The daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1875-1876, September 24, 1876, Image 1

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VOL. 2, T. K. WYNNE, W. S. DRWOLF, JOHN H. MAJttIN, JOHN It. HTKWABT. - Wynne, DeWolf & Cos. Publishers and Proprietor!*. D AILY, (In advance) per annum, $7 00 •* six months, 4 00 " three mouths 2 00 " one month 75 WEEKLY, one year 2 00 (Shorter term* in proportion.) It ATEN OF ADVERTISING. Square, one week $ 3 00 One Square, one month. R 00 One Square, six month* 28 00 Transient advertisements SI.OO for first inser on. and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. Fifty per cent, additional In Local Column. Liberal rate* to larger advertisements. - 4i"u ■■ natural mag:;c. Ihe r or the conjurer la of,,'jry ftu cieulda:e. WeUearoTl! mro/uacient w:Finns; the -eaeval belief always betas t tae .iclis were performed tlirouzli supernatural. Sev eralcle-rer conjure, s fe.r w .1 orf ap pe.' flag before public assemblies iu England In the cou . c Of the six teen’U and seventeen;U oemu-fes, which vnts tasher a hold thing to uo, for the laws against wi. chorart were still in force, ami the poor conjurers, in trying to pick un a livelihood by their professionaldeoep’ iocs, ran the risk of perishing on the gal’ows or in the blaze of aUr bur el. Xbo fairs about liohdon wAe dually f’e qocftfetl by twMe *wtye. *? i Wie cf whom are cemmeine rated by >fr. Frost In h's very arnußing volume, lately published, 2V jurers. The first who, in giving science to the art of iegerc.encr n, rose to the character of c pailo opaly coa jorer, was Ka'erfelto, who lire been immortal!/, 'd by the j>oeu Cos ,vpe ; Kater'eKo w T h's h ir *w e*>d At bis own wo ue s, wonder v . • b. 1. Katerfelto was the son of a I\usslat) colonel of hussar... He had received a poor taueatiou, but being of an er raritetum, he took tdcoftju’dnr. Af ter traveling for some years on the continent,'ente?iaiumen's at different courts, lie anpoa, ed In Lon don about 1781, W \ - his tricks were mingled haiangi’.es on m'/hemaiici, hydrostatics am. othe: „clences. To aid his mystitlc. tloD. lio e::hib"ed a black eat, which war reputed to pos sess Bomo wonderful qualities, which he took care to puffin ho newspa pers. The puff was of csj o anony mous, Sometimes 1 • o rated pi dreadful ineinna: ere - trains the of .jo o . !. t, wnic’a wet rep-e enfed e-j u in disguise. Having wrought j .1 ocolic mind on the subject, Ka ’cl o would come out with an ; dve tisement per contra, denouncing t.:e ands cgt. and o* . a.h in spoaLict, o’ ii 0...e.f and his clever but very mao-eot c-.t. Eor ins ante,'he issued r n .Jvo .semen, n follows: 'Ka .Ifel.o .* ..or ” toi had that writers ’ lira;! j‘“s thy, own puffsj -j lit tew i apers have ,„evn*i 'iaac., and partlcalr rl 'ri.iß.Me lusUfoi - night, asserted .jennl iiis blaok out aro dot i-si wit ilio < contra y, Katerfolto o?a st ilaisclf o be nothing more ■"-da mo--land di vine pniloso no • t isa ’her In math; ematie; ana nt ~ hi-ocophy; ami hat noitlioi ho e, h a black at bears any ra-ier>b.'ad' ’odeviw, as they c e retro-er;'to- .a the p .ut shops; and a e-roe the mobility and public tha the dtao! h : maud his black cat bcin., anil* -isc, mo .ely -om lie a or- b a;, *c fomaneer, of Xater-'elta and his „r id - at, which both!.: the rays axlilb' Uoa are such !•• ri •?. ne Hmsaatiitrn. ■ to be i<r/o Uiua '-h; h he lie a evils indccd’-ifc bf.-rdf an re*-- 'ng in one inst-nt -dfa a i, td ‘he next without ic , , an< which hvt oocasioned man Tio’ end -oun s to be loot in wagers r pcow prehensiblo sun ~/J: | Pbiltpi Asiiby, no** trian ampLlihcrtre i said to rave begun lifer aso t-.'e ,1 - >vl: c’.j c. ■ naclly, whoa a"o • J -wtife'e :ti._t n’s regiment, _o ..emon ; a h ab’U' as a oaj-.c by nrep'hg he now md:r ’ ' ck. hi oOß">.id.t in.fft <-„v and. o t. Pr-hy wflh'bcj, --.he, r • eg the hr .l on -he omt diti. do. ‘ no cx planat on o ' . -...’k • ,'r 'he .ns- thq 1 , pi ey;ci;C 'oyd . i mlv vi >■ td i '-.’.0. .n this h. ml' vtohie e. slipr 11 o it u i.a tune, which ca y {-; be "ore ... ■ u hen c -ienU' *ou~'.y ioadPT w' !i UV. Befo 4 - Ti-'n-, 'he tin tube fad-ox —on !y in.ovc J.and when i h 40 iui m enauof;' b ah n a-, uaoos . -nanceuv eth- luljetlsfeiumpTanJfy exhibh and a- m;'tt cjught -a Jiel ~?riu!rc hß on. It - cir' hiat As.iey invent.. • tlioUiek ' y. -fe the eh’-.rion of blood at ,bo due' o two ■omtwiet In ho a, my, foi one of whom be ant A 1 - swwuo, Succeed* 'ng in gettin; neotlie man’s 83cond to resent' 0 tna iageniow* device tae • uel'ls.s fi.ei at e ch othe r wi.ii.out effect, cad the affair w uic bly adjnstod. 'Very clevo.- h . One might, however, -ay with s>., Wa Scott in h’s "I :yo r e.. ! t -l a st-el: But- ei- . v,yn:Drtf..l rid tr ,ner . b nuC 1 ! • 9 '• Mr. Front mention t o nsL-acee in which fno „uu-t fck .0 td fahil. One w t that of a nnju ar ic Dublin who w:s snot by t-.o a c-do-ulal substitution at * ve:,l 10. dc. >istol “orone in wolcn he charge v. t. w.i h cirawn. The other look pi. o' a C'ermany, at the joerfoi otenr of a conjurer named DeLineky. r ' up his wife be fired at by h x ro d'e: , each of whom wc 0 bit’s h b:."i off h'e c : ’ld ,0 In cha y .ag h‘- gui. h£;- oe -'y or.e e" the soidle s is and no b’ e off the ball, and Madamel>e L-neky wi.?snot he body. She ultd on the _ccoad day a. er the aociden.. The c ’ - ~-ophe clouded the letter y-*o-: ;he iia-orluna e cQDlnre:. Baisamo. t 'native of BW‘* who onaumed tee .jure o. Cap. ost.o, ioar’tbed -a .conA./e.