The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, October 14, 1875, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES. < <lumbua Oa.. THURSDAY . (WTOHEK 11. 1875. *’**"" raHTAHI. I K4lu >r.. ■. il. WI.HW- I LARGEST DAILY CIRCULATION ■ „ lillii n.l Wi. hurl.. The AttUu of pelufibu# Gen.J. H. Wilson U. H. A. Reihfobceiients from Spain have boon aent to Culm. ,A utinWHW rn*ct> -specie pay ments in January 1879. Immigration Into the United State* In steadily deoreyiof every year. The Turkish army has received or ders to conflno itself to the defensive. Georgia has no State Entomologist, but there ought to be such an officer. The Imporlnl Kaiser Of Germnny Is to visit the Ring of Italy at Rome. The everlastiog Carl lets have re sumed the bomimrdmont Bun Bohns ttan. w Poverty Is the test of civilty and the touchstone of friendship.—Hoi lUt. O* the whole, Grant’s long speeches are not as good as his short ones.— If. Y. Sun. Hot*. David A. Wells is talked of us tne Democratic candidate for Gov ernor of Connecticut. The net debt of New York city In creased from *73,000,000 in 1871 to *131,000,000 in 1875. Fierbepont signifies the utouu bridge with which Republicans seek to bridge the "bloody chasm.” The proi>er Inquiry hereafter is not "who struck Billy Patterson?” but rather, who struck Billy Allen? The New York World pronounces Wendell Philips a man who has used politics as a trapeze. Oor peripatetic President will stop a few days in Washington, and then start again to “swing around tho cir cle. Mn. Stephens Is announced as u lecturer inonoof tho Lyceum courses In Chicago this winter, for which ho will be paid *l,O . ........ > '♦-* English gold is coming to America. On the Bth lost £mooo wero with drawn from the Bunk of England and shipped to America. Cardinal MoCloseey has ordered a marble altar from Rome for the Ro man Catholic Cathedral in New York to cost forty thousand dollars. The falling off in the exportation of railroad iron from Great Britain to this country still continues. The quantity exported to tho United mates in 1874, up to August 31st, was nearly six times ns great as during the same period this year. The effects of Ames’ rule Is shown in the depreciation of property in Natchez. In 1870, the value of the roal and personal proi>erty in that olty was *4,18.1,744; in 1875, It is *2,- 214,025. The depreciation in tho last live years lias been forty-seven per cent. The tax rate has nearly dou bled. The Northern Pacific Railroad and fruuohises wore sold at auotlon for $lOO,OOO. Five hundred and fifty ratios in Deration, and owning 10,000,000 ucres of tnnd, with 20,000 acres to he added for evory mile of now road built, ought to be good proix-rty. But during the winter the mercury aver ages forty degrees; in tho spring chills depopulate the country, and grasshoppers eat out all creation in summer. This suicide mania is spreading. Wo learn from the Knoxville dye that William Dowell drowned him self on Monday evening last. Mr. Dowell was a well known humorist, and a contributor to tho Danbury AVh’* and Detroit Free Press. His brother shot himself last June. If suicides continue to Increase, we will lm inclined to sympathize with the Catholics in Montreal who refused to allow the remains of Monsieur Gut bord to bo buried in the Catholic cemetery, because he committed sui cide. Tub Now York Herald fastens tho blame of tho appointment of Clews & Cos., in place of tho House Barings ns financial agents of tho Govern ment upon Freshlent Grant in the following language: "The strong disapproval of Messrs. Howard Fish nnd Boutwell proves that tho change was absurd, and the fact, recently came to light, that it was procured by corrupt means, puts the high officer who en forced it in a most unenviable light. This is, perhaps, tho most humilia ting oxposuro that has over been Bade in the history of our Govern ment. We reproduce tho following: W\BHtwoTosf Oct. 9.— The books of the Treasury Department show that for the fifteen mouths ending September SO, there has been with drawn $20,01X1,0110 United States bonds deposited with the Treasurer to se cure national bank circulation. In lieu of these bonds, ninety per cent, or a total of $18,000,000 in national bank currency has boon retired. The Treasury officials predict that the carrving into effect of the specie resumption act will cause tho with drawal of at least sino,noo,otX) addi tional bonds, which would cause a further contraction of tho national bank eireutntion of one hundred nnd thirty-five million dollars before Jan uary i 1879. ■Cnuovn chose five hundred beauti ful women from whom to model his Venus, and among them all eonld not find a decent set of toes.