The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 11, 1874, Image 3

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TUESDAY.. «9Lvnni AUGUBT 11, 1874. nffmtnh* nuk Iki JTimItm «n«, Balkar md Grind WkwM. A oorreapoujent of th. Milwaukee Sen tinel, writiug from Golden City, Colorado, Bays: A Htranger trkTeliog in New Meiico and anting of tba bread made there la onrioua to know how and of what it ia nude; from the oolor and taate of the black leaf before him, ha ia unable to tell whether it be of wheat, of oate, of caotue, or of potato bags. He tastes the artiole and abandons it. One monthfni is sufficient to stay bis appetite in that direetioo, and desires to try something else. And yet be don't know what to ask for. He feels ▼eky much ae the man in a certain restau rant did, who, faring taken a sip of tome rile conoootion eat before him, exclaimed: “Well, I declare! What ie this? See here, waiter, if this is coffee bring me tea. and if it ia tea I want some coffee." This bread is wheat-ln-bread, and of the rarione processes the wheat undergoes before it ie made into bread, I shall giro a short acoonnt. In the first place, in order that wheat can be obtained, wheat mnst be aown, and before it ie sown the gronnd meet be pre pared. This we all know. Bat let at know also how these operations are per formed. Well, then, the gronnd ia first ploughed, or rather aoratched, with an implement deoidedly primitive in con struction, which oonsista of a pole and a stick bound together with raw-hidee. This concern ia drawn by a yoke of oxen, which are attached to the pole, and ia steered by a Hexicm,who bangs on to one end of the stick, the other apd, slightly sharpened or tipped with iron, entering the soil. The grain is sown by hand, and the gronnd harrowed by having a limb of a tree dragged over it. When the grain ia ripe and the Mexican proceeds in hia bungling manner to—I shall not say oat his grain, for he does not—bat to break off, saw off the straw, and poll it np by tue roots, using for hit weapon some old barrel hoop or other pieoe of iron whiob he bad aharpened and hacked upon until a tooihed edge waa formed. After this oeremony ia flnlahed, the crop ia gathered np, put into an enclosure and the cattle of the neighborhood turned in to trample upon it. These oattle are driven about by the whip-lath of the gallaut Mexican until the grain ia well threshed out, sod I might add, well flavored. Then the straw is shaken end tied up into bun dles ; the wheat, chaff, dirt and atones are brushed np into hides and emptied in heaps on the knolls where it ia win nowed. Women and ohildren participate in the winnowing. They taka a handful of the mixture and throw it into the air; the wind blows away the chaff, and the pore grain (?) falls upon a smooth, hard, flit surface, previously prepared. This process is continned until all the solid matter is separated from theohafi and of ten lasts several weeks. Now the farmer gathers np the proceeds of hia crop into cowhide sackR and takes it to the mill. A Mexican flooring milt is contidered by Meiioins an exceedingly complicated affair, requiring masterly skill to run it. It is, in fact, a very well executed oar- iostnre of a mill, a perfect burlesque throughout. The building ia a small, two- atory shanty, ereoted directly over a swift-running stream of water. The water wheel is nothing more than come boards etnok in arouud an upright shaft, and ia turned by the water striking one side of it. ThiB is in the first story. In the second story the mill-stonee are worked. They are two in number, just as in any flooring mill, with a hole in their centres, through which this upright wooden shaft pa«Hcs. The bottom stone ia cemented in brick work, while the upper one is wedged fast to the shaft, and revolves with it and the paddles below. It sits directly over and on top of the lower stone, is neilber balanced nor trimmed, and consequently ie constantly wearing off atone-dust, which mixes in with the flour. The grain ia introduced to the atonee from an ox hide reservoir, with its month often out side, and sticking through the roof through an old boot-leg. There ie no curb around the stones, so the floor flies off in every direction, upon the floor, where, after being trod upon