The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, December 07, 1889, Page 8, Image 4

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8 FURNITURE <& BEDDING. Young Married People and others just going to Housekeeping, would do well to examine our stock of fine Walnut and Cherry Bed Room Sets. We have a large assort ment of Chairs, Safes, Bed Lounges, which you could well calf Bargains, and 1 must sell, and within the next 60days. Lam not ga ins; out of business or to o retire, hut to remove on Newcastle St., and if you ever had any moving to do you know what that means. It means to you and all others better and greater Va! ues than usual. O. McG-ARVEY, Monk Street, Opposite L’Arioso Hall. ' ATTENTION ! 13 run swick is Growing!! AND SO IS OUR BUSINESS. you will find in every large city, stores that make a specialty of one line only. BRUNSWICK IS CATCHING ON. W e are the leaders in this movement, and having now oil hand a tremendous line of —Men’s Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes,— Which does not strictly belong to our business, and wishing to enlarge our already well established CLOTHING BUSINESS, we offer, until sold, our entire line ol SHOES AT COST PRICE. flpir’Remember, this is no catch-penny advertisi ment, but we mean what we say. All goods marked in plain figures, j Come everybody. As you enter the door you will shout, “VEXI, VIDI, Vlt'l.” CINCINNATI CLOTHING HOUSE, S. f. APTS, PIT, No. 210 Newcastle Street. GLAUBER & ISAAC, Brain, Nay and Provisions. HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, ams, ► BREAKFAST I3ACO:ST, Lard, Meal and Grits, Corn, Oats, Bran, Mill Feed, Hay, Etc. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. THE DAILY TIMES: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1889. LOOK OUT ! STWD BJfCK ■' Here Goes Another Crash! AND IT IS THE GREATEST CRASH OF PRICES BRUNSWICK HAS EVER SEEN. J. Michelson is Selliug Out at New York Cost HIS ENTIRE STOCK WF V Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, AND IN FACT ALI. HE HAS IN HIS STORE. ■HFCome in and see Dow wo have massacred prices in all our departments. Re member J. MICHERSON means business. Come in time and secure your goods at cost. Respectfully yours, J MICHELS ON The Grand Opening OF TIIE PALAIS ROY/IL! Give us a call and coiiTitic eyourself of the great bargains \ve are now offering in Children s Clothing, Sncli as Heady- Made Cloaks in the Latest Styles, Dresses, Aprons, Etc. At lowest prices. ”* WE HAVE AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF Ladies’ Corsets, Hosiery, Ready-lade Underwear Our line of LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RUC BINGS AND RIB BONS. cannot be excelled by any house- imthe City by the ! Sea. Ah! but we do not forget the Gents, for avc are right at the Corner of Monk and Newcastle Streets, WITH A FULL SUPPLY OF Collars, Caffs, Scarfs, Shirts, Flannel Shirts, SOCKS. AND A COMPLETE LINE OF UNDERWEAR. i JULIUS WEINBERG, . "WE, US & CO.” w I A Very Funny Play Pleases a Large Audience Last Night- There was fan at L’Arioso Opera House, last night,such as rarely stirsjtlie risibilities of a Brunswick audience. The occasion was the pro luetion of that most farcical absurdity, ‘‘We, Us, & Cos.” The play has no plot—a fact in its favor, for plays with plots are often tedious. But fun ! Great spoons! From beginning to end it fairly bub bled over with fun. William Mestayer produced "We, Us & Cos.” some years ago with great su cess; but the company which held the boards at L’Arioso lust, night was an improvement on Mestayer’s. The Charleston News and Courier speak thus of the play, and Tti i: Times indorses what it says: The action is a succession of (he most amusing incidents wbieli are the result of the meeting of the most amusing peo ple imaginable. It is necessary, of course, to shut one’s eyes to the probu biiatics of any of the main features of this phautasty of fun, but with the eye of reason shut, the whole play roils by in Ihe most delightful m inner. There is something radically wrong with the mail or woman who can sit in a theatre and hear and see this comp my without laughing with spirit and sincerity. it upsets with i<iual felicity the dignity of a senator or the determination of the most savage critic. Critics have no bus iness interfering with the dramatic architecture of a play like "We, Is & Cos.” As to the gentlemen and ladies in the cast, all of them deserves special men tion. Mr. C’rissie, Mr. Pager, Mr. Bru niok, Mr. Jones and Mr. Readw ay knew exactly what to do, and they did it well. Miss Stella Marrie, Miss Lucy Taylor, Miss Beatrice Tate, and Miss Nettie Collins not only acted their parts to per fection, but they were as pretty as pic tures and graceful enough to please the most fastidious. The dancing of Miss Tate and Miss Collins wus never excelled in Brunswick. Those who wish to be amused should attend the mitinee this afternoon and witness the performance to-night. Brunswick's Directory. The city directory is no longer a thing ol' speculation, it is a reality. For more than a mouth, Mr. W. P. Kent, of New Yorkfhas been in Bruns wick busily engaged in getting up the