The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, November 03, 1875, Image 4

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lUK UAILV HMKS. ~ 7 .7i7 on.. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3. Ih7.'i. MA.MK IJ. UMl* f. *ABWKII, Ill.Ulirpim fJ.IKIt A Hit. |ilwrnpy mh<l Mou#pllr *i lw. So. • 7 Brood•tnwet. <>vt*r Wittlch at KJusel* Jewelry Store. Will practice lu the State aud Federal Court* fetoh Mr LmU M. Lynch Is Um Oramral Traveling Agent for the Daily riMm, and is authorized to receipt for subscriptions ami contract for adver tising for the paper. ri|A3CUI< A\u nmMUKt I 11. hi: View IN IIIU’WIII S. OOLL* MBITS, Oa., Nov. 3, 1875. MONETARY. Tbs money In the flanks Is now Imlng used to move the cotton. The quantlt on hand Is not so great ns It was, tflough a plenty t> meet the diHuunds upon good collateral. Exchamre—THo hanks are selling on New York at ‘f premium. All other points % premium. (fold —lls, but little offered. Silver—No demand -no quotations. COTTON. Cotton yesterday was very quiet, the demand lluiite I, and the rooepte small. The greater number of orders for cotton are In small lota. No heavy transaotions are reported. The stock on hand is not as great as was exported, hut Is increasing. Daily Statement. Stock on hand Auif, 31, 1375 . 435 Received > e* ten lav 380 “ previously. 15, tUS 15,5*5 18,070 Shipped yeeterdav , 157 * previously.. . i0,i85 T 0,322 Stock on hand this morning 5,713 Prim*. Ordlnare . .... 10J.J Good Ordinary ll!/d :, 4 Low M ddllnirs. 11% Middlings . 12% Giwrd Middlings 12% Warehouse Rules .4. Receipts. J M. A (1. It, S3 “ River 0 " N. A H, It. It.. 20 “ S. W.K.R 24 “ W. a It. 1 380 Shipment*. Hy 8. IV. It. It 151 Home Consumption 3 157 Nairn —ay haul Year in (blnmbus. Sdes 104 Receipts 337 Shipments 227 Stock 5,334 Total Receipts 13, 062 Prlee for Middling 13%c 111 rripts at all Vnited Stairs Dirts. 1874. 1875 Saturday 19.169 90,981 Ku day and Monday 25,273 37,425 Tuesday 23,153 Wislnesday 99,"85 Thursday 25,623 Friday 237 Various. .2,150 Total 142,701 67,656 Showing an increase of 13,214 hales,com pared with oorrea ponding days of last year. Owing to a liollday in New York yester day we received no cotton report. BACON. Bacon is a little weak and the demand lightening. In Ooluinlms It is retailed at 15%e., which is a quarter less than it has been sold for. Louisville and St. Louis arc Arm as far as Bacon is concerned, be cause t is Aeafqe. though enough for the demand Bulk meats ure down anil nre quoted tu -it. Louis at 12 and Louisville 19%. Oil AIN Demand for corn very light ami weak ening; for choice white, in small lots, $1 15 is asked; mixed $1 10, with a good pros pect for lower ttgures. There is considerable and Increasing demand for Georgia and Alabama rust pro.foats at 91 45; fed oats7s to 80c.; oooioe Western while oats 85 to 900. IJBY GOODS, Trade In dry (foods waa pretty (food. Jobbers wore illlin(f a few orders. Calico, Factory Wieelis, 110. Culico la ro tldU(f at IB'J. TRADE GENERALLY wa very dull. Not a atruy dollar was afloat, and everybody waa anxiously awaiting a cash customer. Cotton mar ket was very much depressed owing to a suildeu fall off in Cotton iu New York of *4| t>er cent. Bleached and Home Domestic* cheaper than ever known, by F. 0. Johnson oct24 deodbw 1,009 rum Lined Hemstitched Handker chiefs at 12VJo. 200 pairs Kid Gloves 75c., worth SI.OO. Corsets from 50c. to llncst. Table Diimitek, Towels and otlier white (foods cheap at tlie Virginia Store. 00t22 If you want a Black Luce Point at New York cost call at J. J. WHiTTUi's. sep22 tf New styles in Dress Uoods, Alpacas and Brillmntini's, also, Holsery liuuilkurcliiefs snd Gloves in great variety, by oet24 doouew F. C. Johnson. Solid Silver 'iml Silver pUted-ware nt New York prices at octl'J lYrmcii Ot Kinnel's. • * t Auiiiut Flower. The swat miaorauje beluga intho world arewiosfe sulToring from Dyspepsia uid Liver Complaint. More than seventy-live per cent, of the people iu the United States arc afflicted with tliioso two disease* and their effects, mwh as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual CoeUvonotK*, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, gnaw ing ami burning paint, at the pit of the Stuiuosli, Yellow Skin, 0 atod Tonguo and disagreeable taste In the mouth, coming tip of fowl aft‘r eating, low spirits, 4c. tie to the Drug Store of Ur. F. L. brooks and Ket a 75 cent ixittle, or a Sample buttle for 10 cents. Try it. Two clow's will relievo you. oetl if ... ... ♦ ..... dual Arrived, If you want Ladies’ or Missies’ Hose, in medium or extra length, very cheap, go tc 0p22 diwtf J. J. WurtThE's. 2,000 bushels Choke See<l