The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, May 01, 1875, Image 4

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THE DAILY TIMES. ColUlObUHi On., feATHRDAY MAY I, 1975. MARK H. VLA*OrOJU>. LOCI* t. OAMAJBP, BIiAKBrODI A- UAKK.IKH, Attorney* nod Cttuueilori at I.uw. Gffictf No. 67 Brood *tr#mt, over Wittich A KiUMol'n Jawolrj Store. VflU profile* la tha State aad Federal Court*. fobOS OCR AGENT*. M. H. Blark, af Opr Ilka, Ala., Is authorized toFrooetot for subscriptions ana advertising for Daily and WEEKLY Timm. J. L. Ingham is our general authorized traveling agent. Jordan L. Bowelr. In connected with thin office, and Is authorized to solicit and receipt for advertisements and subscrip tions to the paj>er. E. N. Petkbsom is our local agent at Union Springs, Ala. K. T. Loan Is authorized to solicit sub scriptions and advertising for this paper in Alabama, and to receipt for the same. Tkt Dally aad Weekly Tlate. Can be procured every day at the "Nar row Gauge" Fruit and Cigar Store of Mr. J. L. Troadaway, next to Itankln House, Broad street. \ r h AdvrrtUrnirntn. Cancers Cured by Dr. Benton See cer tificate of the fact. Choice Groceries—Virginia Grocery. Sweet Potatoes at Plrroy’s. Tennessee Hams and Butter D. Avcrett. Ico Notice—John L. Hogan. Lillie Strawberries—W. T. Kobinson. Lost Day—Nelson A Spear, JlatterH. Fresh Fish toslay—John L. Hogan. Apples and Oranges -Narrow Gauge Store. W. T. Kobln.on Has Lillie Strawberries for sale to-day. Thr l.uat Buy. Messrs. Nelson A Hpear, Hattons, will remain in the city to-day. Ail who want their Silk Hats done up In best style call on them at E. E. Yonge’s Hat Store. * Apples. Fine lot of Apples at the Narrow Gauge Store to-day, wholesale and retail. Also, Lemons and Oranges. Pergonal. Mr. G. I'. Matthews, who for some time past has boon connected with the dry goods house of Peacock & Swift, and re cently with E. S. Swift, successor to the firm, left this morning for Ids home In Cuthbert, Gu. He leaves many friends In the city, who wish him well, and who will always lie glad to see him return. Metiilte Iliirtnl Walnut, Rosewood and Common Wood Coffins, Game and Caskets, and Coffin Trimmings and Mountings in groat vari ety, at tho New Furniture Store. mhG tf T. T. Edmunds. J. T. DANIEL Has a lot of barrels and half barrels No. 1 and No. 3 Mackerel, at cost or lens. Als< > full line Family Groceries, cheap for cash. apSO 2t J. T. DaKtsl. Hriir* Off the Palm ! Tho magnlflcont stock of dress goods, Including the Alpacas and Bombazines, at J. 8. Jones’, because they are new and fresh, and beautiful in lustre. Besides, they are sold far Mow even the prices asked at stores closing out. This can only be explained In the fact that Mr. Jones buys his goods at ooppeii bottom figures, and sells at a small advance. If part ies are skeptical, we suggest that "seeing Ih believing." The above is reported as tho substance of a conversation of a number of ladles in a prominent uuintuu making establish ment in this city. "Verbum sat" I C||| Npui'klliik Nud Wutfr! Try it, at 0. .1. MOFFETT’S j ap2B tf Drug Htnre. Pnro Frmh Drn**nnd('hfmU lul ap2B tf MOFFETT'S Drug Htnre. Blvrr X*w. The Julia St. ('lair arrived yesterday morning, bringing the following cargo: 108 bales of cotton, 10 barrels of syrup, J boxes of eggs, 13 sucks of peas and 71 bar rels of merchandise. The cotton was con signed as follows : Burrus & Williams, 29 tailee; J. L. Dunham >t Cos., 20; Flournoy, McGchee 4. Cos., 20; G. Y. Banks .t Cos., 32; Allen, Preer, A Illgos, 1. PAHSKNGiatS. G, Giulby Jordan, Oscar Jordan, F. M. Gnnbv, A..f.Murat, J..7.Clapp, L.G. Clark, J. B. Cunningham, L. H. Biggers, Lawson Kimbrough, Mrs. Mickles and child, Miss Bush. The George Wylly will leave this morn ing In the place of the Julia St. Clair. The latter boat will bo tied up until next Thurs day, when she will be used by a party of excursionists. Hwfpt r(tiiM. Forty bushels elegant Yam Potatoes for sale cheap at PIRREY’H, Next to Postoffleo. -A Urge lot Plain Teaneaiee llnut and Butter, low for cash, at myl lot D. AVERETT’B. run, n*n, citai A lino hit of Fresh Water Trout and Bream, fresh from tho Ice, for sale cheap at JOHN L. HOGAN S lee and Fish House. !• Notice. Th* 100 liom** will b© open on Sunday from B y % o’clock in tho morning until 1, and from 6 to 7 o'clock p. m. myl 2t JOHN L. HOGAN, lco and Flah House. ( AMKtt CUBED. Treatment by Dr. D. 11. Benton CoLtumrs, Ga., April 30,1875. 7’ti the Public l am Induced to publish t his card solely In the interest of all those who are so unfortunate aa to be afflicted with a cancer. I hoard of I)r. Benton and came from my home In Opelika to receive Ills treatment. I thought my ease hopeless, and was willing to meet death aa a happy riddance from pain. I have been here under Dr. Benton's treatment nearly three months, and leave to-day cubed. Every doctor In my reach was consulted, without avail, before X wo9 willing to put myself under Dr. Benton's care. Now I am well, strong and heart! 