The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, February 03, 1875, Image 3

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currim Lawyer's mujtim Whore there’s a will there's u way—to break it. —The average young man is delu ded into thinking his girl’s hand is n lemon. , -Peru has more dogs than nity oth er reuntry of its size. Hems' tlie IV ruvian hark. —Dure and you slinll liehued. All love is mathematically ill' 1 , as much iut the pvt side- of nil ufgebnii.' c, illa tion. -We’ll ride twelve miles to see two brother* Winter twelve years of nge go to t>ed together without having a dispute about somethiug. —sever trust with a secret a mar ried man who loves his wife, for he will tell her, ami she will tell her sis ter. and her sister will tell everybody. -There's where a man has the ad vantage. He-can undress in a eold room ami have his bed warm before a woman lias got bor hair pins out and her shoes untied. - What indulgence does the world extend to those evil speakers wlm. under the mask of friendship, stall in dlsertminathly with the keen though rusty blade of slander ? —A divine, once praying, said. "O T-nrtt? (five us neither poverty nor riohes, ami pausing solemnly a mo ment, ha added, “espeeialh i-over ty\” —“That's very singular." said a young lady to a gentleman who had just kissed her. ‘Oil, well, my dear miss,” was the reply, “I will soon make It. plural ’ —A man having a bill against a distant merchant. sent a letter of iu qulrftoa banker in tliut locality. The reply was : "He is dead ; but lie pays as well as he ever did." The very last curiosity spoken of ill the i*pers is a wheel that came off a dog’s tail when it was a waggin'. The man who discovered it Inis re tired from publie life. “Your feet are not very stylish,' said a man to bis friend whose feet were covered with bunions. N-. not very stylish, but exeeedingly nobby,” w rtte gnu 1-nnturi‘d reply. When you pa~-n door after nim o’clock at night, and see n young man and woman, and henr a smaek. you may l>et your bottom dollar that the young man don’t live there. "How distressing,” remarked n foahloaobly dressed young Christian of this city'; “Elijah was taken aloft sounexpected!) that be didn't have time to change his clothes.” —They trieil to scare a man in Mis somi by threatening to tar and feath er him; but lie replied: "Come on with your old tar; l ie been there six times, and I’ve got a receipt for wash ing it off.” -A wicked boy upon whose shoul ders bi* mother was expressing ten resentment with both slippers, felt too proud to erv and kept up Itis cour age by repenting to himself: "Two ■soles that beat as one.” —Nevada lee dealers are already preparing to double their prices next summer, upon the ground that the crop will, be almost entirely eaten up by the grasshoppers, particularly the mint and the straws —A lady hearing the remark lliyt the storm signal was set, Inquired what, that, meant, and being told that the signal department now watches the weather, and telegraphs in ad vanee all over the country, replied: “Now isn't that convenient for wash erwomen ?” —lt looks bad to see a dog I ing hismastervdovvn the street, and calmly turn down the stairs to the first saloon he approaches. Tt_ehows there to something wrong, something lacking, a deplorable tendency on the )sirt of the dog. -A SwainiHioUie boy of toil says that whenhis parents got into a fight, and his mother calls f.,r a Hat iron, and his father yells for the stove handle, ho is placed in a most em barrassing position, as he is sure t > get licked, no matter whom he minds. A finely dressed lady slipped and fell near the post office, yesterday, and the bootblack who assisted her to her feet inquired : "Did you break any bones, madam V” "No. I guess not," she replied ; "but I mil just as mad as if I had broken a dozen of ’em I” —The servant of an army officer one day met a crony, who inquired of him how he got along wit h his llery master. Oh, excellently!" answered the servant, "we live on friendly terms, every morning we beat each other's coats; the only difference is, he takes his off to be beaten and 1 keep mine on." • ♦ . A I’lEßt'F. Dkath STKfUOI./.. The telegraph brief! i mentioned t l/e other day an encounter in New Orleans be tween Witt. Week. assistant Becre tary of State, and George E. Paris, a tux collector of that cit y, both color ed Republican politicians, in which the former was killed. Their quarrel was in regard to an application for the |ioition of harbor master which hod been mad!