Oats. Choice lot Seed Wheat, at Oct24 dtvr 2w I>. AVRBETT'S. Jewelry repaired and made to ordei Engraving and Watch Repairing done ai Wrmeu * Kjksex/s. T. he KuOUd. A now ami beautiful silver mounted Sewing Machine, which caret one hundred dollars, will be raffled at IV. T. BobinsouV Oouljle Track Depot as soon as Uftr chances, at $2 per chance, can be obtained. It has all the latest improvements, and run* easy and smoothly. Call and exam ine it. Notice will be given of the day on which tiro raffle will take place. New* Ad .srilsswicats. Administrator's Sale- I, H Massey, Fine Pair of Mules for Sale-Apply nt Gam nidi's -.tallies. Apalachicola Oysters Received by To la ’s Boat—Toisi Newman. Presto dorian Church FeStlvai—l'hurs day night. Board of Trade —J. F. I verson, Secretary. Oysler*. Received from Apilachiiada hv to-days' Isint Oysters in any quantity. They are niceand good Tom; Nkwman. CITY I.IUHT KI AIIIK HOI' LAST NIGHT. Last evening a goodly numlior of prett women and handsome men attended the drst hop of the s asoii given hy the Clti Light Guards. The assembly was not al together as large ns was expected, hip 'Hough to make the hours pass ple-sant ly and swiftly. The gay uniform of the Columbus and Light Guards, mingling with the throng, presented a showy ap pearance. The young ladies all looked be,until ill, and seemed to enjoy themselves lu the mazes of the Waltz and shottische. I'he dancing was kept up to a late Hour. It was the unanimous verdict of ad those present,that they will tie court-mar ti dial if another hop Is not som given. Everything was well managed. The lloor managers were Secretary J. .1. Jones, Ser geant R. S. Grier and Private QIM. Couch. A New Trick. Yesterday Justice Chap|s)ll issuisl a war rant for Ed Cary, white, and Peter Smith, colored, for their arrest upon an affidavit rnado by an agent of the Eagle and Phenix Factory,charging thorn with having cheat ed nnd swindled the factory In this wise: They allege that these parties, who are om p'oyed in storing away loose cotton as it Is brought in, have l>--n in the habitot Half emptying a basket and then allowing It to be reweighed. This happens null when a confederate of the parties brings cotton to be weighed. In this way the limn lias Ids cotton weighed twice, and of course, receives pay for twice an much cot ton ns lie brings to the factory. After lie is paid off, they then divide. The accused deny any complicity and plead not guilty. The ease came oil for trial yesterday afternoon, tint was continued on account of tlic absence of witness.’S until to-day. Russell A Russell represented the ac cused, while barrator G Gtinby Jordan appeared for the prosecution. Per* W' wr-ro tfliul to muot Mr. Kl- Ixtrt M. H icon, who repr*s<wtß the* whnl**- sftl<* house of Jiiii.o. Fiirkor, Thi* house is probably the moet reiown*ii hm distillers ami redistillers iu this country, lesul*H boin*’’one of the m*t reliable. We hope Major llacon may soil all our mer chants ffood l>ills. Mr. H. Jagkfton who Ims la*en on a visit to Riclirnond, returned Monday. .Major Wilkins, Super visor Western Huilrojid, was in tho city yesterday. Once. At one time during yesterday there were seven commercial tourists who deal ill the popu ar goods called whiskey all in tlie city, and all within a hundred yards of caeli other, trying to sell their ware-, l'lioy say they can sell whiskey when nothing else will sell. NEW UOODS JUST It IH I.tVEII, AT ti. W. llltlltVY.B. Holland and smoked Herring. Fat Family Mackerel. Spiced Tripe and I’igs Feet. Sauer Kraut and Cabbage. Now Breakfast, Bacon. Boasted Rio aud Java Coffee. A and Extra C Sugar. Western Bran, Buckwheat. Flour. Fulton Market Beef, raw and cooked, in cans. New York Pippin Apples. 410 dozen Eggs. Country and Goshen Butter. Imperial, Gold Dust, Anchor and Best Flour. Full line of Teas all brands. I’oarl, Barley and Oat Meal, Potatoes, Onions, and a full line of Groceries. Liquors, Tobaccos and Cigars. Cliow Chow I’ickels by tho gallon at B>l.oo. Mixed “ “ " “ “#I.OO. Plain “ “ “ “ “ 75e. French Prunes “ lb “ 20e. Currants " “ “ lfitjc. Uaisius “ “ 3 lbs for SI,OO. Leghorn Citron “ 50e. Driinl Corn (something noxv! " 21K-. 