go >d mornin'. ladies. You look
mighty puny this mornin'. I want to
marry one of you. I know who you is—
you are nobody hut *•••'* folks,"
By this time tba ladies bad passed the
oro*d, but leeling uiaimed, turned and
walked back towards home, when the
SOonndrel continued:
“Whir • on g*iue to now ? You needn’t
gat mad shout it I mt* n 1 to have one
of you. The tune is o one for tho uiggors
to have white wive*. I menu what I any.
We inteud to have you, und you can't
help youroelves.”
When tbie outrage was made know in
the qit v the ex -itvmautxtCi very high, and
* d unfit that Jarrett would
ave beeiTinWttfitJjriyuchcd bad ho beou
found. But the Mayor, Judge Warren
and others exerted themselves to allay tho
•xoiteiueut, witu suoh success that when
the uegro was caught the next day he was
committed to j til. But when it
playing the pa^ OQIld ***** no ousting law would adequtte-
play, Moniiue ly punish such au offonso he wus dis-
of the Qt
—An let..
position r
answers to coRREftPONDENT*.. Negro Statesmen on Their
Salem.—Neither Burns, Scott, nor Wil
son were of Scotch descent; that is, they
were not of the Celtic race.
Remo.—Garibaldi is atill living. We
believe his home is on the island of Capri,
not far from Naples.
George.—The only way you can get tho
education you desire is by obtaining an
appointment to the military academy at
West Point. This you may bo able to do
through your Congressman or the Presi
Lover, Perote, Ala., asks: “Can you in
form me how to procoed to get the con
sent of n young lady's father when he has
objected to a marriage between us?” If
wo knew moro nbout “lover," and more
abont tho father, wo might answer at
once. If “lover" is a lazy, thriftless fellow,
unablo to earo for a wife, the father is
right ,* but if “lover" is a sober, upright,
honest, industrious man, he cau win the
father'a consent; and if he does not win
it before she is of age, let biin marry the
daughter, in spite of the old gentleman,
the moment she is.
“Inquirer” wants to know “what is
meant by the Magyar tongue, and what
is the highest military office in the United
Hiates?" Tho Magyar tongue is tho lan
guage of Hungary, as spoken by the Hun
garians. The highest military office iu
the United Htates, if wo wanted to npu
humor, wo would say, was the signal sta
tion on Pike's Peak. The President is
oomiuaudor-in-chief of the army and navy.
As the regular army is now organized, tho
highest officer is General Sherman—
then Lieutenant General Sheridan—then
Msjor Gonerals, Brigsdiers, Colonels, Ac
Poet.—The quotation in from Gold
smith :
The wretch condcmne! with life tu part,
Still mill on hope relief;
And ev'ry p.-tnjr Unit rend, tho heart
Hope, like tho gll'iun'rlng tnpot'a light,
Adorn, and < hoera the way;
And mill, as duiker grow* tin* night,
Kmll. a ray.
Traveler.—Puonah is a district in In
dia, Presidency of Bombay. Area 8,281
squaro miles; population 7)58,818. The
oily of the same unmo iu the same dis
trict has a population of 85,000.
Amateur.—You might become a good
printor iu two years. You can never
learn tho business by tho use of au ama
teur press. Home of the leading men of
tho duy have been printers. The more
ediicutiou you liavo the hotter.
Eva wants to know “if wo think woiuou
tho intellectual equals of meu ?" We
certaiuly do, and had we our way about it
we would admit them iuto every calling
they could work in, and pay them wages
in proportion to their labor. Wo have &
sublime faith in tho sex of our mothers.
Ben.—Tho epitaph was written by Beu
Jonson on a hidx»—
• Underneath till
A. much virtue
Which, wlmn nl
tonn doih lie
could die;
•, d d vlgoi
old livi
%* Several letters remain over to bo nn-
ored iu our uuxt. Correspondents must
uot ixpoot r« plies the woak following
thoir lottors.
Muscogee County.
Kditor Enquirer-Sun:—Accepting us
sound the advice given by Major Calhoun
iu his spocoh in Chambers county, I think
that we of Muscogoe county should hold
on to our present Representatives, us they
aro both good mon and tried, and under
stand the workings of our State govern
ment. 1 do not know thut either oue of
(hum would accept tho pluco again, hut I
think that it ia our duty us citizens, when
we get good mon in uffiuo to keep them
there aa long us wo uun ; for i uin satisfied
thut if either of them serve the oouutry
at all, it m from a line of duty, and not
with a-piring ambition. I think thut Mus
cogee county should be, ’proud that she
can get such meu to represent her, »ud I
would horesay to the oaiseus of my comi
ty, whon you come together to make your
uomiutttions look woll to your men and
their ability.
Ho l would aay about our Congreasmaii.
Lei us hold ou to Harris. We cannot got
a better man, and i think our community
From the Picayune of Friday. J
The report of the Commute on Creden
tials was read umid unexampled decoium.
Every one felt sufficiently interested to
keep quiet. The report was a substantial
blow, as was expected, to Pinchback.
The committee bad, indeed, through fear,
or possibly with the iutention of offering
a compromise, admitted Pinch himself
together with the administration delegates
from the Tenth Ward, but in all the other
wards and paiishes, Pinch's supporters
were ruled out.
The report ended amid loud cheers.
Pinchback, for the first lime, arose from
mat. The President seemed anxious
to let the ex-Hunator, ex Lieutenant Gov
ernor, etc., havo the floor, although a
dozen other parties were claiming it; and
Pinch st rted out rather more mildly than
was expected.