— Atlanta Constitution. The woman whom he did select as a model must have been spindle shanked. The Mnfh an# contraction. ! Among all the Southern journals wMeli advocate the specie resump tion net of Congress by which specie payment will become law In 1879, we oonslder tlio Mobile Register as the oblast. When Col. Forsyth advocates anything, he does It with a vigor und an earnestness of purpose that is a sufficient rebuke in itself to those papiers which dare to cast an asper sion upon his motives. Feeling thus, It is our es|>ocial duty to endeavor to disprove his arguments when they rest mainly upon false premises. We are led to write thus by an edi torial under the caption of “The South ami Repudiation.” This cap tion Is lu itself calculated to mislead. What Southern Democrat, whether orutor or writer, lias yet. Intimated a desire to foster a spirit looking to ward repudiation? To quote from the Register: "Sense of duty requires frank language.” Take away the assertion that the anti-contractionists desire unlimited or Indefinite infla tion, and all tho well-hedged argu ments of tho Register in tho above mentioned article fall to the ground. The people demand that further con traction’s shall cease until circum stances will authorhe it. The threat of "repudiation”or of "indefinite expan sion of greenbacks” is only rood in the hard-money journals. Says the Register: “The larger share of the milnicijial and State debt of the coun try, amounting in the aggregate to *1,140,900,000, belongs to other sec tions than the South,” und adds: "If the Euro|>ean market is closed to American borrowers, ull of these will be brought into close competition within the narrow lines of American capital. Lot all the borrowers on public and corporation account, and those on private account, bo forced within the relatively narrow lines of our own lund, and how tremendous will be the competition. In such a contest what would he the chances of tho South, with credit and forces still weak from the wounds of the war and of reconstruction?" Now, be it known that tho above collossal debt of *1,140,000,000, will be increased ono-third by a forced spe cie resumption in 1879. "Specie re sumption,” says the Cincinnati En quirer, "means that every debt con-j traded on u greenback basis shall be paid In gold.” The condition of tho South” with credit and forces still weuk from the wounds of tho war and reconstruction,” but vastly weakor from the unseemly "gold bill” in which the nation tepudlated its own contract in order to favor the bondholders und capitalists at the exiKUise of tho pro ducers and taxqsiyers of the conutry, will bo sad indeed if the specie re sumption act be not repealed. The jieople of the South, the jieople of Ohio and Pennsylvania demand not “repudiation,” not “indefinite expansion,” but a cessation of con traction and the repeal of infamous laws that aretbe offspring of bribery and shameless venality. They de mand the repeal of the resumption law and that the date for specie re sumption be left Indefinite for the present. They demand the same money for rich and poor, and equal taxation for all. At present, tho relation of the producers to tho bondholders amt bunkers is similar to that, of the Luoooon, where tho crushing folds of the serpent, Inch by inch, breaks the bones and stills the pulsations of thp father and his sons. --■■■ 1 *- <* # - ———— Appearances Indicate that Hon. William Allen has been defeated. Tho bondholders have triumphed in Ohio. This triumph will be brief. A wedge has been driven in both par ties. Inflation—if it over existed is dead, but tho war on contraction will wax warmer. The Centennial year will witness the triumph of forty millions of people against two thou sand bondholding capitalists, or Grant, will triumph over the ruins of liberty. The German vote defeated Allen. Tho American vote will de feat contraction. On one side is the integrity of the rights of man and re publicanism ; on tho other is a colos sal monied aristocracy rejoicing over the practical obliteration of all State lines. Tliis colossal contest lias but begun. The knell of the Republic is not, yet sounded. The re-election of Graut will sound that knell. Truk.