The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, December 24, 1875, Image 4

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THE DAILY TIMES. Oolti mbn*. Oft.. FRIDAY DBCKMBEH 24, 1875. m.kk ii. loujsp. uabrabd, III.A Mil'll It II . 04IR11B. AtttfritAyi ,iml llviuKltwi at l.uw, iiAP-si' Broadstreet. #ver Wittkh * Kinsol'* Jewelry store. VTitl preotte* In the State and Federal Oonrts. fb 28 n.VAXmI. AND HOMHIIRCMI. HI!- vir.w i\ hoi.i ii in n. OoLUMBU*. Ga„ De. 24, 1878. MONETARY. Tlw monoy In the Banka In now tieing uwnl to move the cotton. The quantity on hand Is not eo groat ns it wan, though a plenty to moot the ilomamls upon good collateral. Exchange The banks are gelling on Now York at '4 premium. All other points MH premium. (iold - bnt little olTereil. Wivin' No dmud-so qw itatlnna. COTTON. was in good demand for all grades. Tho market generally seemed steady. Daily Statement. Stock on band Aug. 31,1875,., 486 Received yostonlay 588 •• previously .34,974 -35,502 30,047 Kliipisid Jyestorday 230 ' previously , 25,898- 26,134 Stock on hand this morning 9,613 iViceu. Ordinary *@lo Good Ordinary 10% Low Middlings 11% Middlings inmt% Good Middlings 12<te12.4 W arehouao saioß 210 lieeript*. By Wagon 280 M.A O. B 51 “ Kfver, 236 •• N. AH.H. It 13 “ S. W.K.It 3 “ W. B. It 0-- 568 ahiotytjt te. llyM. W. It. R 588 liomo Consumption 6—236 SuiHt ' 41-iy Laxt Year in Uoiumbux. Halos 75 Beooipts 216 BhfpinenU 257 Stock , 14,041 Total Jloielpts., 44,774 I’rioo for Middling V<i‘/,c Hectipt* at alt United State* Port*. 1874. 1875 Saturday , 28,559 28,200 Sunday and Monday 34,666 47,899 Tuesday 81,684 31,858 Wednesday 21,632 25,979 Thursday 25,394 33,385 Friday 20,209 Various 830 Total 182,894 167, m Showing an Increase of 26,586 bales, com pared with corresponding days of last yoar. HA (JON. Bacon is quiet, and the' supply large U%a., which Is less than it has been sold tor. Bulk meats here at 11%. fs.iqisviHnandSt. lands are Urm as far as Bacon Is concerned, Watme it is scarce, though enough for the demand. Bulk meats are down and aro quoted in Ht. Louis 10 and Louisville A plenty of new luout and hams on the market, OKA IN Demand for oorn very light Indeed, and everybody seems to have either raised their corn or will do without, it; for choice white, in smalt lots,9oe. hi asked; mixed 80e., with a good prospect, for lower fig ures ; ns eacli day shows a larger grain crop raised and fewer consumers. There is considerable and Increasing demand tor Georgia and' Alabama rust proof oats at $1 25; feed oats 60 to 70o.; choice Western white oats 80 to 850. MU’ GOODS. Tmito in dry goods was very dull.thougli tbore was a littlo doing iu sows of the stores. Calico, 6>io., Factory Checks, lie Calico is retailing at 7c. TIIADK GENERALLY was very good. Christmas times are tg, and everybody is corning to town with their little change, to get ready for holiday. Miniumc Fny* florae!*. Now ami complete line o l Alpacas, IJi'U liantiuos, Black Cashmeres and Bomba zines, at J. S. Jones. Sup. 10-tt ■ WSJf .W-f 1 - • ■!... A beautiful line of Hamburg Edgings and liißertings, at prices to suit the pur chaser, at w>p22 dawtf J, J. Whittle’s, Baeques,Shawls and another lot of those boautitul Black Silks and Black Al pacas and Mohairs, Just received at the Virginia Store. oet22 Only 9e. per yard for good soft finish Bleached Domestic. Otiior grades equal ly cheap. Also wide Sheeting and I'll low Cottons, at the Virginia Store. 00t22 UAEOAIAS! UAKU.tI.VSI Oat SttU of Millinery amt IKuncy Good.! Mbs. LEE will, on and after to-morrow, offer her enrlre stock of Ladies 1 , Misses, and Children’s Hats, Shawls, Furs, Ac., at less than cost for Cash. Also, Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets; Betti llalr Switches and (Juris; Jet Jewelry and other fashionable goods, which must be soht regardless of Cost. Call early and get the first choice. Those indebted to me will please (tall and eettltv as I need the money. deo32 tf H. . * .-'it.-, > MAKE WAY mil THKM.B UF.I.U JMLK. Oyatrt, Fth amttiame, Our Restaurant is now open for the sog, supplied with the best themorket af fords. Bar stocked with best liquors and CigttTJt -OCtT7 CIIAS. itEVJUN A Cos. Bridal Fresents of Solid Silver and Hilver-Platol Ware. Anew assortment jpst received at WlTTion A Kins El's. Call at J. J. Whittle's and soe his beauti ful wtfl&'tion of Plaid Calico at 10 corns. HOpt. 29-tf 1,W6 Pure Muon Hemfititelted Handker chief* at 12%0. 200 pairs Kid Gloves 7Sc,, worth SI.OO. Oorsols from 50c. to finest Table Dnmaak, Towels and other white goods cheap at the Virginia Store. ootS3 , lew a>)> It Hi In.ns, Now Collars and Cliffs, fresh lino of Hamburg's Rlgiiig, choice l’rints, Felt Skirts ami FhumolS, at J. 8. Jones", Sep. 10 tf Columbus, Ga. Jewelry repaired and made to order Engraving and Watch Repairing done at WiTtioh A Kinsel'B. At On Thu I'M ta I'lm Oat. Fine Cloths and Casslmeres, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Do not lose the op portunity. H.T Crigleb. Sew Advertisement*. Mnrkt-t fttolf* tor Betti—Commitcm Market. Fttruinre, Attention—Jfoltad k Go. Florida Syrup—Flournoy, McOehoe k Cos. I Clila* Were u<i it ery thing in the n*kery L. Ckw<i#ry. A Frortamfttion—J*me M. Smith, Governor, iiaukrupt notice— Jam. McPbcreon, Clerk. Sometliing nice for ChrUtnuM U anew suit of clothes—Thom* k Prescott have them. Assignee’s B*l*—Gttff I. Grimes, AMlgnue. Fine block of Oi^irs— Ne*7n*n * Cos. XtagM&t tssortmoni of Furniture—T. T. Ed rnunds. i'trtiiuiiiß Fancy Goods—E. C. Hood k Cos. ftnfclor k**fw the hest cigar# end wine*. kfUHmiry Goods ftr oiriktmsa -Hr*. M. H, Xm. Kloffluiti lUtumv, Math!lce wad Trunk*—J. J Bradford: Popular Jewelry cstablishmcnt—Wittlch k Kin sel. Turkeys. Oysters and Fish—John. L. Ilogau. For a Christinas dinner— l. J. kW. K. Wood can furnish the requisites. Lost, Gold Necklace— Boo notice. Do you want anew hat ?