The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, January 08, 1875, Image 3

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W Colonel Loxnn E. Hloi-kloy, of At lmitii. writes the following noat little tribute to the memory of l)r. Frank O. Tieknor, the (}eorj,'la poet, who died in December lust : WspFiel-net's hnrpn vnennt chair doth P stand; Tho strings iud hrokoti ami forcvoi* P hush'd: Tho hvv*t*li‘si tsintf'T ol’our Sunny land Is jjptii' through ilarknnss l. i'-k t" K dust. No Troubadour who sun£ in Franco or Spain To Kni.’ht or lady ol tho* olden days, In music tout’lld such soft, melodious Or o&rnod for minstrel art such mod-- praise. Tho art was his which Nature’s self im* j Dart-*. , , Tho gnu* and spirit which a master owns; He found his way to all tho human hearts That ever listened to Ills magic tones. Kodufco and simple was his liquid verso; He won us gently by his sigli or smile; Unformed his muse to threaten or coerce, No storei> vigor in the thought or style. A loaf miv not we murmur ami complain, Thfttonoso tuneful, though he died not Yung. Held back t o perish in his lieart and brain Such wealth of song of precious song unsung? L. E. B. —♦_ — . ‘‘HfEET-HEART ED ” AND FORGIVING. Beecher, in giving liis experience of the jiost year, at a public meeting of his congregation, said: “God is iny witness that 1 am sweet-hearted there'to no one in the world toward whom I am not sweet at heart. ” Fur ther on in his remarks, with trem bling voice and tearful eyes, Mr. Beecher said: “Those who know this church only through the newspapers do not know it at ttl 1. [Applause.] There is a vol ume of experience here which docs not go abroad. God never brought together in tills world so many Christian brethren who live in har mony and love ami unity, anti are ; kept there with such a constant growth [ love you as I hoc my own life, and when I go out **f t his church, there i ; no other place fr me t* go except to H a • ti. Ik c*w no other lleld of work, an I 1 brlievthat wc get the nearest to in this church of anv ; !a • • that 1 know of.” Broth* Hit i wantfto say a word t*r the women of this i’huivu, who arc in . timid to s;ieak themselves. Waite unc men havei*eeti tit to go away from this body -not one woman has left Ply mouth C.uuvh.“ [Ap|lau.-e.] *’A Very few have felt it thrir dut\.” said Mi'. Beecher, “to step into other communions. May bo live or six, not mote- Mr. Sin a mum. [Mr. Beecln is lav.- yer.)r- I beg pardon. There lias only been one. [Mr. H. I{. Fletcher, a real estate agent, of Court street a membei of twenty years standing.] MrH&eecher. Well; f don’t know exactly wlmt to say, but I will say this : those who do go away from u*-* will not go out of our sympathy and confidence. • -♦ • Tom Sanders, of Buffalo, owns a little, lazy, slow mure, that is the ridlenle of his friends. One recent evealns lie and some of these friends were talking of horses, when lie as tonished them b> offering to bet a hundred dollars that he could ride his mate twenty miles in an hour. He counted out the money in a tanta lizing way, remarking that liis mare had been lanydied at lone enough, and he had made up his mind to show wlmt she eoldd do. It seemed like robbing Tom, so they all aid, to take his het., but he insisted, and t he stakes were put into trustworthy hands. A day was chosen for the trial, and when it came Tom led them to the Central railroad depot, where tin homely little marc was found aboard a baponpe ear. Tom had ticketed her (or Rochester by expiess, and when the train was ready to start he Baton her back smiling triumphant