The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, June 13, 1875, Image 1

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,), JL WEIGHT & Gp.. liNu'l’Koi’lill ioR" i TERMS OF THIS Columbus Daily and Weekly Times. i >. vii.v i Otto Year. $8 00 Six Months 4 oo Threw Months 2 00 Ouo Month 7ft (Wo paying pouts**.) WEEKLY. Oaa Year $ 2 00 Six Months 1 00 (We paying postage.) - 1(.4T OP ADVERTISING. sojvnby 385333§3g53§3§ IJs 3 C ”BjyK> w P 33333333533388 gj3BBgBB3SSSSBI *3x “mruor l 833????SSSS8S? ?* §?>r!o z' S 8"?! if? 88 £ m nu d|| o SP.ItSB33BBBBi.Bi ©= 'r,r,rr: <.u>!mk i: s.3s|3S3iitsis3i <§£l ’: ; ~i| ;un|\; y W-i ???3535§ oGoouiCiOyww-ioo StftUOTC fj 8b8fS88f83_8888! §883888885 383,3 1 m*, a i gSSBS33=SESS3i r 50 per ?t. additional in Local Column. Marriage ami Funeral Notices sl. Daily, evorv other day for one month or gggger, two-thirds above rates. LErTKR Ml. 4 lit o*l THE *ll 1,1.1- UA>'M. St. Joseph's Point, i May 18th, 187'., j Wo wioto you last from Turtle Har bor on the 15th. Since which time our adventures have been numerous, exciting and successful. We made sail from that anchorage and put in to Eagle Harbor after sun set of the same evening, where we had the pleasure of again meeting the “Snap per Club” in the midst of their enjoy ment. We were received by a depu tation of the Club and altera hearty Shake of the hand all round, we were * icorted to the saloon and were pre scribed a little ice, as the Mulligans "presented somewhat a scorched ap spearance. and the Doctor thought it, would do them good, lleing very much refreshed, we reimired to the "tipper deck, where festivity reigned [supremo. Music, singing and daue- Hng was the order of the evening, and dull care was a thought of the past. [Each member of the Club vied with one another in provoking mirth and success crowned their efforts. “Ike,” with his banjo, surprised the denizens of tho deep with his melodies and so Incited some of the usually sedate [members, that the duys of "Jim Crow” were vividly recalled by the masterly manner in which they ac quitted themselves in the dance. All were full of tho pleasures thdy were enjoying and mutual advontures were recited with peculiar coloring from the mqgutors. The evening passed only too rapidly, but its en joyments arc indelibly impressed up on the memories of the Mulligans. At 12 o’clock wc parted with mutual regrets and kind wishes and with the hope that next year all might meet again at the same place and under familiar circumstances. The "Julia” weighed anchor at day break of the Kith, and Snapper the Club were on their journey home. The cruise of the Mulligans hud scarcely begun. This Sabbath morning was calm and beautiful; a light wind scarcely rippled the waters of the bay, and myriads of fish disported themselves near our vessel, seeming ly conscious that they were free from harm for this day. At early roll-call Builpt-head Pete, Moonshine* Hill, Nimble Wimble, and Hilly Bowlegs answered promptly to their names. A consultation was held as to our fu ture course; ahd St. Andrew's bay was unanimously selected as our next place of destination. The cheery voice oj our captain was heard: ‘'Stand by. up anchor, heave away, ahoy! ahoy! up with the mainsail, stand to the jib, wear away;” and soon we are before the wind und bounding on our way. As St. An drew’s is some distance, we made our selves comfortable and talked of the sport to come. The sail was delight ful and soothing. As the day wore on, the drowsy god wooed the Mulli gans, und in dreamland they chased the festive deer, wrestled with the af fectionate bear,and slew varmints too numerous to chronicle; but a change comes over tho spirit of their dreams, a low, moaning sound seems hover ing over the waters; we awake with a start, and find our little vessel miles out in the gulf, pitching, tossing and groaning; laboring in a heavy sea. The sky is overspread with heavy, scudding clouds; low, muttering' thunder is heard; lightning is flash ing’fast and bright, and the Mulli gans witness a storm at sea. The waves roll higher and higher, the thunder rolls and lightnings flash, the wind increases, and our craft is at times on the top of a mountain wave and anod in the trough, of the sea, the Mulligans scan the horizon with anxious eyes, but land is nowhere In sight—nothing but a few boards be tweeudhe devoted band and eternity. We watch our Captain with anxious eyes, and we find him serious and disturbed; the daDger thickens; a squall is making up directly ahead, THE DAILY TIMES. and will burst upon us in a few sec onds. Ah wo limt been good sailors In fair weather, wo determined to prove ourselves so now, nnd began hastily to gather our storm know ledge ami nautical Ion?, and were soou in oondition to render valuable assistance. We buttoned down the hatehes and stood to the sails, and it was well we did so. “Stand by!” eries the Captain. “Let go the main sail!” “Down with the jib!" “Clew the^ails!” Fast and thick the orders canto, but the Mulligans were equal to tile task. Tlte squall