The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, November 30, 1875, Image 4

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THE DAILY TIMES. 00l i mbim* Oft.. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 30, 1875. MA&K It. KUKDCOML LOUIS f. OAKftilD) HLI.Dro.V A BAKXAER. Ul.rr> in. *NBMtt*r m law. OH; So. 81 Broad .(root, over Wlttifh A' Jwlrr Btor. Will iimetloe In the mete end Xo<lrel Court.. MMM m il <l.ll. ASD (OUEMCIiI. RE VIEW IS TOMIIRW. Oor.viMni'H. Ga., Not. 90,1875. MUNXTARV. Tho money in the Hanks Is now bolng ttHod to move tho cotton. Tho quantity on hand is not so groat as it was, though a plenty to mast the demands upon good collateral. Exchange -Tho (tanks are soiling on Now York at % premium. All other points K promlum. Oold—Xl6%,|but little offered. Hilver~No doraand—no quotations. OOTTOS. was in good demand tor the hotter grades. The market generally seemed active. The llgnres below include Thursday and Friday. Daily Stair Hunt. Stock on hand Aug. 91, 1875. . 485 Received yoatorday. 291 “ previously 24,996 .-*4,886 25,371 Shipped yesterday 424 “ previously 15,061 15,475 KUs'k on hand this morning 9,890 /Vice*. Ordinary 10 Good Ordinary . loti Low Middlings. Vl y. Middlings U%Cd 12 Good Middlings 120112*4 VVareliouso sales 4*o Receipt*. By Wagon.* 85 •' mTFu.b. ins “ River o •• N. &B.R. It 19 “ B.W.K.R 22 “ W.R. R... 2-291 Shipment*. By H. W. R. It 885 Homo, Consumption. 89 - 424 Same .’Aiy Last Year in Onbtmbu*. 20th. Kales 404 JtecoipU 843 Shipments 112 •*toek 8,018 < vtal Baeripts 30,928 Price for Middling 13‘^e ISAOOK. Uncoil l little weak and tlio dumand lihtoiiln, In Columbus it is rotallod at Its 1 ,c., which la a ijuartor less than it has been sold for. Loutsvllio and Bt. Louia arc Arm as far as Bacon is ooneerned, be cause it is scarce. thuutf ti enough for the demand, Built meats are down and are quoted in Bt. LnuU at 11 and Louisville uy,. A dispatch received from Louisville says old hams have all been sold, and none in the market. New hams will be In in fif teen days. OBAIN Demand for corn very light indeed, and everybody seems to have either raised their oorrt or will do without it; for choice white, in small lots, $1 OS is asked; mixed SI.OO, with a good prospect for lower fig ures. There is considerable and increasing demand for Oeorgla and Alabama rust proofivits at $1 35 j feed oatstio to 70c.; choice 'Western white oats 80 to 85c. JjY GOODS. Trade in dry goods was pretty good Jobbers wore idling good orders from Florida and elsewhere. Calico, Factory Chocks, Uc. Calioo Is re tailing at 7c. TKADB OBNKHAI.nV was lively, and everybody seemoil to bo doing a good business. Anew lot of 10-4 Sheeting and Pillow Case Homespun just, In and for sale cheaper than ever known before, at scp23 J. J. Whittls’s. A large assortment of Linen Collars and Cuffs of the latest styles Just received at p 39 J. J. WHITTLE’S. At ILraa Thun Cut to Close Out. Fine Cloths ami Casslmeres, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Do not lose tho op portunity. H.T. Cbiolkb. Sept. 38-U A beautiful line of Hamburg Edgings and Insertings. at prloes to suit the pur chaser, at Bep32 dawtf 3,3. WHirrurt. The largest assort ment of fine Gold and Silver Watches is to bo found at ctlß WrrrioH & Kinhrl's. At tfte Owt Br Mi.od. Hou.e, Columbu Si. Now Colored Silks just in, Embracing Stall Brown, Plum. Navy Blue and Ash es of Boses. Large Assortment of Fringes in the new shades. Black BriUlanttnes, Cashmeres and Ly ons Poplins, at popular prloos. oct2 tf J. S. JONES. Those wishing a bargain in Table Dam ask, Napkins, Towels. Ac., will do well to call at wpas dswtf J. J. Whittle’s. l a !• Ueftted. ' Anew and beautiful silver mounted Sowing Machine, which cost one hundred dollars, will bo raffled at W. T. Boblnson’s Double Track Depot as soon os fifty chances, at $2 per chance, can be obtained. It has all tho latest improvements, and runs easy and smoothly. Call and exam ine it Ntrtioa will be given of the day on which the raffle will take plain, WUhoft'l Ttt—Mil t Kalb. San and ftt-IlH tlttc Cur*, The unprecedented sale of this world renowned medicine proves InoonteeUbly that no remedy has superseded the use of this reliable Tonic. No spleen has been found so hard as not to yield to its soft ening inlluouoa, and no liver so hypertro phied as not to give up