The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 27, 1874, Image 3

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’ T. 1 -: ,: "' . mniiti K9DAY AUGUST 27. 1874. Lawyers. Char lf.4 H. Markham is the agent the Enquireb-Sun for Masoogoe and sell oonofies. He la aatboriEed to cit advertising and anbacriptions, and ceipt for the aame. We commend as a gentleman in every way worthy confidence. That Bacon at Montgomery. We propose to say a word or too in ho of the “overflowed.” On yesteiday r ten car loaQa of bacon, donated ngress for the purpose of feeding ng negroes until after the election, _ d in this city. More will come lo- It was consigned to J. 0. H. and , meaning J. 0. Hendrix and Hol- Thompson. Yesterday evening, in of Boswald’s A Abraham’s store, on street, two or three thousand pounds “electioneering document” were d out. The boxes wereopened and the afternoon the clerks were yet ng. We learn that this is but one ral stores, to which J. G. H. and •ve consigned their grub. Every- ;wr that there has been no overflow gornery, and that this bacon and greenbiok business, is a dirty, vile Rzflical trick. Negroes are already being Ubported from Mississippi and Ten- namesfeed upon it, and that which is distributed here in Montgomery and ad joining founties, is given only to keep the lacy negro in good cheer, and decoy, if nosidblf^vome unsuspecting white voter into the clutches of the uegro custom- hou-e petty. In this latter attempt the wretoh—’who are couspiring to turn the State om to negroes and villains, will meet wttfe signal defeat. We have not been Oftfflowed, except by saucy and im pudent negroes, and mean, unscrupulous white men. Relieve us of this inoubus, and take back your grub. Meanwhile we advise all persons to draw it freely and prosecute for bribery every man who hints at reoeifiog vu es in return. If J. 0. H. and H. IE Hrll the rations, prosecute them for embpilemont.—Advertiser, 2Wi. %.p. n. L. MiteheU, Secretary of the l of Trustees of the University of Du the 8th instant I had the honor > from you an official communi- [forming me that I had been duly phanoellor of tho Universi-y of i mail I Acknowledged the re- your letter, ond stated that 1 r not to signify my accep mice feptanca of the position teu- , uutil after contereuce with the 1 untees, who cons i’uto, as I learned, what is known as the ounuittee. kindness, and at my request, Ittee was convened on Wedncs- ud having had a full and free i with them, and haviug been f each of them that there is no on why I should not accept the trust, and that there is every 7 I should, and that my Admin- Ill, without doubt, bo sustained leather of the Hoard of Tnv-- it proves to be worthy of Km now prepared to say tb*t I office of Chanoellor of th* of Georgia. I may add that I hth the more aatisfaction and |iu view of tho cordial greeting i I was honored by every mew- Faculty present in Athens \ late visit. [ uot to myself, but looking to r wisdom, graoe and strength tor the high responsibilities de- i me, and hoping that when I office I may leave a record l to myself, satisfactory to the | the University, and, above all, i G d, . with the highest respec*, your prvant, Henry H. Tucker. \Oa., August 16, 1874. ER»» EXPEDITION. : FOUND IN liAROK QUANTI- ►CUHTEB AT BEAB POINT. BttNAZCX, D. T., August 18, 1874. Boouts just iu from the expedition re port Ouster at Bear Butte, August 15, in good health, and with no tronble from In dians. They have comp eted the explo ration of the hills, wnich prove oven before reported, and sil- in numerous places and in great that the miners esti- ith pick and pan a single ke $ 100 per day. Tho couu- visited by the Indians and ‘ by them, and there aro not ;h in the department to keep rom going in. The distance ck to the mining region is indred and ten miles, over a uto. 