The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 21, 1874, Image 4

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Jgailg g«$«iro FRIDAY CITY MILVHMIi AUGUST 21, 1874 APPAIM. COLVMBVM DAILY MAM MET. Fivawciai..—Sight bills on Now York par; on Boston % por oont. dieoonntf on ***• vannaU % por oont; demand bills on Boston Hporooot Bankaarosoiling ebooks OnNow York at J^o. premium. Currency loans 101 % per cent, per month. Gold and Mirer aomi nal. Oottow.—Market dull. The following are tbo quotation a: 8 0- 10 Oil 14&018X 16*01*% 16 0— Inferior. Ordinary and stained.. Good Ordinary Low Middlings Middlings Strict Middlings Hales • bales. Receipts S bales—6 by M. fc G. R. K.; 3 by wagons; 0 by N. A 8. ft. R.; 0 by w. K. ft. ; o by river t n by 8. W. ft. ft. NhlpmenU 71 balfr # by I. W. ft. ft.; 31 for home coasompUoa f 89 by W. ft. R. DAILY OTATUlfT. Htoek on band Aifustllst, im. MH Received to-dey 8 previously 00,1*7-40,806 *>,Oil 71 ,.60,965-61.006 stock on band i,ooe Ban Day Lang TiOc-Algltt list, 1171, 1M; received same day 4; total receipts &7,900; shipped same day 6 ; total shipments M.90S ; stock 1,310; sales 10. Middlings 17*e. U. 8. Foeth.—Receipts for $ days.4,487 on* ports to Oreat Britain 10,871; to Oontloent 0; Stock 136.03V. #WeA Fish by steamer Jaokson, by it 0. W. Baowa. Nose Jfsefcsref. Extra No. 1, six for #1. i'r«h Sfgt H0c., by G. W. Blown. The Place la Oat Just r.cei ved it T. E. Bi.iMuaiis'a, 188 Uroad itreet, new Fill HtjDa of Print., Blenched end Brown Homeepnne. We continue to ecll Conte’ end Clerk'e Spool Cotton it 70 oeate per dozen. K.otory Goode it feotorjr prioee, nod nil other goods et the very loweet figure.. Hummer l)reee Goode et your own price. aug'.'l tf Freak Flak amt Country Baiter. 180 dozen Eggs 20*. pat dozen. 200 Cliiokene SOo lo 36o. Cebbegee end Cooking Apple*. New Oheeee end Mackerel, lint* liege Turnip, and ileete. Potatoea, Oniuna end Leuioua aug'.'l 21J At Boonze’e Cox nth. Indass le Fete AdrerHaatstettle. Cleimz egeinet Moileabeok Batata—W. H. H. BlankenBbip, Adminiatretor. New Mackerel—G. W. Brown. Freak Fieb, Butter, Ac. — ltooher’e Cor ner, The Place to Go To—T. K. Bleuoherd. Freeh Fieb—J. L. Hogen. Honee for Bent—J. B. Jonee. Freak Fiek—G. W. Brown. Marling .1 Uuerryton. Thera le to lie e lurgo agricultural meet ing end barbecue given et Guerryton, on Ibe Mobile A Girard Uailroed, to-dey. MeJ. A. B. Oalhonn hei eooeptod en invi, tel ion to eddreee tho eaeeiublege, end left on yeeterdey’e train to fulfil the appoint ment. Mere Few Cotton. Two more bale, were received from A|. abtroa yeeterdey, making olovon which have been reeelved thia aeeaon. Yeater- dey’a bale, came from Bullock oounty, end were aonaigned to Hwift, Murphy A Go. of the Planters’ Warehouae. To ka Fomlnalad we Montgomery. A prominent aspirant for Judicial hon ora at the beude of the Alabama Badioala, atated that the Judge of the Ninth Circuit, and probably the othere, would be nomi nated by the Htate Convention, which mat in Montgomery yoaterday. He meant probubly they would be ohoaen by the Aepreaentativea from the Diitriota, after eonaultatiou with tho entire convention Lightning Med Men. Alabama ia .aid to he full of agenta, and the eurrent report ia that the onea put up have their ground connection, ao imperfect that the rode are aotnally dan geroua. The huuaee would be eafer with out them. Inelaneea we relate houaea furnished with auoh—ao-oalled proteolore—have been atruok and fired by lightning. But what doea the aeller care after he has eold the purokaaer ? Many man has boon swindled by theae agents. Fane on Tkle bide. A gentleman who had ridden the day before through all the river plantations on tho Georgia aide between hers and Baas’ place, reports no oaterpillara, good many are said to be on the Wright plantation, on tho Alabama aide. Our in formant ie a planter, but he wants no ad vances. The caterpillw reports, we be lieve, havo boon and are largely exagger ated. They are said to be