Its long-retained bilious secretions, and no Chill or Fever has yet refused to fall into line. Wheo loek, Finlay & 00., Proprietors, New Or leans. For sale by all druggists, daw Cloth Saeques,Shawls and another lot of UhkA' beautiful Black Bilks and Black Al pacas and Mohairs, just received at the Virginia Store. oetaa •)■< Arrived, If you want Ladies’ or Misses' Hose, in medium or extra length, very cheap, go to sep33 d&wtf J. J. Whittle’s. I,IXIO Pure Linen Hemstitched Handker chiefs at 151 Mb. 300 pairs Kid Gloves 75c, worth su. Corsets from 50c. to flnest Table Damask, Towels and other white goods cheap at the Virginia Store, <>om ___ Un ge lot Hamburg Edgings and Insert ings, extra cheap, by F. C. Johnson. octM rteodfiw -Sw A it!.. Gents’ Fine Gaiters, lust roeeied at Popt A Long's. Springer’s Open Ifraute. Thitrsd*) Night Havorty* Minstrels. Change of Schedule - Western Railroad Infollee For sale by W. J, Ghafliii. Annoueement Extraordinary Perry House, Wednesday and Thursday nights, Best Hand-Sewed Boots—Pope A Ising. Notice W. L. Clark, Superintendent. Registry List of Voters of the City on sale at this ofllee, for use of candidates and others. “Infeliee,” by Augusta Evans Wilson, at W. J. Chaffin's. Mosey I* Whet We West! And wo propose to get it by selling Boots and Shoes at prices to suit the present hard times. Pope A Lorn A I.ITTI.E FIBTOI. A Woman the Intrniled Vtctlna. no HAUH PONE A MAN TN TUB OUAHD HOUSE. Columbus Is obliged to have her episodes and excitements, and not having had any little thing of the sort for tho past week, Bill Collins concluded yesterday afternoon to try his hand on Mrs. Harrell. We could not learn tho origin of tho difficulty; but we did learn that Bill, with a small-sized single shooter, had drawn a bead on tho old lady, and had missed her. She soon gave the alarm, and Policeman Pickett gathered In the aforesaid William, and straightway deposited him In tho Hotel kept by the city for the benefit of Invalids. We learn he had hostile Intentions toward tho old lady, but Providence was on tier side, and the deadly missile 101 l harmless at her feet. The Grand Jury lain session, and it Is probable that tho ease will undergo Inves tigation. In the language of the Mission ary who was connected with Buffalo Bill: “William, you need spiritual inspiration." MUMCOOEJR SUPERIOR COURT. NOVKMIIEH TKIIM, 1875- - SEVENTEENTH PAY. Court met, pursuant to adjournment, tils Honor, Hugh Buchanan, Judge, pre siding. R. L. Mott vs. L. It. Hoopes et, al.; bill for Injunction. Writof injunction ordered to Issue. Easter Peggy Griffin et al. vs. James K. Redd, executor, and Louis Hamborger, claimant. Jury found property levied on subject to the 11. fa. Three equit y causes continued. Two common law eases continued. State vs. James Kilgore; Indictment for murder. Continued by consent. Grand Jury brought in fourteen true bills. The business sot apart for Judge Buch anan having been disposed of, Court ad journed till Wednesday morning, 9 o’clock, when His Honor, Martin J, Crawford, will resume tho equity doekot. llnverly'a MlnutrplN. We do not hesitate to advise the citizens Of Columbus and all of our readers to goto Havorly’s Minstrels. It is In fact the very best minstrel troup traveling. Milt. Barlow Is worth Cal Wagner and,his entire troupe. Ho is a Kentuokiau and In every way a gentleman. He has gone upon the stage through preference, and is to-day ahead of all stars in his profession. Tho en tire troupe is good, but Milt. Barlow Is the attraction of the show. Go by all moans and see him,and ho will tell you ex actly how Jonah and the whale made It. Tickets are for sale at Chaffin's popular book store. Tho best and cheapest Boots and Shoes aro to bo found at Pope & Long's. “Infelice,’’ by Augusta Evans Wilson, at W. 3. Chaffin's. Excitement Extraordinary. We looked in vain for an exciting local yesterday, and had given up In despair, when upon ourrotum to the office wo wore greeted by a few loud snarls, and then a regular jumping yell, as though a few dogs had hitched In mortal combat. Look ing around, and to tho left, we discovered that our next door neighbor’s big dog had hitehed a small sized lice for a light The light was all right had it not been for a largo sized Thomas cat who chanced in the way. Both canines let go their grips, and with a unanimity of