64"A1l Goods delivered free of Drty age by G. W. BROWN. octfll lIV A fresh lot of Bleactied Homespun, yard wide, al lu, 12'.and 15c per yard—the best goods tu the market ut tile price, at s ‘p'22 dnwtf J. J. Whittle's. WlUioi'r* Toulv—.l Mutei Nure and Mclln title Curt 1 , Tho unprectHlouUHl saio of this world -I*ollo wiuxi tuedluino pro vim imxutostibl> liiat no nmiedy has suponwdod tim usooi lias roliiiido route. No spleen lias boon louud so hard as not to yield Ui its soft* •mini? litflueaee, and no liver sv hypertn*- phieti uh not to tfivo up its iouff-retalueu bilious secretions, and no Chill or Fevei has yet refused to fall into line. Whee kK’k, Finlay A Cos., Proprietors, New Or loauo. For sale by all druiftfists. d\w At the t'n*lk Ut’.v (aootlw llouar, ('uluinbu*, (J a. Now Colored Silks jtu*t in, S*al Brown, l'lum. Navy*Bkioand Ash* Mof Hoses. • Assortment of Fringes in the new shades. Black Brilliantinos, Cashmeres and Ly ons Poplins, at popular prices. oot2 tf 4. S. JONES. The largest assortment of tine Gold and ■Silver Watches is to bo found at ! ‘atio Wrmcit A K isata/s. The largest and prettiest selection ol j Transfer Flowers m the citv, ts at j febil d.twtt .1. .f. Whittle’s. At Illy- I'iy.U Dry U...d. lint,.., The Ireet lot of Kid Gloves in the city. Walking Shades in two buttons at sl. $1.50 and $2.50. Evening and Opera Shades in 4 and ti buttons best grade Pique Kills black stitched, with colors U match the now suitings, tf J. S. Joses. mi rrr*.: aororur* mwswl a. iks. Lfttnl Nhi,i. Yesterday being tlio lirst Tuesday in the month, was the regular day for Sheriff's, Marshal's, and legal aalcs. marshal's sales. The Marshal, W, 1,. Robinson, sold a number of lots for taxes. The city, in most ill taliees. was the purchaser for tie amount of the taxes. One lot was sold to Mr. Illges and another to Mr. Cook. sheriff's hales. All sales adiertiwai hy the Sheriff L tike plaice wore postponed, either by agr.s>- nent or because claims were InteriMised. APuiNisrn ttor-’ halls. Tho administratis' of Mrs. Blaiikenshl. add two lots. Olio was purchase.l hy Mi lazh'ton for $1,595, anil the other by Mi ilankenshlp or $4711. Mrs. McArdle sold om lot to Frank McArdlc for 8300, and aril .tiler to M. T. Bergan for 8185. The lot Ik.longing to the estate of Mrs. Van y Mill sold for 8145. OTHER KALES were made of person . I property at oni moderate figures. I'hutrk Festival. The ladies of the Preshy terlan Church will Imld a Festival at the Armory of the ity Light Guards to-morrow (I'hnrsdai) night. The Festival is gotten up by the ladies of the Preshi terlan Church for church purposes. Everybody who will rdvor the ladies with their presence on this occasion will Is? gladly received, and w 11 lie sure to enjoy thems-dves. Remem ber, there is no admission fee; and oven if your app. tile does llot crave any of the good things to he found there, go auy wa>■ and take a look at the pretty girls who will grace the occasion, and admire the many accomplishments of the queenly matrons that will preside over the tallies We hope they will have a large crowd, and that their efforts will he crowned witli success. Another C utting Ht'Pßpr. Monday nlxhtata bull tfiven at Eliza Banks, eoloml, in tl lowr part of the city, a ntsxru was cut with a razr. The wound wan dre-stHi at a lafcw hour, but was not of a very serious character. The next morning severe sore head* attnsbMl ttie fact that a number of sticks had iMMill f> ■ocly usod during the evening, these halls have eoine to tie a serious trouble to the people in tlmt paid of the town. They i omplulu of the loud noise, and tlie incessant yells that are kept up during tiie late hours of the night. Then when the hall is over, those that arc not too drunk to go home, iitnuso themselves hy rapping on the fences and whistling to tlie dogs Some tine morning the coroner wilt he called upon to summon a jury to hold an inquest on a carcass, and tlie ver dict will read after this fashion: “Died from an overdose of hooting, whistling, ‘hollerin'at the hands of Mr.—, who has been repeatedly aroused from a quirt nap.” Such an nmiounueuiunt will serve to quiet the fuss and give the undertaker a job. An Addition to ttif ( ourl llour. The lawyers, witnesses, jurors and all .t hers who have business at the court Ikus* (lui iiiff tho winter, owe a vote of thinks to the County Commissions, Messrs. Garrard, Woolfolk and Freer, for placing in tho court house a h**atin>f ap paratus. They ordered it through Col. Mott. Besides saving tho county quite an item In the way of wood and coal, it Horvt*H to make the room more pleasant. In the room just in front of the Judge’s stalnl will itooreetetl a register with marble top, liUo the one intheClnittahooehee National Hank. Lawyers and everybody will not be an noyed by the constant jofftfln;? at the tires, and will nottnrn to toast one side while the other is lreozintf. A .