ly. H" said he reckoned he could ride tli it way twenty miles tin hour, tin less the time table lied. A\va\ went tin 1 train, with the referee itold iitK his watch, and the throe fellows who fetid joinetl in the he! against the mare very sorrowful of expression. About fifteen miles had I run in about a half tin hour, and I’om was grhliliiiß in anticipation of easy vie tory,-wlii'ii the car humped over some thlnp. and he was tlirnwn off the mare i y hastily applied air brakes. An axl" hail broken, and the train was stopped for mote than an hour. And Tom was not so rueful over the loss of the stakes and the fuiltti“ of his trick, as he was over liis stupiiliu in ttot thinkiuK of taking the mare off the ear and riding the rest of the •twenty miles, a- there had been ample time to do within tin- hour. —— . ♦. Brace is ’'lasting Cobs. There i more or less disagreement as to the distance corn should be planted apart, ami the number of stalks in it hill, (lotxl crops are realized from three and a half feet planting, three to ft>in stalks in it hill. Bettor have been: grown, as 1 have witnessed, with tie rows four feet apart, ineltid ingth' hills (which makes the space between tile hills about three and a half feet, i with three to four stalks itia hill tin- difference in this ease being mainly in the greater number of ears grown, usually two to a stalk, and large at that, the larger space be tween the hills giving chance ba the min and the air to circulate. 1 have alsowitnessed a growth of corn where thopnee between them was but half thatui-t mentioned. It was on soil which for several years had grown large rops of carrots, and was spe etonf favorable to corn, being black, ltighlv manured and deeply rich, a well-drained alluvial deposit. There resulted an immense growth of stalks, but no corn, although it was the Intention of the owner, confident ly expressed, to raise an iinii“iinll> superior crop. It was a failure save in the amount of fodder it made. Jn that It jatid, so great was the growth. We want the sun and the frc-di air in our (torn as In onr fruit trees. That result being secured, we can plant as close as we please. Cw/vs/w/af ctuv. t'oiintry (I/'itllntiflH. —Chicago precocity is wonderful. A young gentleman in the employ of that city as a lamp-lighter never lights a lamp, but tie gets double pay. He lets out each lamp to a small Inn in the* 1 neighborhood, who for the privilege of being allowed to light the sane pays him a penny a night tind finds Tils own matches. This in ckk-nt illustrates aptly tin- passion of the American citizen for municipal honor-. It will also explain to won dering mothers in Chicago how it is that ft heir sons' jtuntalnoii- always wear - ut sooner on the inside of the leg ti, an elsewhere. —A young lady in a store in Terre Haute. lud., oti Christmas eve, was looking at a music box that had just cease i playing. Wishing to hear it again, she attempted to start it, but wimout success. “Oh. pshaw!' 1 said she, “it won’t go for me.” One of the proprietors overhearing the re mark, stepped up and said, “I wish J was a music box I’d go for you.” •—•The sum of ten dollars lias been lying on a table in Alton, X. H., for neat ly two years. A man tried to mak" a legal tender of the same to Joh. W. Currier, but he refused it, and it has been left on the table ever J. & J. Kaufman WHOLESALE DEALERS IK <Mt< )CKH I !•>. LIQUORS, TO UAL >!■<. PROVISIONS. Bagging and Ties, Ami till trtieles in tin* <!