-.0.. more proe-triy, t * aa lianot.'or, aoout rrr, offTwaS^et - §”knewa ch he con ineal ..main England. Le did not coring h'msetf to sleight-of band, but orelc-dcd i-o cure diseases, and to make old peo -e younp again. ,cii3 ’ate was unfo; Ij.iate. Tvhlle in Pari ;, he war, confined fo some time to the Har'tiile, 00 susp'cioa of beiog conce oe<ii In the robbery of the fame- diamond necklaco of Marie Antoine .e. Get ling out of this scraoe, he wen. to Borne, \;he;e„'on, ficoount of his ioojjm.7 o;>eratij#ns,‘ he was condemn’’a to death lie a magician, but died in prison in 1793. Some of the irioas of Cagiios-ro bad in them a trace of science. He dealt in optical illusions; and al though he Wa3 a regular charlatan, one cannot but regret the cruel wa Tllli DAILY TIMES. he was treated. By two successors, Com us and Robert—a couple of Frenchmen—tricks by means of con ci-ve mirrors were brought to con siderable jierfec ion. Bar forming in Paris, M. Robert declared he would raise irom the deadanv person whom the company pleased to name. It was proposed that ho should bring up the spi i or Murat; and truly enough a ohautom resembling that hideous revolutionary monster made its appeurar-e, and immediately Yucistied. Effec sof this kind, aided by a subdued light and somo ghastly paraphernalia, are produced by the ag. of louses, concave mirrors, and miniature likenesses of the per sons repreented. In feet, nitiou of the so-called manifestations ,of m-,de*u spiritualism may be ex plained by apt! al illusions, such as were pracTls I by M. Robert and his bto. her conjtji ‘is. We cannotevon in the briefest way, refer to the crowd of conjurers who, in .ater times, havo euhertaiued and astonished the public with their t. -eks. Only a few ctu be noticed. One of those was the well remember ed Aude -on, native of Aberdeen soire, who dc. ignated himself Wiaard of the North. It is a rare thing to in da beotnhinau lilting 1 he role of a showman, an ac'or, or a conjurer. R'att'g f om a t nunble pos; on, and W.orly eup i>d, An-icsson ’oVgcn r ’ff. era ri'.lboy fe 1% and <v ihnu apt' tide ’or -oM.a f >ongv< haptoier amo of au c’aci '.’.betook i tho o.o'-■-0.1 ofa ooju 'r, bcglr og w.tu . c -Pt,'. 1- - s aau Insm.-.U ..owns a-- .or, l;gr 4 way > . Adenwfa j hi Lorn on and eLewr*- e. Ho c 0. hoc Vs ,oo~>ula 'tv by the id ' f et way n waleh he per il med n v e’” of new r-d jcwil-j t . lug vs. . n h’s la e. c". vs re 1 urua-. jdol memoir of i)' ’ 'e, j i om will 1. we scp so'e, 1.-r.! F -,u in t. vn e rl.'g ’ 9.'.- 1 ae”t. I ! he v-oii. e of 1 >ro -. a. : c ■ on iu .i no hi. 00 v..:, Fo.*- r. aud 07 no Idv ecf his t. , j.,j i:c . adr>r;; or c. . ’e'. n. toe ,0 's| c.‘ i f oltfc.iy w dor, t luexo.- xiJ> ,r. he Sana o p v /.a . ho ,'cji. oafe ehrr.-i. Anderson m. c.e r-0 eg ec or, act ,uc.-d her four fc’i! eottns. f)i '-rug ie vo ds, •Grer.i Vr and e-. .:ej- o h,” cu a.> bam eo! Iris Irn o e ! .1 -be vvoxr 1 iu oit ,’or ;t v'.-o -e w; s. Oi bain" old hr- lie v., s a xi u, sin. c \ eveti him o r ! ne hcoie. £--* s moraort. ;e s e-coich wr about o pt-3 he door for wheve'he t/' d.l da'; ej~c_eme. t. A 1: 3ei v‘' id awp” ;le woman threw 1 h j-cney 0” he i 00: end fe'l do 'n in .t ~ occ mV ug her elf at >e .ri . Some pe sons ,-sir J in on a:. ng.Vc res, u’dse' edAader -on . o preveni h!s ex- oe. -ten ,he co;ioU d-.esv up, aid ho dr /er v; and Jut r. mi der had been] com ’ "Le. Tag down, and •oo'-'or ■} o-.*.~ 1 te w m ow, he 'ec at and seen ’ b#.o> ! BAf in El'fin. hiie V*,tMc 'tJ am. A there on finding! . hev. inc rwk id po’hioc, I ’ ice old -dy 3. vo jo of life, 1 nanu obe . .eubeioreamag’s : or he w: old w -n, - O—ib'er" he or vi>' no tnegigwa > a? ;a end a' vljat could be dor ew; ~ o 'od ~e h’rn In the town ji 1 ,1 . next ( v. 1 o ire if ’i t..te aapjerer w. ’ .Ten, ’he'e’o-e be fw 3Ji a >J 9of 'cons- -btr . w.-o ,’e e ijatn cuer.bly prompt in mt k ln*f the--op- •an 3, fhe ',ch went E ,ia, who.e he guard lost no time in spye ding (he news of . e Y’i'se xl *a- at, anti going f t the Aorarably rocm s, tola fhe audience, v'howe e growing impatient at *ho :onjtue s. non-avi ranee, that “t'~ey m' :ht cortjtr-0 fo" therase!V~i -hat night, for would bo no SWitd, r.i he wa~. wlie e he would jot :et out with ail his magic; he wr 1 ;u For c' jni., for murdering an ok! women.” A thrill of ho or ran t-rojtiit the c-owded auditin'; then a ma goafr a ele, and loud demands roe mede fo the return of the monev 1 Wet the doors. Th’s V'as f. ; ajd no liing wco tijkod of at H’pp hrt night but the horrible ip dc.