in Woolfolk’a bend. Jrw.r, bernred. Tho Columkua Guards have secured an armory in Gunby’s building. The two apacioue room, on tho eastern aide are to be thrown into one, thUB furnishing a commodious, light aud airy apartment, well suited to the purpoee. The broad stairway leading to the rooms will prove oonvenleut. Being on the aeoond floor, Ihe armory iu every respect ie far superior to the one lately oooupied. irecfc of Prayer The Bishops of the M. E. Chureh re commended that the week commencing to-day be observed as a .postal season of prayer for the revival of religion in the Churches. To-day ia to be observed as one of faet- iog and prayer. All tbs Methodist con gregations in the oity unite this morning in services at 8t Luka Chnroh. Are they Boll Warmer Mr. A. Gammal brought in from his farm, yesterday, a number of cotton bolls ptaroed by worms, whioh eat out the oot- ton. They work on thn fruit and do not aat the leaves. They have the exact ap pearance of thane wot in Inst week by Mr. Frank Badd from hi* plantation in BuaaeU. If this bo tho true boil worm, a terror wore* than caterpillar will befall the amp. Tanas Levied, gw-Mf Far County and PourFVthM Her Cam Wo an indebted In Mr. C. Is Mw- tin, tho efficient Treaeanr of Kamil county, Ala., for the following date re garding Kamil oounty. Wo have w- ranged the figures in a eonvanUot tabular form, ao that comparisons may lie made at a glance with the preoeding year. Compare any oounty ia Alabama with any in Georgia, and the lattar will ahow improvement end tha former backward ness. Georgia is ruled by Democrats; Alabama by Kadicaia. mnn o» oomtuaionua. Tbo coart of County Commiaaioooia met as a Board of Equalization nt Heals, on Tuesday, the 18tb inst., to receive and ex amine the Tax Aaaemor’a books, and to levy a tax for the oounty for this year- nil of which they did. Tax LEW. The tax levied for oounty purposes wee pot at *— u of am pw cant,, which in aa high as oounties are allowed by law. This makes tha taxes tor thn present year on* dollar and thirty cents oil each $100 worth of taxable property in the county. State tax three-quarters of one per oent. (70), Sinking fond one-twnnMeth td «mn per oent. (0), end oounty lax one-half of one par oent (10). nix Aiataaoa’a xxruxxa •how as follows: t itrs. im. Ho. ef Acres of Lead As- 407,488 419, IM Ho. ef Poll. l.»»T IJ» vs Lraa. twe. twfi Velua of laada and Ip- provsmsots tl,*1,014 Value of town lot* TotftJ YClB9 Of r*Al tmtO Total value ot personal property Y sprwpeny. Tax on poll* for lohool TotaMaih, the Blits! ultoSIfK 1M4MI Tax by County “ —Woathorwarm. Hkios cloudy. Mos quitoes hungry and muriaal. —Deliannod mam da not nsowaarily go together. —The BohUUnger pasaaeant around Freer, Illges A Co. s store is as handaom aa any on tha continent. If there bs maoh money thia fall, ws have no doubt thia pavement will be extended the entire length of Bread street. —It ia rumored that Col. Nichols will surrender charge of the Kimball Honae on October 1st, and be saooeeded by Mr% Byingtou, of Fort Valley. -OoL r. a. Withies hnd aoreasl others an talked of as candidates for Mayor of (Mmtaaia the nett MseMoa. —Hen an the faotaat reeontote lata- ting horses now on the torf ; Gohtanith Maid 2:14f, Looy*:l*f, Occident *:ldj. —If you wish to-know how many friends yon have, get into oifioe; and bow many yon have not, get into tnuMa. —While a Dwyer—we won’t say whan tnoeo—•* w+ in * • high-fimm pgapeh, gashing about angels’ tears, weeping wil lows end tombstones, hh Honor the J. P. said: "Confine yonr remarks to tho dog ease.” —Who studies books will know how things ought to ha; who studies men will kaaw haw things are. —Wa haws aanaa people ia Columbus who an tha busiest In the oity and tha Tha Gommiaaionan of Muaoogee coun ty have fixed tha eoanty tax at five-ton tha of ana par east., or forty oanla on tho gioo. Tbo tax D on a-tenth im than that ie hot year. Tha Htats has, however, fixed tax os at four-tenths for general and