The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, January 12, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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COTTON STATEMENT. Office op The Daily Times, i Brunswick, Ga., Jan. 11, 1890. f Since September 1, the movement or cotton at this port luis been as follows : Receipts to-Jny 157 Previously reported 128,173 Total ....... 128 329 Total shipments '.'.u0’,220 Stock on hand 112,108 NAVAL STOKES KKCEU'XS. Office of tiir Daily Times, 1 Hkunswiok, Ga., .lan. 11, 1890. J Since September 1, tlie receipts of naval Stores at this port liuve been as follows : B irrels rosin reported previously 63,908 Received to-day 11,0:10 Total Cfi.oo4 Casks spirits reported previously.... 10,776 Received to-day 15 Total 10,791 ' In Ihe naval stores market to-day spirits tur pentine was ipiiet at I2>ic. Rosin was quoted lirni at the following figures: A * 1 oil , H * 1 15 B 100 1 140 C 100 K t 62G I) 100 M 230 K 100 N SBO F 105 W G 297 G 110 WW 315 ARRIVALS AM) DEPARTURES. Trains and Boats. [Standard Time.] E. r., V. & G. Railway—Passenger trains ar rive dally at ll:5o a, in., and io;0t) p. m„ and depart at 8:15 a. m„ and 11:00 p. m. B. & W. Railway—Passenger trains arrive daily at 13:05 p. in. and 6:35 p, m„ and depart at 7:00 a. m, and 3:00 p. w. St. Simon's Island—Boat leaves the city at 7:30 a. m., 2:00p. in. Leave Ht. Simon’s Mill 9:30 a. in., and 4:00 p. m. Arriving at Brunswick 10::i0 a. m., and 5:00 p. m. Cumberland Route—Boat leaves the city at 7:uo a. in. and arrives at 7:30 p. m. Savannah, Brunswick and Fcrnaiuliua— Boats arrive on Tuesdays aud Fridays aud leave Wednesdays and Saturdays. Darien Line—Boat- leaves every day except Sunday at 8:30 a. m. and arrives at 6 p. m. Colonel's island and Fancy Bluff Boat leaves at 5:30a. ui. and 1:30 p. m., and arrives at. 9:30 a; m. and 6:00 p. m. Sat ilia River Line —Boat leaves on Mondays and Thursdays, and arrives on Tuesdays amt Fridays. alill’PDTtt INTELLIGENCE. Port oi' lii iinsvviclt. To Masters of Vessels Masters of vessels In the port of Brunswick may llud at The Times oftlce the New York Her ald and the Maritime Register. An easy chair awaits each master wiio wishes to read these papers. The Times will be glad to have every master who enters the port visit tiie editorial rooms. Port of Brunswick, January 11. High water on the bar, 11:30 a. tu.; p. m. Low water on the bar, 5:31 a. in.; 5:40 ]i. m. ARRIVED. Steamer Cracker Boy, Alexander, Owens’ Ferry; C S Stephens agent. sailed. Bark Alexandre llercuiuno, Port, 480 tons, Castro; Rio Janeiro. Schooner T. W. Dunn, Am, 073 tons, Mc- Farland; Boston. Schooner Fannie 1, Child, Am, 404 tons; McLean; Providence. VESSELS IN FORT. Steamship Dora, Br, 1558 tons. Mills; Terminal Cos. Bark Chas. Cox, Br, 077 tom, Neilson; Stilwell, Milieu A Cos. Bark Columba, Nor, 557 tons, Olngroen; Stillwell, Millen A Cos. Bark Carmel, Nor, 004 tons, Thorsen; Cook Bros & Cos. Bark Eleanor, Nor, 714 tons; Olsen; Stil well, Milieu A Cos. Bark Diana, Nor, 409 tons; Talnis; Geo AY 1 Inslam. Bark Benguela, Nor, 093 tons, Fuglesang; Stilwell Milieu A Cos. Bark John Black, Br, 545 tons, Potter; J. J. McDonough. Bark Medusa, Nor, 818 tons, Oxemholm; 11 unter, P.enu A Cos. Bark Venerata, Nor, 630 tons, Petersen; Stilwell, Millen rk Cos. Bark Edward, Gel' )03 tons, Utecht; Geo AY Ilaslam. Bark Gyda, Nor, 531 tons, Sorenson: Frier sou A Cos, Bark Bremen, Br, 853 tons, Eagles; AV