The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 14, 1874, Image 4

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ill HLIUnil FRIDAY AUGUST U. 1871. Sklppxl t<w1,,. " DNYlOU CITY AFFAIHS. COLUMBUS DAILY BA UKLT. Financi At.—Sight bills on New Y»rk pir; «« Boston \ psr cent, distant; on >s- vsnnsh y A psr eent; demand bills on IIjsIoh KperoenL Bank ears sailing checks id New York at J4c. premium. Uurrenoy loans 10IS per cent, per month. Gold and silver nomi nal. OoTTon.—Market dull. The following are the quotations: Inferior s ©— Ordinary and stained 10 ©12 Good Ordinary l*S© 14 Low Middlings 14^016 Middlings W/i&lW Strlot Middlings 16 G- Bales 0 bales. Reeeipts 4 bales—0 by M. fc G. R R« ( 4 by wagons; 0 by N. * S. R. K.; « W. R. R. ; 00 by river | 0 by 8. W. R. R. B ilpmentsgo bales—0 by B. W. R. R. { 00 lor home consumption 1 0 by W. R. R. DAILY STATaaaVT. Stock on hand August fist, ISTt 1,177 Received to-uay 4 “ previously 40,117-AO,Ml 61,t9f 00 previously 40,904-60,904 flteek on hand..,..,,.,,..,..,......... i,Q9& Iasi Day Last Ybab.—August list. 1872 111; received same day 11 total reeeipts 47.171; shipped same day 0 ; total shipments M,71t; stook 1,466; sales 0. Middlings 17>^o. U. B. Pours.—Receipts for 4 days 2,061 ex ports to Groat Hr!tain 4,744; to Continent 0; stock 18,4462. FUNERAL NOTICE. Tbo friends and acquaintances of Dr. O. J. and Mrs. 8. T. Moffett, are invited to attend the funeral of their only son, Thomas Thxexwits, at the residence of lfr. Thoe. Threew its, in Wynnton, at 9 o'clock this (Friday) morning. FUNERAL NOTICE. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mra. Thomas J. Hbivers and family are requested to attend the fnueral of MIssSallib E. Hiiivebh, from the Bouth- western Bsilrosd Depot, this (Friday) afUrooon at 6 o’clock. A CARD. I announoe rnynolf a candidate for the Legislature, subject to the Nominating Convention next Saturday. aug9 Gt Thomas W. Grimkh. Index to Now Adrortieomonto. Fxaah Fish—ti. W. Brown. Fresh Fisn—J. L. Hogan. Dwelling House to Kent—Wm. C. Coart. Stooking up for Fall Trado—J. 8. Jones. For the Legislature—E. F. Ool/.ey. Good Nhowor. Railroad officials report a good shower at Union Springs on Wednesday after noon. The Mont. The highest point the tbermouioter reached in Middlebrook's store ^ostuiduy was 94 degrees. Mwsf uftosi mt Ojnlikn. The papers of this nmuiLor res rt com plain that myriads of uiu qi.ious arj flourishing at Opelika. Radical land id" t §. Isaao Hey man, of Opel k<i, will «ff r strong opposition in the Kadiosl Oonveu- tion, wbiob meets iu Opelika, to I’olLam, tha preseut incumbent. Heymau is a U. B. official. _ Mot on Ftro by Lightning. The residence of Mr. Reuben Pitts, •bowl two and a half miles from Dover, in Lee county, Ala., was struck by light ning on Tuesday afternoon, set on fire, and burnad to tha ground. Lost heavy ; no iusuranoe; no cue hurt. VWe Hooded Chic Hon. Master Robert Porter has brought us a luiut naturae in the shape of a dead ebibken, preserved in alcohol, with two hasds and three eyea. The obicken was hatched on the premise* of Dr. Hall. IWrmfltlim of n Battalion. Btcpa ara being taken to unue the two military companies of the city into a bat. Ulion. The Oily Lights have appointed a committee to oonter with the Ooluuibu Guards on the subject and report as earl; as possible, Bring Grown in Barbour County, The tobaoco, beiug grown by Col. Toney, ie upon bis farm whera he lives, five miles from Eufaula, and not in Rub- aell oouuty. Qmpoo. Dr. Osrrlger deserves oredit for his ■uooessful efforts at grape culture. On hia place in Alabama he baa twenty-five varieties of oboioe grapes, besides the uoapperuoug. His grapes are the most luscious we have tasted and his wine is fully equal to that made along the Ohio. We trust the example the Dootor has set may be followed by all our farmers, and •o make this a land of viueyards. Tho Nominating Conoontion, Saturday. It ia urged that every one who oau pos. albly do so attend the Democratic Con vention, which meets at the Court-house at noun to-morrow. Let the assemblage be large, and be composed of all classes, so as to leave no room for aubsequeut