'the citizens of Bis* ;reatly excited, and already ex- e organizing. GENERAL CUSTER TO LIEU- Chicago, August 22, 1874. it General Sheridan this even- the following dispatch from 7, at St. Paul: “A dispatch JOSEPH F. POU, Attorney at Law, and Judge of County Court. Practice* in all other Court!. Office over store of W. U. Hobart* A Co., firms.! 8t. ' SAME El. B. HATCHED. ~~ Attorney at Law. Ja2» Office over Wittich A Klnaei's. J. M. McNKILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice! iu court* of Georgia nud Alnl>*um. Office 13!> Broad St., (over llolstcad A Co.’b. Special attention giveu to collection*. jail Dentist*. 1'OilTAK InuKAM MaiiTI.Y J. CRAWFORD. Chawmird. INGRAM A CRAWFORDS, Attorneys at Law, Will practice iu the ptuto and Federal Court! ol Georgia. Office over Freer, liigv* ft Co.’s store, northwest corner Broad an l .-t. Glair i-’t*. j»8 A. A. DOZIER, Attorney nntl Counsellor at Law, Practices in State and Federal Court* in Georgia un i Alabama. Office 1 J.H Broad i , ('iiluinbus, Oa JaC Mark II. Ulandford. Louis K. Garrard. ULAXDFORD A GARRARD, Attorneya and Counsellors at La*. Office No. 67 Broad street, over Wittich A Kin- hel’s Jewelry Store. Will practlco in the State and Federal Courts, sept W. F. T1GNEK, Dentist, Opposite Strapper’s building, Randolph M. Special attention given to the insertion of Arti ficial Teeth, ns well ns to Operative Dentistry HtM dsw T. W. It ENT/., Don Uot. Over Joseph A Brother's store. W. T. POOL, Dvntlat, nov33] 101 proud 8t., ColumintJfUa. W. J. FOGLE, Dentist, sep'il tleergin llc.tne lluildtmr. Co unibu Bbots and Shoos. Jas. M. Russell. Chah .1. mat ft. RINSE I, I. A SWIFT, Attorneys and Ceunsellors at Law. Will practice in the Coui t* of Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit, a u d Alabama. Office over 0. A. Redd \ Oo.’a store, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. jal_ L. T. DOWNING, Attorney and Solicitor. (J. 8. Com’r aud Register in Bankruptcy. Office nov2'J| over Brooks' Drug Store, Columbus, Ua. PEABODY A BRANNON, Attorneya at Law. Office over J. Kxsmt A Co.’s Storr, Broad 8t., noviHj Wot 8n>a, R. J. NONES, Attorney aud Counsellor at Law, Georgia Home Insurance Company building, sec* Doctors. DR. COLZEY. id Office comer of St. Clair and Ogle- DR. S. B. LAW. Urou.l and Randolph sti building. Forsyth, three d t>elow St. Clair DR. J. A. UB41IIART, Office at C. J. Moffett’s Drug Store, Broad street. IteshiLiico on St. Clair, botweon Broad aud Hepo Front Sts., Columbus, Ga. DR. J. €. COOK, lli» ft Harrison’s Commissio; Druggists. J. I. GRIFFIN, imported Drugs and Chemical*. rescript ions carefully prepared. JOHN L. JORDAN, UriiBitit, Two doors Ih-Iow Geo. W. Brown’s, Broad Street, Coluinlm w* Night Bell right of south door. Custer, just received, tutte, August 15, saya be be* u maroh on tho 7th instant, to rest a day at Bear Butte, for Fort Lincoln by a differ- that which he took going gan H Bato< _ indtiuMt ant ntd jut. BeMporiHbiH men nod animalx in auellent oondi.iou, ami no trouble, {com the Indian. MhUh •( Freiabt. South. Bo.Tom, August 20.