•<>■ eery ttiul its Iti-unclics. We Sell a- Row ns any .bibbing House in the baited States, if Bought in saute ((anilities, Itj Adding Freights. Insur ance anti I’xclntnge. \on. I t ami lt> Itrojul kirccl. CObl lllirS. <; A. .1. ,V .1. (4 U I'll tv janl tf EVERYBODY SUITED. We are this Season in Receipt ot a Large Supply of all Sizes of Our Celebrated # OAK ~ I ’or boili AVood oiul ( 'oal. Besides it lull assortment of oilier Popular COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. H ATES, aV<*., And feel justified in saying that wc arc SURE wc can suit any and all classes of purchast rs, lmth in quality and price. Of other Goods in our lino, wo have a large and complete assortment, such as TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE 111 r.VEUY DESi’IIH^MoK, ‘ HARDWARE. TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, CHDCKIItV, GLASSWARE. COAL HODS, SHOVELS. AC. All of these articles wo CAN and WILL sell at \ i ky bottom pmn s. pill nut W, 11. ltull A UTS 00. J. W. DENNIS. I. M. BENNETT. Southern Stove Works, ( Olzl >IIH S.<; A. % I K KlM’Lt' I 1 1 1.1. V CALL TIC. \T I I.N TIUN \\ cl im reliant' an t "tlii i- wanting imy of tin* following goods: COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Grates, Fire Dogs. Bake Ovens. Spidi rs. Dinner mid Wash Pots and Stove Hollow Ware, till of which w> make in this City and f < II at Wholesale, and guarantee our goods as good, and priees as low as any manufactory North or West. Sampl.- iiiid sale room at the Store of J. M. BENNETT, ltd Broad Street, where you will also find a targe slock of Tin Ware and House Furnishing goods ! nt Wholesale ami lletail. j jam deodfcwtf J. w. DENNIS A CO. 1 j. w. l*,:.\sr. It. M. Noll MAN. .8. a . I*KAMH A VOIUI %v. wnol.f 'AI.K AND BF.I All. DEALRHS IN Books and StationtT), Sheet Music ami .Musical InstriiiiH’tits, i Pianos. Church ami Parlor Organs, Fine Chronion, j Engravings. Pietnre Frames, Cord. Are. Ase. 711 llroad Nt., Coliuiibus, (Ja. Joe! tf JOHN. L. JORDAN. apotiiecahy , Vo. IthNi Bl'Otlll r<‘<‘l . i No mistakes here. ' No unreliable Medicines us din Prescriptions. No trouble, to get in at all hours. | No humbug about Jordan's Joyous Julep curing Neuralgia. .tan 1-Jy ici:no\ %iz. WJ. F4MJI.IL g i ) r: n t ist. Ha.- f iimivotl his olliee ti|t stairs fiver Wittieli k \ KinsepH Jewelry Store. Special attention given |to Operative amt Mechaniral Dentistry. il< will ; be pleased to m-e his old friends and jatroUH. .anl tf IMIOSIMK I I >-* OF TH E New York Weekly Herald. .t un s (ioitnoiv i:nm:tt, Uroprictor. Itmodwny timl Ann n*( rot*!, THE WEEKLY , HKHALD is published every Saturday, at conts per ropy. Annual sub- Herlptiun prie< One Cojy f 2 Three Copies 6 Five Copies ... M Ten Copies 15 Postage five rents per copy for three months. Any larger number, addressed to names of sub scribers. |1 50 each. An extra copy will b< sent to c-wry club of t* n. Twenty eoyies to one address, one year. $25, and any larger number at the same price. Two extra copies will be sent to clubs of twenty. These rat's make the Weekly Hkkai.i> the cheapest publication in the country. Terms cash in advance. Money sent by mail will be at thv risk of the sender. A generous portion of the Weekly Hskald will b- appropriated to Agriculture, Horticulture. Floriculture, pomology and the management ol domestic animals. Particular attention will be paid, also, to Jl'-ports of the Markets. The aim will be t ■ make the Weekly Hi halo superior to any other agricultural and family newspaper in the country. Every number of the Weekly Herald will con tain a select story anil the latest and most impor tant news by telegraph from all parts of the- world up< the hour of publication. During the session of Congress tb” Weekly Hei:*t.d will i '.main a summary of the proceed lugs and the latest news by telegraph from Wash ington. Political If'digio’.iH. Fashionable. Artistic. Lit raryand Sporting Intelligence: obituary No tices, Varieties, Amusements, Editorial articles ■>n the prominent topics of the day, a review of the Cattle and Dry Goods Markets, Financial and Commercial intelligence, and accounts of all the important and interesting events of the week. 