grumbliug. Everyone has the privilege of attending, and if be does not he oau- |0t blame any oue save himself. Foroonml. Col. John Quin, of Galveston, Texas, is now in tho city on s visit to his family. H« was a gallant Confederate officer, aud served with distinction. He is now a prominent commission merchant, lie is a nephew of our well known and esteem •d fellow-citixeo, Col. John Quin. We wish him a pleasant visit to the city. Colored Baptist Association. The colored Baptist Association meets in Hamilton Friday, to-day w< ek. Green McArthur, of this city, is Mudc-r »t r. A train will go up Bunday, aud trip ticket* will be sold at 50 coots. Rev. C. A. K<u iruk preirbtd to the colored Baptist Churoh oue cveuiug last week. The oougregation van charmed Th*y invited him to addresa them as often aa he oould. The effect w •* g >0J. Ormnyore* Fto Mie at Mpring YUla fnlag. A very large crowd is expected to at- tet.d. beveral went over last night. The Grangers will turn ont en matte. Speeches will bi delivered by Major A. R. Calhoun esdo kom. Agrutxdditmeris to be given. Tue ground* are the most besutifnl in t tU neot:ou. They will sppesr more charming with vast numbers wandering a’otr d tl o.n and vie wing the immense flan p jud*. '1 hey are worth a visit, and a bet* It r «| p irtunity to visit them cannot be obUint-d. The location ia only three miles from the railroad. Beautiful ladies will be there in profusion. The Western Railroad Company will carry all from Columbus for oue fate if tickets are purchased before entering the oars. Trains leave at 10:30 a. m., and returning leave Spring Villa, a station on the road, at G P. M., reaching Columbus about 7 p. m. Many, including ladies, are going, narrow gauge railroad connects tbc West ern Road with Col.Penn Yonge’s grounds. Colons! Oladowoki. This distinguished engineer, who has been appointed to superintend the Chat- tabooohee river improvement, a gentle man who served with him in the Confed erate army tells us, is seveaty-four years of age; yet he is as hsle snd hearty as a man of forty. He is a thoroughly honest snd competent officer. For many years autedating the war be was in the United States service as engineer; then joined tbe Confederates. After the war he was again employed by tbe United States Government in important works on the Gnlf ooast. Aa we stated yesterday, he is a PoUnder, bat left bis native land in early manhood. Many will remember him aa tbe ordnanoo officer in Columboa in 1864. All may rest assured that money used by him will be wisely expended, snd that a better appointment for Columbus could not have been made. A Badly Wounded Nogro Roooooro. The negro Elbert King, who was so severely out with a knife by a white man named Perdue at Hurtville, Russell coun ty, some time sinoe, has so far recovered hs to be about the streets. The wound extended from tho left side of the spine to the navel, a length of fourteen inches. One of the intestines was out, and for some time all nourishment taken passed out through the wound, but has now re sumed the natural channel of exit. The physicians, at first, bad no hopes of bis recovery. This is oerteinly a remarkable oure. A Farmor Molls Hams in Xusooll County. A rather unusual sight for these times was witnessed by tbe citizens of Beale a few dsys ago, and attracted as much at tention, and elicited as many comments from those who went to see, as an organ grinder and his monkey. An old bachelor (Mr. Crowell) brought 11 town and sold to a merchant a lot of uicoly-onred aweet hams—the product of is ftiriu—and sold them so low that the merchant is selling them at sixtoon cents ,>er„ pound. The old gootleman may 0»ow—a ell for this. LOCAL BBIBFM. —No Mtjovs Court yesterday. —A pie m«ut breeze moderated the heat of ) ©lenity. —The la est absurdity mentioned in the fashion line is tbe 1 Bandog* Wriggle." —Our fiiend, John B. Gorman, “the oleverext fellow in the world,” is now near IVbutton, Georgia; yet in a letter to the Macon Telegraphy he aaya he is preparing to leave Cologne, Germany. —Mr. R. H. Hardaway, of Thomasville, a son or nephew of Col. R. B. Hardaway, of this city, in a paper read before the Georgia Agricultural