one-tenth for school purposes—nuking that tax one-tenth aeon than ia 187b. Bo the two—Htats and county—added to gether, will make a total tax of one per oont., or one dollar on the hundred, whioh D tha aame aa last year. The taxes are, however, in exem of la* yam, because no exemptions are allowed, whereas Unl oose warn granted in 1873. If aU the taxes are eolleoted, the aggregate from the sooty wflt be about *33,000, of which’Xbe State gets half aud tha oounty half. ’The Oommiamoners have estimated for ite foBewing expenditures: Court house and fall, tS;d00; roads and bridge*, $8,000; jurors and bailiffs, $10,000; asy lum for the poet, $8,000; contingent and ineindantal expanses, $15,000. ftte ltese*ahh^~Trssgody, Than aaaast ts be very,little doubt, from oiroumstaaoea that have developed since tha killing of OhaMes W. NiohofiTby Edwin If. Mooring, of Marianna, Florida, that'whan tha act was committed Moor ing was suffering from tha family taint of insanity. It D difficult to ballav* other- wise bo* ell $>e avidenoa jtafdrs us; and . , . . „ it now appears to be a oaea that ahonld Da* thanked <« thtar ftana. Ttmgr era eainw^87p*fotind ay.pdthy of the those who are continually patting thslr jaw in other people's affairs and retailing -Eli Perkifih Urns aptatoiUes oaflaaa- toga Leila: Young Gentleman—Charmin’ avr'niog, Mith B— rewn. Young Lady— Yes; awful charmin' perfectlylately— spies— Young GentDman—Donee a squat donna to-night ? Young Lady—Oh, Mrj ,Browp; I l^nt, y*o kueui fbe oiona—hawibla— per-peri Let's donoa a galop. They'rawfi perfectly divina. *,*> Ho. acrai of lead to tin- SM SHSLVBIB •hows that real estate has dacreseed in value ainoe last year $173,187, sad per sonal property $37,297, making a total decrease of $210,464. Land thia year ia valued at about $3.50 per acre, last year at over $4. Bines I860 the taxable property of |h* county has decreased $1,271^881. cooiitt debt, sooner M, 1874. Kegistered debt $26,217 88 Oounty aevip outatanding 3,150 00 Interest on eorip 1,764 48 Amount due jurors 433 20 Aggregate indebtedness $81,665 06 The county owed in the fall of 1868 abont $9,450, inolntlng the oounty eorip. auvxaa* Maamxs. 1874. 1878. Baoalved to August 20th...«98...$l,23».ua Showing a falling off of $633,81, EXPECTATIONS. The oounty will probably raalize from tax**, lloeneet and otherwise abont $8,000 in tha next eix months, at ltost one-half of which will ba requited to pay ourrent axpanaaa for that time 08 until Jana, 1875. Tho balance may be need for reduoing the present Indebtedness. Mayor’s Court C. Copeland wee the barkeapar on Frost a treat vfho SHttkeA 8 negro with an opan knife, bat was not able to reaoh him. Thn aagro took Sat a warrant (hr mult with attempt to mordar,” but thD was tattled for money between them aefOlk, and tha charge withdrawn. It waa intimated that the prieotpel wit atm had beaa paid to remain nway from tha Mayor'* Oonrl. Copeland waa fined ten douua of ten days. John Linnehau waa fined $7.50, and Olya. Te/k>r, colored, the same. ThD waa {he ease mentioned yesterday, in whioh the white man ahot at a negro for hitting him with a piece of briok. Tha testimony thtowad hog; war* wrong at the origifi. Cants* were ndt ‘ clean y stated. Whiskey had aomathing to do *au : Arnold and t: J. Blaektrall, eaoh charged with disorderly oonduct were dismissed. Dick boott. eol'd, was fined $2.50. Fi^ta hupoaed at the levee, $27.60. Like out State#. As tha Western HatlrtDd train from Co lumbus was bearing Opelika, on the morn ing of the 18th, the day of Ur# Kadi cal Nominating Convention at thalattar plaoa, per notiaed a "cnllnd gemman," Go to the Mahp Rmtwarant for yonr Oystara, Fiab, Gama, awd all Ihiaga good to sat. OOI15 tf A largo lot of aheap Oataimaraa and Linens, very cheap, nt . Bumuan't. Nani «hu aro aafariag Cron Ikt tfact* of tb« w*rra w»«th«r $ad art* 4$Mlit«ted, arc adviced by phjt.ciani to Uka •odarata aaounU of wbiakvj two or thraa HaMa darlag »ka day. Ia a little while thnaa who