-rtFo er. O- the following morfllcg. AuJe son wi-y conducted to ho dec e of 'he magistrate, wl c e he wiaow, who had recovered in tiiei ic."2e*of the night, told o; of ;he trag'-comicul slo.y ac she knew. The gen'lemanwho ad mi 'icto.c a juetlt-9 in that remote dis trict üßilr.d’at the old lady’s narra .ic;’ ■’enrovccl he witnesses for their ; nc s, eua at onco discharged Andoiion, ~:lt.h an expression o’ re g. ■io the noouvenienoe and loss o wh'cli u*3 detention had subjected him. The aew of the cl:.'.ou;ncnt of the a r tciw and Elgin k *s soon as EAnde on. for: w.iom it proved an ex- Pi c lejt r.dvor isemenr, banging ■ vtowes ’ J he As embly Rhoms, and icci jc'jg aim to prolong his s' v in 4 ’-r. ow.ieever, . nigh* ~ beyonu the in lie hikd in ended.” Ancle,*l.o3 ifrjei redly made a for eby ii's >e formances at home and abroad. Wh'le in the United ter;, he dl- covered the impostures of t ’.,e Spiritual's s that were driving po e mrd, and velentlessly exposed them ia, h' entert'.lnments. ‘I 4,-'r3cdjny r.ble, says he,‘to ra-ias oudly end Intellivent.y is the'rs, •.rhfie Iho'itpted not to reveal the jc ' ure and aioc.rj cp ra.tdi of the “qpL-LV’ which produced the rap pin.,!.' Fo this good service he de sc: red the thanks of society. Ander son died two or th ce years ago. Every one knows that jug gle y Is et, .ied :o a high pt'cfi ot perfection by natives of mala. We.have 3omo notice of rua velou s i : 'cks in M . Frost’s en c' The Chinese arc r so e’eve at roniu. ln-, especially as eg. rds sle'gh' -0 -hano. A few years we raw a re ’orm a dex t' ous manoeuvre, which it was puin u .0 witness, he appeared on the ge with his beit stuck full of table ItriT" with snai'ppoiuiu, aud was ac oomw—ied bv his son, a boy nine or _;n years of age. Placing the boy against a bvoac wooden niauk, he begt.a. a: he distance of six feet, to threw Ape I nives at him; causing hear sharp instruments by a panic lar jerk t j s’tck in the wood'all around the iioy. The feat was ranid iy executed, but with apparent ease and indifference. Not one of the halves touched the boy, though some of them stack in the board very near him. As ’ hey we.e projected with considerable iorce, any hit would u. re been fata!. The reflection rais ed at the sigh of this ext-aordinary c hibitioc, wa-, that the man must ii. ve ,pen . half a lifetime in training hiflii.Bd and eye for the pe'-form a-'oe. JHatli ,it may be remember ed. has aj interestlag essay on the dexterity of Indian jugglers in throw ing up a number of bul.s and catch- them successfully, and the enor mous amount of study that must have been expended in attempting COLUMBUS, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1876. such proficiency. Everybody will snv that the loss of lime ih studies of this nature is most wasteful. But looked at broadly iu relatiou to na- Uirul apltudes, it would seem to be prettv much a matter of taste whetuer a man shall spend seven years in learning to poiso perpeudio ular on the point of his nose a tall stick with a dinner plate pirouetting on tile top of it, or in qualifying him self for one of the learned professions. Conjuring, possibly pays, as well us anything else. Among the Inter conjurers of note there have been several foreigners, Dobler, Fiikil, Bosco, and Houdin— i ordinarily called Robert-lloudiu. Wo happen to have seen them all, and in particular can speak with approbation of the elegantly adroit performances of Houdin. This clever Frenchman, who sooke English fluently, travel -d about with ids wife, who was an accessor} in ids en t inments. For example he would declare that Madame, while seated blindfold in the middle of the s.age, would describe any small article that was banded to him. Responding to his request, one of the spectators Would baud him u brooch, uuolher a ring, a third a pencil-case, and so on. Every article wit's faithfully de tcibed to all appearance by the. bjiad-folded lady, which (-.used no stn. ,11 degree of wonder; but in renl- Ly she never spoke at all. Sue orlv mov tl her lips; while the lius b nd holding aud looking at the v •- t' Ie .n „is hand, by meunsof ventnl oo j’sm used the words *o >• >me ap t .om her mouth. The trick I aingly well peric-m’-d. :e cm:n of his '.rsvoH, Houdin \' . A’.gievs, 'nd ee e • on‘‘ted t* ! 'r. Arabs ,ae .Torm . e£ .e :,un- le t,ic. ’>e d'u s-itnewci* necai' : Atom i inme rioldA. be,' | lla>Yr ■w , dooil 3 r. . - nn v'... i no e.ioj u i )u a one o hi o :n ,)' -.o . xu.. a id 's ml i bo iote next day, *! er .ie i,' ivo, and e Jt.'C,;? 0-- *st him. j wr~ e • | v~ o ' .’lf", of 3k li .'o ‘ oo ew; • o'lie ■ . . i’iate ! u :v;i o e- fa y m|, •'o lx. o 'n. Nos; vay vo i ~ . ■ me o '. Iso,-i n only s i \\l . Sat he soed oe rllow si lo Jot's oi .tie A c tuioghim | i en belle, ora r s ,u?e ’ i ora wj’c i -o m. Ue IT caoiex TANARUS.~ Wi saircud to. J-.oudio, i eve y o hough , < -op > . he i den o.t 'et J hoy's oi; but ins do’ t.okff c, lie (' o spid a > ev'ousiy p e >, 1 111 a bul e , \.-l> ch <.' solveu iu a I ( is. on being it ed. Novy,’ oa'.u he o ju e: to > >e A „b, ',t ko he pi -i o aud five a. me. unu I will oe.toii, ce bullet lfiuy mouth.’ The xlsto 1 / fired , ano to ’ fie p"0 ourd aam .ement oC ao crowd of Arabs. Bout in iooli a leaden bullet out o.' his joudi, which nil admitted to i>e tae or.leu tha, hud been selected ora lie sadcer'al. To oliil movers on' a the company, Houdin declared h, ' Tv io<.ding wi >i another I 'adat. t. Ihe would b. in.; bloou out of u i ossvr.l. All wee eager to -ee .'*! wonder Tn! It w. - pd form ed aawa • t-i le udle lug "com wli.Yt iui rl - eg; ken nlr.ce. Instead of o 3 lias a lb; l into the pisiol, C.o < *a rs~d a ahem bullet lit lea vd:h *?d 'ldl'd; wide i di-solvod on iking the 'vp.ll. Wontiei uomen ’ oi We believe that Ande .von p h' s> 'll-, i ;s was similarly in he ,i*bi o ' euoifii.utiu;. light composi on h i*s for enl balie.s, and wes I }m l.v succ. v'ful. Ii wesall u mat-1 . o' sei iu-o’-iianu. iTr>e ;• e"u ami most surprising pie ’0 of Nu.utnl Matte hi s been 7hat Is usually caliea Pepper’s Grfaosl, though it was exhibit. 1 years previously, in Baris, by the French conjurer, iftcbln. Tho thing, howev er, is so simple and so obvious, that we cannot doubt it had been employ ed—perhaps imperfectly—ages ago in the conjuring repertory. A iire burn ing in a room is at a certain angle reflected in the glass of the window. Passing through the glass, the rays are re-’.acted or bent aside, and the image of the fire is seen blazing on u bush or other object outside. Such *.s the principle ou which the so-call ed Pep’xers Ghost is made a subject of wonder to an essemblage of peo ple. Shrouding the lights, to give the required dimness, a glass screen is lowered in front of the stage, on which the ghost is to Appear; the ghost being nothing more than tho rcileeUon of a jxerson performing out of Sight of the 9t*r?c * tors—probnbl v at a point in front of the glass, or even uouer the stage. The recent manufacture of large sheets of plate glass hro immensely facilitated tie trick. As none of the spectators, on account of the crepuscular light, can see tile glass, the simulation is com plete. A ghost seems to be walking i bout the at ge, which the actors a -to dee or to grasp, of course wli bout effect, and the marvel is to alia xearanceincomprehensible. On he Ike /.minciple, is sometimes s. a ‘rflu-pc head,’ which on swe" quesuons, also a variety of o.hsr tricks or op; ical illusions. — C. " . .’’s uovrna'. THE MAN TO LIVE LONG. He has a p.ope atnl well proportioned si & litre, without, howeves, too tall. He s athec of 9 middle mze oud ..omewbat thc set. His completion is not 100 florid; at vny ra'.e, too much ruddiness in youth is no u sign 0/ longevity. His b& ; r app'oacbes to .he fair .other than to the black,- Hi* skin j* ong but not jough. Hi head s not too bi'j’j his shoulders are pound r ther than flat; h neck is not too long; his abdomen doe* not project; his hands are iarge, but not Loo deeply cleL; his foot is rather thick than long, and h * leg* are firm round. He has a bioad, arched cbe*t, a strong voice, anil the faculty of retaining bis breath for a long time wiihou; difficulty. There is har mony in aff his parts. His senses are good, bui not too delicate; his pulse is slow and regular; hia stomach is excellent; bis appe al e good and digestion easy. Ihe joys of ue table are to him of importance; they tune his mind to seren ty, and his soul partakes : n tie pleasure which they communicate. He does not eat merely for the sake of eating, but each meal is an hour of daily fesliviiy. He ''a s slowly and has riot too much thirst, the ‘atier being always a sign of rapid self consumption. He is serene, loquacious, susCept.'ole of joy, love ahdhope, but insens’bie to the impressions of hatred, anger and avarice. His passion never become* v'oient or dest.uctive. If be ever gives way to anger he experiences rather a useful glow of warmth, an artificial and gentle fever, without an overflow cf the bile. He is also fond of employment, particularly calm med ilatioa and agreeable speculations. He is an optimise a friend of nature and domestic felicity. He has no thirst after honor or riches, and banishes all thought of to-mor -1 o w .— B lo * Tranter ipi. House and *l*n Painting:. Orders left at T. -W. Markham’s will be promotly attended to. I ask the patron age ol the public, and refer all to my work, scpa’l th&su4t Alex Pacetti. THE YELLOW FEVEIL 600 CASES AT BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK WORSE OFF THAN SAVANNAH l i 'i‘ig;lifliil 4'ondilion ol'Afliiim rvople Will IVOHI Nrrlct. MORTALITY AT SAVANNAH. Augusta, Sept. 23.— Six hundred esses of yellow fever at Brut swick, Ge. The people are in a most desti tute condl'lon, being without food physicians or nurses. The dispatch states that it Is im possible to exaggerate the frightful condition of affairs at B; inswiek. Some of tho people will die from ! stut ration unless ape-dy aid is ren dered them. A CALL FOR AIT) FOR SAVANNAH. Savannah, Sept, 23.— At a meeting of the Savannah Benevolent As noo'a tion. formerly Jhe Metropolitan Fire Company, held thlsdav, the A -oca 'on r o'veil to rek n and om abroad for the sick and dertßute of S-van nah through !' P* ide't, J. H. Er '.'