Convention, stated that be produced one hundred and nine- teeu bushels of oorn per acre. —A good one ia told on a pious young men. He attended divine worship Sun day night, and fell asleep daring tbe ser- vice, and not beiug observed by tbe sox- ton after the congregation had left, was locked up. He romsiued until Monday. Won't talk ou tbe subject. —A gentlem in told us yesterday that the colored pxbtor of Aabury Chapel (col ored Methodist) preaches the Civil Rights bill in bis sermons. —A janitor of a public building, a very olever, energotio and industrious man, has a good deal of curiosity. A man came to see an official. The janitor, after his departure, asked the visitor's business, and received the reply, “Nothing particu lar;” to which tbe janitor remarked, “I didn't know whether he wanted a license or a dog oollar.” —The Macon Telegraph is informed that Austin, where the negroes have at tacked the whites, is looated in Mississip pi, not Arkansas, as that paper makes it both iu iis telegraphic headings and edito rial remarks. Domocratie Mooting Saturday, “The sending untrammeled delegates to the Congressional Convention is gain mg great favor in Columbus, aud perhaps will have a majority iu the ballots cast next Biturday."—Local Briejs. Meriwether, Troup, aud Heard are smartly “trammeled;" but, oh! how wicked to “trammell” them in Muscogee. 'Cause why?—they may not be trammeled in the right direction / Musoooxb. Warm Springs Is l’peon County. There ere many in Columbus who have visited this place. It is looated not far from Thomaatoo. The Herald of that place says a laud slide ocourred there last week. About a hundred feet of earth of considerable thickness slided in the val ley, several hundred feet below’. A tiee that stood upon the mountain, of consid erable size, was taken down with tbe earth and ia now growing some four hun dred feet from where it originally stood. Bound Ovor 4m a Batch. Yesterday, Justice T. J. Chappell bon: d over for a hearing before the Conn- ’y Court uine negroes for stealing wood fmm Mr. J. C. Cook. Iteesa Crawford, Eq, for the prosecution; Williams A Wil iams and Thornton k Grimes for de fence. The rem indarof the nineteen negroea, | are ted on the same charge, will hnv« a hearing to-day. Musooge* Tax Rsoelver’s Datum*. COUNTY'S TAXABLE PROPERTY 9* -am excess ormm LAST TEA* OB t*S*,4*P. Oam 9»S,X4S, u data if JMM Omt 1*79—Mm C,n» mnA 1m CWm-Jmwn I. Mann- facCurlng Capital. Tbe Keeeir.r, 11. W. Thwextt, tua com pleted bi. ratorai for 1874, .nd fnrniobod 01 with ■ copy wbiob we exhibit in the following tebnlar form. Ur. T. bn ebown marked dilligence in thia matter, and by a littla delay, and mnob oar.ful peraonal application baa made a fine .bow ing for tb. oonnly. He bu gone to men when they would not eoma to bia office. Tbe retorna ebow e total eonnty taxa ble valuation of 98,800, i!»4—an inoraaae ovat leal year of $4fiG,429. One greet cauee of tbie enhanced .elution ia tbe removal of tbe 9200 exemption, end tbe reporting of ell factory atook at thia plaoe. aiToam or taxi.lx pbopxbti or nue- OOOKK OOUMTT FOX TUX TXAU 1878 am> 1874. im. mi Polls of whltss 1,162 1,086 “ black 926 897 Professions... 06 69 Dentist* 6 6 Auctioneers I 1 M tlbiV.v.v.v: .*::.* * * Children between six and slxhtesn years 1,100 441 Geard'n between six and eighteen veer* 73 132 Number of hands employ- Total number of acre* of land Yakut. Aff free ate value of land. .$1 001,131 City property 2,0G9,9tr> Value of 1.000 shares Na tional Banks 110,000 Amount of money and solvsnt debt* 1,073,883 Merchandise 710,216 Slocks and bonds.,,,.... 177 306 Cotton manufactories.... 1,683,900 1,074 142,074^ 1,626 128,764^ kitchen furniture Value of all other proper ty not b«fore enume rated, except annual crops, Ac 131,226 202,310 Amount of tax professions, dentists', auctioneers, daguer- reans and billiard ta ll 4,026 127,626 $2,777 $2,902 AN ANALYSIS of the returns of this year compared with those of 1873 show an increase in oity property of $GG, 772. Money and solvent debts are $90,478 more ; acres of land are reported 13,310 more, yet the total value has deoreased $99,749—or about $7 an acre to over $8 in 1873; merchandise decrease $169,638; stocks and bonds in- oreasd $90,478; ootton manufactories, $468,680; Iron Works $16,700. AOORKOATK VALUE BY DISTICT8. MTOCMINW Ur ROM FALL TRADE. Upper Town—Whites. Colored. 