The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, April 16, 1875, Image 1

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.). H. WEIGHT *Sc 00., !amGVi\Vimuk"oh*. j TKHMH OF THE Columbus Daily and Weekly Times. D.UIA T i One Year. $H 00 Six Months I Throe Months '•* JJ (We payiug postage.) WEEKLY! One Your $ J J£ Six Months 1 00 (We paying postage.) ||\TF> OP 4VERTII!ki(i. r 0 — _ SSBSSSSSE-o-.u.m >('*'av ii sSSSSSsSSSsSsS 1 ' ggSSSS3?SSSSS?3I 333333:3333333. 3c 5 S3 Sis E E r -muon i 33333333333333 iSKSEJSSi 5* 5 nnooKij 3333333333833:i 3?Is?,BSSSSt.*Sr. Hl| „ l( , K ~ 333333333333331 38S£r.:5£-3£Sss q}u<>K 333333333333831 c - iT 5 v> 3 „ u. Iv - iv - S ggggggggggSSgSl SiiSSlSSsssssfee nm>K9| 33333333333:38 tK> w* -* -f **•■ r* r* rf “* - ~. isi3§assSS3y JUJA 83333333:333:3! 50 iwr ot. additional in Looal Column. Mtfrriiw and Kulli'l al Notices sl. Daily, every other ilav for one month or longer, two-thinls above rates. (It'.nlUil t NKWIt. Savannah hits simp beans the tlrst of the season. Oglethorpe county is investing heavily in guano. HalsteailSmitli. memorial orator. Wheat crops arc line. Home Com mercial. —The farmers of Kawiolph county ' have planted a larger area of grain this season than last. -Capt. Perry Morris, of (leneva, will open and keep the Chalybeate Springs nextSummcr. —Collinsworth Institute lias in creased iis pupils to over double within the last two weeks. —Hundreds of people are passing through Savannah every day for I heir homes. Florida is a dismantled Sar atoga. —Present indications, says the Athens l l’alehmuu, warrant the be lief that this will he an abundant fruit year. There is a latly in Banks county 90 years old, She has 91 grand chil dren, 155 great grand children, and 15 great great grand children. —The crops in the vicinity of the Sulphur Springs of Meriwether coun ty arc reported to tic very good. Wheat, is beginning to grow vigor ously. ,T.‘sitp (leorgum: We learn from reliable sources that the planters of our county are putting in a much larger acreage of corn titan they did last year. A great silver bonanaeza ha* just been discovered in Banks county. ‘’Gentlemen of the Banks County Guards: (lit into two lines; tote yer spades, and 01T !" The National Hotel, at Atlanta, is being overhauled, preparatory for the Summer season. The proprietor is always arranging something to add to the comfort of iiis guests. —Corn is up iu many fields in this section, and it is growing rapidly. We have seen some that was from four to ■six inches in hight. Oats are doing well and promise a heavy yield, so far us we have learned. Albany Mars. Dawson District Conference be gins its exercises in the town of Daw son next Wednesday night, week. It will doubtless tie largely attended, as Dawson is one of the most delightful and attractive little towns in the en tire State. The Monroe Aitrertiser has seen some stalks-of wheat that measured •M inches, and which grew on imma nured ground, it reports the pros pect in that county very fine, anti that the yield promises to he heavier than for many years past. Crawford Kelts,: Mr. J. A. .Jewell, near Stephens, has placed on our desk a sample of cotton that was ginned in 1845. The lint is still good. We curried it to some of our cotton buyers, and had fourteen cents bid on the bale. This, we think, is the old est of the staple extant. The Florida fever lias invaded Hogansville and vicinity, and some of the most substantial citizens have gone to that State on a tour of inspec tion. Greenville is also afflicted with tile mania. Better stay in Georgia. Griffin, too, is affected. So says the Neics. —Judge Henry B. Tompkins, of Savannah, formerly of Clayton, was I a very popular young lawyer, as will be seen from the fact that his ap-; pointiuent as judge lenders it acces sary to relieve him from hearing twenty-eight cases, in all of which he was counsel. —The State Medical Association meets in Savannah next week, and the fraternity in this city arc prepar ing to give their visitors on the occa sion a hearty welcome and a pleasant time. An excursion down the river to the sea and a trip to the Isle of Hoi>e are named as some of the en- ; joymonts that will mark the jieriod. ' —Macon Telegraph: Mr. John li. Giles sends us a lock of wool clipped from the fleece of thatCotswold buck he received the other day. The lock is eleven and a half inches long, and of very fine “staple,” surpassing any thing we have heretofore seen iri the State. Tlie, animal is a very superior one, and it is likely will improve the stock of sheep in this county. His great su[>eriority may probably in crease the interest in the production of sheep, and possibly induce others to import pure stoek. We don’t know what this ram cost Mr. Giles, but no reasonable price could possi- ; bly be a high one paid for such an an imal. —The Atlanta Constitution has a very good answer to the