struck us as we had every thing safely home. Our little craft was tossed about like a cork upon the troubled waters. As we had no sail set, we eouid not keep her to the wind; things were very much disturbed ; we were very much unsettled and could scarcely keep our feet; something had to be done short ly. The Captain gave the command, “heave to!" It is needless to say we obeyed the order to a man. We felt some relief nnd stood our ground, “ex|>ectiiig every minute to be our next.” As matters itnprovetfe-rapicHy for the worse—we concluded to return to Fugle Harbor, if possible. "We about ship, set sail sufUoiont to steer our course, and trusted to our vessel ,to do the rest. The Gulf now resem bled a seething cauldron; the white mps towered above us on every side. “Cyclops” remarked, “1 never seed her so ’xlurbtM before. A driving rain now came on, and as our little vessel ploughed her way along, the waves dashed over us, and wo were not happy determined, however, to stand the storm, hoping that It would not last long, we kept our courage up as best we could, and indulged in serious reflections. Could we have been satisfied all would end well, the feeling would have been grand. For hours we bounded along, seemingly at the speed of a “Longfellow,” plunging from the top of’one wave into the depths of another. At times it seemed our frail bark could not force her way, but she would recover, and shaking the water from her prow, angry nt tile opposition, would go bravely on, determined to over come all obstacles. We encoun tered two more very severe squalls as wo were rounding Kt. Joseph’s i>oint, and for a time matters looked dark and almost hopeless as our main sail was torn from its lashings and carried into the sea. The Mulligans worked like “old tars” and at last succeeded in relieving our vessel and reefed the sail safely home. When we reach a safe anchorage a fooling of relief and thankfulness Alls the hearts of the Mulligans. We would have been glad to have found some quiet place to lay our weary heads, but such could not be done, as our vessel seemed desirous of imitating some celebrated contortionist by changing her position go often. We were foroed to hold on to something to prevent our doing likewise. We could not go below, as the roll of our craft caused us to feel unhealthy, so we kept the deck in spite of a driving rain. For the tttet time the Mull! gans went supperless to bed. I see 1 am making my letter too long, so I will have to give you an account of our exciting alligator light with other adventures, in our next. Yours, in haste, One or the Muluoans. THE TEXAS FKOXTIE.It. THE MEXICANS IlAllilNO ON THE TEXANS IHE WAR FEU.INO HIOH. Galveston, Texas, June 12. -A Brownsville special to tho Neivu says: Gen. Htoelo and Major Dwyer left yesterday for RioGrande city. Cupt. MoNilly and part of his company are below watching for'the raiders now on this side. The Mexicans report the crossing of fifty beeves below hero Wednesday. Sergeant Hall went to Bagdad to see the beeves Gen. Cortina Is shipping to Cuba. Many of them have American brands. A large jiile of hides with American brands await shipment. The men assisting to ship them say tho beeves were stolen from Texas. About 100,- UOO pounds of dried beef arc ready for shipment. The meat is undoubt edly American, as the Mexicans do not raise half enough beef to supply their own market. Hall was closely watched, and succeeded in taking only about twenty brands. Saturday morning Gen. Cortina left Bagdad with geventy-fivo men. Above here tho cattle stealing is terrible. Oxen are driven off almost daily. It is re ported that Gen. Cortina's resigna tion has not been accepted. The su preme government is determined to remove him from the frontier. Cor tina don’t intend to go. It is report ed Gen. Steele gave orders for the rangers not to cross the Rio Grande, on account of the exasperated feeling of tho Mexicans, and the danger that they would lay waste the country be tween the Nueces and Rio Grande before forces could be sent there to check them. Tho war feeling is strong on the Mexican side. — : — - —. . The Railroad War About to End. New York, June 12.—The officials of the Baltimore and Ohio and Penn sylvania roads were in session at the Fifth Avenue Hotel last night. Vice President King, of the former road, says the meeting was quite harmoni ous and that a basis for a permanent arrangement between tho two com panies was agreed on and will be im mediately submitted to the directors. Everything will be satisfactorily ar ranged within ten days. COLUMBUS, GA., SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1875. FOKKMiX. THE KINO OF OREF.CK TO ABDICATE. Special to the Timi’h by 8. k A. Liue.) London, Juno 12.~-Tho Daily News reports a crisis imminent in Athens, which may result in the abdication of the King. The Turkish inen-of-war are ordered to cruise in the Greek waters. Tho Russian Minister ad vised the King not to abdicate with out securing tho rights of his heir to the throne. The probabilities of for eign intervention is discussed at Ath ens. A WRECK. London, June 12.