\lc* ArrsHifmesl. Mr. John Schnell, t> whom we have be fore alluded ns an efficient oflieer of the court, has placed upon our d<*sk a nice ar raiiffoinontin the sluipo of a bound copy of the MuscoffTtHi Docket. In it is each case us it stands upon the docket, with the ilame of the lawyer represent!riff; tho plain tiff and defendant, aud the last disposition of the case. It is a ffreat convenience to lawyers and all others who have cases lav fore the court. Mr. Schnell does all ho can to accommo date lawyers and otlier parties, and has made a most excellent officer, lie has full charge of the clerk’s office since the clerk, Mr. Bradford, has outfitted in other busi ness. Genkva, Ga., Ot. 30, 1875. Editor Columbus Times: There has boon a controvorey between a Geneva!te and Butlerite, as to which place receives and ships the most cotton duriuffr the season. The Genevalte claims that Geneva ships more cotton than any other point on the Southwestern Bail road from Macon to Columbus. Now the question Is very easilv ascortniii<*d. Come up with your r *B,gentlemen. Without the figures we b lievo that Geneva ships more cotton during the cotton season than all the sta tions on the ruad from Columbus to Fort Valley. Last season she shipped 5,000 liales and her territory Ims exUmded this season. Up to date she has shipped 1,060 bales—Saturday niff lit Oct. 30th, bv actual count. C. C. I< v*r News. Fi*om a dispatch in another column it will be seen the Wylly left Eufuula last uiffht f *r Columbus with 170 bales of cot ton, and one hundrvl barrels of oysters and oranges, b**sides other fruit. The boat will probably arrive this mornlnff. LATER. The steamer Wyll v, T. H. Moore, master, arrived this mornitiff at tne o'clock, briiq?- Inf? the following list of freight: 178 bales i-otton, 103 boxes oruuffos, li barrels or anges, 70 barrels oysters, 13 half barrels ilnh roe, G bundles suffur cane, 4 barrels syrup, 3 saddles venison, 3 barrels pota t *es, 5 sacks i>otatoes, 12 sacks peas and corn. The Wylly will leave at 11 a. m. to-day. she will receive freight for all points on the river. K*tnlna of !ttr, Johßdtn. We learned yesterday that the remains of Mr. Jc hnson, the agent of the Georgia Home Insurance Company, who dii-d so suddenly at Perry, had 'asm carried direct to Michigan. He was a native of that State. In our telegraphic columns will lie found n telegram to the Times, giving the coroners verdict in the case. Xpw Niiali Uthtionft, Sew Collars and Cuffs, fresh line of Hamburg’s Edging, choice Prints, Felt skirts and Flannels, at J. S. Jones’, Sep. 10 tf Columbus, On. Call at J. J. Whittle’s and see his beauti ul selection of Plaid Calico at 10 cents, sept, 29-tf Watches and Jewelry repaired and made to order, satisfaction guarantied at oetio WrrricH 4 Kinkil’s. A large assortment of and affs of the latest styles just received at eepS3 J. J. WHITTLE’S. hi K APN. Men of metal-iron dealers. Ilueb money—Nurses* wages. A dog flffht graoud tin post flUso side walk yesterday. The proflpfletof the price of drinks fall ing to ten (eats delights the throat of sev eral. “Earwrnekensileable” was the way a voutho Pen nv Ivan la spelled the word riven out at a '•mutch/* Shropshlrevillo l * quiet since the largest rroc-cry trader of that village lias trans erred himsnlf to Columbus. The way the (aipular druggist now re fi lms vour bill f.r a bottle whiskey runs thus: “Vo 1 bottle Medical discovery.” What is more pleasant than to receive a box of the chuioost (lowers, gathered and arranged by a lovely woman? We give it up. “Mr. I)., if you’ll get my coat done by Saturday I shell be forever indebted to vou ** “If that s your game, it won’t be done,” said the tailor. While everybody is talking about ladies wearing Kugle ami Thenix goods as div&Kos, a naughty man writes that he has been wearing socks made of Eagle and Phenix osnaburgs ever siuce the war. “My articles do not receive a very warm reception of late.” “Our fair correspond ent is mistaken,” replied the editor; “they meat with the warmest reception possible. We burn them all.” Home Ingenious observer has discovered that there is a remarkable reaeinhlaue* Iwjtwemi a liaby and wheat, since it is cradled, then threshed, and finally be comes the flower of the family. A little Gorman girl in the public school of this city was told to put the word year in a sentence. After a moment's reflection she answered: “Last year my sister was married; this year she has a baby.” here is a gentleman lu CVli minis win* will not ask his wire any more conun drums. ileuske<l her why he was like a and nkey, and she n‘pli(*d, “Because you were born so.” But he sa> s the answer is very different from that. Some “sareasUcal” editor remarks that a duck of a lover malo-s a goose of a hus band. This satirist is probably mean enough to also think that a duck of a bon net sometimes makes a goose of a vain young woman, but he dare not say so. I>>ap<‘d Convlci Rrcupturrd. A