Ne iti.s on the “overdoing of journlaism.” The cool projjosition of the News was, infer entiaily. that somebody should back it with $50,01)0 to smash up the Herahl and the Constitution. These papers might not be smashed after all; and, THE DAIIA’ TIMES. :if they were, what comfort would j there be to the smasher in setting a j lot of poor printers with their fam ilies adrift upon the world? If a | town cannot support throe newspa pers, tlie party who thinks so can very easily settle the matter by “stepping down and out.'' -Augusta Const. i —The Ailrertiser says; “The mor [ tuary statistics of Savannah prove ! beyond any question, that it is as i healthy as any city in the United States, North or South, This isowing ! to the improvement in drainage, the | clearing up of the forests adjoining the city and consequent diving up of ' stagnant water, and the rigid system jof cleanliness of premises exacted from every resident, by the police j force tutting os a board of health. It has been seventeen years since any epidemic lias prevailed. It is aston | inning how many Georgia towns arc ; “as healthy as any city in the United i States." Columbus claims the pre eminence over any city in tins re spect,and yet she has thirty-nine doc j tors and forty lawyers. AI.ABAMV XttVd. The Eufaula 'film’s announces i the closing of the liquor shops in that j city under stress of a license foe of j s4tio per annum. Very few idle negroes can now bo ; seen on the streets of Eufaula. They | are either engaged in gardening or i farming. —Tlie oolton tax which lias been ! refunded by a recent decision of the Supremo Court helps the financial ! condition of quite a number. The Eufaula Timas says “the ! news from tlie surrounding country ! is much more cheering and hopeful I than a fortnight since. A great deal lof cotton was planted last week, ! which was quite as early its it should ; be planted iu this latitude." The Troy Truck and Axe Compa ny, iif colored men. paraded for the first time on Saturday afternoon last, under command of Foreman Wiley, and made a tine appearance. Their uniforms arc quite neat, and with proper training the members will soon be able to challenge comparison with the colored lire companies of other cities. • -♦. — ll.oitlll k M M*. The luscious blackberry has mode its appearance on the streets of Jack sonville. Excursion tickets from Jackson- ' ville to New York and back, via the Fcrnandina steamship line, can be , procured for forty dollars. From that point to Fcrmindina and back, five dollars. • ♦ • ('UFFIMM.. Germany is now furnishing -Hus'- sia with large proportions of the man ufactured goods formerly supplied exclusively by England. - Two elections, to he held in Mis- ; sissippi and California next Fall, will complete the roll of mcmhors-clcct to the forty-fourth Congress. London is ahead. It lias more. Jews than Palestine, more Scotchmen than Edinburg, more Irish than Dub lin, more Catholics titan Borne, and more thieves than Chicago. By an arrangement which went into effect in New Ymk last week, about sixty of the leading law offices in that city are put in telegraphic connection with each other and the courts. One-half of the whole cultivated j area in Great Britain, or about 25,-! 000,000 acres, is given up to pernia- j nent pasture and meadow, and the average yield of hay from it, is only 2,010 pounds per acre. The Supreme Court of the United States lias affirmed the decision of the Supreme, CourW.f Missouri, deny ing Mrs. Minor, of St. Louis, the right to vote, holding that the Constitution of the United States does not confer sucit a right upon any person, anil that it is, therefore, a question solely for State regulation. —lsabelle, the hotiquetiore of the i Paris Jockey Club, lias been dethron- i ed for unlilial conduct toward her I peasant mother. Site loses a lucra- i live position, and with it the six thou- j sand francs paid her every year by M. de Bothschild for the supply of bou- j quels at his receptions, site having i nothing to do for the money but to select and order the flowers from the j florists. • • i \IMIIC ITEMS. Spo-ial t, tin' Tulls by S. A A. I .In*. 1 Henry W. Dutten, senior proprie- j tor Boston Keening Transcript, died this (Thursday) morning; aged 79. A Washington special to New York reports the failure in that city of three mercantile houses of long standing, yesterday. —President Grant is expected to ar- j rive at tlie Fifth Avenue Hotel; New York, this (Thursday) evening, on his way to Boston, where he will go to morrow. ' * • • Sharkey, the New York ilurilerer, Captured. Special to Daily Tusks, by H. Jc A. Linn.) New York, April 15.—A Havana special says: Sharkey tlio New -York murderer arrived yesterday 'from Santiago Do Cuba, where he was captured. During the ‘journey He slipped off tlie handcuffs ten times and once attempted to jump over board. Ho will be taken to New Y'ork in steamship Columbus which i sails to-day. The Pennsylvania timer* still Co s Special to the Daily Tnu.