—Oo to E. E. Youge’s. Ho, for Christmas—Jos. T. Daniel. Toys sud Confectioneries—C. Sharp. Fresh Apalachicola Oysters—. Tube Newman. Card of Thanks—Subscriber. FI'.YKRAL NOTICE. Tiio friends and acquaintance of Mb. aad Mas. H. 8. Estes, and of Mk. and Mrs. J. T. Gbat, are invited to attend the funeral of tho Infant non of the latter. from the residency) of tho former, at 3% o’clock thin afternoon. FIISKRAL ROTICe. The friend# and acquaintances of Mias Maui a McLendon and of Mrs. Wlfllam l'lilinnr and family aro Invited to attend tho funeral of tho former from tho resi dence of tho latter, 32 Oglethorpe street, this (Friday) afternoon at 2% o’clock. Curd of Thunk.*. Columbus, GA., Dec. 23<1, 1875. Editor* Time*: Dear Snts: Please per mit us to return, through your paper, our thanks to the citizens, both white and col ored, who so lllierally gave to the Colored Baptist Church Festival. The Festival was a perfect success. Wo made over *195 net. Allow us also to thank you for your kind notice in your paper this morning— bogging, however, that you will ploase corroct one mistake, to wit: It was Bro. Jeff llolbrook who assisted the Pastor, and who was tho principal manager of the whole affair. Hospoctfully, Subscriber. (HAUrAOVE. Tho celebrated “Carte Blanche” brand at Buhler's. doc 24 lm Apalachicola Oysters, selected and line, for sale at Tube Newman’s. If ot for tlirUtmiia. Crossed Turkeys and Chickens to arrivo this morning. Jas. T. Daniel. doc 24 21. Th Ho* Law. Every poor man In the city is satisfied that the Council should give them a chance to raise their own moat, and we very heart ily agree with thorn; but the resolutions of Alderman Ledslngor, asking an opposi tion Alderman to furnish everybody with two hogs, meets with very goncral favor. At the next mooting, wo hope that motion will prevail, and that two hogs will be our portion. Somo of those days some of the Board will recollect their former poverty and dependence, and thon know “how it Is themselves" with the honest poverty of the city. liargiii MhlpiiumtN or Fruit. Columbus is gradually bocomlug a groat fruit centre. In the last few days Messrs. Halstead & Cos., Bedell & Cos., and others, have shipped large quantities of fruits to Atlanta. Theso gentlemen receive fruit by ovory boat, and are onablod to sell for loss than any house In Columbus. They sell by tbo wholesale, which gives buyers a decided Advantage over otters, when they want to buy at wholesale. ]Mcaiur Trip. A party of ladies and gentlemen left the city last night to meet another pleasure party, for a trip up the Tombigbee river to Columbus, Miss. They are headod by Capt. Johnson, and will return in a few days. An honest .Industrious white girl can find employment as chambermaid by ap plying at the Bankln House. dec23 2t Uluclt Alpaca* and Mohair* Selling at Cost at, the Virginia Store. Attraction* at the Vlniflnln Ntorr. Dry Goods of all kinds still going at Cost and Less. Largo Stock yet to bo sold. This opportunity will be given you only n short time longer. H. T. Cbigler. Everybody In want of a Carpet should go to the Vir ginia Store and buy one at Now York Cost. The Ku.h For Cheap Goods still continues—Go at once to the Virginia Stoke (io to JLaytleld’w to-day and got all your Christmas Cakes, Candles, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Floe Dolls, Toys, Fire Cracker, Ac. dec23 2t FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, FURS for La lies and Children at HALF PRICE at H. T. Cbiuler's. Large lot host standard prints offered to-day at only 7%c. Such as Allen’s, Sprague’s and others. Call at onoe and get a bargain, Virginia Store. nov2 tf WllhofV* To—nlc A Huflt, Sun* and delta title Cr. The unprecedented sale of this world renowned modldno proves Inoontestibly that no remedy has superseded the use of this reliable Tonic. No spleen has been found so hard os not to yield to its soft ening Influence, and no liver so hypertro phied as not to give up its long-retained bilious secretions, and no Chill or Fever has yet refused to fall into line. Wheo loek, Finlay A. Cos., Proprietors, New Or leans, For sale by all druggists. The largest and prettiest lot of Ladies" Silk Ties in the market. Alao, liulTs at 10 waits apiece, at J. J. Whittle’s. The largest and prettiest selection of Transfer Flowers in the city, is at febl* dawtf J. J. Whittle's. SO TO TUG VI KOI\I A STORE TO GET BARGAINS IN 1)BY GOODS. THEY ARK GOING AT LESS THAN COST, In order to CLOSE OUT BUSINESS, decll eod tf THE TIMES: FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, m. A sad irrORT. The Victim a Yotma Girl of Twenty ftimmrri. THE RESCUE—FAITH AND PROMISES. Yesterday evening wo wero notified of the fact that a young woman was in the city, In tho deepest distress, owing to the non-appearance of tho man who