'J be Herald employs no agents in the country, nor in distant cities to canvass for subscribers, u- none art- necessary. Any person pretending t . be an ag'-nt f"i the Weekly Herald should be treated as a common swindler. Tho dub system lias abolished tlj- agency system. It is salt and cheap. The price < { subscription, whenever practica ble. should be transmitted by Post Office Or ders. It is the safest m •tit of transmitting money by mail. At small Post Offices in the country, where Post Office Orders cannot be obtained, mom y may be remitted in Registered Letters. Advertisements, to a limited number, will be inserted in th* Weekly Hb&ald. Price of the Daily Herald, four cents a copy. Annual subscription price, sl2, always in ad vance. Write the address on letters to the New York Herald, in a bold and legible hand, and give the name of each subscriber, of Post Office, C unity and State so plainly that no errois in mailing pa pern will be liable to occur. J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Junction Franklin, Wnnvn oiul Oglotliorpo StreoO, Columlaus, C3-n. 11..-;; l.'Bvo t.( tufiu-m my lVlomtu ami the initilto that l hove on ImnU n stock . I Groceries and Provisions Consisting In part of FLOUB of all grath's, al to y DDL Bacon and Bulk Meats. Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Idoridu Syruj) siikl Aloljinscn. Salt, Oats, Corn, Meal, clioiro lot IManting' INitalops, Liquors ami Bines, Shoes, i'in Ban*, \c., \c. From this ditto my tonus will ho slriotly cash, oxoopt to proiupl paying oust u mors, aud prioos to suit. No ohargo tor dray ago. Bos poot lull,n , janl derxUwtf .1. 11. ** W. .T. WATT. J. A. WALKER. 0, H. WATT. WA r rr vN WA LKER, WIIOLKSALK VIN 1 > Itl-ITAIL (■roeers ami Gommission Merehiints t ,„ U,-r 4111,1 4*l* ICttnUlll I I,!!>-*. n.wi. N.,\V ! N Sin Kr. wit "J’, I U ltl\ I IS lltV'l'tllNU ISI \ 1.1. VMs r IN A HltSf ,1 ASS l-l:<iVtsluN sTtlltt:. l,‘-,vit • IlllDS. ( I.KAU lillt BACON SIDES. at • bacon shoui.dehs. r, BONES ICK-CFIiF.I) WHITE MEAT. 150 ROLLS HEAVY BAGGING. Ist) BCNODES IKON TIES. 200 BARRELS FLOUR ALL GRADES. 50 “ WHISKEY, too “ SUGAR. AND EVI IiVTHINa IS m*ANTITV AND QT.U.ITV TO St IT THE MOST I'AsTlDlors Salt, Syrup, Cheese, Coffee, Molasses, Mackerel,&c We have the largest lot of FLORIDA SYRUP in Middle Georgia-cheap, Don't forget the place, j,,,,! tf U ATT A \% 1 Llil.ll. J. S. JONES’ Cash Dry Goods House, Colti tillJii h, Gcoi*gin. rpUK ('NDKUHLGNF.D. IN VIEW OF UEDL'i ING MANY LINES OF GOODS, WILL OFFER THEM I AT ADVANTAGEOUS PRICES. LARGE LINE OE MEN’S AND WOMEN'S WINTER GLOVI-X LA I!(■ E nml ATTR ACTI VE SELECTION WINTER DRESS GOODS. COLORED DRESS SILKS the I test assortment In market. A small Iml elioi.f lo( of IMPORTED CLOTHS AND CASSIM I',RES It,-st grade. JUST IN : The following desirable additions to stock : 150 pie,., :CHOICE PRINTS. JEANS AND MEDTUM (’ANSIMERES, WHITE AND RED FLANNEL, WH ITE CANTON FLANNEL, BLACK ALPACA. 