.ll. AT eo.P 'bui 'rs, whether of tnojev, i o Kons *>r c* '-’'n". nd-! a re-rod 'J. H. Rvi . r e 'deotMe * oi'*au Benovc ;nt Aroociatlon, will bo reel veil an 1 acknowledge 1 ‘ br,ugli tdic oo! unns of ,he Mot i'ny A~-xs. xi ii lie ' i l ' i* ’c si .in. Noe'i'demic in Ghurle~ton. So fe ■ c”e have been fonrsca"erirg yellow :>ve cases, fa rio sly traced *o rcr c;ns .vho communicated with the CiUa._ntlne, and refu.;ees from Sn renna.i. Tho fev. r snows no signs of spreading. Will promptly report : ay increase. tncT '.ctl Mor i‘-y n gu uuina'i. Savannah Sept, 2C.—Total inter tu: ’>■ ), 40 of whites; 30 wore of yellow fe r. VOIIV C'INSIDERABLF, DECUF.AHF IN THE NUMBER OF DEATHS. cm t Bavauiifh Nows of Fx’id#*'.] he report of interments for yester d; y allows a marked decrease iu the •loath;, being twenty-ono total, of! ill li sixteen were yellow fovor. ,hi L a decrease of tweuty-four iu Ire total lu’ermente, and twenty two in ho yellow fever eases report ed, mt ompared with the interments of the previous day. This is very en couraging, aud justifies the hope that the fever has reached its climax. j If, :r. .MEETS FOR THE DAY ENDING SEP TEMBER 21, 187 b—LAUREL GRO* E CKAL.CF.aY. William H. Cue, aged 18 years, yel iOw fever; Leanorn Mandcey, aged f years, yellow fever; W. 11. Grese ji.-ii, aged 41 years, yellow fever; Goorge Bowen, aged 29 yours, yellow fever; Peter G. Charles, aged years, vcl low fever; Samuel E. Du four, a;'ed 3 years, bilious congestive fever; Sophy Barry, aged 5 years, yellow fever; Emanuel Mendel, aged 36 years, yellow fever. Colored-Frank Robinson, aged 25 years, unknown; Walter Pinkey, aged 25 years, yellow fever; Floyd Tayloy 20 years, yellow fever; Sarah Davis, aged 60 years, debility. Whites, I): colored, 4; total 13 ("yellow fever lOj. CATHEDRAL CEMETERY. Lewis Demers, aged 34 years, yel low fever; Michael Winters, 22 years, yellow fever; Michael Gay, 76 years, old age; Mary Knox, 33. yellow fever; Mary Barry, 14, typhoid fever; D. D. Sullivan, 5 years, yellow fever; Jas. Hayes, aged 6, yellow fever; Miss Cahill, aged 40, yellow fever. Whites 8, colored none; total 8— yellow fever 6. RECAPITULATION. Laurel Grove Cemetery—Whites 9. colored 4; total 13—yellow fever 10. Ce iiedud Cemetery—Whites 8, col o:ed 0; total 8— yellow fever 0. Grand total 21. Yellow fever 16. Impur'ant D'.tlhloiim I. o. o. p. A teleg. ftm from Philadelphia says that the Uail IS' .-.tee G arid Lodge I. O. 0. F., now )a .-a s oi at Philadelphia, lias made ■ie foito v ig iflapo, '.Lot deois ons. which we pu.- '• n for t jo benefit of the frater ni '..vs. Firs'- tls Improper fora lodge to do nai : in' iltia :> npu tof ilia initiation It, upon the ground that he had made a bargain w.lh oerltdn members of the Lodge,before sending ;u his peiition, that he stiouid liave part of his initiation fee back. Second—That the law of 1870 in regard to susnensiori of members for non-pay ment of dues, and also for their re iustat anent, repe is ail former laws on ■ hat subjf :t,. Third- That up Indian presenting a reg ular e.o'd, having the password, and who passes an examination, should he permit ted to visit a lodge; tho fault Is In tho lodge which Initiated him. Fourth.—That, the several jurisdictions of the sevft'nl States have the right to de termine whether the dead can he buried by a committee of tho lodge or by tho w io'o lodge. Fifth. —That a lodge cannot in a body as a lodge a’‘a id tho funeral of a deceased afleient Odd-Fellow and conduct the ser vices ace riding to the ritual of the order Si:th.—ltts not illegal that members of a 'odge, by appointment of the N. U., shall, wjien.the lodge is opened, under the head of "The good order,” deliver an address or read essays o.i Odd-Fellow etiip. Seventh,—That the sea! of a lodgv should only be used in transacting legitimate bus of the lodge. Love ic Wilson n celebrated Belts will cure ohills, correct deranged nervous systems, strengthen the appetite, and actively aid in restoring mpaired health. For sale at api-20 tf M. D. Hood Sc Co.’s. THE TURKISH SITUATION. Heavy Pi-e-sure on Turkey In Ft tend the Armistice. London, 23.—A dispatch .:om Vien na to the Thnes explains that a dif ficulty has arisen because the Porte, before granting a prolongation of the armistice, desires tho powers to give their opinion in regard to its peace propositions. The powers, on the other hand are persistant in demand ing the conclusion of an arnr'stioe ir sespectlve of th s condition, because as they have from the commence ment insisted that an armistice was indispensable, they consider it would be derogatory to admit any sort of compromise on the subject. The Powers also intend tirs attitude as a concession to Russiu, sho having throughout the negotiation determin edly supported unconditional nrmis tieo. As ’he term for which the present suspension of hostilities has been granted draws to a close the demands of the powers beeomo more pressing, some of them liav'ng tolerably plainly in imated that the Porte’s re utal to g *ant an armlst'ce would ler.d to tho suspension of their di plomatic relations. A BETTS* Pr.OSPECT OF PEACE. London. Sept. 2S.