by dirty feel, it is swept np in a heap aud finally put into ox-hide sacks. And now then, after all these different processes, the flour resulting therefrom is totally uedt for a civilised man to eat. Sometimos they pass it through a sieve made of sinews or perforated hide; bat this does not improve it mnoh. It ie still the same mess of filth. I do not wonder it strikes through the skin of the Mexican who eats it and makes him “dark oom- pleot." A Million efMes of Celton. The following paragraph from the Man chester Courier of the 23d nit. will be in teresting to our cotton fraternity: “For some weeks there has been a con siderable amouut of speculation in the Liverpool cotton market, as to whether the stock in the port would reaoh a mil lion bales, and bets have been made very freely upon the point. A Friday or two ago, *wbeu the stock was made up, it had reaohed a total of 960,000 bales, when it began to fluctuate each Friday in the most nucertsiu manner, at one time reaching so high us 998,770 bales, causing great ex- aitement among those who had laid bets. Last week, however, the seven figures were attained, Lhe stock standing at 1,008,900 bales, and it ia understood that Hie amount of money whiob baa changed bands in consequenoe has been very considerable." Hoax II. Busarou. Loeta t. Uaasase. ■LANDfOBD * BABBARD, Offlce No. 07 Brood etreet, over Wit eel’a Jewelry Btore. Will yroetloe |„ the State end federal Courts. JOSEPH V. FOB, Attorney at Lew, and Judge of County Court. Practices la ell other Courts. SAMUEL U. HATCHER. Attorney at Law. >20 Office over Wittleh Jc Kiaerl's J. M. MCNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practtcee In courts of Georgia and Alulauna. Office 139 broad St., (over Holeteail A Co.’e Speolal attenliou given to collection!. jail INGHAM dfc CRAWFORDS, Attorneys at Law, practice In the 8tate and federal Con Georgia. r Freer, Illges a Co.'s store, nortl Hair Sts. A. A. HOSIER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Jos. M. fiueeiu. Case J.ewirv. RUSSELL * ffiWIffT, Attorneys and Connsellors at Law. Will In T. DOWNING, Attorney and ffiallcltor. PEABODY * HHANNON, Attorneys at Law. Win sms. B. J. MOOES oorglo Home Insurance Company building, s Doctors. DR. COLBEY. DH. M. B. LAV. DR. J. A. CROCK ART, DR. J. C. COOK, Druggists. J. I. ORIBTIN, Imported Drugs sM Chomlmls. rnscriptioai otrtftil!/ prepared. II No. lOO Brood street. JOHN Ie, JORDAN, Drnfilit, Two doors below Oeo. W. Brown's Broed Street, Columbi ^ Night Bell right of sonth door. A. M. BRANNON, West Bide, Beoad Steict, Columbus, Wholeenle ud Retail Dealt Drape and Medicine*, Tel let Articles and Per tom Cotton Factories. Manufacturers of Bheetlnif. Shirtings. and » Knlttlnft Thread. Cards Wool aud Grinds Wheat and Cora- Office In roar of Wittleh k Kioael'i, jail K. II. CHILTON Manufacturers of YARN, ROPE, Ae. Music Books for Schools! G. P. SWIFT. President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. Watchmakers. O. SCHOMBURG, O. R. LEQVIN, Watchmaker. 134 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Watches aud Clocks repaired in the best o nsr and warranted. Tobaoco, Cigars, Ac. MAIER DORN. Between Georgia Home aud Muscogee Home. Clftara, Near Broad Street Depot. Barbershops. LOUIS WELLS’ SHAVING SAL (Successor to H. Henes,) Under Georgia Hone Insurance Buildin Prompt and polite barbers in attendance. AUX A MX, Hour of Singing. Price $1. Por High Schools. Well proved, highly popular, practical aud useful book, lly Emerson and Tlldt-n. AMERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC READER. Book I. Prlre S3 crali. This charming number in foi Primary Schools: has full directions for tcachem (in flue print) and deligh’ful little graded exercise* and songs for the children. AMERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC READER. Book II. Prlco N cents. For the Schools and Claffises next above Primary Schools. Advances well into the elements. AMERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC READER. Book III. Prlco M eomti. For the higher Classes of Common Schools. The above books are by Emerson A Tilden, are thorough, well urranged, practical, pleasing and useful. Cheerful Voices. Price 60 cents. In great demand, and la ona of the beet collec' one o