D Wheelwright A Cos. Bark Agate, Am, 595 tens; AVm T Conquest Son. Bark Fred P Litchfield, Am, 1.041 tons, Young; Hilton A Dodge Lumber Cos. Bark Henry A Litchfield; 013 tons, Am, Davis; AVm. D. Wheelwright & Cos. Bark Johannes, Nor; C. Downing, Jr. A Cos. Bark Magna, Nor, 733 tons, Christiansen; Hilton & Dodge Lumber Cos. Bark Portiusoale, Br, 447 tons; Frierson A Cos. Bark Almaria, Nor, 078 tons, Nielson; C Downing. Jr. & Cos. Barkentiue Wm Philips. Am, 568 tons. Potter; Stilwell, Millen A Cos. Barkeutine Jennie Sweeney, Ann 011 tons, Morse; Stilwell. Millen A Cos. Barkeutine C S Buslinell, Am, 045 tons, Jones; Geo AV Hasiam. Brig Raimunda, Sp, 313 tons, Oliver; St Diago. Brigantine Clotilde, Sp, 378 tons; R. Torras- Schooner John H Tingue, Am, 535 tons, Burdge. N Emanuel. Schooner Hattie Darling; 81 tons, Br, Kel lev: Frank D. Aiken. Schooner Mattie E. Eaton, Am., 590 tons, Carnage, Cook Bros. A Cos. Schooner Attic, Br, 44 tons, Roberts, Frank D. Aiken. Schooner John IT. Cress, Am, 385 tons, Kawley; Hilton & Dodge I.umber Cos. BOUND FOR THIS PORT. Bark Glenola, Br, 558 tons, Houghton; Rosario Nov. 33d. Bark Theodor, Nor. 393 tons: sailed for Brunswick or Savaunahjand Queenstown. Bark Congo, Nor, 443 tons, Simonsen; sailed Rosario, September 39, for Para and Brunswick. Bark Condor, Nor, 975 tons. McNutt; at Liverpool. October 1. llark Mary Jane, l’.r, 039 tons, Sprague; at Barrow; November 13. Bark Sara, Russ, 533 tons, Johannesen; at Barrow. November 15. p,rig Achilles, Nor, 407 tons, Dahl, sailed Alloa November 1 for Demerara aud Bruus wiek. llark Palermo, Br, 799 tons, Walker; sailed Buenos Avtes December 31. Bark ITnberto I’rimo. ft, 700 tons, Tra verso; at Buenos Ayres November 1. llark Fanny I. Gunn. Br. 797 tons, Crosby; at Buenos Ayres prior December 15. Bark Maori, Br. 050 tons, Jackson; cleared Londonderry December 33. Brig Medea. Nor, 372 tons, lialfroni; at Glasgow for Brunswick or Charleston. Schooner Conecuh. Am, 781 tons; South ard; sailed New York December 35. Schooner Laura A' Ko-e, Am, 400 tons. Gardner; at Bermuda January 1. Schooner AVm. AV. Converse, Am. 709 tons, Hazleton; sailed. Baltimore, Jan. 4. Schooner O. 11. Brown, Am, 999 tons. Brown; at New York, Jan, S, via. Savannah. Shoouer Joe, Am, 115 tons, Kelly; sailed New York December 30 for Savannah and Brunswick. Bark Emelie, Russ; sailed Rio Janeiro, December 3. Bark Ida. Brass; sailed Rio Janeiro Decem ber 8. Bark Nancy Smith, Am, 430 tons, Hodg kii.sen. sailed Santos November 30. Coiiflienees. Per ET V A G Jun’y 11, C D Ogg Agent- Glauber A Isaacs, David Davis, A F Frank lin. Agent E T A’ A G.. 0 D Ogg, Hughes, Boone A Cos., AV B Uunbv, J 1 & J M Keen, Brunswick Dairy, Brunswick Hardware Company, Souza A Mallette. Mrs E J Groom. A F Churchill. Oglethorpe Hotel. A Kiser A Bro., Paul Buizloff, John () Smith, N K Fairbanks, Jekyl Island Club, L Meriwether, D C Allen, F. H Barries, Crescent Lumber Company, Valentino A Brown. C McGarvoy, George M Hay, H H Howard, J J Lisner. Per B & W R R Jan’y 10. C Moyer, Agent.— Moore. Hill A Cos, dcElveen Commision Company. E Hriesnick A Son, Cnion Mill and Warehouse Companv, A F Franklin, C Downing, Jr., A Cos., J J'Spears, AY G Brant ley, Glauber A Isaacs. SOLTI lEi IN MIT UAL BiiiliJiaf Ass’b. b\ E. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier State Bank, Secretary and Treasurer. Dues Payable sth iihil titli of Each Month WM. B. BURROUGHS, Local Agt, WHO WILL SELL YOU SHARES AT SIOO EACH! And Monthly Dues GOc*. per Share.