The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, February 20, 1875, Image 1

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J. 18. - WRIG HT *Sc CO., {AsfiTpKpinKTKu. I TERMS OF THE Columbus Daily and Weekly Times. DAILYi One Year. . . $8 00 Btx Month" • • \ Three Month- 2 00 One Month <5 (We paying pontage,) WEEKLY t One Year. ? 2? Six Months. . 1 I*o (We ia>uig pontage.) 1 H.tTIS OF tVi:BTM\(. - u ® nl *a I %i%%5255222222 K£3iSSsßS£sSS*=. g SSBBSBiBSBSSgBi__ "WJJ.M.YY 1! BSS3BS§BBS 8.3 SS! .. * -'x ■ [ siigSiff??3si. sssaailssessri 5 M|i'i >w : fSSffBJBSSSSJSi oo £ S at ®§£ wl S-j 8885?38?33S?S? B£3SSBS 51* I* i-'o T - i SR#SS2? “ * iBB#BSB2 •cS —tc*sj HipUOpi j iJi|giS.|BSSSB? ! . ... tUSsSSsSosißßs§-ISi Ni(iin>jK v : ‘ ' ■!!;. > \ ! 50 per et. additional in Loral Column. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 Dally, every ot her day for one month or longer, two-thirds above rates. Georgia u:<;isi.\Tn;i:. Special to th* Daily Times, by 8. k A. Liue.J • ■ Atlanta, IVI>. lit. 1K75. SENATE. Ottft. OUIH-rt J. Wriylit, nominated by the wtvtrnor, was confirmed for Judge of tho Albany Circuit. THIltl) lIEADrNO. Bill to protect inn-ko(‘iK‘isainl com mon carriers in this State. Lost. To improve the commerce of this State. Lost. To further protect the State against the ejidorsement of railroad bonds. Lost. Mr. Harris Resolution to authorize Sharp’s Manufacturing Company to bring suit against the State to tost the legality of tlieir claim. Referred. To Incorporate Planters’Steamboat Line. Passed. To repeal section '252 of node, was passed. Relates to power of Clerks Superior Court to appoint a judge in ease the Amigo is interested and attorneys unable to agree. To require Judges Supreme Court to give charges to jury in writing in certain ease- Tabled. HOUSE 811.1- ON THIHD BEADINO. To incorporate the Wilminghm, Co lumbia & Augusta ltailroud Compa ny. Lost. To authorize Sheriffs to levy and collect tak fi. fas. Indcflnitely post poned. To repeal sections 1-7.til and iwm of new eotle. Passed. To guard the public against incom petent county officers. liOSt. To amend section 4MO of the code. It prevents fraudulent sale of crops by tenants where landlors have liens. Passed. Bill to create anew county from Clark and Madison, to he called "Oconee.” Passed. V, House. The bill to regulate the sale of liquors in sundry counties was recon sidered and a large number of coun ties stricken out, and passed. The bill to reduce compensgtioti P. tat collector- and receivers, was reconsidered, and, on motion of Mr. Lawton, was referred to a special oommittee, wlm reported a substitute graduating the pay by amount of tax collected, and ranging from 2 per cent, in the largest coun ties to H in the smallest as extremes. The bill pissed. It applies only to officers to be sleeted hereafter. The bill for the relief of maimed and Indigent soldiers was also recon sidered Torestabllsb factors and merchants' lieus-withdrawn. The bill to 'promote sheep and hog raising was lost. For the relief of the deaf and dumb asylam by creating a department of art. Lost. To carry into effect paragraph 2, section IS, article 5 of the Constitu tion. Lost. To repeal an act rei>ealing an act to compensate ordinaries, sheriffs and clerks, so far as relates to sher iffs. Withdrawn. To exempt locomotive engineers actually employed from jury duty. Amended by adding miners, and passed. To amend the charter of tie- Geor gia Stats Lottery. Lost. To repeal the stock and fence law. Lost. To require all municipal authori ties who grant license to sell liquors to miminister oaths. Withdrawn. To rejieal all exemptions from jars duty in Chatham county. Passed. To authorize the Governor to di pose of the public printing to the highest <?) bidder. Tabled. Both Houses appointed committc s to examine into the business and re port Monday whether the Legisla ture. can adjourn that day. The bill to increase the fees of the inspect- r of fertilizers at Savannah was indefinitely postponed. To am -till an act to provide for the coJwciion of fees of justices of the peace. Lost. THE DAILY TIMES. To prevent the sale of liquor in two miles of the lunatic asylum.' : Parsed. ; To amend the act. for protection ] against the sale of kerosene oil. : Lost. To