purpose, wont for Thomas. Tho light then was short, but decisive. Thomas discovered ho was in the minority, swiftly climbed a light ning rod, while Tray and Blanche barked a solo. A policeman happening near, took them In, to the delight of tho said Thomas and a fow of his friends. Who says a cat has not some rights that will bo respected, even by the American citizens. Now stylos in Dress Goods, Alpacas and Brilliantinos, also, Hoisory Handkerchiefs and Gloves in groat variety, by octal doodOw F. C. Johnson. Biu dal Phehknts of Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware. Anew assortment just received at WITTIOH & liINSKL’S. New Dress Goods, embracing beautilul effects in Plaids, also Gray Silk Poplins, especially adapted to immediate wear at j. s. Jones’. Sep. 10-tf Ruches a Great variety, at from Sets, to the best by F. <’. Johnson. oct24 doodttw Largo lot best standard prints ottered today at only 7Me. Such as Allen’s, Sprague’s and others. Call at once and get a bargain, Virginia Store. nova tf Large lot Jeans, Oasaimeres and Flan nels, at the lowest market prices by octSO deodfiw F. O. Johnson. Hnmh Ribbon*, New Collars and Cuffs, fresh line of Hamburg’s Edging, choice Prints, Felt Skirts and Flannels, at 3. S. Jones', Sep. 10-tf Columbus, Ga. A fresh lot of Bleached Homespun, yard wide, at 10, 12% and 15u per yard—the beet goods In tho market at tho price, at sop 23 d,nwtf J. J. Whittle's. Autfuat Flower. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia anti Liver Complaint. More than seventy-live per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Coetiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Hoart-hurn, Water-brush, gnaw- Stomash, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and disagreeable taste in tho mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, Ac. Go to the Drug Store of Dr. F. L. Brooks and get a 75 cent bottle, or a Sample Bottle for 10 ceute. Try it. Two doses will relieve you. octl tf Call at J. J. Whittle’s and see his beauti ful selection of Plaid Calico at 10 rents, eept. 29-tf ME TIMES: TUESDAY MOKNIKG, NOVEMBER 3| W. The Cu>m. The municipal canvass is getting on lively. There are three candidates for Mayadscven for DcputylMasslial, two for Marshal, two for Clerk of Council and one for Sexton. Electioneering is brisk, and lasts are freely offered on candidates. The hottest contest Is tho Mayor’s elec tion. Throe gentlemen, all competent and capacitated are running. Each of them have strong friends who will go their length on the result. Tho candidates for Deputy Marshal, aro doing their best, and each are confi dent of success. The Marshal election Is exciting some comment. No interest manifested In the Sexton’s election, but In the Clerk’s election much Interest Is manifested, as both applicants are well known and highly appreciated.. The longest pole will knock down the persimmon. Mu Convenient Route to .1! outcome i*y Passengers for Montgomery or Eufaula will see by referring to the now schedule of tile Mobile A Girard Railroad that they can leave this city at the seasonable hour of 1:60 In the afternoon, Instead of 1:20 at night by the other route, and arrive at either place In time to get a good night’s rest. This surely is a decided Improve ment, so far ns Montgomery Is con cerned, as it does away with the unpleas antness of being woke up, or sitting up, for a midnight train, and getting but little or no sleep after leaving on it. We recom mend the new route as being by far the most preferable. “Infeliee," by Augusta Evans Wilson, at VV.Chaffin’h. (‘ulumiMiM Otmrd•> Festival. The promise of a very Battering festival is before the Columbus Guards. The ladies In largo numbers were at the Perry House yesterday preparing the wroatlis for the decoration of the hall. The Guards have invited the City Light Guards ahd tho Muscogee Rifles. Tho Light Guards will bo in attendance in uni form and the Muscogee Rifles in a body. The grandest success of the occasion wil* be this festival. We hope tosoe overbody present. Ill’ll! Afternoon. The City Light Guards under command of Capt. W. A. Little were out last after noon on drill. Tho company presented a very handsome appearance, and in the manoeuvres showed themselves as well drilled and proficient. They drilled some time on Broad street. This company is fast gaining In public