1 , and publish this that all may know where to bo relieved, and as a mark of my high esteem for Dr. Benton’s sys tem. Respectfully, Mns. Hannah Gailord. The above was brought to us by a very respectable looking person for publica tion. She had every appearance of good health, and the sear, said to have been made by the cancer, was healed. Dr. Benton's offleo is at the late resi dence of Mr. Itoatrite. A splendid lot of white and Rod All- Wool Flannels, Brown and Bleached Can ton flannels, Opera Flannels, in all shades, to be closed out cheap, at fehl4 dtcertf J. J. Whtjtt.k’s. if Mcn.almltv Tho position of orator on Memorial Day Is ona of peculiar difficulties. Ton years I have passed since tho custom of dooorat , mg our soldiers graves was first observed, ami every year the people look for some thing fresh and bparkling from him who is chosen to deliver the address. It is cer j talnly true that tho ground has been cov j erod, and that all succeeding orators on this great occasion need not enter Into a long and weary soarcli for original senti ments and new forms of expressions. The best speech upon such an occasion Is one which most beautifully combines tho ex cellencies of former productions. Tho po sition of any orator on such an occasion is somowliat embarrassing, but that of the gentleman who spoko at Marietta, last Monday, must have been peculiarly so. In that beautiful little city, und very near the' Confederate soldiors’ graves, is another cemetery—ono on which thousands upon thousands of dollars have been lavished. It presents Nature beautified by Art, and improved by an almost extravagant out lay of money. Horo lie buried thousands of Northern soldiers. Almost every North ern soldier, who fell In Georgia, lias been taken and burled on this spot. Tho Gov ernment has not spared means to make tills immense cemetery attractive. It is really remarkable how much money has been expended here. Capt. John Milledge, of Atlanta, was chosen by tho ladles of Marietta to deliver the address on the 26th. He filled a most difficult situation admirably. After pay ing a noble tribute to the Southern dead, ho spoke of the thousands of Northern sol diers whose graves were in sight. He rec ognized in them men who were urged by pure patriotism and nobie motives, Of the valor and manhood of the Northern troops he spoke in the highest terms, and in speaking of our dead said: "In my heart I believe there is not a word of commenda tion we speak to-day in praise of the gal lantry of these, our dead, that would not bo echoed back, could wo but hear their voices from the spirit land, from tho grave of every truly brave soldier of the North, who sleeps the last long sleep in yonder cemetery.” , These are noble utterance*, and deserve the hearty commendation of all. The time for hatred und bitterness has passed. Gen. Bartlett made a speech at tho Lexington Centennial which has given him a place in the great iesirt of the nation. He paid a glowing tribute to tho gallantry of Con federate valor. His whole speech was the candid, free utterance of a noble soul. Such sentiments as those expressed by Gen. Bartlett at Lexington, and by the ora tor at Marietta, do much to bind thodiffer ent sections of the Union together with the strong bonds of filial love. Call at J. .J. Whittle’s and get some of i the Eureka Spool Silk. It Ih tho smooth est, strongest and cheiipcHt silk in use. api A huautiful line of Hamburg VAK\np;& and InsoriinifM, at prie*w to suit tho pur chasor, at fobi4 d&wtf J. J. Whittle’s. Anew lot of 10-4 Bheotinff Biid Pillow (Jase Homespun just in and fr sale cheaper than over known before, at fel>27 J. J. Whittle’s. Siive money and labor by baying chil dren’s ready made dresses for 75e. to 1.50 each at Jno. McGouoh A Co’s. Muslins and Linen are just tlio things fur the warm weather. J. S. Jones has a beautiful lot on exhibition to-dav. ft[i9 tf (><xxl Corsets at tho Virginia Store only 50 cents. Great also in finer grades. ap22 The largest assortment of Gold and Sil ver Watches Is to found at Wittich & Kinsel’s Store. For pretty Prints, go to I up tr J.S. JONES’. Kualtln lluuat-. We understand that Mrs. Gray intends to moke considerable improvements in the Konkin House. Bho has a widespread reputation as a hot*i keeper, and fully un derstands the art of catering to the vari ous tastes of humanity. She was for a longtime, the proprietress of the Central Hotel, and under her management it gain ed an enviable reputation. The Konkin House Isa commodious and well-arranged building and am easily Ik* made a model hotel. Our market affords an ample variety of eatables to furnish any table. A fine hotel is an honor to tho city in which it is situated and does much to keep up its reputation abroad. Wo hope to see the Konkin House become fa mous throughout tho State, and under its