* WHY PAY KENT? when you can save your money and own your house. He mem her, we loan yon money at 0 per cent, per annum. dec (Mm, The New York Weekly Herald One Hollar Per Year. Is tlie Rest aud Cheapest Family Paper in the United States. NOW IS THE TIM E TO SI BSC'RIBE. During the year IS9O it, will even exceed Itself in Hie variety of its contents and its efforts to please its subscribers. New features will tie added lo its regular departments), including hrst-class. ILIA STBATIONS- ITS WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ARE: Practical Farming and Gardening, Progress ill Science, Woman’s Work, Stories by the liesi Authors, Literature and Art. choice Flushes oi Wit ami Humor, Exclusive News for Veterans. INFORMATION ON AT. I,SUBJECTS. Address, James Gordon Bennett, New York Herald, N. Y. City. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Do not fail to subscribe now for the New York Weekly Herald. CONEY &PARKER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in COALandWOOD BricUliiM Latk —SOLE AGENTS FOR— BRUNSWICK BRICK WORKS, keep i s*ock Alabama Oil Pressed f ACIN(i HDIUK and Chattanooga Sewer Pip ing. including Flues ami Hoods. Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Now is the Time to Subscribe TO THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, Arrangements have deen made for the com* ing year which will maintain tor tlic K viKtv its unrivalled position among periodicals, and render it essential to every reader in America who desires to keep abreast ol'the t imes From month to month topics of comm 'riding* inter f 'J, i] 1 every tield'of human thought and action wdl be treated of in its pages by representative writers, whose words and names currv au thority with them. Thu forthcoming volume will be signalized by the discussion of questions of high public interest by the foremost men of tile time, no tably by a controversy on Free Trade and Pro tection in their bearing upon the development of American Industry and commerce, between the two most famous living statesmen of Eng land and America, The Eight Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE AND Hon. JAMES G. BLAINE. This discussion, embracing tne most import ant contributions ever made to an American periodical, will begin in tue January number. It Is a significant fact— as showing the un paralleled popularity and usefulness of (hispe riodical, and Its wide Influence upon public opinion—that the ci dilation of Tue Nodi n American Review is greater than that of all other American and English reviews com bined. Subscription Price, Postage Prepaid, Five Dollars a Year. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW 3 East Fourteenth street. New York. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. Ail who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise—A purer medicine does not ex ist and It Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, hods, salt rlieum and other affections caused by im pure blood, will drive malaria from Hie system and prevent ns well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure ol headaetwt constipation and lnigestlou try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guar anfeed or money refunded. Price !ii)c and *1 per bot tle, at Geo. 1). Hodges’ drug store. is consumption Incurable. Read I lie following: Mr. <\ 11. Morris, New ark, Ark,, says: “Was down with aiicess or lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced mean Incurable consumptive. Began taking Dr. King’s New Discovery for t'onsuinptioii. am now on my t"ird bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm, it is tlie flnest medi cine ever made.” (esse Middleware Oeea’iir, Ohio, sav.s: “Ilad it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption I would ha e died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health.” Try it. Sample bottles free at Geo. K, Hodges’ drug store. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quick, ly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee George D. Hodges. CATARRH CURED, health and swee breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. George D. Hodges. THE DAILY TIMES: SUNDAY. JANUARY 12. 1890. Cumberland Houle TO FLORIDA. THE BEAUTIFUL STEAMER CITY OF BRUNSWICK. SCHEDULE In Effect on and after Oct. 13,89 Standard time.! Leave Brunswick 7:01) a. m Arrive Cumberland 9:00 a. m Arrive Fernamlina moo a. m Leave Femandina via F B & N Ky,12:05 p. m Arrive Jacksonville 1:30 p.m. Leave Fernaudina via southern divi sion for ail points in south Florida, 11:55 a.m. Arriving at Tavares 7:40 p.m. Connecting at Wildwood with Tam pa division, arriving at Piant City.. 9:08p.m. returning. Leave Jacksonville 9:30 a. m Arrive Fernaudina it:3o a. m. Leave Femandina 12:30 p. in Arrive Cumberland 2:30 p. m Arrive Brunswick s:<K> p. m JOHN B. WRENS, Gen’l Pass. Agt. r. F. NORRIS, Ticket Agent, (Foot K Street.) s. Littlefield, General manager. tint, PARKER'S Medical & Surgical Institute 151)4 N. Spruce St., Nashville, Tenn. Treat and Cure all Chronic Dis eases. Deformities and Surgical Cases. Sexual Diseases of Men, Women and Children the results of Imperfect Development. Evil Habits or Excesses. Opium and the Whiskey Habit, etc. Sanitarium and Private Lying-in Hos pital in connection. Write for circular. Scientific American sk!,.X‘i\ 1845. , • Is tho oldest and most popular scientific and mechanical paper published and has the largest circulation of any paper of its class in the world. Fully illustrated. Best class of Wood Ensrrav inj?s. Published weekly. Send for specimen copv. Price $3 a year. Four months’trial, fl. MUNN & CO., Publishers, otil Broadway, N.Y. Architects & builders Edition of Scientific American. O A trreat success. Each issue contains colored lithographic plates of country and city residen ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings and full plans and specifications for the use of such as contemplate building. Price $2.50 a year, eta. a copy. MUNN & CO., PUBLISHERS. S BngflESraa Bl3sEss8 TTIR y hGSf ‘ cn r- DATEMTS^- Ofcygft uHai mk have had over B 40 years’ experience and have made over §K UN),000 applications for American and For eurn patents. Send for Handbook. Correa poudeuce strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark is not registered in the Pat ent Office, apply to MUNN A. Cos., and procure Immediate protection, bend for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, inapfl, ftc., quickly procured. Address WINN Sc CO., Patent Solicitors. ULNLICAL UFfltk; 301 BROADWAY, N. Y* Win. S. kiilmm & Cos, DEALERS IN Rough and Dressed LUMBER, Shingles and Laths. Car M Lois a Bundy. A largo quantity of Lightwood Posts on baud. Office and yard on Bnv street, near Cook’s Mill. Brunswick, Ga. sepl7-tf III! ROOFING AND GUTTERING. Galvanized and Plain Sheet Iron Work, Munsarding