The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 14, 1874, Image 1
' 1 "■ 1 MB #B ft -Ajsro I .1 rlinquirer JDA.TJLTZ’ IBANK WESSELS, { the rMriirm. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1874. VOL. XVI-—NO. 188 TSXttCS DAILY, WEEKLY* 11 AND SUNDAY Twain month*, in alnnoa $5 00 Six months, " 4 00 Thru month*, " * 00 On* month, “ 7So. ffniLi Exqraxm, on* y**r >00 Bombay ExqniRXR, on* jmt S SO Bithdat and Wibu Xnoouna to gether, on* y**r. 8 00 AtrwtWM ■n**t. |Ws*, Dally $ $ ? oo 1 Month, 1 Iqnireljriw M0 , • SO , 100 , IS 00 , IT 00 , SO 00 , SS so as oo 4* 00 •virj thrae month*, tot yearly mt4i n Ubornl ooaot will In nidi. The Weekly mtee will lnenrloMf he e«a-third Of the Dally. When an adverttssmsot le ahaagsd mere then once In three month! the advertiser will he shftrg- •4 with the coot of oompoeltlen. Vorelgn adver tiser* moat pav as de those nt home. Oemoofatle Conventions At Opelika. J. K. COM, •/ fnrtym Jf.intn.«.< /w Juif-Mort itavl Ik* Cwnnuim. 1 THE COTTON CROP. JVLT UNIT OF THE ADBICCE- Tl'KAI. DEPARTMENT. 0*1, *ti.w In,r»«n*.l-Ur„|. Bird* B**tr*rlnc Ten** In**et*. Wa»xi«oton, Angu.t 13.—The Augtut* ntnrna of th* Department of Agriculture ihow an improvement in the ptosepeota of the ootton crop in *11 the large cotton State* eioept Alabama, in which, daring July, th* average declined two por cent. Virginia alto declined two per sent.; Arkanaa* eeven per oent., and Tenneaea* *1* per oent. The two Statee teat named oom plain of extenaivo and aevere dronght*. North Carolina maintain, her Jnly aver age, reporting a general prevelenoe of lino condition* of growth. No inaoot depredation*, exoept lloo, in a few plana* tn Lincoln county. The crop waa twenty daya in advance, th* drat bloom being on Joly 31*t. Booth Carolina report* a oonaidatabl* improvamoot; while Oeorgie advances her average one per oent., MiaaliOdppi two por oont., and Florida aix per cent. From aeveral oouotiea in thee* Statee oome oom- plainta of local droughts, impovoriabing th* growth of the plant*; in other heavy | the foot of the table, holding in hia hand W* give the follewieg additional re garding th* Democratic Convention* held at OpelUu on Wednesday, from n epeeUl and paaaangan. Onr telegram, neeived yeeterday mom' ing, from Upallha atataa that th* Daaao- oratio and Conaervatlva Ooavaation of tha Ninth Jndioial Cirontt, for tb* pa. poo* of nominating a caudidatafor Judge, mat af ter th* Congreaaioual Convaotion oloaad. H. 0. Armstrong waa alaotad Chairman. Lyman Hartin, of Buaaall, and J. X. Gobb and W. O. Holvar, of llaooa, Judge J. H. Chilton, of Lea, and W. D. Bulger, of Talinpooaa, ware pnt In nomination. About 11 o’olook, after fifty ballot* had been held, r. a. conn, of Tnakegoa, Haoon county, waa nomi nated. U* ia a lawyer of ability, about thirty yean of ago, at on* lima editor of Urn Tuakagaa If ewe, and i* now n partner of B. F. Ligon, E#q., tha Democrat!* nomi nee for Lientenaat-Oovomor. It ia con fidently predicted ha will carry th* Dia- triot. th* ooNoaxaaioNsL dhtbiot. Our apeoial baa given th* nomine*. Colonal F. U. it****, of Loo eonnty, was the secretary. Tha following waa th* reeolt of tha flnt ballot: E. Q. Biobards, 24; J. B. Mc Donald, 33; Tanl Bradford, (0; W. H. Chamban, 43. Oo th* third ballot Jodga Biobards waa withdnwn, and on tha seventh Colonel MaDonald; after whioh tb* ballot stood— Bradford, 77; Chamber*, 73. At on* tin Obamben waa in th* sigh tie* and Brad ford in the aixtiea. Altar the eighteenth ballot Oolonal Chambers was withdrawn and, the rules being anspandad, Tanl Bradford, of Talladog* ooanty, was sleet ed by aoolamation. Bradford is about thlrty-Av* yuan of aga; vary prominent in Alabama politios; an able lawyer and afieotiv* speaker. Ha will oarry the white counties by traman dona majorities and sweep tb. District. Being loudly called for, and amid a tbnsiaatio ohaariog, Col. Bradford ad- dreaaed tha moating and mad* a happy apaaoh. Ho declared th* aopramaay of th* whit* man, and ridienlad th* idea of Pelham and the Badioal robbers