present management we trust it will. An entire new stock of fine Jewelry Ims been received at Wittich A Kinhkl’s Jewelry Bton*, j You can buy beautiful colored Grena-1 dines at 10c. and upward, at Jno. McGouoh A Co’s. (Jo to tho Virginia Store for Kid Gloves, Llama Law Socques and Points, and great bargains in Ribbons. ap22 Black Iron Grenadines at the Virginia Store, in new styles. Also, Plain at 40 to 50 cents, which are a groat bargain. H. T. CRIGLER. BAZAAR FOR MT. PAUL C M URC'H. The Entertainment ot* the Nvunon. Handsome Needlework, Crochet Work, Beautiful Clothing for Children, Fancy Work of all kinde, Suppers, Lunch, Fniito, Fishpond, Floral Bower. Many attractions, and all in good tasto. Begins i on the 28th, and lasts three days. At night admission 10 cents. No charge dur ing the day. Season tickets 25 cents. ap22 Iw Fir.*. In our account ot the burning of Col. j Asa Bates’ barn in Russell county, Ala., about one mile from tho city, wo stated ; that then 1 was no insurance. It seems that there was. Tho estimated loss was $1,000; about $750 of tills amount was* covered by insurance, Col. Bates holding a policy for that amount in the Southern Mutual Insurance Company of Athens, Georgia. It is fortunate that the wind was low when the tire occurred. Had it blown hard tho fire would have spread to neigh boring buildings and the loss would have been much greater. Dud Covertr. Mr. A. Gammel has hail a large force pump placed In front of his stables and with a piece of hose aud nozzle he wages a continual war with tho dust. Ho says he wants no bettor fun than to put one of his men on tho pump, nnd then take the nozzle aud sprinkle everything iu roach. These pumps cost comparatively little, and fifteen or twenty of them would make a vast Improvement in nor streets. Wl. Paul Church Festival. The Festival raged again last night. The crowd was as large as the room could accommodate. Xho various tables were well patronized. Tho ballotting for tho various prizes wao lively, and towards the last was quite spirited. There are soveral candidates for tho topaz ring, offered as a premium to the most popular young lady. The friends of each are hard at work and ! seem determined to succeed. A string band was employed last even ing, and furnished fine music. The ladies have undoubtedly made a great success of their Festival. Everybody pronounces it acupital affair, and the admirable arrange ment of everything reflects great credit upon tho ladies of Bt. Paul Church. The Festival closed Inst night. 11l evoi y respect it wn.s an admirable affair—one of the finest ever given in this city. The re ceipts were large, probably $!00. The topaz ring was voted Miss Miriam Clark, who received GOO votes. Miss Ha vana Beach received over 400 votes. The trumpet was voted to Fire Company No. 1. Jake Burras took it In charge. Tho rock ing chair, for tlio most popular married lady, was awarded to Mrs. Thomas Chap mun. The case of surgical instruments was votad to Dr. T. J. Word. At the close of the entertainment a number of fine cakes, a mocking bird, and a number of other valuables were sold at auction. Mr. Jake Burrus sang his bumble lasi song, to the delight of all who hoard it. The Festival was a rare treat, and wo are truly glad it turned out so well. We will give the full receipts to-morrow. There seemed to lie a very general regret that the pleasant affair was not continued longer. When the ladies of Saint Paul Church determine to do anything, success is only a question of time. Ketarnrd. The party of gentlemen who wont down to Florida about two w<**ks ago on a hunting and fishing excursion returned on the St. Clair yesterday. They had a glorious time in the Land of Flowers, and seem to have been loth to leave it. Their success in fishing seems to have been fine. Another party will leave on tho St. Clair next Thursday to Ik* gone alxmt ten days. It Is reported that quite a number of ex cursions will leave the city for Florida during the next throe weeks. This is the season for aquatic sports, and in ail tho world a liner place than Florida cannot be found for their enjoyment. Fkf Away and hr at It seems that a very deplorable feeling of unpleasantness exists at present be tween our Governor and Governor Brown, of Tennessee. What the cause of the lord ly feud is the curious public is not permit ted to know. The fact, however, has ob truded itself into notice, and it Is an nounced that hereafter neither of these gentlemen will recognize the requisitions of the other. The disagreement between the authorities of two great and prosper ous sovereignties like Georgia and Ten nessee is lamentable indeed. It may be very pleasant to the border men who are at all disposed to infringe upon the laws. A fellow can do just what lie pleases in one of these futled States und pom over Into the other where lie may repose in ponce and safety. The law breakers who live near the line may