favor, and under its present officers is bound to bo one of the crack companies of tho State. Success to them. “Infeliee,” by Augusta Evans Wilson; at W. J. Chaffin’s. Gent** Fine ©alter*. Just received, another lot of Hoyden’s Fine Calf Congress Galtors. Poi’K A Lon a. l.iHikoul For Thieve*. Augusta, Macon, and Montgomery are infested with thieves and house-breakers. As yet they have not made their appear ance in Columbus, either from a fear of our police or from a knowledge of the poverty of our people. At any rate, you had bet ter keep your doors looked, and not trust too much to the sublimity of luck, OF some morning you will wake up minus your watch and overcoat. Memorial Meeting. The mooting of the Memorial Associa tion did not take place. From some mis understanding the ladles did not meet to receive the reports of tho Committees at, the Appointed time. This failure does not in any way prevent tho grand success of tho entertainment in December at the City Light Guards’ Armory. How lie Got llttMeil. He leaned lazily against tho corner of the old postoffice building and looked lonely. “You got a loin on dis house, isn’t you? ' said a pompous looking darkey who came out of the St. diaries Hotel. There was no reply. Tho disconsolate looking negro who loaned against the wall only sighed heavily. “Hullo, Sam!” exclaimed tho hotel-mag nate, slush-cook, or something else, in a tone of recognition, “what’s de matter?" “I’scdo most üßhapplest nigger in de whole world,” replied Sum, without the loast emotion or movement of Ills eyes. “Been ’tested In de ’lection?” “No.” "Gal licked you?” “No, no." “Not toofaehoV" "No, no, no.” “Been drinking?” "You know I isn’t, when 1 'long to do church.” “Been gambling, I speck?" “Yes.” “And got busted?” “Plum busted. Wust you over seed; an’> besides bein’ a orphan, I’m fur away from home." “Well, it serves you right. You had no business to gamble lessen you had a shure thing." “Well, dat/s what’s do matter. I was too sartain.” “Of wiuit?” “Of de 'lection. 1 was tolerable well sat isfied of a sartainty, and I planked up on do 'publicans. Mr. Smith, ho says to me, I bet you if do white folks is two hundred strong and votes one way, and de niggers is five hundred strong and votes solid de other way, when it comes to countin’ de white folks is gwine to lie ahead. I don’t know nuffln 'bout rifmetiek, but I jest bet him t wo dollars dat couldn’t be so." “But how was you gwine to prove it?" “I never stopped to consider dat; but dis mornihg Mr. Smith ho cum to me, and lie say, ‘Jim, do 'lection returns is all in, and do State is done gone Domereratie by sev en million majority, and dem two dollars is mine.' Course I couldn't say nuffln after dat; and dat’s how cum me busted.”— Vicksburg Herald. If you want the best hand-sewed Scotch Bottom Boots in tho city, for the loast money, go to Pope A Long’s. '‘lnA'llfe." This is the title of anew novel, written by Mrs. Wilson, net Miss Augusta J. Ev ans, and now for sale by W. J. Chaffin. We have glanced over the work, and think it the best of all tho works she has contributed to the literary world. Don't fail to call at J. J. Whittle's before buying your Dress Goods. He has a beau tiful line of Plaids, from 20 to 75c. Also, Seal Brown. Navy Blue, and all other colors of Cashmeres. Full lino of Black Alpacas, cheaper than ever known be fore. _ sept, 20- tf The beet assort ment and chea pest Silk Ties, at F. C. Johnson’s. oet-M doodew. Jewelry repaired and made to order Bigraving and Watch Repairing done at VVrmrH A Kinsel’s. SCRAP*. Twenty-four seats in the next Congress will tie contested fifteen by Democrats and nine by Republicans. The small-pox is said to have made its appearance in Washington. With Con gress and tlie small-pox they’ll have a bad time in Washington this winter. You can’t depend on Kansas Uour. A loaf of bread passed Into Leavenworth jail contained two flies, a knife, a bottle of add and a roll of money. A country that grows such wheat as that cannot expect to got ahead very fast. A young fellow onee offered to kiss a Quakeress. "Friend,” said she, “thee must not do It.” “Oh Iby Jove! but I must,’* said the young man. “Well, friend, as thee liastsworn, thoo may do It; but thee must not make a practice of it.” A fond father wrote; “It generally takes twenty years of training to eradi cate the