that, with $19,000 worth of baoot, stolon from the overflowed a off arsis, (bay ooold grease tha throats of oaongh voter* in this District to elect hii In auawar to oalla, Col*. Chamber., MoDonald and Jndg* Bishaids pladgad thair warmest anppot to tho nomiao*. xxaoLDTioNB DMAxmonanx anonxn by Qen. E. U. Law: Kesolved, 1. That tbia eonvantion cor dially endorw tha platform of principles adopted by the let* 8tet* Ooovantloo of the Damooratio and Oonaarvatlva party, assembled in tbs oily of Montgomery on the 29th sod 30th July, 1874. Besolved, 2. That th* mambata of thia Convention pledge themaelvae to an earn eat and determined anpjiort of tha nom inees placed upon th* Hut* ticket by said convention. Adopted amidst oheera. oomnrrua irroiirrxp. Central Committee.—1. B. Dowdoll, J. K- Edwards and William Hina*. Dietriet Committee.—Clay county, 8. Stookdsle ; Coosa, Oaorg* T. Moon Chambers, J. A. Holme*; Elmon, A. Brooks; Macon, F. S. Holt; Randolph, B. H. Boll; Kassel!, W. 0. Clifton; Ttl lapooaa; J. P. Otivor; TaUedags, T. I. N. Carry. On motion, tb* Convention then ad journed line die. Tha Bara WaaHinaTOK, Angnat ll.—Th# follow ing report upon th* Banili comet, ra- oeived at the Nevy Dapartmant to-day • t tem fite Naval Ohosrvatory : ‘ U. 8. Naval Obsebvato*t, Aug. 11.— Sir : I have tha honor to nport to th* Dapartmant that approximate alamaot* of tbnorbit of tb* oomat of Banili have head oomputed by Prof. Nowoomb, from hia observation*, combined with th* posi tion telegraphed from Pari*. It •$$•*«• from these element* that the oomat will naaa it* perihelion about tho 25th of Aogaat. It will b# visible with a tala- aaopa in th* evening till aboat th* and of th* month, and in tb* morning daring tb* whole of Saptambar. It is not likely to beoome brilliant enough to b* soon by tb* naked eya. No tail had developed at th* tim* of tb* last observation. Th* orbit deter mined by Prof amor Nawaomb lndioatas that it is a new oomat, aino* no known eomet hM been found to no?t in an orbit anywhere near it. Very raspaetfolly, you obodtoat **r- vaat, O. h7davi», Bair Admiral Sopt. BEECHER. The Bcpwrtars Besieging Baas Bar’s House. Nxw York. Aug. 13.—Tba movements of tho Beecher Investigation Committee are dally being more completely wrapped up and void of importance. Mr*. Baaob- er’s honaa, on Colombia Haights, waa fixed upon as the only plaoa wbaro the committee were likely to bo, and tha side walk* in conaeqnenoa war* thronged with newspaper reporters. OOmrtTTKX WKAMT—BXXOHXB WILL arxAi twenty ooLtntxa. Nxw Yoxx, August 13.—Th* Beecher Committee ere weary. Tb* paper* will probably be submitted to a sub-oommit- tae, who will report to n fall oommitte* shortly before frost, whon they will report to the Plymouth congregation, th* bulk of whom at* now worshipping at plaoas of reaort. Beecher propose* aaylog in twenty not noma in tha Tribune. It aeame that h* had hoped that words and tim* will take the edge from the Truth. biichsb's examination. New York, Angnat 13.—At 10 o'olook thia morning tha investigating committee met in Beeelier's back parlor. Two sten ographers ware present. Beecher act at rain* have earned an axoaaaiv* growth of weed*, with a tendency to long joints, end email fritage. Caterpillars an reported in many localities; but they appear to be generally even later in thair development than th* orops. Several correspondents think they an too late to damage any but th* top orop. In soma oonntios th* bottom orops an poor, while the middle eropa are luxnri. ant. Whan a good stand waa secured early tha orop is generally reported as batter than for yean. Louisiana suffered severely from fresh- at* in th* early part of the season, reduc ing her Joly average to 73. The duns- troii* oonasqnoaoea were partly remedied by improved conditions of growth in July; but still tho orop ia 17 per oent. bslow average in aoroa parishes, as in East Feliciana. Tha working foroea of farm animals waa seriously crippled by tha oharboo (?), eaoaing the orops to remain nnworked at eritloai periods. No