— The hull of tho ship Niagara, which is ashore off Holyhead, is breaking up. Tlu> stern has faileu away. Three hundred bales of cotton have been recovered from the wreck. DEATH OF A COMMUNIST. Paris, June 12. -The.workmon’s so cieties in this city opened a national subscription to provide for sending a delegation to the Philadelphia exhi bition. Murateau, the Communist editor, who urged the shooting of the Arch bishop of Paris, has died in Now Cal edonia. COUNTERFEIT Kits ARRESTED IS HAVANA. Havana, June 12. The police ar rested six persons in tho act of pre paring counterfeit tax receipts and lottery tickets. TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE IN NEW GREN ADA Havana, Juno 12. News by way of St. Thomas reports that a terrible earthquake hud occurred in New Grenada. The destruction of prop erty was greatest in the valley of the Cucuta. It is stated that I<l,ooo lives were lost. I STRANDED HARK. Lon don, J une 12. -Of the cargo of the bark Runner, from Savannah for Finland, which stranded in tho Gulf of Bothouia, fiOObalesot cotton slight ly damaged, and 700 seriously dam aged, have been secured. There are 200 bales still on board. an EDITOR TO BE MADE A BARON. London, June 12. The announce ment is made that Mr. Delano, of tho London Timex, will shortly retire from the editorship of that journal. He has been offered a Baronetcy. • ♦ • —,— Tvt fiily-Tw o More ha veil triiiii 11*** \ lrk*biir£. Montreal, June 12. - Tint following telegram has just been received : Hr. John, N. 11., .Tunc 12. Ilurid Ttirrimwe if- Cos., Montreal: Nine of the crew and thirteen pus sengersof thcVicksburg were brought here. The Government lias dis patched a steamer from Halifax in search of the missing bont. MORF, SAVED. St. Johns, N. 8., June 12. Nine of the crow and three of the passengers of the ill-fated steamer, Vicksburg, were brought here to-day by an American fisherman. Montreal, June 12.— Alderman Mo- Shane of this city, a nephew of Brian McShane, who wits on tho Vicksburg, lias just received a telegram from the latter at St. John’s, New Foundland, to the effect that he, with others, are saved, but tho Vicksburg and bis cat tle are lost he believed. MeSharn icas on board a large boat, whieh had thirty persons hi it, and it is hoped all of them were saved. Hrimlor Horton Thinks * lie Ki-pnltllraiiH will Win. New York, June 12.— Senator Mor ton, now visit ing here, says he Is con fident of the success of tho Republi cans of Ohio next fall, in the election of Gov. Hays. He thinks the Liber als will soou return to the Republi can ranks. He has favorable antici pations of the success of the lb-pub licans in 1876. I’ai-lltr Hull Company. New York, June 12.—A meeting of the Pacific Mail directors will be held to-day to consider the position of the company. Tho Vico President will submit a report of its actual condi tion, and declare that $1,650,000 must lie ruised to meet the maturing obli gations, to complete steamers and pay the Panama loan. In Bankruptcy. Savannah, Oa., June 12.—Final dis charge in bankruptcy was granted in Chambers, to Francis M. Trammell, of Hamilton, Harris county, John B. McOraroy, and Isaac J. MeOrarey, of Columbus, .♦ • Weather (statement. Washington, Juno 12. For the Gulf and South Atlantic States, stationary or rising barometer, cooler and part ly cloudy weather, ami occasional rains, with northwest winds, backing to southeast in tin- Western Gulf States. • -♦.*- Marine Intelllfccnre, Savannah, Ga., Juno 12.-Arrived: steamship Cleopatra, from Now York. Sailed: steamship H. Livingston, Now York; Wyoming, Philadelphia; schooner Amos Edwards. Cleared: schooners Sarah Wood, Philadelphia;Clara Merrick, Homers’ Point, N. J. The young trotting mare, Volun teer Maid, valued at sl2,ooo,was found in a pasture on Long Island, with a leg fractured, and had to be shot. Strayed or Stolen, V WHITE HEirKK. u..rtl v spotted with red—no other color—about two years old. When she left was In fine order. Has been missing four or five weeks. Vvas not marked. Supposed to tx; in the neighborhood of Beall wood or Clapp’s Factory, if hot killed, Any information of her will be thankfully received and suitably rewarded. JEfIRE I). WRIGHT, rnyTJ tf Times Office. FINAM'IAI, i COMMERCIAL COM HIU w DAILY MARK KT. OFFICE DAILY TIMES, June 12, 1878. FINANCIAL. Money 11,,I 1 ,, to LS per rout. Gold buying 112 selling 114. Silver nominal. Sight btlbi on New York buying *je. discount; demand bills on Boston %o. discount; bank checks V- premium. COLUMBUS COTTON MARKET. NKW CLASH. Mark* t closed dull at the following quota* Modi: Ordinary 12 (til 3 Good Ordinary 13 (<$ — Low middlugn 14 (ft — Middling!... UKft-- Good Middling! 