“I am pledged to recoguize the action
of tho people, yet I refuse to recognize
ttie odious distinction made iu the Tenth
Ward ; I euier my protest against the ac
tion of the committee, against the out
rageous conduct of ruffians iu the Tenth
Ward on the 1st of August. If these prac
tices are allowed, it will bo a firebrand to
the Republican party. I have no person
al ends to subserve, but I consider the
the action of the committee as a direct
personal insult to ina. 1 am entitled eith
er to represent the Touth Ward or not—
1 want no ha'f way tuuasuros."
Loud cheering followed Pinchbeck's
speech, and R. U. Ray, of East Feliciana,
who seems u leading spirit in the Conven
tion, arose to denounce the action of the
city Republican bullies and ruffians, who
h&i never carried a single election, but
who wero always loudest in their denunci
ations and talk.
Larte Attendance.
Special to Enquirer-Scn.]
Opelika, Ala., Aug. 8, 1874.
The Democratic and Conservative Con
vention of Lee county met in Opelika
to-day for the purpose of nominating
candidates for county offices. There was
a full attendance of delegates, and many
Hon. J. W. A. Hanford, nominee on the
State ticket for Attorney General, ad
dressed the Convention.
The general proceedings were very har
John T. Harris was nominated for the
Senate; Dr. Green, of Louohapoka, and
Thomas R. Leslie, of Smith Station, for
Representatives in the Legislature ; Wil
son Williams for Probate Judge; T. L.
Sanford for Sheriff; Mr. Guy, of Salem,
for Tax Collector. Opelika.
The Thieves Make Fair Promises.
New Orleans, August 8.—Packard re
ceived 122 votes; Pinohhack, 44, for tho
Chairmanship of the Convention. Hypher
was nominated for Congress.
New Orleans, August 8.—Tho Repub
lican State Convention reassembled this
morning. Among the resolutions report
ed by the Committee on Resolutions was
tho following:
“That duty and sound policy alike con
strain us to nominate and support for
offico none bnt men of known honusty
ond capacity, and that men who are un
mindful of the interests of the State, and
those whose records are a reproach to tho
party, shall not be permitted to force
themselves upon us in any capacity, un
der any pretence whatever."
Tho resolutions endorse tho State ad
ministration for pursuing a right course
while contending with an organized sys
tem of villification or misrepresentation
at homo and abroad. They denounoo
violence and attempts to briug abont a
conflict of races, and pledge the party to
give a fair election and reduce expendi
Alabama RimIIcaIm Eudoroc the
Selma, August 8.—B. S. Turner, negro
und ox-CougroHsman, nominated unani-
is a unit for II. K. Harris.
Former Times.
I sire, yochaiged ogtin. The Aewsnays, however,
dQD't»tfmh?B^ l>t i* * ill be a matter of wonder if he
__^_Moapea due punishment, and nut only ho,
—Avery Ntbat the low whiles who encourage the
osuse for Kftgroeu jp K uch a course.
much leas t|q _
«“ with it r
Meriwether county, on Tuesday last,
appointed delegates to the nominating
convention of the 4 h C mgrcssional Dis
trict, uud p )8 d a reso uiou warmly en
dorsing Col. Harriet aud recommending
fcUf’ -uominati >u. Douglas county, also,
has instructed its del* g ties for Harris.
Hon. Tboi*. G. L*waon his withdrawn
from the coutest in the 5th District, and
Cci. Blouat has now no opposition for
the Democratic uouiiuatioa.
In the 8th Dittnot. Oglethorpe conuty
has instructed its delegates f »r Matthews.
Warmer couu y hut do larad for ex-Gov
Johnson. Col. E hurt M. Rucker, of El
bert e mnty, is announced as u candidate,
end it is thought he will securo the sup
port of two or three Upper counties of
the District. Col. M. W. Lewis, of
Greene, has received the support of
Greens sud T<slmferra o unties. It is thut Gen. Toombs may finally
be brought forward aud receive the nom
ination in this Di-duot. There are so
many candidates that the mutation seems
to bi favorable for dropping them all aud
taking up some oue not uiiXtd up in tUe
eon****. B it w juld it tie wise to ruu
Geo. T« ombt be!ore he is relieved of his
Oatoo-*a county, in tho 7ih District, has
ehoeeo deleg tie* favorable to Col. Train*
Ool. W. P. Price has informed the At
lanta 0on*t.l"t ou tuht he is not a candi
dal** ioi Hit: u *m.uitiou in me 9 b Dis
trict. Mr. Hid seems biiil to have the
Iced to that Di'tnct.
flow Co Mill the Caterpillars.
Editor Enquirer-Bun:—Iu order to de
stroy (he cnturpillur or cotton worm, I
will give you a remedy which I think will
auswor the purpose, aud does not cost the
farmer uuy outlay. About 11 o'clock iu
the day, when the sun gets hot enough to
heat the grouud so thut it would ulruubt
blister the foot, tuke a piece of rope
(heavy) about ten or twelve feel long ; let
two humlN, oue at each end of the lope,
ourry it over tho tops of tho ootton, strik
ing it pretty hard. When the cotton is
struck iu this way, tho worm will double
himself up and jump off ou the grouud,
tho grouud being hot enough to kill him.
Oouimonce at 11 o'clock aud keep it up
until 8 o'clock in the aftoruoou.
L. M. Lynch.
They are Co be PnC In Bankruptcy.