negro, who was com ieted lMt year of stealing corn from Mr. Bass and senten ced to the chain gang fr eight months, oscufied the day after he got on the gang. The County Com mission* *rs offered a r**- ward of $25 for hitii, and yosterday he wiis brought, back and placed on the chain gang. He has 7 months and 29 days to ssrve. I*m|pn and, Tlia trial of Meows. Wkkl and Cash, charged with Illi'Kal vdinir, was to have coins off yesterday in MnntMonisr.v, Hut waa postponed until the 151 li inst. Tliev had Mono over to attend their trial. Huu(l*. I liava in stmi'a gotai stock of line anil Imv [irli-ral buggies of various stiles, which I will sell at greatly rmlueeil tig iires. Also line liuggy Whips in large vi* i ii'ties. The attehtioii of purchasers is respectfull Inv tivl. T. K. Wynne, Bt. (lair st. near Warohou-s*. oct2l eod&wlm TO OR I.VOCIi l.\ U OTIIEKH. The nmlei signed merchants hereby no tify ail Grangers that they will sell them goods of every kind as low as they can lie bought tinder “Granger, contracts” and deduct livo per cent., and not bind them up to seeresy about anything. We are not governed by the liourd of Trade in any way, and will guarantee that parties trading with UK will buy every thing nt the hirest prices, if not lower than they do under secret contracts. 11. T. ( rioler, Acke A Murdoch, E.S. SwiKr, No. 93. Jno. McGoUou A Cos., J. J. Whittle, J. Kyle A Cos., octl4 im F. C. Johnson. MAKE WAY FOR THE 01.0 ItCI.IA HUE. Oysters, Fuh and Gsm. Our Resuiurant is now open for tho soft soff, supplietl with the beat the market af fords. Bar stocked with liquors and Ciffars, <x?ti7 Char. Hetman & Cos. A beautiful line of ilamiurff oud at prices to suit the pur chaser, at B*>p*22 dftwtf J. J. Whittlk’h. Larffo lot best stand mi prints offered to-day at only Such as Allen's, .Sprague's and otlters. Call at once and tfot a bargain, Virginia tore. uov2 tf Bridal Puesrmts ol Solid Silver and Silver-PlaUni Ware. new assortment just rtHAtived at V'rmrm .V K inhel’s. | Carpets, Furs, Uiatinotd, Flannels and ; Merino Underwear for ladies, at the Vir- I ffinia Store. oct22 Xlutl.tint* !'>■*• I'omli, New and complete line of Alpacas, Brll liuntlues, Black Casiuueres and Bomba zines, at J. S. Jones. S.'p. lU-tf Aa i sitin' new stak of Jewelry. The latest styles just received at oetio WrrricH A Kinsix’s. The liest Wod Jeans ever brought to this market at 25, 37, 50 and 62 cents, ut J. J. Whittle’s. sept. 29-tf Call at J. J. Whittle’s aud get some oi the Eureka Spool .Silk. It is tile smooth est, strongest and cheapest silk m use. sop 22 Large lot Hamburg Edgings and Insert ings, extra cheap, by F. C. Johnson. uct24 dcodCw | * The boat assortment aud cheapest Silk ! I'ies, at F. C. Johnson’s. oct24 dt'odOsv. i Kuehes a Great variety, at from 8 ets. | to the i est by F. (\ Johnson. | octfli Ueod6w j Don’t fail to call at J. J. Whittle’s before bu\ ing your Drees Goods. He has a beau tiful line of Plaids, from 20 to 75e. Also, Seal Brown, Navy Blue, and ail other colors of Cashmeres. Full line of Black Alpacas, cheaper than ever known be fore. sept. 29-tf Onlv 9c. per yard for tfood soft finish Bleached Domestic. Other grades equal ly Also wide Sheeting and Pil 1?V O>ttons, at thfcV?r6i*nm # itore. r ' * oct22 Cloth Basques,Shawls and another lot of tlioao lieautiful Black Silks and Black Al pacas and Mohairs, just received at the Virginia Store. 0et.22 New Dress Goods, eiubraeinj- beautitul effeota In Plaids, also Gray Silk Fopiiiis, especially adapted to immediate wear at -J. s. Jones’. Hep. 10 tf Anew lot oi to-4 Hlieetuur and Billow Case Houi's-pun just in and for suit cheeper tiiau ev r known I- ‘fore, at sep.2 I. J WilitTLK’O. Those wishinif a bargain in Table Darn tsk, N'apkins, Towels, Ac., will do well to call at sep22 d.tvitf J. J. Whittle’s. Al I,*m Than Cum| ( Clp Out. Fine Cloths an*l Cassimeres, and Gents’ Furnishing Gmmls. Do not lose tlie op portumty. H.T. Ckiglkr. Sept. 28-tf Large St>jck of Ribbons at lower { than *iver known, at the Virginia Store. *K;t22 Largo lot Jeans, Caashuiiros an l Fian uois, At the lowest market prims by oct2o dood6w F. C. Johnson. The larg*t and prutUust lot of Ladies’ j Silk Ties in tbs market. Also, Bull* at 10 ! cants apiece, at J. J. Whit lc’s. Why Will Y4m Pli Away WITHOUT A PAHALLEL. The demand for Dr. J. Bradflekl’s Fe- 1 male litgulabir is beyond precedent in i the annals **f popular remedies. Orders | come in so thick and last that the I’ropri- j •tor has, hereUdore been unable to fill ! them all. He is happy t* slut” that ar- • raiig;iiiuits are now by which he is prepar*l to manufacture Female Regulator <ii a Seal* 1 equal t** the emer gency, and the