escorted her to tho city. THE YOUNG WOMAN we found on the corner of Broad and Bt. Clafr streets, crying a* if her heart would break. She was attended by several of her friends, but refused to be comforted, as her liege lord had failed to put In an appearance. We endeavored to gather the facte of her soiitudo, and from her lips learned tho following TALE OF HORROR. It seems that she had a happy home in Henry county, Ala., and that her parents were well off. She says that the man who brought her to Columbus Is named James Dayton, and that ho had been visiting her for ten months previous to her leaving home. Last Monday ho called at her home and proposed a RUNAWAY MATCH. She consented, and in an evil moment left the parental home and embarked upon the uncertain sea of life. They boarded the train at Troy, Ala., and came to this city. Willie here the first day ho noted woll, but on the second day ho got into bad company, and this was the last she saw of him whilo sober. desertion. The lone woman is satisfied that she has been deserted, and that her only hope Is to return to her homo. Luckily for her she has enough monoy to defruy her ex penses here, and back home. The base man who left such a pure and noble wo man, deserves the contempt of the world and should be branded us INFAMOUS, wherever he goes. Last night the young girl had found firm friends in some good people of this city, and to-day she proposes to return to her parents. The mean and contemptible scoundrel who so basely fabled such a confidence as was bestowed by tills wo man, deserves to be hung, or if found alive, TABUED AND FEATHERED and rode out of the town on a rail. Such occurrences will happen, but we hopo not to witness any such scones us we bolield in the face of tlio beautiful girl, who had been led from the paths of rectitude and honor. Fre*h Oyster*. If you want fresh Apalachicola Oysters, every one singlo and selected, be sure and call on Tore Newman. Special Thank.. The Ladies of the Memorial Association request that we will give publicity to their thanks to the community at large and the merchants in general. They ask us to further state that they are under obliga tions to Mr. McCarty, J. H. Hamilton, Col. Lindsay, Vf. E. Barnard, and E. E. Hoch strasser, for special favors. All of the merchants did their duty well, but tlie above arc especially noticed on account of their interest In the cause of the Monu ment and their exertions in bohalf of the cause. Xtuiu. Yesterday it rained during the Morning and tho {streets wore very sloppy. To morrow the rain may continue, and of course Christmas will bo Christmas if wo can only get a rain on Saturday. Wo wish a crowd of Western Immigrants wore in Columbus to-day, that they might soe and fool the salubrity of our climate, and experience the necessity of removing to a milder climate. To-day is the 24th of De cember, and it is warm enough for a linen duster and a palmetto fan. Bnhler sells his Wines and Liquors by the bottlo or gallon only. doc 24 liu An Interview. Wo made an unsuccessful attempt to in terview a renowned gentleman yesterday, on matters of vital interests. He Is gen erally very non-communicative,and in this instance sustained his reputation. (We asked various questions, and put our selves In the attitudo of a reporter, but with him it was no go. His partner is an ambitious disciple,and ovory now and then givo the accustomed wink. In reply to a number of interrogations, he respond ed “and she said she thought ho did." Such unsatisfactory answers disgusted us, and wo left. River \ew*. The steamor Wylly arrived yesterday evening from Bainbridgo. She brought about 230 bales of cotton, and a large quantity of miscellaneous freights. She leaves Saturday at 10 o’clock. Fresh Eggs, thirty cents per dozen. dec24 2t. Jas. T. Daniel. J. M. I.uyHeld has five hundred pounds of fresh Sponge and Found Cake, plain and ornamental. The best Fruit Cake In the city at 50 cents per pound. dee23 2t. Toy*, Flro Work*, Bread, Cakes, Candy, Coooanuts, Feanuts, Apples and a lino lot of Cuba Orangin. I will koop a splendid lot of all kinds of Cakes during the holidays, and if you want the best that is made in the city, Layfiold’s is the place to got it, near the Court House. dee 12-d2w. Iu Kiore and to Arrive. 8,000 poundsdressed TennessoeTurkeys, Geese, Ducks, and Chickens. 800 dozen Tennessee and Country Eggs. Goshen, Tennessee and Country Butter, Avery choice lot of Oranges and Apples, French and Stlok Candies, Nuts, Raisins, etc., etc. Toys at and away below cost. Goat Wag - ons at less than cost. Fire Works very cheap. A. L. llarmsox. doc223t At the Cu*h Ary flood* Hoiue, The best lot of Kid Gloves In the city. Walking Shades in two buttons at sl, $1,50 and $l5O. Evening and Opera Shades In 4 and 6 buttons—best grade. Pique Kids—black stitched, with colors to match the new suitings, tf J. S. Jokes. dust Arrived, If you want Ladles" or Misses’ Hose, in medium or extra length, very cheap, go to sep29 d&wtf J. J. Whittle's. 1 A fresh lot of Bleached Homespun, yard wide, at 10,12% and 15c per yard—the best goods In the market at the prioc, at sop 22 Unwtf J. J. Whittle's. Call at J. J. Whittle’s and get some oi the Eureka Spool Silk. It Is the smooth est, strongest and cheapest silk in use. sep2S New Dress Goods, embracing beautitul effects in Plaids, also Gray Silk Poplins, especially adapted to immediate wear at J. S. Jokes’, Sep.