word ‘nice’ from a woman's voca bulary, The Falls of Niagara, tbo Psalms of David, and the progress of the human race were all nice to my oldest daughter til! she got married.” “Jenny, you're my sweetheart," said a nine-year-old suitor, as he sat alone with his heart’s Idol, the other evening. “How can I be your sweetheart," asked the little miss, “when I am thirteen yoars old, and your aro only nine?" Are you thirteen?" “Of course I am." “Well,” answered the juvenile beau, after reflect- j lng a little, "I’d a been thirteen, too, if I j hadn't been sick so much when I was lit- I tie.” Orlgler continues to sell his excellent lot of goods at cost. All you will have to do Is to call, with a little cash, arid convince youself. One of tho partners in the great Bo nanza 11 rni of Mackey, Flood A O'Brien was once popularly dubbed “Slippery Jim” and “Lying Jim Fair.’’ He has amassed $10,000,000 since then, anil ho Is now spoken of as “Col. James Fair.” The festival to be given by tho Colum bus Guards will be the grand affair of tho season. A curious thing is love, which cooieth from above, and lighteth like a dove on some; but some it never hits, unless It gives them fits, and scatters all their wits. Oh, hum. Yea aro obliged to have some dry goods, and that being the case go where you can get them the cheapest—ll. T. Crigler’s Virginia Store is tho place, for he intends leaving the city and desires to sell his largo stock of goods. Carlyle says there may be a courage which is the total absence of fear. That is when the fence is between you and the dog. Of the 5,000,000 Jews who are estimated to bo on the face of the globe, 120,000 are assigned to America, 46,000 to France, 300 to Ireland, twenty-live to Norway. One out of every seven inhabitants of Poland, and one out of every twenty-live of Ham burg, Uoumania, and Austria are Hebrews. Seven women in Buffalo, who started out on a crusade among the saloons, re port no gain for the temperance cause. “Wo are sent here by Jesus,” the leader said to tho first bar-keeper encountered; and he smilingly replied, “The introduc tion ia satisfactory; make yourselves at home.” “Infelice,” by Augusta Evans Wilson, at W. J. Chaffin's. —— . If you want a Black Lace Point at New York cost call at J. J. Whittle’s. scp22 tf _ At Hie Wry Good* Iloute, The best lot of Kid Gloves in the city. Walking Shades in two buttons at sl, $1.50 and $2.50. Evening and Opera Shades in 4 and 0 buttons -best grade. Pique Kids—black Btitohod, with colors to match the new suitings. tf _ J. S. Jones. The liest Wool Jeans ever brought to this market at 25, 37, 50 and 02 ceute, at J. J. Whittle’s. sept. 29-tf The largest and prettiest lot of Ladies’ Silk Ties in tho market. Also, Ruffs at 10 cents apieeo, at J. J. Whittle’s. Largo Stock of Ribbons at lower prices than ever known, at the Virginia Store. oct22 Solid Silver ami Silver platod-waro at Now York prices at. octlO WimcH A Kinskl’s. The largest and prettiest selection of Transfer Flowers in the city, Is at febl4 d&wtf J. J. WnrrrLE’B. Why Will Vu JPlue A way I WITHOUT A PARALLEL. The demand for Dr. J. Bradiield’s Fe male Regulator is beyond precedent in the annals of popular remedies. Orders come in so thick and fast that the Propri etor lias, heretofore been unable to fill them all. He is happy to state that ar rangement* are now complete by which he is prepared to manufacture Female Regulator on a scale equal to the emer gency, and tho public may feelussured that their wants may now Ist supplied. Physicians of high repute are using this groat remedy, in daily practice, all over Georgia. Hereafter no woman need suf fer from suppressed, suspended or irreg ular menstruation. This valuable medi cine is prepared by L. H. BradileUl, Drug gist. Atlanta, Ga., and sold at $1.50 per bottle by druggists throughout America HEART*. BLOOMING WIDOW. M ARIETTA, Ua., March 9, 1870. Messrs. BmificU it Cb.