and Slating. DRIVEN WELLS, Lightning Rods, Ornamental Iron Fencing. The best brands of stamped rooling din to, I’mnps, Points and Piping, gal vanized and black Sheet Iron, sheet Zinc, Load and Copper always in stock Job work promptly attended to. A.. I I. BAKER, Opposite tlio Oglethorpe. urns 23 tf liucklen’g Arnica Salve. The best, salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, (‘happed hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and po 1 lively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Uox For sale by Seorge D. Hodges. CHOI’P, WHOOPING COUGH ardbron chitis immediately cured by Shiloh’s Cure Geo. 1). 1 lodges, druggist. STILOU'S CATAKKH REMEDY-- a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, amt Canker mouth. Geo. I). Hodges druggist. SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con sumption. George D. Hodges, druggist. pßffiSr; zmsatk v>u ami alier December 2‘Jth, 188 b passenger trains will run as follows: CENTRAL STANDARD TIME FOR THE WEST, NORTH AND SOUfiT. Albany Ga. Cen . C'in. Express Express’ Express 7:00 a 111 2:00 pm Pyles’Marsh.,lv (7:18 a m f2:J7 pm Jamaica Iv 7:00 ain 1 2:28 pm Waynesville.. .lv 7:47 a m (2:45 p m Hoboken lv 8:88a m t 3:3Up m 8.47 am f 3:40 pm Waycross ar 9:10 am 4:uopm Savannah ar 12:14 noon 7:45 p m . Callahan ar 11:24 am 5:53 pm Jacksonville . .ar 12:00 noon 0:30 p m Thomasvil! 1:31 p m 8:10 pm New Orleans . ar 0:45 a m Waycross tv o:ssam 4:lspm 10:15pm Waresboro lv 10:09 a m f4:80 p m McDonald’s., lv 110:40a m 15:01 pm Pearson lv 10:54 am s:lopin W estonia Iv fl 1:0O a m (5:31 pm Gray’s lvi'll 15a .a (5:41 pm 11:17 am (5:44pm Alapa.'ia lv 11:40 am iti:os p m Brooktield lvf 11:59 am 10:25 p m Tilton lv 12:15 p in 10:41 p m 112:15am Ty Ty lv 12:32 pm 0:59 pm Sumner lv 12:45 pin 17:12 pin Poulain lv 112:50 pm 17:19 pm Isabella 1:05 pm 17:24 pm 1:17 pm 17:32pm Davis lv 1:83 pin 17:43 pm Albany ar 2:oopm 8:10pm I:soam l:(J0am 7:20a in New ........ 12:40 pm 4:00a m 11:17 a m Macon ar 0:10 pm 7:45am | Atlanta.. ar 11:00 pm 12:30pm Cincinnati l.liiiitcd leaves Brunswick, 7:00 a. m.; Waycross, 9:25 a. m. Arrives Albany, 1::45p in.;Macon, 5:20 p. m.; Atlanta; 9:15 p. m.; Montgomery, 7:15 p. m; itirmingiiani, 10:40 p. m.; New Orleans, 7:00 a. ill. Connections made at Atlanta and Mont gomery lor West and Northwest. FROM THE WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH Ga. Cen’l Albany Cln. Exuress Express. Express l Atlanta lv 2:lspm Macon lv 0:45 pm Birmingluimlv 3:40 pm 11:35 pm New Orleans lv 7:00 am 3:15 pm Montgomery! v 7:30 pm 2:loam 1 Albany Iv t:3oam 4:45am 8:25a in! Davis 1 v 5:07 am Willingham lv s:2lam | Isabella Iv 5:80 a 111 Poulain lv 5:37 am | Sumner tv 5:45 am Ty Ty lv 0:1X1 am Tilton lv 13:00 amp 0:18 a m 19:43 a m 10:50 am Alapalia lv 7:20 am Willae’chee lv 7:40 a m Gray’s lv (7:43 am Westouia.. lv (7:53 am Pearson—lv B:osam (B:23am 8:51 am s:ooam 9:lt)ani 11:45am New Orleanslv 3:15 p in Thomasvillelv 5:20 am 12::!5pm Jaeksouvillelv 7:ooam 1:10pm 735 am 2:oopm ........ 7:o9am 1:22 pm Waycross... lv 9:55 am 4:25 pm Sehl’ 10:17am 14:5opiu Hoboken., .lv 10:28 a m 14:58pm Way’ville .lv 11:14 am (5:38 pin Jamaica lv 11:33 am 15:55 pm Pyles’ Marshlv ( 111:17 a m (0:00 p m Brunswick ar 12:05 noon 0:25 pin Double dally trains between Brunswick and Jacksonville, Savannah and Thomasviile. Cincinnati Limited leaves Atlanta. lo:42 p. m.; Macon, 1:40 a. in.; Albany, 5:10 a, m. Arrives Waycross, 8:35 a. m,; Brunswick, 12:05 р. m. Connections made at Atlanta and Mont gomery (rom West and Northwest. Local freight trains 7 and Scarry passengers between Waycross and Albany. 