14 (sls Warehouse aalea 109 balm. Receipt* 12 bale*—o by 8. W. R. R., 0 by M. k G. R. R., oby Western R. It., oby N. A S. It. R., oby River, 12 by wagon*. Shipment* 486 bn lea—46s by S. W. R. 11.; 0 by W. R. R.; 20 for home consumption. DAILY nf A I'KMKN V. Yuock August 31, 1874 1.086 Received to-day 12 •• previously 67,560—87,572 5H.608 Shipped to-day 485 •* previously 56,111—86,606 I StD'-k on hand. 2.012 Same day last year— Received 12 —Shipped 564 | •• “ —Stock 2,820 Total rc.outpt* to date 60,3*9 Middlings 16. I’. H, PORTH. Receipt* ut ail ports to-day 1,277 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 96* hah* ; Continent bales. Consolidated— —— ; exports to Great Britain balls ; to Continent : stock at all ports 567,619. VIHUILK ICri’LY. Visible supply 2,651,334; American 1,328,484; visible supply same time last year 2,905,018; American 1,421,518. Htlt It KTM IIY TKLKI4II %PH • Special to the Daily Tims by the H. A A. Line. FINANCIAL. New Ywqh. Juno 12. Gold closed at 116**. COTTON. Liverpool. Juno 12, 1 t*. m.—Cotton heavy; sales 5,000 bales, spceulatiou 1,000; American—; middling uplands 7 U-lfld; middling Orleans 7 **d; arrival* 1-16 easier. July August and delivery, not below low raid - pllugs, 7 7-10d. August and September delivery, not below low middlings, 7 sd. New York, June 11.—Now class spots closed steady ; ordinary 12', ; good ordinary 14 ’ 4 ; Strict good ordinary —; low middlings 16; middling l.V„; good middlings 15', ; middling lair 16 , iair 17; sales of exports 2.549; Hpiu ners 215; spceulatiou —; transit —; exports to Great Britain ; lo tlm continent - ; stock 134,669, Futures closed weak; sales of 34,500 bales as fdfojyw: June 15 5-62: July 15' # a,V32; August l 5' 4 a9-32; September 16*.#5-32; October n29-32; November 14 25-32*27-82; December i4 25-321113-16; January 14 29-32tt15-lfl; February 15 1-32h3-32: March 15'>5-16; April 15 7-16a';; May 15 9- 16a21-62. Memphis, June 12.—Receipts 114; ship ments 402; sales 300; stock 10,985; middlings 14 l; market quiet. Galveston, June 12. Receipts 44;* sales 222; middlings 14- ; exports to Groat Britain nominal. Savannah. Juno 12. Net and gross re ceipts 47 bales ; sales 200 ; middlings 15 ; low middlings ; good ordinary ; exports to Great Britain ; to contiueut ; coastwise ; to France —; stock 8,908; market dull. Baltimore, Juno 12. Receipts bales ; sales 115 ; middlings 15'* ; exports to Great BritHin - ;to Continent slock 6,492; market dull. Mobile, Juno 12. Receipts 9 ; sales 50 ; middlings H>. ;* stock 5,849 ; exports t Great Britain ; to the continent ; coastwise 93; market nominal. New Orleans. June 12. Receipts 41 ; Mules 2,000; middlings 15; low middlings ; good ordinary ; exports to Great Britain —; to Conti mint ; stock 58,697 ; market quiet. Charleston, June 12. - Receipts 66 bales . sales 25 ; middlings i3‘ a ; stock 7,546 ; ex ports to Great Britain ; to tho continent. PROVISIONS. New Orleans, June 12. Hugar nominal; yellow U’.alU ; white 105 prime 9; fair a i , 4 ; fully fair —; choice —; common Molasses dull; common 40a-l5; choice 6tta7U; prime 68a(l(J; fair 5Ua55. Rice dull ; prune 7j*a\; fair 7aA,; common 5 Flour dull, heavy; superfine $5 60 uG (Ml; choice at $7 50; choice treble at $G 50; good treble $6 40; low treble at $5 76; common $5 50. Corn meal dull at $4 50. Back corn—choice white 96; mixed 92; choice yellow 90; mixed 88. Pro* visions iuoctivo. Pork firm; mess at s2l 60. BucouduU; clear aides 1.3)-,; clour rib 13; shoul ders 9C. Bains dull at 13a'L Dry salt melts quiet; shoulders 95,; clear rib sides 12*4; clear aides 12';. Lard dull and weak; refined tierce M**als; keg 16ja3*. YV Itoiesnie Prices. Apples—per barrel, $6; pock, 75<\ Bacon —Clear Sides lb —c.; Clear Rib side* 14c; Shoulders 11c; Ice-cured Shoulder* 12, Sugar-cured Hamh 16}jc; Plain Hama 14c. Bagging—ls<slG. Bulk Meath— Clear Rib Sides 15)k*. Butt EH —(ionium lb 40c; Country 30a:. BuooMH—H dozen, $‘J 50(<£$3 CO. Candy—Stick th 10c. Canned Goods—Sardine* case of 100 lxixea sl7; Oysters, lib cans 'jft dozen, $1 '2O to $1 80. Ciikehe —Bullish ft lb 00c; Choice 18,Si; West ern 17c; N. Y. State 10c. Candlek—Adamantine ’f- lb 19c; Paraphine 33c. Coffee— Rio good ’ft lb '23c; Prime 23c ; Choice 24‘ic; Java 38c to 37c. CoicN—Yellow Mixed 1* bunliel $1 White, $1 16 car load rates in depot. Cioau—Bomestic, V 1,000 Havana, s7<>f,.sl6o. Flour— Extra Family, city around, (>. ib SH; A $7 60; B $0 60; Fancy $lO. Hardware.—Swede Iron 9c.; Refined Iron 4c.; Kail Iron 7c.; Plow Steel 10S4$llc.; Horse and Mule Shoes per lb.; Nulls per hog $4.26; Axes $ 12(a) fl 4 per doz. Hay—l* cwt. $1 40; Country 40<a*50c. Iron Ties—Tß lb 7 Si*. leAßD—Prime Leal, tierce, lb 10c; halves and kegs, 184519 c. Leather—White Oak Sole f, lb 26c; Hemlko* Sole 33c; French Calf Skins $4; American do #24's3 50; Upper Leather *240*3 60; Harness do. 50* ' Dry Hides Ho, Green do. 6c. Mackerel/—No. 1 V bid $194/15; No. 2 sl2 00; No. 3 sll Ml; No. 1 kit $1 404f53. PrcKMtH- Case down pints $1 80; quart $3 25. Potash - I‘. case %Vn 8. PotaTOF.h— Irish ■p. bbl $4 60fi?,$5 00 Powder— V 1 R#6 25; keg $3 50; #2 00, in Magazine. ItuPR-Manilla ?*. lb 2()c; Cotton rJOc; Machine made 6^c. Mkal- bushel $1 20, Molahmkk--N. O. 