aorioos inaoot inju ries are foreshadowed, and the ton* of th* correspondence ia more hopeful. Texas baa inonaaed bar high average, showing n general and aatiafaotory im provement. Insect* wars demonatrating ia different quarters, hot were successful ly met by remedies. In Oonxalaa ooanty a large rad wasp waa making war upon tha farmer'* enemiea; while in Waller flooka of small birds, never before seen, war* vary deatruotive upon them. Tha State averages wars as follows: Virginia, 98 per oent. of an average orop; North Carolina, 102; Sonlh Carolina, 97; Oaorgia, 94; Florida, 102; Alabama, 90; Miiaieaippi, 89; Louisiana, 83; Texas, 105; Arkansas, 87; Tennessee, 83. MISSISSIPPI. PBACB REPORTED AT ACHI8. Mxmphis, August 13.—The latest re port* from Ana tin state that tha troops bad disbanded and gone home. Peace is matured. FOREICN INTELLIGENCE. NPAIN. Prakable Change of Ministry. London, August 13.—A change of Min istry ia probable at Madrid. It is thought (tenant Domaiogia, who took Oartegooa, will b* Colne Minister of War, and Gen. Morlemna be plaoed in supreme command of the Army of the North. ■sport Caatfndtetad-Anny Move ments. Madrid, August 13.—Th* report that a crisis in the Cabinet is eminent is oou- t radiated. The Bepublican troops, oomruanded by Marshal Eaballa and Gan. Loxerna, have bean united at Miranda, where they are confronted by eighteen battalions of Car lisle. Be ported Booed nttlon by England. Vibnna, August 13.—Tbs If etc Free Creel states that England has reoognisad th* BapnbHe of Spain. CUBA. TBs Soger Orop. Havana, August 13.—A statement of th* sugar orop of Cobs, for th* past year, shows that 79.58 per oent. of th* total ex ports of soger end molasses wont to th* United States, or waa taken by th* United States. Galvbiton, Angnat IH.-^utet and Jo. higher ; good ordinary 14Jo., middling* 16j ; net reoeipta 41. ttoxiu, August 13.—Quiet and steady; middling* l«o. ; net reoeipta 40. Boston, August 13.—Quiet; middling* 17jo. ; isles 150. Auodra, Angnat IS.—Quiet; middlings 15|{ reoeipta 58; sales 26. Tremble Between tb* Vetted States and China. Washington, Angnat 12.—Tha partici pation of oertaio officers of tha United States aarvio* in tha movements of the Japan*** Government against the inhab Hants of the island of Formosa ia likely to eausa some embarrassment between onr Government and that of China. The latter claims to have jurisdiction over th* Wand of Formosa and its people, end that any proceedings on th* part of Amer ican oitixens of an unfriendly or bellig erent eharaotor against said island is a violation of neutrality. Ono of tb* offioers oonnaotod with the Formosa expedition ia Liont. Douglaaa Castle, of th* navy. Gen. L. Girardeau, United States Consul, is also attached to it. A Treats* Murdered In Church. Lxxinoton, August 13.—During tha aarvio* of a Methodist Church, three, mile* from Carlisle, a rough, named Ham ilton, Jumped up, cursed the servioe and flourished * pistol at trustee Shaw. Shaw took Hamilton out and waa shot by Ham- manuaoript notes, from whioh he gave his statement, refuting the charges of Tilton. Ho answered suoh questions as ware pnt to him by several members of the committee upon each point of iatar- est. The examination was adjourned for lunch at 12 o'olook, and was raaumad at 1 o'olook. At 2:30 the Plymouth pastor was atill under examination. MOBK STUrr ABOUT MOULTON. New Yonx, August 13.—The statement of Monlton is published to-night. He ref oses to surrender the latter* entrusted to him in oonfldenoe, hot will allow Ih* committee to examine the originals for the purpose of authenticating the por tions quoted in Tilton's atatemant. A - member of tha committee waa designated to make the examination. WaahlMEtea Betas. Grant declines to deliver the oration at the dedication of the Linooln monument. G. H. Sohlehergrel), of Charleston, S. C-, baa beau appointed to West Point on reoommeodstioo of IUosier. West Point visitors were unanimous upon the colored Cadet Smith's inoom- petency. The opinion of the Attorney General that