- lo st sour*. Gto to Crigler’s to-day and buy your dress goods. He is soiling at less than cost. To-morrow is Christmas day, and tho merry monotony of Christmas horns will begin with the little ones and end with the old chaps. To-morrow you will Vie enabled to account for a small stagger on the part of your friend, when you learn he has taken a little of “Babcock’s crooked.” —lmitation is a good thing, if you take it in time, but a day after the feast is too late. Now note the imi tation. It is only a prelude to inevi table destruction to indulge in such things. Enterprise is the watch word. Did anybody notico recently a little white saw-dust. on a gentleman’s front coat ? Will not some philanthropic citizen send an eggnogg to the chain-gang on to-morrow ? They will enjoy it. Not even a;dog fight occurred yes terday to mar the serenity of Christ mas week. Crigler hns the best selected lot of drygoods in the city, and is deter mined to sell them. Go there to-day and see how cheap he sells and what superior goods he* offers. Mrs. Tweed says William has just stepped out to see a roan. Now is the time to subscribe for the Times. Make your family a Christ mas present of a good newspaper, and be sure and take Times. Just think of that! Even the plump est woman has 240 bones. Now is a chance for some of our po licemen to make a reputation and five hundred dollars by catching the scoundrel who fired Air. Cook’s gin house. Work it up, get the reward and rid tho community of such char acters. The Memorial Concert closes to night. Everybody ought to go and aid tho cause. The ladies have work ed hard. We aro having Christmas weather in abundance, even if turkeys are scarce, and money hard to get. The papers all over the State are chronicling the killing of big hogs. Tho question of who will be “Rex” ot the Atlanta Mardigras is a mooted question. We learn that Capt. C. B. Mims of Columbus has been selected, and it is a good choice. When they speak of the “cotton lobby” at Washington it is not in tended to cast any slurs on padded females. The French woman who pricked seven babies to death with needles will probably have her thread of life cut short. Hall’s Journal of Health says that it is very healthy for young ineu to get out of bed at six in the morning and split wood for an hour. Look for a rush. MKMOUIAI. FMITI VAI-. THIRD NIGHT- -MORE SUCCESS THAN EVER. Last night the Ferry House was filled with the young and old all striving to help build a monument to our heroic dead. The various tables were all represented by the ladies of the night previous. Since our last report of the occasion, an 100-cream stand presided by Mrs. Chap man and Mrs. Beach. THE FISH POND was under the Jlmmediate supervision of the beautiful and facinating Miss Maggie Willis and Gennio Williams. They furn ished bait to all fishermen at ten cents a bait, CLOSING NIGHT. To-night the Festival closes. The differ ent raffles will take place, and the vote for the most popular military compnny will be closed. From what wo loarn the City. Light Guards are ahead on the ballot The Columbus Guards are rallying, and for awhile the voting last night was spir ited. The Muscogee Rifles are working for the prize, and they may win It. Be sure aud go to-night, and win all the cake and all the fancy articles. To-night everything not sold will bo auctioned off— Jake Burrus, auctioneer. The following committees were appoint ed. Committee for soliciting votes for Mus cogee Rifles.- Misses Maggie Willis, Josie Wilkins, Miriam Clark, Mary Epping, and Bailie Martin. Committee for sollcitng votes for the Columbus Guards: Misses Belle Green, Jinnie Nance, Min nie Allen, Sallie Lockhart, and Leila Redd. Committee for soliciting votes for City Light Guards: Misses Maggie Martin, Lucy Ellis, Flor ence Brooks, Mary Williams, Nolly Word, and Miss Persons. The ladios continue their festival until 12 o’clock to-night with additional features of interest. The Christmas tree for the Children at 4 o’clock r, m. will be very beautiful and attractive. All contributions are earnestly reqeeet cd to be sent In before 12 o’clock. The milk for lee cream by 9 o'clock. Well, we thought before last night that everybody knew a reporter in search of Items,and consequently were not surprised at receiving several messages to come to a certain table where the night before we had boned turkey, chicken salad, quail on toast, pates of the most delicious varie ties. We were in no special hurry, think ing all these things would be put aside for us—officially—and after awhile, having gotten up a most magnifleout appetite, we sauntered along that way. A large, Hat dish, which had held a pig, was hastily set before us, and wo were invited to “eat that while I toll you something” (altogeth er foreign to a reporter's business). The dish contained seven necks, two clean white pig ribs, some drum sticks, from which they hud made a chicken salad, throe breast bones, not a vestige of turkey on them, and five pinions of goose—some broad crumbs. We demurred, and men tioned, In a modest way, that we were somewhat hurried, as we were working up items. Gracious! what a change—oys ters, hot coffee, croams, salads, cakes, jel lies, ehocolate, viands of the richest varie ty and profusion poured in upon us so rapidly that we could not articulate thank you, ladies, fast enough to acknowledge the different attentions. An entire new stock of Jewelry. The latest styles just received at oot-19 WrrricH A Kissel’s. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! 6IFTS FOR THE YOUNG AND THE CLD. ‘ What to Bay aud'W’here to Huy It. Christmas Is near at hand, and every body want* to make somebody a present. Santa Claus with his hoary locks is expec ted to-morrow to bring joy to every heart, and rub out the care-worn wrinkles from every face. We throw out the following hints where to make your Christmas purchases at the least cost, and with the greatest satisfaction:* A l-REMOTT. Nothing sets off good looks better than a nice fitting suit of clothes. You have worn your old ones long enough, so go to Thomas A Prescott and get fitted in one of his new suits. Take your wife by sur prise by going home with anew suit If yon don’t do it, wo advise all wivos to go to Thomas A Prescott’s and order a suit, and take their husbands by surprise by having thorn ready for him to don early Christmas morning. The weather is balmy now, butcold weather is coming on, and you will need an overcoat. Take ad vantage of the reduction in clothing, and get you an overcoat Thomas A Prescott are anxious to sell theirs, and of course you can got a bargain by going there to day or to-morrow. Don't put it off, but put on anew suit of clothes. You will feel better and look happier. HR*. V. 11. LEE. The ladies' first wish is for a handsome bonnet and nothing seems tosatisfy them until they have visited Mrs. Lee's and de termined upon a bonnet, a shawl and some ribbons. Mrs. Lee has made ample provision for the Christinas trade, and is therefore enabled to supply it at living prices—Christmas is the time set apart for making presents, and the community is divided upon a suitable present. Will you call at Mrs. Lee’s to-day and decide foe yourself. The elegant dresses, and the lino hate will attract the young but Mrs. Lee desires the trade of everybody. Her goods are extra fine, and if you want to be suited, all you have to do is to call at her store on Broad street. K. C. HOOD As CO. These gentlemen have arranged for Christmas, and are now ready to deliver perfumes and fancy articles at very much below the usual prices. The nicest pres ents to be found in the city are at Dr. Hood’s. Colognes, pomatums, and other toilettes aro sold cheap. In this drug store you can find any kind of a Christmas present, while the afflicted can buy tho healing remedies of the age. Dr. Hood's “Eureka” is meeting with a very ready sale, and those afflicted with any species of liver oomplaint had best consult tills medicine. Go to Hood's drug store to-day and see what he has for sale. J. L. HOD AV, To-morrow is Christmas day and of course you ought to have a Christmas diunor. If you don’t feel able to have an extensive diuner, you want something ex tra. Turkey is the usual dish, and you can get thorn at Hogan's, but if you want anything extra, Hogan has it ill the shape of shad, the very first of the season. To day ho will have one hundred white shad, and 1,000 pounds of turkey. Go to Hogan's and get fish and fowl. SHARP’S TOY'S. Mr. Sharp has fallen heir to Mr. Profu mo’s stand and reputation, and like him is generally recognized as the “little folks' friend," and his extensive establishment, on Broad street, presents quite a lively scene, for Mr. Sharp has been as busy as a bee for the post two or throe weeks un packing the extensive assortment of toys, fancy goods, fire works, confoctiona ries, etc., which he has laid in to make lit tle folks glad during tho Christmas holi days. Mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, should remember the little ones, and also remember that Sharp can supply your wants suitable for a present. JT. .1. BR A DFORD. Maj. Bradford does not intend that Christmas shall pass and go, without a cordial invitation to everybody to call on him at tho old sthndof H. Middlebrook. To-day you will have some money, and by all means you should invest in something that will serve your purpose. Bradford has elegant harness, saddles and trunks, he is offering at a sacrifice. Go and see. NEWMAN Ai CO. This excellent concern desire to come in for a share of the Christmas patronage, and accordingly have increased their stock of cigars to meet tho demand. In order to accommodate themselves to the condition of the people they have for sale the very best cigar in the city for five cents. They have made a speciality of these ci gars, and are therefore able to pronounce them number one. Those who delight to chew, will find at Newman's the best of tobaccos, while they have fine pipes without end. Go to Newman’s to get your cigars, or your pipes. K. E. TOXSE. This is tho season of the year of all others to buy anew hat. Your old one has served you long enough, and on Christmas day wear anew hat. The place to get it at, is Yonge's, for with a special view to Christmas sales, he has procured the latest styles of gentlemen’s hats and the latest novelties in children’s and boys’ hats and caps. Youge has an excellent assortment of walking canes, from whieh you can make an acceptable present to somo friend. Go then and get anew hat. WITTICH A CIXSELL. This popular jewelry establishment is in full blast, and has on exhibition