—A liailroad Cou rentloo wa. bald in this oil; to day, at x-hioh the fdloating linea were represent- id: Vltginla and Tenneiwee Air Line, da Norfolk; Great Sontbern Freight bine, Tia Harannah ; Atlantic Coast Line, da Pi.rtamoiith; Wilmington Direct .team Line; Piedmont Air Line, via iiobmond, and ilie Great Hontberu JJis jatch Line, via Norfolk. A geieral re. Ine'ion of freight, from llovtou and New fork, to difereut points in the South, to ake effcOt after Angust 29th, was agreed —There ie e well known tradition that he wife of one of the early pri ters of he Bible, Jnat before the saored volume rent to preae, removed the “not" from he aeventn oommnnduient. Some mod- rn Clergymen aeeui to have a eimilur dis. ke to the negative, and have dropped it rom thtir practice if not from their pro- MHion. Ilia a great pity that the Bible ns revealed t. the Jews; if the Aiueri- me had tllliSao it religion would be so A. .V. IIIU.VNON, I’kst Side, Broad 8trret, Columbus, Ga., Wliol<*nnlvi aud Retail Denier I Drugs and Me<llc!n«'«, Toilet Artivleis and Perfumery. WELLS & CURTIS. No. 73 Broad Street, Have always a full stock of Boot* and SIioom, Upper, Sole aud liar- tiesM Leather and Findings of all kinds. Reliable goods! Reasonable prictsl .—Special attuutiou to ordora by Ksp C. 0. D. j>4 Livery and Sale 8tables. ROBERT TU0MP80N, Livery, Male and Exehanve Ntabln CoLETHORrE, NORTH OF RANDOLPH 8TS., octJO Columbus, Gw. A. GAXMEL, Livery and Bale Ntables, Oglethorpe 8t., Columbus, Ga. Particular attention given to Feeding aud 8ab of Stock. Horse month < IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Having had in our employ an Agent that wa have diioovared to be simply ; a diminutively insignificant and contemptuously unworthy, unreliable, Irido* lent and dlahonest fellow, through whom an improtalon hat become current j that we are about discontinuing our business in Columbus, we desire to eay that notwithstanding any and ail suoh representations that may ha or may have been made, we are determined to make our Maohlne more prominently known than ever. THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. BANKINC AND INSURANCE. COTTON WAREHOUSES. L. M. 1U I 111 S G M. WILLIAMS. Restaurants. HARBIN COUNTY RENTA UR ANT. No. S'j Brood Mlrecl. l'ho t»**t of For* igu wnd Du mesne Liiiuors an Cigar*. M* all at all hours. declO J.J BLANKLY. I'rop’r. Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stalls No. 2 and 18, Market House. FroaU M«*at« ol evt*rj kind uud b**«t miwlUj J. T. COOK, Freah McatN or All Kluda, • MaIIh Nos. IS and 17. Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIFLER, ud Lockowith, crawioid Ntrcot, JohtiMiu's tumor, Coiumbus. Ga. WILLIAM 8CUOBEB, ud Luckdiniiii and dealer in Gunufug Ma turiulu. Oppusitu hiitjuirtr Office. Piano Tuning flic. E. W. BLAU, cr and Tuner of Piauuos, Orgui noortb-Diis. siigu I'uiutiijg also doui r* may bo bo left Hi J. >V. Roast* A I'm Grocers. DAN*L K. HIKE, Family Grocorios, ou Bryan atn »>n Ogiflhoipt' .V Jackson strtmt*. charge for druyuge. Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS 3IANUFACTUKING CO., Manufacturers of Sheeting*, Shirtings, and SewiUK ami Knitting: Thread. Cards Wool and Grind* Wlmat and Corn- Office in rt nr of Wittich ft KinKcF*, Randolph nt. ja16 II. II. CHILTON, President. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of BUKETIN08, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. ». P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT. Secretary ft Treasurer. oct31 ly. Watchmakers. c. SCHOMBURG, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, SucceRflor to L. Gutmv-ky, C. H. LEQU1N, Watchmaker, Kl4 Broad Ntroot, Columbus, Ua. Watches mid Clocks repaired iu the best man lerand warranted. Jail Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. if you Willi Cigar Maiiufat Between lx MAI Ell DORN. ; to enjoy a go -d smoke, go to his tory, orgia Home and Mu*cogee Home. Ja8 Dealer in «;N J. H. HAMILTON, WlioleNulo and B«tall Grocer, Junction of Franklin, Warrun ft Oglethorpe ht» No charge lor drayage. sdpl I 1N1IAM COOPER, Family Grocer autl Dealer in Country Produce •epd uext to “Ku«|uirer” Office. Tailors. G. A. IttEHNE, Merchant Tailor ami