the United States have exclusive jurisdiction over the oemeteriea oon- oludes: “But if, as ia usually tha oaaa, the State in miking the cession or in giving its consent to the pnrohaaa, reserv ed the right to aerve and execute its pro cess upon the land, or annexed any other like condition, it haa been held that the acceptance of a cession, with this reserva tion, amounts to an agreement on the pert of the Unitod States to permit tba free exercise of such process, aa being quoad hoe ita own proossa, and npon any other construction, tha ceaaion wonld be nugatory and void. THE FIBE FIEND. Tobacco Factory BarneW. Woodbury, Wabrex Co., Kr., August 13.—Watkins’ tobacco factory burned with 30,000 pounds. Loss $80,000. Uihlalai Fire* OH. PiTTBBOaa, August 13.—Twelve thou sand barrels of oil war* burned by light ning. Pittsburg, August 13.—The oil fire, caused by lightning, ia more aerione. The Liberty Oil Works are now burning, threatening tho Alleghany Valley Hailroad shops. TAPES MILL aUBNED. Chicago, August 13.—Blaok'a paper mill st Msrseilles, Illinois, is burned. Loss $60,000. Twenty-Five Heroes Bwrned. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 12.—The Worcester burse railroad stables war* partly burned thie morning and twenty- live horses were horned, inoluding two owned privately, and a trotting mar* val ued at $1,000. H* Nomination After tin* Mend red end Eighty Ballots. Bxlma, Ala., August 13.—The Kadioal Congressional Convention has boon in session three days. One hundred and eighty ballots hsve been taken. No nomi nation yet. Pennsylvania Temperance Con vention. Hareububo, Angnst 12.—The Htsts Temperance Convention met *t 1 r. M. to-day. About forty delegates were pre sent. Elijah Thomas, of Montgomery ooanty, is permanent President. Saratoga Baees. Habatooa, August 13.—Five horses same to the starting post to-day, out of thirty-five nominations, which was swmpstskes for two-yesr-olds—$ 100 en trance, half forfeit, with $700 added. Distanoe, three-fourths of * mil*. Xing Bolt won by a length. Time: 1:17. The second race was for a purse of $500 for three-year-olds—one end one. eighth tuilee. Nine started. Madge won by two lengths; Countess second; Qriui- stead third. Time: l:67j. THE WEATHEB. Department or Was, 1 Washington, August IS, 1874.) Probabilitiee.—.For the South Atlantia end Eastern Gulf States, stationery or falling barometer, slightly lower temp*, ratnre, winds mostly from the Esat and North, partly cloudy wssthsr, snd rain cross over the Western Gulf States. (ratal Wider if tke IM Ceataiy for Eis.oo. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT Lb J. KMMKTT * 60. Offer to Mil » Good FMElIj «lilE«, (that will do M Iftti ftnd m wl • ft naift of work as nny machine 1ft the taftrk.t,) with tail Tabid TrwmsIU tftd Black W.lnnt Top, oil finished, au for rflftddB Italian t It is ftot only poMlbl., but * mot. If you .re doubtful of It, i.nd for • Olrculftr, Fries Mat, do, Tb* Manufacturer« do not hesitate to challenge tb. world to produo. ft b*tt«r, or $m u good a machine far tb. aonoy. lltM (RdRMRIMtl ftffemd AfftRll to Bull Ihla Wftadcrfal IttfaRtlftE, th. "Kurftkft l.wlftf Mmeklme” and Table for $15 V i. H,IM « y .nr tncwui. guarantor! by ua to tho.. umart and .elite. Bend for lamp'* flawing Illustrated Circular, containing cut. of Mtaktke and Tftbli, with fall particular!, to L. J. KMMKTT * OO., Qtn’l Ag'tl Imklya, R. T. Bm 44. Principal Ornoi, Pulton 8t., Beooeltr. PImi. itate what paper you «aw thU advertise- A lutka Sewiig ImUk with TtUt, ftr #10.00. taken to jail, bat removed’ to Lex- ington to *Toid lynohiog. letlses lletepietiel tieeventten. Indiaxapoi.u, Augast 12.—Very small attention was paid the Independent Man OonTsntion to-dsy. A rssolntion was passed deolaring th* pises of the Attor ney Gonorsl snd Auditor on the Indepen dent ticket Tenant. The nominee for the lsttor, Mr. Henderson, had accepted the nomination for tho seme office on th* Damooratio tiokat, snd bsd deolinsd after th* appointment of the oommitte*. Indianapolis, August 13.