100 dozen MEN’S, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HOSE. Dirge stock CORSETS, from 50 rents to tjoi.oo. TABLE LINENS. NAPKINS. TOWELS nml IRISH LINENS, in till ; grades. :ioo dozen ('< >ATS’ THREA I) all of which are offered at low figures, juni , ,„itr t■ JOM.H. Notice to the Public. For the next Ninety Days from this date OUR GOODS WILL HE SOLD For Iho Cash and nt Very Low Prices ! OUR ST<X.’K JS (COM PLETE. W ILL C(INTI SUE TO HELL ()UK Dress Goods and all Fancy Articles, Trimmings, Ribbons, &c., &c„ n.cgardloß of Cohl ! * Our S|;i|ilc Stock will Im* sold as bow as the Lowest. /We invite till to ettll and he convineed. -fj- I'artJi* indehh-<l Uus f r floods will please call and settle. We want money to meet | our prom toes. You have Bought our goods, and w<* urge you to come forward j mid pay. Respectfully, JNO. Mvmvan & CO. in,) Knqutror copy. [janl tUwlrn E. E. Yonge, 91 Broad St., / lIVJ.S NOTICK THAT, NOTWITHSTANDING TJIK JU N I.’BUN HIM DURING Till: ( IIRIBT- j ( I MAS HOLIDAYS, HIS STOCK OF Hats is Still Complete! and is just now in receipt of a lot of Late and Fancy Styles. His stock of i:\DKRVVKAIt Kiiiluaees Everythin}!: in that Line,! and respectfully calln attention of the public to ** r riu* ,N(*W \ <•!< <’il> >Sliiß*|," with which there In nothing in this market that will coinjiare. janl tf - - ■—— ——.■ -■■■■—— ” Special from DR, J, L, CHENEY & SON to Gardeners and Farmers, \ -ot'lt ATTENTION IS IJIItlX'TIill TO OUlt FULL ANU COMi'LETK AKSOUTMKNT OF KVEgY 1 VAUIE'IVOF XJuist’H Garden Soods. Now i the time to pnrebaKC cheap. We keep a good ortmeut of Drug Hand ChemieulH, Toilet Articles, t: Prescriptions cwcftillv prepared at all times. janl tf T. E3 nsr KT Is, I >t* it lor In Hardware, teel, M J* Cutlery, Rubber VNI> AIANUFACTCTUiU OE HUBS. SPOKES, AXE HANDLES, and many other things. IC-;k 1, u\,' to rail Hpe.-iitl ftt.t,mtt,in to mluccl prlcoH „t articles of Li, own tuatiufucturo. I'OST-UAK im,l Ki ll lit Its. tto ;,„7 f 1 110 l“' r •’* 1 35 “ •' •• > 50 •' " “ StXO HI ttu,toy fVHI'.KI.S, $H tot taper,,,-t. AXK ANI, OTKFU ItANDLFM. All other Hir.t sin proportion. Any si/.c llub turned t‘* order and furnished singly or by the Het. Ml wagon material guaranteed. Two-horao wagon wheels sls per si t. _Buggy wheels sl2 per act. Wuj •;i and buggv spokes. Itol *j inches. $a per set; I'. to 2 inches, $'J 25 per set. Urge lot cl pcnnine 1). ,V 11. Seovill llocs. Good stocks of Wagon and Buggy Axles and Springs at low prices. Also. Patent Huj-gv Wheels, something new and very durable. \ large lot id' SWEDES' and REFINED IRON AND NAILS, SMITH'S BELLOWS, AN\ ILB AND VICES, low to the trade. Uv Semi for l’riee List. AGENT IfOH HR IN LEY I'LOW AND MIAMI POW’DEIt COMPANY. .innl tl WiL 11 AM S • Photograph Art Gallery, OVER CVRTEII'H DRUG STORK, Columbus, “ Gra. Wli'-re \ hi can procure any style ot Picture desired. < itlier Lard or Life-size Photographs, in Pastel. Ink, Water or Oil Colors, on Paper or Canvass. Ivory types, Ferreotypes, or any other stylo of Picture, and Colored in the most Beautiful Manner. Onr plan of eupyiug and enlarging old pictures gives entire satisfaction to those who have had copies taken by it. Our success in s'-euving Pictures of Children is unsurpassed, and Im Joy to many Parents. So, hriii*} your Children to Williams’ and secure the Shadow ere the Substance fade. Pictures of all kinds from (his Gallery are noted for the Superior Polish and Artistic Excellence that eharaeteri/.es all their work. We have employed two of the best Artists, and can have Coloring done in the Beat Stylo. Our prices arc iih low as any place, in comparison to quality of Pictures. Wc take Plain Pictures as Low as any Gallery, and We Defy Competition in Price, Quality, afid Artistic Style' Persons wishing Photographs, l-’erreotypes, Ivory