• to Kellogg bv Paris, he alleging that Weeks had inter fered t() defeat him. Weeks answer ed Paris’ accusation by calling him a dirty liar. This was followed by one of the fiercest death struggles ever witnessed. The first display of arms was made by Weeks, who snapped his pistol three times at his opponent and then rushed upon hint, dealing him a terrible blow upon the head. Paris drew a bowie-knife in the light and cut hts antagonist several times In the back and sides, and completely severed the muscles and arteries of bia arms. Weeks at length sank to the floor, but rising again rushed up on Paris only to receive the knife again in his side. Lying prostrate, with Paris standing over him. Weeks made several attempts to tise. but was each time stabbed by bis mur derer, and soon dropped dead. A wee-bit girl in Ousco, Win., j while at the breakfast table, a few mornings since, made loud and re l>eated mils for buttered toast. Af ter disposing of a quantity of that nourishing article, she was told that too much toast would make Iter sick. Looking wistfully at the dish for a moment, she thought she saw a wav out other difficulty, and exclaimed: ‘ Well, fftee me annuzzer piece and send for tne doctor. ’ St. Louis Time s; Two prominent citizens of St. Ijoiiis are announced ax almost hopelessly ill Hu Ison E. Bridg> and Gen. Frank Tilatf. Tie latter, we learn, has failed so rapidly within the past two weeks as to lie 1 tumble to distinguish his moat Inti mate, trie 1 and cannot possibly survive the winter. T-Jlureh received to-dav n t> b-grain from Senator Gordon,at Washington, asking him the number of Confeder ates who voted for Johnson. He re plied there were thirty Confederates andtwe uv Union men. I'half'inmeju ('fimmerriiil. Bl Dividend Notice. maiiDir efcGT* 4 tb* EALE& PHENIX MAN JL UFA< TUP.ISO COMPANY have this day do- . cifti'ttt th<- following dividend* upon tb' capital the C.uunauy. BiUrldt-ii iof 5 '/ cent uavablt oa an alt r April ULW7S. Divide* i of 5 |* cent. payable ou ;uul alter N-- rumber It. 1*75. O. OTTNBY JORDAN. janl2 and ton Her'y k Tr*a*'r. Great Sacrifice in Dry Goods! HAVING taken the Store recently occupied by F. U. JOHNSON A 00., aud PEYTON. GORDON A CO., No. Til Hroad street. 1 will from thin dit > offer to the citizen* of Columbus and the sur rounding country, my WHOLE STOCK of Dry Goads, Notions, Limns and White Goods -5Lt a O-i’-crCit Snorifloo ! I Ua-‘ dot rniiu. and poniii\ 1> t * ~;it ~f tit vti t ' I-. bnalncMM, and clone upon the flr*t or fifteenth of May. Tills In it van* chance to -nn In a few days I will add to m> • i* • . I !<• CatMHlto, which will he sold VKHY ! LOW. ££ All purchases (' \SH. A. JVC. PEYTOKT. nSTE'W" FIRM \T THE NEW YORK STORE. The undersigned have formed a COPARTNERSHIP under the firm name of GORDON iV CARGILL, For the Purpose of Transacting a Cash Dry Goods Business Mnl have Iphsiml the large find c.mniodious store house known as the WEW YORK iTORE, NW. H 2, It mail *Btr<*o*t. Our stock iu a few days will be full ahd complete, and prices will l*e made to suit the times. WINTER DRESS GOODS, FURS, And many other Rood* will be'sold IT OM! HALF Til I! MOV YOHk CONI'! Special bar gains offered in CORSETS AND XSLXI> GLOVES! VtH. J. A KtRVEX is Win, anil win tv pl.axst to sr. lita frit'll (Is. 11. <’. <.OltlM)\. .1. E. IKULL. Columbus, G., Jau. 