— Tho Augusta Constitution alist hai this valuable item : Thousands of cotton gins arc need lessly injured, if not entirely ruined, by one singlo cause. That cause is permitting mout or lint cotton it hat is, cotton that has been once ginned, to be mixed witli seed cotton and passed through the saws a second time. Such lint cotton catches in tho teeth, clogs the saws, dulls the teeth, and bends or brooks them. It also bends or breaks the ribs, wears the boxes, and strains tho whole gin so as to make it produco a bad sum pie, and speedily become almost worth less. It likewise increases the draft so as to distress the mules propelling the gin, and creates so much friction as often to set the gin house on fire. Thus can be explained the burning of many a gin house by the supposed spontaneous combustion of cotton. We regret to see the following an nouncement in the Constitutionalist ol the 12th instant: A telegram was received last even ing from Cmwsfordsville, summon ing Drs. Ford uud Stiner, of this city, to attend the Hon. Alexander H. Ste phens, who, it is said, is seriously ill from colic, of an hepalieal character, the symptoms being similar to those the distinguished statesman had about fifteen years since. It is thought ttie surgeons will be able to font' out the gall stone, and it will no doubt relieve Mr. Stephens, and save his valuable life to do further battle for the glory of his native State of Geor gia. Tho report created a profound sensation among our citizens, and was the lending topic at the hotels aud other places of public resort. San Francisco, happier and more favored city, has what Nvw York has not; "at least a dozen different res taurants where a dinner of 5 courses, including a pint bottle of fair table claret, can be had for the sum of fifty cents.” THE TIMES: THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1875. ri HI.IC OPINION. Free education grows in favoratthe South. The general tenor of the re port. of Superintendent Hears to the Trustees of the Peabody Fund Is most encouraging. It Is significant thut. tho States which make the best exhibit in this reB|>ect are t hose which first threw off the yoke of carjiot-bng government.— N. Y. Tribune. Candidates for the Presidency will please take notice that the Democra cy of this nation are not merely for hard money. They are likewise for hard men. Deluded gentlemen who think they cun make Presidents by compromising Democratic principles will wake up some Hue morning to find that they have made a fatal mis take. New York is the bulwark of the National Democracy. Omaha Herald (Deni.) The first need of tho country is re form in the public service which shall put honest men in power who will conduct public uffairs with strict economy, and whose example shall help to establish honesty and econo my In all the business of the country. When that reform la made, no man, whatever, can object to specie re sumption. It will be the natural re sult und crowning achievement of u reform administration.— St. Paul Die patch (Dean.) Mr. B. H. Cheever asserts that dur ing the two years that Henry Clews & Cos. wero financial agents of the United States Government, the profits of the agency were not less than $600,000, and probably, he says, they were much more. One-eighth of *600,000 is 75,000, or $37,500 a year, which Louis Dent was to receive for his “aid” in obtaining the appoint ment. Had the firm not suspended, the White House partner would have had an income from this financial agency but little below the official salary of t he President. Without a change of Administra tion, real reform in Its true sense 1b not to be expected.