Newspaper Page Text
(WU'IH'I. «A. ■
MHX H. lAtTlR, • • • Editor.
«r xoirnriptios skckivkd rsLuw*
Mb. Ouuii H. Uuuu ia lb* ag*ut
for the EuquiaaB-Suir for Mnaeogee and
Ktuoell ooontiM. He u ntbotini to
nolioit advertiaing and mbaoriptiona. and
to rooeipt for tbn tone. We command
him aa a gentleman in ever; way worth;
of confidence.
Two Back tor V*.
Onr column* are hardened with com*
maaioatione preaenting the claim* of can
didatea for oBo*. We aball charge n gn-
lar advertiaing rate* for aooh communica
tion*, aboaing preference and allowing
eiamption to non*. Hie; are written and
pnbliahed in tba iaearaat of individuate,
and though the; me; be of acme general
interact, their number and bulk are too
great to iiapoaeea a newapaper putiliabar
(who baa to pa; hia printer* for ever; linn
of them) without compenaation fur bia
apace and ezpanae.
Ohm two Staten hare yet held elee-
tiona for. Bepreaentatirea to the neat
Oongreaa. 'The; are Oregon and North
Carolina—oee in the extreme nortbwoat,
the other in the aontb. All the Ucpra.
aantalire* elected b; than* two State* are
Demuorata, except one In North Carolina,
and ha la a negro. So no white Uadioal
hae yet bean elected.
The New Yerk JWttm* thiaka that the
reaulta of iaat week * elacUona “fore-
ahadow in a large degree the important
election* of the next three inontha, upon
the reaulta of which the character of the
next Congraa* depend*. We beliera they
will chow throughout the country oomtid-
erable Democratic gain*. The next Con-
greet will be much nearer evenly divided
between the partiea than the present. But
it will probably ba Repnldioan alill."
We ahnil at*.
Kanaaa ia unfortunate In the nelectton
of her United Htatee Sena tore. Pomeroy
baa for a year or more been avoiding >
trial on ortminal charge*, by ooulinuan-
cch, change of vonne, Ac.; and now we
hear that charge* of a moat aeriona char
acter ere made againat Mr. lugalla, the
other Senator, and that they effect both
hia private and bia political ecla. It would
he eomelhing novel, but nut *t all won
derful for theee timea, if K*dhh finda
hereelf unrepresented in the Senete, lie-
eeuee of thoao aeriona ohargea againat her
The Heeling laiartUy.
We entreat the peetplr not to let the oan-
dldetee for office beve the manipulation
of the Demueretio meeting to be held in
the Oonrt-hoime tin Saturday next. T'be
way to prevent thia is for the people to
take the matter in hand themaelvoB, and
thia they cannot do without peraoual at
tendance. D ia eepeotaUy deatiebie that
onr frionda from the oouutry should oome
in, so aa to estop any complaint that the
nomination* were mfde by the voter* ol
the city. Let every pert of the county he
repreaeuted, and let all acme with a deter
mine ion to act for the good of the gaUbB,
rather than in theiotereat of individuals,
and aucoeHH will be the result.
Euoouregcd by the example of every
State that bee held an oleetion recently,
let ub prepare the way for Georgia to
eelipte them all ia good works. The work
of preparation, so far aa Muaoogee ia
oonoerned, ia to ha done on Saturday
Bait. Let it be itett done on that day.
and the way to do it pioperly is for th>
people to take an active interest eud man
age the affair for themedvea A few
boura devoted to thia public duty tuny
avert many evil*—aome of wbioh are
threatening, othera uuaeen. Du not nag-
leet it I
ae* that tba people are voluntarily calling
upon him to represent them in Oongreaa.
And where ia the Georgian, with fadings
nnwarped by the prejudice! of old party
politics, who would nut rejoice to have
hi* State once nor* repreaeuted in (Jon-
greaa by men of Mr. Hill's ability end
high pereonal character? We kaow that
hi* fame aa an orator and atatewnan
would noon be as extended aa the Union,
and that hi* eloquent voio* would cell to
the Representative Hall aa large an aa.
dieace as any man In Congress eonld
command. Wa know that he wonld be
faithful to hia State and people, while
mindful of constitutional Federal obliga
tion*. Why, then, should old party ran
oor pursue or personal prejudice oppose
him further 7
Aa edditional evidence of the growth
of a better feeling towards Mr. Hill, we
oopy the following paragraph from the
Griffin Bent : t
“Hon. B. H. Hill.—At tfmaa we almost
conclude that we beve done thia gentle
men *n injustice in the peat, and while
we have hit him aome pretty heavy licks
lu vulnerable places, we
we propose (o atone
for it to the extent of adding onr endorse
ment to the idee of hi* going to Con green
from the llth District. However faulty
hie judgment may be, w* beve never
doubted Mr. Mill'* p*trioti.m or love for
the South, and although he might to*
meant to accomplish reunite that our peo
ple might not approve, yet when th* in-
teront and honor of bi* section were at
stake, be wonld battle for them more
manfully then any men we eonld send.