—The lode- pendent Mss* Convention met to oom- plat* tbsir tiokst, with saventy.five dale- gates present. A oommittee was appointed to corres pond with tbs Independent orgsaixations of other State* to form s National organi sation. MARKETS. DR. ROGERS' Vegetable Worm Syrup. A brar* m.u nifty suffer pftiu, when Inflictal upon hlmaelf, boroirally ; but he CANNOT SEE HIS CHILD SUFFER Thor. t. uo cither mftlftdy, lucldeut to childhood, that I. ftocooipftuled with more intlmcribAbl. wretchedness to the little iiuffaiwra then thm PSODIICBD BY WORMMt ftud when tb. pnrsnt fully comprehend* the sitiiA< tion he will nut delay • moment in neuuring th. HMt prompt and efficient remedies to lusurs the etpuleion of th. in.rnders. This remedy may be found in DX. MOOKRB• VEQtrrABLK WORM MTRUPe PImm bear In mind that Rogera* Worm Byrup ia the reliable preparation. Rogers' Worm Byrup i. a palatable preparation. Rogers' Worm Byrup I. liked by chtldrM. Roge^e’ Worm Byrup positively destroys worms. Rogers' Worm Byrup leaves no had effects. Rogers’ Worm Byrap is highly recommended by physicians, and is unquestionably the beat Worm Medicine In the world. Prlcft U5 cents. Por sals by all Druggist*. JOHN t. HHMRT, UURRAM A OO., Prop'r!, • and • Collage Plaos, New York. JylT wlm IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Having had in our employ an Ag«nt that w* hav* dlso*vsr*d to b* (Imply ' • diminutively intlgnlfloant and oontamptuomty unworthy, unrnilabl*, indo lent and dlshonsst fellow, through whom an Impraaaiaa haa baooma ourrant that we ar* about discontinuing our business ia Oelumbut, wa desire to aay that aotwlthstandlng any and all suoh representation* that may be or may have bean made, wa are determined ta make our Maebiae mere prominently known than aver. THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. MEDICINES. Nearly all dlBsaiiss originate from Indigestion and Torpidity of tun Liver, and rsliaf 1$ a wava ftniiously sought alter. If the Liver ia Regulate! in its aotion, health i* almost Invariably $t>cure4. Want of action In the Liver ciubm llt-adache, Constipation, Jaundice, Pain in tho Hliouldura, Cough, Chill*. DiastiiunH, j our 8tonia< h, Ibid Tanto lu the Mouth, Billons Attauiut, PulpitaMou of the Heart, Depreitaion of spirit•*, or tli • 1Hu»h, and a hundred other HvrniHoiiH, fur trliiuh HlMMitNfl’ LIVRR KKfli’LATOK in tli- bust n-iucdy that has ever bean iU*cov»ir»d It nr in niiblh, eflertually, and heiug a siroplr rrgrlaM' oni| t uud. can »lo m» injury in any ijiiautitlrfi tln.l it m.iy b«* taken, ll is harmleiis in overy way ; it tns burn mm.-sI for forty yrara, ami liuudrad* of thu good und krent from all pari- of tin* country a ili iuu< b for ita being tho purnHt and iiintt. Sinnnuns' LiilP. MiUUL.Yiliit, or knjiciae. Is barmb Ih uo lot x[rating !t*vi>rag< . left fan It Ira* family nirillcliiM, Is the cheipest mMlioine in the world, Is given with saXy and the happiest leetiluio the most delicate In fain, Does not interfere with buniuMS, Doss not disarrango the system, Takes tbs place of Quinine ann Bitters of every kind, Contains the simplest and best remedies. FOR MALE UT ALL DRUOUISTB, feW deodewly Niw ▲dYKrUaementA. •tpwTftyw i snd gsln tn# love snd sllSot gain tn* lov* and sffsotlon. or any parson th.jr ohooM tsstsntly. This slmpl* m.ntsl so. qulr.m.nt all ess pousss, tret, by msll, for Ue., tog.tbsr with s tnsrrisg* gold*, Egyptlss Ursele, Dreams, Bints touiattt, Wtodlng- Night Shirt, he. A qussr book. Addrtts T. WELL1AM A OO., Fobs., Phils. «w Coughs, Colds, Hosrssnsss, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT VP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Bold by Drsggitta. «w MARY SHARP COLLEGE Kstabliftbsd ftm 1U1. This old aud cele brated Vewale Bohooi is situate • in the nroverbi- a 1y healthy town of Winchester, on a bench of Cumberland Mountain, Tennessee. Commences its annual sessions of ten months on the PIKBT DAY IN BBPTRMBIR. Btill under its Bret only President. K. 0 Giavm, L L. D. Por thoroughness and cneapneee of education, le not excelled by any school tn the Booth, heud for L'etalogue containing all essential particulars. 