ado*t Ihla advice fraqqtnlly io- rreite the number of ‘-drlakt" and la tine become confirmed iaabriataa. A bevaraga whicli will not r-vatathim for fatexleattag llqnon, and wllfh la iutended.aagaciaU)r Lr Ua baaatt of debilitated persouA, whether at home or abroad, la l>r. fkbenck fi Baa Weed Toalc. Ooataialag the Juicef of many medic! aal harba, thia preparatioa doea not create an appatita for tha latoxicatiag cup. The nourishing and tha llfe-eapportlng propaitiea of ipauy ralqitb)* natural prodoeliups contaluad In If, and wall kaown lo madical man, have a moat strengthening influence. A single bo'tle of tha Tonic will demonstrate Its valuable qualities. For da tlity arislcg from sickness, over exertion, from nny causa whatever, a wins glass full of Ben Weed Tunic taken after meals will strengthen the stomach and create an appatita for wholesome foot Tr>*n WSo an ttaal Itaeia, Star Mh, ws desire to say that tha exoalleat aCbcta of Dr. Bcbencks • taHQI^h rested Ua, Bra Weed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills, are particularly avldent when taken by theaa whs are injuriously affected by a change of water aad diet No-person should leave home without taking a supply of theaa safeguards along. Vor sale by all Druggists. myl9 sadly NOTICffe trip for 8fty aants sack. mmnt%Uon tkkem. fsv indfridunli sr frm|. w ATkilitfiJPIpAPM- W arm SprlngB) eomaapnity. Pay fVatw, The appla^* «f 4he4iria>iwwrteru and MobUa andGivavd KaUioade wav* paid off yaatavday, and all hands mad* freeh and hapffy M the flowaf* In May. Ollwwlsi ftWIS TM* Week. Tbna far thia weak Oolumbna has wavs- housed 28 baDa, and shipped 133, against 41 rtoeivad, and 92 shipped last year. rWTOKDt—MO IFPLATIOFI High prices can no longer exht. Gash baataD tha priaatplaMw andasldcair* to close basins*, am offariag my stock of Dry OoaSs, Clothing, T HIS f AVOKITB rnaaOBT Is sow ma for Witters. The best An sat UsleMt Hsartv all dtassss oriflaats from IaClfMtloa and Torpidity of the Liver, and rellaf is always anxiously sought after. If the Liver ia Regulated in Its action, health Is almost Invariably secured. Want of action in tha Llvar causes Headache, Constipation, J—Uta, Pain In tha Shoulders, Cough, Chills, Dluinees. Sour Stomach, Bad Taste in tlhMbdth.VllfrM 'ffttadk*, Phlpltatkmdf the Heart, Depression of Spirits, or the Blues, and a hundred other symptoms, for which SIMMONS* LIVER REGULATOR Is the best remedy that has aver bean discovered. It acts mildly# effectually, and being a simple vegetsbla compound, can da no YabStti & belag tha purest aad bast. i’ Lim IHULiM, ir leditMn, Is harmless, Is no dr. stio violent medivins, Is snrs to cmra if taken regularly, Is no Intoxicating beverage, Is a fruitless family madiclne, Is ths cheapest medicine in the world, Is given with safety and the happiest results te the moat delicate Infrnt, Does not interfere pith business, s not disarrange the system, Mth.pimw eftoiataa.aa* MMera of .v.rj kind, Ova tains tbs stmplMt aat bstt ramsdlra. FOR SALE BT ALL DMUOGIMTM, teVI tsstowly ■ . far.. ton v.«., east t need men* trip ( Oemmr' lias, for t “* rain trala, c Chlldraa over Bv. aaa eaesr swam feeee win batata half ittss. thset aadtr (v* will w hf rotd li la a tkoroa|klp talk rtadHI.e, iat the traia. an M ebaege el a rarstat, prills aad aaeamosadnting sondMntar* Jyzi td a. A- ninTffMJH.flesslvw. Western Raflroadof Aldhim*. | mCmEICSulMBCHgmmMi J0U8 L. MV8TIAN, HOTKLS. aad nan Boots and Hhoes, Hosiery, ■ artictaa ia this Una, at less Call and eternise, aad Brake on* dol lar go favthar than two ataqyothfiv plao*. I am in sarnwt. If yon doubt it, step in and hav* proof of th* foot. J.