1874. .$4,497,770 9,703 1873. $3,634,671 13,246 Total Lower Town—White*. Colored .$4,607,473 .$2,174,286 32,176 $3,647,816 $2,680,069 27,215 Total McCrary— W hltea Colored .$2,206,460 ..$711,416 .. 20,966 $2,667,274 $841,368 19,200 Total... Steam Mills—Whites. Colored. ...$732,311 ...$128,637 ... 2,096 860,668 $166,826 2,472 Total Upatoie—Whites Colored .. $130,632 ....$84,616 .... 2,636 $168,297 $91,407 2,966 Total Edwards—W hltea Colored ....$87,160 ....$61,060 8,726 $94,872 $46,470 825 46,296 $446,243 21,600 Hoxeman—Whites.... Colored.... ...$647,716 .... 24,347 Total $572,068 A COMPARISON shows that the Upper Town $467,748 Distriot, bounded by Bt. Clair street to North Com mons and embracing Beallwood and a portion of Wynnton, is worth. $714,652 more than all tbe rest of the eonnty. The colored people return a total valuation of $95,546—against $87,422 in 1873; a gain of $8,123. The whites return a gain of $448,306. This certainly looks like the whites, the men who own tbe land, should rule it. The Upper Town District shows a large gain over last year. Lower Town, McCra ry's, Steam Mills and Upatoie, shows a decreased valuation. Edwards aud Bozo- mau have advanoed. AGRICULTURAL BSTUBN8. 1874. 1873. Acrusin Cotton..,.,.. 13,704 14,716 '* in Hies l “ In Wheat 147 148 " In Kyo 21 37 " in Barley " In Oats 2,092 1,442 " in Iudian t'oru 13.761 9,8 6 " In Sweet Potatoes 612 878 “ in Irish Potatoes... 10 13 “ in Tobacco o o " in Sugar Cane 16 12 " luSmghutn 1 8 " in Clover and Seeds 20 “ In Viueyards 40 10 LIVE STOCK. Sheep 46 Hogs 2,019 Ilorsee and Mulea 912 Cattle 2,272 MANUFACTORIES. Cotton Factories 6 Cotton Spindles 29,460 Woolen Betts.... Wooltu Spindles Carding Machines 1,697 916 1,894 29,600 7 2,000 2,620 __acbin«»f foundries MOBS CORN—LESS OOTTON. The shotting is 1,011 acres in ootton less than 1873; wheat one acre less ; 650 more in oats; 3,935 more in oorn ; 134 more iu sweet potatoes. INCREASE IN HOOS AND CATTLE. There are 502 more hogs than last year, and 378 more cattle. MANUFACTURES show 520 more woolen spindles and 158 more cardiog machines. JNwr Notes. The New Jaokson arrived last night. She leaves to-morrow at 11 a. m. —Gen. Braxton Bragg has hosts of friends in this section. They will be glad to learn that he has been appointed Chief Engineer of tbe Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fee Railroad, and will oommenoe a survey of the line shortly with a corps of two hundred men. A Urge lot of oheap Casaimeres and Linens, very oheap, at Blanchard’s. Buhlor'o Cigar Emporium. Tbs bsst Imported Huvsns and Ksy Wsst Cigars, Cbtwlug and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, Match Safes, Tebacco Bags, Ac., can be found at L0UIB BOHLEk S, Randolph St., Uosss with Red Bigs, sear Baguirer (Mice. Mitt Kantttckj Jaani. Fall St,tea Printa. Blaaebed Homaapnna. Brown “ Naw White Pique*. White Vietoria Lawoa. “ Linen Lewna. Fine aaaortment of Hosiery. Fall line Bleok Alpacas. Gray Bailings for (raveling and walking. CLXABIXO out : Hummer Dim Goods at a great bargain. 1. H. Jonas. Columbus. On. [angH eod] **■ Telbettou .ml Union Sprlnp Herald please copy. FMEMH ARRIVALS. RECEIVED TO-DAY : Hamburg Edgaa at 12^ oents and np- wards—cheap. Linen Handkerchiefa at 8 oents and npwarda, and othar White Good* oheap. WILL OPXX TO-MORROW : Large Una beautiful Prints in Side Band styles. Also, Bleaohed Cottons oheap. Dress Gooda atill soiling below oost, to oloae out stook before fall trade. mt “aAEoaix counter” has on it many gooda to close out below east. sagll eod H. T. Cbiolu. A few pieces of Frenoh and!ish Oaaaimeree, very low, to dose ont, at T. E. Blanchard h. «Md Thing., Go to tha Bnby Hestanrant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and ail things good to oat. octir, tf xms Thi.: You oan find at T. E. Blanchard's, 11 Broad atreat, the very latest styles of Dress Gooda, at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Gall and see them. Domestic Goods at greatly reduced rates; Factory