- AT. Y. San. The Government proposes to sell $20,000,00(1 of bonds uml with the pro ceeds buy *20,000,000 of silver at the current premium—about 5 per cent. This silver is to be coined and issued to take up the like amount of frac tional currency. What, is the net re sult of this ojieration? The premium on the silver purchased would be $1,000,000 The interest on the bonds before the silver is Issued *500,000 The annual intereston the bonds at 5 tier cent. $1,000,000 *2,500,000 This is near what it will cost to re sume on u part of the fractional cur rency: what will it cost, the country to resomeon the whole amount of frac tional and legal tender notes? When the United States are able t" accumulate coin like Franco it will be time enough to talk about resump tion. - Anijneta Conetilalionaliet. The Cincinnati Ex|osition, which has just closed, has proven a costly luxury to that city or, rather, to those who guaranteed the expenses of the enterprise. A debt of *3o,uuu was carried over from last year, and we are told that the expenses over earnings, this year, will amount to some *20,000 more. Our own Ex|>osi tion, on the contrary, will make mo ney this season, as it has always done in tiie past. Muierilte Ledger. It is in the power of the Democrat ic party to win t lie next campaign for the Presidency if its leaders are gov erned by wisdom and prudence.—A r . Y. Herald. The opinion of the U. S. Supreme Court upon the right of women to vote under the Constitution is pub lished elsewhere, and will be read with profound Interest, The declare tion that the Constitution docs not confer tho right of suffrage upon any one, not. even upon mule voters, will surprise many people, but may be of some consolation to the disappointed ladies. — N. I'. Herald. The following is taken from the Courier-Journal: The national bank notes will on and after the Ist of January, 1879, be redeemable only in coin or green backs. The natural result will, there fore. be tho hoarding of greenbacks by the banks for tills purpose, until it is not improbable that tho whole greenback circulation of three hun dred millions will bo locked up in their vaults and the business inter ests of the country left to accommo date itself to a circulation of less than two hundred million dollars. The total contraction of the cur rency for the past year exceeds thir ty-six million dollars, and it is pre dicted by those in a position to know, that unless the specie resumption act is modified or repealed, the contrac tion for tile ensuing twelve months will exceed seventy million dollars. Tiie Shall of Persia is a very ex pensive man to entertain as a guest. He never visits any one without ex pecting to receive presents. Not long since ho was entertained for a whole day by Mirza Hussein Khan at his house in Teheran. The Shah break fasted there and received many pres ents, £12,000 in cash for himself, and jewels and one hundred Cashmere shawls for his ladles. The entertain ment cost Hussein Khan £20,000. Garibaldi has addressed tho follow ing lottor to Earl Russell: "Caprorn, September 17, 1875. My Illustrious Friend: In associating your groat name with the benefactors of the Christians oppressed by the Turkish Government., you have added a most precious jewel to the humanitarian mown which encircles your noble brow. Genuine Rust Proof Oats. Five Hundred Bushels FOR SALE BY SWIFT, MURPHY & 00. Of t U 2 w For Deputy Marshal. I announce my Bel f for the office of Deputy Marshal of the city of Columbus. Election Sat urday. December 11th, 1875. Respectfully. oetl3 td JOHN MARK GREENE. Kingston!'s Oswego Pure and 81IA'EU 01.088 BTARCH, For the Laundry. Manufactured bjr T. Kingsftml & Son, The let Starch in the wurld. /'i IVES a beautiful finish to the linen, aud the VJ difference iu cost between it and common starch is scarcely half a cent for an ordinary washing. Ask your Grocer for it. Kingston's Oswego Corn Starch, For Puddings, Blanc Mange, Ice Cream, Ac., is the original—Established in 1848. And preserves its reputation as itrkr, stronger and more del icate than auy other article of the kiud offered, cither of the same name or with other titles. Stkvkwson Macadam. Ph. D., Ac., the highest chemical authority of Europe, carefully analysed | this Corn Starch, and says it is a most excellent article of diet, and in chemical and feeding prop erties is fully equal to the best arrow root. Directions' for making Puddings. Custards, Ac., aecoiupanv each one pound package. For **lr by all Flrat-ri*** Grocers, jyfl dfcwtf Springer’s Opera House. Two \(Kins Only, Friday and Saturday, Orl. IS und 144. Grand Matinee, Saturday, October 16th, Comiiieudag at 2 o'clock. Sheridan & Mack. WITH A POWERFUL COMPANY, Who will appear in their Graud Musical Novelty and Dramatic Extravagance, entitled, Tho i\liiii|ti‘!