-t by H. Ac A. Liu*.] Hazelton.Pa., April 15. This morn ing the situation in the mining dis tricts is unchanged. Numerous pro tests have been made by the eitizens, asking tlie removal of the troops, but M.uj, Gen. Osborne has received | no further orders from Harrisburg on the matter. The excitement contin j ues intense and there is no prospect ; of s[iead y peace. A Democrat Artlns Governor. Springfield, 111., April 15.—Gov. Beveridge is going East., and during his absence the Executive Chair will be filled by acting Lt.-Gov. Glenn. This will be the first time a Demo crat has occupied the Executive of fice of the State for eighteen years. COLUMBUS, GA., FBI DAY, A IMG L 1(5, 1875. NINTH DISTRICT. • ' . Democratic Congressional Convention. x n liA W XO NOMINATION YET. Tin* Convention will Probably Adjourn without inaklnir n Nomination. I Spivi.l to Daily TiaKH. by S, X A. Line. 1 Atlanta, April 15. The Democratic Convention of the 9th District assem bled yesterday at Gainesville. All | the counties arc represented. There | arc a number of aspirants, but only i Hill and Bell are announced. All the opponents of the former arc unit ing and making common cause. Bal loting commenced and continued up to four o’clock in the afternoon, with out result. The last ballot, two hun dred and eighty-third, resulted as ■follows: Hill 27, Bell :l;l. A .motion | was then made and carried for a 1 committee of conference, composed jof seven friends of each candidate, j It is rumored that the committee re ported at ten o’clock to-night, rec ommending an adjournment of the Convention, and xeferred flic ques tion to the people,.provided the can didates consent. * Hlil is willing. The Bell men claim as they have a ma jority in the Convention that the Hill ! men ought to give way. The Hill men reply: "We represent three j thousand more Democrats than you | do, atnj the will of rile people ought j tube respected.” The Convention will probably ad journ without a nomination. n vmiiVgtov Hpc.ial to the Times ly 8. A A. Line.] REVENUE UKCEIfTH. Washington, Apiills. The receipts from the Internal Beveuuo to-day , were $248,63:1,74. Customs receipts | to-day wore $428,114. The amount of National Bank notes received for re idem pt ion at. Treasury to-day was | $787,731. Tlie receipts-from Customs Ifor the week ending April the 10th -aggregated $4,320,098.71. This is a largo increase ovorthe week previous, ! and is viewed as a favorable indioa i ti'Mi of a lively Spring trade. THE PRESIDENT AND FAMILY. The President, Mrs. Grant and : Mrs. Sartoris, accompanied by secre taries Fish, Robeson and Gen. Bnb cocsk.Jeft here this morning on the ; limited express train for New York. To-morrow they will proceed (o Bos i ton auil from thence to Concord to participate in tlie Centennial anni versary of the battle of Lexington. The New York Time* Down on the granger*. New York, April 15.- -The Times this, morning editorially reviews the present condition of the granger movement, and says the movement lias been attended by many disadvan tages. The Grangers have thrown a taint on the credit of the country by their reckless ucts. The West, how- I ever,- will not suffer from its immedi ate consequences, because the real interest of that region do not require that it should borrow any more mon ey at present; but careful Western men see that the national good has never been injured. Tlie railroad legislation of the West has boon ac cepted tjs a defiant declaration that capitalists must submit to receive on ! their investments simply what profits j those who use them choose to pay, j and that losses shall never be made | up. The conclusion is, that when the | capitalist places his money in the Western railroads, an ignorant j abuse is tlie worst evil of the Granger | system, as their unscrupulous method of gaining their immediate political ! interests, attempt to bias tlie judicia | rV,,&c. lrt the work of uniting farm | ers and protecting their interests, ! however, Grangers are serving valtia i Din purposes. Another Brooklyn hramiuf. Special to the Timur by B. X A. Lit*:.] Brooklyn, N. Y., April 15. Some little excitement has been created in Brooklyn by a scandal in fashionable circles, and a prospective treaty re sulted therefrom, which, it isexpeot ! ed, will take place in California. Some eight months ago, a well to do young man, engaged in busi ness as house agent in Williamsburg, ! was giarried to a daughter of a Now t York merchant, The married couple resided in a fashionable locality in Brooklyn. The sister of the bride was dwelling with them. About two weeks ago it was discovered that both wife and sister-in-law were about to become mothers, and the discovery led to the flight of the son-in-law, who left suddenly for California. The ipdignant father of the two ladies has swoj-n vengeance, and started in pur suit, armed with a black valise and two formidable looking revolvers, i The sequel is anxiously awaited. ■ ♦ A Trent of a PoatofHue Thief. | Hartford, Conn., April 15. Daniel ! L. Hayden, a postoffice clerk in this i city, was arrested thin afternoon by a | Washington Postofiice Detective for j abstracting money from the mails, j DoOoy letters, which were mailed to ‘ Messrs. Mallory ft Cos., publishers of this city, were found in his posses sion. Hayden was taken before a United States Commissioner and ■ bound over in the sum of $3,000. Marlor InttilliKfnrr, Savannah, April 15.