- Hanan, 114 Bro«d Ht., . myl 4m OClombua, Ga. CMAM. MBTMAF B CO., offer at THE SCREVEN HOUSE, Savannah, Ce. WILL he kept span this summer In I well known STM0TLY FIRST CLASS STYLE. The patronage of thane vMltng Save neh le solicited, end the asaumaoe given thnt ei ry effort will be mnde to Inenre their eomferL Ouromnihueee wlU he fessd nt nUkrrivlig trains end sleemem. K. BRADLEY t BON, niay27—dAwdm Proprietors. that eaa he givea te peeueae ewHSeieg foswsdym OklftaOrot, Ot., their popular BMMtAVBABT AFJt bALOOF 3V, b«* tjtot ee. ba foand to Liqtur.. Clgara, Tobacco, Ac. [my3 1y The tael Imported Havaaa and Ka, Wait Cfxtn, CkawfUf sod IWdklcg Tobacco, PoufT, Hteitekaum atpw, 0t*mr, Mateh 8ate>. Tobacco bags, Ac. cat be fcaad at LOU II XU KLEE’S, IUad*lpk 8t.. Im with Eta tlf k, oar inaalrcr OAcc. »4«f inioiur* vp bob fall tbade. The Grangers’ Warehouse a Pined Pact— Confidence in Gen. F. B. Uuerry. The Committee of Way* and Mean* of Grangers met in Oolumbua on Monday, the 17tb, to reoeive th* report of the Warehouse Committee. Dr. E. O. Hood was Chairman, and N, 1). Quarry, Secretary. The chairman, T. J. Watt, reported that the Grangers had not boan able to rataw Ihe amount of cottou (npeetod tdata thousand bales) required by the propoii tton of Gen. N. D. Gutity, and ha had withdrawn tha aame, and declined th* subeortption as tendered. Mr. K. G. Williams had offered to take the aubccription and furnish storage on the terms of Gen. Gaerry’e proposition (understood to be 26a par bale for a month), and they had therefore closed with him, and war* glad to say tha oontsmpDt ad Grangers' Warahonaa.of Onlifhita ap henceforth a faot. The Committee offered th* foUowing which waa unanimonaly adopted: Whereas, wa oould not raise tha tinea at of cotton by aotnal inbeorfption whlen Brother Quarry'* proposition demanded, and ha not being willing to take the rDk whioh would be incurred by opening a warehouse for the amount raised; there fore, Resolved, That in taking laava of him w* heartily tender oar individual thanks for the seal and untiring effort* be has made to establish oar warehouse, and ex press our perfect confidence in him in every sense. Gen. Gunny waa requested to tarn over to Mr. Williams all subscriptions in hi* hands. The next meeting of Ibe oommittee will take piece in Columbus on Thursday, Beptember 10th. Th* above information ia oMoial. The town understanding it that half of tha Lowell Warehouse will be rented of Mr, George Banke, who ia said to have control of that institution for ths aeitieason. Mr. William* ia from Chattahoochee oounty. The proceeding* of th* Grangen' meeting show unmietakably the confi dence that body have in General Guerry, aad w* hope now tha slander aa ibdae- triously eiroulated of late against him will eeaae. The Grangers are aompoaad, aa a rale, of th* very beet men la this section, and their expression of confi dence and esteem ia indeed high praise. Deeidediy Wrong. - The Union Springe (Alabama) HeraU ■aye th* first tads of new cotton in Oo^ Iambus sold al 14} oe*to Wte de nta know where th* Herald received its wrong information. Th* first bale reoeived at Oolambto brought 21} canto, and waa ao published in thD pap*r- Our raooUectltyi D that th* pritea those two first bales W calved at Montgomery era quoted too high. The Herald mys they brought J5o. and 23}e. Wa do not tbiak either brought over 93 oent*. We, however, oare vary little abate Moatgamery, as Justice D do«* Ooleabus. shop in tvior, with genteel olothtog of tha Sam* has, walking barefoot aloag tbs •id* ef the track, and tarrying in hD hand a nloely blacked peir of shoe*. It }i sap. posed he was h delegate sent to hdlp nom- inato Badloal candidates for Congress and Oironit Judge. ThD remind* us ef tha darkey, who, ifer* tho war, while going 4>ai<>foe4, with Sunday shoe* in hand, to eburob, tors hD foot badly against a anfeg. Looking down, h* said i “Dari of I had on dam abase, l would a lo* all my Christmas money ; kase I bought dam shoes myself ; but dat *r foot am mama's, an' I gw in* to lay up tree weeks. Ki yi-ya!" Of auoh maDelta avw thk’Dw-makera of Alalinma. Rankin House, Columbus, Ua. J. W. KYAN, Frop’r. Fkank Gotoaa, Clack. ftuhy Ue&tRuraut, Bar and Billiard Saloon, li'XDsa ran Biaam Honan. ■yM dewtf S. W. MWAH. Piaga _ieadache, fever aad aftw, narvous