'ft gallon 76*:; Florida fV' '-e.50; rc-boiled 75c; common 46<qj50e. HYKur— Florida Oath—'s* bushel 85c. Oil—Keroaeno gaJlou 25c; Linseed. raw, $1 20; boiled $1 25; Lard $1 25; Train sl. Ru 1* lb BS,c. Halt—V wck $1 85; Virginia $2 25. Tobacco Common lb 56c ; Medium Bright 70c; Flue 75c; Extra $1; Navy GOftfflfic; Maccaboy Huutf 754<H5c. Shot —'ft sack $2 40. Sugar—CruHbed and Powdered lb i iej. 13> 4 C; A. 12,‘ic.; B. 12c,; Extra O. 19c.; O. II Sic.; N. O. Yellow Clarified 10)£c; do. White 13c. Soda—Keg 7c lb; box 10c. Hr arch—lb 8’ c. Trunks—Columbus mafic, 20 inch, 75c; inch $2 80. Tea—(lmn 75c; Oolong Csc. Wiiwkey—Rectified $ gallon #~J3; Bourbon $24054. White Leai>—lb 114*12,\jC. Vinegar—f gallon 850. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Wholtud *;, Goshen Butter $ 40 $ 50 Country *• 30 40 Eggs l5 Frying chickens 204425 26& 30 Grown “ -VM€ 33 3047.-33 Irlwh potatoes 60p’k 4 50 * - 5 00bbl 3 (X) Sweet potatoes 70 tlOp’k Ohlons 90 bbl 95i*’k Cow peas 80 bu 1 00 Ini Dry Cioodw. WHOLESALE PBICEH. Prints 7>*<9‘*c/# yar V n bleached cotton *• 4-4 *• 11 104616 c. Sea Island “ Costs' and Clark's spool cotton. .70c. Tickings lOft'tfc. 9-4,10-4, 11-4 sud 12-4 brown and bleached sheet!ngs 80($60c. 't* Wool flsunels—red and bleached 21kai750. " Canton flanuels—brown and bl'd 12hi#250 “ Liuseys ,16<s30e. " Kentucky Jeans 15(5C60 COLUMBUS MANUFACTURED GOODS. Hauls: and Phknix Mills.—Sheeting 4-4 10 ',0,. shirting 8 4c.; osnsburgs, 7 ox., 14c.; drill ing 12o; bleached sheeting and dllling 12(613c.; Canton llauuels 20c. Coiortd Goods.—Biripes liked 11 Vg black gingham checks 12',yf)13c.; Dixie pinnies ft>r field work 17c; cotton blankets f2es $4 60 per pair; bleached huckaback towels $l4O perdoxon; yams ss. to Is. per bunch of pounds fl 36; ropo 25c. to 27c.; sewing thread, 16 balls to the pound, 50c.; knitting thread, 12 balls to the pouud, bloat-bed, 05c.; uublcached 60c.; wrap plug twine, in halls, 4tk\ Woolen Goods.—i' asi meres, 9 ox. per yard, 55c. to 70c.; jeans 20c. to 37kc.; doeskin Jeaus 63c. Mxthcooek Mn.ijt.— \ shirting 8(40.: 4 A ■hoot ing 10S;c.; Flint River 8 ox. osuaburg* 16c.; do. yarns $1 35. Ooll’mbpr shirting B',c.; 4 4 sheeting knitting, do., 60c.; wrapping twine 40c. Clkgg'h Factory.— Plaids or checks 13c; stripes fancy fashions, 12 So. Montvale Springs Blount County, East Tennessee. rrUUS FVORITK HI M3IF.It RESORT, SITUATED JL in Blount county, Kant Tennessee, will be opened tor the reception of visitors on the l''in<M>nlli ul’flii), INIS. and maintained in a style worthy of n discrimin ating public. The marked beneficial result attending the use of these waters in functional diseases of tho Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Skin, and the cure of Chronic Diseases, attest their Medical Properties. All the acocsborioH for enjoyment nnd recrea tion at the best watering places will bo found here. Special attention will be given to the com fort mid improvement of invalids. ROUTES. DISTANCES, At. Visitors to MoutvTila necessarily pass over the Fast Tennessee, Virginia ami Georgia Railroad, making the city of Knoxville, Tonn., a point; thence via Knoxville and Charleston Railroad to Maryville, Hixteeu miles, whence passengers arc conveyed in mail stages running in connection with the trains to the Springs, 9 miles distant. BOARD. Per day $ 2 50 per week 10 00 Par month— May and #uno 40 00 Per month—July. August and September.. 50 00 Children under ten years of sgc and colored servants, half price. We have been fortunate this year In gathering a store of clear ice, so that guests may bo fully supplied. Address, lor th* pamphlet containing analysis and description of tho water, .Vo,, Jos. L. KING, I’rniHietor, jelO lm Montvale Springs, EastTcnn. TIT E Newnan Mineral Springs. | t piIUSE CKLKWUTIiD HITtINGH AllE LOCATED : I in the beautiful little city of Newnan, Ga. ; The distinctive characteristics of these waters i arc their peculiar efficaciousness in the cures ol Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Liver Complaint, Dis cuses of the Kidneys and Bladder, Cutaneous Diseases, General Debility, etc. Cures have been effected by the uso of these waters which arc truly wonderful, and in no in stauce have tho \ failed to benefit those who have tried them. No suction In Georgia is favored with a more Httlnbrioun climate than Newnan. Th** atmos phere is pure, dry and brnoiug, and entirely free troin mnlurial disease. The population is about 2,500. Them arc three commodious hotels, and several first-class hoarding houses. To tho seekers after pleasure ami health. New nan viler* a resort whieh cannot fail to reward them fur their visit. Board ran In* olKfeliu-d at tlir Noiel* at tlir rule of $1 per dny, nod ut the Hoarding; llounos at Hid to SIR per month. Any communication addressed to lion. JNO. W. POWPLL, Mayor, will receive prompt attention. J 8 2w* L. I*. A KNCH RICHER, FuNhionubln Tillor. ROOMH over Moffett's Drug Htore. lam reg ularly supplied with tho latest FAHHIUN PLATKH, and aiu prepared to gnsrantes perfect satisfaction, ut reasonable ruL“. mh'Jl sodfim Joseph P. Foil, .Uitirurj A ( oiiiim-lloi- al lan. OFFICE west side Brood street over store