School Songs ever published. By L. 0. Oliver Dltsoa k Co., Cku. S. Sltiea A Co. Boston. Til Broadway, N. Y. my83 dZtnwfwsdssat lawly In Bankruptcy. At Columbus, on the 20th day of Dec., A. D. 1873. county of Taylor, and State of Oeorgta, wiidib said district, who hat been adjudged n Bankrupt u on his own petition, by the District Coart of •aid district. JAMES D. RUM, Assigns* Willis Hobbs, Bankrupt. ft*U*r, Gao duly 18,1174. If * «" ED. TERRY, Barter, Dress-Making. Residence and shop in Brownsville. Feed Store. JOHN FITEGIBBONS, Confectioners. I. O. STRUPPER. Candy Manufacturer AND DKALKft IN Stick Candy 18 cents. Full wulgbt guaranteed in each box. Je24 ■ OORtlatS. w. Fe TlQNKRff Dentlitj " Opposite strapper's building, Randolph 8l Special attention given to the insertion of Art!- ficial Teeth, aa. well «* tu Operative Dentistry. f*b22 daw N( T. W. HKNTZ. Dentlat. Over Joseph k Brother’s store. Jall _ W. T. POOL, Denting, nov23] 101 Broad 8t., Columbus, Ga. ^ W. J. FOGLE, Dentin, sep51 Georein Hmne Huildinir. Oo iimlm*. Ga. Boota and Shoes. WELLS A CURTIS, No. 73 Brand Street, Have always a full etook of * Boots and Shoe*, Upper, Solo and Hsr- neii Leather and Findings of all kind*. Reliable goods ( Reasonable prices t N.B.—Special attention to orders by Express, o.o. »• _ Jr* H Livery and tale Stables. RORERT THOMPSON, von C _. . Cou Llwerj, Bole nnd Exchange IteblN. Oolsthoefi, North or Randolph fits., eotSO Columbus, Go. ^ A. OAMMEL* Uvsry nnd Mo fitablss, OaLSTHonra 8t., Coldmsus, Ga. j rParticular attention given to Feeding nnd finb Horses nod Mules boarded In stables by th< month or day. oct29 Restaurants. *j HARRIS COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 32 Brood llgrfteg. s 1 The best of For. igu and Domestic Liquors m< Cigars. Meals at all hours. eon dacie J. J BLACKLY, Prop’r. Fresh Meats. — J# W. PATRICK, StelU No. ft nnd 1ft, Market Homo. = Fresh Meets of every kind and best quality. Jail always on hand. J. T. COOK, Freak Meats of All Kinds, sepA Mall* Noe in and 17. i Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIFLER, Gun and LockhWitb, Urawiord street, next to Johnson’s corner, Columbus. On. Jab yg WILLIAM 8CHOBER# * Gun and Locksmith and dealer in tiunulng Ma terials. Opposite Enquirer Office. jalG Plano Tuning, 4c. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuner of IManoes, Organs nnd Accordoone. Sign Painting also done. i Order* may be be left at J. IV. I’ease k Norman’* Book Store. sup6 Crocers. ~ DAN’L R. B1BE, Dealer in Family Groceries, on Bryan street, b*- — twvou Oglethorpe A Jackson streets. ' 40* No charge for druyage. decT J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Junction of Franklin, Warron k Oglethorpe Bts NO charge for drayage. sepl4 Ift HAM COOPER, * Family Grocer nod Dealer In Country Produce, sep5 next to “Enquirer” Offiee. Tailors. ( G. A. KtEHNE, — Merchant Tailor and Gutter. A full stock, of French and English Broadcloths, Cassiueres and Vestings. aprLA No. 134 Broad Street. d HENRY SELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning and Repairing Done in th« best style. apr24J Corner Crawford and Front Bts. Boot and Shoemakers “ Wit. MEYER, ~ 1 Root and fthoentaker. Dealer in Leather aud Findings. Next to 0. A. Redd k Co.’s. Prompt and strict attention given to orders. Jail ■i Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker In Tin, ftheet Ire*, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Ja7 No. 174. Broad Street. r Painters. ‘ WM. ENOW* JR., A GO., House and 8ign Painters, Old Oglethorpe corner, (Just north of postoffice) me Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for Hoasu and Sign Fainting at reasonable prices, and guarantee satisfaction —. Refer to Wm, Snow. Sr [aprIV u, LAWYERS. W. F. Williams. Chas. II. Wiluams. 