dobilltv, in; dlaordor affecting tha ■tomach. I ha liva.’ or kldueyo, ia to tona, cleauie, and ruiulata thaao im portant organs by the u$« of Dft. TUTT’i VNGKT- a RLE LIVER PILL8. They act vary mildly, y* thoroughly reatore tha fUnctioaai action or thu dlgostiva organs and tha intestines and rmovato ths whole system. They produo# neither naui— griping or woukueM, aud may m taken at i time without change of diet or occupation. Priea 28c a box. Sold by all druggists. DR. TUTT'S HAIR DYI poteMM. eusMlM Chat ao etbet aye toes. Us Pric. fl s bolT Sold MISCELLANEOUS. Kill tho Cotton Worms I WITH ROY ALL’S COMPOUND, PfirlfiOrfifia awd Awflaifi. tab SALkM E. C. HOOD A BRO. sugl li Keatueky Jam*. Fall Stylaa Prints. Bleaohad Homerpnaa. Brown “ New White Piqnea. Whit* Victoria lawna. “ Linen Lawns. Floe assortment of Hosiery. Foil line Biaok Alpacas. Gray Htatings for travaUag and walking. That far 134 badges hav* been bought of the Oity Tramarar, at #1 each. ThD givaa aomathing to tha eity. Now man are not allowed to shout and yell on tha stoats without being arretted, neither ahonld dogs hav* tbe privilege. For the Dat few nights a orowd of dogs have col lac ted in tbe streets near th* market house and mad* the middle hours a par. fete pandemonium of demonieo barks and yelD. Th* darkness D made hideous, “Abandon hope, ye who enter there, seems to be the loud chbuth baying* of Tray, Blanch* and Sweetheart and th* yaller can to partie* who go into the ad- joining heazu to try and slumber. Can't off* bPIwo^biloainen eh oot w few stray pistqi baUa into that orowd of disorderly pmfcafCtojfr W* many sufferers by ao doing. JtteMm ef Ft, a. Washington Fire Gopipany No. 2., col ored, arrived home from th* exouratan trip to Atlanta yesterday morning. They represent the trfp'kk very pleasant, and wa are glai| (q learn some money has been mad* This oompany D oompoaad of a flee cleat of our colored citixens. They make aplehdid firemen, always prompt and active in th* discharge of daty, aad whenever tha ocaasian oaUa they render valitaat serviee. They take pride ih their organixation, and the eity ie proud of euoh an active aud oSoieut body of stalwart man, who quiatly work for an honorable living, aad as fireman atrlva to axoaL Another tawny Bern Mral. That* waa an arrival of a young Geor- gD Democrat yaatarday morning, who re. oaivad th* given name of (Dear Dibble, in honor afl the eonduetar of Abe Western Bailroad who didn't let Bnsteed's servant rid* in tha ladiaa' ear. Hit father ia tha popular John Colvin. . Ballroom Lam ef Lee Coossoty. The ConuaDaionera' Court of La* ooun ty has haan aompeHed by wwmfamui from the V. B. Court to levy • tax off one-half per oate. to pay tha Intuit na Ma nfl- vaad bands taanad by th# aawtffk Thn iaxabD property off L**D$1,I74,454 88— V6JMT* 78 batsgawh.tetata, and $348, ,$84 U paraonal property. Hammer Drew Goods at a great bargain. J. H. Jons. Oohunbaa, Ga. [angl4*od] LOOK TO XOVB IFTMMEbT I Now U tha Urn* to spdnd yonr money to advantage. $30,000 worth of goods yet to be sold at tha Vivgiaia Store. Only 60 days Dft to illapnaa of thD splendid stock of goods 5 handsome new ahow aaaaa; 1 large mirror. 6 oonater table* for. sola, aad tha beat store house in tha oity to lease for two year*. — — Richardson's Collage Shirts at Mann- faotnrer’s prices. Gent*' hand-mad* Boots and Shoes at faotory pilots. Carpets and Bug* leas than ooat Jnglas' A Harris' Kid Gloves at New York prioaa. No good* delivered until paid for as w* hav* not th* time to send oat bilD. jalyl9—tf Prrrox, Gascon A Co. At Thirty-Piee Th* average American discovers that he has an “Infernal Stomach," and gas* into tha heads of th* doctor* for the remnant oare, bat Da. Wamu's Yuxoea Bursas will both onra and prevent dyspepsia, diaaaaaa of th* akin, Uvar, kidney* and bladder, and all diaordars arising from an ‘iufernal atomaoh." jy24 4w A few placaa ofYtanoli and English Cataimaraa, vary low, to eloaa ont, at T. K. JBLAMoaAan'a. GREAT BARGAIN