'intli. Ix7"*. d.Yweod tf J. S. JONES' Cash Dry Goods House, ColumlsUH, Georgia. rpilK I'NUKasIUNKIi, IN VIKW ol HV.MVIN', VIVNY I.INIS ol' iHXtlis. WII.T. OKFKB THEM 1 AT API AM voters PHICKS. LARGE LINE OF MEN’S AND WOMEN'S WINTER GLOVES. LARGE and ATTRACTIVE SELECTION WINTER DRESS GOODS. COLORED DRESS SI LKS the I>■ --st assortment in market. A small but choice lei of IMPORTER CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES best grade .It'ST IN : The following desirable additions to stock : 150 pieces CHOICE PRINTS. JEAN'S AND MED I EM CASS [ M E RES, WHITE \ND RED FLANNEL, W HIT E c \ NT( >N FI .A NN EL, JiLACK AI.PACA. PHI dozen MEN'S. LADIES’ AN D CHIT.DREN'S HOME. Luge stock CORSETS, from "si cents to TA RLE LINENS, NAPKTNK, TOWELS and IRISH LINENS, in all grades. non dozen COATS’ THREAD all of which are offered at low figures. inl I'O'ltf J, H. JM>. Notice to the Public. For tlie next Ninety Days from, this date oil! GOODS Will, lii SOLD For 1ln i Uiisli iind ,it Vt k r> Low Prices ! OCR STUCK IS COMPLETE. WILL CON TIN EE TO SELL OCR Dress Goods and all Fancy Articles, Trimmings, Ribbons, &c., &c„ Regardless of Cost! Our Sfii)>lp Slock will he sold ns Low iislln 1 I.owcsl. , We invito all to cull amt in* fnnYiiK*cL Parti<“- irnieiitisl I< it'- f'*r (Lhmlk will picas* l cull and settle. want money to meet our promises. You have bought our and w<* ur*jo you U> emne f* . ward ] and pay. Jh*Hp**ctfully, 4NO. MeiRHTGH cV ((). */> Emjitirt-r copy. IJttnl d*wlm Williams' Photograph Art (iallery ! (OVER ( ARTER H I*R|H> HTOKE) ColumFjus, Georgia. o I>UOTOORAPH J'OBTBAJTS FROM El EE, OR COl'IEI) FROM OLD RDTIRES OK ANY Ki.NJ* AND Enlarged to CHhinut or Life Hi/.*-, uiil biAutifnlly Ch>r< and in Ink. Paplel or Oil (‘*hirii. We have employed two ProfegHorn. ( ITAH. DeREI RIKF and J. J,. DUFFLE, wboae skill an c*trr ct Culoriut has n< >u‘iperior. W up p t.-rmined to furniHh any kind, nizn fir Htyle PicturcH with uh perfect liuiHh a any taken North or haiilh. ■* We defy competition in pne-t*. quality or nrtiatic Htylen, r<Kar<lh’Hß of cloudy weither. W luvitc a call to examine gpceiiucns of Plain and C**lor**d Photographs and Pictur*. hof all klntlw. Gallery up one atairn, o\. r < urt*-r’ri Drug Htor . t rviw anil Fixture**, Moulding Glan, Ac., in ntock at lowi-Ht prices. janlU If WIM.IAfIS A. It ICO.. I>i-|ri<'tra. J. 3S -TNT 3NT IS , Dtuilor In Hardware, Steel, 4 Cutlery, Rutter ANI) MANCFACTCniIR OF HUBS, SPOKES, AXE HANDLES, and many other things. B :'<- leave to rill special attention to red :<•< dj l ■ oft, ■ Jes of his own manufacture. POST-OAK and ELM HUBS. 4 to 5x7... fl P'-r r*-t oxß 1 35 * ** “ Bxlo 1 75 BUGGY WHEEI/8. f8 to *l2p. r set. AXE AND OTHj J: HANDLES. All other hizi in proporti )U. Any nose Hub turned U> order and furnished singly or by the set. All wagon material guaranteed. Tw.,-horse wagon wheels |l6 per get. Buggy wheels st'J j*er act. Wagon and buggy sjokeK, Ito 1 ; : inches. *3 per set: Ito 2 inchea, $3 25 per set'. Lari'- 1,1 g* nuin< D. A H. Scovill Hoes. Good spicks of Wagon and Buggy Axles and Hprings at i)W prices. Also, patent Boggy Wheels, something new nnd very durable. A large lot of HWEDEfI’ aud REFINED IRON AND NAILS, SMJTH’H 13ELI/IWS, ANVILB AND VICES, low to the trade. Ay fto-nd for Price List. AGENT FOR BRIN LEY PLOW AND MIAMI POWDER COMPANY, janl tf PROSPECTUS OF THE DAILY TIMES. Tin' undersltrnivd bcarntt the pttbli nation of tlie Daily Times on the flrst day of January, 1H75, in this pity, under the firm name of J. 11. WRIGHT N- CO. It will be unite,ms wiry to state that this pni-er will bo published in tlie Interest of no isdi vim-Ai. or set ol’ men. but solely in tlie interest of our pity, our State, . and the SOUTH. Relieving tlie only true and safe priueiples upon which a Republican Government can be success fully maintained to he those found in the platform of the Democratic party, this journal will adhere to that faith. It will he our ambition to supply the people with a wide-awake, pro gressive pa]lC!', containing all the National, Foreign and Loral News,] tlie latest Market Reports, Ac., and in furtherance of our efforts, nsk the people to give us it generous support. WEEKLY TIMES. The Weekly Times will he a hand some thirty-two column sheet, filled witti interesting reading matter, and containing