1 kb> on signal. p Breakfast. Trains do not stop where time is not given. Purchase tlakets at tlie station, ana save ex tra (are collected upon the train. Connections madeat Waycross with Savan nah, Florida A Western Railway (or all points North and South. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Mann’s Boudoir Cars on through trains—Jacksonville and Cincinnati and Jacksonville and St. Louis. For anew sectional map ol Florida and articles descriptive of its resources and capabilities, with data lor planting and cultivating the principal products ot the soil and the time ol their maturi ty, the latter prepared under theuuspieles ol the Department ot Agriculture ot the state Agricul tural College, alto county maps and pamphlets descriptive ol each county, authenticated by the boards ol county commissioners, town sites, township plates and the lands lor sale by the Land Department South Florida It. lt„ and the Plant Investment Company all published (or gratuitous distribution, address D. 11. Elliot, General Land Agent, Saulord, Ha. H. S. HAINES, GEO. W. HAINES, Geu’l Manager. Superintendent. с. and. owens, j. a. mcduffie, Traffic Manager. Gen’l Pass. Agent. ; F. W. ANGIER, Ass’t Geu’l Pass. Aent. ■mtm Z] ft V CINCINNATI 5 'V : LeKiNoi;s;' A. hlhpmp albaygiJsifo3((lll ' ; •.cj^ij||gUACHSONVILt£V> FROM FLORIDA AND THE SOUTH TO THE West; North and East. 94 Miles the Shortest. Time 28 Hours Jacksonville to Cincinnati ! The only line running Through Sleeping Cars from Jacksonville to Cincinnati without change. The Popular Route from THOMAS VILLE, BRUNSWICK, SAVANNAH ami CHARLESTON. To Northern Cities. Passengers via tills line are afforded excellent views ot scenes of Historic Interest: "Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge,” etc. Trains ol this line pass over the High Bridge and through the blue grass region of Kentucky. c lose connection made In Central Union Depot Cincinnati, without transter through tlie city tor St. Louis, Canadian Points, Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Indian apolis, Columbus, Niagara Fails and Pittsburg. For Rates, Maps, Ktc., address D. J. MLLLAN EV. Dlv. Pass. Agt.. Chattanooga. or. W. E. REYNOLDS. Trav. Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. J. G. GA UI.T, D. <l. EDWARDS Gen’l Manager. G P & T A CINCINNATI. Just Received, at tlie Tim ns office a brand new stock of paper ami envelopes, nil gia les and prices. Ca aorndaud examine. HEAL ESTATE. W. B. BURROUGHS OFFEES 10,000 acres of pine land in one body, forty miles from Brunswick, Ga.,at SI.OO per acre. Kail mail runs through this tract. Terms easy. Lots in any part of the city on easy terms. Will sell you lots three squares from the Oglethorpe at city valuation. The Southern Mutual Building and Loan Association, of which I am the agent, will loan you money at 0 per cent, for six years to build you a home lor your wife and little ones. Why pay rent any longer 't Remember only sixty (00) cents per mouth per share. Deny yourself some luxury, take a few shares and get your! I'umily a home. You will never regret it. FOR SALE. New Hope plantation,9oo acres on Bt. Simon’s Island; two story dwelling, surrounded by fine old live oaks, oleanders, myrtle, shir '-s and sago palm is unrivalled Deer, rabbi::, opossums, coons, squirrels, wild ducks, gin net, quail and snipe, as well as fish, oysti • sand prawn in plenty. Good wharf, and steamers stop, going front Savannah to Brunswick. For Sale for Thirty Days.