Gooda at faotory prices; Goats’ Hpool Ootton at 70 cents per doz, ; the best Prints at 10c per yard. mylO tf At Thirty-nv. Tha averaga American discovers that he has an “Infernal Stomach," and goes into the hands of the doctors for tbe remnant of his life. Prevention is better than oure, but Dm. Walxkb'b Vinioab Bitters will both care and prevent dyspepsia, diseases of the skin, liver, kidneys and bladder, and all disorders arising from an “infernal stomach." jy24 4w The sflmllnHss In Black.” who ia tbe tutelar demon of dram-sbopa, assume, hia sourest aspect when the rapid progress of Vixioab Bitters is reported “down low.” The People's Vegetable Tonio ie playing tbe miaohief with bis bitten brad with rum. All diseases whioh those demonise nostrums aggra vate, under pretense of relieving, such as indigestion, siok headache, consump tion, rheumatism, gout and intermittent faven are cored by it. je24 4w CHAU. HETMAE * CO., Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., offer at their popular RESTAURANT AXI) SALOON Tha best that ean be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tobacoo, do. [my3 ly The bsst place to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Sheatinga, is at Blanchard's, 123 Broad st. VETOED I—NO IN ELATION ! High prioea oau uo longer exist. Cash basis is tha prinoiple now, and aa I desire to oloaa business, am offering my stock ol Dry Gooda, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, and numerous articles in this line, at less than cost. Call and examine, and make one dol lar go farther than two at any other plaoe. I am in earnest. If you doubt it, step in and have proof of the fact. L. Hasris, 114 Broad St., myl 4m Columbus, Go. Many who are suffering from tbe effect* of the warm weather and are debilitated, are advised by pby* ciuns to take moderate amounts ofwhlskiy two or three tlmee during the dny. In a little while those who adopt thi* advice frequently in crease the number of “driuka" and in t mo In-come confirmed inebriates. A beverage which will not create thiret for Intoxicating liquors, and which ia intanded especially for tha benefit of debilituted person*, whether at horn* or abroad, 8chenck'a Baa Wead Tonio. Containing the juices of many medicinal herba, this preparation dot-a not create au appetite for the intoxicating cup. The nourishing and tbe life-supporting properties of many valuable natural productions contained in it, aud well knowu to medical men, have a most strengthening influence. A single bo'tlo of tbe Tonic wiii demonstrate its valuable qualities. For de ility arisieg from sickness, ovor exertion, < from any cause whatever, a wine glass full of Ft Weed Tonic taken after meals will streugthtu tho stomach and create an appetite for wholesome food. To all who are about leaving their homes, wa desire to say that the excellent effects of Dr. Bchenek's seasonable remedies, 8es Weed Touic, and Mandrake Pill*, are particularly evident when taken by those who are injuriously affected by change of water aod diet No person should leave home without taking a supply of these safeguards along. For sale by all DruggUts. Lawyers. JOSMPH E. POD. Attaraqrattow, and Jad«v of Onaty Oawxt. PfMtfcv. la .11 otavT Omrta. . Office over .tor. or W. U. A Oo„ ■raadfft. Ja26 HIDES. Important to Merchants. B UY your WRAPPING PAPER AND PAPER BAGS at home, at New York rates, from M. M. HIRSCH, Corner Bridge and Oglethorpe streets. Important to the Public. ^ S ILL HIDB8, FURS. BEESWAX, RAGS, etc., at highest cash prices, to M.M. HIRSCH, Oorau Irldf. sad Ogl.tory., .ad Crawford So. ••«!» [itol dly SAMUEL B. HATCHKR. Attorssy at Law. JaZU Office over Wlttieb A Kintal's. a. M. XcNKILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practicoa iu court* of Georgia aad Alabama. Office 139 Broad 8t., (over Holataad A Ca.’s. 8 peri a i attention given to collection*. jail Router Ikorm. M.rtir 1. Crawford. Hr ear Crawforo. IMURAM * CUWrOBM, at Law, WI1I prRctlc. ia the Btot. Rad Xel.rRl Court, ol Georgia. Office over freer, lllgo. 