Cutter. •took of French and Lnglish Brouddothi Cnssimerefl amt VeatlngH. Sprltt No. 184 Broad Street. HENRY SELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning: aud Repairing: otio in tho best stylo, apr^4J Comer Crawford and Front 8ts. A full Boot and Shoemakers BURRUS & WILLIAMS, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Alabama Warehouse, Columbus, da. Full Stock of Bagging and Ties on a hand. We also seU tho Brown Cotton Oln. r* v v. W. II. HUQUYS la with ui* as Scslowman, and will be pleast d to servo hi* old friends. A. M. ALLKN. PKTKR PKKKH. Fontaine "Wareliouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants OOIaTJ3^CBTTS FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE com:pai« "sr. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $529,CC4.G2 Boston “ “ “ * - 180,903 89 Total A»»el,-Gold—January lot, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Lonhqh Due and Unpaul None. Los'nes in procaan of adjustment, or adjuNteri and Dot due ^22,5!l8 00 All other GUlum I ,t> 15 52 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, luoouie, 1873 $«!!»,887 73 Income, 1872 620,217 87 Gain $ 1)8,GOD IiOSSN Promptly Adjusted ond ^ olily Nettled by G. GUNJB/ JORDAN, Agent, COLUMBUS, C.ft. SAVE YOUR MONEY i DRY GOODS. Beautiful and Cheap ! WE HAVE JUST KEOK1VKU A FUESH 8T0UK OF BELTS WITH BUCKLES IN THE LATEST DESIGNS, Also, m lot of FALL PRINTS. «ar OALT. AT O.NOE AND SEE THEM, AT THE NEW YORK STORE. liUglS tf H. LAkhAIJKk. MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to become Indeoendent, EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPAftTM’T Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, ovsr $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 In assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. THE FOUNDATION PRICES! THE LOWEST at which Dry Goods have ever been this State! Josepli eSo Bro. rjAVlNQ mbit LI ing their r hum!, with the view of acconim<»diit* Hilly neloi led Snritig Stot^k to tlioso o , offer them ut price* LOW AS KTHW Tho DioiihuuiN who h ivo vi*ito<l thi* e»tabl|uhm» nt ■luce it Io<l In tho reduction of Dry U ood* wll vouch for the quality of good* and n'l repreHoutntlon ChbU buy Jon 0 bef.Trt It in t. O l.l Jell tf wilt never Imvo Irnttri chance. A Kmall «um will go farther now then ever. JOS F.I*II * BRO., 09 Brood Ntreel WATERING PLACES. W a i* nx Spring MERIWLTIIFU CO., GA; now open f.» lest fare and the lines JOHN L. MU8TIAN, ! OPELIKA DIRECTORY. A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from : tho firm of Harwell, Griffin A. Co., has removed to Chambers street. His t rieuda aud patrons would do well to nail on him j in his now quarters, and examine stock ! befora buying ahtew here. Pricas at panic j rates. js!8 suAwedtf N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. fobS dtt SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y UONTINUEK TO OFFEB THE PUBLIC . INDEMNITY apst Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cet It Back, i. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH President. C-oiunibu*, Oct. 1st, 1*73. Tronaurcr. . xxffmrmir'iLwrsstfi 1H4D. IWT4. AVM. NEVER, Boot and Shoemaker. Denier In Leather ami Fin tings. Noxt t ’ * * ' '* * “ npt and strict a ttcutioti Itcdd ft C’o.’i Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker iu Tin, Sheet Iron, Uopper. Order* from abroad iiromptly attended to. Jh7 No. 174. Ilrornl Street. Painters. WM. SNOW, JU., A CO., Iloiiae and Sigii Painters, Md Ogletliorjio CA*rner, (lust north of |»o«tofflco; Coiuinbii* tieorgia. Will contract for I ou*) and Sigu I’aiuting at reasonable iiriccs, and guur.»utee aatiafactiun. liefer to W m. Snow. Sr |»pr5 V. LOPEZ, Dealer In and Manufacturer of Fine € Hear a, ja9 Near Broad btreet Depot. Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, ( II* llenta,) Under Georgia Home Insurunco Building. Prompt uud police barber* In attendant'*). Ja‘J5 JaB ED. TERUY, Barber, Crawford 8t., under Haukiu House, Colurnbu*, Ga. Dress-Making. HlfiH H. A. II01.1,1 M; to WORTH, DroM-Maklng, CutUug aud Filtlug. T.-rmscheap ItoHiduncu anduhop in Browuevillo. Feed Store. joun rrrzuniuoNN, WholMiil. and Unlnr iu Hay, 0»t«, Corn lUcun, Ac . iiicloUturne 8t., unnoaitu Jal Tomii.-mnce Hull. M flillEKCI.lL TRAVELERS. ivelers who solicit orders by Trade-Lint Sample, or other who thoir cuvtoim-ra purchase* mad* direct Irom I iu any lection, by rail or - of goods, are r^quoated to id Private Ad dr- is, us good* they soil, and by whom who are at present Uhder uo latter i* of great importance . unen of this class. «*• -- e *• * Travels™ and baleamon in l* country aid that they will at once give it elf nttMtlM. Those who comply with al>ove Viest will to •ORfldeutiaily treated and duly vlMd of otteM in view. Please mldrea*. (bj ter only) ^ • CO-opkration, edit GeJ. f. Rowell J Co., 41 Park Row. ylt oo4I« New York City. Confectioners. I. G. STRUPPER, Uamly Manufacturer All kinds of Confectionery and Fruits, •Stick Candy 18 cento. Full weight guaranteed In each box. * Hotels. LAWYER8. W. F. Williams. Cu*a. ii. William*. WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, Attorneys at Law, EUI.EMRUR, UA. JUT Office over AinII’* Htore. j> 17 Jm W. A. Farley, Attoriioy-at-Hiaw CUSSETA, OnATTAIIOOOBBK Co., Ga. 49*Speclal at ention Riven to collections. DOCTORS. Dr. J. H. CARRIGER, SURQf ON AND PHYSICIAN. O FFICE up stairs S.E. cor of Broad ft Kan- • lolph Streets where he in »y be found day or night who i uot prole sionally engaged. OoluiuXii*, Aprl 2 , 1874. t HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Luw, KAMI ETON, GA., B’’ HIDES. Important to Merchants. WRAPPING PAPk’lt AND 1*AP ,t homo, nt New York rates, from M. M. HIRSCH, Corner Bridge uud Oglethorpe aireot* Important to the Public. M. M. HIRSCH, Coru'T Bridge uud Oglotorpo, ami Craword i FARMINC IMPLEMENTS. HOLSTEAD& CO., Columbus, Georgia. Uottoil 4a IIIN, Cotton I'rCMVCN, llornc l*o w • ra, Feed 4'utu ra, Cider uud Wine Hill*, Mowing ^Inclilnt'*, iiraait Knivcw, Plows, Itocs, 'Vlireshcrs and C’asn Mi lift, 4’oru MlicllcrN, Iflorse Hakes, Harrow*! uud Ciiktivuiorw, Hush uud lirainbh! NcyihcN, Sjuuh N, Forks, ftc,, Ac. AL**0 ficorgin lluiscd IIlist Prooi Oats, (■eorgiu and 'I’ciincssec* Iflye, Wliout, Hurley, Clover uud 4>russ Need* Uheinirul* tor iluking up Fertili zer* ut home* Address HOLSTKAU ft C«m je30 tf Agricultural IR*p»»t. C»lun)hus. ( MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. eluding all \ I'Jti b8IN« lat- -t style*, AND BLEACHING Uuue i it the siiorio t nothe. -low the N’pw Yoik Htoro. MP»>. 0L\ IN and art MISS BONN El l.V. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Next to Columbus Bank Building. Porter* at all tho trains. • t*13 MIG W K. «NTI>KTt. Propr’« Builders and Architects^ J. G. CHALMERS, Honn Carpenter and Builder. Jobbing doue nt short notice. Plana and specihcationa farniabod for all atyl^t of building* Bruad Street, next to G. W. Bro«*n'a, joS Oelumhu*, Go. N. J. BUSSEY, Agent FOR AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. The trade supplied tt loweit mar ket rate*. All Manner of Dress Goods 0lTKI!i:n VKRY LOW. PEACOCK & SWIFT. _»<■•!