types, or any style ol Pictures, will find it to their interest tl. have them taken at. this Gallery, as special care will bo taken to give satisfaction and to treat them with politeness. it,, * Pictures taken REGARDLESS OF THE WEATHER. Framing, Moulding and Albums furnished to Customers at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and examine Specimens at the Gallery, | ;il Dour Al„n,- Itooncx .V. Wm-m-r's l'umllim- Stove, UT.STSI Dl ! BROAD STREET, COIJIYIIUS, - - - GFA. jan 1 -il&wtf WILLIAMS BROS., Proprietors. — 1 1 ie i : >i o v a l. 1), F. Will cox's Insurance Aiiimcy, 71 33HOAD STBJEEE3T. rpilE I-NDERSIGNIJ) HAS Rl UOYED TO THE uFEK'K FORMERLY OCCFPIKD BY THE JOHN I ItiM} It 1 Mt, and with iuert-aseil facilities lor Inisines--. ami with thanks for liberal patron age in the past .lie otl'ers anew his services to his friends and the public generally. pi .licit !• ett re fully written iji old and reliable Companies, on all classes of insurable property, 1 aa*l ii<lii*£' <iii 1 loiisos ;m<l < 'onicnls. j,-. - OFFICE OPEN AT ALL HOI RS OF Til E DAY. .pm i-ir I>. I\ WHjM OX. It. 11. EI'PINU, President. H. W. I.DWARDS, Cashier. It. M. MULFOItD, Ass’t Cashier. The Chattahoochee National Bank < >F < (HJTAIin S, <; A. / liis lf;mk IninsaiHs tl (.em-nil H.iliking Hiisincss, pays Interest on Deposits iiinler special contract, t*ivos prompt ntlenlion to Collections on all accessible points, and incites coiT(‘spoinlencc. Infonnation transmitted by mail or wires when desired. janl tf T. S. SPEAR, Agent, WATCHMAKEK & JEWELER, soi mto.AD s rmoiiT. janl tf Baltimore & Wilmington, N. C., STEAM SHIP LINE, COMPOSED OF THE EI KST-( ’ LASS ST EA MSHI PS 8). .8. FOLEY, - - I). .T. Price. KKUnCCA CLYDE, D. O. OliildN. I .JT. N. Uannott. Ii A LEIG 11, -I. S. Oliver. WJ LL HEKEAFTERSAIL FROM BALTIMORE Every Tuesday and Friday, AND FROM WILMINGTON Every Wednesday and Saturday. During Uic Busy Seasons, Tri-Weekly, Connecting at Wilmington with the WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA RAILROAD, Giving Througgb Bills of Lading to ami from all points in NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA AND ALABAMA, Connecting at Columbia, S. C. with tho Gfreoixvillo tfc Columtoia Xlnilroad, And Charlotte Division of the CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA k AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Connecting at Augusta, Ga., with the* GEORGIA, MACON & AUGUSTA, AND CENTRAL RAILROADS. i .... SteancTH -.1 this Lim ,on arrival at Wilmington, atop at the Railroad Depot, and tin* Railroad IT'-ij’M being .- Inn I separately in the. (Steamer, is trauHterred under Covered Sheds to the Cara with out delay, and forwurdctl hy tlm Fast Freight Express that evening. Vo lrft>!tt;<‘ in VI ilniiiiKton tinil no Tniiisl’i't's fi-om %% il iiiiiiaOoe Sonlli. Rates Guaranteed as Low as by any other Route and all Losses or Over Charges Promptly Paid. Mark all Goods via STEAMSHIP to WILMINGTON. And forward Bills of Lading to Railroad Agent at Wilmington, N. C. *>' For fmlhw information, apply to cither of the undersigned Agents of the Line. A N 1)12 10 WS .V C ’ >.. Agent Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship Line, 75 Smith’s Wlmrf, Bultlmore. %. 88. 4 17.11 X. \'t IS. ,V U . Sli-iitiiNlil|) l.iiie. H ilmingloii, A. I*ol*l.'. ;eti l IT'eiglit Agt-nl. / VI iiitiitigloii. V. <'. I'. .< I.