“Beside* this, were he there, th* peo
ple of the United Statea would soon learn
that the South bad a champion able to cope
with any man who haa been beard in the
ball* of Congraa. In the last twenty years.
Hi* ebancea for the nomination in the
Uth are good, and wa bupe to see him
Dominated and triumphantly elected ibl*
I he Monroe Adcerliter, noticing th*
designation “Ben Hill organ" applied
to the Atlanta Herald by another paper,
Hays: “If wanting Ben Hill to goto Oon-
grea ennatitutaa a p.per his organ, pnt the
Advertieer down too. In Hku manner we
express the opinion that If wanting Ben
llill to go to Congress makes men his
'organ*,' three-fourth* of the whit* voters
of Georgia may be pat dowe in that cate
gory. ^ ^
hon. m. H. HIM..
One of the enigmas of our latter-day
Georgia polities is the irrepressible war
fare which Borne of the proas uf the Htate
wage egaiuet thia distinguished gentle
man. As lo all llio others of our ante
bellum politicians, the differences prior to
18UI have been forgotten and forgiven
If anythiug i* now remembered in bitter-
uees against them, it is their coarse dur
ing or sinoa the war. But an regards Mr.
Hill the old prejudices of a few active pol
itician* seem ineradicable. Ilia fidelity
end zeal in the cause of tbe Confederacy,
during its struggle, was never onee ques
tioned j indeed, it ia known lo nil that
Mr. Davis leaned upon him aa a “power,'
and that the Adminiat ration found in
none of the eminent end able meu gather
ed around it a more zealous or effootive
supporter. Ilia judgment had coudemnei
tbe act of aeuaiwiou, but hia whole
heart and all bia great cuergiea were wiih
his oountrymen after they had taken the
fatal step. As regard* hia course since
tbe war, there haa never been a aiugle
election, or a single contest upon any of
the meaaures resorted to for our mure com
plete subjugation, upon which Mr. lliil’a
position was not fully known, or upou
which he failed to ataud squarely up
against those measures. Instead of hesi
tating or lagging behind, ho generally led
the way, and while he enoouraged and
animated ua by the cogency of his roa-
eooiug and the power of bis eloquence,
he sometimes startled ua by the boldness
of hia posilioua. But ho happeued to drop
one or two expressions distasteful to some
old politicians with the construction which
they put upon them, and lo oounsei in
one instance a little more oirenmepaction
wheu they were for “smashing” things at
onoe, and theae constitute the staple of
their denunciations of him where they
come down to specification* at all. Bat
thair general mode of fighting him ia a
aoatiering warfare of ridicule, disparage
ment and dislike.
Tbe reeent notion of tbs people
of atverel of tbe counties of th* Ninth
Cong national District affords gratifying
proof that th* people of Georgia generally
do not approve this warfare upon one of
their ablest and boldest men. It ia nut
pretended that be has resorted to any
“eleeiioneeriag” to procure the favor of
the people of that Diatriet, and yet w*
■UNIN4M PlOEFEtTE, KNqt'lBBU-gtre.]
I spent eeverel days in Alabama, reach
ing home yesterday; and I enjoyed my
trip hugely, despite the oppremively hot
weether. Tbe objeot of my viait wee tbe
great farmers' meeting, wbioh was held in
Union Hpring* on th* 8th th*t. I bad nev
er been in tbi* cany iSU* town before, end
I mast acknowledge to sn*greeahl* sur
prise at seeing a place so indicative of past
poeaibla prosperity and future en
terprise. Tbe Oonrt-honaa ia by all
odd* the finest building of tbe
kind I have seen in |tbe Bta'e,
and it refleota credit on tbe enterpria* of
Bullock county end the artistic taste of
theee who adopted th* areMtootanl pUA.
Despits the intensely hot weather, the
people began to gather from different
parts of the oouaty, sad from some of the
neighboring counties, early in the day.
The ball of the Masonic Lodge was made
tbe reoepteeie for tbe acores of well filled
tleskets that hold the contents of the fine
diuuur that was subsequently spread on
lung tables extemporized in the hall. Col.