St. Louis, August 8.—The creditors of
Alexander, Dorman A Co. concluded to
day to put the firm into bankruptcy. This
action is based imiiuly upon the fact that
about u week before Alexander's opera
tions were made public, tho State Savings
Association and Fourth National Bank
discovered thoy held forged receipts, and
required him to tako them up or bo ex
posed ; whereupon ha paid tho State Sav
ings Association $110,000 and the Fourth
National Bauk $ 15,000. Under tho bank
rupt law theso banks will be obligod to
turu those amounts over to bo divided
with tho other assets among tbo general
creditors of tho firm.
on Che GreaC
The most brilliaut meteor wo ever be-
he'd f-hot uirosN the heavens, just over
tho city, from west to east, on Monday
night. It was unusually large, as white
as a calcium light, us course horizontal,
and its explosion as dazzling and beautiful
as ten thousand rockets combined in oue.
Albany New*.
If it whs about 8 o'clock Monday even
ing, the same meteor wns doubtIosh seen
here. It appeared to move nearly from
northwest to southenst, and two explo
sions were apparent to the sight, though
we heaid no sound. It was very brilliant,
and swept across fully ono-qunrter of the
heavenly arc.
TRc following is a report of what Hon.
B. H. Hill ►Bid, iu his speech at Athens,
to reference to the C.vl Rights bill aud
iUoounsctiOn with GraLt'u third term :
“Yon now have exactly the purpose of
thf author§ of this miserable measure—
the Civil Bights bill How ehall we meet
it? It is eaid the P esident will veto it.
X hope ao, but fear not. If ho, he will
deeBrve our gratitude. But I have never
•Bid I would *rivi»e uur people to eupport
bin tor a third te m. it be should veto
(hie bill, hs you have s* eu stated. Such
B vato, >ike cuarity, would ‘bid© a multi*
Coda of foils,'and might blot out the
BiMBory of uia .y wrongs iu the post."
—A Bismarck (Dakota) paper of reoent
dateesys: “Lur nigh's train was behind
time, owing to (he grawb ppera on the
•astern en t of this division, which were
•o thick mm to urease me rails, sod com
pelled the eugiurer to doub e the road for
if e-u Bailee, tskiug ball tbs train •aoh
—Massachusetts is troubled. None of
herf»vor*te sons want to be Governor
badly enough to ruu the risk of boiug
defeated in Convention and whipped
afterward. The proposals for tho place
aro a ..taro as bids for a second hand
grave stone iu a pawnbroker's office.
—Amieut Rome is to be modernized
by the construcuou of a harbor aud the
buildiug of au extension line of ware-
hou»04 hud the o| cuing of a railway to
Fiumiciuo, near Porto, Trojan's ancient
p >rt, which iuundatious of the Tiber aud
uo umulatious of sand havo for ages ren
dered wholy unfit for trading purposes.
—Mr. A. C. Lyell, has brought together
a gie*t number of facts to prove that
B.nhmiuism is a live religion aud makes
proselytes still, iu opposition to Max Mul
ler, who repiesented that it was uot a mis
sionary religion. But Prof. Muller replies
that a sect may make pioselytes and not
From an interview with the Prophet,
reported in u letter from Halt Lako City
to the Pittsburgh Ledger :
“Mr. Youug, I understand Mrs. Wood-
hull had a conversation with you iu re
gard to this scandal some yuura ago?”
“Mrs. Wood hull informed me
Mr. Beecher's intimacy with Mrs. Til-
tou, und also of oiht r prominent ladies,
members of the Plymouth Church,
but 1 was somewhat iuciedulous ut
the time, us the statements she
made were of such an ustouuding charac
ter. 1 was toroed to admit the truth of
the statement, us Horace Greeley some
time later lufotmtd me, in n confidential
conversation us he pu-sed through here
on his way to California, of the sumo
guilty pnrues, und tho wide difference if
me precept aud practices of the Rev
“Do you think Mrs. Tilton is guilty in
cons ience?"
“She certaiuly is, and understands too
well the extout of her wiokoduess. Her
criminal conuectious with Beecher,
through natural depravity oriunute moral
weakness, piouipted by a warmth of dis-
poaitiou, could uot withstand the caresses
of tho reveroud siutter."
“What do you think of Mr. Tilton's
actions ?"
“I atu sutprised ut the loug silence he
has shown; his extraordinary oomiuct.
Altogether ho is un enigma. He should
have tho guilty pair to perdition long ago,
there to meet the merits of tho heinous
‘The prophet of tho Latter Day Saints
took advantage of tho opportunity offered
to discourse upon the advantages of po
lygamy. He said Mr. Beecher practiced
in secret what ho condemned the Mor
mons for doing. Only the Mormons nev
er interfered with other men's wives, as
they W’ere allowed enough of their own.
Htf'cousidertd polygamy au institution of
divine origin, sauedoned by Holy Writ,
and from a practical point of view', tho
ouly remedy for the evil licentiousness
uow existing in the wotld. Neither Hen
ry Ward Beecher nor Thoodoro Tilton
would have violated other men’s wives, if
they had lived iu a country where polyga-
as allowed.
mously by the Radical Conveutjoq f«r
Treasurer. The OonxMJtfoh ) lua rtily en-
The Convention seemed getting nearer
and usurer every minute to a fight ; hot
sidd arguments were going on in ovory
corner, aud several couples adjourned to
tho street to settle their difficulties there.