8 WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, n<> Attorneys at Law, COLUMBUft, GA. Aft* Offlce over Abell’s stuie. Jy 17 3m ~ W. A. Farley, Attoruoy-at-ZiAW OUS8ETA, Orattauooohbb Go., Oa. 5 JSrSpeclal at’ontion given to eolleetloos. DOCTORS. ~ Dr. J. H. CARRIGER, , SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, ( \FFIOE up stnlra 8.E. cor of BroafI k Ran- VJ iiolph StreotH where he mty be found day or night when not nrufe»8fonaily engaged. Ibdumbus, Aprl 2 , 1874. dtf “ p HINES DOZIER, — Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, DA., TV71LL practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit Yv or any where else. All kind of collections urn rcsHED. “Pay mo or rim away.” novl4 tf -a MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. U r E have <u»t received a full line of MPRING V\ AND BUMMER MILLINERY, In cluding all tbe NOV KI.T1KS ot the season. FKhgPINU AND BLEACHING done in tbs latest styles, at the shortest notice, ita Next dour below tho New York Store. MRS. COLVIN and ncttR—-ly mar4 MI8H DONNKI.LY. | Fall Dress Goods, Bleached Goods, Linens, Ac. Summer Dress Goods BELOW Cost to Aimxvai large lot of Kentucky Jeans and Casslmaraa. BOATBITE & CLAPP, 1B7 BROAD STREET. Hotels. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Nest to Columbus Bank Building. Porters at all tha trains. JalS mho W. F. PNTDKft. Propr'si Builders and Architects^ J. «. <CHALHKHffi, Hsnss Carpenter and Bailder. Jobbing done at abort notice. Plana and specifications (tarnished for nil Ngkfi BANKING AND INSUItANCk. THE FOUNDATION PRICES! : LOWEST at which Dry Goods have ever been In this State! Joseph, db Iro. hand, with the view of accommt TOHKl The thousands who have visited this establishment since it led In the reduction of Dry G cods wll for the quality of goods and all representation* mad*. Cash buyers will never have a better chance. A email inn will go farther now than ever. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE OOMPANT. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly In Full, • - $529,364.92 Boston “ “ “ - - 180,903.89 Total Aeeete—Gold—January let, IS74, $812,<(32.02. LIABILITIES. Lome. Dae end Uoi Lovers in procevs or All other Claims Income, 1878 Income, 1872 adjustment, or adjusted end not due.... COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Osin S 98,669 f - Losses Promptly Adjusted and *' silly Settled by G. GUNB jf JORDAN, Agent, oetzaiy OOLUMBU8. GA. My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!’ Buyers I We must do buslm se at all hasards, profit or no profit—the goods mnst move. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Coods Is being constantly replenished. Just received, MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT 1 If you will only Save whet you Waste, It would be no trouble to become Indeoendent. sr chaste designs. Our stock of rAooiraiT tzixmmxzjom irge, aud is offered cheaper than ever befo-e in this market. We respectfully ask all to call aud examine and get prices. We always show good* cheerfully, and » trouble. NEW YORK •TORE. ». LAXPAUEB. COTTON WAREHOUSES. L. M. BUIKtfi. 0 M. WILLIAMS. BURRUS & WILLIAMS, arehouse & Commission Merchant* Alabama Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. 1 Stock of Bagging and Ties on hand. We also sell the Brown Cotton Gin. Mr. W. U. HUGHES In with us as Scales man, and will b« pleased to aerv* hi* old friend*. EIGLE ft PHEHIX SHINES DEFUITM'T Last than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, ovsr $3,000,000 for the seourity of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reoelvsd. Ssven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. I'KTKR FREER. A. ILLGES. Fontaine A^arehonse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, on Factors & Commission Merchan OOIhTTXCSTTS 0.4- WATCRINC PLACES. Chalybeate Springs Meriwether County, Ga. Thle Celebrated Watering Pieoe le Now Ofin run tmk Rxcrftion of Visitor* OPELIKA DIRECTORY. A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Griffin A Co., hte removed to Ghambere etreet. Hie friende end petrane would do well to cell on him in hie new quertere, end examine etock before baying eleewhere. Prioee at penie retea. j*18 Buftwedtf Doctors. DB. I. T. WARNOCK, Surgwoa and FhysleUa. Office at Slaughter’s Drug btore, Railroad etreet. lumeration here. irytblug I urort orp Suffice it to say rha u!ed, aud add to the A dally line of Stages run from Ooneva to the • Prices to suit the times. Liberal arrange 0HA8. T. PORTER, Ag’t, Proprietor. Warm Springs, MERIWETHER CO., PHIS FAV0R1TK RKS0I-T is PICTURES! Have Them Copied and Enlarged by j Home Enterprise! qpxwa* moors HOTEL8. THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ca. WILL be kspt open