The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, December 12, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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8 FURNITURE £BED!)IN6. Young Married People! and others just going to! Housekeeping, would do well to examine our stock of fine Walnut and Cherry Bed Room Sets. We have a large assort ment of Chairs, Safes, Bed) Lounges, which you couldj well call Bargains, and Ij must sell, and within the; next 00 days. I am not go-j mg out of business or to’ retire, but to remove onj Newcastle St., and if you; ever had any moving to! do you know what that means. It means to voul and all others better and greater Values than usual.) I C. McGARYEY, j Monk Street, Opposite LT Arioso Hsll. 4TTENTION ! 13 r u nswick is G rowing ! !l AND SO IS OUR BUSINESS. j Tou will find in every large city, stores that make a specialty! of one line only. BRUNSWICK IS CATCHING ON. W e are the leaders in this movement, and having now onj hand a tremendous line of —Men’s Ladies’ and Children's Slices,—! * ? Which does not strictly belong to our business, and wishing! to enlarge our already well established CLOTHING BUSINESS, we offer, until sold, our entire lire of SHOES AT COST PRICE. this is no catch-penny advertisement, but we mean what we say. All goods marked in plan figures. Come everybody. As you enter the door you will shout, “VENI, VIDI, Vlt I.” CINCINNATI mm HOUSE, U. API, Pnft No. 216 Newcastle Street. GLAUBER & ISAAC, Brain, Hay and Provisions. HEADQUARTERS FOR j Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, Hams, BREAKFAST DACOI'n, Lard, Meal and Grits, Corn, Oats, Bran, Mill Feed, Hay, Etc] BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. THE DAILY TIMES: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1809. LOOK OUT ! STAND BACK > Here Goes Another Crash ! AND IT IS THE GREATEST CRASH OF ntICES BRUNSWICK HAS EVER U. Mickelson is Selling Out at New York Cost! £ tr | 3 His ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoos, Hals, Hardware,! AND IN FACT ALL LIE HAS IN HIS STORE. C-STCoim? in and sen bow we have massaerei] prie. s in all our departments. Re fimember J. MICHELSON means business. Come in time am! secure your goods! |at cost. Respectfully yours, ; J MICHELS ON The Grand Opening! OF THE j jP/ILAIS ROY/IL l) 'Give its a call and convine eyonrself of the great bargains! j we are now ottering' in (Children’s Clothin s: j Such as Ready- Made Cloaks in tlie Latest Styles, presses, Aprons, JEtoJ At lowest prices. WE HAVE AX ENDLESS SUPPLY OF [Ladies’ Corsets, Hosiery, Ready-Made Underwear- Our line of LACKS, EMBROIDERIES, RUCHINGS AND R!3-\ j SONS, cannot be excelled by any house in the C’itv by the! Sea. " " i Ah! but we do not forget the Gents, for we arc rio-jp, at the ° j Corner of Monk and Newcastle Streets,! WITH A FULL SUPPLY OF j [Collars, Caffs, Scarfs, Skirts, Flannel Skirts,' SOCKS, i k COMI’LETK LINE OF liXDKRWEAR. JULItJS WEINBERG, ! PERSONAL AI D SOCIAL. | Capt. f>. K. Smith was .U.u u from A!-, §b;iny yesterday. | | Mr. M. Corn I:, ef Pe!iie..iivillo, wasj [in Uie city yesterday. 1 Capt. William Crcvait came down [from Waynes ville yesterday. 1 Mr. P. Sellers, of UeD maid’s Mill, j ■spent, yesterday m Brunswick. ! Mr. O. F. Arm is tear, of Atlanta, ref;-' iiatered at the Central yes u r.lay. I Mr. J. I. Clements was down from! STifton yesterday on a business t:ip. I Mr. IV. M. Blituh Inis returned from a! Strip up the Brunswick anu Western roiui.S | Mr. M. O. Cochran, >f Augusta, wmj [among the visitors to Brunswick y. ster-j iday. 3 Messrs. P. J. Callahan and W. 11. Si:n-J fmons returned yesterday from Johnson! gstatiou. 3 Mr. T. C. Kittrell, of the Brunswick! [Hurd ware Company, arrived in the city! [yesterday from Graham. | Mr, C. MeGurvey returned yesterday! [from Beaufort, 8. C. where lie spentsev-j feral days with r la'ives and friends | Mias Pam,ie Holcombe, of Charlestonl Is. visiting in Brunswick. She is| [the guest of her friend Miss May Wilson,3 [on l.omlon Street. Supt. Edgar H. Qrr, of the public! [schools is looking around for a house,| [preparatory to bringing Mrs. On* and the! jehildreu down from Atlanta, j Dr. 1). D Atlviuson’s friends will hel Sgliid to know that he has recovered fronil •Ills illness. Yesterday lie was iu hisi jolllce engaged in his usual vocation, j Col. J. H. Won-ill, of Columbus,a [passed through Brunswick yesterday eni (route to Florida, where he goes as at-| [torney in a case involving several thous-l land dollars. 