—The Times’ Ber lin dispa oh says U is expected that ij gain Mmo for negotiation, Russia will stop the dispatch of soldiers to So'via when Turkey will no longer obj?ot fo grant a prolonged armistice. I! Russia continues to permit the ex odus of troops, the Porie will still allow the continuance of the present ace for some additional days, w. Icsb, as it, would roach o the com mencement of the rainy season, pra; ie .bly Terminates -ke war. A dispaoh to the Times from Pan, eays according to news received here, it is believed that Turkey will agree to prolong the annstice without any fixed date. St. P itsrsburg, Sept., 23.—The Zolos and the Des Petersbunj both 'rake a peaceful view of the situation. The Russian official Gazette formally con! radiets some alarmist's reports, according to which, the Czar is about to aeturn to St. Petersburg because of the threatened complications. I’ l-e In Hal mor - . Balt move, Sept, 23. Roeedale & Cos., furniture, 31 Jft'ede lek street burned ; p'to Urosus ft Cos., notions, 315 Bail'mo e s reet. Bcosus lmd a full fad sock, which will be acom ple'eioss. Seine & Cos., wholesale glass, damaged. "LATER. Baltimore, Sent., 23.— Loss by fires in Baltimore on Frederick’s street this morning, about S3OO,CCD. Resen dale & Cos. had $2,500 in tho Now Or ’eans Insurance eompanyandathou sandeaoh in the Old Dominion and Merchants, Vi’ ginia. Broslns & Cos, had $5,030 in Petersburg, Va.; Snee din&er Taylor & C0.,f518,C30; Schultz & Cos., cotton factors, insured for $5,0C0. There were a number of smaller losses besides buildings. Twi ll went l the United states London, Sept. 23.—A dispatch to Reuter’s Telegram Company from Madrid, in reply to an inquiry in re gard to William M. Tweed, says it is now definitely settled that he and his companion, Hunt, will be em barked on board the U. 8. steamer Franklin, at Virgo, for tho United States. The order to send Tweed and Hunt to Cuba was withdrawn, in con sequence of an arrangement between the Spanish Government and the U. S. Representative here, which was made when it becatno known that tho Franklin had been ordered home. The Franklin left Gibraltar at 10 o’clock yesterday morning for Virgo, wnere she will remain one day to embark the prisoners. Flood)) Los* or I/te. Readino, Pa., Sept. 23.—The val leys in Forest county are flooded. On Thursday the houses of two wood choppers were swept away. Their families, consisting of nine and seven persons, were all drowned. It is feared other lives wero lost during the great storm. Two were drowned in McKean county, three in Tioga, and four attem Ming to cross a swollen stream, at Williamsport. The Boot P ice Sold. St. John. N, 8., Sept. 23.—1 t has been discovered here that Price, a member of the Paris boat crew, sold the race at Philadelphia. Fulton an other member of the crew, makes the charge. Price declares that Ful ton sold the race. Both men have been expelled from tho crew. Murder Will Out. A few yers ago “August Flower” was discovered to be a certain cure for dys pepsia and liver complaint, a few thin dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily they had been cured by its use. The great merits of Green’s August Flower became heralded through tho country by one sufferer to another, until, without advertising, its sale has become immense. Druggists in every town in the United States are selling it. No per son suffering with sour stomach, sick headache, costiveness, palpitation of tho heart, indigestion, low spirits, etc., can take throe doses without relief. Oo to your druggists, Dr. Gilbert & Thorn ton, and get a bottle for 75 cents and try it. Sample bottles 10 cents. July2!s-d.fcw3m. Buggies and Wagon* 1 am offering the remainder of my stock of open Buggies and Stndebaker Wagons, cheaper than over. Mr. Thos. DeVore. who has an office in the Repository, will serve customers my absence, febli tf Thos. K. Wynne. TELEGRAPHIC SI MMAUY. A largo number of deaths from dyphtheria are reported in Sullivan county, N. Y. Sec retary Morrill Ims returned to Washington. J. Cowles lias boon appointed as st’ yer of the mint at Charlotte, N. C. Gov. Grover, Democrat, has been elected United States Senator by the Legislature of Oregon. [He will ceeil Mr. Kelley, Dem.] Tweed "’pit ting. Washington, Sept. 23.—Orde rs tel eg aphed to captain of the war steam or Franklin to proceed to New York, instead of Hampton Roads and de liver Tweed to the New York State authorities. The journey will occu py übout twenty days. I.lsrlit at the WI >key ll'iig. Washington, September 22.—The President has approved the commu tation of Hesing and other Chicago whiskey convicts to threo months J and one thousaud dollars fine. The 1 Milwaukee convicts will bo treated i with like clemency, approved papers having gono to Gen. Grant for his sanction. Mo-e Troop" Seat South. Washington Sept 23.—Three hun dred recruits ord -red to the Depart ment. of theSou'h. One hundred and fifty to second Infcntrv at Atlanta; 50 to thi and In- • fr. itty at Holly Springs, 100 to sixth] at Huntsville, Alabama. - ElecUo'i In F.ualt ml. London, Sept., 22.