* Miscellanies of Georgia! By ABSALOM H.CHAPPELL Fok Salk at CHAFFIN'S AND PEASE A NORMAN’S HUOK STOKES. In Two Part *. Price SI. nugSO d» odftwlm OoMM B8IONKRS- CoiMtT OP R ADS AND 1 Rkvknuk. muscoobb County. i Sealed Proposals W ILL ive reco» od at t‘io oBl'e of tho Or in irv o said cou ty until Suture) ty. the 20 li ln*t., to ro till i iho Hr <igo over Hull (Jree** on tn« C- * ta raid (known a« wo - ett h) Tne plan and rt* elocutions can bo ► eon at tho Or-llnary’H office. The UoiuinlB- flionern reaorvo tho right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of CoinmiH.doners. F M. BROOKS, .ary and Clerk ul Luinuii».-i»iici8’ Court. augl8 td Wood, Wood ! JJEHT WOOD, ready aft wed, 44.00 per cord. Wood aawod for 50 cent* per cord. Order* filled prompt ly on application to the febii tr MUSOOGEE MANPTHfl 00 For Sale Low. SCHOLAR41UP IN THE MEDICAL COL LEGE AT RVAN8VILLR, INDIANA. nov« tf AI'FLY AT TUIMOVf I0R. Doctors. DR. I. T. WARNOCK, Surgeon and Phyeivian. Siaughtei ’* Drug Mora, Railroad etrout. DU. J. W. K. HTLLIAMH i his proluaaioiml service* office over Jr* on A Co Chamber* ft K. K. .-treel Millinery. MISSES WHITE A TUCKER, Paahlonable Millluor* aud Draaaumkera. ehiri* out by chan uiea.ura, and guunuiUtod to ht. ChainL-r. mroot, null to noun * dry good* *tore. felil MRS. C. V. BARLOW, PHahiouable Milliner aud l>re»eiuaker. BU.H Agoutol Butieriuk A co.'h Pattern*. ‘king ilou*o ul ahapi-ar-i A Co., x-lik'i, Ala ja2.t Notaries Public. U. D. 111GGINS, Being uppointed Notary Public for Lea county, respectfully solicit* the patronage of his Iriend*. in*id* Court 1st and 2d Saturday* ol each mouth, at it. is. ll..lliH.*ld'H Iiw office. jaZll Furniture, Ac. At I'aulc Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer iu all kinds of furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coihu*, uud Caakot*. jala Chauih. r* *ti aa Lawyers. A.*J. VIL'MEKN, Attorney and C'ouuaellor at Law. Office oppuaita Aiabuma Uoumo. Prncticea iu nil the Court* «t the State. JaB Tailors. J. B. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting and Making in ih- L»Va»t biyle*. . pairing ueit.y done. Dentists. . H. HMITII, Heuflat. Barber Shops. Wf'NI.EY I1AUUINGEB, Barber, • o-.u.h Ran mail *ud ChaiiilH*! * street*. \n. Hotels. AUANH HOI to*:. liouan, oppoaito Faanungei Insurance. E. €. BOWEN A HON, General fnanranen Agents. Office. Railroad Street, ovui tt. M. (ire* no ft Co.’l Piques end I.awns V KKV f UK*f. PEACOCK & SWIFT. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Cl Hrond Strecif, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. ffilill tf n. II. KI’PIXH, Pron’t. II. W. EDIV AltDS, t ashler. It. M. MI LFORD, Aaa't t nah’i The Chattahoochee National Bank OP COLGAIllUS, G 1.0. Thi* Bank trinuot* a General Banking butine**, p»y» Intern*, on Dc- potit* under ipeoial oontract, give* prompt attention to collection ■ooewible point*, end invite* oorreipondeneo. Inlormetion trunermti. .. by mall or wlroe when detired. J. RHODES BROWNE, rreriisnt. 3B0. W. DILLlNOHAll, CacMc-r. GEORGIA HOM E BAA Si. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. THU (ifMII HOME U\Wi BM Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By tho terms of the Company’s chartci, the entire ^ipital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIREO. ORS : J. KHODF.H BROWNE, Pres t of (he Co. N. N. OIJKTIS, uf Welle,Ciirti* A Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Oe|iituliHt, Atlmtii. L. T. DOWNING, Attornij.«t.l.,.w. J. K. GLAPl’, Mnniiftr, Clami’n Factory. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary of: b Co. Hon. JOHN MoILIiKNNY, Mayor. JOSIAli MoHItifl, Bunker, Moii.u'y, JAMES KANKIN, OnpiUliHt. CHAKLF.S WlnK, may, odftwlt Grand Clearing Out Sale ! TO MARK READY FOR THE 8PITN0 TRAI N, WK* NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW C0r>T. TOR CASH ! ABD EVERT 0TIIKU ARTlri.E AS I.0VV AS T.l BE FO.'VD UAKWIIKIIK CHAPMAN & VD.1UST11.T.K. JU iMi M BROAD IIREI