this summer in i wull kuowu STRICTLY FIRST CLASS je patronage of those vlsitiug Sava nab is solicited, uud the assurance gtvuu that ev ry effort will bo made to iusure their comfort. Our omnibuses will be loutid at nil arriviug rains and stt-amer*. It. BRADLEY A SON, may27—dAw4tn Proprietor* Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. J. W. RYAN, Prop'r. Faun Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Undbb tub Rankin Hours. ■yM dawtf J. W. RYAN, Prop'r. DR. J. W. R. WILLIAM* Offers his professional services. Office over R. M (irrea k Co.’s, Chambers * R. R. htreat*. Millinery. MISSES WHITE A TUCKER, FasUioasbls Milliners And Dressmakers Gentlemen's Ohirl* cut by chart measure, aud gunrauteed to lit. Chambers street, u« tvuuu’ffi dry goods store. MILS. C. V. BARLOW, Fuklonabls Milliner nnd Drwaamakvr. doio Agent of Uutlertck 4 Co.’s Pattern*. At the lAto Banking House o| dhappard 4 L'o. ipeiika, Ala. JaJM Notaries Public. <7. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Leu county, respectfully solicits tUo patronage of his friends. Holds Court 1st aud Yd daturdays of each r '* at it. O. liolilfleld's law office. Furniture, Re. At tenia l'rivsi. A. O. HARWELL, Dewier la nil kinds of rurnitura. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffins, and Caskets. Jald Cliaiub* r* street, Lawyers. A. J. VICK ERA, Attorney nod Coaaaeellor Office opposite Alabama Hum Practices in all the Courts of tbs *ta Tailors. J. B. CAHFBELL, Toller, Cutting and Making in the Latest dtyies. Ke pairing ueafiy done. South Kali road 8*t., over Furniture dtore, Jal da SAVE YOUR MONEY! SECURITY—PROJOTTOSS—LIBEIlAlITr 1 THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y UeSTIMUES TO OFFER THE FUBUO INDEMNITY apist Loss by FIKE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cat it Baok. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAMI S. MURDOCH 1840. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 81 Brooffi ffitreat. Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. B.S. krrikM, rrw'L II. tv. tviraunx, Ca.ei.r. *. a xiJ.toxn, wt t»tr< The Chattahoochee National Bank or COLUMBUS, GLO. Thle Sink Iraneiote a General Banking butlnate, 'peyt Inlereet on De- poelte under epaolel oontract, gives prompt attention to eolleotlone on ell eooeeelble points, and Invitee oorreepondenoe. Information tronemittod by mall or wiroe whan desired. aprl it 6m ^ J, RHODES BBOWHE, President. 3E0. W. DfLUNSHAU. Collier. GEORGIA HOME RANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stooks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. Dentists. Barber 8hops. •Ugt A NEW CASK Pretty Prints. PEACOCK A SWIFT. WKII.ET BARHIX6EH, Barber, Corner rtonth KailroMil itud Chambers streets. deefli BIG NON dfc TURNER, Bnrtert, Houtli Railroad street, uooer Adams House, deettt Hotels. ABANffi HOUNE. to Opelika, be sure to stop at tb* use, opposite Passenger Depot. Insurance. from I2.GO end upward.. Call and axamlea itaoa.. and bee. roar work dona at borne, ut delay or rlik. 4V COLOMBO deaa la nailery et'eoulbweel eeraer of Iraed eed kae iTUlf ee«l Piques and Lawns VIKY PHBAP. PEACOCK k SWIFT. E. «!. BOWEN * SOS, General lunnnes Agents. Office. Railroad fltreet, over R. M. Oraene k Co.'i nov23 Wood. Wood! J^KBT WOOD, ready sawed, 14.00 per cord. Wood •awsd for 50 osnts |*er cord. Orders filled prompt ly on application to tbe feMi a xuioodii jujtotiwoq m mmi mm umi him Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by thoBo of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, Julv and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chartei, tho entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIREO l ORS: i. RHODES BROWNE, Free’t of the Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Capitulwt, Atlanta. J. K. OLAPP, Mennf'tr, OUpp’a Faotury. Hob. JOHN MclLUENNY, Mayor. JAMES BANKIN, Capitalist. N. N. CURTIS, of Welle,Cortia A Co. L- T. DOWNING, Attorney-at.Law. D. F. WILLCOX. Secretary of; I, Co. JOS1AII Mounts, Iiaulter, Mou.o'y. OHAULEH WISE, mar. fflfirtt Grand. Clearing; Ont Sale ! TO MARK READY FOR THE PPHINO TRADX, WE; NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH! AID IVBUY OTIIKIl ARTICLE AH LOW AH TO BE FOL'HD ELHEWIUBE. CHAPMAN & YEK8TILLE. jot«oo« ee BROAB STREET