preserve trial by jury, it makes ! the jury the judge of both the law ! and the facts. Indefinitely post pon jed —(k to tfi. THE MACON it DKI’NSWIOk KAIUtOAH Endorsement Joint Pittance Commit ! too are ready and will hand in their report to-morrow. It sots forth that the State’s original endorsement of the first 1,1170 of the road’s bonds was made in good faith, and the same are a just charge,against, the State. The remaining six hundred thousand endorsements were fraudulent and void, but it is both the policy and duty of the State to recognize them In the hands of bona lido innocent holders, who had purchased them sitieo the act of the Legislature recognizing them as valid. This is high ground, and none , can complain that the honor of the ; Stiite is not fully maintained. ALABAMA LKdISI.VTI HE. Special to tin- Tim-:* by S. & A. Liut I .] Montgomery, February 17. 1875. SENATE. Hills w*ro introduced un i ivfm.v*l t<> provide for th** registration •*f the ! separate statutory ‘states of niarri***! women: to assess u tax on shooting galleries and places where lurgcl shooting is don**; explanatory of soo tion3sl4 of the *vise*l coil*.* ;to lix the : number of officers of tin* penitentiary j and their compensations ; to amend j section 3 of the act amending sections 3836, 3486, and others. House amendment to sunset to sun rise bill was concurred in. Bill to relieve the Alabama Central railroad of in per cent, penalty for delin<iuewt taxes was amended by in eluding Montgomery and Enfaula railroad and passed. HOUSE. Mr. Green, of Lee, from the special committee to which was referred the Governor’s message enclosing Larkin j Willis’ communication relating to the ! Penitentiary Farm and asking for an appropriation, reported a bill to pro .vide for the liquidation of the debts i due by the Penitentiary and State! Farm. It appropriates sf,ooo, and leaves the Commissioners appointed : to adjust the debts of the Stab* to ad just this indebtedness. Mr. Betts moved to amend the bill by striking out the 4m,00<) appropria tion and making it the duty of the Commissioners to ascertain and re port at the next session of the Gen eral Assembly the indebtedness of penitentiary. Adopted, and the bill was recommitted to tin* same special committee. The House joint resolution relative I to tli*‘ outstanding State obligations was amended by the Senate, and the • House coiicmvd in tin* Senate amend ment. The Senate bill to restrict the power of taxation by cities and in corporated towns as required by sec tion 16, article 16 of the Constitution, ] Hissed. The House refused to concur in the Senate amendment to the alien bill, and a committee of conference will probably be the result. A joint memorial to Congress rela tive to the cotton tax was adopted. The Senate bill to authorize the Governor to lease out the peniten tiary farm was referred. Mont Kouicry lUrm*. SpfflEl to thu Times by S- A: A. Line.) Montgomery, Ai.a., Fob. r.i. T’lio Murniiuj New* made its appearance this morning in reduced size owing to it forms -till being in tin- hands of the parties who took them from the composing-room Wednesday. It is snid the Grand Jury has found true bills against the parties involved. A negro serving on the jury in the City Court, was arrested for hog stealing. The meat was found cut up in a scientific manner, arid he got one hundred days on the chain-gang. I.etter from Andrew Johnson. Special to th- 1 S. A A. Linf-.] Washtnoton, Feb. If). The Metro politan Democratic- flub having ad dressed Mr. Johnson congratulating him on Lis election to the U. H. Sen ate and requesting to know when he should reach Washington that they might tender him a suitable recep tion, he replies, and after thanking them for their kind regard and ap preciation of what the people had done in reference to the election of a Senator, says: I “It is not in my power to state at this time when I will reach Washing ton, and I hope that no steps will be taken In respect to my reception until i I get, there, when I can see you and 1 exchange civilities.” l ITEMS BY Tfcl.lXlllAPll. , Train No. S, east bound, from Co s; lambus, Ohio,at (i.15 lu-t evening, ran over a broken rail near Steubenville, Ohio, at 3 o’clock this morning. A special ear with Vice President