every species of jewelry, silver ware and parlor ornaments. The latest novelties in dia monds, watches and clocks have been se lected with a special view to the present hard times. What more beautiful pres ent for a young lady, than a locket, ring or set of jewelry. If you would make your married lady friend happy give her one of their elegant clocks, that she may know what hour the head of the family arrives, and thus put an end to his saying “it is about ten o’clock.” AT COW®ERA'S. Going Into Cowdery’s, we found his crockery establishment Hlled, not only with customers, Twit also with Chrismas goods. Time was when china was rare and Liverpool ware was everywhere. But now china Is moderately cheap, and the shelves of the “china-shop” are graced with the most lovely specimens of art in figures and pictures of exquisite coloring. His store, which is one of the largest in the city, was well filled with all manner of crockery, and while there we saw In pros poetivo many a wife's heart gladdened by the purchase of her Christmas tea-set, a porcelain vase for her mantlo, or a set of Bohemian glass ware. His glass and china ware is of the latest designs and coloring. His imported goods are of the finest texture and finish, and his prions are extremely moderate. By pric ing some of his goods, we solvod the pro blem "why such a run had been made on this “ehina-storo.” Nothing we know of is so calculated to make the new year a pear ful one as to commence It with a now outfit of china, glass and crockery; so if you wish to es cape curtain lectures, profit by our sug gestion, and buy a full lino of china ware, etc., at Cowdery’s, where you can got It cheap and guaranteed. His goods are all ef the best quality, and are being sold fast. 80 if you want to make a perfectly happy home, go before all the finest sets are sold and get your wife her Christmas present. J. J. A XV. U. WOOD. To make Christ mas a success you must have your Christmas dinner. J. J. AW. B. Wood, Broad street, havo a fresh ar rival of new raisins, currants, citron, figs, jellies, canned fruits and vegetables, mince meat, pigs’ feet, Shaker and ginger pre serves, cranberries, tine wines and ales, cooking wines and brandies, Havering ex tracts, spices, etc., etc., etc., that every housekeeper avers is essential to prepar ing the proper Christmas dinner. In order that everyone shall have eggnog, they have bought an exceedingly large number of eggs and an y quantity of butter. These two last named articles, as well as every thing else in their store will be sold at liv ing prices, which means very cheap. T. T. EDMUNDS. We visited yesterday, on our Christmas jaunts, the elegant furniture store of T. T. Edmunds, where we found a most elegant assortment of furniture, fancy chairs, lounges, and everything else that can be thought of in the furniture lino. II you want anything In the furniture linecheap, durable, well finished and tasty, be certain to call at Edmunds’ before you make your purchases. Iu these hard times it is true economy to buy a Christ mas gift, it matters not what it costs, that is not perishable, but that will last and be of use for years. To those who do not con sider that house furniture comes under the head of Christmas presents, we would suggest the propriety of commencing the new year with new furniture entire, or at least with such additions to this year’s as the wife may deem necessary. To say that Edmunds sold goods economically would be almost as superfluous as to ask a starving man if he was hungry. Go there and get your little boy a velocipede, and your little girl a nice chair. L. HV III.I:H'M is the place to visit if you want to make any of your gentlemen friends a present. A box of flneeigars.a nieo meerschaum or or briar root pipe, a tobacco pounch, a cigar holder, or pocket matchbox, would make a handsome and acceptable pres ent. Those In search of fine imported liquors, will find,them at Mr. Buhier’s. The best brandies and whiskeys for sale by the gallon or bottle.JThe pure “carte blanche” brand of wine is on sale at Buhier’s. Go there anu look at his stock. The largest assortment of lino Gold and -Silver Watches is to be found at oetl9 WrrncH A Kinsel's. Jfcw and HvAHtiftil Print* Just received and soiling at less than mar ket price, at the Virginia Store. A now lot of 10-4 Sheeting and Pillow Case Homespun just in and for sale cheaper than ever known before, at sep22 .1. J. Whittle's. We sec that J. Rhodes Browne fs having his factory painted with Brewer’s cele brated Rubber Paint. A large assortment of Linen Collars and Cuffs of the latest styles just received at sep22 J. J. WHITTLE'S. AoKint Flower. The most miserable beinprs in the world are those s a fieri a# from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy-live per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Oostiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, grnaw- Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, *£c. Go to your druggists. Brooks* Thronton, 130 Broad street, and get a 75 cent bottle, or a Sample Bottle for 10 eente. Try it. Two doses will relieve you. oetl tf f If you want a Black Lace Point at New York cost call at J. J. Whittle's. sep22 tf Why Will You Pine Awfy f WITHOUT A PARALLEL. Tho demand for Dr. J. Bradfleld’s Fe male Regulator is beyond precedent In the annals of popular