—The Coneserva tive candidate was elected to the House of Commons to-day from Buck inghamehire, to fill the vacancy caus ed by the elevation of Disraeli to the oeerage, receiving 2375Jvotes against £539 f or Mr. Coving.on, Liberal. ♦ lejhergs. Boston, Sept., 22.—Steamer Austri an, here from Live - 0001, in latitude 48, nottk longitude 48 west, passed h’ough a group of seven.een ice be s, *iie longest estimated at over a qui r'er of a mile ion);. Weathe To-Day. Wasungton, Sept. 23.--Southern A’iautio States, westerly winds, and s'.i'ionuiy barometer, with partly cloudy weather. Til It It All, Y TI.MF*. Tunis ' HALF, PAI-EK. We propose to issue an edition on or about the Ist of October, containing a review of the business of Columbus for the past year. It will contain a complete and full exhibit of the mercantile and material progress of Columbus, and a reference to the advantages of our city, as a place of business and residence. This edition of the Times will be in great demand, for in addition to the usu al number of papers issued, an extra ec”- tlon of several thousand will be struck off for distribution. Wo will be prepared to furnish copies of tho Times to our adver tisers on tliat occasion, who may desire to sond them to their friends, or business patrons. For this issue we speak for a large ad vertising patronage. Tlie business men of Columbus will be called upon by a representative of tills office, and wo trust they will liberally re spond with good advertisements and an order for extra copies of the paper. aug3l tf OOLUMBUS WHOLESALE MAHKET (CORRECTED DAILY.) BACON —Clear rib Bides J 1 U Shoulders 9' 4 Bulk clear rib sideii 10*.,' Bulk shoulders none H. C. canvassed hams 17 Plain bams 14 14X COHN—By car load 45 55 Small lots • • • * fill 55 MEAL 50 60 OA' S—Yellow and mixed 40 FLOOR—Extra family per bbl 7 00 Family, do 6 60 Extra, per do 550 600 LARD—Leaf, in tierces 13^a U Leaf, iu tubs 14 Leaf, iu buckets 16a 16>£ Tin pa *b, 10 lbs 16 Tin pails, 5 lbs 16)a Till pails, 3 lbs 17 MOLASSES —Choice Cuba, hhdß 42 Choice New Orleans 65 Florida cane 50 SUGAR— Yellow C H C. coffee 11 *a Extra CJ. White 12 Htandard |A *l2 Granulated 12% Powdered and crushed 13 CO'/FEE—Common 20 Fair 21 Good -2 Prime 22tfa 23 Java 35 HOAPB—Per lb 6 a 8 OHEEBE-- 14% Factory 16>£ CRACKERS—Boda 6>a 7 Cream 10 Ginger 10 POTASH—BaIIs (4 do/ case) 6 00 Can* dO 6 00 HARDIN EH —Quatera (cane 100) 10 60 CANDLES—Star 17 STARCH 6a G% F3P/‘ER 25 HP(CE 20 GINGER 18 NUTMEGS 1 60 CLOVES 60 CIGARS—Per M 22 00a75 00 CHEROOTS 15 00 SNUFF —Lorillard’a, jar 73 Lorillard'B foil 78 TOBACCO —Common 40a 46 Fi ue 65a 1 00 SALT—Vlrrginia 2 00 Liverpool 1 50 MACKEREL—Kits 1 10a 1 40 Half-barrels 6 00a 8 Oft Barrels 0 00 WELL-BUCKETS—Per doz 6 00 BAGGING—Heavy, 2% lb 14 " 2Jf lb 13% •• 2 lb 13 Second-hand TlES—Arrow Pieced b/ % SHOT 2 60 POWDER 6 40 W. P. CAPS E. h B.—Per 1,000 1 00 NAILS—IO P. Per keg 376 Horse shoe “ “ 7 00 HOLLOW WARE—Per lb 4% AXES—Per doz 12 60 AMES SHOVELS—Per doz 14 00 ROWLAN D SHOVELS-Per d0z.... 10 50 BUGY BPOKEB-Per set 2 00 WAGON “ “ “ 2 26a 3 00 BUGGY RIMS— “ • 2 00 WAGON 2 50a 5 50 BUGGY HUBS ~ “ “ 100a 125 WAGON “ “ “ 1 60a 360 NO. 165 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE DAILY TIMES. MONEY AMI STOCKS. NEW YORK, Sept. 23.—Noon—Gold opened 10. LONDON, Sopt. 23.—Noon—Erie 9%. PAR’S, Sept. 23.—Noon—Rentes lOdf. 77>fc, NEW YOPK, Sept. 23.—Pauk staleirent—Loans —lucrcase 1’ 4 mf M 'on; specie—aecreaso tbtee and a h. 1 mil ions; legal teuders— decrease oue r fid a cr.lf mMUons; deposits—decrease two pad a half m".'ous; reserve— ecve. <e 4% milMous. I. .W YORK. Sopt. 23.—Noot—Stocks dir 1 r it' • t' ndy; money (uo loans) l‘*a2; gold 10; e .- • *t* ?e. i( Dg, 4.83* short State bonds on'et r fia noa '..url; governments du , better rv’csi. > W YO IK, Sept. 2 *.—Evening—Money rusy’ \ bt- "if 3: gold 10; dull and s new s’s 14%\ Statei quiet, COTTO.V. Li/l-RTOOL, Sept. 23.—Noon—Cotton Him; if ... ug iip'uuds 6 15-10d; OrieausOV .; sales 10 iKK); ..peculation and exports 2*000; receipts .5 0; American 1,000; futures quiet, steady; i \.C a*? uplands, Hnv middling clause, Sep v. Soot de very 5 2J-32d.; October •.nd Novem ber c'.etivory 5 29-32d.; now crop, November snd let eruber del .very 5 15-16d; tiarpned November : ud D''comber, ]>or siil, 631-321.; December and .1- mary, per sail, 5 31-3:'7; January r-d February oer a..U Ou. 1:30 v. H —Middling uplands, low middling c . use go tenter delivery, 5 15-lfld; October Jit ovTDib r delivery, 6 li'y-J *l, new crop, Jan •• ?y B ud I": nary delivery, 6CI 'd; do. shipped Liu .3 )td Hove nber por sail, 6 31-3 id. Sales Amec 090. VC p. v. Middling unlondH, lorv middling c'-t •>, ic oi, shipped December and January T ORJi Sept. 23.—Noon—Cotton quiet a l i.y; u. ; rds ll Orleans 117-16: sales l. 25. i > \ Hi. t..dler: September 11 5-10a J ,, O )2T li £2rs-l(i, November 11 9-3.ia5-16, De c.v.x < • 1111-0. Jb tuary 11 16-321;^. . i Tr EBTON, Sept. 2J.