Powell, Master of Union Hpringe Grange,
osiled the meeting to order in the court
room at half-past 11 A. M. It Was thought
there were eight hundred person* ament
bled, many of them ladies. Th* exer-
oiaea were opened with peeper by th* Be*.
Mr. Turner, of Perot*. After which ad
dressee were delivered by A. R. Calhonn,
Professor LaHette, Captain Feagan, Mr.
Laney, Mr. Powell, and two othar genlle-
meu whose names we did not eatoh. Tbe
speeches were well reoeived, and all were
in favor of improved agriculture, hard
work, and immigration.
After the addresses were over the
people assembled for dinner in the com
modiou* Lodge-room, where the well-
laden tables were in charge of tbe lady
land and Email farms, sod it hm an air of
prosperity about it, Troy is by all
the neatest and moat prosperous
town of the pie w* have seen it
Booth. Therfi ieonly ON* old dilapidated
balking bWling 0th e piece, and that is
Ike ooiirt-bouae. Tbe matket bouse is a
small etroatnag like tbn gammer bones of
a German lege# beer garden. By-the-
way, all the Trojans, with a few excep
tions, that 1 met were Germane, end *
better lot of fellow* It would be difficult
to find. They took me in charge before
I gut to town, end never gave me up till I
left early on Monday morning. Would
that Alabama had a mill top such men aa
J. 8. Holnmnn, Mr. Mebki and Mv. tleod.
The latter German ia an Irish Yankoo.
I am indebted to T. K. Auerbach and
bia charming wife, a Philadelphia lady,
for n meat ilttlightfni social evening. I
hewn fibmrg qy Teterd -fiat the baqtKUl
daughters Bf the QnkWrCity in a fdrm
that admit* of no qaestion. I hope to
visit Troy soon again. In tba meantime
I shall entertain s lively and grstefol re
membrance of the people I met there. I
had the honor of a aall from that ostium-
bia gaatlemaa, Hr. Goldthwaite, and the
pleasure of mealing “Sidnay Herbert,'' ed
itor, and Mr. Poet, proprietor of the Troy
Meetenger, • moat creditable journal.
was to have gone back to Uatebachabbe*
to address a meeting but failed to make
the oonneotion. All my trips convince
me that wa are nesting tba dawn of a
better dey. _
Ad Able BaHMele.
Mr. Bditor ; I have heard tbe name* of
many good meu suggested for the Legis
lature in the lest few days, and l doubt
not any ol those suggested would reflect
aredit on our county. I, ae a good oiti-
xen, will give my support to the uomineea,
no matter who they may bo; hot I oleint,
of course, an individual preference,
end that preference is emphatically for
Doctor E. F. Colley ; not on personal
grounds, hut beoausa I consider him a
man of deoided ability and education.
I do not any that othera may not be as
well informed, but Doctor Colza; baa had
peculiar advantages and he has shown his
fitness by the manner in which he
haa filled every politioal position with
whieh he haa been honored. I there
fore beg to present hia name as one em
inently fitted to carry weight end demand
ing recognition. Tbe legislation of the
next session promises to be very impor
tant, and I am satisfied Doctor Colas;
wonld meat ite requirements as well as
any mao in tbe State. Lax.
ird street*. (o**r Cl'j Mill*<Mk® (
lUintng three ur| Imk« ygooms and A*® b-d-
rooms, together with -MS,' or kitchen,
eoutuning (til*® r»tu«, and tb« ceiisr under etore
No. 172. t'rics to.
W. H. 84UI**,
at No. 17fi BronS »
Democrats of Jfuscogae!
ta t HU
All Autumn Hunt on the Plaint.
oo«!4 not Join tho Jun« Excursion, I have
id« Rrranj?ntn®D*4 for another to l®»ve Atlsnt*
j th® 16th of September, to viait the large cities,
end the prettiest profile country of tbe Woit.
for full particular®, edtr®*s
eugl2 It j EAM’L A. KCI10L8, Atlanta, Oe^
The Hannah Moore Academy,
Wtmr Baltlmor®,
iFFERfi special inducement* to those desiring
1 for their daughter® careful training, thor
ough I'iNfru -tiiu, high vulture, nod the iuflueucta
Of a CkrlatUa ikomi.
Then it turn will begin Wednesday, 8®pt. 16.
Address Rkv. ARTHUR 4. RICil, M D ,
auglil vim B*i®torstown, Md.
F M BROOKS, Ordinary.