Gen. Fremont, ami the Agent of the Penn sylvania fompany, was ditched and burned. The Vice President and : Agent were slightly hurt. s Later—No lives were lost at Steu benville. President McCullough had ; his leg broken. Quite a number of ' ears were burned. A negro was admitted into the New Orleans high school, when twen ty of the twenty-two whites left. No : disturbane -. , —Mr. Ward, of Colfax notoriety, i who represents Colfax parish, Loui siana, has been expelled for disordcr | ly conduct, by a vote of 49 to 9. COLUMBUS, OA.. SATI UDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1875. | I'llK NATIONAL CAPITAL CoiuroGotml I'roi’mllniH. Special to the Daily Timer ly S. .V A. Lina.] SENATE. j Washington. Fob. ID. -Boutweli j presented a petition of colored citi zens of Massachusetts asking the ad mission of Piuchback to the Senate. Laid on the table and ordered print ed. Alsq, a petition in favor or univer sal peace. Referred. Edmunds said lie should consider it hi* duty to call up tin* Civil Rights bill as soon as the Bounty Appropri ation bill was disposed of. Sargent said lie hoped that Senator Morton would call up l'ineUbaek’s ease again. 11*' considered that no more graver question was to be dis posed of, as it involved tin* question of peace or war in tlTc State of Lou-1 isinna. Ho would sooner .the ease j should be decided wrong than not at j all. The Chair laid before the Senate a (jommunioation from the Secretary of | the Interior endorsing the report of i the Government directors of the Un ion Pacific Railroad ; which was or dered printed. Adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Houghton, of California, from the committee on the Pacific Rail road, reported a bill to amend the act incorporating the Texas Pacific Railroad. Ordered printed and re committed. Butler, of Mass., introduced a bill to remove the political disabilities of Charles H. Smith, of Richmond. Va., ■ which was, on motion of Mr. Beck, j of Ky., amended so as to include the j name of James 11. Hall, of Coving-I ton, Ky., and passed. A number of other bills not of pub- j lie importance were introduced by unanimous consent and referred. The regular order being demanded, ! Mr. Dawes and Mr. llawley, of 111., j moved to go into Committee of the j Whole, the former on the tax and tariff bill, and the latter on private calendar. This being private bill day, thei Speaker decided Mr. Hawley’s mo tion entitled to precedence, and it was accordingly put and carried by 117 to 115, and the House went into committee, Cox of N. Y. in the chair. Th** first bill on th*' calendar was for the relief of contractors. The bill i was discussed until 2 o’clock, when a motion was agreed to that, tin* coni- ] inittcc* rise for th*' purpose of going into Committee of the Whole on army appropriat ions. At 5 p. in., without having trans acted any important business, the House adjourned. It is not probable that much busi ness of importance will be transacted in tin' House to-morrow, as tin* day it is understood will b* devoted to eulogies of deceased members, which will occupy nearly all day, as four members are to bo eulogized. • ♦ • ttimii'Kiifa I . s. Nciiatai*. St. Paul, Feb. ID. The Senatorial election to-day took every one by surprise. S. J. R, MoMillen, the suc cessful candidate, is Chief Justice of the Stab* Supreme Court, and nearly fifty years of ago. He has always acted with.the Republicans, and bis election is claimed as a party victory by them. MoMillen 81, Lochran 61. roll km;iv. THE FUENCTI ASSEMBLY. Paws, February ID. The Right and Left Cent res have agreed upon anew hill for tin* organization of the Sen ate, The Assembly shall appoint 75 Senators, who shall be irremovable; tin* remaining 225 by councils of the General Municipal Connells and councils of arrondissemeuts, one third of that number to be renewed by elections every three years. Mae Mahon agrees to renounce his pre rogative of appointing a portion of the Senate. The Workingmen’s Association is discussing the sending of delegates to the Centennial. JOHN MITCHELL. London, February ID. It is stated that John Mitchell’s son, who was a captain in the Confederate army, will be returned from Tipperary. Should he be disqualified, Mr, Kiekham, a released