The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 29, 1874, Image 1

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VBIVL' WIWIS / pbbmuheh r«R >
fnAim W BooIiIjJ, (the pkopkietuk.;
VOL. XVI.—NO. 201
Twelve months, in advandb $8 00
Six month*. 44 4 00
Three months, “ 2 00
One month, “ 7. r »o.
Weekly Enquires, one year 2 00
Sunday Enquires, one year. 2 50
Sunday end Weekly Enquirer to
gether, one year 3 00
Advertlilnv Bale*.
1 W.-ek. Daily * 5 00
8 “ “ 6 «K»
S “ “ 6 &0
1 Month, “ 8 'Mi
* “ •• 18 no
3 “ « 17 0-
4 “ “ 20 00
ft “ “ 22 60
0 “ “ 2ft 00
1 Square 1 year..... 42 00
The above in with the privilege of a change
every t'*re • months. Fot yearly cards a lihernl dis
count will lie made.
The Weekly rates will Invariably be one-third
of the Daily.
When ati advertiaemeut is ohanged more than
once in ihr*o mouths th- advertiser will be charg
ed with the cost of composition. Foreign ndvor-
ttours must par as do those at home.
A Splendid Picnic and Barbecue—
Eleqnent Speeches—Dancing
and Masle-A Day of De-
llgbtful Feat I wit lee.
Correspondence Emquirbr-Sun.]
One week ago I should have given you
the facta given below, bat I have been ab
sent from the city and away from mail
facilities. It is better late, how
ever, than never, a remark that
has in it more force than origi
nality. On Friday, the twenty-first inst,
I found myself at Gnerryton, with \V. H.
Hughes, Rich of the Baltimore store, aod
Hoynum of Blount A Heym&n. We were
the guests of that prince of good
fellows, W. Wolfson. The cause of
our going to Guerryton was
a picnic aod barbecue, whioh was given
by the merchants of the village nnd tho
HUirounding planters to the young puoplo.
It was really enjoyablo to attend so large
S gathering, where the only object was
pleasure and relaxation, for wo have too
little of this kind of rest as a people. Ear
ly in the morning teams laden tho
young and old begau to assemble at tho
ground*, whore seats bad been erectod, a
platform for dancing built, and near which article
. :lY>
UEORU1A m:wh.
—Albany had received 58 bales of tho
now cotton crop up to Thursday.
—A piv.jeot to make a new county out
of Polk, Bartow, Paulding and Haralson,
is under discussion. We hope tho Legis
lature will kill all such propositions.
Messrs. G. J. Elkins and Wni. War-
then have been nominated for (he Legis
lature by tha Democrats of Wasliiugton
— The Augusta Chroniclehns seen seve
ral spocimotis of plumbago, of n superior
quality, from a mine m Madison county.
A joiut stock compnuy is to bo formed to
work it.
—Some counties are requiring their
nomiueos t>» (dodge themselves to vote
for an nuieudinout to the Constitution
prolnh.tiug tue p yment of the bogus
—The Thomasvilta Enterprise says that
Sheriff Luke aud other leadiug Radicals
of Thomas county—string for Wkiteley
at tlio last election—are now agaiust
Whiteley on account of his “social equal
ity” course.
—Tho sowing maelr'no men at Atlanta
are erg gnl in a squabble secoud only in
excitement to the Beech* r-Tilton affair.
Tho hitest law suit between them is
biought by Fred. Bdl, of the Remiugton,
against >J. B Scarratt, of the Howe, for
—Tho Albany News, of Thursday, epi
tomizes us follows about the weather and
crops : “No rain since tho 28th day ot
July, nnd no prospect of auy. Vegetation
is dried up, and so are wells and cis'erns.
Tho wiuds a o dry and parching, but the
mercury has not been above 90 for a week
or leu days.”
—Tho Sumter Republican counts up the
results of the county meetings in the 3d
Congressional District, and makes out 20
delegates choseu for Cook and only four
against him. It thinks that Conk will get
at least 82 of tho 40 votes in the Nomina
ting Convention, aud that his nomination
is a certainty.
—The Marietta Journal says that its nr
tide of l«st week reporting the death of
Mr. Ballard from the bite of a huge rattle
snake was “a miserable hoax aud forgery”
—an imposition on the editor. We have
heretofore suggested that the Journal was
a little too credulous on the subject of
snake stories.
—The Griffin News learns from an en
tirely roliablo source that a large meeting
of the negroes of its city assembled se
cretly at tho City Hall some nights ago,
for tho purpose of organizing a company
or dub pledgor! to stand up to each other
in case any disposition is shown by the
whites to interfere with what they call
their rights, to kill and murder indis-
crituin itely.