In obedience to th® Instruction of the
B'-S* Democratic Convention of laat Saturday,
I do hereby call upon tho Democrat! of Mnscoge®
to mfemble In Convevtloa st th® Court Huns® of
Muacogp-, at 12 M., ON 8ATURDAY, TUB 15TU
of |fifn mouth, to nominate four fielsgstss for the
Congressional Convention, hereafter to b® held,
for nomluating a candidate for thl® Dietrict, and
ilUo to name candidate® for th® Legislature to
represent Muscogee conuty.
Chairman of Batarday’® Convention
an“5 deodtdAwIt
Kill the Cotton Worm® I
Pori® Green and Arsonio.
roll SAAB BV
To the Democrat® of Mur
I mnnoaoen aym-lf • c«n<i.d«to for th" Legi®la-
ture, Riiljoct to the actio* of th® Nunuuating
Conveiition next Saturday.
NiigU id W. If. WILLIAMS.
Fresh Drugs for Sale.
Ail intend to clooe op my btiNinrsa h»r<
leave early In th® fad f»r Fh rld-i, i offor my
entire atock at MUCH liMLOW COdT, to avoid e
peit»e of trmriMporUtion.
A large lot of LAMPS, VA8RS, FANCY 000D&,
A®., will bo sold at a prent tmrgaiu.
J. I. CRIFFIN, Druggist,
augll tf IOC Broad Street.
Safe and Paying Business Already
Established, for Sale.
fnvor»ble terinr.
hit® and conntry Merchant® wonld do
rail, aa I am determined to redaenmy
large and well nvlocUd AUttlu
_J®5' 2 m
W. W. SHARPE & 00.,
Publisher®’ Agent®
No. 2f> Park Bow, New York,
Are authorised to Ceatrae* tor Ad-
vertlsiua la aar paper.
my14 tf
N. J. BUSSEY, Agent
Cotton Tie Company.
The trade supplied at lowest mar
ket rate*.
mytT dAm
Tba Franoh periodical, Mittiont Catlio-
liquee, of the laat of July, gives the first
sulhentio sod detailed narrative of the re-
oeat aiaeeacre uf Uomaa Getbulio native
converts in China.
Th* aoooant, aa translated for the Lon-
the “liUratetm the peraeouting party ih
called, opened,the campaign by behead
ing two wen*til the nertiee of Pere Donre
end e Obrietieu, whom they then threw
tnlo llie five* 'the eMAiMhp they bam-
ed'the toroe ViHrtgun uf IVun-£, tu, Fio-
Vinh end Ban-Teob, end uiARsacred the
inhebiUnU that were In them. Thoee
who enoceeded ih eeoeping to tbe woods
were hunted down with hound®, brought
beck endthe d*«y. I he
river war covered over with Dodieit floet-
iug down it from (he aide of Lareg. At
kbit time the tpURdprerg were mesHaoreiBg
tbe Ohridtfene of ^he pariah of Ilulven,
and were burning their villages. Those
who took refuge in the ettfti of tbe neigh
borhood were huuted down and burned
alive. The Qmud Mandarin of Justice watt
at the market of Ha-Nam with 800 soldier*,
but remained an inactive spectator of the
ire of the Christians ot Nam-Duong,
only i few of whom were ebie to escape.
who were the heads of the militia ap
pointed to masseore the Christians, say
that the work uf extermination carried
out under the eyes of the mandarins was
concerted between the Court end the lit
erates, and was done in reprisal for reoent
events. Hie mandarine have )u«t receiv
ed orders from the Court not to employ
auy other means save those of persuasion
to stop the murderers in their career.
One of the ehfefto, who bsd just * caused
two Christians to be murdered on the high
road, went on the parado before tbe Gov
ernor of the citadel, bp whom he was dis
missed with honor. On his return twenty
women end children fell under tbe Hwnrd
of this man and his followers. He had
just come from offering daorifloe to the
Goddess of Prostitution, to whom a fa
mous temple, that stands near the road, is
In several localities they take an entire
family—father, mother and children—
bind them together with bamboos, and
then fltug the bnndle of living buniauity
into the waves. First, however, they
take care to out off the man’s bead. Tbe
iualtitude of dead bodies thus fastened
together in groups of from eight to ten
block up the principal river, but to the
greet surprise of every t»ody does not seud
forth any bed smell. There ere thuu tive
perishes, containing 10,000 Christians,
which have to be blotted oat of the mis
siuu—namely; Lang-Thunk-Huyeu, Nam-
Dopug,Hoy-Yen end Doreg-Thank. Many
of the viotima died in tbe midst o' dames
A village of wore than 400 Christians was
attacked by the literates, and soon became
a prey to the flames Among these 400
Christians tbero were IlfO, more or less,
who succeed^ in waving themselves by
taking refuge in a large village noar by.