Fenian, will be invited to stand for the county. Mr. Mitchell is reported seriously ill in conse quence of the excitement of his elec tion. MEBMANY AND SPAIN. Five of tin* German men of. war have been ordered to rendezvous for immediate service. The officers and crew are not allowed to go ashore. ; It is supposed they will sail for Spain in ease of further delay in giving satisfaction for recent outrages. This move will probably force Spain to re sume active operations against the Carlists. THE POPE AND PRUSSIA. An encyclical letter from the Pope to the Prussian Bishops denounces th** ecclesiastical laws and excom municates Bishops who accept ben ' dices from the State. SNOW IN ENGLAND. A snow is falling in Southern Eng land. SPANISH MINISTERS ABROAD. Madrid, February ID. Ministers abroad are: Senor Rues for England, I Bed mar for Russia, Muny for Ger many, Coelio for Italy, and Pena for Austria. CUBAN PRISONERS. * Havana, February ID. The rebel prisoners, Generals Gaobia Gario and Inigues, sailed for Spain on tin* 15th. I FIN ANCIAL & COMMERCIALI * OFFICE DAILY TIMES, Fob. 10, 1875. <Ol.l Hill lt AII.Y MV It KIT. FINANCIAL. Money 11.,l 1 ., to 11,l l , per emit. Gold buying 107 Helling 110. Silver nominal. SijUt billn on New i York buying * g o. diaoouut; demand bills 'U H- nu n *,c. discount; bank check** „c. premium. COLUMBUS COTTON MARKET. Market closed dull nt tli<* fe.llowiug quotatioua: Ordinary 11 *<v l*J Good Ordiuary 13 (<*.Rn Low tniddluga U (jW— Middling** Good MiddltugH iq)— Warehouse sales 431 bales, lteeeipis Htflmles— -5 by S. W. It. R., J 1 M. kG. U. It., I by Western R. It., 7 by N. A 8. It. It.. oby River, 55 by Shipments 675 halos—ss7 by S. WR. R : u w. R. It.: 18 forborne consumption DAILY STATEMKN t. Stock :tl. 1874 1,686 Keeeived to-tlsy W •* previously .vj,:rj:i—sU,4l*J 63.448 I Shipped to-day 675 j previously .BU,U*W -40.578 J Htoek *n haud.. 12,870 ! Ssmo day last y.-av - Ree ive.l 184 •• •• “ —Shipped 738 I —Soles i*y —Stock 13.8HD Total receipts to date At,028 . Middlings 14 . >VIIOI.EBtI.E 1*1(11 l> (I ItlllAT Al l-Li-', per barrel, ?•**; peek, 75e. Bacon -Gear Hides p 11. 12‘ 4 e.: (Mear Rib Bidi*s 12e. Sliouldi-rH 1(K‘: lee-i-nred Bhoulders 12,‘#e ; Sngar-uured llaiun 15*,e; Plain Hums 15e. Haihiinu—l7 lUn.u Mkatk -Clear Itlb Sides 11).,e. Hi rri'.n -Uosbeu >' Hi 4*k”. Country 30c. Rhoo&ik P du/ell. $2 r>*K<f $3 50. Candy—Htit*k lb I*U*. Cannkd Goodh - Sardines case of I*M) boxeH sl7; Oystera, lib eaua {' do/.t n, $1 2** to $1 3ft. Ciili si l.ti}lih r* lb (Mk*; Choice 18',; Weat eru 17c; N. Y. State 16e. ** vndlls- Vdainantlne > lb l*Je; Paraph in** 3fte. j l’g ik i: -Rio nood V lb23e; Prime 23c ' e : Choh’i* 24 Java 33e tt 37e. Cohn Yellow Mixed >' buahel $1 2*l; White, $1 20 ear load rates in ttepot. Cioahs - Domestic, p I.*HK) s2o<a sGft; Havana, S7(R $l6O. Flock Extra Family, eity ground, T* lb 18; A $7 50; B $6 60; Fauey sl*). llaudwauk. Swede Iron 9e.; lteilnod Ironic.; Sad Ivon 7e.; Plow Steel 10 l al * lle.; Horne and Mule Shoes 7 l a Y(i:8o.; ]h v lb. ; Niiilh per keg $4.25; Axes sl2(<fsl4per doz. , Hay -(•■* ewt. $1 40: Country 40@50c. Ikon Tiks T l lb 7 1 „(,*'# 'jC. Laud—Prime Leaf, tit ree, lb 16e; liulven and I kegs,lsc. Li: \rm ii White Oak Hole plb’ifte ; Hemlock 1 Sole 33c; French Call'Skim* $2(0.54; American do. ; s2(e $3 50; Uppt r Leather s’2(rt;s3 50; HarucSH do. ! 50e; Dry Holes lie, Gremi ilo. 6e. Mai kkukl—No. 1 'r* bbl SIR( $18; No. 2 sl4; ; No. I sll ro< sl2 50; No. 1 y kit *1 4*i( $3. ! Pk ki.fs Ciini) V dozen pints $180; y quart | $3 25. I Potash '[• ease $H to SO. PotatoKs Irish "(A bbl $4 50 tss (Ml V keg $0 25; 4 keg $3 fiO; •, $2 (M), in Magazine. I Ron;—Manilla V 11. 20e; Cotton 30e; Machine I made 0 1 .. e. Mkal- f* lmshel $1 20, j Molahsks--N. 0. t‘ gallon 85c; Florida 75c; re* ' b )iled 75c; common 45e(<iiftO. Sviirt* - Florida Oftia 7ftr Oath-—l:* bushel Ns<>/ 00c. On. Kerosene y gallon 25e: Linseed, raw. $1 20; boiled $1 2ft; Lard $1 2ft; Train sl. Hi. i: - V lb H V- Halt—f* sack $1 85; Virginia $225. ToiiAcro—Common t* lb 456160 c; Medium Bright 70c; Fine 75a*; Extra $1; Navy Go(<t(lftc; I Ma -caboy Snuft 75(r|)85c. fim. r p* suck $2 40. Hfg.mi- Crushed nml Powdered f' 11. ]3(.rl3,' a c; A. lie.; B. 12V’.; Extra*;. 