Green, uiiother fire-brand, got up aud
wandered ou a few minutes in u rumbling
speech, notwithstanding tho vigorous pro
test of the President, wlto informed Green
tlrnt he had had more whiskey than was
good for him.
There was u flvo minutes' rest, and sud
denly, iu the midst of u vote that nobody
heard, under-ttood or voted ou, aud shout
which to this hour there remaius us much
doubt as about “Who got that whiskey
skin?" a cry of “Fight! light!" wus
Everybody pressed forward to see tho
fight, but it soon became apparent that it
win n real oue, mi earnest oue, and one
which was belter viewed ut u distance.
It appears thut the fight commenced
between Green und Junes. The two hud
gone outside to fight, ut first, but returned
to the hull. Jones assaulted Green, both
drawing pistols. Friends congregated __
around, uurl noon ' ik” bill’
outrageouslaud j^JMTug fights that evor
disgraco^puliiioal moot mg.
„ ^iStol. aud knives were drawn, and
hurdly a portion of tho room wus safe
Toe lookers-ou ran for the gallery. There
was iu ono corner u stampede, und the
crowd, nbout fiity stroug, rushed under
tho table, whore they luy groveling in the
dust until the fight was well over.
Up and down tho hull rushed tho con
testants—onruing, yelling, shouting, fliug-
ing up chaiis, and attacking all the ene
mies they met. At oue tiiuo there were
at least a hundred couples lightiug, hit
ting at each other with their fists, or try
ing, with uueasy, nervous, jim-jum trem
blings, to get a good aiiu ut some choice
leader of the other side.
About tweuty police rushed into tho
room and sue ceded in arresting a dozen
or so of tho delegates. Instead, how
ever, of being able to accomplish any
good, they were rather roughly (routed
tuomnolves. Heigesut Gray, ut their
hoH<l, succeeded iu knocking down half a
dozen delegates. B. F. Joubert, Green,
It. U. Ray, Willinin Vigors, Win. Weeks,
Frank White, and a dozen others, were
tbo chief contest.mis, und fought for
half an hour with wonderful oudurance.
Several persons were sbghtly injured;
While, of Piuquoiniues, got u severe cut
ou his baud, uud Homo of the delegates
showed wondrous nud hitherto unobserv
ed phrenological bumps on their Loads
Thu more respectable of tho delegates
looked on grout ly disgusted. One old no-
gro expressed his toolings in somewhat
strong terms, and «as willing for the
Democrats to carry the election. They
would cert dnly do bettftr than this.
At tor ubont three-quarters of au hour
of fighting the quarrel suddenly.uud in
explicably ceased. The delegates wero
probnbly tired out with their unusual
pugilistic contest ; the worst wore under
arro-t, and the remainder had sought
refuge on the gallery. Nothing remained
to show the fight bnt piles of brukou
chairs, two or three smashed tables, and
a good deal of linrmlebs blood on the
11 ior.
Reported Action Toward ft pit In.
Department of War, [
Washington, August 8, 1874. j
Probability».—For the South Atlsntio
j and East Gulf States, slight'y lower bar*
Paris, August 8. It is reported here OIue t er> generally higher temperature,
tlrnt the German Government has notified Bonlhwest to nor th*est winds, and cle.r
its representatives abroad that the time j or o!eliriug weat her.
has arrived to recognize the Hpanish Re
The relations between France and Italy
are very satisfactory.
Abowt Ike CarllsU.
Paris, August 8.—The wife of Don
Carlos is comiug here.
London, August 8.—The Times pub
lishes the text of a long dispatch from the
Duke de Cases, categorically denying the
charges of connivance with the Carlists.
Another Cricket Match.
London, August 8.—The cricket match
between the Americans and Richmond
Club commenced at Richmond to-day.
The English were the first to bat, and
when the play was stopped for lunch,
had soorod 88, with a loss of eight wickets.
Two of their number were bowled out,
five caught out and one run out.
Henry Wright took one’of the English
mens’ wickets, and McBrydo another.
When the game was resumed the Rich
monds added 45 to their score, and retired
from the first inning with a total score of
108. The weather was fine, and grounds
in excellent condition. The attendance
of spectators when the game begun was
small, but as the play progressed the num
ber increased to about 1,000.
Decree of the Captain General.
Havana, August 7.—The Gazette pro
mulgates the Captaiu General’s instruc
tions to revenue officers, iu regard to the
collection of the ten per cent, income tax,
and a decree providing for tho destruc
tion in public of bank bills called in by a
previous decree.
Waaklnffton Notes.
Washington, August 8.—A half mil
lion of “nationals" were exahang'id for
“legals” to-day.
Col. Clam acts as Indian Commissioner
during Commissioner .Smith’s recreation.
The Treasury Department, since the
adjournment of Congress, has paid oat
$880,000 on the claims of Southern rea
douts before tho Southern Claims Com
mission. Tho Commission awarded over
u million dollars on Xher claims, but Con
gress appropriated only $888,788.82.
Them have been but two applications
for new Western Banks this month. Thoy
aggregate only a capital of $100,000.
The retirement of currency has, thus
far, exceeded the amount of new cir
culation. Within n Pew days the Nation
al Bank of Missouri, located at Ht. Louis,
has surrendered its circulation, and re
tired its bonds to tho amount of $050,-
The Supervisors and Collectors of In
ternal Revenue are forbidden to allow
wiveB or minor children to act as clerks.
Bowen ftpenke.
New Youk, Aug. 8.—Henry C. Bowen
sonds tho following dispatch:
Putnam, Conn., Aug. 8.