I Safe and Paying Business Already Established, for Sale. Y DRUG STOCK AND BU8INBM favorable UlM - . _j’n$um$ra aud country aarehanta would do wall to c$ILm I am datATMluad tm va4M» my large aud will Mlactad alack. C. J. M0FFBTT, J$25 3u 74 Breed it., Caiumbna, i W. W. OHARPE A 00., Rubllshara* Agents Mo. 25 Park Bow, Nit York, Art OlfltM—d — UtRfrU ftfr A« vtrtlilMg t» wear pipur. myll tf cun r b<h Boards a 100,000 awvixn fiLiifl LOM1U fra a Btaalay't Mill, couaiatlsf tC Eoautllbg. lack >rdt aod flbeatblag. Aim a good lot of Pint Class Lumbar oa bead. Addrwa augS tf IINHANT T« OitllllClil ttAVILIIS. C OMMERCIAL TravalM* wbo aolUlt order* by Card, Catalog ua, Trade-LUt. tksapli stock, and who trarvl lu any saotioa, by rail boat. Helling any class of iPfdA at* rcquMtad send their Business aud Prlvata Addrww, aa ba- low, stating class of goods tbay sail, aad by whom employed; also tbosa wbo ars al praaaat undsr no IffSBSS w*~£.rt&V2. l 2V}?Z llciting trade in this mauoar. It la tkaraforv espaciullv daaiiad tbH tbi« AuUaa fra/ mast tbs rye of all ’Commercial Travelers frnrRblasman io thia country aud that tbay .will at one# give It their attautiem. ThodS who comply with above gw. ~ork City, ! riodlui Oa j. P. Rowell A Oa. aaa aaan m Erne bempiee for SWI and Winter 4874-8 A Urge and elegant assortment, em bracing all tha lataat Novaitlaa for Oanta' Wear. Call and aaa them. Orders aoUeitad. Maaanraa taken and aatirtaotion guarantaad. Tkoxetox A Anas, aug’JO tf 78 Broad Bt. Tha beta plaoa to boy Table Lintaa, NapUaa and fihaatlaga, D te ’X IN Bread a*. Cotton Factory. A. CLEGG A CO. OolumbuM, Qa., A HE prepared to supply mersbeals pruiui A aid io a aatlafMtory frAAoar wHb tbs quality of Cotton Chooke, Gingham* and •trlpaa ail of wbicb are lu fast oolars, and of tbe latent aod moat approved patterns. 90* Factory corner of it. Otalr aad laekaoo atruat. Qflka ou Jackson street. JeHdfca 541 HOURS 20 IW YORK nine novae ruxHr tihki wamut atfi.arua oa aidbama, owan, •*_ Nata 8M. UN. TXAIKI UtVMMinm BSILT tor Mautetteary ate States, 140 L a. Antra atllaataT, 7.-*a a. a. Arrlv. st frina, IM4 A. a. VOX AXLAKTA A*SHAW MW Atto.toa.te. Antra OpaUha a* Iktoa-te- At Atlaata AM te. By ASaMfi aad wTahwaikd MMJaa. Lears Atlanta M p. ■; nttURB 404 a a., Daavlll.5:87 f. te., Iktanti)M,SL Ar- riv. at Wraklaftea te, a. n, at fiaititem AM a te^st FkilaAalftaa 18»tete,ta*nw TOM *14 aiMpdf Oars raa IVote AUaate te tesriatti. Laava AtlsaU ACC ,. te- MBS 1HI ,. te, Bristol tot* a. Lyatakare tattap. te. Ante. tesFla, sate raa Ik** Atlaata to Iffithkn,. TXAIKI AKXIT1 A* OOLUMKUS SAILT spat. rat laari. Central Ratfread. fJD^tegHMM BUFBxiNTaNaairt'f'orrton. i StTiana, Oao, Jaa. to, 18T4. } S0UT1IU* kCTKHN a.< ltnoiUB raa ht te'lktol Sold until ,3l*t nf Deoamher Maxi. ■itUtOWtoWus Scrofole, Erupriv* inseeaes of the Bkib, 8t. An thony’s Fire, Erysipelee. Blotches. Tumors, Boils, Tetter, end Skll KlwRfr, Sdelfl Bifrff, Ringworm, Rhaumetism, Pein aod Enlargement of the Bones, Female Weakness, flterillfy, I^ncorrhu*# or Whites, Womb Diseases, Dropsy, White Swellings. Byphltie, Kidney And Liver Complaint, Mercurial Taint, aud Piles, ell proceed from impure blood. medical ecieuoe. It enters into the circulAtion and eradicates every morbific agent; renovates tha systemi prod lose a bountiful complexion and causes the body to gain fleeli and increeae iu eight. • Keep Uia Bleed fteulUiy _nd ell Wflt be well. To do to, nothing bae ever been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable Ax tract. Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Drugxiete* Oftea 48 Cortlandt street, M. Y. $bl5 deodewly A LARGE LOT OF Fresh Drugs for Sale. laud _ iva early in tha Calf for Florid**, I offer my entire stock at MUCU BBLOW COST, to avoid penes of Irenepertation. A large lot of LAMPS, V Afl KB, FANCY GOODH, ;c., will be sold at a grant bargain. 