The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 15, 1874, Image 3

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S#«s «*«»****< COUMUl BATOED1T AUGUBT IS. 18T4. f Makla. a Ma. x onxt txonranno »<**** P*,U Diipitoh to tho laadoa Tl»«.J Tho Uteri wfacflii for tbo improToaent of Fretioh Africa U tho ereoUon of an in. lead sea of 160 laagnaa long by 90 in wldtft. A ataff oOoer dapotad by tha Minister of War to atndy tin anbjaot re- purl* that thia i» vary faaaibla, and M. Ltiuepa ia aaid to have axpranad hi* opinion that it may eaally ba dona at tha very trilling axpenaa of half a million alerting. Tha aea dieted in former time*, bat tha formation of banka intercepted ita communication with tha Mtditerranean, the African ran cooked op tha water, and tha aea baoame dry land. A ratting eigh teen kiloinetrea in length would aaffloe, it ia aaid, to HU it op again. Tha Superior Gonnoil of Algeria, preaided over by Gan- aral Chanzy, voted, towarda tha and of laat year, fonda for tha preliminary atndiea, and in the National Aaaambly a eredit of 10,000 franoa haa Jnat bean voted to continue them. Tha proponed new aea would ba parity ia Tonia and rily in Algeria. Captain Boodoira, a ff uffloer employed by tba Government pnbliabed an tote renting paper on . j.ileet in tha Bmu* dm D*ux Honda, the question baa bean laid before tha lamy of Soienoea. Tha bad of tha aea ia oompoaed of a eeriaa of vaat ly hollow*, which tha nativea call tie, and whioh oontain water only at irtain timaa of tha year. Tha following jtraot givea a good idea of their nataiu: The Gbott of Mel Uir coven a anrfaoe ! one hundred and fifty aqnara laagnaa; cummonioatea to the aaat with tha bott Scllem, and thia one, with a aeriea ' other depraaaiona, of whioh tha moat nportant are tha Ohotta Bharaa and El bjerid, in Tnnia. Tha edge of tbla laat fuioat tuochea tba aea. It ia only ghteen kilumetrea from tha Maditarra- AU tbeaa holiowa are for tha moat art dry. Their anrfaaa ia while with rite of magneeia, and they areexaotly Mae immenaa plaina oovared with white front. It ia imprudent to venture there without a guide. There are mud pita vary difflcuit to dietiogoieh udder tha L brilliant canopy of m anneal an oryatala, ■ and the traveler might ba awallowed up by them. The nativaa call them aanae- pine. The moat dangerona chott ia El Djerid. it ia oroaaed by tha much fra- quoded road between Nifaaona and Ton- near, a long narrow line upon which trav- jaleru can puna only in aingle file. At oar Itain timea of tha year a atep to tba right left buriea a atragglar in the mod. loula Ahmod relataa that a caravan of a Ibonsand camela haa travereed thia ohott. 7 hen one of them wandered a little off khe road all the otbara followed and ano- IceMively disappeared in the alungh. He fa d-1 that nt the period whan he paaaed himself a piece of one hundred cnbita in px eat suddenly sank, swallowing up tha nun and animals who ware npon it. The lamels at laat entirely disappeared. Trees, wbicb tha wind bad tom op,{also lank in without leaving a trace, it ia sieve that below tbeaa hollows there are often considerable depths of moving soil. The Isthmus of Gabes la the obstacle to the return of the aea to ita old domain. [“Ure.ik that,” aaya a writer, “and the ba- lin of the Ohotta again becomes a see— be Baltic of tha Mediterranean.” The knbject la of atrong interact. Itiaeati list .id that the fertilizing offset of such a jody of water, of whioh the evaporation would full aguiu in rain on tba aarromui Kng oonutry, would be of the utmost ben- ■fit to those legions of northern Africa The Suez Canal is said to have greatly im I proved the climate of the ooontry through I which it