-4 ! Reserved seats may be secured at Chaffins Book Btors, without extra charge. W. H. IRVING, lw Agent. Fancy Ooods! Fancy Goods!! NEW AND ELEGANT STOCK OF BOHE MIAN CLASH VASES and COLOGNE SETS, Just received at 1.. L. COWDKRY’N octiu-:)iu China and Glaas Store. JA M 1.8 A. BRADFORD. Jo TUI W. CARGILL. NEW FIRM—NEW QOODS. Bradford & Cargill Fancy und Family 42racers. At the corner recently occupied by H. F. Evrrett have an entire new Mto4?k of Groceries, which they offer as low as the lowest. A CAR LOAD OF WHITE CORN. A CAR LOAD OF OATH, both Seed and Feed, A CAR LOAD OF BRAN. Patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed Purchases delivered free of charge. You are invited. Mr. P. 8. BRADFORD is with the new firm and will be pl< used to serve his friends aud the pub lic. UcspectfuJlv. oclOeodft lilt A f'tiftM. PHOTOGRAPHS AND FERREOTYPES. tYHE undersigned having purchased the PHO TOGRAPH GALLERY over Wittich A* Kin *eil’s. corner of Br-'Sd ami Randolph streets, re spectfully solicits the patronage of the Public- Having ample experience, can guarantee as good Photographs and Fcrreotype* as any taken, aud at LowF.a thicks than other places. My copying Old Pictures cannot be surpassed In quality or price. I have employed Superior Coloring Artists, and am able to get up any size Portraits, finished in Ink. Water, or Oil Colors, desired, aud at tin Lowest Prices. All are invited to call, and by doing Good Work at Low Prices he hopes to merit s share of public fhvor. Remember the place—corner of Broad and Randolph streets, over Wittich k Kiuscli's Jewelry Store. Columbus. Ga. A. A. WILLIAM*, OclOtf Photographer. FOR RENT—CHEAP. Y GOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO. Apply to J. MARION ESTES, octOeodtf I**o Brojul Street. Bargains in Land. Valuable Plantation for Sale. milE PLANTATION known as tho -Garrard A Plantation," situated five miles from Colum bus, on the Southwestern Railroad, containing eleven hundred acres of land, more or less. Said plantation oontalus a large quantity of bottom lauds, cleared aud mu leered, % yuald <-rable quantity of uncleared upland. A com plete survey of the whole place, made recently by the County Surveyor, showing number ol acres ia each lot of land—the number of acres in each lot cleared and uncleared—also the water courses, Ac , can be seen by application to the undersigned. Said laud will be sold as a whole or lu separate lots, to suit purchasers. Tkkmh: Oue-third cash; balance payable with interest on time. For further particulars apply at once to LOI IS F. GAKRAHIV octfltf T. S. SPEAR, No. 101 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. Respectfully solicits work in Repairing Watches, f locks and Jewelry ENORAVING NEATLY DONE. All work will receive prompt attention, and guaranteed, at as reasonable prices as auy one. lie has iu ins employ Mr. HUGH FERGUSON, who is well knows a* a brst class aud practical workman. oclOtf TWO*. *. *PF,AR. REMOVAL. C. IT. LKC^UIN, Hatch maker aud Jeweller, Has aemoved to 97 Broad Street, next to Ho gan's Ice House. Won solicited. Promptness and dispatch guaranteed. oclOtf €t. T. WILLIAMS, Artist and Photographer, \>. Ml Drwttl Street, Colum'iui, La. N 'ONE but First Class Photographs, sll sizes aud styles, plain or colored. Old Pictures copied aud enlarged, and by the aid of the artist's brush they surpass the original. (Pan compete with auy gallery North or South in pictur’s or prii*e. One visit to the Gallery will satisfy anyone that no better pictures can bo taken than are taken at this Gallery, regardless of cloudy weather. FRAMES. OLABS. and FRAMING FIXTURES on hand. T. WILLIAMS, oclOtf I'roprietor, RJSMOVAXj. Tho Public are Informed that I have moved my Tailoring Establishment TO THE STORE NEXT TO llo(£nn*N Too House* liroad Nt root* tAOR THE PURPOSE of carry ing ou my Busi ness, 1 have this day associated with me Mr. 11. SELLMiX, A line and prompt Workman. Wo will be pleased to serve tho public, and will guarantee as FINK WORK as can be done in the United States. Bring in your orders for Suits and they will be furnished with promptness. Respectfully, KtEHNE & SELLMAN. oct;l tf THE LITTLE BONANZA. GARRETT & MARCBUM HAT* OPENED A XXW Confectionery anal Fruit Mtore At Kcrhne's old stand, 134 east side Broad street, where they will keep constantly on hand a full stock of goods in their line, sseb as Fine Chew ing and Smoking Tobacco, Fine and Common Cigars, the Best and Freshest Tropical Fruits. Superior