— Peop'e are very slow to realize
tho fact that kerosiue oil, iurpru
dently handled, is a more dungeron-
gunpowder. Tho latest
War in Alabama.
The Neff rove at Ntyht Attack the VUlayr
of ir«troochee Valley—They are Jlv
pulsed With a Lota of Four Killed
— Two Churches Burned—An
other Attack Expected.
E. M. Keils, Radical Judge, Assists a
Felon to Escape,
Radical Retaliation
| U. 8. Marshal Arrests Mayor
Bray and Seven Citizens,
and Sends them to
Montgomery to
be Trlod.
Wncoocheo Valley is a village in Loo
county, A<a., located sixteen miles from
Columbus, on the direct wagon road to
West Point. It is about a mile from tho
Clutt-thooi'hee river, and seven from Sa
lon^ on tho Western Railroad, and about
as far from Dover. The settlement em- j
braces several Rtoro houses, a postoffice, ! Special to Enquirur-Sun]
nnd two churches—one for tho whites, the | Lufaula, Ala., August 28, 1874.
other for the colored people. The popu- ; E. M. Keils. Radical, Judge of the
lation is very t-mall. j City Court of Eufaula, was or es'ed hero
in secret conclave. I last evening ou a charge of felony, for
For some time the negroes have been ' assisting in ihe escape of a eolorod pris-
meeting in their church. The assent- I oner charged with felony,
binges wore seoret. It is alleged an oath ; He was tried before Justice Comer last
whs administered to those who attended. > night.
Tho speeches made were of an ignorant I Ho is required to give a bond of
and infl immatory eharaoter. A white three thousand dollars,
man, Cas. Miller by name, is charged ! but ho c m’d not got securities to that
with being tho leador and inspirer of tho j amount aud was committed to jail, where
movement. i he now is, peacefully meditating upon his
THKER COMPLAINT j gl°° m y prospects.
appeared to be that tho whites had all the i r\dical retaliation.
property, and that negroes, as slaves, had | The Mayor of the city and seven other
Democ ats woro arrested hero to-day l»y
tho United States Mar-lutl, on tho charge
of having violated tho Enforcement Act
in February last.
They will bo tried to-morrow, iu Mont
gomery, beforo United States Commis
sioner Dresser.
Without doubt they were arrested for
a number of pig«, sheep, aud kids had j victim of kerosiue was a little daughter
bem nndergoiug tho process of barbecue- 1 Mrs. Royal, of Atlauta. She poured
., . ...... some of tho oil f om a can ou tho tiro to
»“« th, pr .violin night, under the euper. kmdu it _ , md it OJ mnmuio»ted with the
iutendeuoe of a couple of export Ethiipi- j 0 *| the can, burnt it, and sot tbe girls
ans. Daucing began very early, music of a clothes on fire, burning her fatally,
a capital kind being provided by a colored
■tring baud. About noon the audience
had swelled to about six hundred, and it
was decided to havo some speakiug as a
good appetizer before dinnor. With this
uuwise thought in view—at least the
dan era thought it unwise—the following
geutlemen gracefully ascended the stand
vaoated for them by the young people :
\V v . Wolfson, A. Moses and J. M. Barks-
dale, of Guerryton ; Major “Hid” Holt
and Mr. Calnouu of Tuskegee; Calhoun
of the Enquirer Sun, and Captain Cox,
late of tho Montgomery News; Dr. G.
Caldwell and Cel. Crawford; Dr. 0. H.
Jeruiger, of Enon ; W. H. Hughes, Co
lumbus; N. E. Renfrew and Dr. J. M.
El ison, of Creek Stand.
Major Holt acted as chairmau, aud in
troduced A. R. Calhoun, of Columbus.
—Gen. Sherman is in Washington.
—John Heury Foley, the sculptor, is
—Beatty, the Engl'sh actor, famous as
tlio Young Roscius, is dead.
—Five thousand were present to i
tho swimming match at Long Branch.
—Tho Baton Rouge, Louisiana, conven
tion adopted the name of tho People's
—Tho majority Against tho now Ohio
Constitution is 47,000; against license,
—A Spanish steamer is towing tho dis
abled steamship, Wosiphalia, into Queens
town harbor.
—Courtenay won the siugle scull race
at Saratoga ; time 14}. Athletic won the
doub!o scull race.