necessary data for snob a publication. In this effort, Mr. Kent has met witli more encouragement than he anticipat ed. As has been said, the work is assured and the people of Brunswick will have the pleasure of seeing copies of the book by January 1. At the Y. M. C. A. Again last night the Ladies’ Aux iliary of the Young Men’s Christian As sociation gave a supper at the associa tion rooms in the Scarlett building. As on Thursday night, the attendance was good and those who had the affair in charge were kept busy all the time serv ing oysters, salads, and ice cream. Several selections of instrumental music were rendered during the evening by ilie ladies present. The ladies succeeded beyond their expectations with the sup per and they will turn oyer to the ti t usurer of the Y- M. C. A $125 as the amount cleared on the two, occasions- Shot Through the Thish. Fred Walters,tailored, came to the eity from thesix-mile crossing yesterday after a physician to go out there and dress a wound that James Leroy, another ne gro, hud received from a pistol ball fired by Wallace Roberts, also colored. Walters told a Times reporter that Le roy and Roberts got into a dispute about a woman, when the latter drew a oistol and tired, with the result stated above. Roberts ran as soon as lie fired the shot and has not been seen since. The ball merely grazed Leroy’s left thigh, in flicting a flesh wound. Fought About a Lantern. Two train hands on the B. <fc W . rail road had a lively fight yesterday about a lantern. It seems that one of the hands stole a lantern from the other and, when the rightful owner laid claim to it, would not release it. They argued about it for several minutes and then decided that the “best” man could have the lanlern. The melee was furnishing a lot of amusement for the by-standers, when a gray coat appeared a short distance away, causing the combatants to release hold on each other and beat a hasty retreat. Keen & Bro’s “Conqueror” brand flour still leads in Brunswick and can be bought at living prices. SOUTHERN MUTUAL Building aiKUoiiD Ass’n. b\ E. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier State Bank, Secretary and Treasurer. Dues Payable oth and (liii of Each Month WM. B. BURROUGHS, Local Agt, SHARES AT SI.OO EACH! And Monthly Duos 00c. per Share. WHY PAY RENT? when you can save your money and own your house. Remem ber, we loan yon money at 6 per cent, per annum. decG-im, Palmer’s Railroad Shoes! I have just received a large shipment of my justly celebrated RAILROAD SHOES, for men, in laced and con gress. "We are having a large sale on these good shoes. No one has failed to get satisfaction out of these shoes. They are double fastened and cannot rip. They are made of the best calf uppers and oak soles. Buy one pair and if you do not get the worth of your money you need not pay it. Every pair is warranted to me by the manufacturers, and I give you the same war ant. Your friend has a pair, ask him how they wear. $4.50 IS THE PEIICB. AND CAN BE FOUND ONLY AT PAL/AER’S POP6ILAR SHOE STORE. NEWCASTIJE STREET. Oglethorpe :-:Nation a/:-: Bank, Brunswick, Gra. Capital, $150,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits, - - 35,000.00 M. ULLMAN, w. E. BURBAGE, JNO. D. WRIGHT, President. Vice President. Cashier. H. P\. AILLER, Brunswick, - Georgia. Headquarters for Harness. Fine Bugay and Wagon llarness, Saddles, Collars Whips and any and everything that belongs to a first-class harness establishment. Mill and Turpentine Still Owners WILL SAVE MONEY by ordering from me, as I sell at the lowest prices and fill orders with dispatch. * In connection with the above, I have an upholstering-department. Hair, Cotton and Mos mattresses made to order at short notice. Full line of Feather and Moss Pillows. Furnis turn upholstered in the best of workmanship, and at lowest of prices. lam also prepared to lay carpets, pack furniture, etc. Repairing of harness a specialty. Harness and buggy oil at lowest market price. ang2-tf. J SCHUTZ BROS One Price Has Won for us the respect of the community. It ha got to be an understood thing that we don't change our price because we can’t go lower and we won’t go higher. We fix our price just on tile inside of cost, allowing us the fair profit we need to live, and we don’t budge from that. Why should we? If we can’t make something we waste time in selling. But the “something” <ve make is always something lower than the price made elsewhere. One Px*ice Has Won us a large trade. Folks don’t like to haggle. It’s a relief to know, at the word go,-just what you have to pay. You don’t go away kicking yourself at the thought that if you hail hung cm a little longer you might have got the goods for a dollar less. One price pleases every body in the long run, and leaves no doubt in the buyer’s mind about his owu shrewdness or the merchant’s honesty. On e Price Has Won us friends, for every customer is a friend. Buyers appreciate the fact that we could not make a flxed, reek-rooted price un less vve made it at figures that would meet any price that sliding sale com petitors could make. We are here to stay, and on the one price plan to all. SCHUTZ BRO S. v7-tf.