—Sailed: Steam ships America, Baltimore; Oriental, Boston. Sehrs. Moses B. Bramhall, A. P. Nowell and Kate E. Rich. Cleared; Br. bark Matilda 0. Smith, for Liverpool. t'OKEKa. Special to the Tim IK*, by 8. X A. Lhu*.) FRANCE. MARSHALLING HER FORCES. Paris, April 15. Tito work of or ganizing the lately created Territorial Corps is being pushed forward with due vigor. When complete, it is esti mated that tills force will number above 500,000 men. In the event of complications, at present unforeseen, arising, this force can immediately be incorporated with the regular ar my, the whole then forming an effi cient force of 1,500,000 ini'n. TKRRim.K SLAUGHTER OF (TtIttSI'IANH IN BOUMEI.IA. Constantinople, April 15. A terri ble slaughter of Christians is report ed from UoumolUi. The Turks, in large numbers, attacked that portion of the town occupied by the Christ ians, and 275 of the latter, many of thorn women and children, were mas sacred. There is great excitement among the Europeans here over the outrage. Vienna, April 15. In consequence of the communications received by the various foreign representatives at Constantinople regarding the fre quent murders of the Christians in the provinces of Bottmelia anti Bul garin, it is probable that united ac tion will be taken by the govern ments to induce Turkey to bring the murderers to justice and to secure the lives and property of Christian resi dents from further outrage. PRINCE NAPOLEON IN THE NEWSPAPER nusiNF-ss. Brussels, April 15. It is stated that Prince Napoleon will shortly es tablish a newspaper here in the in terest. of the Bouapartists. A well known Parisian will assume charge of the new organ. I. ltccoiiMtriirloil l.cffMiiliirc, Nf.w Orleans, April 15. All the Conservative's have been scute*] in the House as per Wheeler’s pro gramme, the Republican* retiring good naturedly. 00/.ior's grade (piostion in the South Ims not yet been settled. The House will struggle to-morrow over reorganization. Republicans sustain Hahn; C-nnsevvativ • . Wilt/.; Liberals. Kstelie! to. Homicide ia Tcltaii* County. MoKae, Ga., April 15. Win. Mc- Pherson, >r Wayne county, was in stantly killed to-day, at Me Ville (No. I<>L Macon & Brunswick Railroad), by B. J. Carmichael, of Montgomery county, with a scantling. A few hasty words caused the killing. •♦ • rmitCKt ni tlurmi rhviiirn. Macon, April 15.- In the contest to day between the different lire compa nies of Macon for the quickest time in running three hundred yards and t hrowing fifty feet of water,tho steam er W. A. Huff (No. 5) was tlie success ful competitor, making the run and throwing water in one minute and eleven seconds. The al I’ii lon NiiriiiffM. Union Sprinos, Ai.a., April 15. We are having a lively time here to-night with a spelling bee. ’Lots of phuu seeing the boys going to tin; dunce stool for missing. A large crowd as sembled to witness it. Weather line, but rather cool. Woatlicr Ntatrmriit. Washington, April 15. For the Eastern Gulf and South Atlantic | States, partly cloudy weather, south-1 west to northwest winds, stationary or falling temperature, and slowly I rising barometer during Friday. • ♦ • FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL COI.t HIM H DAILY MAUMirr. OFFICE DAILY TIMES, April 15, 1H73. FINANCIAL. Honey 1.‘. 4 to i pur cent. Oold huyiiitf 112 HulliriKllL Silver nominal. Hftflit hillH on New York buying i'ic. diieouut; demand billn on Ronton £c. discount; bank checks gc. premium. COLUMHUH COTTON MARKET. NEW CLAWi. Market oiOHcl dull at the following quota tion*: Ordinary l‘i *<iUl Good Ordinary 14 M Low mbldliiKH 15 f'i- Middlings I-W Good Middlings Warehouse sales 110 bales. Receipts idbulcs—oo by H. W. It. K., 5 by M. .V G. R. H., 0 \<y Western It. It., 00 by N. A H. It. R., 00 by River, 11 by wagons. Shipments 114 Imles—(Mi by 8. W. It. II.; in W. It. U ; 0 for home consumption. DAILY STATEMENT. Stock August al, 1h74 1,036 Received to-day to “ previously 66,04*—56,004 57,100 Shipped to-day 114 previously 61,120—61,343 Stock ou hand 6,857 Sane day lfv*t year—Received 51 •• •• —Shipped 378 • —Hales 180 I <• •• •• St-ek 6,640 j Total receipts to dute 58,402 Middlings IV.. iititKKT* m tlm:uhas'ii. i Special t- the Daily Times by the H. \ A. Line. FINANCIAL. ! New Yoke, April 16. 