of W. 11. Rohartrt * Cos. Practices lu Htatc and Federal Courts. Advico and servicea tendered to Administrators, Executors. Guardians, Ac. Hpe cialty made of Ckmveyancing,*Examining Titles. Ac., in Georgia, or anywhere in tho United •States. All DL'sXNKfM promptly attended to. fcb7 dtf .1. I>. IIAMBO, UNii'iipy a( Idnv. Offleenvcr Holsh ad i Co.’n, Broad street, Co lumbus, Georgia. In Office at all hour*. Jauß dly •I. M. McNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 1 PRACTICES in Courts of Georgia unl Alabama. Office 128 Broad street, over 0. A. Redd k Co.’s. Hixicial attention given to oolloctionH. janio tl A. I )OZIEH. Attornr}’ at l-uu, |>UACTICTCB in State and Federal CnnrtH if 1 Georgia and Alabama. UHT Makes Commercial Law u specialty. Office over C. A. Redd k Co.’s store. jcinlM 6m It. THOMPSON, Livory unci OOLBTHORPK BTKKT, tetwnen Ilamlolph and Bryan. Tho best of Saddle und Harness Horses. A fine lot of Carriages and Buggies always on hand. Special attention giv- a to the accommodation of Drovers. They will find ii. to their tuterent to put up with him. febl4 tf W. W. MACK ALL, Jr., Al f orney 1 Xxw ColumbuM, <j)u. ii* t Office over D. N. Glhson’s store. ITactlces in U. H. and State Courts. References— Oen. Joseph K. Johnston, Savan nah, Ga.; Gen. G. M. Sorrel, Savannah, Ga.; Gov. J. Black Grooimi, Annup</lls, Md.; A. k J. E. Loe, Jr., Escis.,Ht. Louis. _ VOM tf MAIER DORN, Wholesale and Retail Oigar Mojiufaotumr Ht. Clair fit., next to Goorgla Home Duildlng, my 23 toctl) Columbus. Ga. W. F. TIIiNKH, UentiHt, Randolph street, (opposite HtruprKjr'i) Columbus Vanl ly) ftoorgla. THE TIMES DIRECTORY Kor City unci Nubtirbh. JOUX MAKK GKRKXK, CO\T/tACTOR. Rat*’,. Lower Than l*.v r Offered ! Terms Easier t I Hatisfucti >u Guaranteed !! ! UKOCEKIKM. RUMSEY BROS., Agents, 8 W Cor. Oglethorpe and Bryan sts. Deal in GROCERIES. Dry-Goods. NOTIONS. GLASS and CROCKERY-WAKE, buy for cash, or barter, all COUNTRY PRODUCE. Every article sold Wflrruu ed. For RENT LOW, twelve rooms. Also, will close out early AT LKHH THAN COST TIIK ATL LAN TIG or THE RELIEF MTOVEH complete, or any part—made by D. Harris, to inuilms, also SKILLETS, WAFFLE IRONS, etc., of some make. Try us, ouco.andbe suited! IttJMfeEY It BOW., AfrlN. %V. D. AMYF.T A CO., Dealers iu Family Grocories, Country Produce, etc., Southeast corner Upper Oglethorpe and Bridge streets, opp. Mehnff' .v’s rag depot. Delivery free. MATTHEW McCOOK. Deals Iu first-class Groceries, Country Produce, etc. Delivers aLI goods free of charge. Residences nnd rooms for rent at the lowest ratos. THOMAS 8. YOUNG A CO., Dealers in Groceries, Grain, Dry Goods, Liquors, etc. Northeast corner Oglethorpe and Washing ton streets, near North and South depot. Goods warranted, and delivered free Call and buy low, for Cash, u6~To Rent—residence in Marshall. Al. M. BECK. West side Oglethorpe, shove J. H. Hamilton's Deals iu Groceries, Country Produce, Vegetables, Dry Goods. Millinery. Quick sales, small profits. \VM. W. WEATHERSBEE, Northern Liberties, souUiwest corner Jackson and Commerce streets, deals in choice Groceries, Liquors. Country produce, etc. Free delivery. i.. LOWENTHAL, Deals in Groceries, Liquors, Dry Goods, Grain, Hides, Shoes, etc. Prices as low us the lowest. Htore north side Hamilton road, next to John B. Willett's, and opposite Mrs. McCook's. MltH. MILKS W. McCOOK. Nonxjp side. Hamilton road, opposite Lowenthal's; Deals in choice Groceries. Liquors, Country Pro duce. etc, 0 ,, Room* and ItHnidences to rent. CLEYIITTA BAT ASTI NT. East cud Commerce street, near Hamilton road, west of Womack's, Northern Liberties. Has for sale fine Liquors, Tobacco, Groceries and buys Country produce. Call and try him. WAGON YARD. william w. McDaniel. Keeps a First-elan Wagon Void, Northeast corner Oglethorpe and Fraukliu sts., buys, barters, and Bells Country produce. Fowls, fresh Butter. Egga, aud pleases all who call. BARBER. RANDY ALEXANDER, Brassill's Corner, Ogle thorpe st., does everything to please his custom ers. Charges reasonable, (’all nnd see me. OLIVER WEEMS, North side Randolph street, aud Wt ,t of Postoffico. keeps a first-class .Shaving Saloon. Rattler razors, close shaves, low rate*. M l l"IT!l'ss vi AXI'H. J. D. McJUNKIN, Went side Warren street, bo tween Franklin and Broad, makes and repairs MuttrcHHPß, Cushions and all kinds upholutery. Al I'NIC. Mica CUBA v. rtWjhfr of Me. AJUmOO TURNER, is prepared to instruct pupils at most reusonablo rates, on tlio PLVNO, also teach Vocal mualc. Satisfaction given every patron. DENTIST. W. J. FOGLE. D. D. 8., Is prepared to make Plato Work, in the most ap proved style. Work guaranteed. HJ-Oflico up first stairs, over Wittieh k Kiusel's jewelry st ire. Garrard’s Building, Broad st. PAINTING. WILLIAM M. SNOW, (Trustee,) House and Sign PAINTER, East aide Oglethorpe between Randolph and Bryan streets, opposite Temporancs Hall. Charges reasonable; satislkc tlon guaranteed; work us good as tho best. CIGA RS, TOBACCO, PIPES. J\ W. IXJVDENBKR, Adjoinin') Oilbcrl‘9 Steam Print (no