Iu the dispatches printed in the papers
to-day, appears what purports to be the
substance of au interview of H.
Bowen with a reporter of the Brooklyn
Eagle, on the Brooklyn scandal. I have
had no interview whatever with that or
any other paper or individual. The whole
story, from beginning to end, is a stupen
dous fraud.
Interview* the Go.
New York, August 8.—Reports of va
rious iutorviews are the ouly uew thing
iu tho Beecher scandal to-day.
Beecher has goue to Peokskill and tho
comiuitteo are out of town.
Moulton has concluded his statement.
It is very loug.
Moulton Will ftpenk Monday.
New York, August 8.—Moulton's state
ment is postponed to Monday.
A Tennessee ft euro Rapes a White
Girl aud I* Roped.
Knoxville, August 8.—Last Sunday
aftcruoou a negro named William Worley
assaulted a whith girl fifteen years old iu
the woods uear Johusou’s City, Washing
ton county, Tennessee. Tho uegro raped
tho girl, aud then murdered her, cutting
her throat from ear to ear. Search for
the missing girl, who was of a highly re
spectable farmer's family, continued until
yesterday, when the horrible discovery
was made. Tho negro Worley was sus
pected und urrestod. Boiug accused of
the crime he confessed lust uight, while
being taken to jail in Elizubethton. He
was hung.
Indlau Raids tu Teaae.
8an Antonia, August 8.—The Concho
t>V>mTvion«ry religion like Ilnddfiimn »t»ge driver, »ho c»me in laid nigUt
Saratoga Races.
Saratoga, August 8.—Tho first day’s
races of tho second meeting of the Sara
toga Racing Association commenced to
day. Owing to the rain yesterday, the
track was very heavy.
The first race was the Kentucky stakes
for two-year olds—$100 entrance, half
forfeit, with $1,000 added ; second horse
to receive $200 out of the pools. One
mile. There were fifty nominations, but
ouly ten horses started. Chosapenke led
to tho finish, winning by three-fourths of
a length; James A. second and Willie
Burke third. Time: 1:48$.
The second race was the summer han
dicap for all ages—$100 entrance and
$1,000 added. Distance, two miles.
There were twenty-nine nominations;
only six started. Lizzie Lucas won by a
length; Culpoper second, Catesby third.
Time: 8:5i)L
Tho third race was a free handicap
steeple chase for all ages—$700 to the
winner and $150 to the second. About
three miles. Four horses started George
West won by a head; Bullet second.
Time: 5:5l£.
Savannah, August 8.—Arrived : Leo.
Cleared: Han Salvador, Mary Riley,
New York, August 8.—Arrived: Co
lumbia and Huntsville.
Money aud ft took Market*.
London, August 8.—Erie 30£. Consols
New York, August 8.—Stocks dull.
Money 2 per cent. Gold 110$. Exchange
—long 487$; short 401. Governments
dull aud strong. State bonds quiet and
New Yodk, August 8.—Money easy at
2>i2£ per cent. Sterling firmer at 487£.
Gold dull at llOallOj^. Governments
dull and steady. State bonds quiet and
Np.w York, August 8.—Loans decreased
$1,500,000; specie increased $500,000;
legal tenders increased $750,000; de
posits decreased $500,000; reserve in
creased $1,125,000.
New York, August 8.—Specie ship
ments $2,250,000.
Cincinnati, August 8.—Flour very dull.
Corn steady at G8aG4. Pork quiet and
utich inged, nominally $24 Lard firm;
summer 18£ bid, 14 asked; kettle IGalGj;
steam, seller all year, ltyelO^. Bacon
linn, scarce aud wanted shoulders
.dear rib sold at 13 spot aud to come out
f smoko next week; oI#ir sold early in
the day at 18, held •! 13^ at the close.
Whiskey strong at 96.
Louisville, Aug. 7.”Flour unchanged.
Corn 83*72. Pont unchanged at $25.
Bacon iu fair detniud and firm; shoulders
10; clear rib 18- clear 13$. Lard 18$.
Whiskey dull ft- 96.
St Louis. August 8.—Flour quiet and
weak; suikT busiuesH. Corn steady at 64
a65 for Vo. 2 mixed in elavator; 65 for
buyersin August; 66 iu September. Whia-
key-Wendy at 98. Pork firm at $24. Ba-
cco active and strong; sales higher; shonl-
dors 9$a!l^; clear rib 12|al2j; clear 13.
Laid—large speculative movement; sales
of 5,600 tierces 10 j for sellers all the year
round, and Deember, January and Febru-
For Sale.
4 ROOM Dwelling, It-Room Kltclieu
and Store o
:t0 percent.
; ncra lot. The rent will paj p ¥
price asked. Apply to
aug9 st4t Gunby ’a building, 8t. Clair 8t.
Muscogee Sheriff Sale.
^ILL be aold on the first Tuesday in September
next, between the legal hour* of sale, in
front of the store of 1'ieer, lllgea A Co.,
Broad etreot, Columbus, Ga., the loilowing de
scribed property, to-writ
The CoinmhuH Steam Planing Mill.* situated on
lot t!40 and that part of lot 239, in the city of Co
lumbia), Ga , together with tho Machinery belong
ing to aaid mills. Levied on as the property of It.
K. Gootchiu* end R. II. Kngland, nurvivore, to
sati-fy a fl. fa. i«?ued from Muscogeo Superior
Court iu favor or Mary Hodges, Administratrix,
vs. said Gootchius A Euglnnd. Property pointed
out in said fl fa.