4w (LB. WALMHLRY, Treasurer. EMORY COLLEOE. THE FALL MIBIIQB WII.I* OPEN AV«m llth, 1174* Location lirftlthy. Society moral and reflnad. Teeobing tboiough. Mecipliue strict. Paculty NEW OFFER!! NEW IDEA! ! Seethe Grand Gifts Our Fireside Friend to its Subscribers Katirsly now and uipmasdsitsd, and auck aa will latarftftt svsry oae. Im mtoa It If yo« don’t tend for samples and full particu lars, which aiwasat free I SEE THE GREAT WATCH OFFER I OUR FIRNSIDV FRIEND is Volume, thoroughly established as the leadlug »ry W- -■ ‘ family and story in its Fifth the leadlug Weekly iu the Un’on, has the THE REST ADVICE CM 1 V^*<*. •>! hwdeeb., f.v.r end *gu«, n.rvou. d.blUiy, " ' ■ ' •' lb Aprlealiaral C*a **■*!•■— opposes Cleary Laws. Atlanta, Angnat 13.—After s barmo- niou* Bession at Stone Mountain, the Btate Agrionltunl Gonveatiou adjourned to-day Ikon through the heart. Th. ma«l.r.r A“ “ Mt ** ThomMViUo, ou February 1 »b, 1875. The OoRVention tabled a resolution urging the re-enacting of the usury laws. Wharehousemsm amd Eallraad ChargM. Chicago, 13.—The warehouse eommis- siouers of Illinois, Wiueonain, Iowa, and Minnesota, will meet here tbi* week to devise means to establish a uniform fiscal year for all roads, so that all reporta can be made at the game time. Also to estab lish a uniform system of book-keeping and desaifioetion of freight, and obtaining uniformity of legislation in the several States interested. Iialeit am Ex- Mayer. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 12.— Ex-Mayor Wifhtman hM been released from jail, having taken the poor debtor's oath. The attorneys of the plaintiff in the suit against Wightman have filed chargee of feeud against him on the ground that to •Bible him to Uke the oath he assigned all hia property to hie bob. Hoping; Negro JLymcfaed. Columbia, S. C., August It.—A negro, named Henry Olover, raped and brutally beet e respectable white woman in Lex ington, Saturday. He was oaught to-day end lynched. Mmrder Im a Lamgley, B. €., Bar- Moo ms. Augusta, Ul, August 12.—Leet Mon day afternoon, a German, named James Peterson, was shot and instantly killed in a bar-room near Langley, 8. 0., by a man named Peter Antry. Autry shot at anoth er man aod killed Peterson. Autry made bis esospe. The difficulty originated about a game of oarda. % BY TELEGRAPH TO EMaVIBEM Money and Stock Markets. Loudon, August 13.—Erie SO, Pabis, August 13.—llentes G4f. NbwYobk, August 13.—Money dull st 2 per ot. Gold dull 109}. Exchange—long 487} ; short 401. Governments dull and steady. Btate bonds quiet. Stocks dull Naw York, August 13.—Money 2a2| per oent. Gold 109}h}. Governments dull aud nominal. Htate bonda dull and steady. Provision Market* Nbw York, August 13.—Flour steady. Wheat qniet and firm. Corn firm. Pork firm at |23 60. Lard firm. Cincinnati, Augnst 13.—Floor steady, Corn firmer at G5 tti7. Pork—no demaud; offerings at $23. Lard firm—summer 13}, kettle U*}slG}. Bacon steady— shoulders cleur rib 12|, clear 13, Whiakey quiet aud steady a(*W8. St. Louis, August 13.—Flour dull and uoohanged. Corn firmer—more do ing ; No. 2, mixed, G4a65, on track, Whiskey steady at 98. Pork qniet at $24 Baeon easier, not quotably lower for job and order lots; shoulders 9], clear rib 13, olear sides )3}. Lard firm—summer 13}. Louisville, Aug. 13.—Floor unchanged. Corn in fair demand but higher at 74*82. Pork qniet and unchanged at $25. B»oon doll and declining—shoulders 9}, olear rib 12}al3, olear 13§. Lard l6}aL6g. Cotton Mnrkets. Liverpool, August 13—Noon.—Cotton steady; uplands 8$a8|; Orleaus 8}a8}; sales 12,000 bales, including 2,000 lor specu lation and export. Cotton to arrive 1-16 cheaper; sales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in August, 8 3- IG; ditto, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in September and October, 8}. Liverpool, August 13—2 p. m.