French Confdctionery, and all kinds of Canned Goods. The best Northern Apples re ceived twice a week. They make a specialty ol TOBACCO, and will not be undersold. oelPeodlw Special Notice. JHT We earnestly request all who owe ns to | some forward aud settle their account*. We have given ysu every accommodation our capital | would admit of. and have gone largely iu debt in order to supply you with goods. Wc make all our accounts due on the first of October, and a* our own debts are Jailing due rapidly, we will be compelled to raise large sums of money to meet them. TANARUS those Who wish to pay in cotton, we will pay more than the market price for enough to pay your amount* W'e hv trusted to your honor, and shall expect sll to coin* aud s’-ttleat once. Only those wh pay us need expect any assistance another year. TV AT 1* A VV tLKEtf. octfl dlwAwlm CASH PRICE LIST OF Robert N. Cmn*. Cut, Loaf, Crush and Powdered Sugrirs, 15c. Standard A and White Extra C " 12>.<$lSc Choice Bio Coffee, 28/a 30c per lb. Prime Bice 10c, Bt. Louis Pearl Grits 5c per lb. Choice Yonng Hyson, Imperial and Oolong Teas 75ctq.f1.50 per lb. I sell fine Teas cheaper than any house in the trade. AU Teas guar anteed. Keroaene Oil 30e per gallon. Taylor’s Soap, 16 bars for #l. Colgate*' Sterling soap, 16 to 2-) bars for f 1 Pure Soda 10c per lb. Candles.full weights, 20c per lb. Clapp's Factory Meal, Grits and Flour at Mill prices. Goods delivered promptly Free of Drayage. OCtf Cm Boarding House, Corner St. Clair and Oglethorpe Streets, (Opposite tbs Market House.) Columbus, - - - Georgia, Barney Hawkins4fm. Lane, Propr's. (.’using the firm name of * Barney Hawkins & Cos. N'O paius will be spared to make thin a first class BOARDING HOUSE in reference to home comforts. The Tables are supplied with the best the markets affords. Terms moderst- . Also, s number of comfortable ROOMS alreadj furnished, in the Mu*4'g>-e Home Boiling for rent, by the propriet>rs, by the mouth or year, as may b> (grand ttpOK. QCif Iw H. H. EPPING, President. H. W. EDWARDS, Cashier. R. M. MI LFORD. Ass tCsahker. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLT MBI S. GA. Tills Hunk transacts a <<<n*riil Banking Hu*inß, pays lnttrcot on Depssils under spodnl contract, jrivc* prompt attention to Collection, on all accessible points, and Invites correspondence. Information transmitted by mail or wires when desired. janl tf MRS. J. A. DROLLIN OEK (formerly Mr*. Dr. 8. B. Collins) prepares, at reduced prices, an Opium Cure, after tbe Collins formula, and is having remarkable suc cess, notwithstanding strong opposition. Full particulars free. Ad. dress B. M. Wooßey. A'gt.. Atlanta, Georgia. Mrs. J A Droilinger's PAINLESS () Pll M C IT 11 K A BUOCEBB, AND GENUINE BEYOND ep!] j>onrr. jam Notice. npHK list for the registry of all citizens desiring 1 t vote in the approaching municipal elec tion is now open. Those who nave not yet paid their commutation tax are requested to do so at time of registering. M M MOORE. sepl7 lm Clerk Council. For Rent. rpHKF.E ELEGANT ROOMS, suited either for Offices or Sleeping Apartments, over store of J. R. Johnston k Cos. Can be had cheap. Apply to J. R. JOHNSTON* CO., oct lw Hat Store. Broad Bt. W>l. MKYIHt, llandolpli Wfreot, lioot iknil Shociiinker. nEALF-R IN LEATHER AND FINDINGS. All orders fillet! at short notice; prices low. 1 have also provided myself with a machine for putting Elastic in Gaiters, at low prices. octH 6m Fashionable Tailoring! New Styles and Fashions XOVY HEADY! I TAKE this occasion to say to my customers ami friends that I am making up ■ style of work that will compare favorably with that turn ed out in Northern %ud Eastern cities. Ido not moan ready-made work, but aueh as our citizens visiting the North have had made in the regular establishments, and I invite s comparison In SKATNEW or CUT AND MAKE MV WORK CAJOtfOT HE excelled. My old friends and the public gener ally may rely upon promptness and pitrctuality. CUTTING and REPAIRING will receive my strict attention. C. H. JONES. Over 102 Broad street, Columbus, Oa. •ep26 2m ~~ HKMOVAU. H. F. EVERETT HAS REMOVED HIB STOCK OF Staple i Fancy Groceries To Odd Fellow*' Hall, Where he will be pleased to serve his old friends and the public generally at prices to suit the times. Air Goods delivered FRKE, as usual. octl2 tf Mule Stolen. From the undersigned