The remainder, about 800, were nearly all
massacred. Two small villages of Chris-
tiaus, situated two honrs' walk from the
plaoe nt which I then was, were hemmed
in by tho pagnus. The Mayor visited
each Louse, numbered the Christians, and
forbsdo them, under threat of the most
severe punishment, to go ont of doors.
A few of the Christian women attempted
to go to the market to keep themselves
from starving. They never returned.
Some pagan women who weut with them
say that the Christian women were cap
tured and beheaded. Two men from one
of these same villages hazarded a flight
during the night. They passed the great
river by swimming, and came to me to
tell their misfortunes.
“Alas,” writas Bishop Gauthiar, from
whose letter this information is chiefly
derived, “I eonld do nothing but weep
for them, being unable to do anything to
suooor them!” Two or three days after
wards I learned that alt the men in thst
village had had their heads oat off, but
the womeu and children were spared.
And, as their houses were intermingled
with those of the pagans, it was forbidden
to burn thorn down.
Keslseky^iswrier Milled.
Midway, Woodfobd Co , Ky , Aug. 11.—
Nearly all di®aa®«® originate from Indlguatlou
and Torpidity of ti e Liter, and reliefjH
anxfoualy " ‘ ‘ “
Constipation, Jaundice. Putu in the Bhouldnr®,
Cough, Chill®. Dlxxines®, Hour Stomach, bad Taste
in th« Month, Bilion® Attack®, Pulpitation of the
Heart, Depression or Spirits, or the Blues, and a
hundred other symptoms, fur which SIMMONS'
1,1 VICK RKUULATOR la the best remedy that has
ever been discovered. It act® mildly, effectually,
and being A simple vegetable compound, can do bo
Injury In any quantities that it nmy be taken. It
Is harmless ih every way; It haa been used for
forty years, and hundreds of th® good aud grout
from all part* of thn country will vouch for ita
being the purest and best.
Siam's' LIVIK REGULATOR, *r Medicim,
I® harmless,
I® no dr stic violent medltine,
-e to cure if taken regularly,
intoxicating beverage,
Ia a faultless family medicine,
la the i hexbest medicine iu the world,
la given with aataty and tha happleat rasntts to
the moat delicate infant, •
Doe* not interfere with bnBlneaa,
l)oe® not disarrange the system,
Take® the plac® of Quinine ana Bitters of every
Contains the simplest and best remedies.
fob 1 * deodawly
F* B.-a-ley’s Mill, consisting of Scantling. loch
boards and dheathiog. Alto a good lot of First
( lass lumber on hand. n . lilv
Address •• MAPLT,
•uj{g tf Colnmbu®, Oa.
court®, of different 8tat®a, for desertion, dc.
No publicity required. No (Aarg® until dlvoro®
granted. Addros®,
Bowery Academy
of tbit School #
mxa* eWMoetoy, tk.
xta> of(
jt-.r-l' a. k. h«4 «t IILTO |«r
■mb, yeyaM* i*Tiaimf i» *»•
’Vuftlon In 1-lt.rarj firpaftiunt for tb.
80 icliolastic day*, $13 00.
In Musical Department 14 per month, on«-half
payable an he end of the first two months, bal
ance at the cloa* of tha tarui.
No deduction from tuition except In ease® of
protracted sickness. • ;
Tho Principal »nd Teacher®, b*r®ving that mk
less the facts of ®uy brauch of ®tndy are acquired
in connection with the ti«KN upon which th®y
are based are soon lost, they adhere strictly %n9
lit®rally to tbe **y mi whtrtfor* ®y®Um.. .
“IlAan lnn>t" and ctos* tHlRtiRC haVeifia*,
ar® making, and will n»»k®, (as Isu w thwv are
iy) the rrucfcaul. k*|/W and nucoutftU moa of tie
world. Tor thia reason “HaED brunt" I® tbe
motto at Bowery. Such pupils as »re too delicate
to undergo close mental discipline are not ®ollc*
'^Kach patron of this school Is earnestly requested
to meet tbe Triocipal, Teacher® and pupil® on the
morning of th# 27lh, at 8 o’clock.
at TalboUtm, (i
J. Q.C4LH0UN, Prln.
MIAS H. A. V. MtLLKd, Ass’t,
Musical Teacher.
Pio Nono College,
Maeon, Ca.
r and magnificent College will open
r< cept -on of atudents on TUESDAY,
T his m®
for tbo
OCTOBER 6th, 1874.
.. Savannah.
bi mated two miles from ih® city proper, and
occupying a lofty eminence overlooking .he sur
rounding country, the Pio Nono College, with a
delightful grove and recreation ground® covering
forty-five acre®, ufiord® every advautag® to th®
#tU'i«*nt. w .