—Of •ales to-day 6,600 bales are American. Bales ou basis of middling uplands, uothing below good ordinary, deliverable in Heptember aod October, 8}. 8:30 p. M.—Sales of new crop on basis of middling nplauds, nothing below low middlings, 8}. Liverpool, August 13, 5 p. m.— Hales of shipment* of new erop, on basis mid dling uplauds, nothing below good ordin ary, 8}d. New York, August 13.—Cotton steady; sales 2,272; middling uplands 17; Orleans 17|. Futures opened as follows: August 16 8-32al6j; Heptember 16}al6 8-16; Oc tober 15 31 32al6 1 32; November 15 29- 32air» 31-32; December 15 29-32al6 31-82; January I5^al6 31-32; February 16 3-82a 16 7-82; March 16 5-32al0j; April 16§4l6}. New York, August 13.—Futures olosed barely steady; sales 26,900 bales aft fol lows: September 16 5-82a*3l6; October 16 1-32; November 15 15-16; December 15 15-16. Demand good; holders free sellers; sales 8,951 bales 17al7|; net reoeipta 43. New Orleans, Augnst 13.— Cotton firm; middlings 16j; low middlings 16}; . good ordinary 14}; ordinary Ilf; set re- i loflnt! In the world. The ’t** 1 ™**? J® 1 ® • . fn . I..* onn boon*#, depot*, saw tollli, de., auporior to all otb* eeipta 604; sales 400—last evening 200. , #ri j. ;,i,u»c!. Th» Porublt, fai l»!t, iut not Savannah, August 13.—Firm, bnt not Ieft!t, should t* ia #very dwelling, atorabouM, gin quotably higher ; middlings 16}; net re- ^ 0< ro # kftl°lro«d CompftOiea wUhing to supply than- oeipta 79; sales 37. < Mlvss,w«arft prvp*r*d to offer great iaauc«aaeots. ulftte these lm- UTT’d VKQKT- flnuu unnnriuur. aiii'J ui;i Very Ullltlly, J'4>t. thoroughly restore the functional action o! the digestive organs aud the iutratlucH and renovate the whole system. They produce neither natures, griplug or weakness, and may be taken nt any time without chnngn of diet or occupation. l»i lee 25c a box. Pold by all druggists. DR. TUTVftHAIR DYE possesses qualities that no othttr <lyu doss. Its effect is instantaneous, and so nstnral that it can not be detected by tbo closest otraervor. It is WE WANT AGENTS. We want a representative in every neighbor hood. Nothing equaia it for agent*, mala or fe male, young or old. Large Oath Wagte and a /fit- ptrb exclus've territory, which is rapidly tilling up. Must apply at once. Bubscrihe by ■I’tidiug $3 00, and receive the paper one year, a magnificent premium, a share in the distribution, and rncelve also free a complete outfit, or send lor particular*. Name territory dusirsd lu writing. ^ qRVTUTTs' n SARSAPARILLA ) Tetter, and Balt Rheum, Bcald Head, lUugworuj, Rheumatism, Fain aud Kulargomont of tho Doucs Female Weakness, Sterility, f.eucorrhuta 01 Whites, Womb Diseases, Dropsy, White Mivelllngs, Ryphtlls, Kidney aa<l Llv* r Complaint, Mercurial Taint, aud Files, nil proceod from impure blood. M.TUTT'M MARHAPAKILLA is tha most powerful Hlood puritior known to raedieni aolnncri. H cntoiv into the inrcnlatiou' aradlcutes every tnorhllb ngent; renovates the systani; produces abeaut'ful complexion uud cansee tho body to gain flrsb aud incrouse In eight. Keep the BlowU Uenliky and all will b« Well. To do so, uotniug has ever been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. I' ice $1.00 a bottle. Hold by all DruggUt*. Office 48 Oortlundt stiuot, N. Y. feb!6 deodawly A Valuable Plantation FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale the vuluahlo plaoe known as tha MILL PLANTATION, on Flint rhar, three miles north of Everett's Button, Southwestern Railroad. The entire place, containing about 6,300 acres, will bs sold on exceedingly favorable terms. I will sell* if desired, the Joues place separate. This place contains 1,300 acres, The levees on th place have been recently put in order. Better or move productive lands are not to he found this aide of the MUsUsippi. Location healthy. Finn settlements on tbo p a T. K. BLANCHARD, uili 17 wtf Columbus, tin* CHAMPION FIRE EXTINGUISHER! WV. JOHNSON, W. H. JOHNSTON* Celnmhas, Da. Orlfle, tie. Aft! SOLI AUSFTf FOB TUB STATS OF QRORQIA Med BABTKRN ALABAMA FOR TSt Iiu or CHAMPION HU EXTIN0TOH1BS! If-Acting Engine for clti a the moet