Also, at sumo time and place, south half of city
lot No. 201, with all the improvements thereon, in
Columbus, Ga., containing or.e-quartt r of
...... K. Rag-
t of the estate of said Thomas Rag
land, deceased, to satisfy two fl fas issued from
Justices’Courts—oue iu favor of Rosette A Law-
hon, and the other iu favor of Welch A Co., vs.
Albert K. Ragland, executor as aforesaid. Prop-
11. G. IVEY, Sheriff.
^ Beasley's Mill, consisting of 8cantlii.g. Inch
Boards and 8heathing. Also a good lot of First
Close Lumber on hand.
Address B. BEA8LY,
aug8 tf Columbus, Ga.
New Irish Potatoes
North Georgia Cabbage,
Diadem Hams,
Hams, summer cure,
Breakfast Bacon,
Cotton Market*.
Liverpool, August 8—Noon.—Cotton
steady; uplands 8j; Orleans 8j}; sales
12,MM) bales, including 2,000 for specu
lation and export.
Hales of uplands, nothiug below good
ordinary, deliverable in August, 8{.
Hales of uplands, nothing below low
middlings, deliverable in Aggnst and
Hepteuiber, 8 3-16.
2 p. m.—Hales to-day include 8,300 bales
Hales of. uplands, nothing below good
ordinary, deliverable in October, 85-18.
Hales of uplands nothing below low
middlings, deliverable in October, 8$.
New York, -August. 8.—Cotton quiet;
sales 228; uplands 17-^; Orleans 17^.
Futures opened ns follows: August
16 5-lUul6$; Heptember 16 9*16al6g ; Oc
tober 16 7 I6.1I6L
New York, August 8.—Futures closed
quiet ; sales 8,400 bales, as follows :
August 16 1l-32a$, Heptember 16 9-16,
October 16 7-l6al5-32,November 16 7-lGa
15 82, December 16 23-32aJ, March 16£a
New York, August 8.—Cotton quiet;
sales 228 bales at I7^a.j; net receipts 256;
Nf.w Orleans, August 8.—Firm and in
good demand; middlings 16§; net re
ceipts 69; sales 500—last evening 300.
Galveston, August 8.—Quiet and
steudy; goucl ordinary 14$; net receipts
15; sulos 30.
Savannah, August 8.—Nominal; higher
asked; middlings 16j; net receipts 17.
Mobile, August 8.—Quiet, aud bare of
cotton ; middlings 16; net receipts 26.
Charleston, August 8.—Quiet; mid
dlings 15£; net receipts 203; sales 125.
Boston, August 8.—Steady; middlings
17$; sales 150.
I Deliver Goad* all over Ike
City and Yielnity Free of Draynye.
Cream Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese,
New Maokerel in kits,
Flour from New Wheat,
Oat Meal, Rye Flour,
Wheat end Corn Grits,
Canned Fruits and Meats,
Cider Vinegar 50o per gal.,
Kerosene Oil, 40c gallon,
Sugar of all grades,
Coffee, Rioe and
Premium for Trotting;.
Kochesteu, N. Y., August 8.—Tho
Board of Directors of the Driving Park
Association to-day resolved to give a purso
of $1,000 to any horse that will, during
the inaugural meeting next week, upon
their track, boat Goldsmith Maid’s time
of 2:15$. The day has not yet been fixed.
Goldsmith Maid is here.
Sweeny Com Inc Back.
New York, August 8.—It is reported
that Peter B. Sweeny, who is now in
Paris, intends returniog to New York
again and enteriug into politics. All the
indiotments against him have been quash
Ml«*l**lppl Steamer Nnaggcd.
Vicksburg, August 8.—The Henry
Ames, from St. Louis for New Orleans,
with a full cargo, was snagged. Three
lives lost.
Prominent Incidents
History of Columbus
From its First Settlement in 1827, to the
Wilson Haul, in 18G5, compiled by John
II. Martin.
Victoria and Tciinlc Arrested.
New York, August 8.—Victoria C.
Woodhnll and Teunie C. Clatiin were ar
rested to-day on a warrant on complaint
of Mrs. A. M. Truman who alleges that
in 1871, when Woodhnll *k Clatiin were
doing business on Broad street, she de
posited with them, to bo invested, four
hundrod dollars, which she was to receive
ou dotuaud with interest; thut she has
since nmdo several demands but never
got the mouey. They wore held iu $600
bail at the Sheriff s office. Clafliu uud her
mother were to have sailed for Europe to
Receipt* of New Colton at Navaunak.
Savannah, August 8.—The new orop is
coming in freely. The first Florida bale
was received yesterday by J. W. Lathrop
& Co., from Hamilton couuty; weight 480
Tho sooond Georgia bale was received
by saute firm from Baiubridge to-day ;
also a bale from Madison, Fla., cousigued
to Earle & Perkins, New York, by John
L. Inglis. Another bale was roceived
from E. T. Davis, Thomas county, Ga.
Deadly Fight In Tennessee.
Mason's Depot, Tenn., August 8.—A
fight is progressing. Oscar Burton and
two persons named Beeves are killed.
Dry tiood* Failure.
New York, August 8.—It is reported a
prominent dry goods house has failed.
The follow!ug
nuiuiug iu the 1
Adaiun tarn S A
CoLl'MlIUS, Allguit *
»the list uf unclaimed let
ostofllce to this date:
I Mull in* mr« M
Neatwood A
Nobler A
Oglotreo G W
H im J 11
t 1.
aud Christianity.