—Teunesseo advices pnt, among the po
litical possibilities, Andrew Johuson in
This gentleman spoke at somo length on Brown low’s Senatorial ohair.
the necessities of tho South, and p ead ! —The lighniag struck and damaged
for that industry and self-lenial in peace the tower of the Lie Memorial chapel at
whioh the Sou r U exhibited in tho war; Lexington, Va., last weok.
for, >h *ugh the latter did not achieve in- - —fi 0 * u threj st eets in New Orleans
dapeudeuue, tha format would insure <> v ' »• ,,l “ 1 I«d»l*uden«>)
e , . . str »yed fitteeu houses. Loss $30,009.;
prosperity. The address was li.steued to j partially i. *u id.
with a*tentiou and app.ront interest. j — G.-u. Bmiurcgard and other distin
Major Ho t being oalled on, responded guisho I gsneruls, assisted at tho ball at
in a short, pithy address—long enough to Jordan Alum Springs, Va., iu honor ol
indie ite his reserve of splendid ability, if
he thought the oocasion warranted him iu
a longer speech. He called on tho people
to be true to themselves, and showed how
the once glorious State could be released
from her political thraldjoi. The address
was appl tudad; aud Captain Cox being
calle 1 >n, responded in a sensible speech,
favoriug the conciliation of the raoes and
urging tho whites and blacks to work for
the comtuou interest, for tho huooosh of
one was. largely dependent ou the other.
The speeches over, the largo concourse
gathered about the well-l&deu tables, and
did ample justice to the bArbaoued meats
and the contents of the well-laden baskots.
After dinuer dancing, was again resumed.
I noticed among those who were enjoying
themselves Dr. Leitner, of Geneva, and
his brother, Major Leitner, of F.ast Geor
gia; Messrs. Hirsh, Moss, and Thirumkor,
of Ilurtville; A. A. Header ion, of Tus
kegee; Emile Newman and Dr. Finny, of
Midway. I have not enjoyed myself so
muoh for an age, and this is all the more
remarkable, aa there is not a white woman
in a mile of Guerryton, all the inhabi
tants of that village being confirmed
old bachelors. I tried to persuade
some of them to get married by the time
the next picnic comes off; if they don’t
| it won't be for the want of pretty girls.
Brother Rich, by his peculiar and highly
original style of danoing, won the name,
from some wit, of “Emperor of all the
Chinas.” We are all of ns indebted to
Wolfson for his generous hospitality, and
indeed, to everybody encountered for
their expressions of regard and wishes
for the suooess of the Enquirer-Sun. We
l are all opon to invitatiooa from that place
I whenever sent. Abo
—Statements have been made to tho
[ authorities at Wush ngton that the Gov
mem of Australia haa pardoned criminals
on eon lition of their proceeding to the
United 8tates. The Beoretary of the
Treasury haa directed tbe offloera of the
Government on tha Paoiflo coast to notify
him of the arrival of any oriminala par-
4*it«i had deported ae aforesaid.
the first Virginia regiment.
—Mullen, the pedestrian, has issued a
challenge to wulk ngiinst auy miu io the
world, five liuu lred miles, for one thou *
aud dollars n side.
— Tlio official canvass in Ohio shows a
majority against the minority representa
tiou of 185,800, aud a majority against
Slate aid to railroads of 251,242.
—Heury Babb, eng neer of the switch
ing eugino Taurus, his been arrested at
Springfield, Mass., for murder, in causing
a fatal accident at Bridge street Crossing,
on Wednesday last.
—A cer ificato of deposit for $5,000
was received at tho treasury from u Vor
mont bank, being tho amount bequeathed
by Mr. Gago, of that State, towards pay
ing tho National dobt.
—The Conservative Congressional nom
inating convention met in Lynchburg,Va.,
in Holcombe hall, and on tho fifth ballot
nominated John Randolph Tucker, of Lex
ington, Va. _
—The bronze statuo of General Blanco,
President of Venezuela, cast in Philadel
phia at Wood’s foundry, after a model by
J. F. Builey, has been set up at Ridge
avenue Spring Garden street for public
—It is reported that a largo Pearl Htreot,
New York, German shipping house has
suspended ; liabilities over half a million
dollars. . The firm has lost over a quarter
million dollars iu the lost six months on
importing petroleum.
—Edward Payson Weston has com
pleted his arraugomonts to walk fivo hun
dred miles in six consecutive days at the
Hippodrome building. Now York. Ho
confidently expects to accomplish the feat.
Ho will start fivo minutes past midnight
on Monday morning, tho 3l*»t instant.
Tho national banks have thus far beeu
called upon for two millions legal tenders
to redeem their circulations. An addi
tional call for one and a half millions will
be made in a day or two. Tho Amount of
national bank note* received to-day for
roiemption is $405,919.