— Fifty Thousand (50,000) Acres of Timbered Land, on line of Brunswick and Western Ra’lroad,about forty miles from Brunswick, at 51.25 per acre. For Sale for Thirty Days.—Two Thousand Five Hundred (2,500) Acres of Good Fine land, near Waynesville, suitable for Saw Mills; price 8150. Corner lot lacing Lover's Oak, 90x180 feet —m ice 82,200. Installment plan—A number of lots and dwellings on tho installment plan, paying $5 to 810 per month. 1 have recently sold a good many lots on this plan. ALSO REPRESENTS Mm Until Bull ill Lord Association, North British and Mercantile Insurance Cos., of London. Northern Assurance Company of London. The London Assurance Cos pupation. Macon Fire Insurance Company. fidelity and Casualty Insurance Company, of New York —assets and Capital $1,0(X),000. Issues surety bonds; guarantees the fidelity ol persons in positions of trust —such as employes of railroads, hanks, etc.; also ad ministrators. guardians, etc. Issues accident policies at current rate. Issues Plate Glass policies at low rates. THE STRONGEST AND BEST IN THE WORLD. any information gladly given, address, enclosing stamp w. ib. ibtxir,ir,otxghs, UXILTN'S'WTCIv, GA. £tfT’Come in and see me if you want to buy or sell Real Estate. |>l R. R. Hopkins & Cos. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Represents a number of the leading Fire Insurance Companies A LARGE NUMBER OF THE Most Desirable Lots in New and Old Town for Sale AT REASONABLE TERMS. 150, es of Timbered Land Correspondence Solicited. Address R. R. Hopkins & Cos. Brunswick, Ga. aprSSK-d Ollice 108 Newcastle Street. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT! SWIFI S SIL VER LEAF U\RD! GUARANTEED PURE! EVERY POUND, OR THE MONEY REFUNDED. McELYEEN COMMISSION COMPANY, Agents. I have for sale a long established business on Newcastle street th. t is payit g 20 per cent, to the owners, but they wish to sell and engage in other pursuits. Will sell business 1 and lease on store house tor tweh e months and a first-class stand. Nine (9) new Two-story Dwelling Houses built last August; nicely located in the south ern and northern portions of the city. For sale on easy monthly payments. For sale near Jacksonville Fla.—Health Resort, Ortihge Grove and Cattle Range, one and a half miles from the broad Atlantic. The second Garden of Eden ever found in this country; come and consult me, this is great bargain for someone. For Sale for Thirty "Days.—Good store house, with lot 45x90 feet; rents for 825 a month, Price 11,200 cash, corner lot. For Sale for Thirty Days.—loo feet by 225 on Cochran avenue, rents for 870 per month; price 87,000. Six acres between S andTstreets; fronts ou E. TANARUS., Y, ik G. K. 11.; 82,000-one-third cash, one third one year and one third two years. When desired 1 will make advances on property placed in mv hands for actual sale. 81,000 for a TWO STUB V 110 ISKon ( :<cb ran avenue. Four rooms and kitchen. Kents for 812 per montn. I have every variety of property for sale, and good rent-paying property that pays large interest on money invested. That valuable block fronting 450 feet on the East T. K. K., surrounded on all sides by streets —suitable for manufacturing purposes of all kinds; just one-half mile from post office. 3