rnua, and haa made the reins Fiuoro shnodant aud regular. It ia hopei* [ that the filling of the Ohotta would, afte a lime, transform into n vast oasis the 000, | 060 beoUres of land surrounding them, ‘ The idea is grandiote, and has captivated [ tba imagination of many persons. Wheth- | er tha advantage ita realization ia ezpeot- j ed to entail would aufflse to oonvert a very luDaucoeaalnl colony into a prosperous one I must remain donbtfnl until trial haa been I made. The engineering part of the affair I la probably easy, bnt ia baa been doubted ■ whether the work, when aooompliahed, [would be durable. The aame prooeea 1 whioh booked up the oommunioatiou be- Itween the era and tha Ohotta might, it ia | thought, be repeated; but the more tan nine maintain that modern aoienee would be at no loan for affloaeiona precautions gainst so unsatisfactory a reanlt. In furmar days it waa often aaid that if hlgeria was ratber an expensive luxury haa a profitable colony to Frsnoe, it at my rata served as an excellent military cbool wbera new leviea ware quickly oon- (verted into votcrena. In oaao of n Euro- can war the Afrioan army waa supposed l be n valuable reserve of well-diaoipUned oldiera, inured to campaigning. Experi- ahown tha faliaoy of this notion. (Africa waa the worst school tbo Frraoh I (Soldier could have. Oonfllota with wild > levies, without artillery and wholly suable to atand before European troops, were no traioiug for wan with tha groat military nations. Easy vietoriao tended L to indued oarelesaneaa and ovaroonfidanoa. A great dell was made of Afrioan cam paigns in tha time of Louie Phillippe, when Europe was in profound peace, and the young princes of tho blood wars sent limber as the only battle-Aald open npon which to win their span. The nneqanl and long protracted coufilot had an adven turous aud piotareeqoe character which appealed lo the iinegioetion, rad painten covered aorea of oanvaa with fanciful rep- recantations of desperate enoountere and overwhelming ebargea. Bnt Algeria waa in earns respects ruinous to the French soldier. He learnt to beguile his long hours of leisure liy herd drinking, be qnired habits of debsnohery, sod bis dis cipline become relaxed. WksttirMikeppenCts Bo at. Joseph (Mo.) Herald, 7th. 1 On Wednesday train No. 7 of the Bt. Jo-eph & Denver Bsilrosd struck the grasshoppers between Axtell end Beattie. The insects covered the track two inebta • thick, and the enginaer waa completely at bis wits’ end to know whet lo do. Ho understood n soaped treok, bnt a traok covered with grasshopper* was a novelty. Ha pat on ill the steam ha eoold, and tried lo drivo ahead, and yet ha was seta- ally nine hours in making eleven miles. How many grasshoppers were killed no one will ever undertake to say. Yesterday morning Conductor Scott Sharp pulled out of Senses on time, snd , thought ho would have an easy ran to Bt. .Joseph. In this bo was slightly mistaken. ’Two miles out tba track was completely blockaded by grasshoppers, and tha en. S lneor found it impossible to proceed. [e hated lo be best ont by snch trifling insects, bnt finally had to ran book to Senses, and wait until tbs insects had crossed the traok on their way southward. These stories look a Utile tongb, bnt they are trne. A Kentucky Railroad Commenced. Mount Bibuw, Angoat 14.—Ground was broken on tbo Mount Sterling coal- road yeeterday, Miss Elisa Magowan, grand-daughter of the late Hon. Garrett D ,viB, throwing the first shovel of dirt in the presenee of the offioera of the com pany. tbe road contractors and oitixens. Tba work ia to bn pushed on at ones with tha xtuiori rigor. The first fifteen miles la to he completed by November 1, If the oompany'a expectations of rap port are realised, this rand will be ox- traded to twenty-five mUee ia six month*. J. M. MeKBItX, Attorney and Counsellor nt low. Practices In curls or Oeor|ls snd Altlwms. 