powerful self-acting 4w to. PHIn II, Oxfo d, Ua. WARD Nashville* tain, It nppears, stands high atnonc the educational Institutions of the country. In the report of the Commissioner of Ktlueatiou at Washington, it stands fifth on the list of ** ' *■ - * «o tl “ ' ‘ ‘ ' "SrTW; H.WARD; Nashville, Tenn. BETHEL COLLEGE! KUifiCLLVILLE, KY. Leeatften Mestlikj ! Beard Ofc«et»l ENDOWMENT |M$*I$$ I $&• Bend for n Catalogue. Address, LNBLIM WAfltiKNER, 4w Chairman of the Faculty. RICH FARMING LANDS IN XXXRA*KA, NOW FOS SALE VEST CHEAP I T.e Teen' Credit, Intenet **l, • per nit. Sand for “Tha Pioneer,'’ • handsome Illustrated Paper, ooutalulug the Homestead Lftw. A NBW NUMIIKR jiul pub- lished, mailed fate to all parts of th# world. i O.F. DAVIS. Land Commlsaloner U. P. K. it., Omaha, Neb. Address STOVE8 AND TIN WARE. J. I. GKIFFIIV, IMPORTED ^uropMeaicmes,^ ^■perfumeryW and FANCY GOODS, AT SEDUCED PRICE*. All goods guamntoed. Mir I'r^acrlptloiiS care fully prepared at all hours. J. I. GRIFFIN, JalS deodawly 100 llroad fct. 200 Pianos snd Organs, New and Rpread-Haad, «f First-Clan# Makers, will lie sold at low price# for cash, or on Install ments, or faff rent, in city or country, during this month, by IIORACIS WATKKH 4 BON, No. 4SI Bioa way, than over before offered in Now York. SPECIALTY—Pianos sad Organs to let until the rent money pays the price of the Inatrumunt. Il lustrated Catalogue# mailed. A large discount to Minister#, Churclio#, Helmuts, Lodges, etc. 4w HAVK ¥0U TRIED JURUBEBA? AM TOO W*«k, Ncrvout, nr D*bililat*d 7 Ar* Y«« e— Laeflld th.t .nj fi.rtloe requires more of en effort than you feel capable of making f Then twj JUBEBEMA, tha wonderfat Tonic uud luvigorator, which acts so beneficially on thu Mtnrtitive organ# as to Impart vigor to all the vital forces. It ia uo alcoholic Mpputtssr* which stimulate# for n short time, i'nly to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of misery, hut It Is n vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. IS regslatai tke B««»ele, quiet# tha nerves, aud gives «uch a healthy tone to the whole system an to soon make the invalid feel like a uew person. lie spsrotlan fle ■•$ vlslsnt, bnt is cbaracternted b> great guntlmes#; the patieut ex- Uiirisncis no sudden change, no markeil results, but gradually bis tronblee “Fold their teuts, hue tho Arab#, And silently stsal aw«y." This is uo now and untried discovery, but lias been long u«ed with wonderful rchiilta, and I# pr.uiounrod by the high-et medical aothorl- tb-s "the powerful tonic uu oitcratlva known.” Ask your druggiit for it. A LAROKLOTOF Fresh Drugs for Sale. A. leave early In tbe fa ffor’Fb rld.i, entire stock at MUCH UNLOW COST, t pens# of transportation. J. I. CRIFFIN, Druggist, augll tf 100 Ur.-'ad Btrest. M’ Important to Farmers. I Tho nil «>F t ouri ng with the Uamikorcbief, Fan. . Is the gayest thing oat, Contained in ft hook of to pager. Tho of Flowers is somethit 35 cuts. J. BRIDE COURTING, p Parasol and Flowers, Is 1 Language >r one, only OO. Box 211, traukfort, aug8 im FARMINC IMPLEMENTS. HOLSTEAD& CO., Columbus, Georgia. the moat reliable and etheisu' QIN-w KiGIITB to the country. Wherevrr ho h-ui worked he has givon satisfaction ; and, as he propoaas to make n*>*.« ..TAH Ation.e in mmtA I Persons wishing aay of the above articles can be I tour in a short time, planters needing Uin repair CHARLESTON, August 18.— Qtuefc , Bid- ! $ a ppU$d h* nddrsssing Oeneral Agent, Oolombus, I skonld hand iu their names and loeation. “Wor lUng* 11) ; net reoeipta M; let** ISO. , r |. w. /*kotae, tins*, a*«r,l*. Jett Jwwtf I «*U do*, u iwiw die.." mk*4 dewtf C*lt*n liln, IMtl** Here* Paevrr*, t’**4 Cut lore, Clear an* Wl.* Mill*, Kml*, M.ehl.*e, Or*. Heir**, Flaw*, H*e*. Thraahare ..A fa. MIU*, Cor. DD*ll*r*. Hare* BeR«, Harr*we eed C.ltlY.lare, ■*ek **4 ■r*.M*Drik*e, •1*4**, fftirtw, *«., *a. lien, e«*r,l* OelHd lut Pr**l tiue. 6**rfl* •■* T*..**«e» P fa. WkM, Oarltfi CI*Y*r ora** Ck*M**l* far MnlRf a, Fi rtill- Htl *•■*. AOdraH ■OUTIAD * CO., jftn If AfriMlterel 0.p«‘., 0*.