flouje, F.ANDOI.FH HTKT.KT. CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, and HMOKERS' articles; MaTiUtucturi s. and sells at wholesale, some ot tho most popular brands of CIGARS now in market. HEGGY AND WAGON WORK. JESSE D. HADLEY, South side Hamilton road next to Mrs. Miles W. McCook'n. makes* and repairs Buggies, Wagons, Blucksmithlug and Horseshoeing, cheap lor cash. C ARPENTERS AND JOINERS. WRIGHT BROTHERS, Southwest corner Northern Liberties, near N. A H. Depot, are prepared to do work lu their lino. Botisiaction guaranteed. “Prlcek to compare with the tunoa.” A. TURNER, N. E. corner Broad and Coving ton Hts.. does CARPENTER, UPHOLSTER and I. ATTICE WORK for cemeteries, Summer-houflea, STEAMBOAT w>rk,aiuo makes Skills. Yawls, Bup tiaux, etc., low lor cash, and gives satisfaction. IJfMIOLNTEHY. J. P. FI/OYD, dons Cabinet work, bottoms cauu-aeat Chairs, repairs furniture, and does up holstery work to a nicety, at lowest CASH price*. I*VK*.'Bidence Eat side Jackson, between Ht. Clair aud Crawford sts. ’ Punctual in work.” BAR AND RESTAURANT. HARRIS COUNTY BAR AND RESTAURANT, JOIIS J. BLAKELEY, Agent, Keeps the best American and imported Liquors, Cigars, etc., and furnishes meals, which satisfy tho most fastidious, at all hours; will also accom modate Day or Regular Boarders, nt reasonable rates. Wo study to pleasu aud iuvito all- Whether hungry, thirsty, or blue, r I. or Tom, will satisfy you. B. JOHN B. WILLETT, North side Hamiton road, Northern Liberties, sells for CASH, or equivalent, the BEST Liquors, Tobacco,Cigars, Groceries and Notions. Try me. HENRY TURNAGE, Northern Liberties, west of L. Lowcnthal, keeps j a first-class cash bar. Olvo mo a call. STOVE WORKS. JAMES W. DENNIS k CO., at tbu Southern Htovo Works, Manufacture und keep constantly on hand for sole, the Iron Witch. Victor. O. K. Georgian. Southern Granger, CouJ Orates and Hollow War*. Stoves and Hollow War* for tho country people, also Firo Dogs, etc. Fast side upper Oglethorpe Street. juucs-ly PLOW WORKS. • ._j -j —, BLOUNT L IIAIMAN, Southern Agricultural Work*, East side upper Oglethorpe Bt., Columbua, Ga. Manufacture all kinds of Plows, Farming Imple ments. aud warrant satisfaction. juno l*ly YOL. I.—NO. 138 ('oUinsYvoi’th Institute and Bowery Academy. rnilE public are hereby informed 1 that the undersigned have united ne Associated Principals, to teach an *w r fggy’ English, Mathematical and Classical NjK4 School, at Ctolliusworth Institute, Talbot ton, Oa. J. G. Calhoun will teach Mathematics aud the Physical Sciences, have charge of the study room, and general supervision of the conduct of tho students. J. T. McLaughlin will teach English Literature, Moral Science, aud the Classics, and have charge of the business departments of the school and boarding houso. We earnestly solicit to co-opera tion of our friends to secure a largo and liberal I patronage. Turnox and doajuj. Tuition $2. $3. $4 and $5 per month. Board at the Institution sl3 per month, rain in advanck.. Boarders must supply their own towels and bed clothing. N. B.—Board esn be had lu the village* on rea sonable term*. J. T. McLAUGHLIN, A M., J. G. CALHOUN, ap7 tf Associate Principals. Muscogee Sheriff Sales. Hr ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in July next, in front of Rosette, EUis A Co.’s auc tion store, on Broad street, Columbus, Ga., be tween tho legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit; Also, at same time and place, a No 1 Top Buggy, aa the property of D W Johnson, to satisfy a fl h iu my hando in favor of Robert Thompson vs D W inisou. Also, at same time and place, the following property, to-wit: The south half of lot of land No 67 in the 9th district of Muscogee county, containing one hundred one and a quarter (101 h) acres, more or Ichs, as the property of Nathaniel Thompson, to satisfy a ff fa in fhvor ot C M Smith vs Nathaniel Thompson. Also, at same time and place, the following de scribed property, to-wlt: One hundred and three acres of land, being parts of lots numbers 90and 91, being and lying in tho Coweta Reserve. Lov ied on as the property of Isaac. T Brooks, to sat isly a fi fa in favor of the Htatc ra Isaac T Brooks. Property pointed qut by plaintiffs attornoy. jeh td L R. IVKV,^Sheriff. Muscogee Tax Sales. YYfILL be wold on the first Tuesday in July IT next, between the legal hours of sale, iu front of Rosette, Ellis A Co’s auction bouse, on Broad street, Columbus, Ga., the following prop erty, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying en the Express Road 7 miles from Columbus, containing 101 At seres, more or less, levied on as the prop erty of Paul McCarty, to satisfy a tax fl m for .State and county taxes for tho year 174. Levy made aud returned by lawful constable. Also, at same time and place, south half of City Lot No. 119, on north-east corner Broad and Fulton streets, in the city of Columbus, said Htste and county, levied on as the property of A. Turner, agout for wife, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State ami county taxes for the year 1H74. Levy made and returned by lawful conatable. jeH td T. It. IVEY, Sheriff. / 1 EORGIA-MUSCOGEE COUNTY.