\ici4. iss'l m-n'l I'T-'l 11. M. CUTTINGIIAM, janl tf Crncrtil IVestci-n leettl, ATI.A VI A, BJ.V, B. FINDLAY SONS’ IRON WORKS, MACON, - - GA. (Patented February 21,1871, and April 2H, 1874.) GUAM) GOLD MEDAL Awarded the Great "ECLIPSE" Press over all Competitors ut the Georgia State Fair at Macon u 1873. Tho Fastest, Most i)urable, Lightest Draught and Cheapest Cotton Screw and Hay Press in the World!! PACKS THE BALE IN 12 HOUNDS. Two or Three Hands or One Light Mule Packs in Two Minutes. Balca of Cotton Parked hy thin Press range from 500 to 800 Pounds. Wi: GUAI l A NTEK To make Good, FREE OF COST, (aud pay expen se* of transportation) any portion ol' the iron work of the Eclipse that may prove defective within three years after purchase, and warrant against breakage without limit as to time. The ‘•ECLIPSE” can be furnished all complete, or simply the irous, as parties may desire. Presses arranged for steam or water power when required. We have Tcstiwon a's from many of the largest aud best planters in Georgia, (and all the other Cotton States) using this press, whoso names aro • as familiar as household words.” Planters visit; ing Macon are earnestly advised not to purchase a Cotton Press until they examine closely aud thorougly the “ECLIPSE,” aud judge for them selves. Send for descriptive pamphlets contain ing testimonials aud prices. Though tar superior heretofore, we have made RECENT VALUABLE IMPRUVEMETH. giving all parts increased strength, and affording still i.ioht kb muroHT, aud dispensing with what wua known as the “Inner sleeve.” The “ECLIPSE” ip now 11 * I’. 1 i FKCTION, FINDLAYS’ Improved Power Press! For Steam or Water Power. FINDLAYS’ IMPROVED POWER PRESS, tor steam or water power, possesses rare advantages aud conveniences. Screw pin Is ten feet long; gearing heavy aud strong, and instead ot tho doubtful and dangerous “clutch” arrangement, t ight and loose pulleys with “shippers” aro used, thus insuring safety, certainty and promptness of action. This press will le supplied with our new patent Conical Rollers, u most valuable improve ment. for tho purpose of receiving the “end thrust,” and very materially lessening tho fric tion. This Press was also triumphaut at the last State Fair. IK. rind lay Hons* Iron Work*, MACON, GA* New Feature. In addition to our regular “Eclipse” Press, wo of fer this season (guaranteed as above) a strictly “HAND ECLIPSE PRESS,” With horizontal levers, for working inside of gin house. Will be from three to four times as lust and lighter draught than any other Laud screw press ever offered. S FlIiL ANOTHER. By positive right wc will also manufacture in all its forms Nisbel's Improved Wrought-lron Screw Cotton Press, Using our "Eclipse” frame, and adding our new “patent Conical Rollers,” to lessen friction, etc. This press will be made for hand, home, water or steam power, and in every instance the screw pin will be ten feet long and four inches in diameter, of warranted material. vt l*4>ill In* I*l*4*l.lll*4*4l l<lS44||l,V nii.t Itiml 4il'Ncmv l*.*4‘N* l4*Nir<-4i. A r r aim j;aiii,y i>.va- W, will introduce a SEW OIN OEAIIISO, bound to supersede all others, being simply the old faith ioijcd Gin Gearing running on anti-friction rollers and working on the ground, thus dispensing with ••king-posta” and "contr* supports,” and tho trouble and doubt of putting them up. Wo ad vise parties not to order until they ties this "new movement” and hear our guarantee, etc. to*)- Send for descriptive circular, containing detailed Illustrations of our presses, tc., and tes timonials price, terms, etc. bo ■ We are manufacturers also of Steam En gines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills, Water Wheels, and all kinds of Machinery and Castings, etc., etc. It. I' lAUI.AY'N MIAN. Piil.llii.v Iron AY<u-k, jan tf .Vfncon, (>a,