—The constant devotion with which
Lidy Amber ley nursed her little girl
tQroughoul per attack of diptheria, brought
on herself the fatal malady, which uhs
robbed Lord Amberiey of a wife he was
uobie euougti to appreciate, aud deprived
the cause of progress and humauity of
one of its best supporters. She had a
treat number of friends and admirers in
—A Vermont paper ssys that the Leg-
Mature of that State recently paused an
act to p inish by fine any pauper who
•hall iuflict himself upon a town where
he does not belong. It is proposed that
the revenue to be thus raised sb*U be de
voted to the payment of the salaries of
the members of the legislature.
ports that the Lawrence stage was twice
attacked by fifteen ludiaua at Colorado
Crossing, between Jacksboro aud Coucho,
bnt the stago managed to esoape.
On the day previous, a company of lUn-
gers h id a fight with a party of ludians,
fifteen miles from the Crossing, killing
six Indians
the Indians ere raiding in force around
Fort Griffin, Richardson and Jacksboro.
Gen. McKeuzie is preparing s Urge
force to operate against the savages from
Concho. A lively time is expected in a
faw weeks.
Twenty *twe Bsdles Beewvered.
Cincinnati, August 8. -Twenty-two
Tiotims of the Pat Bogers disaster have
base recovered.
HUckuuu ml** J
ltruco Dr W W
Itnrnejr J, o
Caidwell J
Carmack J, 2
Ob loti*
O’Noal I*, c
r Koli't
Pbillii'M K, c
Phillips D
Ramey miss 8,
Ramsey Uros
Revell AV R
Ropho miss L
Ridgeway J
Crocker wrs 11
Culver Dorali
Edward* J M
Edwards i_
Foster miss T
Harris miss 8
Harrison miss M L
Jacktou II
■loues miss 0
Jones miss K
Robiosou i
Rui-seli miss J
Hyann mrs K, 2
Payers mrs M A
Sell* M
Slater J
Stroud J K
Suggs miss D
The undersigned proposes to publish, in a
volume of 150 or more pages, a work under
the above title, covering the period from the
selection of ihe locality for a “ trading town,”
in 1827, to the capture and partial destruction
of the city by the Wilson Itaid, in 1865.
The incidents will be derived mainly from its
newspapers, which will be gleaned for this
purpose with much care. It is believed that
most of our citizens would like to have such
incidents in this compact and convenient form,
and will encourage the undertaking to the
extent of the small amount asked for the work
Each chapter will contain short biographi
cal sketches or notices of the principal citizi
mentioned in it, who have since died. The
volume will also embrace full information
concerning the churches, factories, rf’C., now
We do not propose to publish this compila
tion with a view to making money, as the
small price asked foPit will show. But at
the same time we do not want to lose money
by its publication, and therefore we wish to
limit the number of copies printed to the de
mand for the work. With this object in view,
we issue this prospectus, inviting those who
desire copies of the volume to send in their
The price will be one dollar per copy for %
a pamphlet bound volume, printed on paper
like the specimen sheet issued. A small
number of copies will also be issued on a su
perior article of paper for $1 30 per copy.
Payable when the work is delivered, which
will be some time next Fall.
May 12. 1874.
Terry T
Nation A Co., of Ike “Aldlue, M Fail.
New York, August 8.—Well street was
animated Friday by considerable excite
ment in the stocks. Several reports of
mercantile failures were in circulation,
but the names were unobtainable. The
most important failfire was that of Button
A Co., publishers of the Aldine. Their
estimated liabilities are $180,000. It is
rumored that a large mercantile boose also
failed, and that it absorbed a large quan
tity of Western .Railroad bonds.
Arkansas Horse Tkfteve* Haaf.
Little Rock, August 8.—Three horse
thieves ware hanged at Oiark.
Kvuner P
Kenon tur
Tonurrou mrs A
Tilmou W
Tnmumson D
Tom** D
Tr.i> les miss F
King mrs 8
King lion J P
Knight I, c
Landrum Rev G Q
Lea A J
Lockhart G F
AVarrun J K
Walker J
Welboru M
Marshall miss A
McCook mrs C
McKay i
White mrs If
Williams G
Williams T
Wiun miss M
Willis miss M, c
Miller mrs F
Wright HR, I
Wynn miss M
AU goods guaranteed. 4
tally prepared at all hours,
jata dsodawly
Prescriptions care*
IQS Broad 8b
Moran mrs M
Jackson miss J, Seale, Ala.
Johnston W H, no postoBce.
Slade mias L, Williams ton. N C.
Sbalcross, Menifee A Co, Louisville, Ky.
Shaaf mrs M A, Georgetown, D C.
Thomason miss L, City.
Important to Farmers.
T, J. STEVENS is well known to the
Planters of Georgia and Alabama as one
the most reliable aud efficient G1N-WR10HTS
the country. Wherever he has worked he has
given satisfaction; and, as
tour iu a short
should baud
msU don* Is twice dome.'
:tlon; and, as he propose* to make a
rt nme, planters needing Ola repairs
iu their names sad loentio*. "Work
amily Groceries
Columbus, Georgia.
eneral Assortm’tFamily (rroceries
Fresh Fish
Democrats of Muscogee 1
Democratic Convention of last Saturday
I do hereby call upon tho Democrats of MuscogeJ
assemble in Convention at the Court House of
Muscogoe, «t 12 M., ON SATURDAY, TIIR ijfy
of this month, to nominate four delegates for the
Coupressional Couvontion, hereafter to be held
nominating a candidate for this District, H nd
to name candidates for the Legislature to
represent Muscogee county.