2e. m.—Gold at 11V .. i ?, l‘. M.—Gold closed ut | 2:45 i*. M.—Gold 115',;. New York, April 15—Wall Street, E i\ w.— Money opened easy ftt 3n4 per cent., and closed at 2u2 V Exchange strong at 480' ,u4UO. Gold 11. l.V. v . Governm-Mits Jirni. Stocks opened heavy, und declined 1 ; V> 1 per cent., but revived in the afternoon, advancing to p>T cent. State bonds (lull. LOXTOX. Liverpool, April 15, l v. —Cotton quiet; ualen Pi,ooo boles, speculation 2000; American—; middling uplands 8; middling Orleans S *.;n; arrivals . 4 p. m.—Cotton quiet; wiles 12,000 bales, spec ulation 2.000; American 7000; middling uplands 8d; middling Orleans Hga^d. May and Juno delivery, not below low mid dlings, Bd. New York, April 15.—Cotton—New doss spots closed dull ; ordinary Fl% ; good ordi nary 16,'ix'c; strict good ordinary —low mid dlings 10; middling 16,; good middlings 10J£; middling fair 17’,; fair 18; Rales of exports 1606; spinners 164; speculation —; transit —; Exports to Great JJritaiu 250; to the continent —; stock 192,672. Futures closed firm; sales of 28,600 bales as follows: April 16 3-lnJl-32; May 16 11-32ft*i; June ltl 21-32*11.16; July 10 31.33; August 17V. Hop teiuber 16 27-3'2a,V October 1P,a13-:2; Novem ber 16 fi.32a0.a2; December 10 3-lfla'i; January 111 1 ,. Receipts at all ports to-day 3,192 bales; ex ports to Great llritaln 3,636 bales; Continent bales. Consolidated—3o,ol9 ; exports to Great llritaln 9,682 bales; to Continent 7,109; stock at all ports 658,873. Charleston. April 15. —Receipts 319 bales; sales 700; middlings 16a ; stock 23,608; ex ports to Great llritaln : to the continent '—; market steady. New Oiu.kanh, April 15. - Receipts 164 ; sales 3150; middlings l.V 0 ; l°w middlings 154,; good ordiuary ; exports to Great Rrltuiu 2429; to Coutlucnt ; stock 102,208; market quiet. Momi.E, April 15.—Reoefi'ts 70 ; Halt s 10(H) ; middlings 15',; stock 20.605 ; exports to Grout liritaiu —; to the continent ; coastwise 343; market quiet. Augusta, April 15.- Receipts 267; sill s 101; good ordinary 14 1 4 ; low middling 15'i; ) middling 15V, market quiet und steady. •Savannah. April 15.—Net and gross re ceipts 486 hulcs; sides 811; middlings 16 V. low middlings 16 good ordinary 1 4 • ; exports to Great liritaiu ; to continent —; coastwise 514; to France - ; stock 40,690; market dull. Mkmi'lUs, April 15.—Receipts 136 ship- j incuts 686; sales 860; stock 30,109; middlings j 15' 4 a \: market quiet and steady. Philadelphia, April 15. -Receipts 38 bah h middlings 16; exports to Coutlucnt to I Great liritaiu —; market dull. PnoviDF.Neu.. April 15.—Stock 18,000. ! Port Royal, April 15.—Stock 217. Norfolk. April 15. Receipts 814 ; sales, 200; low middlings 15 * 4 ; stock 7.602; exports to Great llritaln —; market quiet and unchanged. . Wilmington, April 15 - Receipts lfiH; sales 1 ; middlings 15' .; stock 2,071; exports to Great | liritaiu—; market quiet. Raltimore, April 15.- Receipts hales; sales 00 ; middlings 16'., ; exports to Great Britain 375; to Continent : stock 13,983; J market quiet. Boston, April 15.- Receipts 37 ; Hales 488 ; middlings 16*8; exports to Great Britain 492; I stock 16,072; market quiet. PROVISIONS. New Orleans, April 15.—Sugar quiet and steady; common 6Ett7; fair 7 V ’,,; fully fair 7 ; u j u 7; prime—; choice —. Molasses quiet and steady; ehoieo 68a70; prime 69; fair 65; common 63. Rice dull; prime 7 Vl,; lair > 4 :7. Flour J hare, but firm; choice $6 75a6 87 ‘ a . Provisions j dull and nominal. Mess pork $23 00. Bacon— j clear sides 13' # e; clear rib 13' 4 ; shoulders 9,',; ! dry salt Bhoulders Sugar cured hams 13',. Ijird inactive; 15‘i for tierce; 16 for kegs. Suck corn easier; white 88; white mixed 85; yellow | mixed 87. Baltimouk, April 15. Sugar linn aud active at j lu l „ ti 1 ,. Flour quiet; extra $5 00a 5 12. Wheat! lower; No. I Western amber $1 33al 35. Corn | weak and lower; Southern white 88a90; yellow do. i 9U; Western mixed 90. l’rovisions firmer. Pork! iat $22 50. Bulk meats firm; shoulders HV, clear rib Hides II llueon steady; shoulders 9',n\; clear rib sides 12Sugar cured hums H‘,al6. ],ard -refined rendered nt 15 J v al6. Butter in ac tive flemand; good to extra line Western tubs and rolls at IHu 22 for old; 22u25 for new. Coflbo strong; ordinary to prime Rio. cargoes. Rials - *,. ■ Whiskey dull and heavy; sales nt $1 13ul 14. Cincinnati, April 15. l’ork quiet at $22 09. I Bacon quiet and steady; shoulders 0‘; clear rib |l2 V clear sides I2? # - Hams 13:ili. Cut meats quiet but firm; alioulderri ; clear rib sides i 11dear sides UV- Lard dull; prime steam i rendered 16'* ; k( ttlc 15!j. Whiskey firmer; sales Int ,f.i pi. Live hogsfirm; common $7 99a7 60; lair to medium $8 25n8 OU . good to choice $8 67a 9 00; receipts . Hr. Louis, April 14. -Flour firm; common to medium superfine winters 4 50a4 79; extra $4 75: XX $5 00a5 25; XXX $5 255 60. Wheat firmer and lower: No. 2 red winter $1 23; No. 3 do. sl2l, hid; No. 2 red spring $ 1 92' .al 03. Corn dull; aalcs Oi No. 2 mixed at 76. Whiskey quiet; sales nt $1 11. Pork dull nud firm nt $22 00. Cut meats dull; shoulders 8; clear rib sides 11 \ ; dear sides 11*1112. Bacon easier; shoulders 9; clear rib ; Hides 12".,: dom' sides 13. Lard nominal; sales j of steam at 16. Live hogs firm; yorkers $6 50a j 7 25; bacoiigradcs $7 25a7 50; butchers’ $7 45a I H 60; reeei]ts 1144 ; Hhlpmenta . Chicago, April 16.