-Lewis Put \ J ney applies for homestead exemption of per soualty, and f will pass upon tho same at ray office on Thursday, tho iHth Juue, 1875, at in o'clock a. m. F. M. BROOKS, jeft 2t Ordinary. Guardian’s Sale. / ( EOROIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—By author Vjf ity of tho Honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, I will expose for sale before Rosette, Ellis A Co.’s store, iu tho city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following property: One-quarter aero of land on north side Commerce street. Northoru Liberties, between Troup street aud Hamilton road. Titles perfect, jefl oawit MARY E. TOOKE, Ouardian. POSTPONED Muscogee Sheriff Sale. YlflLL bo sold on tho first Tuesday in YV July next, in front of ltosotte, Ellis A Co.'s corner, on Broad street, between the legal hours of sale tho following destribed property, to-wit: Tho cme-forth undivided interest in and to the seven store houses on the oast wide of Broad street, city of Columbus, said county, said store houses being located on lot known in plan of said city as lot No. 175, ami said store houses being numbered as follows: 66, 64 , 62.60, 68, 56 and 54. the aame being the interest of Hamuel B. Cleghorn in aud to said property. Hold to satisfy a fl fn in my hands in favor of E. B. Briggs vs. Samuel B. Cleghorn. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. je2 wtd JOHN R. IVEY, Hheriff. Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. WILL bo sold before tho Court House door iu CuHseta. on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hour* of sale, the following land, to-wit: Lot of land No. 206, in the 33d district of Chat tahoochee (originally Lee) county, levied on as the property of F. A. Moorcfleld, to satisfy a fl fit trom Justice’s Court of the 1104th district G. M.. against F. A. Moorefleld, in favor oi J. J. Whittle. Property pointed out by plaiutiff. Levy made and returned to mo by D. J. Russell, L. C. mv29 wtd JOHN M. BAPP. Hheriff. Notice in Bankruptcy. Xo. 1271. rpHIS ia to give notice that on the 27th day of Jl May. A. D. 1876, a warrant lu Bankrupt-* was issued against the estate of Mrs. Frances A. MoreAeld, of Jamestown Postofflce, county of Chattahoochee, and State of Georgia, who ho* beeu adjudged a bankrupt on her own petition, and that tlio payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupt, to her or for her use, and the transfer of any prop erty by her, are forbidden by law; that a met-tint of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of her estate, will be held at aOeurtof Bank ruptcy, to be boklen In Columbus, Oa.,atthe office of the Register, before Lemuel T. Downlhg, Esquire, Register, on the 19th day of June, A. D. 1875, st 10 o’clock A. M. W. H. SMYTH. United States Marshal, as Messenger. f*4 oaw2t . Notioe in Bankruptcy. rriHIH is to gtvs notice onee a week, for four 1 weeks, that I havo been appointed Assignee of Higmond L&ndcuur, Bankrupt. LIONEL C. LEVY, Jr., my2S oaw4t Assignee. Notioe to Debtors and Cred itors. VLL persons having demands against James Ennis, deceased, late of Muscogee county, are hereby notified to present the some within twelve months from date, properly proven, to the-undersigned; and all persons indebted to sold deceased will please settle the same. J. A. 7BA2XR, R. A. KNNW. Administrator. Columbus, Ga., May 22d, 1875. (my 27 oawfit C1 HATTAHOOCILKE COURT OF ORDINARY.— ) Theopilus Happ, executive of the will of Edna Harp, makes application for lettora of diamiasion; These arc, therefore, to cite eud admonish all par tic a concerned to ahw cauac (if any they We) at the September term of the Court, why letter* dismisaory abound not be granted. W. A. FARLEY, m,v2fl w3m Ordinary. Sanitary Regulations. MAYORS OFFICE, \ Conmnue, Oa., May 27th, 1873. f rpHE attention of citizens in called to the fol- X lowing regulationa, and they are requested to aid in carrying into effect the Health Ordi nances. and to give to tho Police their assistance in the inspection of premises: 1. Tho police force are appointed Health Offi cers, with authority to inspect any premises daily. 2. Cellars must be cleaned, whitewashed and ventilated. 8. All privica moat be kept clean and deodor ized, and in the business part of the city must have pita eight foot deep, walled with brick and cemented. . Lots and yards muet be kept free from all de caying animal or vegetable matter. 4. Tho police will commence tho inspection ot lots on Tuesday, Juno Ist, and will report id I who have not complied with the above, my 27 2w jyp. McILHENNY, Mayor. H, D. MOORE’S REPAIR SHOP, South Store In Jones* Building, Oglethorpe St. T>UYB and sella old Furniture r |) on Commisaion,Upholster tdOintf. Cane Work and Repairing jfi'X done generally, in good style. l am now using Johnson’s cele brated stains, which are tho best in the United States. H. J>. MOORE. Just tfouth of McKee’s Carriage Hhp. aprlfi ly