Chairman of Saturday’s Convention.
il tdswl t
Notice—Change of Firm,
public that have dav amoci*^
us iu business Mr. CHARLES II. W&TT
he nr in name will not be changed.
Columbus, Ga., Aug. 4tli, 1874.
In addition to tho above, we beg to Inform our
customers and the public generally that we intend
to keep every thing in our lino always on hand, in
quant tie* to suit anv class of purchasers, making
a specialty of PLANTATION SUPPLIES. ‘
We return our tliuuks for the liberal patronage ex.
tended to us, and guarantee as good bargains u
uny house iu the city.
aug5 (ItStewOt
Kill the Cotton Worms!
Paris Green and Arsenic.
angl tf
Safe and Paying Business Already
Established, for Sale.
favorable terms.
Consumers nud couutry merchants would de
well to call. as l am determined to reduce ay
largo and woll solected stock.
Je2G 2m 71 Rro&d fit., Coluniluii*, Ua.
W. w. SHARPE & CO.,
Publishers’ Agents,
No. 25 Faik Row, New York, ^
Are mulhorizetl to Contract for Ad-
vcrtlftlnif In our pnper.
myU tf
courts, uf different Plates, for desertion, 4c.
No publicity required. No charge until divorce
granted. Addrc-M,
myffo «Uwl.v
M. HOUSE, Attorney,
UU Brand way, N. Y.
C OMMERCIAL Travelers who Holiclt orders by
Card, Catalogue, Trade-List. Sample, or other
Specimen, also those who viiit their customer!
and solicit trndo by purchases made direct from
stock, and who travel in any section, by rail or
boat, selling any class of goods, are requested to
send thoir Rnsinoss and Private Address, as ho-
low, stating class of goods they sell, and by whom
employed; ulso those who are at preseut under no
engagement. This matter is of great importance
individually to salesmen of this class, or men *c-
liciting trade iu this manner. It is therefor*
especially desired that this notice inny meet the
eye of ull Commercial Travelers and (salesmen iu
this couutry und taut they will at once give it
advised of object in view. Please address, (by
letter only) CO-OPERATION,
cars Goj. P. Rowoll A Co., 41 Park Row,
Jyl2 eodlm Now York City.
For 8ale Low.
AIM purchase* delivered.
aug7 If
houses with m
ang2 tf
Cross A Blackwell’s Pickets, all kinds.
Extra Choice Rio, Old Government Java and
Mpcho Coffee. Roasted Coffee.
Best brands Hams and Breakfast Strips.
St. Louis Pearl Grits, 20 tt) for $1.
Blackwell's Durham Smoking Tobacco, 76c > tb.
Lorillard’s Bright aud Dark Century Chewing
lair Stroot, Gunhy’a Building, next to
Proer, lllges fc Uo.
Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance,
N. J. BUSSEY, Agent
Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, 40c V ga'.lou.
Pure Cider Vinegar, 50c ft gallon.
[febl dl2m] Trustee.
Grocery House
No. 14 and 16 Broad 8t.,
Columbus, Ga.,
100,000 pound! Baoon.
500 barrel* Flour.
From 100 to 200 barreli Sugar.
100 baga Coffee.
From 100 to 200 barrel! Syrup.
200 barrel! Whiskey.
200 boxes Tobaooo.
500 “ Soap.
200 “ Candles.
100 barreli Lard.
50 “ Maokerel.
500 saoka Salt.
50 tleroes Rioe.
500 reams Wrapping Paper.
100 oases Potash.
100 “ Sardines.
100 “ Oysters.
100 “ Pioklas.
100 boxes Candy.
100 “ Starch.
100 gross Parlor Matches.
1,000 pounds LorUlaxd'B Snuff.
90,000 Cigar*.
1,000 pound* Groom and Black Tea.
900 R>aga of Shot.
100 lsoxo* Soda and Fancy Cracker*.
MOO Chocs* In season.
50 bamU Vinegar.
Ihe proper time to place your
Cotton Tie Company.
The trade supplied at lowest msr-
kat ratal.
my27 dton
Wb Offur to l bo publio ■ .Imp!., cb**pj'»“ , ‘'
Knitting Macuinp. In improving aud periot
> * ii. aa aI.uvm alini 'l *
Automatic Machine, we
(SIMPLICITY, nml we confident y
any person of ordinary Ingouulty will be an
use the Knitting Machiuo with better
than a Sewing Machine. Our Machine is no
hie to get out of order. It can bo attached ^
ordinary table and worked by a child.
^ructions accompany each Machine. ,a “ oUf
may club together and buy one Machine*»»
will do the knitting for a dozen househo.d*.
Send for Circulars and Price List.
eeua ior uircmars ana rricu lAiss. s-pnt‘
N. B.—Wo are a’Ho theiolonnd exclusive *1=
for the celebrated Bickford Knitting
chine. .
New York Knitting Machine C*. j
JylS dawtf i»99 Broadway. Yor |
90 <
100 dozen Wooden Bucket*.
100 dot
And everything 1* the Grocery liue, which they
offer to the trade by the pealing*, as low as any
other Jobbing House In the united State*.
LaFayette, Ala.
Cooking Stoves, Hardware, Cuti* r |
Ac., and
Contractor for Roofing and Job ^ ork ’
Price* fur ut* bed on application. [® 8