the Market Reports, Local and General News, besides articles on Agriculture, suited to our farming interests and section of country. Terms ol' Siil,*erl|lion-—•< asli. flatly one year Ut S Ott Hally Hirer uiantlts 2 Of) Hally one iminlll Weekly one year J flit I We arc compelled, on account of f lic Postal Law, to require cash lava- ■ rlnbly in advance from those sub scribers to whom we have to mail tlie j taper. i Either of the undersigned is au thorized to solicit and receipt for advertising and subscriptions. Respectfully, OHAB. H. WILLIAMS, JEBKE B. WRIGHT, OHAB. K. NELBGN, FRANCIS M. JETER, WM. C. TURNER. Columbus, Ga., Jan. 3,1875. IV. .T IVATT. -T V. WALKER. (HAS. 11. WATT 1 WATT& WALKER, WHOLEHA 1.10 AND UI VJ’AIL Grocers and Commission Merchants ( 'oi'iin* KiuiKln I loumo, Have Hie Largest anil Rest Selected Muck of Groceries In (lie I'll) of (‘oLtunliiis t GNhIsTING Gi BACON SIDES, HULK 81 DIAS, JI.U’ON SHOE I ,DKRS, BULK SHOUL DERS, BULK HAMS. BACON HAMS. LARI) in tierces, laird In buckets and kegs. FLOUR of nil grades, including tlie celebrated SI I.VKII LIKE brand, tl\c best in the world. RAGGING, TIES, SALT, HUGA li. MACKEREL. SOAR, CHEESE. COFFEE. OYSTERS, SARDINES, CRACKERS, POTASH, SODA, STARCH. SHOES, ROOTS, and Staple Dry Goods, such tt.s OSNARURGS,SHEETING, SHIRTINGS, CHECTvS, STRIPES, YARNS and PANTS GOODS. Also, a well selected stock or AYHISKEY, from $1 per gallon to g.'i. and of nnv brand or per cent, proof that may be desired. Our stock of SUGAR includes every grade, ami price, and our lot of j SYRUP cannot bo eqiuiled in this city. It includes nil grades of New Or- 1 i leans in barrels mnl half barrels; also several hundred barrels of choice FLORIDA SYRUP, which is superior to anything in tile market, and much [ cheaper in price. It has a delightful flavor and rich, clear color, anti soled ! ed expressly for our trade. Cash customers can always save money by giving us a trial before pur chasing elsewhere. j janl tf WATT' & WAI.KKK. J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Junction Franklin. Warren and Oglethorpe Streets, Columlauß, Gtn. I bog l a\p to iufoTDi my I'ri- ami the imbllu that I huvo on hainl u larßi 1 stock ol Groceries and Provisions Consist inf? in pavt ol* FLOUR of all at to bbl. Bacon and Bulk Meats, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, I 'lopida Syrup nn<l MoliiN**e*. Salt, Oats, Corn, Meal, choice lot Planting Potatoes, l iquors and Wines, Shoes, Tin Ware, \e. \e. From this dalo m\ t rms will lx* istritly eftnh, e\n>|t to prompt ; paying ciiwtoniom. and |irio‘s to suit. N< for (lmynj?e, Ih ftpectfully, janl J. 11. HAMILTON. HOOTS AND SHOES. POPE & LONG, DEALERS IN iv" hrepUvoy^mllttmiS A Hr IX ARPOBTMKVT Of All tlie Leading Styles and Qualities Boots and Shoes! Hrrchas the pcopl* want. Sit: Our Mock is all miimifactureti f*>r 01 RB OWN TRADE, and v* warrant every puir to b* Terms Cash, and Low Prices. BOOTS AM) SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES >o. 10-4 Ilroml Ntri'et. BOOTS AND SHOES. \<> ri( io. A RARE CHANCE! o 'T’lif* < M<l P7nlnbliHliod Saddle, Harness, Leather and Trunk Business i’Olt MALE. riIHE undersigned, wishing to retire from business, offers HIS ENTIRE STOCK AND GOOD WILL, 1 with all the fixtures and arrangements for carrying on the business. The house was established In 1835, lias a good reputation and a fulr run of customers. The goods and materials were all bought for cash at tin- lowest prices. I will rent the store to the persons that purchase the; stock. For further information call <*u the undersigned at 84 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. H. MI I) BLEB KOOK. N. B.—All good* hi my line w ill be sold at Reduced I’riees, for Cash Only. itu • All persons Indebted to me are requested to call and settle without further notice. Columbus, Ga. January Bth, 1875. [davrSin] H. MIDDLBBROOK. J. H. BRAMHALL, Wa(<*limiikT mid JewelciM and aoknt for !)!) Broad 8t„, Columbus, Ga. Sinj*'ci*Scwiii;Mit<diiiH‘w BELI*S 'PUFJ BEST SPECTACLES. I MrKt Machine on, Needles. *\, for all Machines. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. | Hewing Machines Itepaircvi. I ' < If you would preserve your siKlit, eall on TiitAMttAt.L and get a pair of ills best Hpeetaiji'A or Glasses. Janl tf BEDELL & CO., Liquor Dealers & Tobacco Agents, AG MTVTS FOlt THE OLD CBOW AND WOODBURN WHISKIES, 140 BROAD Street. COLUMBUS. GA. jan. 22-d3m It. FINDLAY SONS’ IRON WORKS, M V< ON, - - j (Pftl.Mib dF bi nary 21,1371, an.l Apri128,1874.) dl ' ''• ' (iIIAM) (iOLl) MKDAL mm*** I >V Awnrtb fl th* Grout •n’.CT.TPHF.” PrrsN over fill titdis at Hi* Gcorßiu Sim, Fair at Macon n 1873. Tlie Fastest, Host Durable, Lightest Draught aud Cheapest Cotton Screw and Hay Press in the World!! PACKS TH£ BALE IN 12 ROUNDS. Two or Three Hands or One Light Mule Packs in Two Minutes. Bale* of Got ton Backed by thi Finish range from 600 to 800 Founds. WI : r>T A nANTEK ! To make Good, FItEK OF CKMIT, (ami pay t xnen hi s of trauHiKirtatiou) any portion of the iron work of the* Eclipse that may prove defective within throe years after purchase, and warrant against breakage without limit as to time. The "Wi.ll*HK‘* can Is* ftivniohed all complete, or simply the irons, as parties may desire. Tresses arranged for steam or water power when required. We have TcHtimonials from many of tho largest uud best plunters in Georgia, (ami all the other Cotton Stutcs) using this press, whoso names are ••as familiar as household words.” I'luutors visit; inp Macon arc earnestly advised not to purchase a Cotton Press until they examine closely and thorougly th<- "E<TjIP.HE,” und judge for them- M*lves. m*nd tor descriptive pamphlets contain ing tcHtimouialH ami price*. Though far superior hen tofore, we liave made RECENT VAT.F4BLE IMPBOVHMKTS, ptving all parts im-rcuscd and affording still ihghi draught, and dispensing with what was known as flic '•inner sleeve.” The “ECLIPHE” is now I’EIU’ ECTION. FI Ml LA VS’ Improved Power Press! For Steam or Water Power, ITNDLAYS* IMPROtEI) POWER PRESS. lor steam or water power, ppHseascs rare advantages ami convenience*. Screw pin Js ten feat long; gearing heavy ami strong, and instead ol tho doubtful and dangerous 'clutch” arrangement, tight and loose pulleys with •'shippers” aro used, thus insuring safety, certainty and promptness ot action. This press will Ims supplied with our new patent Conical Rollers, a most valuable improve ment, for tho purpose of receiving the “end thrust,” and very materially lossoning the fric tion. This Press was also triumphant at the last State Fair. H. riurtlny soils’ Iron Works MACON, GA. New Feature. In addition to our regular “Eclipse” Press, wc of fer this season (guaranteed as above) a strivtly “HAND ECLIPSE PRESS,” With horizontal levers, for working inside ol gin house. Will be from three to four times astta u t and lighter draught than any other hand screw press over offered. HTILIj ANOTHIOK. By positive right we will also manufacture in all j its fbrniH Nisbet’s Improved Wrought-lron Screw Cotton Press, Using our “Eclipse” frame, and adding our nr,v • patent Conical Hollers,” to lessen friction, etc. This press will bo madu for hand, horse, water or steam power, and in every instance tho screw pin will be ten feet forig and four inches in diameter, of wurruuted material. He will Prepared I Supply any kind of Screw Pro** Do aired. 0 AT AIV EARLY DAY We will Introduce u NEW GIN GEARING, bound to supersede all others, being simply the old fash ioned Gin Gearing running on anti-friction rollers au*l working ou th* ground, thus dispensing with • king-posts” aud “centre supports,” und tho trouble and doubt of putting them up. We ad vise parties not to order until they see this “new movement” and hear our guarantee, etc. • Bend for descriptive circular, containing detailed illustrations of our prensca, etc., and tes timonials price, terms, etc. s(&■ We are manufacturers also of Steam En gines. Boilers, Kaw und Grist Mills, Water Wheels, and all kinds of Machinery and Castings, etc., etc. It. FIMIL VI'S SOX*, Findlay Iron Works, jan tf .Tfneoii, C/n, HOOTS AND SHOES.