now play the mis chief in general, and wo reckon they will. Juat Arrived: 13,000 yards Calico. If you want a pretty Spring Drees, go to J. J. Whittle’s. He nveives fresh lots weekly. feb27 \PM CSood*. Just reeeivixl, new Prints, new Hamburg Embroideries, new Silk Ties and Ruffs. Prices to suit the times, at John McGouoh A Co.’s Ilrcnw Mood* IKcliin Coat. We have placed on our Bargain Counter a large line of Summer Fancy Drives Goods, regardless of cost. apl6 tf BOATIUTE A ( LAPP. •Ins In. A large lot of Crewel and Zephyr, in all colors and shades, at. ap 15 dwtf J. .1. Whittle’s. Miidum IlrniorrMt’N Potteru* For ladies and children, for sale by BOATRITE A CLAPP. Send for a pattern lxx>k free*, apß tf Tho largest aiui prettiest selection of! Transfer Flowers in the city, is at fell 14 d&wtf J. J. Whittle's. fln*t Arrived, A fresh lot of Bleached Homespun, yard wide, at 10,12%and 15c per yard the l*vt goods in the market at the price, at foblt cl&wtf J. J. Whittle’s. If you want Ladies’ or Misses' Hose, in iruHlium or extra length, very cheap, go to fob 14 d&wtf J. J. Whittle’s. A fresh lot of Black and Colored Kid Gloves, just in and to be sold cheap, at api J. J. WHITTLE’S. Jewelry repaired and made to order. Engraving and Watch Repairing done at. WrmcH A Rinkel’s. For th* FamtrnM A large lot of Cottonadee. If you want a bargain in Spring and Summer Pants (o<xls, visit feb27 J. J. Whittle’s. Bargain in Linen Cuffs at 25e. at .Tno. MoGouh A Co’s. Just received Jap Silks in blk. and white cheek Silver Gray, at the lowest price, at Jno. MrGoron A Co’s. Anew arrival of Hamburg Edgings at api J. J. WHITTLE S. Now OycnluK. Full linos of now Spring Goods, aps tf BOATRITE A C LAPP. Magnificent lot ol Cloths and Cassi meres to close out at one-halt their value, at Jno. McGouoh A Co’s. \V. D. Smith, Natural Arttct, In addition to his ordinary business of painting, will Renovate Umbrellas, Para sols, etc., and make them as gcxnl as new at very low charges. mhl7 tf Carried Home. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Asa Ellison t<K>k John Bowen, the mule thief, to Har ris county on tho North A South train. | Mr. Ellison came to the city on the pre ! vlous evening to look after Mr. Bowen’s condition. He seems to have tho proof • rather clear on John, and has taken him up to Harris to explain the matter more fully. There was an air of discomfiture on the face of the accused gentleman as he departed. His motive powers wore ! somewhat impeded by clasps about his : ankles, and his arms were slightly hitched I together. Rcco verlasr. | Wo are glad to state that Mr. L. Rooney, I of Rooney A Warner, has almost recover ed from his illness, •CRAP*. I Strawberries are Increasing and prices • diminishing. Tho soa6on for summer thunder storms is almost here. Columbus is happy in tho possession of | very few loafers. ; Good housekeepers are sad when they j turn to dust. They say “let us sweep.” . Cider, beer, Ac., arc very popular now. j Well, health must bo preserved at any rate. These are tho days when a follow loves : to lounge around In the shade and tell ! tales. A weather prophet says that this spring has been the mildest winter he ever ex perienced. Still echo gives the only answer to the (question, Where i* the Columbus Del >at i ing Society? Bulwer’s “Parisians’’ has met with an immense sale, though It has been fiercely criticised. On tin' authority of a farmer friend we stab) that the “water million crap” will bo fine this year. Charleston has twenty-two fire com pa nics, and they all strutted through the streets the other day. Baby carriages, terrier dogs and veloci pedes may bo mentioned as the principal ornaments of Brood str*et sidewalks. If Kioux spells su, and eye spells i, and 1 sighed spells cidc, then a stylish way of | spelling suicide would be slouxeyesighod. ! Spiritualism has subsided nicely in | Chattahoochee county. Mediums are ! studying tricks for another furore. | Northern mails will gel unruly once in a while. Still we get news much bettor ; than we used to in the days of mules and 1 ’busses. 1 There will be fun at the firemen’s con test next Wednesday. A close race is an ! ticipated, and each company is certain of victory. Success to them all. ; St. Lukc,s Sunday school will have a ! royal time to-day. The children are all delighted at the thought of an excursion to Foil Mitchell. The train will leave this morning atjl o'clock, and return late this afternoon. If the City Light Guards are going to have an excursion they would do well to ! make arrangements at an early dab', as warm weather is creeping slowly but | surely upon us. | Miss Anna Dickinson has taken her present tour through the South more for ! her health than anything else. She Is thought to be greatly benefit tod, both ; physically and pecuniarily. An Irishman was strolling along the Dublin quay, the other morning, when his eye lighted on the name “Psyche" on a