[; Gentlemen—You will please ship us an other supply of your invaluable Female Regulator, and forward bill by mail. We are happy to stale that this remedy gives better satisfaction than any article we soil. We have been selling it since 1808, and witnessed many remarkable cures by it. Among others, there was a lady friend of ours who was sallow and sickly until she was tweutv-six years old, when she was married. Her husband lived two years and died. She continued in bad health; In fact, site has never been what a woman ought to be. A few months after the death of her husband she saw your advertisement, and came to our store and bought a bottle of your Regula tor from us, aud took it according to di rections. It has cured her sound and well, brought her regular monthly peri ods on, aud to-day she is a hearty, bloom ing widow—with the use of but two bot tles of your Regulator, costing her only three dollars, when she had tried several physicians and spent a great deal of money without any benefit. Wishing you Sreat success with your valuable remo tes, we are, respectfully yours, etc., w. Root A s. ap2S ly HAKE WAY rOK THEOI.B It EI.IA III.E. Oy*leri Fifth and On me. Our Restaurant is now openfor the sea son, supplied with the liest tile market af fords. Bar stocked with best liquors and Cigars. oetl7 Ch.vs. He yuan A Cos. Only 9e. per yard for good soft, finish Bleached Domestic. Other grades equal ly cheap. Also wide Sheeting and Pil low Cottons, at the Virginia Store. OCt22 An entire new stock of Jewelry. The latest stylos just received at ootlfl Witttcit A- Kinski,’s. 'DIRECTORY OF THE CITY. €lim reties. j rmtST I'll EBBYTJRIiIA N -of Oglethorpe and St. Clair street*—Bov. J. 11. Nall, pastor. Service# at 10i* am. and 4** M. each Sunday. Huuday-school at 'J a. m EPISCOPAL (TJUNITY). Oglethorpe street, between Randolph and St. Clair -Rev. W. 0. Hunter rector. Service* at 11 a. m. and 4 r. m. each Sunday. Sunday-school at 3 **. m. ROMAN CATHOUC. Bt. Phillip# and St. James (Catholic) —on Jack son street, between Baldwin and Few street#— Father Hamilton pastor. Man# at and w*i a, m., and vesper# at 3 J*. M. Catechism at 4i\ M. FlttKT HAl*T!*r. Randolph street, between Jackson amt Troup street*—ftev. 0. A. Kendrick pastor. Her vice* every Sunday at 10)£ a. a*, and 7*# *•. m. tiuuday rtchool at 9 a. m. METHODHSt. St. Luke—On Jackson street, between Randolph and St. Clair—Rev,' K. J. Corley pastor. Ser vice* each Sunday at 1.0)* a. m. and 7t*. m. Sun day school at 9 a. m. St. Pau 1 —Southeast corner of Franklin and Troup streets—Rev. J. O. Branch pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 10>4 a. m. and 7s* JP. m Sunday-school at 4 p. m. Broad Street Methodist —On upper Broad street Rev. B. F. Breedlove pastor. Services every Sun day at 10)4 a. m. and 7>4 p. m. Sunday school at 2i a p. m, Olas# meeting at 9a. m. JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. Corner of Crawford and Forsyth street#. Her man Birkintbal rabbi. Services every Friday evening at 8 o’clock, and Saturday morning at Ift o’clock. auum Methodist- L, B. l'ayne pastor. Service# first Sunday at 10% a. m., and third Sunday at 6 P. m. Sunday-school 3 p. m. Baptist—Rev. ft. Parker, pastor. Services on the first and third Sunday# in each month. Sunday-school at %% a. m. BBOWNEVIIXK. Baptist—Bev. J. F. Reeve#, pastor. Services second and third Sunday#. ironday-Kchool at 9a.m. Singing School meet# every Monday, Wednes day and Frjday night# at the Church. Conducted by B. W. Brand. Trinity (Methodist)—Bov L. B. Payne pas tor. Services first, second ami third Sunday at 8 p. M,. and 3rd Sunday at 10 Ei a. m. Alternate Sundays supplied both morning and evening. Sunday-school every Sunday at 3 p. m. COLOMBO. Anbury Chapel (Methodist)—East Common—W. J. Gaines pa#tr. Services every Sunday at 10>£ a. m 3p. m. and 7*£ at night. Sunday-school at 9 A. M. First Baptiat—Corner Front and St. Clair street (near river)—Green McArthur pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at a. m. and Bp. m. Sun day-school at 9 a. m. St. John (Methodist), Northeast Common—E. P. Holme# pastor. Service# every Sunday at 10X a. m. aud Bp. w.. Sunday-school at 9a. m Second Baptist church (Northern Liberties)— Primus Stafford pastor. Services every Sunday at Iff*, a. m. aud Bp. m. Sunday-school at 9a. m. ColuuitHi* Grange Meets over Pollard k Harris' store last Saturday in every month. I. O. O. F. Muscogee Lodge on Oglethorpe street, between St. Clair and Crawford streets. Regular meeting# held every Monday evening at V 4 o'clock. Chathoochee Encampment meets 2d and 4th Mondays in each month. Hasonlr. Columbian Lodge, No. 7—Meets 3d Tuesday night in each month. JDarley Chapter, No. 7—Meet# on l#t Friday night in each month. Hope Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Saturday night in each month. St. Aldemar Cowm&ndery.