—Flour quiet; shipping extras 1 $4 75u5 00. Wheat dosed steady; No. 2 spring t ; ,‘l 92',. (!oru easy; No. 2 mixed 77',Pork j dosed easier nt $22 00a29 50, for May. Lard easier at 15.40, for May. Cut meats firmo.i. Dry! salted shoulders 7LnH, rush. Whiskey dull; sales ut $1 11. IVliolrnalc I'rlrPk. Al’l’LEs—per barrel, $5; peck, 75r. Bacon—t hear Hides i< lb 13c.: Ch ar Rib Rides j 12 Lo; Shoulders H V‘; lee-cured Shoulders I‘." e : Sugar cured Hams 15c; Plain Hams 14c. Bagging—l6<g) HI. Hulk Meats—Clear Rib Hides II.V'. Bhttk—Goshen lb 40c: Country 30c. Brooms—*s* dozen, $2 60(<i -3 50. Candy— Stick V lb lfic. (Banned Goods- Sardines I*. eav<* of 100 boxes i sl7; Oysters, lib cans \\ d<-z-n. .. I 29 to $1 36. Cheese-• English lb 00c: Choice 18'.; Wesi eru 17c; N. Y. Stute 10c. Adamantine >* lb 19c; Parnplilno 36c. : Coi'TKK— Rio good ft 11) 23c; Prime 23e '.: CluficH 24 *,c; Java 33c to 37e. Cohn—Yellow Mixed t* bushel >1 10; White, | $1 12J, eur load rates in depot. OiriAKs--Domestic, V 1(8)0 s2(k. *ES; Havaun, $7069 $l6O. Extra Family, city ground, V, H> $8; | A $7 50; li $6 GO; Fancy sl9. Hardware.—Swede Iron 9e.; lh,lined Iron 4c. ; ; Had Iron 7c.; Mow St"d 10',.#i Me.; Horse and Mule Himes 7,' j (o He.: per lb.: Nails per keg $4.26; : Axes $1266$ 14 per doz. Hay til ewt. $1 49; Country Win.:,Or.. Iron Ties r* Ih 7 ‘-.Mu'..c. Lard—Prime Leaf, tierce, F It) 16e; halves aud j | kegs, 16c. ' Leather White Oak Hole lb 25c; Hemlock! ! Hole 33c; French OalfHklns f'J/c st; American do. j I $2f,(:f.3 50; tipper Leather s2.'e #3 59; Harness do. i 5()c; l)ry Hides lie, Green do. tic. ! Mackerel—No. 1 & bid $156. $18; No. 2 $11; 1 ! No. 3 ill 60(g)512 60; No. IHi kit $1 4on- #3. ! Pickles- Case -jt dozen pints $189; y quart j $3 25. Potash— ease $8 to $9. , ! Potatoes - Irish 'e' bbl $4 50(c)$5 90 Powder- ft keg $6 25; *i keg #3 50; 1 , *2 fK>, in Magazine. Roue—Manilla $1 lb 20c; Cotton 30c; Machine made 6 Meal- ft bush* Isl 20, N. O. ft gallon :>; Florida 75c; re boiled 75c; common 45c(<;5(). Hymui*—-Florida 66@76c Oats—'{4 bushel 85(a;99c. On. -Kerosene ft gallon 25 •; l.ime-.d, raw, $1 20; boiled $1 93; I.ard *1 25; Train sl. Rice —ft lb Halt—'ti suck $1 85; Virginia #2 25. Tobacco —Common ft lb 46(c.50c; Medium Bright 70c; Fine 75c; $1; Navy 60(e-65c; Maceahoy Bnuff 75()85c. Hugt t - sack $2 40. Hu gar -Crushed and Powdered ft, lb 13(4613,Lc; A. 13c.; 11. I2‘a<!,; Lxtra C. 12c.; C. 11 .: ! N. O. Vi llow Clarified 10‘ic; do. White 12.'jc. Hoda—Keg 7c ft lb; box 10c. Starch—-ti* lb H.'tfc. Trunks—Columbus made, 20 inch, 75c; 36 inch j $2 80. Tea—Green 75e; Oolong 65.:. Whiskey—Rectified i'l gallon $1 35; Bourbon ! $2(5: $4. ; White Lead— lb 1 hw 12, Vinegar— ft gallon 35c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. iV/tnltitto’e Ur toil. Goshen Butter $ 40 > 50 j Country “ 30 40 Kggs - 16 Frying chickens 20(.25 25(e)30 ; Grown “ 30(g)33 306/>33 , Irish potatoes f.op'k 4 50 .. *• 5 00 Uhl 5 00 Hwcot potatoes 75 35p’k j Onions 90 bbl 95p’k ; COW pens 80 bu 1 00 pU Wry WHOLESALE PRICKS. Prints HQ. 10c. ft yar 1 % bleached cotton 7‘ u 6cloc. 4 4 " '• 10(^20c. Hea Island “ 8(g)l6c. “ Coats’ and Clark s spool cotton, ,70c. Tickings 1(%35c. i 9-4, 10-4, II -4 and 12-4 brown and I bleached sheetings 30(7i:50c. ! Wool flannels—red and bleached 20(mj75c. | Owiton flannels—brown and bl'd 12 *.j()2sc “ I Linscys 15(>30c. “ I Kentucky Jeans 15fa,65c COLUMBUS MANUFACT!:RED GOODH. Eaolk and Piienix Mills. -Sheeting 4-1 lu ,c., % shirting H ' .c.; osuaburgs, 7 oz., 14c.; '. K drill ing 12c; bleached sheeting and dilllng I2(*il3<\; Canton flannels 20c. Colored floods. Htripes 100/ block gingham ( hecks 12>*(5,13c.; Dixie plad' S for field work 17c; cotton blankets s2(§) $4 60 per pair; bleached huckaback towels $149 per dozen; yarns ss. to Is. jx-r bunch of pounds $1 35; rope 25c. to 27c.; sewing thread, 16 balls to the pound, 50c.; knitting thread, 12 bulls to the pound, bleached, 55c.; unbleached 50c.; wrap ping twine, in balls, 40c. Woolen floods. —Casi meres, 9 oz. per yard, 55c. to 70c.; Jeans 20c. to 37!ic.; doeskin jeans 86c. Muscogee shirting 8,4 4 sheet ing 10,'.jc.; Flint River 8 oz. osuaburgs 15c.; do. yarns $1 35. Columbus Factory.—# shirting 8!;e.; 4-4 sheeting 10,‘.,.c.; sowing thread, unbleached, 50c.; knitting, do., 50c.; wrapping twine 40c. Clegg's Factory.