public may f3il assured that their wants may now be supplied. | Physicians of high repute are using this i great ramedv, in daily practice, all over (Jcorgia. in* w**maii invdsul : for troin sutpr**SH*J, sustM*n<le*l or irreg ular menstruation. This valuable meui | cine i* prepared by L. 11. Bnebiehl, Drug- \ ! gist, Atlanta, Git., and sold at $1.50 p i 1 Imtitle by druggists throughout America I HJLtBTX 14LOOMING WIDOW. M AitiETi'A. (lA., March 9, 1870. MeJinr*. Hrat{fu l(l <t G>. : G*3iitleiuen—YiAi will please ship us an- j other supply of your invaluable Female! Regulator, and forward bill by mail. We are happy to state that this remedy give*- lsetter satisfacti*n than any article we s**J 1. We have boon selling it smee lstin, and witnessed many remarkable cures b\ it. Among others, there was a lads | friend of ours who was sallow and sickh until she was twenty-six years old, when she was nmriiini. Her iiusbund lived two j years and ditsl. She continued in bad { h*‘Tilth; in fact, site lias never l*een what a woman oiitfht to U*. A few moiilhs i after tlie d**ath of her husband she saw • your advertisement, ami came to oui stfiro iifid buiiffht a bottle of your ur from m. and tM>k it accord in# todi re*lions. It has cured h*r sound and j well, bnm*rht her ivffuiar moiithlv i*u i t ods on, and to-day sh** is a hearty, blo*in ] inff widow—with the us***f but two l*ot | ties of vour i-oetinjf her onlv i tiir*s fiollare, whim she had trail several I physicians and spent a ffrent d**al o! j iminey without any InMiefit. Wiahiittf you j j;r**at rtiKN’ess with your valuable reme i dies, we are, lospoctJull v y<ura, \V. Root A s. l >2-t L. D. Deaton & Son Varioty Storo, No. 166 Broad St., und r Rankin House KEEP HAND AND ARE COSataNTLV RECEIVING A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK Oi s*(j|>l* Dry Goods. Hiiols, Slioun, llatK, Groceries, Hardware Oro kery, Glass, Tin, Wood and Ho.low Ware Stoves House-fur.ii king Goods, he. W- *r off riutf our ift*ds at tbr low- st iru**s, siid >;uarsutru sstisfsct <>u iu r\ respect, W Mr. T. J. HINEK is w th us. and will b* ptesseU t> Ijsvv liis trn-utis csii sud set- us. oellf eodJm EY l\Sl ll.l.i: ICommorcial College And liiislitiite of Priiiiian^liip, |S. E. Corner Third and Main Streets, 'EVANSVILLE, IND. Established IHSO. The oldest and most tlior j ouffh Institution of the kind in the S mihwest I Coileis'e J 'uruai snd sjun iiuenri of Ornaments ! Peunisuship s* ut free to any sddr-ss. KLEINER A WHIG ITT, | JytW dAwltra Principal. DeWolf & Stewart,. JOB PRINTERS, Columbus, Ga. qojuil*!(j |,uk ssoujiioy; i|i(. aoiiduos.,p .uda.i jo ON'XNIHH flOf V U V-4I ‘SKOIXVXIAI AXMVd ‘SHYTiLMII.) ‘BOVX D*iI,IdIIIH 'vidcIOTHANH ‘t-GJIYO DNIXISIA savaii 3XOK ‘kghvo KsafcisdH ‘savaii iraxiMT ‘sxsawaxvxs aiiixsok ‘kgvan tdu M3 111 .i|.C|S is./;; ui pun oojiou uoi|6 pa|au ( { J. T. COOK, Stalls 15 & 17, Mai’ket House, contaHtly on hand and for sale the ‘JEST MEATS that can b<* obtained. mh2s dly SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. 1. W. Oannis and Ga,, Proprietors. 1 il) Ok'lt'tllUi'lll' .St. 3RATES AND STOVES FOR EVERYBODY. / i RATES FR- >,M 12 TO 20 in- h*. FROM $2 T* 1 V J Stoveß ttieaper than can be bought anywhere. oct!7 d&wlmo Cheap Groceries -AT- H. F. Aboil & Co’s. \\T E r* daily receiving new gooda we ff at the f'dlnwlllff low pri-e. miil guarantee them to be of the wry bft ijuality : Cream Cheese 2Cc, per pound. Pkkltd Shrimp $1.25c. per jar. Sp'ced Tripe 16 2-3 c. “ pound. Prime Leaf Lard 18c. " “ Hams 17c. Savannah Eice 10c. 11 “ Pearl Grits 20 lbs. for sl. Best Family Flour $8 to $10,63 per bbl. Florida Oranges at Wholesale. Florida Syrup by the bbl. or gallon. Old Government Java Coffee 38c. per lb, Rio Coffee 25 to 30c. Tb** r** retail pricß, nd Mil purchm* r rt delivered. 11. F. tHKI,I. A 40. EVERYBODY SUITED. Ht are this Season in Receipt of a Large Supply of a!! Sizes of Our Celebrated Charter Oak STOVES For l.otli Wood ami (Jotil. ik Midrti m iuU HMHoruueut <*! other Popular C3OKMIG AND HEATIN3 STOVES, GIJA TI iS, ,V<'„ Aui feel juattAed In tayfog that we mri- SUlilr we eatj unit mu > *ihl all t ia4'A ot both iu •iualit} noil price. Of other flood?* iu our line. vr* lav-; % lrj;e aud •'ojuph tr A*ort)uent. HUt'h an TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE OPMVKMY DKK HimOK, hardware, tabl*. and pocket cutlery. crkker\. olahswark coal HODS. SHOVKJ-S £C, AH of the***- articleM wre CAN ui WIIX sell ttt VERY BOTTOM PRICES. I*li 1 <it! W. H It* HURTS A CO. JOHN BLACK MAR NON-BOARD Insurance Agency, Ounby'a BiiiKling, Hi. Clair St. American, of Philadelphia. E,tbhU cl 18.0. A-t< trtvr $1,1110,000. Amazon, of Cincinnati. AMftita over $937 Petersburg, of Petersburg, Va. (ia State d**ponit $10,0*.. Cash capital Penn of Philadelphia. Cash Capital f 2O),000. The ah>we companies d<> nt belong to the Na tion*. R >ar f of (Judurwrit- r* and the expeuaa if tueiniXTahip thereby aaved i* -'iven t thtir policy h ddere in LOAER KATES hinka on Jgerchautiiee. R.