0«w 139 Brood St., (over Uolstesd S C Bpreisl slt-ntton siren to collections. |s JOSEPH W. POO, Attorney at Law, and Judge of County Court, peseta** In sll othsr Conns. •AMUKL B. HATCHER. Attorney nt Lnw. Mo Dentists. DRY GOODS. ■NOHAM dk CXAWrOXM, Attorney n at Lnw, Georgia. » orer Preer, Illges 1 Co.’ corner Brood snd lit. Clsir Hte. A. A. DOIIEBs Atlsrasj' Md Conaiellsr nl Law, Office 1M Brosd ct,, Columbus, Os. Mai H. Blandpobd. Lems F. <U*ea*d. ■LAN DFOAD A «ABKABD, Wpractlc ■si’s Jewelry Store. Ja, M. Russbll. Crab J. *wtrv. bcbiell a swirr, Attorneys end Counsellors nt Lnw. IVill | IB the Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee I aad Alabama. Office offer 0. A. Redd * Co.' Brood street, Columbus, Gn. Ito T. POWmVG, Attorney nud Nllcltor. PEABODY A BRANNON, Attemyi at Law. B. J. MOMEM, Doctors. DM. COURT. therpSBlB. Office h to 9 ». M. Dm.MsB.ldAW. Brood end Rnndolph sti building. DM. f. A. (JBqVNABT, DM. I. C. COOK, first door to left. Druggists. j. i. griffin. Imported Drugs lund Chemicals. JOHN Ira JORDAN, Drnnftit, Two doors below Geo. W. Brown's Brood Street, Colnmbt * Wight Bell right of south door A. H. BBANNON, Wan Bim, BhonD B«m, Ooiuaaua, Ga., Whelesnle and Detail Dealer Drags and Medlelaes, Tellet Articles aad Parfha Cotton Factorise. Manufacturers of ghftfttlaya, Shirtings, snd & Knitting Thread. Cords Wool and Grinds Whent and Cora* Office Id rear of Wlttleh A Kinset's, Jolt K. H. CHILTON Manufacturer! of O. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretory A Treosnrer. Watchmakers. O. SOHOMBURO. Boeceeeor to L. Qutowsky, jsll 106 Brood street, O. H. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Brood street, Columbus, Go. Watohee ond Clocks repaired iu tbe best ■ ■er and warranted. Tobacco, Cigars, So. Barber Shops. LOCH WELLS' SHAVING I (Uucoeesor to H. Hones,) Prompt aad polite barbers la attendance. ALEX A MAM, ED. TEDDY, Barker, Dress-Making. lag, Catting and Hitting. Terms < liaenco and shop Id Brow no rills. Feed Store. JOHN riTSGIBHONS, Confectioners. _ ^ ^ gmCHFKIt, Candy KsnufSetnrsr Stick Csndy 18 cesta. fall weight guaranteed In each box. W. F. T1GNMM. Dentist* ! J Opposite Btrnpper'. building. Rnndolph St. j Specuhl ettentlou given to the ineertlos of Artl- Acini Teeth, ns well m to Operative Deutistry. «*. febtt dew j Ml T. W. RMNTZ. Dentist* Over Joseph A Brother's etore. 1*11 W. T. FOOL, Destlit, novlLI] Id Brand fit., Columbus. On. W. J. FOfilLE, Dentist, eettill Oerirgin Nome Bnltiliner. C> umbna. 0*. Boots and Shoes. WELLS A CURTIS, No. 73 Broad Street, j Have always n full stock of J ■ 1 Boots tsd Shoes, Upper, Solo sad Hor ne** Leather snd Finding* Reliable goods! Reasonable prices i N. B.—Special attention to orders by Expiree, __ C.O.l). 1,4 H Livery and tele Stables. DODEDT THOMPtON, von ft Oou Livery, Isis asd Kxehaags Itablss Oaurnoars, Roars or Rassour Bts^ ectSO Columbus, Ga. ^ A. GAHMIL, Livery aad Male 1 tables, OauRRoars 8t., Columbus, Os. I Particular attention given to Peeding aad Bale of Stock* Horace and Males boarded la stables by the month or day. oct£9 ^ Restaurants. *■ HADRIM COUNTY DEMTAUDANT, NS. M Bread Street. s The best of Yorvign and Domestic Liquors and Cigars. Moats at all hours. 