The Dorr.estio Department and Infirmary are
uuner the care of the Si® «*r® of Merc>.
Ternik—Board and Tuition per anuum, $260.00.
For further particulars, address
Hit. 0. P. OABOURY,
jySldawtm President.
D avidson
Next KsmIob will begin Reft M, 1874.
Healthy location. Moral atmosphere. Strict dia-
'clpllne. Thorough teaching. Moderate charge®.
Seven professor®. lor Catalogue or information,
apply to J■ K. BLAKE,
f?X) dvwty
M. HOUSE, Attorney,
184 Broadway, N. T.
Cotton Factory.
Columbus, Ca.,
A RK prepared to supply merchant® promptly
und In a satisfactory manner with thebeft
quality of
Cotton Checks,
Ginghams and
all of which are iu fast colors^ jtgd or the laUEt
and most approved patterns.
4GP» Factory corner of 8t. Clair and Jackson
litre t. Office on Jackson street.
Je24dam. .
Wanted for Cash! lb*. Dry End Green Hid**,
200,000 “ Rag*,
r>o,ooo “ Bee*w*x,
ih)liv®ro4l at wharf.or railroad depots in this city,
at highest market price®, by
C*|a*nk*w, Da.
patron* and their ooniely deoghlen.
better dinner It would be difficult to g»t
iu tbe mo*t fevered agricultural oomiuu
city, end it wa« fully appreciated by ell
preent. Tbe country aronnd Union
Spring* i« ac itch end well fevered that it
O'mid Mippurt a denae papulation, if «ot-
ton were not tbe ail-ebeorbing objeot of
culture. Tbe time mn*t come when tbe
Hgriouliurel cepaoitiee of Bnllock wilt be
developed. One-half it* ere* i* .till cover
ed by lh« primitive foreat, end over fifty
thou**nd aero* i* turned out ea exhauated,
but it could nil be recovered by judicioua
green manuring end deep plowing in e
fete year*. • I ecu versed with a great
many farmer*, and tbe univereel etate-
ruent I* “good corn crop*, and the cbauoce
for action oxaellout." I wa* unable to
find any mau wbo bad auffered or aeen
any eolton that bad been injured by
worm* of any kind. I found tba Enqui-
kbh Son popular in Union Springe and all
aay tbay trill take it when money get*
easier. I bare deoided with tbe oonaent
of tbe proprietor to tell all wbo desire tbe
paper that they oan have it, agreeing to
pay for it by tbo middle of November
next, and this in order to place a live fam
ily paper iu the hand* of every man wbo
oau read.
Aa tbo Exyni8*B-8i>M repreeentative, I
waa very kindly reoeived by all the peo
ple of Union Spring, end vicinity.
On Saturday evening I went down to
Troy, with conductor Pieroe; but aa it
wee dark, I aew little of the oouutry. I
have forgolten tbe name of the hotel I
.topped at, but 1 think it waa “The City,"
kept by a widow lady. I can aay, how
ever, that a better hotel it wonld be bard
to find in a town of th* acme six*, North
or South. It ia a clean, coxy, well kept
honee, with diebe* well carved, and bed,
olean and well aired. Pike county, in all
State* that baa • Pike, ie rather behind in
eirilixitiou, and tbe namealwaya nggaeta
the “Jo* Bowers, who had a brother Ik*, -
wbo came from Old Uiaaonri; yea, ,U the D “'
. . » n .nt AI and tbe body carried a«r«y. It it unknown
way from Pike, Ao Bat Pikaoaauty, Ala, wbvtUr rovaoga provptad tbo
i* tb* *xo*puou. It ia * oouaty of good', act.
that onn givun to person® sufferiiiK from dys-
iioiisia, bilious complaint, colic, counumption. nick
Uondiicht', fever and ague, nervous debility, or of
any disorder affecting tbe stomach, tbe live • or
kidneys, Is to ton®, cleanse, ami regulate those im
portant organ® by the use of DR.'» UTT’8 VKOKT-
1)LK LIVER FILLS. They act very mildly, yet
thoroughly restore the functional action of the
digestive orgoae and thV iutmtUiet and reuornto
the whole ayetein. Thoy produce neither imusen,
griping or weakness, ami may be tukoti at any
time without change of diet or occupation.
I’flee 25ca box. Hold by all druggists.
K^e detected by tbo closest observer. It Is
harmless and easily applied, and is iu geu^ral us •
Price $1
the Cumberland river. For beauty of ®o«ner* and
hnalth'.ulnosB it i® nnequalod by any iustitoHou
in the 8<mth. Bickne®« is almost unknown.