Monday last two sons of Henry
Myers, of New York, aud another lad,
named Ho, k», crossed the Hu Ison river
m a boat, near Hastings, aud attempted
to climb tho Palis-des. After reaching
the height of 250 feet, the elder Myers
fell, carrying his brother with him to the
bottom of tho ravine. Tue eldest was
killed instantly, aud tha younger was
/•taffy injured.
made it for them; aud now, that the
latter were free, they had a just claim
to at least half of it. They also demand
ed that half of every crop was theirs, in
addition to wages, aud the distribution
was unequal.
by a trusty and faithful negro woman to .
her life-long mistress. On Thursday she ' 1 100 P ur P oseH -
gave information that the blackH,tlie even
ing before, iu their chnrch building, had
determined to make au attack tint night
ou Wacoocliee, plunder and burn the
village and kill the people, and then move
ou Salem. Capturing this place they
would take houses, stock, and planta
tions for themselves. Tho information
thus obtained was conveyed to the inhab
itants who made preparation to resist the
at an early hour I Intraday night, assem
bled at tho church nnd deliberated some
time. Betwoeu 1 aud 2 o'clock, in the
;loep hush of night, when it was thought
sleep was visiting every eyi
auil fifty negroes, armed with old mua .
ketfl, moved „oi»olo*dy oa tho place. Tho ! alm Dop-rtmeut, haa uo couhdenoo in l.ta
drat intimation the white aontmels had of ue * ru « ,n ‘ f* m “ °f' ,tost , lbe
. . . . _ . i whites and blacks. IIis soldiers will cer-
thoir api-roach was a negro jumping on • . , , , ,
. fru „ . . . taiidy affiliuie with the whites, if detached
ouo near Mills’store. They were going for . . J .... ’ .
Jt , , , . . r „. ... . . in squids throughout tho State. The
that establishment. The white man had i \ , ......
no room to ahoot, Irak quickly clubbed hia |
gun and killod him with a few rapid blows
of bis weapon. Tuen
are Mayor W. J. Bray, and Messrs. Heury
McCormick, U. A. Solomon, T. I. Everott,
Thaddous Doughtie, G. H. Dent, Wni.
Jenkins, and G. H. Hpormun.
Washington. August 28.—The Attorney
General h»s no doubt, if disturbances of
whioh ho has many reports continue, the
President will interfere South. It is sug
gested he needs all his soldiers to fight
the Indians und tho whites must, of neces
sity, fight their own buttles against tur-
, one hundred ! , hnlcnt
Gon. Euu ry, commanding the Lonisi-
was commenced by tho blacks. In the
darkness no harm was done. Tho old
muskets shot too high. The whites re
turned tho saluto with shot guns, and
three negroes fell dead. The blacks re
treated tumultuously.
the bodies
of the blacks were found at day light aud
buried. No whites wero injured.
two churches
woro burtiod during the uiolee. It is not
known by whioh party this was done, but
citizens saylhat tho building of tho whites
sive, is iu n tardy law administered by
i the U. 8. Judges, and they following the
lead of their chiof, Judge Williams, seouf
to be becoming imp itient of the nssuinp-
tionsof tho colored people.
Jefferson City, August 28.—Tho Dem
ocratic nominees are: For Governor,
Chns. H Harden ; Lieutenant-Governor,
Norman Co email.
Dover, August 28. —The Democratic
Convention nomi ated John J. Cochran
was fired by the negroes as they were ; f or Q over , or and James Williamson for
fired upon, and just before tho running, j Q OU g reHB>
aud that of the blacks was destroyed by i pla'form denounces the Civil
t ie whites to prevent tho negroes from j Righu bi „ and the a ,. t of Congress on-
returoing Ihore, aud to force out such as j larging tho jurisdiction of the Federal
might be locking iu the house and oause Courts of tho Diatriot of Columbia as a
the death of tho puty they had attacked, j ba8e attempt to muzzle the public press.
Though the attack ng negroes fled when
fired on like a frightened mob, the
report is they threaten another at- . , _ ,
tank, aud auy they intend killing tho 11 P ublic “ Q P arl * doo ‘“ re8 tb "‘ P r,JS '
women and children. AsaaulU wore ox- P 0 ^ can on '* bo ‘' 03t, ’ r011 ,bu " ountr y
London, August 28.—A special to the
Standard, from Paris, gives an account
of the duel betweeu Fewer De Couto aud
Scnor BosooJo. It says tho affair camo
off with pistols ou the Belgian frontier,
aud Do Couto was dangerously wounded
iu tho Hide.
Berlin, August 28.—J. C. Banoroft
Davis had a special audience with the
Emperor William to day, and delivered
his credentials as American Minister. Ho
afterwards visited the Empress.