—Evening Market si middlin'? lO 1 ,; net receipts 4,102; sales J j'orts co stwt ’e 436. OLE, Sept. 23.—Evening- Cotton di 11; in' 10 jC.; ret receipts 1,887; sales 26; o • coasiwise T"6. B ' .TIMORE,Sept. 21.—Evening—Cotton qu'et; m grots receipts 77; sales 175; e . iu coastwise 40; ss'es spinners 256. BOSTON, Sept. 23.—Evening—Cot on steady; m. 1-j ll‘i; gross receipts J'B; sales —; ex po o Greet Br'taiu 360. WILMINGTON, Kept. 93.—Evemug—Cotton seedy: middling 10,’i; net receip s 117. P IILADELPHIA. Sopt. 23,—Evening—Cotton qn > ; midc ling 11 s .i; gross receipts 4. OAVANN S >t. 23.—Evening—Cotton firm: n: idling 0 ret ece pts 2,450; Hales 1,042; ex '> its co .. e 1,606. .iW ANS, Sept. H3.— Evening—Cotton b ■ ; i, 10,1 4 '; 10. middling 10. 4 ;good t In 9 -ii. re-joints 2,356; gross receipts 2 H°C; h . 0. Ml B’ . . 23.—Eve Jiug—Cotton irregu "ii fli 'o; net receipts 741; sa'es 800; o i t* se 273. M''M r pt. 9.3.—Eveniug—Cotton firm; •n‘ di'u;’. receiots 919; sbipmeulf 919; sa cm 1 00 AUGUSI .j ript. 23.—Evening Cotton in gcoc. deirc iu- middlin'- 10>i; receipts 833; *r es 7 iB. NuW YOR Sept, 23.—Evening—Cot on firm; ue, reciip fc 304; gross 2,124. Futures closed i.m; sale 1 61 0; Septomber 11 Qcto )er 11 3-16 v 32: November 11 11-32; December t 13-39®7- 6; Jauuarv February I 23-82#*i; l -rch April 12 l-16(a) :*-32; Mev 3,'-@6 32; June 12 13-32&7-1G; July 12 19-32@?; A’ gu 112 93-32#*^. CHARLESTON, Sept. 2;?.—Evening—Cotton firn; middling 10 %; net receipts 1,078; salts 10,000. IMKOVINIO.VS, NEW YORK, STpt. 23. Noon—Flour steady; V iet'- dull aud unchanged; corn quiet and un < arced; pork *ull $ 16,90a$ 17.00; lard heavy, Ht’vm $10.40; turpentine firm 33)4; rosiu firm, si.Hoasl.9o for strained; freights quiet. BAT; 'M~UE, Sept. 22.—Eveniug—Oats and ye quiets)' firm. Provisions quiet, steady r and uichfiaged. Coffee strong, uuclianged. Wim ey s'a:dy, stll‘ a '. Sugr.r quiet, CINCINNATI, Sept. 23.—Evening—Flour quiet ad firm. IV’lieat fairly rctive, red sl.os(g)* 1.14. Cos ' u aii’ demand, Mia.iO, Oats quiet, 35a40. B ‘o ’firm and in fair der.'and 9551.05. Pork h o: 1 ■ and in ,'air demand, $ 10.25a510.50. Lard s' any; steam enciered 10,‘i, kettle liy a al2, su' lO. Bulk meats iu fair demand; i i'j u,; t rnd fi'afv,, xo • shoulders, clear rib and clear R des. in )a J r demand, TJjftS'aa a u " o *.£ for Hhoulders, clear rib aud cl ar s ties. Wbif%x*y active and belter; fl~m, ?-.oe. LOUISyiLLE, Sept. 23.—Flour unseiUed rnd " 'y unchanged; A No. 1, $5.25'g1£5.60. W it firm red ;.1.01a$1.06; air her $1.05$ 1.05^; r ' ?i.olftsl.l?, Corn dull, white 42, mixed .1. Rye s'eaTy; firm, 65a70. Oats in lair Ue m a l;w'.*.'te 36, mixed 33. Pork quiet and firm ,60; $1 7 .00. Ft Ik meutb firm, 7, ti% and 9, for shoulders, clear rib aud clear sides. Bacon quiet and steady. Sugar cured hams 16 %, Lard tierces 22%, kegs 13. Whiskey 8. Bagging sto dy. BT. LOUIS, Hept. 23.—Even: og—Flour steady and.unchauged, Wheat inactive; No. 2 red fall ■ 1.17, No 3. do. sl.oß‘a. Corn, unsettled No. 2, m xed, 41?i. Oats No. 2, 3 G%. Rye dull, 68 bid. steady aud firm for sample lots; Minne sota aud Wisconsin Hsasl.oo. Whiskey 9. Pork quiet, $17.50. Lard lo> 4 Bulk incuts, rare offering. Bacon at and 10%*% for sToulders, clear rib and clear sides. NEW YORK, Bept. 23.—Eveuing Flour shade firmer—business limited— small supply of dec Table grades, $5 05a6 25; common to lair ex t a Southern, 25a0 50. Wheat dull, slightly u brye 8 favor, at $1 19; new No. 2 Chicago for .rillhg $1 OOal 10; old winter red western, $1 18; new do., $1 18; nominal and old red Southern mixed, 67f:a00; ungraded Western mixed, latter choice, 59, Lard f M c, better—primo steam, $lO *'),;<alO 45. Coffee very firm and in fair de mand. Sugar dull. Rye steady, Molasses dull. Tir rntinc firm at 33%. Rosiu firm—sl 90a $1 95 for strained. Freights quiet. Mil IP NEWS. N.7.W YORK, Bept. 23.—Arrived—Rhem. A’riveJ out—Nevada, Cyrus, Bollivar. Hor\ewa”d—Astranam, for New Orleans; F. B: c‘ tamic, Canada, for New York. Rev. T. B. Slade’s School —FOR— YOUNG LADIES. OPEN on FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER, 1876, and close the MIDDLE of JUNE, 1877. PCmary Ciass, per annum S3O 00 Higher deppvtment per annum, including Latin, French aud sciences 50 00 Music (piaco) 60 00 Board (per month) excepting bed-clothes, towels ud washing 15 00 ASSISTANTS, Mrs. Ann J. Blade, and Mrs. Helen 11. Lindsay. Chemistry, with Lectures and experi ments. 1 toliiiiy, Natural System, with analysis o* : ie indigenous plants of the surround ing country. July2o tf John Blackmar, BROKERAGE, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. St. Clair Stroot, Georgia Home Building, next to Western Union Tele graph Office. Land Warrants Bought. BEFKR, BY PKMIHSION, To Banks of this city. feb2s tf COAX.! COAL!! II K. WILLIAMS, AOBNT, IS NOW BKCEIV INO HIS STOPS or C O -A- I_i, and gives notice to his friends and patrons that he is now ready to take orders for CAR LOADS aud Smaller Lots for Summer and Fall delivery. ANTHRACITE and other Coajs always ou hand at dose figures. D. E. WILLIAMS, jun 22 3m Agents