12c.; C. ll' 4 c.; N. *). Yellow Clarlih and I**' ,e; do. White 12‘ ,c. Soda Keg 7c plb ; box 10c. H I'AIU'II V lb H ' jjO. Tiu'niis- -Columbus mad**, 20 inch, 75**; 30 inch $2 80. Tka -Orecil 76c; Oolong f.ftc. WuisKKY Reetlllcd c‘ gallon >l 3ft; Bourbon s2i" $4. White Lkad >* lb llie 12' .e. Vjni gau t* gallon 35c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. IVholt sale Rfhlil. Goshen Butter $ to $ 50 Country •• 30 40 Eggs 2ft 3ft Frying chiekemi 200 25 250,30 Grown ** 300-33 300 33 Irish potatoec OOp’k 4 50 • • •• 500 bbl 5 00 Sweet i?ntatoes 7ft 35 p’k Onions 00 bbl 05 p’k Cow peas Hlllm I IN) bit my 4 WIIGI.KHALi: I'BICKS, Prints HolOc. y yar ’n bh'iielied cotton 7,‘iO lOc. “ 4 4 •• •• 100 20c. “ I Sea Island •* ,B(<gl6c. “ Coats’ and *'lark's spool cotton. .70c. Tickings 10® 35c. 0-4, 10-4. 11 4 amt 12-4 brown and bleached sheetings .’(OO ftOe. <* Wool flannels- red and bleached 20®75c. Canton Hannels—brown and bl’and Ltnseys 15(?i)30c. " Kentucky Jeans lßtofifto COLIJMBUfi MANUFACTURED 0001)8* I!a.n.ic and I’ul'.nix Mills. - Sheeting 4-4 10f•., shirting H' .• .; osnal.iirgs. 7 </,., 14c.; lrlll iug 12e ; Idea*died shcet ilig and dilllng 12(di13c.; (’ant hi flannels 20c. (Utlorfl (iiioitx, —Stripes U)on II black gingham checks 12 x :,(n\ 13c.; Dixie plad'-s f*r tii '.d work 17c; cotton blankets %’l(m | f t 50 per pair; bleached huckaback towels $1 40 per dozen; yarns ss. to Is. per bunch of pounds $135; rope 25c. to 27c.; sewing thread, 10 balls to the pound, 50c.; knitting thread, 12 halls to the pound, bleached. 65*;.; unbleached 50c.; wrap ping twine, in halls, 40c. Woolen doodi. — Casi meres, y oz. p.-r yard. 65c. to 70c.; jeans 20c. to 37'a*;.; doeskin Jeans 55c. Mfm ooki: Mills.—shirting B'a'e.; 4 4 sheet ing 10 ; Flint River H oz. osnabnrgs 15c.; do. yarns $1 35. Com,’much FacTOUY.— shirting H ‘ a <•.; 4 1 she. ting lO’-a**.; sewing thread, unbleached, 60c.; knitting, do., 50c.; wrapping twine 40c. Ulkgo's Factohy.— PJaidsor checks 13c; strip's fancy tashious, 12‘jc. JtUKKKTN BY TELEGRAPH. Special to the Daily Times by the S. kA. Line, i PIKAKCMr,. New York, February 10.—Gold closed at IH’,'. New York, February 19- 6i*. m Money closed at 2'.a3pcr cent., on call. Foreign Exchange closed steady at 4H3a ’j for bankers, sixty days. Government bonds closed steady; U. H. currency Os 11; 1 v;. Stocks dull, fifat ; bond*-—Ala. fts, 1883, 36; On. 6s, 85. COTTON. Liverpool, February 19, I v. u. —Cotton firm; sub s 14,000 bales, speculation 2,000; middling uplands mitdliug Orleans 7 7 d. Arri vals 1-16 firmer, January ami February shipments, not. below low middlings, 7V. °rlcans shipments, January, not below good ordinary, 7 15-16. Kales for the week 68,000, of which 8,000 v.-'-re for exports, 6,000 for speculation; stock on hand 773,000, of which 418,000 is American; imports ports 6,000; stock afloat 408,000; American 297,000. i 4r. m. Cotton Arm : sales 14,000 bales, specn -1 lation 3000; American 9000; middling uplands ' 7 4 e a*i'd; middling Orleans 7 7 a . March and April delivery, not below low mid dlings, 7.'*d; April and May, 7;;,d; Orleans ship ments, February and March, not below low middlings, Bd. i New York, February 10.—Cotton, old class spots dosed steady; ordinary EG,*;; good ordi i nary 147„c; stri* t good ordinary 15 J ,c; low niidillings 15 s ,''-; middlings lfl'jo; goo*l mid | iiungs via*. i New class spots dosed steady ; ordinary 13 V. good ordinary 14 v; strict good ordinary -c; low middlings J.ft-j; middling 15?,c; good I middlings 16' 4 c; middling fair 16 1 , ; lair 17 s*; 5 *; nal'-H to spinners 2138; < sports--2046; to Great Britain 1552; speculation 760; stock 179,854. Futures closed steady; sales 30,800 bale* an follows: February 15’, ; March 15;, , ,a25-32; Ajiril 16 ,B', 32; May 16 7-16a15-32; June 16 25-32; July 17 I-32a 1-16; August 17 6-32a3-l6; September 16;’ 4 , nominal. Receipts at all ports to-day 15,853 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 10,134 bales; Continent 706 1 bales. Consolidated—94,637; exports to Great Britain 01,344; to Continent 25,187; stock at all ! ports 842,868 bales. Ohaiilkhton. February 19.