—Meets 2d Tuesday night in each month. Lodge in Burras' building, corner Broad and Randolph streets. B Xai Ueriila. Lodge in Burrus’ bnildiag—Mcetinga held on the Ist and 3d Sunday# in each month. Public Buddings Orarf House (in Court Square, ce*. re of city) between Oglethorpe and Jack#on ana Trawferd and Thomas street#. Jail on East Common, foot of Crawford #i ’eet. Opera House nprthea# corner Crawforc uud Oglethorpe street#. Female Orphan Asylum, Estut OomiucL near cemetery, * Post Office, corner Oglethorpe ami Ran', dph street#. Hotel*. Rankin House, corner Br-ad and Crawfo*c street#. Planter#’ Broad street (east side), be tween St. Clair ud Crawford. Central Hotel, Broad street (cast side), between St. Clair and Crawford streets. Broad Street House, east side Broad atreet, be tween Crawford and Thomas street#. Public ttcliuolit. No. 1 (white male) northeast corner Jackson anti Craw lord streets. No. 2 (white female) south' west corner St. Clair aud Forsyth streets. Temperance Hall (mixed colored) Oglethop street, between Randolph and Bryan. Hunlclpal Government, Mayor, John Mcllhenny; City Treasurer, John N. Burnett; Clerk of Council, M. M. Moore; Citj Attorney, Charles Coleman; City Physician, \V W. Flewelleu; City Sexton, Abraham Odom; City Marshal, ; Deputy Marshal, W. L. Rob inson ; Wharfinger, Jake Burrus. ponies. Chief—W. L. Robinson. First Squad—T. ,T. Moore, captain: Robt. Mitchell, Win. H. H. Wood, Charles Brady, Wh . Smith. J allies Robarts, Second Squad—John Foran, captain: John St. Chur, Josh *Roper, Zeno Pickett, DauT Duncan, John Brady, John Feagan. Roll ot Columbus Fire llvpurtmeitt. Board of Control—W. H. Williams, Chief En gineer; C. A. Etheridge, First Ass’t Engineer; A. K. Francis, Second Ass’t Engineer; G. R. Flour uoy, Secretary. FIRE COMPANIES. Columbus. No. I—Engine house on Broad Btreet, above Bryan. Young America, No. s—Engine house on Ogle thorpe street, between Crawford and Thomaa. Central Mechanics, No. 6—Engine house on Ran dolph street, near Union Passenger Depot. Hook aud Ladder, No. I—Engine house next to Springer’s Opera House. Military. City Light Guards—Armory in Rankin House Skating Itink. Entrance on Crawford street. Oulumbus Guards—Armory in Gunby's build ing, on St. Clair street, between Broad and Front street*. Muscogee Rides—Armory in Jones’ Building, on Oglethorpe street, between Randolph and Bryan at reels. Call at J. J, Whittle’s and got some or the Eureka Spool Silk. It is the smooth est, strongest and cheapest silk in use. sep22 HfiMlitme Foy’k Corset*, New and complete line of Alpacas, Bril liantinos, Black Cashmeres and Bomba zines, at J. S. Jones. Sep. 10-tf City Tax Sales. X\ r lLL BE BDLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY YY IN DECEMBER NEXT, on Broad street, at corner ofcPruer, Illgee k Co’s, in the city of Co lumbus, Ga., the following described property situated in said city, with ail improvements theroen, levied onto satisfy sundry- fi fas lor taxes due said city of Columbus, to-wit: Lot No 77, corner Broad and Thomas streets, occupied by W. K. Moore and others. Levied on as the property of the estate of Tom Brassill. Amount of tax $197.50. Part of lot No. 71, situated on west side of Front street, at present vacant, but just north of John Feagau s. Levied on as the property of the estate of Felix McArdle. Amount of tax *11.25. Lot No. 252, situated on west side of Jackson •treet, occupied by Wm. Mabafley. Levied on as the property of Wm. Mahaffey. Amount of tax $32.50. North half of lot No. 342, corner Bryan aud Jackson streets. Levied on as the peoperty of owner unknown. Amouut of tax $198.23. South half of lot* No. 133, vacant. Levied on as the property of C. Northrop, Agent. Amount of tax $11.25. Lot No, 145, now occupied by F. G. Wilkins* Levied on as the property of F. G. Wilkins, Agent John King, Trustee Amount of tax $90.25. Lot No. 75. occupied by James McGovern. Levied on as the property of James McGovern. Amount of tax $13.25. Parties may settle any of the above before day of sale by paving amounts mentioned, together with the cost of advertising. Wm. L. HOBINBON. norV law*4w Deputy and acting Marshal. Muscogee Sheriff Sales. '\I7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in De- Y V comber next, in front of Preer & Blge*’ store, corner Broad and St. Glair sts.. Colum bus. Ga., between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the city-of Columbus. Muscogee county, State of Georgia, as toilows: North part of lot No. 473 in said city, of an acre, more or less, embracing north part of said lot, levied on as the property of Wm. Baxter, to satisfy a fi fa in my hands in &vor of Winter Can ty vs. Wm. Baxter. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. Also, at the same time and place, V of an acre of land, with the village of Lig onsviile, bounded north oy the residence of Robt. Jones, south by Front street, east by Adolphus MustiQ and west by Lafayette Paschal, as the property of Jack Mapp, to satisfy a fi fa in my hands in favor of J. H. Doughty vs. Jack Mapp. novT td JOHN R. TVEY. Sheriff. J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Junction Franklin, Warren and Oglethorpe Streets, Oolumtous, Oa. MV I.AROE STOCK OF Groceries and Provisions i# now full, and will be sold at the lowest possible prices for CASH Bagging, good and heavy, at 121. Iron Cotton Ties of best patterns at Go. Large stock Flour of all grades. Bacon and Bulk Meats. Large lot best Black Seed Oats. Corn and Meal. Lard—Choice Leaf in tierces, kegs and buckets. Molasses and Byrup in variety. Sugars and Coffees of every grade. Choice Teas. .Domestic I>ry Goods, including Osrmburgs, Sheetings, Checks, Stripes, Cotton Yarns, &c. Wines and Liquors, Shoes, Tin Ware, &c., &c. We guarantee satisfaction in all things. Messrs. H. C. FARLEY and KOLLIN JEFFERSON are with me, and cordially invite their friends to call on them. W My stock will always be kept full and complete. No charge for dray age. Respectfully. mii3 deodswtf J. H. HAMILTON. LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE OF DRY GOODS, Notions, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c. Iliifen will Hint it t their interest to C .4IJL AMD EXAH IVE OI R STOCK before |>iirebtising elsewhere. New York Invoices Duplicated! WIIOI,I>tI,K HOI WE, I.W lillOll) STREET. 1C UTAH. •• 15 i GAWLEY & LEWIS, eps tf COLE MBPS, GA. G. W. Brown’s Cigar Factory, 172 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. W. 11. SAT LS. IN CHARGE. O ON aud alter this date, will keep constantly on band a large assortment of Fine and Common Cigars at pric e# to suit the times. To Wholesale Dealers we offer great inducement#, both in price ami quality ot goods. Term# 60 day#, to goad parties. We sell the beat Cigar for the least money. In the retail department, customer# receive prompt and polite attention. From 25,000 to 4ft,00(1 Cigars of the following brands always on band: ARTRBTA VOZ PE CUBA, TRIPLE CROWN. VICTOR, LA CAROLINA. FLORA BE CUBA, BOCK, LA ESPANOLA, SILVER LAKE. ALSO, Fine Cut Tobacco in buckets and foil, Plug Tobacco, Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, and in tkot everything to tempt the votaries of the weed. nov!3 lm >YM. H, NALLS, Manufacturer, FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN CLOTHING HOUSE Thomas | Prescott Columlbus, Q-eorgia, Have always on hand every style and variety of Clothes for Men & Boys! Elegant Dress and Business Suits, Ready-Made or Made to Order. Wedding Suits a Special! y ! Also, tho celebrated “KNEP” SHIRT, Which has no superior, aud which they furnish in auy quantity at $1.25, CASH. ion 17 codtf C. A. REDD. J. I*. B VVLKI. WH. RED C. A. REDD & CO., 128 Broad Street, Columbus, (la. OFFER ONE OF THE FINEST STOCKS § GROCERIES X3ST G-80R.C3-I-A., At Wholesale and Retail. Purchasers may Depend on Bottom Prices. We Offer Special Inducements! M. 11. 11l lISOX, of Harris, is with us and would be glad to see his friends. Oct 3-6 m . CLOSING AND FINAL SALE AT THE VIRGINIA STORE. HAVING DETERMINED TO Sell Out in Columbus, And open business in another city; I oSer My Entire Stock of Dry Goods AT SUCH PRICES AS WILL ENSURE ITS SALE WITHIN A VERY SHORT TIME. MEANING ALL I SAY, I will .sell my goods at New York cost and down to Fifty Per Cent. Below Cost! It is needless to enumerate prices, It is enough to say the Goods MUST GO! And those 1 who come first will got the BEST BARGAINS. BARGAIN COUNTERS In Dress Goods at Half Their Value ! This sale will commence MONDAY Nov. 15th, and continue until closed out. _*- I hope those indebted to me will pay at once. BOV 14 ood&wtf H. T. CRIGLER.