at Ousseta. Ga.. on Sun day night 10th inat.. one mouse colored mare mule, small size; it has a scar on one hip caused from the lash of a whip, also a small running sore just above one eye. A liberal reward will be paid for the mule and thief or for the mule alone. W. K. WILKINSON. octl2 tf Cutsets, Ga. Removal. MY friends and customers are notified that I have moved my stock on the opposite side of Randolph street, and just above tbe Times Of fice. Wdf. BCHOBER. sepl9 lm Notice. HAVING heretofore held stock in the Georgis Home Insurance Company of Columbus, Georgia, I hereby give notice that I have sold said stock and transferred the same, and under sec tion 1496 of the Oxide of 1873,1 am hereby exempt from any liabilities of the Company. .*e6 oamfit JOHN L, JONES ELEGANT MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS! THE LADIES ABE ESPECIALLY NOTIFIED THAT On Monday. October lit]*, AND EVERY DAY THEREAFTER, I WILL RE PLEASED IF THEY WILL CALL AND EXAMINE MY Elegant Stock Millinery and Fancy (ioods EMBRACING EVERY VARIETY OF llat, Bonnots and iPlowors, Ritotoons, Scarfs and Ties, Ilnir l.oods anal TriiiniiiiiSN. Fealbers mill \v<-lli<>N. Millinery a Specialty! per- it you want anything Stylish, at Living Prices, don’t forget to call. MRS. M. R. HOWARD, octio tf Zt t Humlolpli The Latest Style Sew ini? Machine 18 THE WHEELER & WILSON NEW NO. 7 , With Work Going from the Operator. Those accustomed to usiiiß Machines of other makes will find this style a convenience. It is by fur the easiest to learn, and has gained favor faster than unv new Machine yet introduced. It runs light and Never Gets Out of Order. Try One, and You Will Like It. WHEELER A WILSON MANUFACTURING (OMFY. Office: 100 Broad Street. r-ir AGENTS WANTED IN GEORGIA AND ALABAMA, -wx <’l(NiAwtf HVE!R,S. LEE. GRA ND FA 1,1, OPIININCi ! OF BRILLIANT MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS! At Mrs. De*Kii u'n 01l Stand. MRS. LE£ l<‘gg to inform her friend* and <-u*tni**r* that *he ha* removed her Millinery St'r to Mr*. DeNMii’s old stand, where she will open ou THURSDAY NEXT, October 7th. one of the largest aud hamlaomeat stackbf Lfidif^H 1 iiikl OliilfflrtMiV* Funoy Goods ever brought to the city. Tlitae good* were selected by Mr*. Le In pcrnon.and are of the lat*t. prettieat aud handsomest at vie*. The stock couilMa of Ladles* and Mlsm*s’ Bonnets and Hats, Shawls, Cloaks, Scarfs and Ties, Ribbons, Trimmings and Flowers, Hair Goods and Jewelry, Children’s Dresses and Hosiery, Boys* Hats and Fancy Goods generally. I*. 8- My Htoek in t'hrH|MT anil HaiitNoniei' than ever. Give rue a call. Millinery work a *p-cialt\. MRS. L. A. LEE. QCM tf GRAND OLD IDEA LIVE ON LESS THAN YOU MAKE! ONLY ONE ROAD TO WEALTH! Save Your Money—Economy is Wealth ! EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Columtoxis, Ga. Every Depositor has, by Special Law, a First Lien on all the Property of the Company. STIM KHOI.BERS IMHVIIM A1.1.Y LIABLE TO DEPOSITORS. Capita 1 Stc k, $1,250,000. Tin- Most Successful Institution in tin* hoiitli. '<*'■ Deposits payable ou Demand. Seven per cent, interest, compounded four times a year. Accounts strictly confidential. N. J. BUSSEY, President. G. GUNDY JORDAN, Sec’y & Troas'r. DITtKt TOUR W. H. YOUNG. CHAS. GREEN, DR. T. W. BATTLE, Lumpkin, Ga. Prcs’t Snv’h Bunk and Trust Cos. N. J. BUSSEY. ALFRED I. YOUNG. OHS tf FIRE INSURANCE. WE Represent a number of the Oldest and Wealthiest Companies In the World. Royal Insurance Company, LIVEII POOL. London Assurance Corporation, DON. Home Insurance Company, NEW YORK. Mobile Underwriters, MOmisE. Fire Association, IMII Is. A.DELPHI A. C’airt. TIIOMAW CHAFFIN. favorably known a* an at-ompll*hed Und* r writer will phu t- the Hihka of onr friends, ami the public generally, at lair rate# and where they will get the money promptly, in the event ot Lows. J. ILXIODES BROWNE, Oct, 3 tr Agent. NON-BOARD ! INSURANCE EFFECTED ON MERCHANDISE, COTTON, DWELLINGS. FURNITURE & GIN-HOUSES AT LOWER RATES TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES IN THE RELIABLE COMPANIES: Vnicrieon. ol' IMiiluilelpliin, /Entail'd 1*14../ Assets. 81.0511.S IH I'etlll. of I’llilatiolpßin. - - Cash Capital 5500.000 Amazon, of Cincinnati, Assets *997,500 IVtrrsbiirit B>av'sJv lus. Cos.. Stole Deposit “ “ *290.000 Risks fitolloitetl! JOHN BLACKMAR. AGENT, COLUMBUS, GA. gepSfi tctls