*ii*leucea, C"tt>u. Oiu Hounen and Furniture ao.icited. octl7 ly Heady for Sale! AN ADDRESS ON Eiemantary Agricultural Chemistry BY •I. nONItOE LCWUiII. Bound in pamphlet form, ia now ready for sale. Price 25 cenu. Cau be faruiahed on appUcatl n to TIMES OFFICE. augß tf _ i MRS. J. A. DROLLIN- J GEH (formerly Mrs. Dr. j S B. Coiliust prepares, Ist reduced prices, an opium Cure, alter the Coliina formula, and ia I haring remarkable suc cess, notwitnstauiling strong opposition. Full I>articul*r* tree. Ad- J dress 11. M. Woolley, I A'gt.. Atlantu. i>* ■ r-.':a. Mrs. J A Oroliinger’s PAINLESS ( ) i‘ i l 31 C ITIIEl T II E A SIUH E-S AM) GENUINE BEYOND s.-p*J DOUBT. [;im POSTPONED Chattahoochee Sheriff’s Sale. UJ ILL BE SOLI) •*N TIIE FIRST TUESDAY IN December, within the l*>ai Lours 1 sale, at the court house d*n>r iu Cush ta. the following proper i> to-wit: XL bailing known uh tin- PlcaH&ut Hill r.M. E Church, south). uesrGob olers Hid, iu the county of Chat tali'•' chee. to sstisty s saw inilHetu fi is from the sup nor Court of said counts, in lavnr of Wiu. Bawiy v>. Wiu. Phiiiip*-. Elbe t Mid r ami A. J. Bsru. ld, t’ouamiltee. Property pon tc* out in ft is. JOHN M SAPP. Nov3 td Shi riff. J. 31. TIiNKIEE. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. I PRACTICES in Courts of Georgia and Alabama. Office 12S Broad street, over C. A. Redd ' Co.'s. Special attention given to oolleotioDs. jsulO tf Kingsford's Oswego Pure and siLVEII GLOHS STABCII, For the Laundry. Msnuffictured by T. Kingston! & Son, The best Starch in the world. / * IVES a beautiful finish to the Ilun and tir IT difft-reuce in cost between it nd coniiuoi' starch is scarcely hall a cent f r an ordinary -YSeixing. Ask your Grocer for it. Kingsford's Oswego Corn Starch. For Pudrtin/js. Blanc Mange. Ice Cream, Ac , ie the original—Established in IS4B. And preserve* its reputation as M’Rk.h ktrosofr and m*>rf. iKi. icatk than any other article of the kind offered either >f the tuiiue t*r with other titles. Stevenson Macadam. Ph. D., Ac., the h ghees •■heim-Hj authority : of Europe, carefully au&Ur.eo this Cura Starch, autl says it is a most exceiien article diet, and iu chemical and feeding prje ••rtiea is fully equal to the best arrow root Directions for making Puddings. Custards. Ac., accompany each one pound package. For *aie by all PiM-T-bw* Ufficrts. !>•-> d.vwtf Rust-Proof Oats. 1 OFFER MY RUST PROOF-OAT®. PUT UP IN i the b**t burip f>a* k--3, "f five hnsbeD e*i>h. de leered on car* tree of dr*'age. at f 1.60 Ter per cent, off delivered on the farm if sacks are furnished. WM. H. YOUNG, octli d7t w6w KAT English Remedy THE Cordial Halm of Syricuin, AND TONIC PILLS, EOR NERVOUS AND GENERAL OEBILITY l*remafure Deray, Over Indulgence in llie Cite of Opium or Alcoholic HrinliM, Tobacco. Ar. \EKVOIN The Preaa, the Pulpit and the Lecture room ar* Hileut on th< subject of this diaeaau. A false delicacy withholds a knowledge in regard to vio lation of Physiological Laws, and life-wrecks shattered humanity, insanity and premature graves fill the world. No race, nation nr posi tion is exempt from the soul-deatroytng acourgs. SlieplesM nights, twitching of the muscles, trembling of the limbs, poor appetite, easily dis tnroed by noise or excitement punpies and oiotches on the face, desire to avoid company. ie -• uliar sensation over toe whole body are among the difficulties which attend this complaint. fhe Coniial Balm of SyricUiH and Tonic Pills will in a short time so cleanse the blo4d and Moothi* the nerves, aud restore strength to the body, sh to make life enjoyable auu happy. HI’ILKI’SY Oli FITS. No other remedy will cure Epilepsy or Fits so unickly hb the Cordial Balm of Syricum and Tonic Pills. Kidney Diseases and many other difficulties are cured by the uso ■>l the Cordial Balm of Syrup ami Tonic PiiD. 1 1 the watery portions ot our food are not jiass ed ilf they must, when retained in the system, produce serious dilHculties. Language tails when attempting to describe the suff* rings of p< r sous whose kidneys are out of order ; gravel, back iiche, lhiiauiuiation of tu* btadiier and (•! tho dclicat*- membraues oi the urinary organs are tb result if the water is n t regularly and properly 4’arried through the kidneys. The Cordial Balm of Syricum is effectual in promo*ing the secretion of the wa tery and unuutritious