1 Co.', .tor., uorthwnt corner Broad and 8t. Clair Sts. J*8 A. A. DOHRB, Attorney and Counsellor Rt Law. Practice. Iu But. .nd federal Court. Iu Georgia and Alabama. Office 126 Broad 11., Columbus, Ga. j*6 Marx II. Burkioru. Loot. t. Garraru. BLAMBFORD * GARRARD, Attorneys nnd Connaollora at Low. Offic. No. 67 Broad nreot, oror Wittlch k Alfl- •el's Jewelry Store. Will practice in the BUM aad Federal Court*. J aa. M. Russell. Chas. J. Swirt. BVBBBLL dt SWIFT, Attorneys anil Counaellora at Law. Will practice n tho Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit) aud Alabama. Office over C. A. Redd A Co.'a store, Broad street, Columbus, Us. Jel L. T. DOWIIXG, Attorney and Eolfteltev. U. 8. Com’r aud Register in Bankruptcy. Office nov291 over Brook*' Drug Store, Columbus. Ga. PEABODY A BBAIIOII, AUormeya mt Law. Orncx over J. Ennis A Co.'a Btoax, Bxoad Bt., novlSJ West Side. B. J. MOUSE, Attorney mmd Comma©Her mt Lmw, Georgia Homs Insurance Company building, so© «w*7 1 v 1 nnd story. Doctors. DB. L'OLIIY. Residence and Office corner of Bt. Clair and Ogle thorpe *ts. Office hours—7 to 9 a. M., It to 2 r. K., 7 to 9 P. M. ssp27 dtf DB. B. B. LAW. Office comer Broad nnd Randolph streets, Burma’ building. Rc*ideuce on Forsyth, three doors bslow Bt. Clair. Ja6 DB. M, A. UBBUMABT, Office Ut C. J. Moffett’s Drug Store, Broad atraet. Kusideuce on 8t. Clair, between Broad aad sep6 Front 8ts., Columbus, Ga. DB. J. C. COOK, Office over Ellis A Harrison’s Commission Houst, ■eptt flret door to left. Druggists. J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs and Chemicals, Prescription* carefully prepared. jal8 No. 106 Broad street. JOHN L. JOBDAH, Drogglsti Two doors below Geo. W. Brown's, Broad 8treet, Oolambus, Qa. MST Night Bell right of south door. sep6 A. M. BBANNOM, WrsT Sine, Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., Wholesale aad Befall Denier In Drava nnd Medlelnee, " Toilet Articles and Pertanaery. ROffi Cotton Faotories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Sheeting*, Shirtings, nnd Sawing and Knitting Thread. Card* Wool and Griuds Wheat aad Corn- Office In rear of Wlttich A Kinsel's, Randolph st. JalS R. H. CIIILTON, President. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ae. COLUMBUS, GA. O. p. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT. Secretary A Treasurer. oct31 ly. Watchmakers. C. 8CHOMBURG, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, Successor to I.. Gutow*ky, 106 Broad street, jail Columbus, Ga. C. H. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Broad ntreot, Columbus, Ga. Watches and Clocks repaired iu the best man- upr and warranted. jail Tobacco, Cigars, fte. MAIER DORN. If you want to enjoy s gojd smoke, go to his Cigar .Manufactory, Between (Jeorgia Home snd Muscogee Uom*. J#8 €. LOPEZ, Denier In and Manufacturer at Fine Cigara, Ja9 Near Brood Street Depot. Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to II. Item*,) Under Georgia Home Insurance Building. Prompt and polite harbor* in utiendsnes. js25 ALEX A NAM, Jr8 Uarukss, St. t’ Stuket. ED. M.KKY, Barber, Crawford 8t.. under ltaukin lions*, t'olumhus, Ga. d- i < Dress-Making. MINN 91. A. HOLLINGNWOUTH, Drebs-MaUing, Cutting and Fitting. Tcrmscltssp. Residence and *l\op in Rruwneville. novlfi Feed Store. JOHN F1TZGIBBONN, Whole*alo and Retail Dealer in Hay, Oats, Corn Bacon, Ac., Oglethorpe 8t., opposite Jsl Temperance Usil. Confectioners. I. G. 8TRUPPKR, • Candy Manufkctnrar AND DXALBK IN All kinda of Confectionary and Fruits, Stick Candy 18 mat*. Full weight guaranteed in each box. Ia24 Hotels. PLANTERS' HOTEL, Next to Columbue Bank Building. Porters st oil the trains. 1*1» MRS. W. F. SNIDER. Propr’s*. Builders and Arohlteots. Dentists. W. P. TIOJfMlt, T. W. 1011. Dmtlat. OnrJowyhA ■ratb.r’a atora. | W. T. POM* •vatlat, oot2.1I ini Brood 8t., Cohimbra. a*. RAILROAD*. w. s. Doatlst, aepflf Georgia Home Building. Co nmbns^Ga^ Soots and Shoe*. WELLS * CURTIS, No. 73 Broad Stmt, Hare always a fall stock df Boot# »nd Shoes, Upper, Sole end Har ness Leather and Find Ins* of all kinda. Reliable goods! Reasonable price* I N. B.