yacht. After spelling it out slowly, he ex claimed, “Well, if that ain’t tin* oddest way to spell fish I ever saw!” | A prosperous merchant in this city lias : improved on Benjamin Franklin. He has it thus: Early to bed and early to rise, Never get tight, and advertise. • An Englishman in New York has re cently been arrested for passing counter feit notes. He lias written a poem in which he sarcastically remarks: "A little stealing i a dangeruuH art, But stealing largely Ih a noble art; Ot hi* good name 'tis mean to rob a mail. But stealing million* makes a Congressman.” Jim Dense says he wanted to collect an old lady’s fare the other day. To attract her attention he touched her upon the shoulder. The touch was rougher than was intended, and conveyed such a shock to the ancient dame’s system that Ft chew of tobacco shot out of her mouth and alighted several hn't away. Dense says he didn’t like the cut of her eye, and that the way in which he commenced to look around for another chew was something alarming t<> behold. Xw and Pretty Print* At the Virginia Store. Also, large stock Cottonodcs and Cheap Cassimeres for Boys. Bleached Shirtings anti Sheetings sit less than market value. ap22 .\k! IT. T. < BIGLER. *tiil Thry Conr! A beautiful lot of Spring Prints just in at apt .1. J. WHITTLE | A large assortment of Linen Collars and j Cuffs of the latest styles just received at j api J. J. WHITTLE S. | A large lot. of Ladies’ Light Kids to be j sold cheap at fob 14 d&wtf J. J. Whittle's. j Those wishing a bargain in Table Dam i ask, Napkins. Towels, A *., will do well to j call at fob 14 d&wtf J. J. Whittle’s. i Extraordinary bargains in Dress Goods, i Ribbons, Notions, Ac., at Jno. McGouoh A Co’s. Elegant black Grenadines from 40c. to 1.00 at Jno. McGouoh & Co’s. If you want figured Linens at half price, go to Jno. M< <tore n Cos. K<* Tour Ouit I*hy*l-laa. There .is no case of Dyspepsia that Green’s August Flower will not cure. Come to the Drug Store of F. L. Brook/?, 150 Broad street, and inquire about it. If you suffer from Costiveness, Sick Head ache, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, or derangement of the sys tem, try it. Two or thro*' doses will re lieve you. Ague Conquerer is the only remedy in the United States that contains no quinine or arsenic or other poisons injurious to the system, that will cure Fever and Ague* Intermittent or Bilious Fevers, Ac., and the ('hills not return during the season. It permanently cures Fever and Ague of | long standing. nih2sd&wly The Grt-ut Family Medlolm*. | Dr. Wilhoft’s Anti-Periodic or Fever and Ague Tonic. No case of incurable Chills | has yet present'd itself, where this scien- I tific and safe medicine has been employed. No case has been found so obstinate as to i resist its prompt and masterly action. | No man has been so reduced by malarial | influences, but with its use has come up | perfectly reconstructed. No pills or pur gative required with this medicine. Wheelock, Finlay A Cos., Proprietors, New Orleans, For sale by all druggists. d&w \V .D. *XI ITU. Natural ArtUt. I am now prepared to do any kind of j Painting—House, Sign or Ornamental. | I can mend your Umbrellas, and make ! them as good as new. | Give me a trial. I can be found oppo site the Market House. I mhl4 tf W. D. SMITH. ♦ Clocks from $J upwards, guaranteed to give satisfaction, can be had at Wittich A Ktnsel’s Store. BkN d3m Bridal Presents of Solid Silver and i Silver-Plated War*?. Anew assortment ! just received at V ITTTCII A Kinsel’s. MOBILE LIFE IXSIHANCE CO. This company has been organized with a guaruntco capital of $300,000, for the purpose of according to the people tho benefit* of a first class Homo Institution. I Tho rates of premiums have boeo care fully calculated upon the most approvod basis, and arc consistent with safety and undoubted security. They are not higher than those charged by the best Northern life Insurance companies, many of which exact an extra premium for residence in the South. The surplus will lx? accurately ascertained and distributed equitably among the policy holders. In this way life insurance will bo offered at its actual cost. I Besides the ordinary forms of insurance granted by other companies, the Mobile Life Insurance Company call attention to their special feature called the Life Endowment Plan, which combines most attractive features, with safety and the promise of a large surplus. Assets over $500,000. W. L. Baker, President. H. M. | Friend, Secretary. T. S. SPEAR, Special Agent, ap2l iy Columbus, Gu. At the Virginia Store, great bargains | in Victoria Lawns and other White Goods. ' Also, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. ap22 1 An elegant line of Parasols and Fans at ! th*‘ Virginia Store. up 22 i Parasols and fans for tin? million, at Jno. MoGough A Co’s. At the Virginia Nlorr, i Dress Goods of all kinds, in new* styles . and very cheap. ap22 No