001 declB J. J. DLAKKLY, Prop'r. Fresh Meats. ~ J. W. PATRICK, Stall* No. 8 and 18, Market Hen*#. ~ ffrosh Meats of every kind and beet quality, jail always on hand. J. T. COOK, Freak Meats off All Kinds, scpC htaUs Nos. 15 and 17. i Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIFLED, dan and Lockowith, Craw lord street, nest to Johniuu’e corner, Columbus. Ua. jaft v WILLIAM 8CHOBER, fan and Locksmith and dealer in Gunning Ma terials. Opposite Enquirer Office. Jal6 Plano Tuning, lie. - E. W. BLAU, Hepairer and Tuuer of Pianoee, Organs aad Aeoerdouim. Sign Paiutiug also done. Orders may be be left at J. W. Pease A Norman’. .look fttore. sep6 Grocers. DAN*L R. DIRE, Dealer in Vamily Orocerice, on Bryan street, be * tweeu Oglethorpe A Jsckson streets. | JO- No charge for druyage. dec7 1 J. H. HAMILTON, WkeleMle mud Detail Oreeer, Junction of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe Pts No charge for drayuge. eepl4 1MHAM COOPED, 11 Family Orocer and Dealer in Country Produce, - sepA next to “Knquirer'’ Offlee. Tailors. ( G. A. KOSHNE, Merchant Tailor and Cutter. A full stock of French and English Broadcloths, Caasiiueres and Testings. eprlG No. 134 Broad Street. d HENRY BELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning and Repairing Done in the best style. apr24] Corner Crawford and Front Bts. Boot and Shoemakers ’ WM. KEYKR, 1 Boot aad Shoe maker. Dealer In Loather and Findings. Next to C. A itedd A Co.’s. Prompt and strict attention gives to orders. jal 1 ■ Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker 1m Tin, Skeet Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. J»T No. 174. Broad Street. ’ Painters. ‘ WM. SNOW, JR., A CO. # House and Sign Painters, Did Oglriihorpa corner, (just north of postoffloe) tm Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for House and Sign Painting at reasouable prices, and guarantee satisfaction. H«fer to Wbi, hnow. dr faprfi htl LAWYERS. W. F. Williams. Cias. U. Wiluams. ~ WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, M Attorneys at Law 9 COLUMBUS, GA. — Kf Office over Abbll's store. JylT ftm “ W. A. Farley, Attoriiey*at*Ij«'ra UU88ETA, CiHattahoochz* Co., Oi. MTS pedal attention given to enlleetioas. DOCTORS. ^ Dr. J. H. CARRIGER, ,SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, /''XFFIDE up stairs 8.E. cor of Broad k Han* Vj .tolph Streets where ho tnty b* found day — or night whs * not prole»sion*lly ougagod. ~ 4)idum‘.us, Apr \ 2 ,1874. dtf HINES DOZIER, — Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, GA., nCTILL practice iu tho Chattahoochee Circuit IF or any whore else, AH kind of collections >ru vcrhcti “Pay me or m# away.” novl4 tf — MILLINERY. = SPRING MILLINERY. ttr B have lust received u lu'l linn of NPMIND W AND MUMMER MILLINERY, in cluding all the AUV ai.Tih8 ol the season. pKkbbIMJ AND 1II.KACUING done in tbs latest styles, at the shorte-t notice. It*. Next door below the New York Htore. ^ MRS. COLVIN and octl*—ly mar4 MIBB BONNKLLY. ew Fall O-oods S JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED. styles Prints, White Goods, Fall Dress Goods, Bleached Goods, Linens, &c. Summer Dress Goods BELOW Cost to Aimivn i rge lot of Kentucky Jeans and Casalmeres. B0ATRITE & CLAPP, I l. 137 BROAD STREET. Hotels. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Next to Colnmbne Benk Building. Porters at all the trains. Builders and Architects, J. O. CHALMEIS, Meaee Cnrpewtor eed EsHldev. Jobbls* doe. st sbort .otic*. snd spselisstloss hral.bsd for sll stylss sf building. BrosdXtrost,eszt to0. W.Bwwii’s, THE FOUNDATION PRICES! ■ LOWEST at whioh Dry Goods have ever been in this State! Joseph, db Bro. I *Vl»(l sddsd s splendidly .