—Receipts 1852 bales; sales 200; middlings 15a ,c; stock 47,835; ex ports to Great Britain ; to the continent Mobile, February 19 -Receipts 1514; sal'-s 2509; middlings 15; stock 60,866. Exports to Great Britain : to the continent 206; coast wise ——; market firm. New Orleans, February 19.—Receipts 6,8113; sales 7,75*1; middlings 15), ; low middlings ; good ordinary ; exports to Great Britain i 6>00; to Continent 300 : stock 294,252; market : firm. In.Hanoi.a. February 19. RnWii’i-* for the v.e k 2 4. Pour Royal, February 19.--Stock 2,235. li* ocipts for week 189, exports to Great Britain Frovidenck, F*.b. 19. Receipt* for the week 13; stock 18,000. Savannah, February 19. - Net nml gross re ceipts 2,340 bales; Bales 2400; middlings Ift l , . low middlings ; export* to Great Britain 3034; to coutiuunt —; coastwise——; stock 103,280; market firm. Baltimore, February 19.—Receipt* 712 bale* ; sale* 300 bales; middlings l.v.a’ .e ; export* to Great Britain—; to Continent ; stock 87,383; market firm. Philadelphia. February 19.- Receipts 440 bales; middlings lft*.; exports to Continent ; to Great Britain —; market firm. Memphis, February 19.—Receipt* 1300; ship* I incuts 4,128; sales 1800; Stock 60,735; middling* j 15; market firm and in good demand. Receipts for the week 8.280; shipment* 13,91 9 Nashville, February 19.—Receipt* for the week 2,394; shipments 1.962; stock 18,140. Galveston, February 19.-Receipts 126; sale* j 565; middlings 16; exports to (treat Britain quiet and u urban god. AmrsTA, February 19. Receipts 830; sale* 674; good ordinary ; low middling ; middling 14 V, market firm. Receipts for the week 4257; Bales 4227. Boston, February 19,—Receipts 110; sales 173; middling* 15\; exportado Droat Britain ; stock 19,096; market quiet and steady. Macon, February 19.—Receipts for the week 1128; shipment* 1,375; sales —; stock 9,160. Montuomery, February 19.—Receipt* for the week 485; shipments 555; stock 4,011., February 19.—Receipts for the week 1,219; shipment* 1,355; stock 5,611. Wii.minoton, Febuary 19. Receipts 337; sale* , 200; middlings U\ ; stock 3,812; export* to Great , Britain —; market firm. Norfolk. February 19.—Receipts 1126; sales j 240; middlings Ift ; stock 5,89*);. exports to i Great Britain ; market firm ; light offerings. 1 PROVISIONS. New York, February 19.—Flour closed with ! a better tone; No. 2at $3 Bftu4 lft. Wheat closed j with a better demand. Corn closed firm. Fork I dull. Beef quiet and unchanged. Bacon firm, j Whiskey in fair demand; price steady; sales of; 300 bids nt $1 08. Oiiit’Aoo. Feb. 19.—Fhmr dull ami nominal; shipping extras $4 *H)a4 2ft. Wheat closed strong; j No. 2 spring 85 l a aV Corn firm: No. 2 mixed 63',. Pork closed steady at $lB 17,'i. laird | steady nt 13.40. Cut meat* quiet. Dressed ■ hogsquiet nml firm; $8 25 for lu-avy. Whiskey ! unsettled at $1 04. • Cincinnati, February 19.—Fork firmer at ! $lO 00. Bacon quiet and steady. Cut meats .quiet. Lard steady; prime steam rendered at 13 9-l('.a\. Live hogs quiet and firm; medium fair at $700a7 30; receipts . Whiskey strong at $1 05. Hr. Loins, Feb. 19.—Flour quiet aud steady; superfine winter $4 10a4 25. Corn steady at. for No. 2 mixed. Fork quiet at $lB 60. cash. Cut meats quiet and steady. Ba con firm. Lard easier; stcum rendered at 13 3 ,. Live hogs dull; packers grades SGSOn7 25; re ceipts 1155; shipments 140. H. THOMPSON, | Livery in<l Stilt* Sf nblts OGLETUOUFE BTKKT. between Randolph and Br,\nn. The best of Saddle slid Harness Horses.' A fine lot ot Carriages nml Buggies always on hand. Special attention given to the accommodation of Drovers. They will find it to their intercut to put up with him. febl4 tf WILLIAM MUN DAY, Livery and Sale Stable Keeper, OKletliorpe Mrppt. rnilE BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY FOR HIRE. | I at all hours day and night.. Funerals served at short notice. Drovers accommodated on liberal term*. janSl ff j THORNTON A GRIMES,j AllN al Lm. OFFICE over Abell k Co.’s, corner of Broad and St. Clair streets, Columbus, Ga. jan 15 ly V. A. I>< VS*\ MIL \ll>i-n<-> ill l4l\V, I>RA('TICKS in State aud Federal Courts of Georgia and Ahibamii. ttn~ Makes Commercial Law a specialty. Office over <’. A. Redd A Co.'s store. jaul3 fim .1. I>. IfAMBoJ Allorni',v al l-iio. Office pver Ilolstead A Co.’s, Broad street, Co s Georgia. In Office at all hour*, janfl dly John Blackmar, St. Clfiir Stroot, Gunby’s Building:, nxt to I’roor, lilacs A Cos. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. RKKKR, lY PF.BMIBHION, To Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Bank, this eity. jan 23-4 y G. A. KtEIINE, M 101 tCI rA NT TAILOI t 131 Itrond Ntrecl, UAH on bund a handsome assortment of Gen tlemen’s Dress Goods, English and French CasslmereH, Vesting*, Ac. Cutting done at reasonable rates. Have your Clothes made ly me, and I guarantee perfect satisfaction in style and price. | J*aßl ly In the District Court of the United States, For the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JOHN KING, Jln Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) rpjfE Raid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court 1 for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt act of March 2d, 1867. notice is hereby given to all persons Interested to ap pear on the. 27th day of February, 1875, at 10 o’clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before Lemuel T. Downing, Esq., one of the Reg isters of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at Columbus, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Aud further notice 1* given that the second and third meetings of creditor* will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 10th day of February, 1875. | febl3 oaw2t JAMES MrI’HKRHON, Clerk. Dissolution. ; rnifE firm of SWIFT, MURPHY k CO. was dis- I solved this date by the death of Mr. LOUIS jW. ISBELL. All indebted to the lute firm will please call and settle with the surviving partner*. GEO. i*. SWIFT, H.O. MURI’HY, GEO. P. SWIFT, Jr. February Bth, 1875. COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned will continue the Warehon** I and Commission business under the firm name | of SWIFT, MURPHY A CO., aud solicit all brisi ness in their line. GEO. F. SWIFT, H. O. MURPHY, GKO. P. SWIFT, Jr. febll Dr. Mules and Horses Cheap, for the People. I HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN THE CITY, HKAD quarters at Col. Robert Thompson’s Stable, with one hundred head of fine Kentucky Mules, all broke, three and five year* old; a lot of good Ha me** and Saddle Horse*. Come and hoc me. for 1 am determined to sell, jan 10 dawtf J. N. BoYD. ‘ pnosrECTUs OK TIIE DAILY TIMES. Th* 1 iiutl'Tfigiie'l bcuun th<! publi cation of tiic Daii.y Timm on the llrst day of January, 1875, in this city, muter the firm name of .T. B. WBIOHT ,A CO. It will bo unneces sary to state that this pajior will be imblished In the interest of no indi vidual or hkt of men. hut solely in the Interest of our city, our State, mill the SOUTH. Believing the only true and safe principles upon which a Republican Government can be successfully j maintained to ho t hose found in the plat form of th** Democratic party, this journal will adhere to that faith. It will be our ambition to supply the people with 11 wide-awake, pro gressive paper, containing nil the National, Foreign and Local News, I the latest Market Reports, &**.. and i in furtherance of our efforts, usk the people t<* give us a generous support. WEEKLY TIMES.) The Weekly Timeh will boa lieu I soin ■ thirty-two column sheet,, filled with interesting reading matter, and containing the Market Reports, Local and General News, besides articles, on Agriculture, suited to our farming interests and section of country. Tci-iiik ol’ Wub.t - ri|ilion—Cusli. IlHlly finr year .lUtW Hall,' lliree mentliM toil oittly ~• inmitli .... 75 Weekly one year 2 OO We are compelled, on account of the Postal Law, to require cash inva riably in advance from those sub scribers to whom we have to mail the paper. i Either of the undersigned is au thorized to solicit and receipt for | advertising and subscriptions. Respect fully, OH AH. H. WILLIAMS, JESSE B. WBIOHT, * ('HAS. K. NELSON. ERAXOJS M. JETER, WM. C. TURNER. Columbus, 0.M., .Tun. 3.1875, VOL. I.—NO. 4J J. & J. Kaufman n ItKII.KKS IN <4 nOCVKTI IKS. LIQUORS, I’O H AUUOH. PROVISIONS, Bagging and Ties, Yu,, till Iriielrti in the tiro eery l.ine mill Us Kraiicliett. We Sell as Low as any Jobbing House in the United States, if nought in some tJuanUties, by Adding Freights, Insnr anee and Exchange. Vos. I I mill l<( Krtutil Sleeel. < 'OLLMIIUH, GA. .1. A .1. KAI EMAX. ianl o City Tax Sales. II’ILL le *ol<l on the FIRST TUESDAY IN \\ MARCH NEXT, on Broad street, at corner of Proi r. lllguM k Co.’