Esriiwe for Ilclitu Slc-k. No person can use Buschke’s German I Syrup without getting immediate relief and euro. We have the first, case of 1 Coughs, Colds or Consumption, or any j disease of the Throat and Lungs, yet to hear from that has not been cured. We ; have distributed every year, for three years, over 250,000 Sample Bottles by i Druggists in all parts of the United • States. No other manufacturer of medi ! cines ever gave their preparation such a j test as this. Go to your druggist, F. L. Brooks, 150 Broad street, and get a bottle for 75 cents and try t. Two doses wil : relieve you. Sample bottles 10 centseach ruh2s d&wly , Men’* Furnlxhlutc At the Virginia Store, Muslin and Gauze j ! Undershirts. Socks, Cravats, Handkfr-j 1 chiefs, Ac. Also, the New York City! i Shirts, the best in tin* market. ap22 i Citlicer, .Hi-roTulit mid nil Skin Cnreil by Dr. Bond’* Dlvcovery. I Dr. Bond’s Chemical Antidotes unite : with and destroy the virus of Cancer and | Skin Affections, but will not affect the I healthy part. Parties may visit the city ' ! and remain while under treatment at the : Penna. Cancer Institute (one of the hand ' soinost marble edifices in the city,) and the ; finest remedial Institute in the country.; ; Remedies, with full directions, sent to any j | part of the world. uir Send for Pamphlets and particulars, j Address H. T. Bond. M. D., Penna. Cancer Institute, \ .'•028 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ' f 1 4)10 1 v Do You Want Health Why Will Ye Dte?— Death, or what is worse, is tie* inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard against constitutional ruin. In all cases of suppression, suspension or other irreg ularity of the “courses,” Dr. J. Brail field’s Female Regulator is the only sure reme dy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving tin? blood, and determ ining diivetly to the organs of menstrua tion. It is a legitimate prescription, amt the most intelligent doctors use it. Pre pared by J. li. Bradfieid, druggist, Atlan ta, Ga., $1 50 per bottle, and sold by re i spectable druggists everywhere. lioon to Suffering Female h. LaGrange, Ga., March 29, 1870. J Hnu!field A* (b„ Atlanta, Ga. -Dear Sirs: I take pleasure in stating that I have used for the last twenty years the medicine you are putting up, known as Dr. UrculJield'H Female Regulator, and consider it the Iw'st combination ever gotten together for the diseases for which it is recommended. I have boon familiar with the preparation both as a practitioner of medicine and in domestic practice, and can honestly say that i consider it a boon to suffering fe males, and can but hope that every lady in our land, who may bo suffering in any way peculiar to their sex, may be able to procure a bottle, and their sum-rings may not only be relieved, but that they may be restored to health and strength. , With my kindest regards. I am. respectfully, W. B. Ferrell, M. J). | jau'iJ and A worn ItKAD I ItRAI)!! < *II*TIO.\ < I 3!i; ! Of kick uk O. Sa< krtt, Drug** & Afudiehies, New Albany, Ixn., April 10, 1874. j Dr. J. S. I’tmbn ton, Atlanta. Gtorgia : Dear Sir i--Ihvo received your circulars, and in eonae- I i auence of the distribution, I have Bold about six ; Id ‘i/.en Globe Flower Syrup iu tlie last two weeks, j The Globe Flower Syrup is gaining great celebri ty. I recommended it in two case.B of consnmp- j : tion. One case was bed-fast; bail not laid on but j one side for two years; hemorrhages almost ev eryday; much emaciated, and expected to die. | j He lias taki-.u six bottles of Globe Flower Syrup; I his troubles are *ail gone, except prostration, which is rapidly improving. He will certainly j get well. The other cane is similar with same : good results. I can send you many testimonials if you want them. Yonrs truly, etc., O. SACKETT. Important Notice to Consumptive*. The long looked-for specific lor the cure ot all ! pulmonary diseases is found at last. GLOBE FLOWER SYRUP has proved the most extraor- 1 diuary medical preparation ever discovered for : curing Consumption. Globe Flower Syrup not only cures Consumption, but relieves, immedi ately, the incipient stages, such as Colds, Pains in the Chest, General Debility, etc. It breaks up the most distressing Colds and Coughs in an in credible short time. Globe Flower Syrup con tains no opium, nothing nauseous or poisonous —perfectly harmless and delicious to take; pos sesses all the valuable properties of the Syrup Hypophosphites. the nutritive Caine of Cod Liver Oil, the invaluable Tonic, Expectorant. Alterative ! and Sedative virtue of the Globe Flower, or ■ ‘Cephalauthus Occidental is.’ 50,000 cases cured; '■ not a failure known. Thousands ot testimonials i of wonderful cures will bes. ut uu application to 1 j any who doubt. Try the Globe Flower Syrup. l lt may save your life. For sale by Druggists. Manufactured by DR. J. S. PEMBERTON \ CO., Chemists. Atlanta. Ga. M. D. HOOP A CO.. Wholesale Agents'. Columbus, Ga. j leblO , DANIEL R. BIZE, DEALER IN .K\F.K VI. VMI r IMA GrtOCEItIEIS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LiQUORS. \ I’TrH unequaled adruntages lor obtaining j W Country Produce I keep constantly in store : Butter. Eggs. Chickens. Potatoes. Dried Fruit, 1 j kc. Also daily additions of FANCY GROCERIES, j j both fresh and attractive, and at lowest possible , ! CASH PRICES. All are invited to examine on llryan St., between Oxlethrj*e t>laekin. j janl deodawtf For Rent. VFOUP.