9 Mr. I\-11. Crosby was here yesterday] gjfrom Athens, looking over the Held for a] ■ willow, crockery and chiuawnre estill)-] jjlishuiont. He was well pleased and tviiil Bproliable locate in Brunswick. I 1 Mr. E. C. Smithson, a Kansas City] ■grain dealer, was in Brunswick .yesterday! ■looking after business interests. Like Ball who visit here Mr. Smithson was ■favorably impressed by what he saw, and Pit is probable that he will bring his i'.im |ily to spend the winter season in Bruns iwick. | Mr. C. P. Franklin, of Memphis Tenn., iwas in Brunswick yesterday. Mr. Frank llin has a plan on foot, that will be of hnu 'h benefit to Brunswick if it is put [into successful operation. Mr. Frank lin left last night for a short trip to Si vanuab. He will return to Brunswick in a few days. If; ITEMS BOILED DOWN. |-hort. Crisp Paragraphs Picked Up Heie! g Tnare and .Iverywhere. a 1 wane lit. (fas, :he high-priced gas, | N .>v iv ifiiis giv. ,• wug itui Ui-ear |\\ I...*ii comes to 1.. . each precious lass a_ fi.ipeets her sweetheart dear. l I'TwuuH be unite right to ijueucli the light f v. lei. dr les,a• areenas gra-ts, i BMai.e their toag’. - run on vvi* it thev’ve done—£ •Sj I’he\ a turni li all the gas. | | AM the hunks of the city ha l a special' |hohday yes,, ida * . | The If tlemer. held their usual week y £ jjmeetiug last night. jv The K eights of Labgr held a meeting!* S' 'st night over Muoie it McCrary’s store.! | A large quantity of building materials a was brought to Brunswick by tiie two| ?railroad> yesterday. | Caucuses we :e he Id by the friends oil 2,he two e.<ndi iiif-s for mayor last night.| [Nothing of an;, public interest was done! Sit any of diem. jj d'he Brunswick and Western and Easy | Tennessee roads brought in forty-six! [ears of lumber and twelve cars of cross-* [ties yesterday. I | The sale of liquors by Collector J. E.| I Dart, previously advertised in Thk| 5 Times, will take place Monday Dee. ltftii,! tmstead of Dec. 15. | Messrs. & I.oye received Joy mail Friday, over the U. & W. alone J [for over forty gallons of liquor, to beg Is.-nt in one and two gallon lots. [ The new sign recently placed by Biob-I fstou & Fleming in front of their oiiioeS jou Newcastle certainly takes the eakes [for neatness and attractiveness. £ I Monk street will probably be shelled! [from Bay street to the boulevard at an| [early day. When that is done the street! [will furnish an excellent drive direct toS [Windsor Park. 2 The candidates for the recorder’s! [place are not so plentiful, sine ; it hasi [been found that the new charter says! [that only a lawyer of live years’ expu-i-i [mice is eligible for the position. Owing to some misunderstandings [about the appointed time for meeting,! the Young Men’s Democratic Clul® failed to meet last night. The callH should have read Friday instead ot'B (Wednesday night. The question of whether or not there will be a Christmas tree in Brunswick is receiving the earnest consideration of the children of the. city just now. Ic is probable that all the Sunday schools will have such a tree. The city hall is now connected with the outside world by a telephone wire. The council has at last had a ’phone pu in the hall, and a policeman can he summoned without the party wanting him being compelled to walk to tho city! hall. I LADIES 3 Extension. Sols Shoes 1 ■ni l n|||||| , The season for wearing heavy solo shoes has arrived and my stock is complete. 1 have a large and beautiful line in Opera Toe and Common Sense Toe ami Heel, all widths, ranging from $2 50 to $5.00. Don’t tail to see them. LEGGINGS FOR HUNTERS, JUST ARRIVED. *L O' Knee and Thigh Boots With Spring Fastening Instead of Buckles! I have a Fine Line of Slippers for the Holiday Trade; also Slipper Soles for Crochet Slippers. Call at once at PALAVER’S POPOLAR SHOE STORE. !H. m. P\ I L LE R. Brunswick, - Georgia. Headquarters for Harness. F. :c Buggy and Wagon Harness, Saddles, Collars Whips and any and everything that belongs to a iirst-class harness establishment. Mill and Turpentine Still Owners WILL SAVE MONEY by ordering from me, as I sell at the lowest prices and fill orders (with dispatch. I" connection with the above, I have nu upl-.o]s!erhig-departmc,it. flair, Cotton and Moss ;mattresses made to order at short notice. Full line of Feather and Moss Pillows. Furni ture upholstered in the best of workmanship, and at lowest of prices. lam also prepared jto lay carpets, pack furniture, etc. Repairing of harness a specialty. Hamers and buggy joU at lowest inarkei |nie , ’ ang‘2 tt. _(jj ; Oglethorpe:-:National:-:Bank, j I3rmiswick, Ga. | Capital, - - $150,000.00 \ Surplus and undivided profits, - - 35,000.00 M. ULLMAN, W. E. BURBAGE, JNO. D. WEIGHT, President. Vice President. Cashier. •Q - CO SCHXJTZ BRO’S.' r It's ho use crying over spilt milk, is the proverbial way of saying that you can’t get back lost opportunities. Don t waste time wailing over the chances youv’e lost b} r not trading with us. Come to see us if you want any thing in the way of Dry Goods, Ca pets or Shoes, and while we can't make up your losses, or re fund what you have been overcharged, we will give you such bargains that you will forget the unpleasant ex periences of the past in the enjoyment of the present. SCHUTZ BROS. vr-tr.