remedies. Orders come In so thick and fast tlint the Propri etor has, heretofore been unable to fill them all. He is happy to state that ar rangements are now complete by which he is prepared to manufacture Female Regulator on a scale equal to the emer gency, and the public may feel assured that their wants may now lie supplied. Physicians of high repute are using this great remedy, in daily practice, all over Georgia. Hereafter no woman need suf fer from suppressed, suspended or irreg ular menstruation. This valuable medi cine la prepared by L. H. Bradliehi, Drug gist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold at $1.50 per bottle by druggists throughout America HEABTY ItLOOMIKO WIDOW. Marietta, Ga., March 9, 1870. Messrs. Bradfield <£ 0)4- Gentlemen—You wilt please ship us an other supply of your invaluable Female Regulator, and forward bill by mail. We are happy to state that this remedy gives better satisfaction than any article we sell. We have been selling it since 1868, and witnessed many remarkable cures by it. Among others, there was a lady friend of ours who was sallow and sickly until she was twenty-six years old, when she was married. Her husband lived two years and died. She continued in bad health; in fact, she has never been what a woman ought to be. A few months after the death of her husband she saw your advertisement, and came to our store and bought a bottle of your Regula tor from us, and took it according to di rections. it has oui-ed her sound and well, brought her regular monthly peri ods on, and to-day she is a hearty, bloom ing widow—with the use of but two bot tles of your Regulator, costing her only three dollars, when she had tried several physicians and spent a great deal of money without any benefit. Wishing you great success with your valuable reme dies, we are, respectfully yours, etc., W. Root A s. ap23 ly Fire Works! Be Careful! ! mHE setting off of any Bky Rockets. Roman Can- A dies, large Fire Crackers or Torpedoes or Bal loons at any places within the Corporate limits of the city, except north of Franklin street and south of Thomas street, is hereby prohibited during the Christmas holidays, and under penalty of fine or imprisonment at the discretion of the Mayor, and the police are specially instructed to enforce this prohibition. M. M. MOORE, Clerk of Council. dec2i 4t {Enquirer copy] pH MARKET* BY TEI.K42K.iPM. speed! lo the Dally Turn by the 8. AA. Line. FINANCIAL. N tsM Yoee, Dec. 93—3 p. u. —Gold closed 13)4. PROVISIONS. Cincinnati, Dec. 33—lard quiet end eny; Prime steam 121,; Choice Kettle 13@q; hi cm pork quiet uul rather * truly $19.76@90 for Prime city new; hogs quiet and Itrxu at $6.9364 6 60; for cotumuu $6.70a6.96; for tor tugood and "aT.KI; whiskey steady at sl.ll. Chicago, Dec, 93. — Wheat quiet at 96; January 961,; corn stronger at 4714, January 43)*; cate quiet at 39J$, January 30 q; Bye weaker at 66; barley duU. at 60 1, to 84 q ; high wluaa quiet at $1.10; Pork $19.05, January $19.10; lard $13.17,>* January $13.90. St. Loci*. Dec 93.—Flour nnch -ljad; whiskey; Pork dull at $19.(6; Bacon un changed; lard quiet 11 COTTON. Liverpool, Dec. 93—1 p. w Cotton quiet, middling upland 6 15-16; mid-dling orleana 7 3-16; Sales 10,000; speculation 3.000. Receipt 'll,ooo; American 8.900; Arrival* quiet; April and May delivery from Sav or Charletton 8)4 ■ i pm.— Cotton quiet; middling uplands 6 15-16; mid orleana 7 3-16. Balee 16.000; of which 3,000 are exports and speculation. Nov shipments from Sav orcharleaton low mid per sail 6 13-16. NawYonii, Dec 93—3:15 r. u—Spots closed aulet; ordinary 10), 1 good do ll 1,; ,trtct good o 13q; low middling 12 11-1$; strict low mid 13 1-16; mid 13 4 ; mid Ala 13)4 ; middling Orleans 13 7-15. Futures closed quiet and easy; Sales *2-500; Jan 135 32; Feb 18 1-33p)g; March 13 17 April 13 27-32; May 14 1-6; June 14 :,#9-3'>; July 14 Aug 14',,0*17-33; Dec 13 1 16feS-32. 0. a. posts. Receipts at ah porta to-day 33,385 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 10. 46 bales; Continent 8,069 bales. Consolidated 167,403; exports to Great Britain 58.660 bales ;to Continent 30,338 Franca 7,684; stock at all p0rtaJ59.646. Wholesale Prices. Apples—por barrel, $5; peck, 75c. Bacon—Clear Sides lb —c.; Clear Rib Sldea 14(<;c; Shoulders 11 qc; Ice-cured Shoulders —c; Sug(K-cured Hams 15c; Plain Hams 14c. Basotho @l6. Burnt Meats—Clear Rib Sides 13\c. Butteb—Goshen 1$ lb 40c; Country 30c. Brooms —l 9 dosen, $2 50@$3 50. Catov—Stick p lb 16c. Canneh Goons—Sardine* $t case of 100 boxes sl7; Oysters, lib caus V dozen. $1 90 to $1 35. Chkesb—English 1 lb 00c; Choice 18)4; West ern 17c; N. Y. State 18c. Candles— Adamantine V lb 19c; Parapblne 85c Ooppaa—Rio good v lb 93c; Prime 93c q; Choice 24 qo; Java 33c to 37c. Coas—Yellow Mixed $1 bushel $1 12)4; White. slls car load ratea In depot. Cmabk—Domestic, (ft 1,000 s9o@s6s; Havana, s?o@slso. FLoua—Extra Family, city ground, V lb $8; A $7 50; B $6 50; Fancy $9. Hardwabk—Swede Iron 9c.; Refined Iron 4@sc; Sadiron 7c.; Plow Steel 10;,@lle.; Horae and Mule Shoes 7 >4@Bc.; per lb.; Nalls per keg $4.25; Axes sl2@sl4 per do*. Hay—V cwt. $1 40; Country 40®50c. Iron Ties—ll lb 6>4c. Lard— Prime Leaf, tierce, $1 lb 16c; halves and kegs, 18(0, 19c. Leather— White Oak Sole 89 lb 45a55c; Hemlock Solo 33a35c; French Calf Skins s2@4; American do s2@s3 60; Upper Leather s‘l@s3 30; Harness do. 40(0,45c; Dry Hides 11c. Green do. 6c. Mackehet,—No. 1 V bl $12@15; No. 2 sl2 50; No. 3 sll 50; No. 1 $1 kit $1 40@$3. Piceles—Case $1 dozen pints $1 80; ? quart Molasses— N. O. 