-ROOSI dwcllinj; house on lower Oglethorpe street. i with a good garden iot. c ood | well of water, etc. Apply at \ E. E. YONGE, lIIviLKII |\ Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c., &c„ IVo. Ol lSi-oii<t Street, ColnmbiiN, Cin. feb!7 tlvl Jordan's Joyous Jolep. A Specific for Neuralgia. T HAVE been saying a good deal through the 1 papers of late extolling JORDAN'S JOYOUS JULEP as a most wonderful NEURALGIA CURE; but for fear you may exclaim as Slinkspt'are when he said “You cram these words into mine ear against the stomach of my sense,” I now sub mit t<> you what persons say who have tried my Neuralgia Julep, with the most complete and satisfactory result: Columbus, January IC, 1R75. .1 /r.Jordan: —l take great pleasure iu recom mending your Joyous Julep for neuralgia, has produced a most wonderful relief in one oj the severest attacks of neuralgia my daughter ever has had. She bas been treated tor it by three skillful physicians, with very little benefit, and used ail the usual remedies with little suc cess. I can with much confidence hope for a per manent cure. It is only two days since we began the use of it, and it is apparently of permanent benefit. Yours, with respect, MRS. L. I. NORMAN. Pktkrsbu ho, Va.. Jan. 15, 1875. Jno. 1.. Jordan. Esq., Columbus, Ga.: Dear Sir—Having learned through my friend R. A. Bacon of your “J. J. J.” preparation for re lief of neuralgia, and tested it with perfect suc cess in my own family, in the worst case, too, that ever came under my observation. I now enclose fifty cents for a second bottle, as I con sider it too valuable a medicine to he without, though I have no immediate use for it. Very truly yours, JAMES T. TOSH. Columbus, Ga.. Nov. g, 1874. Dr. J. Ij. Jordan: Dear Sir—Your Joyous Julep for Neuralgia LaH been tried in my family. l 2 with the most happy result.and I find iu it all you claim for its virtue. Ami I unhesitatingly re commend it to all who are suffering from Neural gia as something a little remarkable iu its cura tive power. J. D. WORTHY. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 18,1x74. Dr. ./. L. Jordan —Your medicine, Joyous Julep, is without an equal for Neuralgia. Having been a great sufferer from the pain, and having tried the prescriptions of many physicians, yet ali proved of no effect until I tried four doses of your Julep, when I was immediately relieved, anil have not been troubled since. S. C. MADDOX. Lake City, Fla., Nov. 4. 174. Dr. J. 1.. Jordan —Please send me another bot tle of your Joyous Julep for a friend. I have never tound anything equal to it for Neuralgia. Two doses cured me almost instantly, and I can safely recommend it to do what you say. Very respectfully, Arc.. JOHN M. JEFFRYS. I ehnandina. Fla., April, 1874. Dr. J. Jj. Jordan. Columbus, Ga.: Dear Dir—lt affords me pleasure to add my tes timony t' the efficacy of your “Jordan's Joyous Julep,” iu giving instant relief in Neuralgia;* and to all appearance, as effective as instantaneous. I was effected daily with Neuralgia, and since taking a few teaspoonlnls of your relief, two or more weeks have elapsed, and there are no indi cations of return. I hope that the human fam ily will raceive a benefit commensurate with the importance of your discovery, and that your pecuniary reward will be equal to its well de. served merits. Yours, respectfully, MRS.* L. DOZIER Price 50c. Liberal discount to the trade. Besides manufacturing this meritorious com pound, JORDAN'S JOYOUS JULEP. I have ou haDd. and beep receiving in small quantities, the best and Purest Medicines for the admixture of Physicians’ Prescriptions, and to which I give the closest scrutiny and cure iu preparing. 1 can always be found at my store any hour of the nigJit, by ringing the bell. Prices consonant with hard times ana weak purses. Soliciting your calls, I promise my best efforts to ph-ase and merit your patronage. Respectfully, JOHN 1.. Jillilrtl.. .V|otliM*ry. No. 198 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. utnlT tf 11. F. ABELL& CO. J— ITAVK— JUST RECEIVED A NEW INVOICE OF St. Oroix Rum, Port Wine, Claret Wine, Arrak, for Ptnich, Scotch Whiskey, Boker'e Bitters, Sherry Wine, Heidsick Champagne, Old Whiskies, .Vll of tho finest quality and for sale at low prices, and we are daily receiving new and choice Family Groceries of all varieties. All Goods Delivered. ii. f. Aiitxi, a < o. api tf GILBERT’S PRINTING OFFICE AND Rook Bindery, Opposite Yew Postotllce ISiiilctiiiff, ( OLi MHI S. GA.. T S WELL SUPPLIED WITH MATERIAL, AND 1 Experienced Workmen employed iu each De partment. Orders fo-r work of any d* scription filled with dispatch, and at most reasonable rates. Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks Of every description on hand, or printed to or der at short notice. lloolis IOR RAILROADS AND STEAMBOATS Always in stock: also printed to order when de sired. ffjr Prices and Specimens of Work furnished on application. TUOS. GILBERT, OrtBIBkM, Ga. Jolin Meliaffey, 4 T lIIS OLD STAND. < rner w OgP’thorft iV. and Bridge streets. OolurnlxtaG, Ga.. Hill Pay th<* Highest Market Prl<*e FOB BCsitrs. Old Cotton. Ilidi's, llrj ;uid ftrecn, Fur* OK AM, KIVDS Boeswax and Tallow, Old Metals, Ac., Delivered at Depots aud Wharfs in Columbus, Georgia. jan3l tf Wanted, 1 For which I will pay $2.50 per hundred pounds. W. J. FOGLE. Dentist, Over Wittich i Rineel’s Jewelrv JMnrr. Brrt >an6 tf] Street. *'■••• : ~’* fc Oolumbui, 0„ l, ’ ( ) Y a c‘n,", f '; r ,h “ d,y “■'••• of BETWEEN I Columbus and Fort Mitchell, Nuckolls Perkius Seale Hatchechubbee Blackmon HurtviUe Guerryton Suspension. Cbuutienuggee... Union springs Tbomae Lin wood Troy. mileage tickets. j npl oodSt M. E. WILLIAMS. O.T. A WESTERN RAILROAD OF AU!M; Columbus, Ga., February 2*th, \r, DAILY TRAINS Leave Columbus Arrive Montgomery j " Mobile slor. *• New Orleans 114$ n “ Selma i •, j •• Vkkbnrg 10.10., j “ Lotiisville 7 IS lk I Leave Columbus u t , Arrive Atlanta ; ft, t j “ New York 15 r v TRAINS ARRIVE at COLUMBUS : From Montgomery 3 1 a : From Atlanta < 2:ax CHAS. P. BALL. General Snp’t j H. M. ABBEIT. Agent. Nolice. OFFICE MOBILE k GIRARD RAILRuaH. January 31, 1575. < / v\and alt'-r this date Train'-' Htl fi a * r run as - TRAIN, FREIGHT ATI \* HU Dailv. (Sundays excepted) mnkin:' <1 * tion with M. A K. It. R. for Kalu, Leave Columbus and -Jt p. m Arrive at Troy 1u:36 r j I Leave Troy jo *. Arrive at Columbus ! 20 cv Freight trains, gi-itig only to I’t.. 1. vrr •:. • leave Columbus Mondays, VwdncwUj* •lays. L*avc Uniou Spring* Tii'x!. - ‘ days aud Satunlays. M>9 tf If. L. CLAM.*-;-’ PASSENGERS OoiiiLT North or East. YY r ILL avo ‘‘ l night change t* and ■< \r< u most comfortable and short'-st r--n --‘ buying tickets Via the Virginia Midland, THIS ROUTE IS ONE HUNDRED MID SHORTER THAN ANY OTHER to the Mprlngs ot’ Vli-Klnla. V. J. FORF.ACUK. General Manag r, Alexandria, V. IV. ft. niIPLFI. General Sou the ru Agent, Atlanta (w ' ap3 tf H. D. MOORE'S REPAIR SHOP, j South Store iu June’s Building, Ogletherpefr. IXUYB and sells old Forcitu-' 1 j don’.: generally, in r- /! I am bra ted stains, which *r‘ : ! bent in the United Rtafes IT. V. MOORf Just. South of McKeeV Carriag- 1 i aprlß ly Croquet. Ilf E have received a good as*.rtm-'ut • ;i ' ley’s Patent Croquet, tic- 1 ' l *’ w ‘ which wo offer at low prior s : i Pali <*(for S |ila.v**n sit Ml. "W,*'"** 1 Set. Good *rt<i for 1 plnyero t awt. Base Balls, Bats aud all kinds of Gun. s. J. W. PK.IHK .V \ORJI tX, i Booksellers and Stationers, Colunibns. "< •. ' aprll tf Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. Ur ILL hi: gold ou the first n n.-xt. within the legal bourn of ss.** ; i; i Court House door in Cusseta. <w ■ "“*■ , ! lot iu t)e town of Cusseta, *.n the corn* ■j \ and Osteen street, known as lot N". P- * ,. t Iby virtue of afi fa from Justice Cou l -* 1104th District G. M.. in favor of N > 'Sons vs. Wright McCook, as the proper.. _ ; Wright McCook. Levy made and returned •byD. J. Fussel, constable. ~, •, . Also, at same time ami place, wnl “ . humlrwl ftinl si-vouty (170) a< f ot iu tii.- 3M district of : levied on ns the property of c< P'- rr - ’ .fu.hd - ' to satisfy a fi fa from Justice < ourt < ■ tiict GM, in favor of Win Bag* 'J* . j, . admlttUtmrix ot T u P.- n\. , made and returned to me by D •* * ll j% wt JOBS SAPP. * Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale \l -ILL be Bold before th Court W (iu.. til- first Tf-to. V, u.-\t. wltliiu the legti hour* oi “■ IJ ’ I property, to-wit: The building known as the • ( . oi;E , v E.) Church, n-ar Gobbler s Hill, in th £ , Chattahoochee, to satisfy a I issued from the Superior Court of E;b . - l in favor of Wm. Baglcy vs. Wm. h |- ! ‘ , pr - 1 Miller and A. J. Barfield, nminatt- • j IK”' 8 JOHN M. SAPP- 8 "- riS Assignee’s Sale. U-IIXIw "!<! at the P l| “T‘, ,f BUlrrt on Til-'.day. tbc 4tlt [b .. - iu thr city of Columbus, B „„k, ol -' I bidder, the Notes, Accounts, and iHol a I count ot McCrary A Cos., .P, u^ u krnp : i order of L. T. Downing, R*^ l " ijTTLL | Terms cash. ’ ' ’ A Jt ,igne ap2B 1 1’icwi t At 50c. Per Dozen, tJISOSB. HOWE. FLOKKNCE. WHEEU "'J wn.SON. HOME SHt'TTIJ:. COMMON SE> - NEEDLES, all gemiinr and warranted b! u manufacturers in the world. MACHINE OIL, at the Remington Depot, 101 Broad street. fcpF**- mh2fl tf T * '