Chalybeate wiser in coustibt supply, ia within
the enclosure, and the purest White 8ulphurJr"‘
outside tha grounds. The course of ®tu<*y is th<
ough and so lid; tho system of tho school in occur
dance with tbo best models in the country. Re
tired, yet within oaay r®.tch of the city. It has
for young ladies all tho advantages and nonr
the drastacks of city schools The Academy
fers with confidence for verification of its pa-'
effic ency to Its many fini-ihed graduates, and its
pupils scattered throughout the Pnufh
Add res t
augt 4w
throughout the t*nnth.
* cilia Acad
For Rent.
J IHB HOUSE, or • portion of it, corner j
Forsyth and Franklin street®, now occu-J
pied by the subscriber. Possession first October,
or sooner if desired.
swgg tf J . A.TYLBk.
For Rent,
. pperend, in excellent neighborhood,
at present occupied by Dr. £. C. Uood, tin evw
lortabk- room®, out-houses, garden, excellent
To Rent.
J^FTBR April 6th, two Farnishsd BED
BOOMS, Kitchen and 8tablo, with nse of dining
room and parlor. Address
apl tf M, Roquirer Offiae.
For Sale or Rent.
T HE RESIDENCE second door south of 8t
Paul’s Chnrch, at present occupied by Mr.
Peyton. With a week’s nutloo, possession will In-
given 15th August. Parties desirous of renting
cau secure a home frotn August !6th proximo to
October 1st, 1875. Apply to
jy30 dlswtf
J. 8. JONES.
Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases of the 8kih, St. An
thony's Fire, Kryaiitelat, Blotches, Tumors, Boils,
Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm,
Rheumatism, Pain and Enlargement of tbe Boues,
Female Weakness, Sterility, Leucorrhfva or
Whites, Womb Dl«e«ses, Dropsy, White Swellings.
Syphilis, Kidney and Llv*r Complaint, Mercurial
Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impure blood.
ia the most poworHil Blood Puridor known to
medical scionoe. It outers into tlie circulation
and eradicates every morbific agent; renovates
the system; produces ahcaut'ful complexion and
causes th® body to gaiu fleoli ami incroaso iu
Kespths Blood Healthy
and all will be well. To do so, uotbing has ever
been offered that can compare with this valuable
vegetable extract. Price $1.00 a lint tie. Sold by
Xstray Sale.
CVSSITA, G A., Aug. 8th, 18?4.
W ILL be sold on tba premises of J. 11. Wool
dridge, st Jamestown, Ua , on Saturday,
tbs 15th lost., a certain ctiw marked as follows:
'tplit lu each e^r, red and white spots iu front, red
feat, most of t.ind pari solid white. Will net about
two hundred pounds; thrss or four year® old.
Said es* sold as as sstrav.
Mf&l wit Ordinary,
We oiTVr to the public u simple, cheap Pawtiy
Knitting M ( ciiink. In imuroving and perfecting
our Antoiimtlc Nttchlne, we have aimed at
NIKPLIIITY, and vre confidently assert that
any person of ordiuaiy ingenu'ty will he able to
use tin* Knitting Muuhina with tetter suecexi
than a dewing Machin •. Onr Machine ia n * lie
t»le to get out of order. It can lie attached to an
ordinary table uud worked by a child. Foil in
struct ions ucunmptuy each Machine. Families
may Hub together and buy one Machine, as
will do the Knitting for a dott n households.
Send for Circular® and Price List.
N B.—Wo are a’so the sole and exclusive Agents
for »he celebrated Bickford KnlVtlmff Ma
Ntw Twk Knitting ImUm C*.,
jyl2 dftwtf 689 Broadway, Nsw York.
year, NOW is the proper time to place your
houses with ms.
Hair Street, Ounby’s Building, nest t
Prser, III gas k Co.
Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance,
To Merctmnta' aud Mechanics' Bank, this etty.
aprlU tf
C OMMERCIAL Travelers who solicit orders by
Card, Catalogue, Trade-List,Sample, or other
Bpeuimeu, also those who vieit their customers
and solicit trade by purchases mads direct from
nock, and who travel in any section, by rail or
boat, (telling aay chut of goods, ere requested to
®eud their Business aud Privets Address, M be
low, stating clu4s uf goods they sell, sad by whom
employed; also those who are at prsoest under no
engagement. This mattor is of great importance
country and that they wfl! at ooce give it
their attention. Those who comply srith above
request will he confidentially treated and duly
advised of object in viow. Please address, (by
letter only ) COOPERATION,
care Ge j. P. Rowell A Co., 41 Park Row,
JylSeodlm Key York Pity.