Havana, August 28.—Au official dispatch
from the Kastern Department states that
a force of SpnuMi troops uttAoked a body
of Insurgents, nnmboring 350 nion, iu
Bneyabajo, cau ing the death of many of
them. Twelve Spaniards wero killed.
Itfirn from New York.
Nkw York, August 28. —Th >mas E.
Gayner, manager of the New York office
of the Stanley Ittile and Level Company,
was arrested to day, charged with embez
zling $20,00.) of the company's niouoy.
Gayner was bailed for trial, and his prop
erty Attached.
J. Lincoln Smith, of Middleton, Con
necticut, who was last seen in Williams
burg, August 4th, is missing, and five
hundred dollars Toward has been offered
for his recovery, dead or alive.
DIE Fire ml Wilmington
Wilmington, August 28.—A lire broke
out at one o'clock this morning iu tho
rosin warehouses and wharfs iu tho south
ern portion of the city, destroying about
8,000 barrels of rosin and about 2,0(H)
barrels of spirits of turpentine. Loss
about $120,000, mostly covered by insur
Washington, August 20. —A dispatch
from Fort Sully, Dakota Territory, dated
August 20th, and a (dressed to the assis
tant Adjutnnt General, Department of
Dakota, says that some Indians who s*w
Gen. (’lister’s camp on the L3th, nnd ar
rived at Cheyeuite on the tOth, report
us'or in oamp at Cowpeus ou the Black
Hills. The hostile camp of Big R ao
Bud h *s jnst rooeived news of Custer's
expedition being in Ihe Black Hills, from
ap*rty of ltullatis who loft the crossing
a*. Lincoln about the time Custer did.
Tbe chief und head men arc harangui g
the camp and declare war Four Horn^
trying to organize a force to attack
Custer He olaims he can laise about
four thousand warriors. Tho mail car-
from Fort Bice, who arrived last
eveuiiig, reports a fight.
Brlitism Young's Divorce Null.
Salt Lake, August 26. — Brigham
Young’s answer to the complaint of Ann
Eliza, his uineteo h wife, for divorce, wan
file 1 last evening. Ho denies ill it sho in
his l taful wife, all* giug t ai sho is the
ful wife of Janies L Lee. He says
his lawful wife is Mary Anu Angel, and
olaims that he aud the euinplaiuant were
tubers of the Church of the Lai tor
Day Saints, and by tho doctrines of that
hurch members can enter into plural
carriage. Such a ceremony was perform
ed, but complainant knew she could not
claim bis society in tho ordinary relations
between husband aud wife. He denies her
charges of oruelty, neglect, etc., aud says
that he amply provided for her.
Department of War, ^
Washington, August 28, 1874.)
Probabilities.--During Saturday, over
the South Atlantic and Gulf States, lower
bnromotor nnd light changes in tnmpora-
ture, southeast to winds, cloudy
or partly cloudy wea her, and ruiu ureas,
are probable.
Money nnd Ntoek Market*.
London, Angus' 28.—Street rate $ be
low btmk. Now fiv^s 32. v
New York. August 28 —Money 2 per
cent- Gold 109} Ex h *uge—long 487i;
short 490| Governments dul*. Mate
bonds quiet and n< initial. Stocks dull.
New York, August 28 —Money iu lib
eral supply at 2u2£. Ex hange acive at ev.ry detorl, tlon of woik deel «d by
487 j. Gold lb9$ il<>9$. Gover. meuts ,
dull, but steady. State bonds quhtand
Provision Market*.
New York, Augus 28.—Flour steady
and quiet. Whott a shade firmer aud,
quiet. Corn a shade bettor. Pork firm;
mess $22 50. Lar.l firm ; steam 14j.
Cincinnati, Aug 28 — Flour dull. Corn
firm and scarce at 69**71 Pork quiet and
unchanged, $23. Lard quiet; mimmer
14^. Bicun steady; *hotildera 9|; clear
rib I8jj; clear 18jf. Whiskey strong at 97.
Louisville, August 28.—Flour un
changed. 0 rn unchanged at 74a78. Po*k
quiet and nnohauged at $23.50 Bacon
firm; shoulde h 9j; clear rib 13.}; clear
sides 14. Lard 16}. Wlnskoy 91.
St. Louis, August 28 —Flour quiet and
very weak ; $3a3.25 for superfine winter,
$3.2503.75 for extra, $4.25.t4 75fordott»de
extra. Corn dull; 68a69 for No. 2 mixed.
Whiskey steady. #urk firm at $24. Ba
con quiet; only limited jobbing demand;
shoulders 10; clour rib sides 13}al3|; clear
sidos 14. Lard firm at 13jj fur summer.