* in the city of Columbus, thu following di scribed lota, with the improve muni* thereon, altuvted iu said eity, Iftvlod ou to Hutinly sundry fi. fat, for taxes due said city of Columbus: Fart of lot No. 163, being store occupied by J. C. Andrews A Cos., ou east side of Broad street, levied ou a* the property of John D. Carter. Amount of tax $590.50. Fart of lot No. 182. being Btore occupied by Mrs. C. Cash, ou east side of Broad street, levied ou a* the property of B. F. Perry. Amount of tax $25.25. North part of lot No. 231, being building lately occupied as a postoffice, but now occupied by W. R. Skinner, corner of Randolph and Oglethorpe streets, levied on as the property of Mrs. M. H. deGraffenried. Amount of tax $142.75. Lot No. 336, corner Troup and Randolph streets, levied on as the property of Mr*. Mary Dixon. Amount of tax $151.25. South-east corner of lot No. 176, being store formerly known as Brassill’s corner, on corner of Randolph aud Oglethorpe streets, levied ou as the property of Mr*. S. A. Billing. Amount of tax $111.25. South part of lot No. 21, being vacant portion of said lot fronting on Front street, adjoining and south of the wooden tenement boarding house of Eagle and l’henix Manuiacturiug Com pany, being 40 feet, more or legs, levied on a* the property of W. A. McDougald. Amount of tax $22.00. Lot No. 387. on east side of Troup street, lev id ou as the property of Janie* K. Redd. Amount of tax $116.25. North part of lot No. 178, being *tore occupied by 11. McCauley, on east Bide of Broad street, levied on hr the property of Mr*. 8. C. Mct'auly. Amount of tax $87.25. South part of lot No. 175. being one-half inter est in the store on corner of Broad aud Randolph streets, occupld by J. 8. Jones, levied on us the property of the estate of C. Cleghorn. Amount of tax $381.25. l’urf of lot No. 68, being store occupied by Geo. E. Andrew*, on west side of Broad street, levied on as the property of Frank Adam*. Amount of tax $170.25. Lot No. 8. Jail Hqi.are, corner of Bridge and Jackson street*, levied ou as the property of the estate of W. Y. Barden. Amount of tax $118.50. Parties may settle any of the above before day of sab- by paying amount* mentioned, together with the cost of advertising. WM. L. BOPINSON, jau3loaw4t Deputy and Acting Marshal. J. W. DENNIS. J, M. BKN’NETT. Southern Stove Works, COLUM BUN, GA. \\T K REHPECTFTLLY CALL THE ATTENTION V? of merchant* and other* wanting any ot the following good*: COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Grate*, Fire Dog*, Bake OveuH, Spider*. Dinner and Wash Puts and Stove Hollow W’ari 1 , ull of which wo make in this City and sell at Wholesale, nml guarantee our good* as good, and price* as low an any manufactory North or Went. Sample and sale room at the Store of J. M. BENNETT, 143 Broad Street, where you will also find a large Htoek of Tin Ware aud House Furnishing goods at Wholesale and Retail, janl deod&wtf J. W. DENNIS k CO. H F. EVERETT, DEALER IN Family a Fancy Groceries, lias heed PotftloeN, all varieties. Garden Need, Ferris’ IMjf IlnniM, 2 ll>. n Tomatoen at 30c. 3 “ 44 44 3€>e. | Gill-edge Goshen But tor, j lliiekwhent Flour. - All Good* Delivered. • 4* N. B.—POSTS AND SHINGLES constantly ou hand. H. F. EVERETT, ftib7 2w Corner near Market. H. F. ABELL & CO. —HAVE— PEARLY ROSE POTATOES, I’eerlcsH Potatoes, ItUHNOtt Potatoes, } Seed Potatoes. Peach Blow Potatoes. Pink Eye Potatoes, Now Leaf Lard, by tierce, keg or bucket. Gosb'-n or Western Butter. New Raisin* and Currants. Soft-Shell Almonds and Pecans, j Magnolia and Diamond Hams. Uti All goods delivered by 11. r. VI!EM. x CO. Ja7 tf Make Your ('ity Tax Returns. rpHE Council having fixed an early date fir the I collection of taxes for 1875, tho time allowed for making returns 1h very limited, and parties j are respectfully and earnestly requested to make return before 20th inst. While Assessors have fixed the value of real estate, it is necessary that owners should give iu a description or the num ber of their lot; Otherwise, they will be in de i fault and Battle to a double tax. Office at tho Court House. M. M. MOORE, Clerk Connell. fel>3 2w