p. rti' ueoi the food, and iu carrying it off by its proper *>uth t;-. MThatcVcr portion of our rood is nuserviccabl* siiouid b> psKMed off in the wat> r iu sweat. m.A irout the bowels. It these UMch.He matters ar* rctaiue<! disease is sure to foliow. for tnen tne blood becomes poisoned with tb> impurities wnich h >uut pass off iu their proper chsunels. The Cordial Btla of Syricum and Tonic Pills is a powerful cleanser of the blt>od ; it starts the liver and kidneys into active operation, and act** ou ah the secretions of tne body. It carries tiff • •id and foul td emeu is iu tile blood, which are slow ami sure death it allowed to remain iu the system. DR. XJJXT BLEKiRSS. I’lIE CORDIAL BALM OF KYRI CUM AND TONIC PILLS is the. only remedy that has ever proved by prac tical experience abt unfit to those who suffer irom over-indulgence in Alcoholic Liquors, it com pletely destroys the fasti s for them, and restores the victim to h aith aud vigt>r. A single trial will prove it to be iust what it is recommended to be. MORJPXIIKTEI. THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRI CUM AND TONIC PILLS is a sure cure for the habitual use of Mor phine, so extensively used iu this country as a stimulant. It wilt in a very short time com pletely destroy the desire 1 r tms uarcototic. We have many ter-tim-mials from the hist fami lies in Europe ami America, who testify to its efficacy. OPIUIWI. The alarming increase of the use of this most pernicious drug as a stimulant, by niait- aud fe male, and its peculiar effects, completely destroy ing the digestive apparatus and shattering the nervous system, eff mmatuig ami debasing the mind, renders The Cordial Balm of Syricum and Tonic Piils of inestimable value, as it completely destroys ail desire f>r this most bau. jul drug, aud restores the uerves to a perfectly healthy state, even in eases where opium has been used iu large ijttanti tiet aud for a number of years. [Davenport Democrat. Davenport. lowa.] How few people are found without s-Tue indi cations of uervous disease. This truth iias been recognized ever since cutssic ages when a sound uiiud iu a sound body was held as tlie perfection ol human existence. S**ui< from congenial dis ase. others from youthful indiscretions, some from aicohonc indulgence or tH* free use of to tac*", suffer iroia tremor, palpitation of nervous exeitemeut~ail ol which can ot* removed and per manently cured by the English Remedy, the i <>r d ai Balm of Syricum which Has long been in tlie old country the favorite remedy, aud wkich, since its introduction into this country, has dis muced ail other medicines having the same ob ject in view. BonTom, July 15 1H74. Dr. CE E. Lothbov: Dear Sir—l beg to iuiorm y<m that I nave be-n troubled with Nervous Debility for the past twelve years, and have been unable to obtain any relief until I purchased a package of the Cordial Halm ol Syricuin at Mr. ; Duiicau’s drug st re, corner ol Leverett and j ireen streets, lbe benefit derived from the use of one it*-kage so tar exceeded ay expectations 1 that I address you this for publication, that | other aulf $ rs may avail themselves of the oppor j tunity to be cured. Yours truly. John Tuttle. Boston P. O. Uncxam, May 14. 1873. De. Q. E. Lothrop: ivar Sir—l iiave used up ; an tue Coraiai Baim oi Syricum anu Tunic Pii.s ; list you let Hi' have wh.-n you first undertook i iuy cure, aud I am glad to i>e able to inform you that, thus tar. I have derived greater benefit r-.m it than from any -ther medicine I have evi r i uk* uiu my life. I sleep better, aud daily go ; ai><ut my work without hesitation or tear. My u. rvts are getting steadier every day. aud if I ooutinue to improve as -ast as I have done for the last tew months since I have been ukmg your medicine I have no doubt but that I shall soon ! b* a well man. With many thanks for the i good y u have done me, I enclose s2b for which | please send me as before, five more bottles at the syricum and Pil s. as I intend to ke* p up the use ; *f theta uuti Tfttlly cured, as I beiieve I snail be. Very truly yours. Elliott Tomfxik*. Wholesale A([cnts: Sf.ts 8. HvNrr. Baltimore. Mil. E. MoktkVkx It t o Sew OloauH La. Vak KhaaCS SrirvKsaos It liEID. Chicago, 111 John D. Pails. Claciuoaai Ohio. Ktboso ft Cobh. Cleveland, Ohio. Collins X Beck.. St. I-ouis. Mo. Siild by (lruggistß. It ynur lrnsx:t*t* ilo not keep it a-h them ana they w It xrt It for you [ram any of tlie above Wholesale llru<Kist. Dr. O Eboah Lornop. Froprietor. nwy be con •ideiiil&lly coosnltrd. by mail or otherwi,.. fr,e ■f charge si his olfico No. U3. Court st., Boston, Moss. Bead twanty-ftve certs for oopy of Doctor's Boob 11Y> dV-lr