'b gallon 76c; Florida 60@60e; re-boiled 76c; common 45@60c. Strop—Florida 55@600 Oats—p l bushel 85c. Oil—Kerosene V gallon 25c: Linseed, raw, $1 20; boiled $1 25; Lard $1 25; Train sl. Rice—y lb 9.14 c. Salt—V sack $1 85; Virginia $2 25. Tobacco Common fi lb 65e ; Medium Bright 70c; Fine 75c; Extra $1; Navy 60@65c; Mocoaboy Snuff 75@85c. Shot— F sack $2 4(1. Buoak—-CruKht-d and Powdered $1 lb 13@13)4c; A. B. 12c,; Extra C. 12c.j C. 11)4C.; N. O. Yellow Clarified 10>,c; do. White 13c. Soda— Ke,g 7c 'p ib; box 9c. Starch—V ft 9 ;,C. Trunks—Columbus made, 20 Inch, 75c; 36 Inch $2 80. Tea—Green 75c; Oolong 65c. Whiskey—Rectified FI gallon $1 35; Bourbon s2@s4. White Lead— * lb i 1751214 c. VINEOAE—F gallon 35c. Offick Macon and BrunbwtcK R. R. 1 Macon, Ga., December 12, 1875. J The undersigned Board of Directors, appoint ed by Hie Excellency, Jamea M. Smith, Gov ernor of Georgia, by virtue of the authority given in the act approved March sth, 1875, invite* sealed bids up to 12 o’clock meridian of Tuesday, January 25,1876, for the leaae or purchase of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad, extending from the city of Macon to Baums wick, in Glynn county, Georgia—a distance of one hundred and eighty six miles, with the branch road extending from Cochran to HawkinsviLle, a distance of ten miles, and about live miles of side track on the main line of the road, and about two miles of extension in the said city of Brunswick, together with the franchises, equipments, and other property of said Railrodd, (whieh was sold on the first Tues day in June last as the property of the Macon aud Brunswick Railroad Company,) consisting of its road-bed superstructure, right of way, mo tive power, roolling stock, depots, freight and section houses, machine shops, carpenter shops, grounds, furniture, machinery, tools and mate rials csnnected therewith. Also, the following property of said Company, to-wit: Tracts or parcels of land Nos. 1,3 and 4 in District Twenty, and Nos. 124, 125, 127, 144 145,146, 131, 155,156 and 167, in District Twenty one, all lying and being in Pulaski county, Geor gia, and containing each two hundred and two and a half (202 acres. Also, a certain tract or parcel of land in the city of Brunswick, known as the wharf property of the Macon aud Brunswick Railroad Company. Also, one-half (undivided) of lots Nos. 3 and 4 of block 37, in the city of Macon, known in the locality as the Guard House property. Also, city lots Nos. 1, 2 and a portion of No. 3, in square No. 65, in the city of Macon. Also, a tract or parcel of land in said city of Macon, there known as “Camp Oglotborpe,” con taining ten acres more or less. Also, city lots Noe. I and 7. in block No. 10, in southwest Macon. Also, city lots Nos. 3 and 5, in square No. 13, in said city of Macon, with the building there on. Also, tractor parcel of land No. 217, in District Three, Wayne county, Georgia. Also, four hundred and forty shares of stock in the Southern aud Atlantic Telegraph Company, certificate 1,009. The foregoing property is offered for cash, for bonds of the State of Georgia, or for the first mortgage bonds of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad Company, endorsed in behalf of the State under authority of the act approved Decem ber 3d, 1806—ail or a part of either. Bids involving time payments, or installments, not exceeding seventy-five per cent, of the amount will be entertained. By the conditions of the 3d Section of the first above-named act, no sale or lease can be binding without the written approval of the Governor, as is therein required. Should any bid be accepted by the undersigned, and approved by the Gov ernor, notice thereof will be gtven as soon as pos sible to the party interested, and fifteen days from date thereof will be allowed to arrange for compliance. If not promptly done the Directors reserve the right of accepting the uext best bid. They also reserve the right of rejecting any and all bids. Any special information concerning the prop erty will be furnished on application. E. A. FLEWELLEN, W. A. LOFTON, O'. S. JONES. Directors Macon and Brunswick Railroad. decl? lawjw __ Mortgage Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN January, 1576, before the court bouse door in Cusaeta, Chattahoochee county within the le gal hours of sale, one cream colored Mare, levied on as the property of J. A. Gnrge, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in my hands issued from Talbot Su perior Court, in favor of Charles M. Smith, against J. A. Gnrge. Property pointed out in fife. JOHN M. SAPP. oct29 td Sheriff. Administor’s Sale. 41'ILL be .old o. the first Tuesday in January >Y next, within the legal hour, of sale before the Court House door in Cusaeta, Ga.. the fol lowing proper 101 % acres of kit of land No. 117, 28 acres of lot No. 140, snd all of lot No. 108. all in the stb district of Chattahoochee county, Ga. Sold as the property of the late John Majors, deceased, tor purpose of distribu tion under the will of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. W. J. MAJORS, Administrator, deos trtd de bonis non with will.