Cotton Market*
j Pittsburg, August 28.—The resolutions
I of tho Democratic Convention denounces
peeled last night, both at Wacoochee and
Salem. Near the latter place, the eolorod
people hold a large meeting on Thursday
afteruoon. Those in Salem, however,
manifested groat ’coil tern ition when the
news of the Wacoochee fight was received
Soveral ordors for shot-guns for Salem-
itos wero filled in this oily yesterday.
About 150 artnod men wero in Salem
list night, and a goodly number at Dover.
Tho people in Leo geuorully arc alive to
the situation, as h—11 appears to have
broken loose in tbo county.
The best people of the South are be
coming more convinced every day of tho
necessity of making summnry examples
of tho bad white aud black men who de.
by tbo restoration of tho DemoorAtic party
to power ; opposes the govo nment grant
of lund to railroads; favors economy in
tho administration of tho G ivernmout;
recognizes the claims of soldiers’ aud
sailors’ widows nnd orj linns ; favors ihe
speedy return t> specie payment; de
nounces Civil High's and mixed schools
for white and black children.
Columbia, August 27.—Gov. Moses,
Senator Patterson and other ofllei *ls
were terribly frigbtenod last night at a
supposed raid of parties from Georgia to
clean them out. They appealud to tho
Acting post commandant, Ogden, for pro
tection and to order out tho military.
ludo tho poor ignorant blacks and incite , The Governor nnd Senator slept, at the
them to insiirroction and bloodshed. The officer’s quarters. Tho colored State mili-
safety of their wives and children, tboy
think, demaud it. Tho loaders alone
are to blame. Tho negroes would
be quiet and law-abiding were it not j tbo Congaroo river,
for these designing, black-hearted crea
tures who desire to force a war of races
in order that U. 8. troops may be brought
to Alabama, and they hope by their aid
to ride to power. The Caucasian raco has
in all history, compelled all who opposed
them to yiold, and it grows stronger phys
ically and mentally with tho centuries.
tin could not be found.
Tho fright was caused by throe citizens
returning from a hunting expedition on
nlflhad my office, laMtlefp«ttoa of the builoMf
tea on wht h Is now open ng, with no v mate
rial I am letter prepared (turn ever to do
And the Publlo Generally.
An examluatlon of Prions and Stock liaak-
od, KuaranUelDK Quod and Reliable Work-
inanH..lp, with P.ouptnesa.
Georgia and Alabama Lagal Blanks
—At Ihe regular Halos of Scranton coal,
by the Delaware, Luckawana A Western
Ruilroad Company, 50,00 ) tons was offer
ed jind sold The attendance was large
and tho bidding sharp. Too following
were th*» sales : Steamboat 5,000 tons, at
an average of $5 12} ; grate 10 00 * tons,
at an average ol $5 17}; eg4 5,000 toils,
at an ave ago of $5.46 j ; stove 20,000
tons, at an average of $5 9 }.
—Under a receut de<'is'on of Attorney
General Williams, 3,1<>6,784 acres of pub
lic laud, grunted to t-overal railroad com
panics, reverted to the Government by
the couditions on which tho grants were
made. In thi-* opiuioii the Attorney Gen
eral reverses the rulings th *t formerly
prevailed in tho Lund Olfice, to tlio effect
th it land once grant *d to railroad co
uies could not love t to tho Govern
except by some spec i 1 legislation of Con
gross. The lands referred to lie iti Al*
bamu, Florida, Louisiana, Texas and
Michigan. They will no« bo opcu to set
tlement, subject to the usual conditions
of the General Land Office.
—A telegram just received from J
says the long talked of duel between Jose
Do Coii'a, editor of the SpuniNh paper AY
Chronieta, and Col. Ro.sido, editor of tho
Cuban paper La Imhjwndencc, took place
iu the Bois do Hologno, Paris, at the
break of day. Thu two combatants, ac
companied by sepouds und surgeonmet
in a secluded pin t of tho Bois do Bologne,
and the preliminaries were soou arranged ;
twelve paces measured, off'. Both men
tired simultaneously, and De Conta fell to
the ground, aud is believed to be mortally
Why Her Plan Didn’t Work.—The
Pottsvillo (Pennsylvania) Miners Journal
is responsible for the following story :
A Pbomixvillc maid, quite old, becom
ing anxious concerning her matrimonial
chanc< s, recently concocted a plan to de
ceive a young fellow as to her ago. This
was the way sho tried il : Tlio old family
Bible contained a Li thful record of all
births, marriage* und deaths. This vol
ume tho maiden took to her chamber, and
seloctiug the birth page, sho managed by
dint o scratching and writing to change
the date of her birth to a period eleven
ye*ra tutor than what it had legitimately
been reoorded. Thou the Bible was phtced
on the sitting-room tab e in a conspicuous
manner. That even ng came along the
lover. He soon began to finger the Bible
Liverpool, August 28—No »n- Cotton
steady; uplands 8,}: Orleans 8}u8;j; sabs
12,lO() bales, including 2,ODD tor specula
tion mid export.