-i.rlrd Snrlnx S*°«k to tlwss oe head, srltb lbs vis* of sroowwodst- Ing their customers, offer them at prices ronsi ■ANKINC AND INaURANOK. The thousand* who hive ffielied thin establishment since It le i In the reduction of Dry O oode wll *i for the quality or good* a?.d all rei>reeentatlon • mnde. ‘Cash buyers will netor hove a better chance. A email sum #111 go farther now than offer, before It is ti>o late. 14 tf JOSEPH A BDOe, •• Bread ItrteL “My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!’ Our Stook of Spring end Summer Dry Geode Is being constantly replenished. Just recelffrd, PULL ZiIND OP PARAD03 IK’, jaoonxit t ered cheat Mpectfnllv ask all call and examine and get prices. We always show goods cheerfully, aad NEW YORK STORE. M. LANMAPEDv COTTON WAREHOUSES. L. M. BCI Bl H. 0 M. WILLIAMS. BURRU8 A WILLIAMS, -chouse & Commission Merchant! Alabama Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE OOMPANY. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $520,364.92 Boston “ “ - - 180,903.89 Total AjsoI3 Gold—January 1st, 1874, $SS2,632.02. LIABILITIES. Lomu On* end Unpaid Non*. Lo«b*s in proce*K of .dju-ttm-ut, or edjuated end nut due 693,M)8 00 All other Olidnis 1,618 M COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoome, 1878 |8!i),887 73 Inoome, 1873 330,317 87 Gain -f 93,669 86 Lraera ffrerngtly Adjusted ted *’nlrly Battled by G. GUNBjf JORDAN, Agent, oot99 ly ' OOLTTMBUa. QA. SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES 8AVE IT I If you will only Save what you Waefea, It would be no trouble to beoome Independent. the Brown Cotton Gin. s Bcaleeman, and will be pleased to ■ We also sell b his old frlemls. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS OEPARTM'T Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. * The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the seourity of Depositors—$12 In assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reoelved. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N, J. BUSSEY, Pres't. G. GUNBY JORDAN, TreasY. PKTKK PRKgR. Fontaine "W^areliouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, on Factors & Commission Merchants OOXaTraCBTTS G3-JL. WATERINC PLACES. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Chalybeate Springs Meriwether County, Ga, A. O. Harwell having witbdrawu from the firm of Harwell, Griffin A Go., haft removed to Chamber a street. Hia friends sod patrons would do well to oall on him in his new quarters, stid ezumlnc stock before buying elsewhere. Prices at panic rates. jal8 suAwedtf Doctors. DR. I. T. WARNOCK, Surgeon and Physician. Office at Slaughter's Drug tftore, Rail rood etreeL Thlt Celebrated Watering Plioe I* Now Opbr rot yes Hronmes or ViarroB*. if-ndetion or en-imeretu n here. Suffice it to eay let they Love been thoroughly overhauled, and ffervtbing hn« hem doue ih-t can add to the omfort or pleasure of visitora. A dully line of Stages ran from Genera to the 0HAS. T. PORTER, Ag't, Proprietor. W arm Spring' m, MEB1WETHER CO., BA. r nia FAVORITK RlfigOliT is now open for visitora. The best fere and the Buret lathing on tbe continent. Apply for quartern to hotels. THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ca. iu its STRICTLY FIRST CLASS STYLE. Tbo patronage of those visiting Savan nah i« solicited, and the asaurauce given that eve ry effort will be made to ineure their comfort. Oar oninibnit-e will be found at all arrivi trains and ettamere. U. BKIDLEY A SON, m«y37—dlwlm froprlalon PICTURES! Have Them Copied and Enlarged by Home Enterprise! TXS"a* MOORS W ILL COPY AND EKLAKGV, IN fKAMB, from %i.W and upwards. Call and sxamiae ■neoimen.. and have your work done at home, wThont delay risk. COLORING done in Oil or Water. m Gallery at eonthweet eoraer of Broad and Ban- 4elfk airsatir Rankin House, ColumbuH, Ga. J. W. KYAN, Prop’r. Fun Gold**, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon. UXDBB TBS RaKKIX HotJUS. mfti dewtf J. W. RYAN, Frop’r. augt A NEW CASK ^Pretty Printt*. PEACOCK & SWIFT. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! THE Georgia iioinc Insurance Comp’y CONTHITEH TO OFFER THD PUDUC INDEMNITY against Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War 8800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to C.t It Raok. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM'L S. MURDOCH Prenident. Oolumbun, Oct. 1st, l.173. Treasurer. 11-440. 1874. D. DM. J. W. D. WILUAKB ura hie proieesiunal services. wiUce over E. Ornin A Go 's, Chamber* A K. K. Mreete. Representing Oldest and Strongest American and EngHib Companies. Millinery. M1S8ES WUITK A TUCKHB, Faihlouable Mlillnere aad Dreeamakara, Oentlumen'e ahirte cut by chart meaeure, aud ■. U. KPPINU, Prsa*L II. W. KDWAUD9, Caahler. B. M. MULt'OBD, Ass’t CftakT The Chattahoochee National Bank OP COLUMBUS, GEO. MRS. O. T. BARLOW. Fieshlonable MUUaer Md Drwaemitker. fiwe Ageut of Uulleriuk ft CO.'e Patterue. At the late baukiug House oi hhappaid A Co., •ipeliliN. Ala. JaSJ Notarios Public. U. D. UICKIINH, Being ap[»ointed Noury Public for Lee county, respectfully solicits the patruuage of his friends. Holds Court let aud 2d Saturdays of vauli mouth, at it. O. HolliU«:ld’e lew office. ja/3 Furniture, ftc. At Panic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Bewler la all kinds sf Farnltnre. Lawyers. A. J. VICKKDB, Attorney anti Csnmeller Tailors. J. D. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting and Making in the Latest Styles. Re pairing neat<y doue. South Railroad « r Paraliurw Store, jal Dentists. J. L. K. NMITK, DantUt, 1>o«j IMhIo Work and (‘lugging on reevoneble Barber Shops. WKRLEY BARItIBIliKH, Barber, ururr b- u.h Kailroa<l and Chambers strnots, dt e&i Hotels. ADAMS HOLME. go to Opelika, bo euro to stop at l llous", opposite PaeHcugor Depot. Insurance. Piques and Lawns VERY rORAF. PEACOCK A SWIFT. E. C. BOWEN * MON, 6.00*1 lUUHM *>«■«*. Ofic. k.llr««cl Blrrol, ow K. U. Urroo. * Oo.'i, Wood, Wood! jjfcST WOOD, reedy sewed,$4.00 per cord. Wood rawed for W cents per cord. Orders filled prompt ly on spplicstioD to th»- hm tr MViooess MAirvmow F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, OX 33ro«d Street, THU Bank tranract* ■ Genzrtl Sinking bwlnrat, gey* Intnrrat on 0*- poilt* under *p*ol*l oontrsot, give* prompt attentl.n t. oollratl.n* on all •ooeuibln point*, and invites eorraapondanoa. tranamldad by mall or wlraa whan daalrad. aprl dfim '’, i. S80SIS BEOWUt, Preildant. 910. W. PTLLW9IAK, OaiMw. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bends. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. THE MEM HUME SAVINGS BANK Offers tho greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and .prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who livo at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound* ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—liy the terras of the Company’s chnrtei, the entire eapi‘ n! property of tho Company and the private prop < ; tho Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of ; ings Dank. DirtEOiORS: J. HH0DE8 BKOWKE, l r. .1 uf the Co. N. N. CTJBTIS, of W«U*,Corti* A Co. JA8. F. BOZEMAN, 0.uiulii4, Ailanta. L. T. D0WN1N0, Atloroey-»ULow. J. K. CLAPF, Maunf'ir, OluppV I’nctory. D. F. WILLCOX, Seeratary of; k Oo. Hon. JOHN MoILllENNY, Mayor. JOSIAH MOURIR, Biuker, Moo-g'y. JAMES UAKKIN. ' 0HAKLK8 WISE, W< VMI Grand Clearing Ont Sale! TO MAKE HEADY PORTI1K BPH1NU TRAPS, WB*NOW 0P7CK Our Entire Stock of Fancy Drew Goods AT AND BELOW C08T, FOR CASE! AID KVEKY OTUKIt ARTICLE *8 LOW AS TO RE FOlfRP KLRXWRK.X. CHAPMAN & VUKSTILLK, Jot 4m« H IMA9 nun