—Special attention to order* by Mxpre**, C * 0P - - J* 4 - BOBEBT THOMPSON, Livery, Mo and IxtfeMft a tattle*, OautflORFR, North of Rarxolfh Bn., •ctSO Colnmhn*, Qa. A* O AM MEL, Livery sad Mo Siahleo, Oolxtborfx Bt., Columbus, Ga. Particular atteuttoa glvaa to Vaedlng and Bah of 8tock. 9 Horse* and Malta boarded in stable* by tbe oath or day. octYB PHILIP EIFLKR, Gun and Lock«with, Crawford street, next to Johnson’* corner, Coluabu*. Qa. Ja6 WILLIAM SOHOBOR, Guu and Locksmith and dealer iu Gunning Ma terial*. Opposite Enquirer Office. Jal6 E. W. BLAU, Repairer aud Tuner of Planoos, Organ* unc Accordions. Sign Painting aluo done. Orders may be be left at J. W. l’euse A Norman*. Book Store. *ep5 Livery and Sale Stables. Restaurants. ■Allll OODMTY 0UTAV0ART, No. SS Brood ilrtat. Tbe best of Foreign and Domestic Liquors and Cigars. Meals at all hours. deolB J. J. BLAKELY, Prop’r, Fresh Meats. NOTI08. J. W. PATRICK, Stalls No. I and 18, Market House. Fresh Meat* of *v*ry kind and best quality, Jail alwaya on hand. 1. T. COOK, Frank Manta of All Kloda, OincxNoaia a 8001. H.iuoutv CoLVMboa, J.ljr an/jffi,’ 1 . U NTILEh. tell! «f Septoaib.. .... - J I •lx p«r.on«. or more.jpi.g 0 ’ ,1 lug ml returning on th. mnlbg tr.f n f ■am. day, will 1» pawed tha round tJiS , of A fare. •**Fioro fr Similar part ea going up at 6 o’clock a 2:36 p.m., and returning on same train » passed round trip for fifty cents each. ’ w ** 4 Comma!*tlon tickets, for individual* o., 1 lie*, lor twenty round trip* togonp and rwlL"® 1 -1 the .... train, ga.i b« had tor tan lolUra * « l Children over five and under twe|* A ^ I h^argjdh.lfrraw. Thra. The road la In a thoroughly safe coudiu.. 1 the train* are In charge of a careSJi, accommodating conductor. ' jyzl td «■ A HIWIUBU^ Western Railroad of Alabama 641 HOURS TO NEW YOE NINE HOUR* FASTEST TIME! WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA ^ OournaiA On., Xnly ath, in, TRAINS LIAVR COLUMBUS DAILY For Montgomery and Balms, imm . Arrlv. .t Montg'y, - - *'» Arrlv* at Selma, • HflBU FOR ATLANTA AND NBW Y0RB ' . At 10:30 a. m. Arrive Opelika at 18:20 p. # Atlanta 6:42 p. m. ' At By Atlanta and Richmond Air-Lint Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE in * m., Danville 3:27 p. m.. Richmond UflH p. m i! 1 rive at Waaniagton 4:30 a. m., at Baltlmors t xi. m., at Philadalphta 1:30 p. m., at NBW YOKE 6.u Bleeping Cara run from Atlanta to Cbarlotu. By Kcnncsaw Route. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Dalton I0:M b . v Bristol 10:45 a. m.. Lynchburg 10.46 p. », /J!' at Waahlagton 6:46 a. m., at Baltimore 9:lu« at Philaduiphla 1:30 p. m., at NEW Y0Rl"i J ‘Bleeping car* run from Atlanta to Ljuchbuq TRAIN8 ABRIYB AT COLUMBUS BAILT From Atlanta and New York, 6-31 4 «. From Montgomery and Selma 2:30 r I Tickets for sal* at Union Postanger Depot. raW! u *”' r rip 8 ^ Cun and Locksmiths. Plano Tuning, Sc. Croce rs. DAS*L 0. Bias, Dealer iu Family Orooarioa, on Bryan street, be tween Oglethorpe A Jackson street*. - No charge for dray age. dec7 J. H. HAMILTON, WkalMal* aad Bttall Grocer, IS1IAM COOPER, Family Grocer and Battler in Country Produce, aep5 next to “Enquirer” Offiee. Tailors. G. A. KfKHNE, Merchant Tailor and Cotter. A full stock of French and English Broadcloth*, Cassitneres and Veatinga. aprlfi No. 134 Broad Street. HENRY BELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning and Repairing Dona in the best style. apr24] Corner Crawford and Front 8ta. Boot and Shoemakers WM. MEYER, Boot and Shoemaker. Dealer In Leather aud Findiug*. Next to C. A Redd A Co.’s. Prompt aud strict attention give 1 to orders. jail Tin and Coppersmiths. we. FEB, Worker Im Tia, bhect Iron, Capper. Order* from abroad promptly attended to. . J*7 No. 174. Broad Street. Painter*. WM. RMOW, JB., * CO., House and Sign Fainter*. Old Oglethorpe corner, (just north of pos toffice; Columboa, Georgia. Will contract for House aud 8ign Painting ut satisfaction. Refer t 1. Wiiow, 8r. fuprfi LAWYER8. W. F. Williams. Cuas. II. Wiluams. WILLIAMS ft WILLIAMS, Attorneys at Law, COLBEnw, GA. AF* Office over Abell’s store. Jyl7_3m W. A. Farley, KttorneyaAt-XiAW CUSS ETA, OHATTAHOOOkxa Co., GA. AF*Speclal attention given to eolleetions. J. G. CHALMERS, Hone© Carpenter aad Ballder. Jobbing done at short notica. Plana aud apociflcatloaa furnished for all atylw of bandings Broad Btrast, next to Q. W. Brown's, M ©etaahas, •« DOCTORS. Dr. J. H. CARR1GER, IVROIOX AMD PBTSIOIAM, AIFIOE up-st sirs 8.E. oor of Broad k Ran- W tlolph Streets, where he may be found day or night when not professionally engaged. Columbus, April 2t, 1874. dtf Central Railroad. SUl E .lNTKNDKNT’d OFF1CK, i tuVA> MAH, G*0., Juna 30,187V J O N AND AFTER th.