•Sales of shipments of new crop, on ba
sin of middling uplands, nothing boluw
good ordinary, 8.
2:00 p. m.—Sales on basis of uplands,
nothing be ow'good 01 dinary, deliver tide
iu August, 8}.
3:00 p. m.—Hales to-day inolu lo 7,400
bales Am»rioiin.
Sales of uplands, nothing below good
ordinary, deliverable m September aud
October, 81; uothi"g below low mid
dlings, del vurablo in October and No
vember, 8}d.
4:30 p. m.—Sales of Or’cans, m thing
below good « rdiuary, deliverable Septem
ber und October, 8}.
5 p. m — S lo* of upland**, nothing he
low good ordinary, deliver**!) e October
and November, 8}.
New York. August 28 —G dton qutat
And firm, holdon^ asking higher;
1,075; u ( lauds I0j; Orleans 17}
Fu'U'ch opened easier: Sept* inber 15$
15-16: October 15 9 16uj} ; November
15 15 32*il7-32.
New York, August 28.—Cottou firm ;
salos 1623 bales, at 16}al7}o. ; net re
ceipts none.
utures closed easy; sales 21,300 halos :
September 16 1-16*3 82 Oclo .tr 15 23 32,
November 15|a21-32, De. omhor 15 11 16
aj, January 16, February 16}, March 16
5-16, April I« 9-16.
Savannah, August 28.—Firm; middling
155|; stock 4840.
Weekly net receipts 865; huIoh 237.
Mobile, August 28. — Q >iet; middlings
16, low middlings 15, good ordinary 14 ;
stock 3795.
Weekly not receipts 214; sales 354.
Boston, August 28. —Quiet, unchanged;
middling 17}; stock 8i0 ».
Weekly net rooe pis 11; t-ah a 850.
Charl' ston, August 28 —Quiet; mid
dlings 15}, low middlings 15 ; stock 388.
Wo kly net race p » 468; sales 625.
SnuEVEPoRT, August 28.—Qnht; re.
ceipts 53; shipments 53; sales 22; slock
Maoon, August 28.—Quiet; little doing;
low middling • II}.
Weekly receipt-* 45; shipments 68 ;
stock 1,945.
Alou«ta. Aug >st 28.—Dull and nomi
nal; middlings 15 ju ; stock 6 061
Weekly receipts 386; shipments 286;
sales 336; spinners 123.
Norfolk, August 28. —Dull; low mid
dlings 15; stock 469.
Week y receipts 1,441; sides 230.
Philadelphia, August 28.—Quiet; mid
dlings 16j|o.
Weekly receipts 135 bales.
Memphis,"August 28.—Steady and in
moderate dem ind; « ffwrings light; low
middlings 15}ul5}; stock 6,381.
Woekly net reoeip 8 857, shipments 276.
Nashville, August 28.— Steady; low
middling*! 15; receipts 28; shipments
275; stock 3,438.
Montgomery, Aug 28.— Quiet; low
middlings 1 Ijfe; receipts 88; shipments
74; stock 865.
Selma, August 28. — Receipts 40; ship*
inents 19; stock 504.
Baltimore, August 28.—Quio“ mid
dlings 16jj; spinneis 60; stock 2827.
Weekly net receipts 293; sales 1001;
spiuners 287.
Galveston, August 28.—Dull; good
ordinary 1 I; sto. k 4450.
Weekly not receipts 1635; sales 357.
New Orleans, August 28.—Quiet and
unchanged; middlings 16} ; net receipts
161 ; sales 300 —last evening 750; slock
Woekly net receipts 587; experts to
Great B itaiu 3616; sulo-« 28u0.
Railroad Raoalpt Books
For the dlff irant Roads, of various nlses, al
ways ou hand, and also made to order at chort
Inf«ot, the entaMIshment Is complete, and
fao.titles Mint-le todoevery description ot work,
fr m a Vi.-1 ling Card to a Foster, an 1 from a
Receipt Uooa to a B <jr*»l hedger, or a largo
Quarto Volume.
Many add lions havab en mad* during t' •
pasts 11-un, and t Is now very ooinpl te, aai
work In tha tinleannot beaurpasaeu for flnl.U
and durabi.lty.