4. I. GRIFFIN, Druggist, ■an «t 100 Bread itrast. COURTING. ^ Parasol and Flowers, Is The ad ef fturting _ _ the Haadkercblef, Fan. lewura, ie the gnyeet thing out, Oontained in a book of 20 pages. Tbe Lengouge of Flower* Is something new. Bend for one, only 98 seats. J. BRIDE £ CO. Bex 311, Frankfort, lad. augi lm R. c, Et. R ■ICH. BABB, BACY FLIRTATION CARDS Tkese a retrench Flirtation^ Cards, and tell bow ceived from Parisi Are very nobby ! Only 20 eta, Buy one. J. BRIDE A CO-, MrM tlf Fmikfort, lad. augi lm =BW?5^5HS-5B5-—— Her M Kiittiu Hie Co.’; liitoeatit heilj Iiittiag lacbiif. N. J. BUSSEY, Agent FOR ABCBRIOAif Cotton Tie Company. Th, trade supplied at la watt mar ket raAta: A fIV CAM Pretty Printa. PSAMM 4 MMfTi We offer to tbe public a simple, cheap Family Knitting Machine. In ifr/rovieg and perfecting onr Amtwmatle Nachlae. wa have aimed at frlMPlalCITY, and we conttdentlv assert that any person of ordinary ingenuity will be able to uoe the Knitting M aril ins with better decrees thau a SewiDg Machine. Our Machine ie not lia ble to get out of order. It can be attached to an ordinary table and worked by a chi structionaac^mpany^each Machhn wuTdo tbe*kndtUng for a^oten househoTde. gaud for Circulars aad Fries List. N. B.—We are also the sola and exclusive Agents for tbe celebrated Rlekfrrd Kltttittf Vg. hvluk KriiljwlHKNdL JylS dewtf 499 Brendwey, New Yotka K.A. BACON. Agent Agents sell. Tbe PUBLIC are therefore CAUTION I PROVIDE THBMdELYBf WITH Tip tbe Agents at tbe station, er PAY f Oea’I flup't Oea ▼ POWJ Kug’r and Bap't Soutbwi 9up’t Atlaata Dtvieiea 0VaMaT Je30 lm Montgomery A Eufaula R. R, Change of Schedule, Taking Effete Swdsy, Jhm 31, ISI4. MAIL TRAIN—DAILY. heaK Montgomery ftiiill >rriv%at befouls UMtl •Conne^ng ob Wednesdays and Baturdaye with Boston Chattaboocbee Klv r, aad dally atJJaiea an Uoetaon Chattahoochee Kir r, aad dally a flprmgs with Mobile A Oirard Railroad for Troy. Leave ftufoula f .. r ...... lft Arriveg> Mfrtem.ry.* y Connecting at Union Springe with MeUle A 0irar4 Railroad lor Columbus, and al Montgofranr with roads direrging. i*28 tf B.PONMAM, CENTRAL RAILROAD. SsasaAt hiaimnaik Oraita, liVAmi, fluwaSrl FT1R SUNDAY, 1 _ Paaesngsr Tratea oa tbe Railroad, lie Branches end OeaiestlMm, win run aa follows: TRAIN M0. 1, GOING NORTH AMD WN9T. Leave flevehbah•«•••*«.. Leave Angnatn 9M9 a ■ Arrivg in Augusta 4*91 a *»"• “SSjS Arrive at Boihnlfr a ■ Arrive at Atlanta a ■ COMING SOUTH AMD BAST. Leave Atlanta IfcOOMl Leave Columbne., Arrive afe Macon from Atlanta Arrive at Maeea from Celumbue Arrive at Meeon from Bufrula Laava Maoea..;,. 7:10 9 ■ , 7:18 F M 9:10 A B , 4:10 A ■ . 9C0AB . 7:18 a v . 9riti Arrive at Angwsta fWJii Arrive at Bavaauah. 8tt8FB TRAIN NO. 9, GOING NORTH AND WRIT. Leave Savannah VSim Leave Augusta Arrive la Augusta * ■ Arrive In Meeon •■*** Leave Macon for Oolumbna StVOAB Laava Maooa for Hnfrnla 0-08 Al Leave Macon for Atlanta 9i00 a 6 Arrive In Columbus...... 4:88 rH Arrive in Bufamla 8:40 r ■ Arrive in AUaate 3:06 f ■ COMING SOUTH AMD BAIT. 1:76 r X 2:80 9" 8:80 40 7:10 F« XI _ Arrive to Meeon from 1 Arrira uTlUlitacniii..... Leave Atlanta... Weave Celumbue. Leave Arrive In Macon from Arrive t» Macaw from •NWFN 1:14 4 ■ Aagn-i Arrive io Aui Arrive in Sevnuoab.. Trait No. 2, being n through traiu us* ihe O*** tral Railroad, etunpiug only et vbot* et»tioae. passeugers for half stations tea not be tek»> or put off. PaeoeDgriif taker train, . road, Atlanta and Maeon. Tbe Mill Baton ton (raid rone iailjfj ~ Jet8‘tf seeogriif lor Mllledgevli'e and KeteateawM train Mo. 1 from Savaaneb aad Auguete, ea4 i No. 9 from points wa th* Fouibwsetern Wi llie aai iperlateadeat. NOTICE. |N AND AFT»R Trala on sltG^na V. Important to Farmers. K. T, J. 8TXTIRS D well known to tbo . Wanlereof Gearfraand Alabama cocas of most reliable aad efteieat GIN-WRIGHTS in country. TTherever he kuf worked he hee mkim eaUefoctlon; uad, aa ho propeees fee make a to„ la a short ubs, plaaton astala, at* Main •teal* hate ta tastr eatete sa4 Istetlsa "wirh r —Bhus V V. L. olabh, aw- Piques and ltewn' vasvcuur. VEAOOOK 4 SWIFT.