* FIRST JULY n e „ RETURN TICKET* to and Z either term ini* or itta. ou on CENTRAL Ml SOUTHWK8TKHN RAILROADS can be purcluta for ONE FARE. Haiti tickets will bi Sold until 3ltt of December Next, an>i i « GOOD to return Until the 15th of January, 1875. W CONDUCTORS ARK NOT AUTHORIZE sell RETURN TICKETS from point! whm Agents sell. The PUBLIC are therefor* OAUTIONB9 n PROVIDE THEMSELVES WITH TICKETS froa the Agents at the station, or PAY BOTH WAY!. WM. ROGERS, Gen’l Snp’t Central Railroad. V POWERS, Eng'r mid Snp't Southwestern Railroad. G. J. FOREACKS, Sup’t Atlanta Division Central Railroad. Je30 lm Montgomery di Eufaula R, R, Change of Schedule, I Taking Effect Sunday, June 21,1(74.1, i m MAIL TRAIN—DAILY. V Leave Montgomery 4:00 ra Arrive at Eufaula 11:38 ra Connecting on Wednesdays aud Saturdays will float* on Chattahoochee Kiv r, nud daily at Union Springs with Mobile A Girard Railroad lor Troy. Leave Xufaula 12:45as Arrive at Montgomery.................. 7:15ai Connecting at Union Spring* * 1th Mobile A Girard Railroad lor Columbus, anu at Montgomsrv with B. DUNHAM, Sup't. CENTRAL RAILROAD, jjrjnqftJraB GRNERAL SOPXaiNTBMDKNT’H OfPICB, ) Central Railroad, V Savannah, November 1, lb74. j O N AND AFTER BUNDAY, 14TH IN8TAOT Passenger Trains ou the Georgia Centtl Railroad, its Branches and Cunuectlous, will r' as follows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Savannah 8:45x1^ Leave Augusta 9:U6a Arrive in An Arrive in Augusta 4:00 r Arrive iu Milledgeville 1U:09 r Arrive in Katouton 11:65 r Arrive in Macon H:45 r Leave Macou tor Columbus Leave Macon for Eu aula Leave Macon tor Atlanta Arrive at Columbus Arrive at Rufaul*. Arrive at Atlauta 7:17 M 9:10 n 8:10 ri 12:4511 10:20 xi A , 6:00 a COMING SOUTH AND BAST. Leave Atlanta.. Leave Co ambus Leavo Kufaulu 7:26 m Arrivoat Macon from Atlanta 6:10At Arrive at Macon from columboa 4:10 a t Arrive at Macon from Eufaula 6:45 At Leave Macoa 7:15At Leave Augusta 9:06 a i Arrive ut Augusta 4:00 r t Arrive at Savannah 6:v5r« TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WB8T. Leave Savannah Leave Augusts Arrive in Augusta .10:001 . 8:06 P . 6:66 a HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, HAffilLTOM, GA., W ILL practice in tha Ghattahoochoe Circuit or any where else. All kind of collection* pushed. “Pay me or run away." novl4 tf MILLINERY. W* 8PRINC MILLINERY. PRK8 latest styles, at the shortest notice. Next door below th* Ntw York 8tore. MRS. COLVIN aud octI8—ly mar4 MIBB DONNELLY. PICTURES! Have Them Copied and Enlarged by Home Enterprise! W ILL COPY AND ENLARGE. IN FRAME, from $2A0 aad upwards. Gall and axamina ■PfulmvB", and have yoar work done at home, without daisy or risk. 49» COLORING don# In Oil or Water. Gallery at southwest soraer of Broad and Ran dolph stmt*. Jrtttr Arrive in Macon. Leave Macon for Columba* 6:2t Leave Macon for Eufaula 9.0t Leave Macon for Atlanta 9:W Arrive In Oolumbus 6:3.' Arrive iu Eufaula 5:44 Arrive in Atlanta 3:0*' COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlauta 1:21 Leave Columbus 2:3C Leave Eufaula 8:61 Arrive in Macon from Atlauta 7:l( Arrive in Macon from Columbus 7:25 px . Arrive In Macon from Enfhula 6:10 f* Leave Macon 7:35 r* Arrive in Milledgeville 10:09 r* Arrive ia Katouton 11:66 rx Leave Augu-U 8:05 M , Arrive in Augusta 6:65 a “ Arrive in Savannah 7:15 a Train No. 2, beiug a through train on theC«n* tral Railroad, stopping only at whole station*, passenger* for half stations cannot be taken ou or put off. Passengers for Milledgeville and Katonton will take train No. I from Savannah and Augusts, sno train No. % from points on the Southwestern tail- road. Atlanta and Macon. The Milledgeville sna JeS3 tf NOTICE. Train on this Road will run as follow*: aprlfl 2w W. L. OLaRK, Sup’t- All Manner of Dress Goods OrrBKID Ttt( LOW. PKA000K S SWIFT. •Mt