Hav'ng an Imuense qtnmtPy and iuie ae-
sor meat o Typo, se e** b ruu by 8i<n
Power, an I oneo the m »t extend ve stock of
Paper, 1)11 m 1 Later Heads,Uards, Tags, toe,
over brought o O luubus, n * delay cut oem*r,
s il**raoiIon fdl to be given, both iu Prloe
and Quality of Work.
Remember the plaoe,
(Opposite New PosiotBoo Butidin,)
Randolph Street, Celamkus, 6a.
My Country Frlea Is and Pttrons will 1 lease
remember the above, and rend tbe rorder* to
gM-tf Columnar, Ga.
New York Knitting MacUiie Co.’s
Autonutic faailj Kniltiug lulus*.
New Yo k, August 28.—Mr. Moulton
deolaros ho will soon publish his supple
mental statement, impelled by imputa
tions on his honor. Ha says ho yester
day offered to go before tho Beeohor com-
Indign»t,oni a0 otBoVr«atTga7n«7tho!“ itt<ie - bu } T° e "” d 0n , tbo
mass of the blacks as tho vile white men contrary, ho had noon given tounder-
who arouse all tb*» brutal passions of an stand his testimony would not bo jeceiv-
ignorant race. Some of "thesa leader, ed , but hi, forthcoming statement won,d, I *7". ."dVnXr'fched
les^be found U 'wineiliB?o a treehomefin. bo ,>6liote ' , > cl, ‘ or away every doubt and . whero aud «li6u he diaoovered, to Ld, aur-
ii ® f vindioate his honor. Hu wanted it dis- nnso, that h r s Angelina was just o to y ar
ti-ctly understood Lo was l oaJy to meet younger than ho. Ho tbongnt it s'range,
"' day ' ,f t H.«V b i.~& b
rd a moneV , “ t “ alborit " , “Tw^rant ha, boon i„„ed for th. a,- ' '£$£ thldemh
} •' rest of Wm. H. Muldoon, city editor of liat, and n*nd * tho astonishing discovery
ouu information , me Brooklyn Eagle, in connection with that the radiant maiden, according to the
of the fight is derived from Mr. Brewing- the Bowen lrbe suits. The arrest wus Bible, had ao nally beeu bora ton years
ton, of Salem, who got it d.rect from Mr. effected this ufteruoo » in the Eagle edito- after the dcoet'.cor her father. The young
Sim*, who hud just reached that pla*e rial rooms, and Muldoon bail in the man quietly arose and bid Angelina good-
from Wacoochoe. Both are known in sum of $3,00 ) for his appealano* at the bye, aod now awesrs that “eternal wigi-
our city as reliable men. j City Court next Monday. , lance It indeed the prioe of liberty."
Stoves, Stoves
CoUirnbus, Gn.,
W OULD ronpeotfiilly Invite the attention of hi*
filundi* itnj rust.a)i<-rH to hi. ••xtont.h*
TIN WARE, at who|n»ule aud rotail.
Manufacturer of TIN, 8111.KT IRON AN
Roo&ng and Guttering
dona promptly and lo thr beat manner.
He solicits a call, fooling aimurod that be mu
giv» ontiro .atlafaction.
ear Prloo as low as tbe lowest. Come and hi
kefbre jros bay. ooti6 sodswtf
TTtmi W«
Anfonmflr Machine, w* liavo aimod at
NIMFLICITY, anu w*.,-i.lly a^ort that
ny p-rnou of urdiimry ingenu'ly will bu aide to
wo 'bo Knittlog Machine with lettor a***•«•#»
thau a Pawing Muchiii-. Our hlMcbLio lx no Ho
ld** to got out of order. It ran I* attach, d to an
ordinary tahlo aud worked by a child. Full lit-
.triictions accompany vadi Machine. FuiniUee
may club together nnd htiy out* Machine, a. ooe
will do ihe kuitting for a dm. n hoasebe d-.
Pend lor< ircnlare and Price Lift.
N U—W« are a'nntli-ante onifesHfslva Agents
fn- *he celebrated Blekfortl Knitting; Mn-
New V*rk knitting Machine Ct„
Jylli d*wtf 099 Broadway, Now York.
Liver! Liver! Liver!
!« a purely VEGETABLE PREPARATION, harm-
lew* and effective—a opeclfio for all dorangetueut*
■•f tbe
Liver, Kidney., Skin, Stom
ach or Bowels.
This M'dictne has beeu tried by tbou.*n<to and
has never failed to give .s’i. fast loo.
Try oae bottle and be oonvluced.
e. L. KINO A loin*
Proprietors and Msnu'acturer*. Columbia, 8. 0,
For sale by A. H. BEAKMiiN, Ageut tor Col«m»
bus and Opafffc*- a^r-uwtm.