Beal Estate Agents
iu tho City and oouutry, aud will advertise thi
same (at privato sals) FREF OF CHARGE, unlc»
the property is sold.
For Sale.
VACANT LOT OF LAND, being the west por
tion ol the “Nance lot,” on Bryan • rest, adjoining
the residence of Ilou. M. J. Crawford. Cali how
if you want a bargain. feblfi tf
CITY LOT No. 001, on McIntosh street, with
thrre dwellings on the same. Will be solo
together or separate, at a low figure, for cash.
business ceutre of the city. Will sell at a great
bargain, or to an acceptable party an undivided
interest. The property can be made to pay a large
interest ou the investment.
acres ground, in Liuwood, one mile from 8. W. I
R- depot; a very comfortable and desirable hom<
HOUSE with five good room®, within 200 yards
of SontbweHtern Kiilroad depot, ous-balf acre
For Rent.
A STORE 1I0U8K in the valley of Talbot connty,
at a cross-road, three miles of the Chalybeate
Springs. A very desirable location for a Dry
Goods and Grocery busineits. sep!7
For Sale Low.
no.* tr apply ac tbi* orrM®.
Notice—Change of Finn.
\LTB take this method of informing the trading
public that we hava this day associated
with ns in business Mr. CHARLES H. WATT.
Tbe firm name will t
inform our
_ .on band, in
quant ties to suit any class sf purchasers, making
„ DIA VTA TIAV unoui * too *
For Sale.
V known property on th. oorthaut cor
ner of «od Urldy. .treat., eoniltti.f
ol * .lx roomed, two-atory tram. bnUdlnf. with
Mor. honw and n nombrr or other oot balldhir,,
on n kntf Mr. lot of good land.
tor term,, apply to Dr. W. T. POOLE, 10! Erond
mm, ColambM, at ANDREW WILLIAM!, Wat
Po<*h Ea. j«*o .*■
Weekly 1 Enquirer I
Within the Reach et Every Man,
Woman end Child I
40,000 Subscribers Wanted
▲t SO Cents Apieeet
nENMwvweitoW n aeMt* pollti-
oxl oampAign (his fall in Georgia Bad Ala.
btmx, End It la of vital impotrtanoa U thx
poopla tha* they ahould ba tbonmghly
poaUd on tha .quantum of party i—,
and also a* to th* life tod oharaetan at
th* atra fbr whoat lh*y an to vote. To
fill thin want IK* publUher of Um
hM datormined ia ontsbUnh no mm m hi
oau yet one UtoBMUid aubsoribwra,
n<nm »
whi«hhE Wtll eemS to toy eiMpeee to th*
FIFTY eflrrs FOR FIVE mouths
'• ' , titd ■ ■
Tea thrmaaad extra eopl«* win b*i*raed
on tha fliBt *dMa*-~to ImpoiUat faat of
which advertiser* ahould avail thmmlv**.
OwdMatas, and ebainaen of ootniBit-
tow lu Georgia and Alabama, an wall M
Granger* and other bodies, ahould mek*
up oiMbs ut oue*, and awd aa all tha pa
il information th*y oau giau. Tha
iasuw are of great importance, aud tha
peopta tboatt h* roaaml to th*«aMrg*Mf.
Groat ,ta will b* th* *xp*u** iavataadlu
thia totarpri**, I will, u an extra tudo**-
meot, **ud fro* for oa* year tha Warn
or Bundax Eaquiaam-Sua to any paiaou
■•nding m* twenty aua** and tea doUaaa
Hard timea oannot be urged for not
taking thia paper, a* ita low eoat plaoe* it
within the roach of all. Lai our Mand*
go to work at out*, aproad tha n*wa, and
aid us in wearing auoh a circulation u
will mah* tha n*w aatotprlw a meditua
of tha groat eat good. *
Good men ohly will b* wdomd aa®
no effort will ba iparod to rid AUhmaa <•
the harpia* now praying on bar.
In addition to all polttltol n*w*. th*
Oauupmiga Enquirer,
a thirty-two oolumn papar, will contela
G*a*nl and Foraign New*, th* lated
Market*, Crop iteporta, Hint* for Flaul-
•n, abl* Editorial*, Honaebold Reclp**,
iteligiou* Intolligeno*, Sketehee of Y.»v*l,
At <qe » f ■
Original Btorlet, Poetry, aud Loeel Intel-
Form Your Clubs at Oncol
A. R. Calhoun,
OOliUMBU®, ek.