The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, December 12, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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HENRY T. DUNN&SON, ► Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, China & Glassware. WE TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to our friends, and the public generally, that our stock is now coni] >1 etc in every department, and we invite everybody to call and inspect the same. AVe have ransacked the Northern markets for all the choicest novelties, and we claim to exhibit at this time the handsomest and most varied and com plete assortment of goods suitable for WEDDING, HOLIDAY AND BIRTHDAY GIFTS to be found anywhere in the State of Georgia. AN e ask our friends to call and see for themselves if this statement is not true in every particular. The season for giving presents i now upon us and we have brought all our experience to bear and devoted all our energies and talents for months to the purpose of providing the good people of Brunswick with the means of gratifying their varied tastes in this regard. We have accomplished our purpose; our exhibition is free to all; wiP open at Ta. m. every day, excepting Sundays, and continue until 10 p. m. for an indefinite period. All may be sure of a cordial wel come and polite attention, whether purchasers or merely sight-seers. Choice nm>ic is furnished at intervals during each exhibition. We will only suggest to our friends the desirability of making their selection before the great rush begins, as thereby they will secure more careful attention and obtain the choicest goods. AV e can only enumerate a few of our leading specialties: (CHRISTMAS CARDS, I’ORCKIiAIN ST I OIKS, All the Latest and Choicest Novelties. An Endless Variety or DOLLS, GAMES & TOYS. k This is the well-known SANTA : CLAUS : HEADQUARTERS -IX BRUNSWICK. —An Immense Stock of FIREWORKS ! OF THE VERY BEST MAKE. I S'*" We keep a line of FINK STATIONERY j for ladies' use; the best that Is made. WE ARE AGENTS FOE TIIE KIMBALL ORGAN, hundreds of which we have sold in Brunswick; and also for the IMPERIAL LAMPS, which has no equal in the world, as hand reds who have used them can testify. We oiier first-class goods and guarantees satisfaction, at prices as low as it is possible to make them w hile doing an honest, legiti mate business. HENRY T. DUNN & SON ' ' KAISER BLOCK. THE CITY WK liIVK US. I U It Inis the prettiest scenery of any city ial tile South. t I It has the lowest port charges of any city ini tile South. It has a population of 12,000, an Increase oil 7,000 in live years. ; II It is the home of the winter tourist and! summer excursionist. E 11 It has a fine system of graded public schools 9 steadily being improved. 11 It has a back country of fine farming land,? rapidly being developed. II It has the finest harbor, all things coneid I civil, on the south Atlantic coast. 1i It Is nearly surrounded by salt water, and is] nearly sixteen miles from fresh water. 1i If has a large number of manufacl tiring en-1 t'-rprises in operation and lit contemplation. U It has one of the finest winter resort lio'elsj in tHe United states, and three commercial] hotels. :j , it has la land-locked harbor, in which ail] shipping is absolutely safe fiom all rough] ■weather. £ 11 it lms the two largest cotton compresses ini the world, owned by the Hrunswick Tcrndtial] Uo., which controls the patent therefor. II It, lms a splendid system of waterworks.! distributing an ample supply of pure, health-I giving artesian water, and is lighted by electric-] ty and gas. U It lias the lowest dea'h rate of any seaport] city in the United states, and as low a death! rate as am city of like size in the United States] —-8 per 1,000 per year. ■. m unswick lias never had a cyclone, and! Prof. Maury, in his physical geography, pro-] diets that b re er will, and gives good reasons] In support of his prediction. 11 It is contiguous to the finest bunting grounds east of the Mississippi, stretching 10tl miles along the coast, and extending into the interior from thirty to fifty miles. H It is the place where Northern and South ern capital alike Is seeking protltable invest ment, and it is the place that is rapidly looming up as a seaport and manufacturing city. U It is the terminus of two great lines of rail road, with Western and Florida connections, which are pouring millions of dollars of freight with its harbor for export, and shipping vast quantities of goods to the interior. 11 It has a line of steamers to New York, an Othello Savannah, another to Fernand tun, au-B oilier to Darien, another to the Satilla river, an-] otherto St. Simon’s Island, another to Colonel’s island and Dunham & Hotchkiss’ Mill. It It handled for the season of 1888-7 80,483 bales of cotton; 1887-S 78,350 bales; 1888-9 180,- 475 During September ol this season It han d led six times as many bales as during the same mo i 111 fast year. It will handle hot, less than g.VI 080 bales before the present season ends. It has two National banks with a capital of SBIO,OOO, and three State banks with a capital ol'**8)0,000, making a total banking capital of *5lO 000. These banks have the power to in crease their capital. It also has an Abstract and Guarantee of Title company, capital *IOO,OOO. wilh the power to Increase to *250,000. epoch. The transition from long, lingering and nninlnl sickness to robust health marks an euoch in the life of the individual Such a remarkable event is treasured in the mem oir and. 1 lie agency whereby the good health lias been attained is gratefully blessed Uenee it is that so much is heard in praise of i'beet vic Bitters. Ho many feel they owe 1 heir restoration to health to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Diver nr Stomach, <.l long or short standing, von will surely find relief by use of Klectnc Bitters. Sold at fide and $i per bottle at Geo J) Hodges’ drugstore. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Live. It was just a scrap of ordinary wrapping pa per, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was Incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought, a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew bet ter fast, continued lls use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 110 pounds, For luller particulars send stamp to \V. 11. Cole, druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful dlscovry free at Geo. D. Hodge’s, drug store. Bosks, Stationery, Blank Books, SCHOOL SUPPLIES. ETC.. Plain and Decorative China OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FI A K CUT GLASSWARE OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. GREAT SCOTS! I iSlioes! Shoes! Shoes!! The biggest cut of the season in SHOES will be matle at! !D.iLTTC3-:E3:T:R,-5rS | TINS WEEK. If you are a judge of Shoes, and know when they are oiler-] ed at a bargain, you will be very aj>t to buy when you see] what Daughtry is olfering at the following prices: Ladies’ Shoes : Ladies’ Grain Shoes, all sizes, $1.25: worth $1.50. “ Kid “ *• 1.50; “ 1.85. “ Genuine Dongola Shoes, $1.00; worth $2.50. Fine Kid Shoes, Opera and Common Sense, $2.25;] reduced from $2.75. Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes, $2.25; reduced from $2.50. “ “ “ *• 2.50; “ “ 2.75. French Kid Button Shoes, $2.75: reduced from $2.25. Ladies’ “ “ “ “ $2.35; “ “ $2.75. Misses’ Shoes : School Shoes, formerly sold at SI.OO, now for 75c. “ “ “ “ 1.25, “ SI.OO. Misses’ Grain Shoes, 12 to 2, formerly $1.25, now 79c. Call around and see the quality of Shoes offered at above prices. You will be astonished. R. L. DAUGHTRY, Newcastle St. THE DAILY TIMES: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1889. CROCKERY & COMMON GLASSWARE OF ALL KINDS. LIBRARY, HALL, PIANO STAND ! AND EVERY VARIETY OF I A. MI 3 5*4 , Solid and Plated Silverware. L. L). HO YT CO.,| ; DEALERS IX ijjj Hardware, Mill Hardware, Plantation Hardware R. R. Hardware, Turpentine Hardware, Shop Hardware. Jcook Stoves, f Oil Stoves, | Heating Stoves, Coai Stoves, Big Stoves, Little Stoves. [Sash, Blinds end Beers l! Paints and Oil I Mixed Paints I< Agricultural Implements, Carrying all the Standard Plows in Stock, j tTnw are . | Powder and Shot, Revolvers, Guns, Plas tering, Hair and Lime, Axes, Etc. SAWS. RIVERSIDE BLUE STEEL NAILS Bronze.- Statuary, Clocks, mirrors. Engravings, Etchings, Artotypes, Etc., IN ELEGANT ANTIQUE OAK Fit AM ES. ANTIQUE OAK DESKS, TABLES, EASELS, ETC., ETC. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF PLUSH DRESSING CASES, WORK HONES, MAN I CUKES. Ac. Meerschaum Pipes A Smokers trticles, Canes. Faber’s Gold Pens, Pocket Knives, Razors, Albums, Album Screens, TRIPLICATE MIRRORS, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, HOLIDAY BOOKS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. The New M Weekly Herald One Dollar Per Year. Is the Best and Cheapest Family Bapt r in tile l niteit States. NOW IS THE TIMK TO SI'BS( KIBE. I Hiring the year 185)0 It will even exceed itself in the variety of its contents and its efforts to Inleast* its sul.*scritiers. Now features will l*o jail.led to its regular depatintents, including lirst-class. 1 ITS WELL KNOWN SPECIAL TIES ABE: Practical Fanning ami ■ hmlonimr, Progress In Science. Woman’s Work. -dories L\ tin- Best Authors. Literature and Art. Choice Flashes ot Wit and Humor Exclusive* N\w> for V- tenuis. INFORM ATION ON AI.E,SUBJECTS. Address, James Gokdon Bennett, New York Herald, N. Y. City. ONT.Y ONE DURBAR A YEAR. lo not fui) to subscribe now for the New Youk Weekly Hekaud. KENNON MOTT, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, No. 215 NEWCASTLE St. (Next to Elliots’ Grocery store.) DK ALER IN . FLORIDA CURIOSITIES, Sole Agent for the beautiful celebrated FISH SCALE JEWL RY. : al o, — [kaytonns crystal rye.glasses and SPECTACLES. I They are the best; call and be convinced. [Fine watch, clock ami jewelry repairing a j*nodaltv. My motto, “quiek sales and small sprollts.” novia-tf. [ “IIACKMKTACK.," a las in-r and fragrant IperfUme, Price 25 and r>o cents. Geo. D. [[lodges Druggist* I SHILOH’S CURE will Immediately relievo |( roup. Whooping Cough ami Bronchit is. Geo. ii>. Hodges Druggist. E B’OR DYSPEPSIA, and Liver Complaint you [have a printed guarantee on every bottle of B- hlloh s Vitalize!*. It never falls to cure, Geo. ID. Hodges Druggist. I A N \ssAh INJECTOR free with <ach bottle Inf Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 rents. [Geo. 1). Hodges Druggist. Make Your Wants [known through the Times’s One Cent a |word column which Is read by everybody lin Brunswick. [ Corns, warts and bunions rem< ved quickly Band surely by using Abbott’s East Indian ICorn Paiut. <1 list. Received, Int the Times office a brand new stock of paper |md envelopes, all grades and prices* Ca ■round aud examine. 3