—Plaids or checks 13c; stripes fancy fashions, I2J^c. W. F. H<.Ni:il, Dentist, Randolph street, (opposite Strnpper’s) Columbus janl ly] Georgia. Jordan's Joyous Julep. A Specific for Neuralgia. ■ HAVE been saying a good deal through the 1 papers of late extolling JORDAN'S JOYOUS JULEP as a most Wonderful NEURALGIA CURL; but for fear you may exclaim ns Mhakspearo when he said “Y.m cram these words into mine car ngniust the stomach of my sense,” l now sub mit to you what persons say who have tried my j Neuralgia Julep, with the most complete and , satisfactory result: Columbus, January 16, 1875. Mr.Jordan. ] take great pleasure in rceom- j mending your Joyous Julep lor neuralgia, has produced a most wonderful relief in oue i | the severest, attacks of neuralgia my daughter i ever has had. Hhe lias liceu treated lor it by I three skillful physicians, with very little benefit, ; and used all the usual remedies with little sue-; ( is.--. lean with much confidence hope for a per- ] manent cure. It is only two days since xve began ■ the use of it. and it is apparently of permanent I belli fit. Yours, Wlth-lVMpect, MRS. L. T. NORMAN. Petersburg, Ya.. Jan. 15. 1875. | Jnn. Jos'shtu, K*q., Columbus, Go,; i Dear Sir— Having learned through m.v lricml i j R. A. Bacon of your “J. J. J.” preparation for re- ' lief ot ueuralgia, and tested it with perfect sue- | | cess iu my own family, in the worst case, too, j that ever came under my observation, I now ■ 1 cue lose fifty cents for a second bottle, as 1 cou- | i sidcr ii too valuable n medleiuo to be without, i though 1 have uo Immediate use for it. Wry truly yours, JAMES T. TOSH, j Cglumhus. Ga., Nov. o, 1874. . lh\ ./. L. Jordan: Dear Sir—Your Joyous Julep [ for Neuralgia lius been tried in my family, ia..'. with the most happy remit,aud 1 find iu it all you claim tor its virtue. Aud I unhesitatingly re commend it to all who aro suffcrlUK from Neural gia as something a little remarkable in its eura-! tive power. J. !>. WORTHY, j Columbus, Ga., Dee. is, 1874. < Or. J. J.. Jordan —Your medicine. Joyous Julep, is without an equal for Neuralgia. Having been a great sulleror from the pain, and having tried the prescriptions of many physicians, yet I all proved of no effort until I tried four doses I of your Julep, wheu I was immediately relieved, and have not been troubled since. S. C. MADDOX. | Lake City. Fla., Nov. 4. 1874. ! Dr. ./. /.. Jordan —Please scud me another hot- j tie of your Joyous Julep for a friend. I have I never found anything equal to it for Neuralgia.! Two doses cured me almost instantly, and I cun j safely recommend it to do what you say. Very respectfully, Ac., JOHN Al. JLFi’RYH. j Fehnandina, Fla.. April, 1574. Dr. J. Jordan. Columbus, (la.: Dear Dir !t affords me pleasure to add my tes timony to the efficacy of your “Jordan's Joyous Julep,” in giving iustnut relief lu Neuralgia; aud to all appearance, an effective as instantaneous. I was i fleeted daily with Neuralgia, und since taking a few teaspoonfulß of vonr relief, two or more weeks have elapsed, und there are no indi cations of return. I hope that the human fam ily will receive a benefit commensurate with the importance of your discovery, and that your pecuniary reward will be equal to its well de served merits. Yours, respectfully, MRS. L. DOZIER Price 60c. Liberal discount to the trade. Besides manufacturing Ibis meritorious com pound, JORDAN'S JOYOUS JULEP, I have ou hand, and keep receiving in small quantities, the best and Purest Medicines for the admixture ol Physicians’ Prescriptions, and'to which 1 give; the closest scrutiny and care iu preparing. I can always be louud at my store any hour of j tin' night, by ringing the bell. Prices consonant with hard times und weak! purses. Soliciting your culls. 1 promise my best effort# to pleas*- r.nd merit your patronage. Respectfully, .jose\ a,, .antinv, Vpnllirciiry. No. 198 Broad Street, Columbus, (la. j nini. u TOWN FLATS, FOlt SALE, % , With or without ORANGE ORCHARDS, IS THE town of BEECHER, FLORIDA. information relative to Beecher or Florida, ! can lx* obtained. The former from a Jinely execu t'd map, 20 by 28 inches, on liven paper, contain- j ing Fruitlaud, Peninsula, Town plat of Beocher, i and the only accurate map of the ht. Johns river | to lake Harney. Thu latter from a large pamphlet. English or German, on Florida, Its climate and productions, with a sketch of its History. These will be forwarded free of postage, on re ceipt ol 25 rents each. Address, EIUVIV MTI lUVUI.Ii, MANAO T N’( I DIRECTOR, THE BEECHER LAND 00., FLA. P. 0. Bax 2822. 34 Park Row, Hew York. jan'AMAW-t!' RANKIN HOUSE. ColsiniiMK, laYorgiat, J. W. RYAN, Frop’r. j Ruby Restaurant, BAR AND BILLIARD SALOON, UNDER THE RANKIN HOUSE. janl d4wtf ,1. W. HYAN, Prop***. I riiE Virginia Store rs kkui rviv.: a large stock or B (ioihls Foil TUB PUS\U Tlltlii:, ! and Bella cheap for cash. Call there and get bargains. ap7 tf i Meicitants’ Building and Loan Association STOCK, FOR KALE AT A DISCOUNT. jobi\ isgiD iin tic. aprll-iw BROKER. /‘TSTOI - LXX>I!’ 7 Col uni bus Merchants NEED NOT FEAR TO ADVEKTIKL IN TIIKTALHOTTON STANDARD JTIB PUBLISHED IN TALBOT COUNTY, ONE of the wealthiest In Georgia, and the people there love to do their trading in Columbus, and they are obliged to spend their money with those merchants who advertise. The STANDARD lias a large circulation. Address W. K. MUMFORD, Editor and BuHiness Manager. fab2o Iw VOL. 1. —NO. MU W. >V. MACK ALL, Jr., .-Vi lorni'y at. Law ColumbUHi Call • Ui, Office over D. N. Gibson's store. Practices iu U. H. and State Courts. Rkkkuknckh—Gen. Joseph F.. Johnston, Savan nah, Ga.; Gen. G. M. Horrel, Savannah. Ga.; Got. J. Black Groome, Annapolis, Md.: A. A: J. K. Jr., Esns.,Ht. Louis. udi23 tr Joseph F. Pen, Afli)i-!i{' i v A CmiiMi lliiiqit Lin. j \FFICK west side Broad street uVi r store of \ / \V. H. RoU.rts A: Cos. Practice# in Htat< and Uulcral (jeurts. Advice aud services tendered to Administrators, Executors, Guardians. \e. Hpe ; (iult.v made ci Conveyancing. Examining Ti tit's. \c.. iu c-corgia (>r anywhere in tlie United I States. All m rvi.s- promptly attended to. i ft*b7 ilti .1. i>. ItAMBO. Utßrupy ut Idiw, ! omec over Hoi stead X Co.'s, Broad street, Co lumbua, Georgia. In office at all hours. |ans dly J. M. McMiILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, I>UACTIt ILK in Courts of Georgia and Alabama. Office 12x Bread street, over O'. A. Redd L j Co.’h. tin'- Hjs'eiuJ attention giveu to collections. Jan 10 tl A. .V. DOZIER, \Honm\v at l^ii %v, 1 I>RACTI(!F.S in State and Federal Courts of I Georgia aud Alabama. 44 tf Makes Commercial Law a specialty. Office over C. A. Redd ,t Co.'s store. jan Id 6m THORNTON & GRIMES, VOoi-no.VN al Ijm, OFFICE over Abell Co.’s, corner of Broad and Ht. Clair streets, Columbus, Go, janls ly DR. J. A. I RQUHART HAS AN OFFICE and sleeping apartment on the premises formerly known as the Dr. Bozeman lot. at the corner of Mclntosh and Randolph streets. Entrance to the Office ou Mc- Intosh street, where professional calla, made either ut day or night, may be left aud will be promptly attended to us soon as received. Jan 22-rod tf. Jolm Blackmar, St. rirtir fltrwt, Gunby’a Building, next to Freer, A Ol Brokerage, Real Estate & Insurano. HKFKIt, DY UKHMISHION, To Merchauts’ and Meclianica* Bank, this Pity. jan2B-ly K. TIIOMPNON, j Liiv’ory uiixl Htabl<s / \GLETHORPE BTEET, between Randolph aud " * Bryan. Th best of Ruddle aud Harness Horses. A fine lot of Carriages and Buggies always on hand. Special attention given to the accommodation of Drovers. They will find it to their interest to put up with him. 1*1)14 tf WILLIAM MUNDAY, Livery anil Sale Stable Keeper, OglrihoriM l Rtrrtl. 1 rpjiE BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY FOR HIRE, 1 at all hours day and night. Funerals served ut short notice. Drovers accommodated on liberal terms. jam'll 1 1 L. I*. AENCIIBACHER, FiiMldonablc Tsiilrtr. ROOMS over Moffett’s Drug Htore. lam reg ularly supplied with the latest FAHIfION PLATEH, and am prepared to guarantee perfect satisfaction, at reasonable rates. mb2l eodflm (J. A. KIEHNE, MEItCHANT TAILOH 134 Krmul Ntreet, HAS on hand a handsome assortment of Gen tlemen’s Dress Goods, English und French i Cassimeroa, Vestings, Ac. | Cutting done at reasonable rates. Have your Clothes made by me, and I guarantee perfect satisfaction iu style aud price. jan3l ly J. T. COOK, Stalls 15 & 17, Market House, LEPs constantly on hand and for salt the BERT MEATS that can be obtained. mh2s dly E. L. Guay. R, H. Guay. K. L. GRAY & CO., AGENTS KOI! B.U.E OF Texas Lands 1y ARTIES desiring to emigrate to Texas, wi do well to call on ns, as we, have lands i almost every county in Texas for sale. Will give letters of introduction to responsible ; parties, who will take pleasure in showing lands i all over the Htato. We also settle old land claims on reasonable claims. Mr. K. L. Gray has just returned alter a resi dence of twenty years in Texas. Office nt Alubama Warehouse, [mblO 6m Jolm MehafFey, VT lIIH OLD STAND, corner of Oglethorpe and Bridge streets. 00l mill >ll k, Gu„ Will Pay the lUirhest Market Price von Kims. Old Cotton, Hides. Ir> ii ml Curs * - or ALL KINDS, | Sleeflwnx ami Tallow, Old Metals, Ac., ! Delivered ftt Depots and Wharfs In Columbus. Georgia. janJH t 1 Wanted, Ragu l For which 1 will pay $2.60 per hundred pounds. Notice. HAVING concluded to make a change in out' business after this year, we offer from this (late our entire stock of Spring aud Hummer Dress Goods, Ribbons, Notions and all fancy article* regardless of cost to close out. Our stock of Staple Goods is complete, and will be sold &■ low as tlu! same goods run be bought in the city. We invite all to call aud examine goods aud prices. JOHN McGOUGH A CO, aprll-lwd